Analysis & Case Study of Pakistani Cement Industry: History

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Analysis & Case Study of Pakistani Cement Industry


Cement industry is one of the few industries that existed in Pakistan before the
partition of the sub-continent. The major reason for the existence of this industry is
the availability of the raw materials. Pakistan has inexhaustible reserves of limestone
and clay, which can support the industry for another 50-60 years. The annual
production of the cement at the time of the creation of Pakistan was only 300,000
tones per year. By 1954 the production increased to 660,000 tonnes per annum
against a demand of 1,000,000 tonnes per annum. At this time PIDC took initiative
and established two cement factories Zealpak (240,000 tonnes) and Maple Leaf
(100,000 tonnes) having a capacity of 340,000 tones, thereby increasing the
production to 1,000,000 tonnes per annum. Since then besides expansion of the
existing plants, new plants have also established. Besides producing OPC, the
Pakistani cement industry also started producing SRC, Slag cement and white

After then many rich groups take part in cement sector. The names are listed below:



As per the above the LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED is the leading manufacturer &
exporter of cement in Pakistan.


Incorporated in 1993, Lucky Cement Limited stands as the flagship company of Yunus
Brothers Group (YBG).

Lucky Cement is one of the largest producers and leading exporters of quality
cement in Pakistan and is listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). The company
has also issued Global Depository Receipts (GDRs), listed and traded on the
Professional Securities Market of the London Stock Exchange.

Over the years, the Company has grown substantially and is expanding its business
operations with production facilities at strategic locations in Karachi to cater to the
Southern regions and Pezu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to furnish the Northern areas of
the country. Lucky Cement is Pakistan’s first company to export sizeable quantities of
loose cement being the only cement manufacturer to have its own loading and
storage terminal at Karachi Port.

Lucky Cement strives to remain an efficient and low cost producer and is one of the
pioneers to introduce and install Waste Heat Recovery and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
and Tyre Derived Fuel (TDF) Plants in Pakistan. It also has self-sufficient Captive
power generation facility of 180 MW and supplies additionally generated electricity
to support the National grid. Lucky Cement owns a fleet of Bulkers & Trailers, which
gives added advantage in terms of logistics and efficient deliveries to all types of
customers spread across the length and breadth of the country.

Management Team

 Mr. Muhammad Ali Tabba : Chief Executive Officer

 Mr. Noman Hasan : Executive Director
 Mr. Amin Ganny : Chief Operating Officer
 Mr. Muhammad Atif Kaludi : Director Finance & Chief Financial Officer
 Mr. Adnan Ahmed : Chief Operating Officer - International Businesses
 Mr. Faisal Mahmood : SDGM Finance and Company Secretary
 Mr. Murtaza Abbas : Cheif Strategy Officer & Director Investment

Financial Evidences of Lucky Cement Limited

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