ArcFM Desktop

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ArcFM Solution 01

Open Architecture, Open Database, Open
Development Tools
ArcFM is implemented within the ArcEditor
environment using an object-oriented architecture.
The supported hardware platforms are Windows
XP SP3, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 and
Windows Server 2008 R2. ArcFM was developed
using VB6, C++ and C#. Developers may use C#
to customize and extend the application.

ArcFM is an extension of ArcEditor which relies on

the effective use of components. ArcInfo, Esri’s
Schneider Electric GIS product architecture
professional GIS, sets the standard for applying
geographic requirements and supporting spatial
ArcFM is a powerful extension of Esri’s ArcGIS® decision-making. From project GIS to a large
platform that provides a complete, enterprise spatial enterprise, ArcGIS is the scalable solution
utility solution geared to the needs of utility end that provides a complete, integrated platform
users. ArcFM consists of a family of models for creating, managing, and disseminating
and a set of sophisticated tools that provide geographic information.
a comprehensive application for electric, gas,
water and telecommunication utilities. ArcFM ArcInfo is a true component-based software system
allows maintenance and viewing of data, using that consists of a collection of powerful objects for
company-specific business rules, and includes geo-processing, display and editing, all implemented
applications to configure the data models and in COM. ArcInfo has three user interface “containers”
tools to work together. ArcFM takes advantage of that provide access to different sets of components.
industry standard architecture and programming ArcCatalog allows users to view and manage
environments, an easy-to-use interface, and powerful geographic datasets much like the
cartographic tools, giving utilities an optimized Microsoft Explorer.
solution for the entire organization.
ArcToolBox is the interface to most of the
ArcFM supports the vertically integrated enterprise, geo-processing and analysis components. ArcMap
making it easy to view, edit, map and manage spatial is the user interface for the query/display/edit
data in a multi-utility context. ArcFM fits into the environment, and is the foundation for ArcFM.
overall information technology through the use of Its foundation is the data management system of
open databases, industry-standard programming ArcGIS Server, which implies an RDBMS used as
environments and Component Object Model a data repository.
(COM) architecture.
ArcFM Solution ArcFM 02

ArcFM/ArcMap Menu Interface Types of data validation include:

ArcFM Toolbars • Domain Values - range and domain values
When selected, toolbars appear by default beneath for attributes
the menu bar. To display a toolbar, select Customize • Default Values - predefined default values
> Toolbars, and check or uncheck the desired for attributes
toolbar. Toolbars are dockable. There is a single main • Connectivity Rules - rules to ensure valid
interface containing tools applicable at all points in feature connectivity
the application, and several additional toolbars with • Split/Merge Rules - rules to ensure valid features
special-purpose tools. may be split or merged
• Network Properties - definition of what features are
ArcFM presents toolbars when their use is within an electric network or gas distribution and
appropriate given the application context. For therefore may be traceable
example, the editing toolbar will normally be inactive • Relationship - high voltage lines can connect to
when no layer in the map document can be edited. low voltage lines through a transformer, or different
Users can right-click in the menu bar or on any pressure systems can be joined through a
toolbar, to display a pop-up menu for selecting any regulator station
toolbar available. If a toolbar is shown when its tools • Custom - developers implement in
are not valid, the individual tools will be disabled ObjectClassExtension
Electric, Gas, and Water Data Models
Data Validation ArcFM provides a gas or electric enterprise data
A geodatabase supports three broad types of model from Schneider Electric or a water model
validation rules: attribute validation rules, network from Esri. This formal model, specified using Unified
connectivity rules, and relationship rules. Both the Modeling Languages (UML), represents electric,
ArcMap Editor and the ArcFM QA/QC tools help the gas or water distribution facility features. Included
user identify invalid features. within the model is a complete specification of all
custom features, relationships, validation rules,
Editing geometric network feature classes is one domain specifications, default values and subtypes.
of the most tightly integrated geodatabase editing Additionally, users can build an instance of the data
tasks. When the user creates new network features, model within a geodatabase using the ArcInfo CASE
topology is maintained on-the-fly, and is continuously tool wizard.
updated as the user modifies network features.
ArcFM Tools in ArcMap
When snapping network edges together, the editor Attribute Editor
uses the connectivity rules the administrator has The ArcFM Attribute Editor is the key to editing and
defined for the network to determine the correct placing features on the map. The Targets tab displays
junction type for connecting the two edge features. the attributes of classes to be placed on the map
When the user adds junctions or connects edges or as related objects, and the Selection tab displays
to complex edges, the geometric network is existing features selected for editing. When a feature
automatically updated. is selected, a right-click context menu provides
options including highlighting and zooming to
Using the editor with the network analyst tools in existing features as well as creating related features
ArcMap helps maintain correct connectivity while and objects.
geometric network features are being edited.
ArcFM Solution ArcFM 03

Users can perform validations using the QA/QC tool. Mass Update Tools
The QA/QC tool utilizes basic database validation The Mass Update tools allow users to quickly and
principles such as relationship and connectivity easily modify groups of features. Mass Attribute
rules to validate attribute values. Users can also Update lets you update attribute fields for features
customize the editor grid to serve specific business that have the same subtype. Mass Create Related
processes. The Attribute Editor also displays Objects makes it easy to create related objects on
automatically generated attribute changes initiated multiple features in the same feature class, but not
by autoupdaters. Autoupdaters are assigned in the necessarily the same subtype.
ArcFM Properties Manager in ArcCatalog.
Feature Tab Tree
ArcFM provides a tab in the Table of Contents from
which the user selects features for placement. Users
can also pre-set feature attribute values (and those
of related features and objects), by creating user or
system favorites. Users can also create composite
favorites with ArcFM’s Feature tab. A composite
favorite includes multiple features to be placed on
the map as a single item. For example, a service
line composite favorite could include the fitting,
service line, and meter setting. Template favorites
give you the power to create a construction sketch
that precisely defines where to place sets of features
concurrently on the map. The various types of
favorite functionality saves editing time.

The ArcFM Attribute Editor

ArcFM Feature Tab

ArcFM Solution ArcFM 04

Session Manager QA/QC Tool

Session Manager gives users the power to establish The ArcFM QA/QC (Quality Assurance/Quality
and enforce particular version workflows and user Control) tool in ArcFM ensures database integrity and
roles tailored to their own business needs. With validates features based on coded domain values,
Session Manager, a user may create a session, range domain values, connectivity rules, relationship
which travels through an approval process before rules, contingent validity rules, and the user’s custom
ultimately being posted to the geodatabase or validation rules. Clicking the QA/QC tool on the
deleted from the system. ArcFM toolbar starts the process of verifying the
validity of the selected set of features. Results and
The Process Framework Administration Tool allows messages display on the QA/QC tab. Messages
an administrator to create new workflows for use in displayed with invalid features provide information
Session Manager (in ArcFM), and Workflow Manager to correct errors.
(in Designer). The Process Framework Administration
Tool can be used to add/remove users and change After running the ArcFM QA/QC tool, users have
role permissions. several reporting options. Users can create and
print a report listing selected features with a valid/
invalid message. Users may write to file and save
information to track invalid data in a database, and
they can read from file and retrieve information saved
using write to file.

ArcFM Session Manager

ArcFM Solution ArcFM 05

Locator Tool Page Templates

ArcFM query tools include the Locator, with several Page Templates let users define and store standard
strategies for finding features including: map page elements to the ArcMap layout view. A
• ArcFM Display Field: The ArcFM display field is the page template defines the size, orientation, and map
value display with a feature listed on the Selections elements that are stored in the database for easy
tab. Perform a search based on the display field. access. A user can select a page template for their
• Attribute Query: Search specific attribute fields layout without closing/opening a new
on a feature class. map document.
• Feeder Manager Locator: Locate all features
associated with a specific feeder or group of
feeders in a specific phase.
• Object Query: The Object Query is similar to the
Attribute Query in how it searches. However, an
administrator can configure the Object Query
to allow searches only on specific features
and attributes.
• XY Coordinates: Use this search method to locate
features by their location on the map. Define X and
Y coordinates either by entering them or clicking
on the map and define a search distance from that
point on the map.

Once the results of a search are compiled, users can

utilize right-click tools to highlight, zoom to features
on the map, or add features to the selected set.
Page Templates
Stored Items
The Stored Items menu allows you to manage
all stored “stuff” such as page templates, stored
displays and documents. Use this menu to Save,
Save As, manage and view options.

Stored Items Manager

ArcFM Solution ArcFM 06

Stored Displays Map Production

Stored Displays allow users to change a large Map Production allows the user to select the page
number of parameters in one step, so that they templates, stored displays, documents, and map
can switch back and forth among different views sets that precisely define layers, scale, and map
for different purposes. Users can set map views elements. Users can then select polygons (map
including standard symbology, save them in the grids, for example) and create map sets to be
database, and retrieve them when they log in. stored for easy retrieval and printing. Maps can
be previewed in final format before printing. For
convenience, plotting can be scheduled at a time
that puts less demand on resources.

ArcFM Map Book Editor

Stored Displays

Documents Map Grid Generator allows users to generate

Documents combine Stored Displays and Page customized map grids for use with Map Production,
Templates so you can store multiple maps and including determining the area covered by the map
multiple data frames. grid as well as the size, orientation, and scale of the
map sheets that compose the grid.

Map Insets is an ArcFM feature placed on the map

and is visible within the map data frame in the Layout
view. It allows users to identify a specific portion of
the map as a source, and then enlarges the source in
a destination window on the map.

The Autotext Elements allows users to easily create

sources of updateable text (such as date, user
name, and page number) without implementing a
new custom page element every time. A user can
place Autotext Elements in the Layout view and use
Map Production to print maps containing text, which
updates dynamically.

The Inset Frames tool allows users to pull specific

Stored Documents
features from the current view and display them
individually in separate windows in the Layout view.
ArcFM Solution ArcFM 07

Abandon Tools Favorites

This tool represents the process of abandoning pipes The Favorites tool provides an efficient way
(or other features), removing them from the network, to manage and edit often-used features. The
or converting them to conduit. Administrators can administrator can set system-wide favorites in
configure the Abandon Tool in ArcCatalog defining ArcCatalog, and users can access them in ArcFM.
which features can be abandoned, whether they Users can also create their own favorites and favorite
remain on the map, and whether they can be categories from the Features tab in ArcFM. A user
converted to conduit. Features are then displayed favorite is available only to the user who created it.
in the Abandon Tool Options dialog in ArcMap.

The ArcFM Abandon Tool Options

ArcFM Create Favorite

Composite Favorites
Composite favorites help users add sets of features
more productively. In the electric domain, users
can place switchgear cabinets or substations that
contain internal busbars, switches, and fuses. For
pipe networks, users can add stations with internal
pipes and fittings. ArcFM allows the user to set
the attributes for each feature and then place the
composite on the map with one click.
ArcFM Solution ArcFM 08

Template Favorites • Cathodic Protection identifies which sections of

Template favorites give you the power to create a your distribution system utilize cathodic protection.
construction sketch that precisely defines where to • Gas Valve Isolation identifies valves or other devices
place sets of features concurrently on the map. An that need to be shut off to isolate a specific area.
administrator may create a template favorite that Users are allowed to include or exclude specific
asks the user to select options from a choice list valves from the trace as necessary and place
(e.g., select a type of transformer from a temporary sources and interruptions.
pre-defined list). • Squeeze-Off determines whether pinching the
pipes at a selected location will disrupt the flow
Network Tracing of gas to a specific area.
ArcFM’s Trace Solvers are a collection of tracing
tasks. These trace tasks are meant to complement Water Trace Tasks
existing trace tasks provided within ArcMap (such as • Water Distribution System encompasses all the
find connected, trace downstream, trace upstream, pipes and devices that can be reached from a tank
find loops, etc.) by providing the ability to perform or a pumping station.
trace operations that are specific to certain data • Water Pressure System traces water pipes and
sets. Tracing is allowed on any version including devices within a specific pressure system.
edit transactions. • Cathodic Protection identifies sections of a
water distribution system that utilize cathodic
Electric Trace Tasks protection devices.
• Upstream Protective Device finds all protective • Temporary Shutoff determines whether pinching
devices upstream of a user-specified point, the pipes at a selected location will disrupt the flow
by phase. of water to a specific area.
• Downstream Protective Device finds all protective • Water Valve Isolation identifies valves or other
devices downstream of a user-specified point, devices that need to be shut off to isolate a specific
by phase. area. Users are allowed to include or exclude
• Electric Distribution traces electric distribution specific valves from the trace as necessary and
equipment and feeders by phase. place temporary sources and interruptions.
• Downstream Trace traces all features (lines and
devices) in a feeder system, by phase that are
downstream from the trace flag.
• Upstream Trace traces all features (lines and
devices) in a feeder system, by phase that are
upstream from the trace flag.
• Next Upstream Protective Device finds the
immediate protective device upstream of the flag.
• Isolation Protective Device identifies every device
you must open in order to truly isolate a particular
location on your map.

Gas Trace Tasks

• Gas Distribution System encompasses all the pipes
and devices that can be reached from a town
border or regulator station.
• Gas Pressure System traces gas pipes and devices
within a specific pressure system.
• Cathodic Protection Systems identifies sections
of a gas distribution system that utilize cathodic Gas Trace Options
protection devices.
ArcFM Solution ArcFM 09

Feeder Manager 2.0 ArcFM Tools in ArcCatalog (Detail)

ArcFM Feeder Manager 2.0 takes managing your ArcFM Properties Manager
electric network to the next level. If you have Feeder The Properties Manager in ArcCatalog is the key
Manager 1.0 configured, the upgrade process is a to configuring ArcFM functionality such as Feeder
single click. The Find Feeder tool makes it easy to Manager and Conduit Manager. It offers advanced
locate a feeder and the tie devices attached to it. methods for setting field characteristics. Users have
Feeder Manager 2.0 also offers support for joins the ability to set characteristics at the feature class
and makes it easier to symbolize and use or subtype level. Administrators also use the ArcFM
definition queries. Properties Manager to reorganize the appearance
and behavior of feature attribute fields.

Find Feeder Tool

ArcFM Properties Manager

Feature Autoupdaters
Administrators use the ArcFM Properties Manager to
set specific behaviors at certain events such as when
a feature is added, updated, or deleted. For example,
the “Manual Angle Setter” provides a rubber band so
the user can define the angle of a point feature, and
“Structure Relate” automatically relates features like
a valve and an enclosure. This can greatly increase a
user’s productivity.
ArcFM Solution ArcFM 10

Field Autoupdaters XML Import/Export Tools

Similar to feature autoupdaters, administrators can The ArcFM XML Import/Export utility lets users
set rules to fire when a single field is updated. One transfer model name, snapping, properties, and
example is setting the angle of a point feature based domain information between geodatabases. The
upon the line it is snapped to. Field autoupdaters export tool allows export of information for an entire
also maintain metadata such as recording the last geodatabase, dataset, or individual feature class. The
user and the date a field was edited. import tool will import database, dataset, or feature
information into a selected geodatabase. Both tools
Field Display are on the ArcFM Solution toolbar, which can be
Administrators can define the order in which fields found in ArcCatalog.
are displayed on the Attribute Editor providing the
opportunity to put the most important fields at the Autoupdaters Tab
top of the grid where they can be seen easily. An The Autoupdaters tab is displayed in ArcCatalog
administrator may also set the Primary Display Field. alongside the Contents and Preview tabs. Select
This is the field value used to label the feature when a feature in the Catalog Tree and view the
it’s displayed on the Attribute Editor in ArcMap. Autoupdaters tab to see which autoupdaters
are assigned.
Custom Field Editors
Custom Field Editors provide the implementation/ Model Names Tab
customization programmers with the ability to create Like the Autoupdaters tab, the Model Names tab is
specialized field editors that are specific to their displayed alongside the Contents and Previews tabs
needs (e.g., date selector). The ArcFM installation in ArcCatalog. Select a feature and view the model
provides default field editors. names (both class and attribute) assigned to it. You
may also select the geodatabase node, choose a
Validation Rules model name and view the tables to which it has
Validation rules help users to build a database that been assigned.
conforms to their specific business domain and
maintains data integrity. ArcFM ships with a number
of default validation rules that may be assigned.
Custom validation rules offer users the ability to
define a set of rules for determining the validity
of any object in a geodatabase.

Snapping Manager
The ArcFM Snapping Manager allows administrators
to set and store the required snapping environment
for network and non-network features in ArcCatalog.
The snapping environment in ArcMap is dynamically
updated based on the currently edited feature class.
This relieves the user from having to change the
snapping environment as each new feature is added.
© 2013 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

System Favorites Model Names Tab

ArcFM System Favorites lets users group and define
the attribute values of frequently used features.
Administrators can create favorites that are used but Other functionality included as well. If interested,
not edited by users. Users can then place the feature contact [email protected].
on the map using the Attribute Editor Targets tab.

Schneider Electric USA, Inc. 4701 Royal Vista Circle, Fort Collins, CO 80528 Telephone: 1-866-537-1091 Fax: 1-970-223-5577

August 2013

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