Geography Question Paper For MPPSC Mains

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osnkar flfoy lfoZlsl ,dsMeh


ijh{kkFkhZ dk uke ------------------------------------------------------------------ dqy ç'uksa dh la[;k % 3

Candidate Name …………………………………… Total no. of Question : 3

PAPER-4 Subject - Paper-I (Geography-I)

Time/le; % 1-30 ?k.Vs Total Mark/iw.kkZad % 150

Instruction to the Candidates

1. The Question paper Consist of three parts question and all question are compulsory.
2. Mark for each question have been indicated on the right hand margin.

3. There is no internal choice in question no 01 remaining question carry internal choice.

4. If there is any sort of mistake either of printing or of factual nature in any question, then out
of the Hindi and English version of question, the English version will be treated as standard.

ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, funsZ'k

1- bl iz'u i= esa dqy 03 ç'u gS rFkk lHkh ç'u vfuok;Z gSaA
2- izR;sd ç'u ds vad mlds lkeus vafdr gSaA
3- ç'u Øekad 1 esa dksbZ vkarfjd fodYi ugh gSaA 'ks"k ç'uksa esa vkarfjd fodYi fn;k x;k gSaA
4- ;fn fdlh ç'u eas fdlh çdkj dh dksbZ eqnz.k ;k rF;kRed izdkj dh =qfV gks] rks ç'u ds fganh
rFkk vaxzsth :ikarjksa esa ls vaxzsth :ikarj ekud ekuk tk;sxkA

Shri Vedanta Civil Service Academy

336, Veda Business Park Bhawarnkua Indore
Cont. No. 0731-4267173, 9575535649, 9039841580
iz'u Ø-1&fuEUkfyf[kr iz'uksa ds mRrj ,d ;k nks iafDr esa fyf[k,@Answer the
following questions in one or two lines each. (15x3 = 45)
(A) CykWd ioZr dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,@Define Block Mountain ?
(B) Cyw ewu ,oa CyM ewu esa varj Li"V dhft,@Explain the Difference between Blue
Moon and Blood Moon ?
(C) le; js[kk Hkkjr ds fdrus jkT;ksa ls xqtjrh gSa@In which states standard
meridian passes ?
(D) "U" vkdkj dh ?kkVh ls vki D;k le>rs gS@What do you mean by 'U' shaped
valley ?
(E) dksbZ rhu xzhu gkml xSlksa ds uke fyf[k,@Write are three names of Green
House Gases ?
(F) rkieku dk izfrykseu ifjHkkf"kr dhft,@Define Temprature inversion ?
(G) fpuqd D;k gS@what is Chinook ?
(H) ^^gQk;k** fdl vkfFkZd fØ;k ds fy, izfl) gS@"Halfaya" is famous for which
economic activity ?
(I) NksVk ukxiqj dk iBkj@Chhota Nagpur Plateau
(J) Qwyksa dh ?kkVh@Valley of Flower
(K) lajks/kh okrkxz@Occluded front
(L) vilkSj ,oa milkSj@Aphelian and Perihelion
(M) d`f"k ikfjfLFkrdh@Agro Ecology
(N) fpyh esa pqfDoekVk fdl [kfut ds fy, izfl) gS@Chuqhimata in chile is famous
for which Mineral ?
(O) Hkkjrekyk ifj;kstuk@Bharatmala Project

iz'u Ø-2 &fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa esa ls fdUgh 10 ds mRrj fyf[k, ¼'kCn lhek 100½@Write
the Answer of the following questions in about 100 words each : (10x6=60)
(A) egk}hi foLFkkiu fl)kar ls vki D;k le>rs gS \ blls lacaf/kr lk{;ksa ij ppkZ djs
\@What do you understand by Continental drief theory ? Discuss along with the
Evidences that support the theory ?
(B) ,yuhuksa ,oa Hkkjrh; ekulwu ds e/; laca/k LFkkfir dhft, \@What is the Relation
between El nino & Indian Mansoon ?
(C) if'peh ?kkV ,oa iwohZ ?kkV esa varj Li"V dhft, \@Difference between the western
ghats and the Eastern ghat ?
(D) vjc lkxj dh vis{kk caxky dh [kkM+h esa vf/kd pØokr vkrs gS] D;ksa \@Why is the Bay
of Bangal so prone to Cyclones rather than Arabian sea ?
(E) e/;izns'k dh /kjkryh; lajpuk Li"V dhft, \@Describe the relief structure of M.P. ?
(F) e/;izns'k dh izeq[k unh cgqmn~ns'kh; ;kstuk ij dhft, \@A Brief Comment on
multipurpose River project of M.P. ?
(G) nf{k.k if'pe ekulwu ij tsV LVªhe izHkkoksa dks le>kb;s \@Explain the influence of Jet
Strean on South west Monsoon ?
(H) e`nk ifjPNsfndk D;k gS \ e`nk voueu dks de djus ds mik; crkb;s \@What is Soil
Profile ? suggest related measures in reducing Soil degradation ?
(I) e/;izns'k esa Qly izfr:i dks le>krs gq, lacaf/kr pqukSfr;ksa ,oa lek/kku dk fooj.k nhft,
\@Explain the cropping patterns of M.P., discuss challenge and measures related
to it ?
(J) f}rh; gfjr Økafr \@Second Green Revolution ?
(K); ÅtkZ L=ksrksa ij ppkZ djs \@Discuss Renewable source of Energy ?
(L) ^e/;izn's k dh tula[;k izfr:i ij ,d laf{kIr dhft, \@Brief comment of
Demographic pattern of M.P. ?
(M) e/;izns'k esa ou vk/kkfjr m|ksxksa ij dhft, \@Comment on Forest based
Industries in M.P. ?
(N) iksMlksy feV~Vh ds fuekZ.k dh fØ;kfof/k Li"V dhft, \@What is Podzolization
preocess ?
(O) e/;izns'k dk HkkSfrd foHkktu ekufp= lfgr n'kkZ, \@Geographical division of M.P.
with the help of chart map ?
(P) e/;izns'k esa [kk| izlaLdj.k m|ksx dh laHkkouk, le>kb;s \@Possibilities of food
processing industries in M.P. ?

iz'u Ø-3 & fuEUkfyf[kr iz'uksa esa ls fdUgh 3 dsa mRrj nhft,A ¼'kCn lhek yxHkx
300½@Answer any three of the following questions in about 300 words each :
(15x3 = 45)
(A) e/;izns'k ds d`f"k tyok;q izns'kksa dks foLrkj ls le>kb;s \@Explain Agro-climatic zones of
M.P. ?
(B) Hkkjr esa ok;q;ku fuekZ.k m|ksx dh leh{kk dhft, \@Examine the Air craft manufacturing
industries in India ?
(C) ekYFkl dk tula[;k dk fl)kar D;k gS \ e/;izns'k esa fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa tukafddh; ykHkka'k ds
y{; dks dSls gkfly fd;k tk ldrk gS \@What is Malthus principle of Population ?
How to achieve goal of demographic dividend in respect of M.P ?
(D) fgeky; mRifRr dks foLrkjiwoZd le>kb;s \@Explain the Origin of Himalayas ?

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