Toll-Like Receptors (TLRS) and Nod-Like Receptors (NLRS) in Inflammatory

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Seminars in Immunology 21 (2009) 242–253

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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and Nod-like receptors (NLRs) in inflammatory

Masayuki Fukata, Arunan S. Vamadevan, Maria T. Abreu ∗
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL 33136, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and Nod-like receptors (NLRs) are two major forms of innate immune sensors,
Toll-like receptor which provide immediate responses against pathogenic invasion or tissue injury. Activation of these sen-
Nod-like receptor sors induces the recruitment of innate immune cells such as macrophages and neutrophils, initiates tissue
repair processes, and results in adaptive immune activation. Abnormalities in any of these innate sensor-
mediated processes may cause excessive inflammation due to either hyper responsive innate immune
signaling or sustained compensatory adaptive immune activation. Recent gene association studies appear
to reveal strong associations of NLR gene mutations and development of several idiopathic inflammatory
disorders. In contrast, TLR polymorphisms are less often associated with inflammatory disorders. Nev-
ertheless, TLRs are up-regulated in the affected tissue of most inflammatory disorders, suggesting TLR
signaling is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic and/or idiopathic inflammatory disorders. NLR signal-
ing results in the formation of a molecular scaffold complex (termed an inflammasome) and orchestrates
with TLRs to induce IL-1␤ and IL-18, both of which are important mediators in the majority of inflam-
matory disorders. Therefore, understanding the roles of TLRs and NLRs in the pathogenesis of chronic
and idiopathic inflammatory disorders may provide novel targets for the prevention and/or treatment of
many common and uncommon diseases involving inflammation.
© 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction research on NLRs has been mainly focused on NOD1 and NOD2
while little is known about the role and mechanism of NLR-induced
The innate immune system is our first line of defense against innate immunity. However, polymorphisms or mutations of NLRs
pathogens and tissue injury. It is responsible for initiating immune have been found to be associated with susceptibility to inflam-
responses to resolve infections and repair damaged tissues. Initi- matory disorders suggesting that these molecules are important
ation of the innate immune response is triggered by recognition in inflammation and immunity. More recently, accumulating evi-
of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or danger- dence suggests that NLRs complement and synergize with TLRs in
associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) by pathogen recognition induction of innate immune responses. Various levels of crosstalk
receptors (PRRs). PRRs are located in both the cell membranes between TLR and NLR pathways have been described. A molec-
and in the cytosol. The most studied PRRs are the Toll-like recep- ular scaffold complex, the inflammasome, requires input from
tors (TLRs) which are localized either to the cell surface or within both pathways and leads to the activation of IL-1␤ and IL-18.
endosomes [1]. Cytoplasmic PRRs include the RNA helicase fam- TLR-mediated NF-␬B activation is required for the production of
ily (retinoic acid inducible gene protein 1, RIG-1 and melanoma pro-IL-1␤ while cleavage of pro-IL-1␤ to its biologically active form
differentiation-associated gene-5, MDA5) and the nucleotide bind- is dependent on NLR-mediated caspase-1 activation [5]. Since IL-1␤
ing and oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptor (NLR) family has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a myriad of inflam-
[2]. Endogenous cellular products associated with tissue injury matory disorders, it is possible that many idiopathic inflammatory
and self-danger signals such as heat shock proteins and defective disorders may be due in part to TLR and/or NLR-mediated immune
nucleic acids can also be recognized by PRRs [3,4]. responses. Indeed, TLR and NLR mutations have been associated
Since the discovery of TLRs as innate immune receptors two with increased susceptibility to certain inflammatory disorders
decades ago, extensive studies have revealed the structural, cel- such as Nod2 mutations and Crohn’s disease. In this review, we
lular, biochemical, and genetic characteristics of TLRs. In contrast, will discuss recent findings regarding the role of TLRs and NLRs as
innate immune sensors and their possible association with inflam-
matory disorders. Defective TLR and/or NLR function can lead to
∗ Corresponding author. the development of autoimmune or chronic inflammatory diseases
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.T. Abreu). and increase host susceptibility to infectious diseases by failing to

1044-5323/$ – see front matter © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

M. Fukata et al. / Seminars in Immunology 21 (2009) 242–253 243

mount a proper immune response to pathogens, self-danger sig- and MHC class II transactivator (CIITA) [10] (Table 1). Unlike TLRs,
nals, or commensal organisms. NLRs consist of soluble proteins that survey the cytoplasm for the
presence of intracellular pathogens. There are 23 NLR genes in
2. Roles of TLRs and NLRs in regulation of innate and humans and 34 in the mouse genome [5,11,12]. NLRs are character-
adaptive immunity ized by three distinct domains: the ligand-sensing LRRs, the NACHT
domain which is responsible for the capacity of NLRs to oligomerize,
The fundamental purpose of TLRs and NLRs is protection of a host and the effector pyrin domain (PYD), caspase recruitment domain
against pathogens (Table 1). Given the diverse types of microor- family (CARD), or baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR). Each NLR differs in
ganisms in nature and their potential for genetic recombination the make up of its effector domain which mediates signal transduc-
to survive, it is understandable that PRRs are encoded to cover all tion to downstream targets leading to activation of inflammatory
the possible permutations of these microorganisms. TLRs recog- caspases by inflammasomes or NF-␬B by NODs. The BIR is present
nize microbes on the cell surface and in endosomes [6]. To date, in NAIP, CARD is present both in IPAF and in some members of the
10 TLRs (TLR1–10) in humans and 12 TLRs (TLR1–9 and TLR11–13) NALP family, and PYD is present in most NALPs [13].
in mice have been described [7]. TLRs are type-1 transmembrane NOD1 and NOD2 were the first NLRs reported to survey
glycoprotein receptors. The extracellular domain of TLRs contains the cytosol for the presence of the peptidoglycan components
19–25 consecutive leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motifs, each of which is dipeptide ␥-d-glutamyl-meso-dia-minopimelic acid (iE-DAP) and
24–29 amino acids in length, that are involved in ligand binding [8]. muramyl dipeptide (MDP), respectively. NODs drive the activation
The intracellular tail contains a highly conserved region, the Toll- of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and NF-␬B via interac-
interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain, which mediates downstream tion with serine–threonine kinase RICK (also called Ripk2 or RIP2)
signaling. The recognition of PAMPs by TLRs can result in activation and activation of the kinase TAK1 [2,14–17].
of one of two major signaling pathways. The MyD88-dependent Three human inflammasomes have been described, named from
pathway results in the activation of NF-␬B and activated protein-1 the NLR protein involved: the NALP1 inflammasome, activates
(AP-1) while the TRIF-dependent pathway results in the activation caspase-5 and caspase-1; and the NALP3 and IPAF inflammasomes,
of type I interferons (IFN)s [9]. both of which activate caspase-1. Caspase-1 is required for the pro-
The NLR family consists of a group of cytoplasmic PRRs that cessing and maturation of proinflammatory cytokines of IL-1␤ and
include NODs, NALPs, IL-1␤-converting enzyme (ICE)-protease acti- IL-18 (Fig. 1). During inflammasome activation, NALP3 or NALP1
vating factor (IPAF), neuronal apoptosis inhibitor factors (NAIPs), interact through PYD–PYD homotypic interactions with apoptosis-

Table 1
Toll-like receptors (TLR) and nucleotide olgomerization domain-like receptors (NLR).

TLR Recognized motif NLR Recognized motif

TLR1 Triacyl lipoproteins CIITA

TLR2 NAIP Flagellin
Lipoproteins NOD1 meso-lanthionine
Peptidoglycan meso-DAP
Glycoinositolphospholipids ␥-d-Glu-meso-DAP (iE-DAP)
Zymosan l-Ala-␥-d-Glu-meso-DAP (TriDAP)
Phospholipomannan d-lactyl-l-Ala-␥-Glu-meso-DAP-Gly (FK 156)
Lipoteichoic acid Heptanoly-␥-Glu-meso-DAP-d-Ala (FK565)
Heat shock proteins
Viral envelop proteins of measles virus, human NOD2 MurNAc-l-Ala-d-isoGln (muramyldipeptide)
cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus type I
TLR3 Double-stranded RNA, poly IC NLRC3 MurNAc-l-Ala-d-Glu-l-Lys (M-TRILys)
TLR4 Lipopolysaccharide NLRC4 Flagellin (Salmonella, Legionella, Listeria, Pseudomonas)
Heat shock proteins
Fibrinogen NLRC5
Glycoinositolphospholipids NALP1 Muramyldipeptide, Anthrax lethal toxin
F protein of respiratory syncytial virus murine NALP2 Muramyldipeptide
retroviral envelope protein
Fibronectin NALP3 Bacterial RNA
Hyaluronic acid Viral RNA
Heparan sulfate Lipopolysaccharide
TLR5 Flagellin Uric acid crystals
TLR6 Diacyl lipopeptides Nigericin
Lipoteichoic acid Maitotoxin
Zymosan Aerolysin
TLR7 Single-stranded RNA NALP4
Imidazoquinoline NALP5
TLR8 Single-stranded RNA NALP6
Imidazoquinoline NALP7
TLR9 Demethylated CpG NALP8
TLR10 Unknown NALP9
TLR11 Uropathogenic bacteria NALP10
TLR12 Unknown NALP11
TLR13 Unknown NALP12
Refs. [171–196] Refs. [1,138,197–213]
244 M. Fukata et al. / Seminars in Immunology 21 (2009) 242–253

Fig. 1. NLRs and inflammasome activation. PYD–PYD and CARD–CARD interactions are required for the activation of caspases. To form an inflammasome, the NACHT domains
are oligomerize. A wide variety of stimuli, including bacterial toxins, ATP, DNA, bacterial RNA, K+ efflux, and crystals such as cilica, asbestos, uric acid, alum can activate
the NALP3 inflammasome. Recognition of PAMPs by TLRs induces pro IL-1␤ synthesis through NF-␬B activation. Activated caspase-1 processes the IL-1␤ precursor into the
mature IL-1␤.

associated speck-like protein-containing CARD (ASC), resulting in phocytes, its specific role in innate immunity as a PRR has yet to be
its activation [18]. Subsequently, the CARD domain of ASC interacts determined.
with the CARD domain of caspase-1 and mediates its activation. TLR- and NLR-mediated signaling also plays an important role
NALP1 may also activate caspase-5 directly through its C-terminal in the activation of the adaptive immune system by inducing proin-
CARD domain. In contrast, NALP3 does not simultaneously activate flammatory cytokines and up-regulating costimulatory molecules
caspase-5, but can recruit a second capsase-1 through the CARD on antigen-presenting cells. In humans, TLR- and NLR-mediated
domain of CARD inhibitor of NF-␬B activating ligand (CARDINAL), IL-1␤ promotes the expansion of Th17-type helper T cells [25,26].
a component of the NALP3 inflammasome [19]. IPAF and NAIP have In contrast, the NALP3 inflammasome directs a humoral adaptive
been shown to recognize flagellin. The IPAF inflammasome can immune response. Inflammasomes activated by monosodium urate
on its own sense PAMPs because it possesses a CARD domain at (MSU), silica dust, or alum may induce Th2 type immune responses
the N-terminus and thus may directly activate caspase-1 without via NALP3, ASC, and caspase-1 [27–29]. In addition to its effect
ASC recruitment [20]. The BIR domain of NAIP is considered to be on IL-1␤ and IL-18 expression, inflammasome-mediated signaling
inhibitory, thus NAIP may function as a negative modulator of IPAF may induce IL-33, which is a potent inducer of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-
in the recognition of flagellin. 13 favoring Th2 polarization [30]. These findings demonstrate the
Class II transactivator (CIITA) is a transcriptional activator, which importance of the inflammasome in linking innate immunity to
regulates major histocompatibility complex class (MHC) II genes adaptive immunity.
[21,22]. CIITA consists of an N-terminal transcriptional activation Perhaps the most important NLR in the induction of adaptive
domain that is essential for MHC gene transactivation, a mid-region immunity is CIITA. CIITA is responsible for MHC class II expres-
containing the NACHT domain, and a C-terminal LRR domain that sion on antigen-presenting cells [31]. Loss-of-function mutations
affects nuclear translocation and self-association [22,23]. CIITA also in CIITA results in type II bare lymphocyte syndrome (BLS) [21,22].
carries a CARD-like domain in the N-terminal region, while CIITA BLS is a hereditary disorder of MHC-II deficiency and patients with
lacks CARD activity [24]. Although CIITA plays a critical role in BLS suffer from severe primary immunodeficiency and a short-
antigen presentation and development of antigen-specific T lym- ened life expectancy due to repeated pathogenic infections in early
M. Fukata et al. / Seminars in Immunology 21 (2009) 242–253 245

childhood. Based on our own experimental animal data and recent Symptoms include skin rash, severe arthritis and chronic polymor-
findings, most TLRs and some of the NLRs are expressed by T cells, phonuclear meningitis leading to neurologic damage. MWS is a rare
suggesting direct roles of TLRs and NLRs on establishment of T cell- autosomal dominant disease that causes sensorineural deafness,
mediated adaptive immune responses [32–35]. Therefore, the roles recurrent hives, and can lead to amyloidosis. MWS patients often
of TLRs and NLRs appear to be beyond the scope of classical innate have episodic fever, chills and painful joints. FCAS is associated with
immunity. the development of fevers, skin lesions, arthalgia and conjunctivitis
following exposure to cold. PAPA is characterized by the accumula-
3. TLRs and NLRs: genetic association with inflammatory tion of sterile, pyogenic, neutrophil-rich material in the joints and
disorders disfiguring skin lesions. The majority of disease-associated mutants
are clustered within the highly conserved NACHT domain of NALP3
With the completion of the Human Genome Project, genome- and are thought to result in spontaneous caspase-1 activation with
wide association studies have identified allelic variants within NLR IL-1␤ production [19]. In fact, increased secretion of IL-1␤ has been
and TLR encoding genes associated with inflammatory disorders observed in macrophages from these patients [46]. Moreover, over-
(Table 2). The most impressive discovery was Nod2 mutations as expression of mutant NALP3 proteins induces spontaneous IL-1␤
a genetic risk factor for Crohn’s disease. A higher frequency of one secretion [47]. IL-1␤ is therefore the major mediator of inflamma-
of three mutations (R702W, G908R, and L1007insC) near or within tion in these syndromes. Furthermore, subsets of individuals have
the NOD2 LRR region was identified in patients with Crohn’s disease demonstrated a dramatic response to the IL-1R antagonist IL-1Ra
[36,37]. This discovery has significantly improved the understand- [48,49]. Variants of NALP1 have been implicated in the susceptibil-
ing of the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease. Polymorphisms in the ity to several autoimmune diseases, including vitiligo, autoimmune
intronic region of Nod1 have also been associated with the age of thyroid disease, Addison’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoria-
IBD onset [38]. sis, pernicious anemia and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
The Crohn’s disease-associated Nod2 variants have also been [50].
linked to an increased incidence of graft-versus-host disease Microbial exposure in childhood has been suggested to pro-
(GVHD) and increased mortality in patients undergoing allogenic tect against the development of atopic diseases [51]. This idea can
bone-marrow transplantation [39,40]. Although the mechanism be explained by the association of genetic variants of NLRs with
involved remains unclear, abnormal innate immune responses to allergic disorders. NOD1 polymorphisms are associated with the
translocated intestinal flora might be of importance since the development of atopic eczema, asthma, and increased serum IgE
increased mortality associated with GVHD was not seen after concentration [52,53]. This polymorphism affects the expression
decontamination of the gut microflora [39]. On the other hand, The of specific Nod1 splicing variants [52]. Since the corresponding
D299G SNP in TLR4 has been associated with a lower rate of acute isoforms of NOD1 displayed an impaired response to pepti-
allograft rejection after transplantation [41]. Missense mutations doglycan in vitro [54], it is possible that defective detection
in NOD2 also underlie Blau syndrome [42], and early onset of sar- of peptidoglycan by non-functional Nod1 splicing variants may
coidosis [43]. The mutation in NOD2 occurs in the NOD-domain. contribute to the onset of asthma. Several polymorphisms and
Blau syndrome is a rare life-long disorder initiated in childhood and haplotypes in NOD2/CARD15 have been associated both posi-
characterized by skin rash, uveitis, and recurrent arthritis which can tively and negatively with development of asthma in a German
evolve toward camptodactyly. Blau syndrome does not involve the cohort, suggesting multiple roles of NOD2 in the pathogenesis
digestive tract, but as in Crohn’s disease, granulomas are associated of asthma [55]. In addition, an association of polymorphisms in
with inflammatory lesions. CD14, a co-receptor of TLR4, and a risk for developing asthma
Genetic variants of other NLRs have been identified in hereditary have been reported in children [56–58]. Polymorphisms in TLR2
periodic fever syndrome, which causes periodic (episodic) fever and TLR10 also appear to influence the risk of developing asthma
without any infectious cause. The hereditary periodic fevers include [59,60].
familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), chronic neurogenic cutaneous Autoimmune diseases are a major component of inflammatory
and articular syndrome (CINCA), Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS), disorders. In general, the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases
familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS), and pyogenic is associated with a misdirected immune response to self-tissues.
sterile arthritis with pyoderma gangrenosum and acne (PAPA) Several studies have tried to identify TLR and NLR encoding gene
[44,45]. CINCA is caused by mutations in the CINAS1 gene encoding disease susceptibility genes for autoimmune diseases. However, no
NALP3 and is a rare periodic fever syndrome. It causes uncontrolled association has been found between TLR gene polymorphisms and
inflammation in multiple parts of the body starting in the newborn. major autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [61–64]. There are few reports
describing possible genetic associations of TLRs and autoimmune-
Table 2
mediated diseases. For the most part, the exact physiological role
Genetic associations of TLR and NLR to inflammatory disorders.
played by the TLR polymorphism is unknown. The common TLR2
TLR/NLR Inflammatory disorder Arg to Gln polymorphism at position 753 (Arg753Gln) is associated
TLR2 Asthma, acute rheumatic fever, Lepromatous leprosy with the pathogenesis of acute rheumatic fever [65]. SNP R677W of
TLR4 Asthma, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis TLR2 was found to be associated with lepromatous leprosy in Asian
TLR10 Asthma, atopic eczema, increased serum IgE people [66]. The TLR4 polymorphism Asp299Gly is associated with
NOD1 Asthma, atopic eczema, increased serum IgE, IBD (Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis [67]. This SNP occurs within
and Ulcerative colitis)
NOD2 Atopic dermatitis, Blau syndrome, Crohn’s disease, early-onset the extracellular domain of TLR4; thus the decrease in response
sarcoidosis, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is most likely mediated by a decrease in recognition of ligands.
NALP1 Vitiligo, autoimmune thyroid disease, Addison’s disease, RA, Although, TLRs and NLRs are crucial regulators of both innate as
psoriasis, SLE well as adaptive immunity, fewer associations of gene polymor-
NALP3 Hereditary periodic fever syndromes [familial Mediterranean
fever (FMF), chronic neurogenic cutaneous and articular
phisms with autoimmune diseases imply genetic abnormalities of
syndrome (CINCA), Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS), familial cold TLRs and NLRs are not a direct cause of most autoimmune diseases.
autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS), and pyogenic sterile arthritis Epigenetic association of TLRs and NLRs to autoimmune diseases
with pyoderma gangrenosum and acne (PAPA)] and other inflammatory diseases will be discussed in the next
Refs. [37,42,44,50,52,140,214–223]
246 M. Fukata et al. / Seminars in Immunology 21 (2009) 242–253

4. Epigenetic involvement of TLRs and NLRs in response by TLR4 stimulation with OVA sensitization is dependent
inflammatory disorders on doses of the TLR4 ligand LPS [91]. Paradoxically, PBMC in patients
with asthma have reduced expression and response to TLR4 [92].
TLR signaling stimulated by extrinsic PAMPs and self-DAMPs has Therefore, the roles of TLR4 signaling in the induction of airway
been demonstrated to be involved in and to be a prerequisite for the inflammation in patients with asthma are probably more compli-
development of various inflammatory disorders. In general, expres- cated than our expectation.
sion of some of the TLRs is up-regulated in the lesion of the specific Evidence demonstrating altered expression of TLRs in many
inflammatory diseases. Increased expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in types of cells in the lung in patients with chronic obstructive pul-
intestinal macrophages has been reported in patients with IBD [68]. monary disease (COPD) suggests that TLR activation contributes to
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from Behcet’s disease the development of COPD [93–95]. The respiratory tract is mor-
have increased expression of TLR4 [69,70]. B cells in patients with phologically unique as it has a closed space in the efferent end
SLE have increased expression of TLR9 [71]. RA synovial fibrob- and is open to the external environment at the afferent naso-oral
lasts express increased levels of most TLRs that are more prone side. Innate immunity plays crucial roles to protect the terminal
to activation by diverse TLR ligands when compared with syn- respiratory tract against a variety of pathogens. To maintain the
ovial fibroblasts from non-RA patients, suggesting that TLRs may be aseptic condition of the terminal airway, the alveolar macrophages
involved in persistent inflammation and joint destruction [72,73]. monitor microbial invasion into the alveoli and provide protec-
Recently, the importance of IL-17 producing Th17 type T helper tion to the host by initiating inflammatory responses though innate
cells induced by TLR signaling in the pathogenesis of autoim- immune receptors, TLRs and NLRs. Airway epithelial cells and alve-
mune diseases has been highlighted by striking data in a mouse olar type II cells express TLRs [96–99], and airway epithelial cells
model of multiple sclerosis (MS) induced by injection of myelin can up-regulate TLR expression during infection [100]. The alveo-
oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). MS is an organ-specific lar macrophages also express functional TLRs [101,102]. Interesting
autoimmune condition, in which the immune system attacks the animal data demonstrate involvement of both MyD88-dependent
central nervous system, leading to demyelination of the oligoden- TLR4 signaling and inflammasome activation in cigarette-induced
drocytes surrounding the axons of the nerves. MyD88-deficient lung inflammation [103]. In this study, absence of TLR4, MyD88,
mice do not develop experimental MS in a model of autoimmune or IL-1R1 abrogated neutrophil recruitment to the lung and bron-
encephalomyelitis [74,75]. In this model, MyD88-deficient mice do choalveolar lavage (BAL) showed with low expression of IL-1␤, KC,
not generate MOG-specific Th17 cells and have fewer Th1 cells com- IL-6 and MMP-9.
pared to the controls, suggesting MyD88-dependent TLR signaling Asbestos and silica microparticles have been shown to acti-
is required for the disease associated Th17 cell generation. This vate the NALP3 inflammasome [104–106]. Silica and asbestos dust
highlights a role of TLRs in the pathogenesis of MS. The deficiency of are particularly potent inducers of inflammation in the lungs.
IL-17 or the use of IL-17-blocking antibodies prevented the devel- Macrophages are unable to efficiently eliminate the microparticles
opment of the disease or diminished its severity [76]. Recently, we of silica and asbestos. Therefore, inhaling finely ground crystalline
have shown T cells from MyD88−/− mice do not induce wasting silica or asbestos dust in small quantities over time can lead to
disease in the T cell adoptive transfer IBD model, due to defective the inflammatory conditions of silicosis and asbestosis, respectively
differentiation into Th17 type effector cells [32]. Up-regulation of [107]. Interestingly, pulmonary inflammation is greatly reduced in
IL-17 has been demonstrated in human IBD mucosa, active lesions NALP3-deficient mice after in vivo inhalation of asbestos or sil-
in the central nervous system in patients with MS, and synovial fluid ica, suggesting a role of NALP3 inflammasomes in silica-mediated
of RA patients [77–80,81]. Anti-IL-17 therapies are also effective in pulmonary inflammation [104,105].
the collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model [82,83]. These results Gout is caused by abnormal purine metabolism and is associated
indicate that TLR-mediated IL-17 production may be a universal with deposition of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in joints and
factor important in the development of autoimmune or idiopathic periarticular tissues. Similarly, pseudogout arises from deposition
chronic inflammatory disorders. of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals. It has been shown that
Evidence has indicated that TLRs play a role in the development MSU and calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals activate the
of allergic diseases through induction of Th2 responses. However, NALP3 inflammasome resulting in the production of active IL-1␤
regulation of TLR-mediated immune activation directing the Th2 and IL-18 [108]. High levels of circulating uric acid (hyperuricemia)
cytokine induction has still been unclear. Abnormal innate immune have been associated with various inflammatory diseases including
responses in the skin have been seen in patients with atopic der- multiple sclerosis, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases [109].
matitis. In fact, patients with atopic dermatitis have an enhanced The importance of IL-1 in the pathology of gout and pseudogout is
susceptibility to bacterial skin infections, especially with Staphylo- supported by clinical trials of the IL-1R antagonist IL-1Ra in patients
coccus aureus. Macrophages from patients with atopic dermatitis with acute gout [110,111].
express significantly less TLR2, and have a reduced capacity to pro- There is increasing data to support a role for TLRs in
duce pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-6, IL-8 and IL-1␤ immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis [112,113]. TLR7
upon TLR2 stimulation, compared to macrophages from healthy has emerged as a key regulator of autoantibody production in
controls [84]. this regard. TLR7 ligand-containing antigens bind to specific self-
Animal studies have revealed that TLR4 may promote air- reactive naive B cells. Immune complexes containing RNPs and
way sensitization [85–87]. TLR4-deficient C3H/HeJ mice exhibited ssRNA induce DC maturation and type I IFN production, and
less airway inflammation after intranasal OVA challenge when up-regulate TLR7 in B cells inducing anti-RNP IgG2a and IgG2b
compared with control mice [86]. The other study directly demon- autoantibodies [114].
strated a requirement for TLR4 signaling in the induction of
Th2 airway inflammation by OVA sensitization in intranasally 5. Role of TLRs and NLRs in inflammatory bowel diseases
immunized mice with LPS-depleted OVA [85]. In addition, this
TLR4-mediated Th2 response to OVA is MyD88-dependent [87]. Given the complexity of the bacterial flora in the human intes-
TLR2 appears to exert similar immunologic effects as TLR4 on air- tine, careful regulation of TLR signaling must take place in order to
way sensitization in the same mouse asthma model [88], while avoid an inappropriate inflammatory response. One of the emerging
the TLR9 signal has been shown to inhibit OVA-induced aller- themes of research in innate immunity in the gut is the impor-
gic airway inflammation [88–90]. The induction of Th2 immune tant role of TLR signaling in maintenance of intestinal homeostasis.
M. Fukata et al. / Seminars in Immunology 21 (2009) 242–253 247

Fig. 2. Endoscopic images of Crohn’s disease (left) and ulcerative colitis (right) exemplifying the distribution and characteristics of the inflammation.

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) such as ulcerative colitis and With respect to NLRs, strong association of Nod2 gene muta-
Crohn’s disease are characterized by chronic intestinal inflamma- tions and Crohn’s disease was discovered almost simultaneously
tion induced by the commensal flora (Fig. 2). Since inflammatory in 2001 using two distinct strategies [37,130]. This discovery over-
bowel disease is associated with inappropriate inflammation in the turned the prevailing theory that inflammatory bowel disease
presence of seemingly normal commensal bacteria, several groups pathogenesis resulted from aberrant adaptive immunity to the
have studied expression of TLRs and NLRs in human and murine new point of view that NLR mutations resulted in defective innate
IBD in hopes of identifying how bacterial sensing contributes to immunity. Most mutations were found in the LRR region of the
IBD pathogenesis. Almost all of the TLRs, TLR1 through TLR9, are molecule. The 3020insC frameshift mutation results in a protein
expressed in intestinal epithelial cells as well as in other types of that is unable to sense the natural ligand MDP [12,131]. This results
cells in the intestine [115–118]. Increased expression of multiple in impaired responses by macrophages to ligands [132,133]. These
TLRs has been found in the tissue from patients with inflammatory observations are counterintuitive when considering an inflamma-
bowel disease but it is difficult to make a causal link between these tory disorder. However, more recently mice with a knock-in of the
observations and the development of inflammatory bowel disease human frameshift mutation have increased inflammation, in partic-
since inflammatory cytokines can up-regulate expression of TLRs ular increased production of the inflammasome-generated IL-1␤, in
on intestinal epithelial cells [119,120]. response to DSS [134].
Perhaps more importantly, several TLR polymorphisms have The mechanism by which Nod2 mutations confer an increased
been found in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The susceptibility to Crohn’s disease is unknown. Dendritic cells from
strongest TLR association with inflammatory bowel disease is the patients with Crohn’s disease carrying Nod2 mutations produced
TLR4 polymorphism, Asp299Gly, in patients with Crohn’s disease reduced levels of IL-12 and did not up-regulate co-stimulatory
and to a lesser extent ulcerative colitis [67]. Several meta-analyses molecules in response to MDP plus TLR ligands [135]. Besides
have found the odds ratio for association between TLR4 and Crohn’s antigen-presenting cells, NOD2 is also expressed in Paneth cells
disease to be approximately 1.5 [120–123]. Depending on the study, [136], which are localized in the bottom of the crypt of the small
the Asp299Gly TLR4 association in Crohn’s disease is associated intestine, most abundantly in the terminal ileum. This distribution
with colonic disease or with stricturing disease [122,124,125]. of Paneth cells is corresponds to the most frequently affected site
In addition to TLR4, lesser associations have been found between of the gut by Crohn’s disease. Furthermore, homozygosity of NOD2
TLR9, TLR2 and inflammatory bowel disease. The −1237C polymor- mutations in Crohn’s disease is associated with more severe disease
phism of TLR9 has been found as a disease susceptibility gene in and fibrostenosis in the terminal ileum [137].
Crohn’s disease [126]. This polymorphism of TLR9 was significantly Defective production of anti-microbial peptide, ␣-defensins
higher in Crohn’s disease patients with at least one NOD2 muta- (HD5, HD6) mainly secreted by Paneth cells, has been observed
tion (odds ratio 1.60) and with the rs1004819 IL-23R variant [127]. in Crohn’s disease patients with NOD2 mutations [138,139]. These
The R753Q polymorphism of TLR2 has been implicated in ulcerative results suggest that defective anti-microbial peptide and subse-
colitis [128]. In particular, the R80T and R753G polymorphisms are quent regional microbial overgrowth is, at least in part, involved in
associated with a greater risk of pancolitis. A study using intestinal the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease caused by Nod2 mutations. An
epithelial cell lines expressing the R753Q variant of TLR2 found that in vitro study further supports this idea; a NOD2-deficient intestinal
this mutation resulted in defective production of trefoil factor 3, a epithelial monolayer showed reduced ability to resist Salmonella
trophic growth factor important in epithelial repair [129]. growth [140]. In addition, other susceptibility genes for Crohn’s dis-
248 M. Fukata et al. / Seminars in Immunology 21 (2009) 242–253

ease, such as ATG16L1, IL-23R and IRGM are also involved in innate cally block signaling of TLRs and NLRs. Often the strategy has been
immune deficiency and further suggest defective anti-microbial to inhibit or augment their downstream products such as block-
immune processing is the central pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease. ing antibodies to TNF-␣ or IL-1␤. Depending on the disease state,
Failure to control intestinal microbes may lead to inappropriate exogenous recombinant cytokines such as IFN-␤ are used to treat
alternative immune responses in an attempt to control enteric flora, MS or IFN-␣ for hepatitis C; it is conceivable that activation of
but may also lead to inflammation and tissue destruction. Pheno- the underlying TLR or NLR pathway may be used in the future.
typic variations of the disease, such as inflammatory, fibrostenotic, One common way in which TLR signaling is used to advantage is
or perforating disease, are probably due to the type of genetic muta- as adjuvants for vaccines. A table of TLR-based strategies is listed
tions, grade of the anti-microbial defect, grade of compensatory below (Table 3). Most common vaccines use adjuvants to increase
adaptive immune responses, and environmental factors including the adaptive immune response to the antigen. In the future, very
the enteric flora. specific TLR ligands such as CpG DNA will be added to common
As a testament to the notion that defective innate immunity vaccines.
underpins some of the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease, we and We have studied blocking Abs to TLR4 in acute and chronic
others have described that patients carrying Nod2 polymorphisms DSS colitis. Perhaps not surprisingly, acute inflammation is damp-
have increased levels of antibodies against luminal microbes such ened but it also results in delayed epithelial repair [148]. Another
as anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae and anti-CBir, an antibody against avenue that has been very effective in the treatment of actinic ker-
a Clostridial flagellin [141,142]. These data suggest that defective atoses and anal warts is the TLR7/8 ligand imiquimod. It is generally
handling of the luminal flora plays a role in inflammatory bowel believed that the imiquimod boosts the innate immune response
disease. What is clear in animal models is that TLR signaling is to the damaged tissue in these neoplastic lesions. Case reports of
essential for epithelial repair [143,144]. To the extent that inflam- autoimmunity resulting from imiquimod therapy urge some cau-
matory bowel disease may be partially due to defective epithelial tion [113,149].
healing, polymorphisms in TLRs may contribute to susceptibility One significant advance in the development of TLR targeted ther-
to inflammatory bowel disease by both impairing the ability to kill apy is TLR9 agonist against allergic diseases. In general, allergic
commensal bacteria and causing an epithelial repair defect. reactions are thought to result from an excess Th2 immune response
Although the focus has been the Nod2 gene as an NLR related to against environmental stimuli. Since most TLR agonists induce Th1
inflammatory bowel disease, recent evidence suggests that NALP3 type immune responses, inhibiting production of Th2 cytokines,
is also involved in inflammatory bowel disease [145]. European some of the TLR agonist is expected to shift the Th2 hyper reactiv-
investigators have found NLRP3 SNPs are associated with a 1.78 ity to Th1 in patients with active allergy. The effectiveness of this
odds ratio of Crohn’s disease. Moreover, they observed a significant approach has been reported in patients with allergy to ragweed,
association between SNPs and NLRP3 expression and IL-1␤ pro- with the expected shift in Th2/Th1 ratio [150,151]. Clinical trials
duction. Future studies will elucidate whether inhibiting IL-1 will of a CpG-ODN (1018ISS) have demonstrated both safety and phar-
be effective in Crohn’s disease. macological activity in asthmatic patients when administered by
inhalation [152]. In another study, R848 (resiquimod), a synthetic
6. Possible therapeutic strategies for inflammatory ligand for TLR7 and TLR8, effectively shifted the Th2 response of
disorders by targeting TLRs and NLRs allergen specific human CD4+ T cells into a protective Th1 response,
suggesting the therapeutic potential of this compound for allergy
TLR agonists are being developed for the treatment of cancer, [153]. Efficacy of TLR7 agonists has also been shown in a mouse
allergic diseases, viral infections, and as adjuvants for vaccines model of asthma [154].
against cancer and infectious diseases [146]. In addition, devel- As we discussed so far, TLRs are up-regulated in the lesions
opment of antagonists to TLRs is expected given the role of of inflammatory diseases. Therefore, blocking TLR signaling is
inappropriate TLR stimulation in chronic idiopathic inflammatory expected to be a novel strategy. There is now considerable evidence
and autoimmune diseases (Table 3). that self-recognition through TLR can occur and can contribute sig-
Clearly the TLR and NLR pathways are essential for normal nificantly to sterile inflammation and autoimmunity [155]. In this
human homeostasis. Even polymorphisms in these proteins do not regard, TLR4 antagonists are currently being developed [156].
result in radical changes in susceptibility to infection. By design, In contrast to TLRs, the effect of NLR agonist or antagonist has
there is redundancy in the function of TLRs and NLRs. Severe infec- not yet been tested. Nevertheless, IL-1␤ and IL-18, the final products
tions occur in humans born with mutations in IRAK, for instance of inflammasome activation, have been implicated in the patho-
[147]. For this reason, we must be careful in trying to systemi- genesis of many autoimmune diseases [157–161]. Recombinant

Table 3
Toll-like receptor (TLR) therapeutics currently in development.

TLR target Potential therapeutic agent Company Mechanism of action Indication

TLR3 Ampligen Bioclones Agonist Ovarian cancer

TLR4 CRX-675, CRX-527 Corixa Agonist Allergic rhinitis

TLR4 E5564 Eisai Antagonist Sepsis, Complications after CABG
TLR7 ANA245, ANA975 Anadys Agonist HCV, HBV, hepatocellular carcinoma
TLR7/8 Imiquimod 3M Agonist Superficial basal cell carcinoma, Actinic keratosis, HPV, genital warts
TLR9 CPG7909 Coley Agonist Non-small cell lung cancer, melanoma, refractory B cell non-Hodgkin’s
TLR9 CPG10101 Coley Agonist HCV
TLR9 AVE7279, AVE0675 Coley Agonist Asthma
TLR9 1018ISS Dynavax Agonist HBV, ragweed allergy
TLR9 HYB2055, HYB2903 Hybridon Agonist Renal cell carcinoma
TLR9 IMO-2055 Idera pharmaceuticals Agonist Renal cell carcinoma
Refs. [224–227]

CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery: HBV, hepatitis B virus: HCV, hepatitis C virus: HPV, human papilloma virus.
M. Fukata et al. / Seminars in Immunology 21 (2009) 242–253 249

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