Code of Practice For The Installation and Inspection of Board Systems For The Fire Protection of Structural Steel Work
Code of Practice For The Installation and Inspection of Board Systems For The Fire Protection of Structural Steel Work
Code of Practice For The Installation and Inspection of Board Systems For The Fire Protection of Structural Steel Work
Although care has been taken to ensure, to the best of our knowledge, that all data and information
contained in this document is accurate to the extent that it relates to either matters of fact or accepted
practice or matters of opinion at the time of publication, neither the Association for Specialist Fire
Protection Limited nor the co-publishers will be liable for any technical, editorial, typographical or other
errors or omissions in or misinterpretations of the data and information provided in this document.
Since this document may be subject to change and updating, the data and information which it contains is
only correct at the dates of the fire assessment and acceptance into this publication. The latest version of
this publication is freely downloadable from the ASFP web site at The
latest date is indicated at the bottom of each page. The ASFP shall not be liable for products delivered to
the market, or for any aspect of ‘withdrawn’ products.
Compliance with this ASFP document does not of itself infer immunity from legal obligation
The ASFP wish to express it’s appreciation of the work undertaken by Dr R C Moore of Inbiltec
International, High Wycombe as author of the interim drafts, as well as ASFP Task Groups and Members
Forum for reviews of the drafts.
Note 1. Amendments may only be inserted by ASFP Secretariat with approval of the ASFP Technical Officer.
1.1 Scope
1.2 Types of fire protection boards
3.1 General information
3.2 Management of installation on site
3.2.1 Choice of installer
3.2.2 Design review
3.2.3 Board thickness specification
4.1 Properties of boards
4.2 Steelwork to be fire protected
4.3 Installation issues
5.1 Verification of fire performance
5.2 Quality control considerations and equipment
5.3 Product quality assurance
5.4 Board thickness plan
6.1 Quality plan
6.2 Site inspection and criteria
6.3 Inspection methodology
6.4 Site remedial work
6.5 Dispute procedure
7.1 Independent verification of site application
7.2 Contract document checklist
Annex A: Site quality and inspection plan/checklist
Annex B: Contract validation checklist
Code of practice for the installation and inspection of board systems for
the fire protection of structural steel work
This Code of Practice has been issued to enable specifiers and installers of fire protection systems
incorporating boards and slabs to ensure that these systems are specified and installed in a manner that
assures their effectiveness when used for the fire protection of structural steel. It will provide confidence
that they will perform as required in the event of fire and also continue to do so for a reasonable period
during the lifetime of the building.
The importance of fire safety is emphasised under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005(2) in
which the ‘responsible person’ (who may be the owner, designer or architect, specifier or contractor) is
responsible for ensuring that the structure is fully compliant with all known, current legislation appertaining
to the fire protection of the building
Readers are also reminded of the statutory duties arising from Building Regulation 16B and Appendix G
of Approved Document B. The Construction Design & Management 2007 Regulations(3) urges a prudent
approach to the selections of fire protection product & on site installers. Regulation 16B requires that
those making risk assessments [as required by Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005] are provided
with all relevant detail of the fire protection as selected and installed. This can only be done if effective
records are made in the selection, purchasing and installation stages of providing fire protection
measures. There can be more than one responsible person etc.
There are several mechanisms, namely passive or active fire protection, by which steel structures can be
protected from the heat generated in fire, in order to prevent or delay collapse of the building. Typical
passive systems incorporate fire resistant boards, mineral fibre slabs or mats. The on-site installation of
these products is discussed in this publication. Complementary publications are available as ASFP TGD
11(400 and TGD 15(43) for the on-site installation of intumescent coatings and spray applied coating
The ASFP ‘Yellow Book’(32) publication ‘Fire protection for structural steel in buildings’ provides detailed
technical information on the fire performance and requirements of steel in fire as well as the thickness of
a wide range of fire tested fire protection products to provide the required levels of fire resistance. The
latest version is available as a free download at
All fire protection systems must be installed in a manner which will provide full compliance with the
manufacturer’s fire tested system.
Passive fire protection systems comprising fire protection boards and slabs are installed during the
construction phase on or around the structural steel elements to be protected and provide localised
protection by means of their integrity. Although they do not fulfil any structural function, fire protection
systems utilising boards and slabs can be considered to be part of the fabric of the building. They may
also enhance the thermal and acoustic performance of buildings.
This code of practice describes the specification and installation of rigid or semi-rigid boards and slabs for
the fire protection of structural steelwork in the form of beams, columns, with solid, hollow, cellular or
circular sections as defined in BS 5950 “The structural use of steelwork in buildings” (21) and other steel
structural members e.g. angles, tees etc The code applies to products manufactured by members of
ASFP as well as products manufactured or sold within the EC.
In its section on ‘Use of Guidance – Materials and Workmanship’, Approved Document B(10) advocates
the adoption of independent 3rd party certification schemes for manufacture and installation of fire
protection, as follows: ‘Since the fire performance of a product, component or structure is dependent on
satisfactory site installation and maintenance, independent schemes of certification and registration of
installers and maintenance firms of such will provide confidence in the appropriate standard of
workmanship being provided’.
This guidance document considers the installation of fire protection board systems, but its prime objective
is to establish procedures for the effective application and control of these coatings at site.
In conjunction with the appropriate product manufacturer’s instructions these procedures will serve as a
guide to determine that the required level of fire protection is provided for the structure, and collectively
will offer evidence to satisfy the ‘responsible person’ that the installation has been correctly carried out.
Rigid product of rectangular shape and cross section in which the thickness is uniform and substantially
smaller than the other dimensions. Also see definition for ‘slab’ below.
Building regulations
Building regulations apply to most new buildings and many of the alterations to existing buildings in the
United Kingdom. They exist to ensure the health and safety of people in and around buildings and the
energy efficiency of buildings.
CDM regulations
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007(3): Managing health and safety in construction
Castellated beam
See ‘cellular ‘beam
CE mark
European standard mark that shows that a product complies with a European standard or a European
Technical Approval
Cellular beam
A steel beam with one or more web openings of one or more types of shapes such as circular,
rectangular, hexagonal, connected circular openings, etc
Class 0
A product fire performance classification defined in Approved Document B
Contract administrator
The person responsible for co-ordinating the various requirements of the contract and ensuring that all
documentation is completed and in order. The contract administrator may be a nominee of the client or
specifier, but usually would be appointed by the contractor.
COSHH regulations27
Regulations for Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
The architect or structural engineer responsible for the design of the structure. The designer will generally
define the fire protection standards for the building, but not necessarily the detailed fire protection
specification which may be left to the installer.
One of a number of product classifications for fire contained in EN 13501 Parts 1 -5(25, 26). Part 1 is
concerned with classifications for reaction to fire, whereas Part 2 is primarily concerned with
classifications for resistance to fire, excluding ventilation systems.
European Technical Approval Guide (ETAG)
An ETAG is a ‘Guideline for European technical approval’ such as ETAG 018(29) ‘Fire protective products’
parts 1 to 4. See for full information on published ETAGS. They were originally introduced for
innovative products or when there is no suitable European product standard.
Fire assessment
An opinion by an expert of the likely fire performance (fire resistance period) of an element of a building or
element of structure if it were to be tested using a standard fire test.
Fire engineer (Fire safety engineer)
A qualified, competent and experienced person responsible for fire safety engineering design.
Fire safety engineering
The application of scientific and engineering principles, rules (e.g. Structural Codes etc), and expert
judgement, based on an understanding of the phenomena and effects of fire and of the reaction and
behaviour of people to fire, to protect people, property and the environment from the destructive effects of
fire. See BS 7974 Code of practice on the application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of
The highest level of reaction to fire performance derived from BS 476 fire tests. Non-combustible
materials are defined in Approved Document B, Appendix A Table A6(10)) or in terms of performance when
tested to BS 476 Part 4 1970(16) or Part 11: 1982(19). The Approved Document B now includes ‘equivalent’
classifications as derived from BS EN 13501-1(25) for the European classification system.
Passive fire protection products
Products which do not change their physical form on heating and which provide fire protection by means
of their physical and/or thermal properties.
Quality and inspection plan
The document setting out the specific quality practices, standards and sequence of activities relevant to
the contract. This document may be used as an aid to efficient management of the contract, as a ‘sign-off’
document verifying formal inspection and acceptance of the work, or both.
Reaction to fire
The response of a test specimen when it is exposed to a fire under specified conditions
Responsible person
Responsible person is defined in several ways:-
[a] in relation to a workplace, the employer, if the workplace is to any extent under his control.
[b] In relation to any premises not falling within [a]
[i] The person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise) in connection with the
carrying on by him of a trade, business or other undertaking (for profit or not), or
[ii] The owner, where the person in control of the premises does not have control in connection
with the carrying on by that person of a trade, business or other undertaking
For some systems, joint sealing between boards is not required but others specify that a sealant or fire
protection sealant must be used. Others may use suitable noggins behind the joint position. Contact
manufacturer for advice on sealing joints between boards and adjacent building elements.
and Environmental obligations under the law. Many clients and specifiers require membership of the
Contractor Health and Safety Assessment Scheme as an essential element of their installer selection
Use of such independent assessment schemes provides clients and specifiers with confidence regarding
the competence of potential contractors, helps to fulfil their own duty of care responsibilities under the
CDM regulations and gives the ‘responsible person’ confidence of compliance with the Regulatory
Reform Order.
Although implementation of the CDM Regulations(3) is the responsibility of the main contractor, the
specifier/installer should try to remove or reduce the effect of hazardous products by specifying safer
The specifier/installer should ensure that the products are not harmful during application or to the building
occupants during the lifetime of the building. They should therefore not degrade with time and give off
toxic fumes or other materials. If work has to be carried out whilst it is occupied, harmful products should
not be liberated into the atmosphere during application
Health, Safety and Environmental precautions on site are delegated to the everyone involved with the
contract, but the installer should also require that any products used on site are used in full compliance
with the recommendations of manufacturers’ health and safety data sheets, and that the safety of all
personnel in the vicinity of the application is protected.
The installer must ensure that all relevant Health and Safety data sheets, application instructions and
method statements are available to the application operative(s) and client & that they are fully
Boards will support their own weight but are not load bearing. Horizontal boards e.g. the upper face over
the web of a box system etc must not be walked upon as they are not designed to take additional loads
between supports. If there is a risk of this occurrence then warning notices must be displayed.
3.2.6 Compliance with EU Environmental Regulations
During and throughout the application process, full compliance with all relevant environmental legislation
must be demonstrated. As a minimum, this includes:
Observance of all precautions and conditions for use of the fire protection system, as defined in
the manufacturer’s Product Safety Data Sheets and manufacturers’ safe working
Compliance with relevant Site Storage Regulations, including COSHH Regulations(5) where
3.2.7 Waste disposal
Compliance where relevant with Waste Disposal Regulations, in particular the Hazardous Waste
(England and Wales) Regulations 2005(6), Waste Duty of Care Regulations 1991(9)and, as of April 2008,
the Site Waste Management Plan Regulations 2008(8) which will apply to all contracts with a value of
£300,000 or more.
During and throughout the application process, full compliance with all relevant Health and Safety and
Environmental legislation must be demonstrated. As a minimum, this includes:
Observance of all precautions and conditions for use of the board and the components of the
fire protection system, as defined in the manufacturer’s Product Safety Data Sheets and
manufacturers’ safe working recommendations e.g. dust control when cutting, handling etc
Compliance with relevant Site Storage Regulations, including COSHH Regulations(5) where
There are two main types of fire protection boards and slabs for fire protection. They consist of inert
cementitious or gypsum binders with small amounts of fibre and other ingredients or consist of inert
mineral fibres bonded with small quantities of resin.
Some boards are suitable for internal and semi – exposed applications and high humidity environments.
Some boards, if subjected to moisture during installation, will regain their strength. Boards are resistant to
vermin and mould growth.
The durability of a fire protection system depends on the whole system i.e. the board, mechanical fixings,
adhesive (if used) and any other components not failing within a reasonable period of time. With suitable
choice of board to match the environmental conditions and planned maintenance, excellent long-term
durability can be expected.
4.1.2 Resistance to damage
ETAG 018 Part 4(29) sets out the various impact zones of a building.
The choice of the board system should take impact resistance into account and it may be necessary to
protect the fire protection system in susceptible areas, such as car parks, to prevent damage.
Broken or damaged boards should be replaced at the installation stage. It may be viable to repair surface
damage with filler, but manufacturer’s instructions should always be followed.
At the base of columns, boards should not be allowed to stand in water during the fixing stage. If standing
water is a problem, it may be desirable to delay installation of the bottom 300mm and finish off at a later
date. Check with manufacturer if a problem is encountered.
Similarly, board enclosures should not be fitted until the deck above steel beams is made watertight by
the main contractor.
4.3.2 Storage
Storage of fire protection products must always be carried out according to manufacturers’ instructions. It
is common practice that products should be stored under cover on a flat base, clear of the ground. If
stored in the open, the stack should be fully protected from the weather. If stored on racks, they should be
off the ground and boards should be fully supported across their width at not more than 1m centres.
As a general guide, the storage temperature for adhesives will be within the range of 5 - 30°C, and any
water-based adhesives should be protected from frost. Material containers should remain unopened until
needed and should be used in date order.
It is vitally important that manufacturer’s instructions are followed. If they are not followed then the
installation company will be liable for all that follows. The installer should make and maintain full records
such as deliveries, usage, product stock identification marks, etc to justify the installation being made.
The manufacturer’s recommendations should always be followed in all instances.
on temperature, humidity, thickness of the adhesive, and use of an accelerator. The installer should
therefore allow for any potential delays when planning the work programmes.
4.3.6 Finishes
The installer may be asked to provide a basic finish unless otherwise stated in the contract documents
The decorative quality of fire protection systems can be a subjective issue depending on the personal
preferences of the viewer. Where considered appropriate, a sample area of application should be carried
out on site so that the standard of workmanship and finish can be predetermined and accepted by all
interested parties.
Boards may be left unfinished or have a facing which needs no further decoration.
Cement based products may need an alkali resistant primer.
Calcium silicate and gypsum boards can be decorated with normal paints, renders, tiles etc.
4.3.7 Scheduling of work
The scheduling of the works should allow free access for the installer to cut the boards and to fix the
system, particularly when working from raised platforms. The installer and main contractor should take
into account the potential of the application process for causing disruption of other activities on site. Once
the fire protection system is selected, the installer is responsible for agreeing the site application
schedules with the main contractor.
The fixing schedule must be drawn up being mindful of other trades, so that all parties understand the
demands and constraints of the installation process. Following trades should avoid damaging any
installed boards.
This interaction with other trades and services is an important part of the site management role of the
installer, not only in avoiding conflict but also in ensuring that the time and conditions for a quality system
application are maintained throughout the programme.
4.3.9 Disruption of site activities
A designated cutting area may be required to avoid interruptions to /from other trades
decide that for safety reasons and possible future requirements that low smoke emission is important.
Similarly, it may be considered desirable to specify a Class 0 or non-combustible product.
5.1.2 Fire resistance of the board system
Systems should have been tested to BS 476 – 21 1987(20), the equivalent European fire test ENV 13381-
4 or its expected replacement EN 13381- Part 4(27) or other test which can be shown to be suitable .
All fire tests must be carried out by a UKAS approved laboratory and assessments be given in
accordance with published ASFP practice – see ASFP ‘Yellow Book’ entitled ‘Fire protection for structural
steel in buildings: 4th Edition’. Products may benefit from being part of an independent recognised 3rd
party certification scheme.
Fire resistance periods required are usually 30, 60, 90 120 or 240 minutes for the appropriate thickness of
boards. Approvals relate to a limiting temperature over the range of steel over the range of 300-700oC for
steel loaded to the maximum permissible stresses specified in BS 449: Part 2 1996(15).
The limiting temperature of the test data should always be provided for clarity.
The specific thicknesses of fire protection boards will depend on the specified fire resistance periods, and
the size and exposure of the individual steel elements.
Different boards of the same thickness should not be expected to provide the same fire resistance period
for a given application. The characteristics of different boards and fixing systems directly affect the
performance in fire
Fire resistance tests are based on specific systems consisting of one or more components. It is essential
that the board, its thickness, and any other component are as specified by the manufacturer.
For mechanical fixed systems, this includes steel angles, screws and fixings, screw fixing centres,
positions of joints, noggins (if required), backing strips and sealants (if required). For adhesive fixed
systems, this includes, adhesives, and positions of noggins, sealants and any mechanical fasteners
Fixing tolerances and any changes in the fixing specification must be agreed with the manufacturer of the
system. The fire resistance of systems using the different boards vary with type of product, system type
and structural steel section and the limiting temperature.
Unless specified, joint sealants are not required for joints between boards or when board is abutting
surfaces adjacent to the fire protection system.
5.1.3 Fire resistance requirements
The minimum fire resistance requirements for life safety are listed in the documents supporting the
relevant building regulations e.g. Approved Document B – Appendix A and will depend on the type of
building, its use and its height.
The specifier or the installer will then be able to decide what thicknesses of a board are required. The
board thickness is obtained by calculating the A/V (Hp/A) factors and then checking manufacturers'
literature for the thickness required. Most manufacturers and the ASFP Yellow Book(32) give tables of A/V
section factors for steel sections and each manufacturer will provide details of the thicknesses of the
boards to give the required fire resistance for a specific section. The thicknesses will vary for one, two,
three-sided protection etc or for columns and beams etc
5.1.4 Fire safety engineering
If there has been a fire safety engineering design to Structural Euro codes(31) or BS 7974 or BS 9999(24)
for the building then fire resistance levels may differ from those recommended in Approved Document B2
and the board thicknesses may also differ. The deemed to satisfy guidance in Approved Document B2
may not be suitable for large and complex buildings and a fire safety engineering design may be required.
5.1.6 Life safety or property protection
The Building Regulations of the UK are intended to protect life of persons in and around a building. They
are intended to ensure that people can escape safely in the event of a fire and to provide safety for the
fire and rescue personnel who may need to enter the building. Fire resistance periods are sometimes
lower than those specified for insurance requirements, which are designed to protect property. Insurers
have their own requirements for fire resistance periods, as detailed in Approved Document B: Fire safety
(Volume 2) Incorporating Insurers requirements for property protection(33).
Check that adhesives correct suitably packaged and are within sell by or use by dates
Check that components are not broken or damaged
Check steelwork is satisfactory for application of the fire protection.
1. Surface preparation:
Surface preparation of steelwork is only required when adhesive or metal fastenings applied
directly to the steelwork.
Removal of dust, loose material, visual moisture or other contamination – visual inspection
2. Application:
For adhesive or pin fixed systems, condition of steelwork, steel temperatures, etc in cold
weather as specified in manufacturers’ data sheet. No requirements of this nature are needed
for mechanically fixed systems.
Inspect during application to check if [a] system is meeting manufacturers’ installation
specification and [b] that backing strips and noggins are of the correct material and [c] that
thickness and that they are fixed properly in the correct position. The final inspection should
check if product meets manufacturers’ fixing specification.
Batch numbers of adhesives used
Dates and times of application for systems using adhesives or pins fixed to steelwork.
In all cases, records must show the nature of defect, source of remedial advice and the full extent of
remedial work carried out at site.
If incorrect fixing is found after the application of the system has been completed, it may be necessary to
replace the entire system or seek the manufacturer’s advice regarding the best method of bringing the
system up to the required level of performance.
NOTE: ASFP Installers are required to be part of an independent 3rd Party Certification scheme so that such risks are avoided.
Site Quality and Inspection Plan / Checklist
1 Contractor A Approval Required
2 Sub-contractor D Document Required
3 Customer H Hold Point (advance written notice required)
4 Customer Agency W Witness Point (advance written notice required)
Verification (may be observation or document
R Review
No Criteria
1. The Building Regulations 2000 [SI 2000/2531] for England and Wales
2. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. Statutory Instruments No. 1541
3. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007: Statutory Instrument No 320
4. Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000. SI 2000 No 1973
5. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended). Approved
Code Of Practice and Guidance L5 (Fifth edition) HSE Books 2005 ISBN 0 7176 2981 3
6. Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005. SI 894
7. Environmental Protection Act 1990 – Section 34. Waste Management – The Duty of Care – A
Code of Practice ISBN 0-11-753210-X. The Stationery Office.
8. Site Waste Management Plan Regulations 2008 SI No 314 DEFRA
9. Waste Duty of Care Regulations 199128
10. Approved Document B: 2006 – Fire Safety, Volumes1and 2
11. The Building Scotland Regulations 2004. Technical Handbook [Fire] 2005 for domestic and non-
domestic buildings
12. The Building Regulations [Northern Ireland] 2000. DFP Technical Booklet E – Fire safety 2005
13. FPA Design Guide for the fire protection of buildings – Essential principles issued by the Fire
Protection Association (FPA)
14. BS 4 Part 1 2005 Structural steel sections
15. BS 449 Part 2:1996 Structural steel in buildings – 1996 metric units
16. BS 476 Part 4: 1970 (1984) Part 4 Non combustibility test for materials
17. BS 476 Part 6: 1989 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method of test for fire
propagation test for materials.
18. BS 476 Part 7:1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method of test to determine
the classification for surface spread of flame.
19. BS 476 Part 11: 1982 Method for assessing the heat emission from for materials
20. BS 476 - Part 21:1987 (BS EN 1365:1999 parts 3 and 4) Methods for determination of the fire
resistance of load bearing elements of construction. British Standards Institution.
21. BS 5950-8:2003. Structural use of steelwork in buildings – Part B – Code of Practice for Fire
Resistant Design. British Standards Institution.
22. BS EN 1365:1999 and 2000 (parts 3 and 4) Fire resistance tests for load bearing elements
23. BS EN ISO 9001:2000. Quality management systems – Requirements. British Standards
24. BS 9999:2008 Code of practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings.
25. BS EN 13501-1: Fire classification of construction products and building elements- Part 1
Classification using data from reaction to fire tests
26. BS EN 13501-2: Fire classification of construction products and building elements: Part 2:
Classification using data from fire resistance tests, excluding ventilation services
27. BS EN 13381- 4 Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural
members: Part 4: Applied passive protection to steel members.
28. DIN 4102 Fire behaviour of building materials and building components. Section dealing with
German test for fire resistance of structural steelwork
29. ETAG 018 – Part 4:2003 Fire protective products: Part 4 Fire protective board, slab and mat
products and kits
30. ISO 9000: 2005 Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary. (Family of