Rubric Protein Synthesis Flow Chart
Rubric Protein Synthesis Flow Chart
Rubric Protein Synthesis Flow Chart
3 2 1 0 Total
The flow chart has The flow chart is
been completed by not an original
Originality of hand or using piece of work
flow-chart original materials
and is not
The 2 stages and 1 or 2 of the key 3 or 4 of the key 5 or more of the
key molecules in stages or key stages or key key stages or
protein synthesis molecules in molecules in molecules in
are shown and protein synthesis protein synthesis protein synthesis
labelled, in the are not shown or are not shown or are not shown or
Contents (1) –
correct parts of a labelled in the labelled in the labelled or are not
key stages and
cell, including flow chart, or are flow chart, or are positioned in the
transcription, not positioned in not positioned in correct parts of a
translation, DNA, the correct parts the correct parts cell
mRNA, ribosomes, of a cell of a cell
tRNA &
polypeptide chain
Transcription is There are 1 or 2 There are 3 or 4 There are more
correctly described errors in the errors in the than 4 errors in
and labelled, description of description of the description of
including the transcription, transcription, transcription,
opening by RNA either in the either in the either in the
Contents (2) -
polymerase of a labelling or labelling or labelling or
gene (of DNA) positioning or positioning or positioning or
complementary structures structures structures
copying and the
construction of
Translation is There are 1 or 2 There are 3 or 4 There are more
properly described errors in the errors in the than 4 errors in
and labelled, description of description of the description of
including the translation, either translation, either translation, either
Contents (3) - ribosome and it’s in the labelling or in the labelling or in the labelling or
translation A, P & E sites, the positioning or positioning or positioning or
mRNA, tRNA and structures structures structures
amino acids, and
formation of a
polypeptide chain
The flow-chart is The flow-chart is The flow-chart The flow-chart
clear and colourful, good enough to would require could not be used
and could be a be used as a considerable as a teaching and
Flow-chart as a
good teaching and teaching and explanation to be learning tool
teaching tool
learning tool learning tool, with used as a
explanations teaching and
learning tool