Lab 4: Seismic Refraction

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Harvey Andrés Reascos Recalde

Professor: PhD. Anna Foster

Date: April 4, 2019

Lab 4: Seismic Refraction

Section 2: Analyzing seismic data in MATLAB (or your program of choice – just show your work
and results)
i) All the code I used in Matlab for each exercise is showed in the next picture. Also, I attached the
file .m in the mail.

ii)Make a graph of time (Y axis) versus distance (X-axis) using blue asterisks. Add the names of the
axes (don’t forget units) and an appropriate title. Save the graphic in JPG or PDF format.
Figure 1 Plot of travel time vs. distance.

iii) Calculate the reduced time for all data using a reduction speed of 5.0 km/s (≡m/ms) and save
the results in a new variable. Graph the resulting data (reduced time on the Y axis, distance on the
X axis) using red crosses (« + »). Save the plot in JPG or PDF format.

Figure 2 Plot of the reduced time vs. distance.

iv) Use the graph to identify the crossover distances between the different arrivals. Note the
values in your report.
The crossovers I noted in the graph were approximately:
1. 500m – 200s = (x, y)
2. 2000m – 600s = (x, y)
3. 3000m – 800s = (x, y)
v)WITHOUT CALCULATIONS, what can be deduced concerning arrival speeds, considering the
reduction velocity used?
I can see that the velocity of the arrival speed in the graph of reduction velocity are:
- The two first have a positive apparent gradient velocity because their inclination to the northeast.
It means that the velocity is less than the reduction velocity.
- The other two have negative apparent gradient velocity because their inclination to the southeast.
It means that the velocity is greater than the reduction velocity.
vi) For each new data segment, find the equation of the straight line that represents the arrivals
for the distance data and the original time (NOT THE REDUCED TIME!). Write MATLAB's
answer and the algebraic form of each equation in your re6port. Save the slope and the intercept
in new variables.
First segment: y = 0.4x
Second segment: y = 0.2632x + 72.2345
Third segment: y = 0.1960x + 210.3020
Fourth segment: y = 0.1471x + 355.3376
vii) Use the line equations to find the seismic velocities of each layer. Include the values in your
report. Note that you must use the variables created in section (vii) and not the numeric values
displayed on the screen (because of rounding done for display). Are they consistent with your
qualitative estimates from question (vi)? Justify your answer.
I know that the slope = 1/V, so, V=1/slope. In the equations of vii) I have my slope for all cases, and I only
have to substitute the values in the formula to obtain my velocities.
Surface velocity: V1 = 1/0.4 = 2.5 m/ms
First layer velocity: V2 = 1/0.2632 = 3.79 m/ms
Second layer velocity: V3 = 1/0.1960 = 5.10 m/ms
Third layer velocity: V4 = 1/0.1471 = 6.79 m/ms
My results are consistent with the estimations in question vi.
viii) Use the line equations to find the thickness of each layer, starting with the first layer, followed
by the successively deeper layers. Note that you must use the variables created in section (vii) and not
the numeric values displayed on the screen (because of rounding done for display).
I obtain the next thickness for each layer:
First layer: h0 = 120.1362 m
Second layer: h1 = 358.3391 m
Third layer: h2 = 421.3352 m
Formulas used in Matlab, with the variables (Fig. 1)

Figure 3 Values and formulas used to make the calculus.

ix) Considering the table provided at the end of this document, suggest what types of rocks may
be present in the sub-surface (1 plausible type for each layer, you might present this in a small table
or diagram of the structure).
To know the types of rocks that can be present in the sub-surface, I use the values for the velocities without
taking into account the V1 because it seems to the direct wave and it doesn’t to the layers.

Layer Velocity (m/ms) Rock Type

3.79 Limestones
5.10 Anhydrite
6.79 Gabbro

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