2 Election Law Midterms Pointers PDF

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Atty Ferdinand Gujilde | January 2017

Appointment of new employees, creation of new Election offenses

positions, promotion or giving salary increases GR: Mala prohibita (no defense of good faith)
Appointment is allowed, provided there is prior authority from XPN: Mala in se in
the COMELEC, but when you talk about promotion or giving  Lying, stealing, cheating
salary increases, the prohibition is absolute.
But exceptional case: Canvassing and there was discrepancy in
the totaling of votes, defendant said, ‘I did not mean it, we were
Ong v Martinez
just tired’ but the SC said that the magnitude of the discrepancy
The prohibition of appointment of new employees is limited to
(5000 votes) negates good faith. You can’t just say you were
those only covered by the Civil Service Law. If you are a
Councilor who died, then you are going to be replaced by
appointment ― this situation is allowed because it is not covered Campaign period
by the Civil Service Law but by Local Govt Code. In automated elections – we set the time period for filing of
candidacy earlier than usual. Usually, when you file COC, you
Don’t memorize the prohibitive periods because if there is a are already a candidate. You cannot campaign because you are
situation, I will just put “within the prohibitive period” already a candidate. But because we set the filing earlier that
usual, the SC said: today, the moment you filed candidacy, you
Transfer of officers and employees on the Civil Service are not yet a candidate. You are only candidate for purposes of
All you need to do is secure permission from the Commission. ballot printing. In which case, after filing the COC, your actions
cannot be deemed premature campaigning yet, it is still
People v Reyes “freedom of expression”.
During the prohibited period, there was already a violation but
That is why campaign materials proliferate prior to campaign
the COMELEC was not yet able to promulgate the Resolution. In
period and COMELEC cannot do anything about it yet. No
which case, the SC said there is no violation yet if there was no
jurisdiction yet prior to campaign period.
Resolution even if it was already provided for under the law
because that law can only be implemented if there is already a But this ruling does not apply in manual elections where we do
corresponding IRR, or in this case, a COMELEC Resolution. not set the date earlier than usual like barangay election. The
moment you file COC, you become a candidate for all intents
Carrying firearms outside residence of place of business and purposes
Take note, if you have permit to carry firearms, automatically,
at the onset of election pd, that is revoked. You have to apply Election propaganda
for excemption. Adiong v COMELEC
Car with stickers. COMELEC said it is not allowed. SC said a
Prohibition against release, disbursement or private car is subject to ownership rights and freedom of
expenditure of public funds expression of owner.
Gallardo v COMELEC
The RTC judge has no business in so far as implementation of Diocese of Bacolod v COMELEC
election laws are concerned “Size matters”. If you place campaign materials in your private
property, size limitations do not apply.
Corporation Code
Corporations cannot make donations for election purposes, have In public terminals like jeepney terminals, the size limitation
to stay neutral during elections does not apply. You cannot curtail freedom of expression.

Bagumbayan-VNP Movement v COMELEC But COMELEC, despite this ruling, promulgated that private or
Voter receipt cannot be taken out of the polling place so it will public, size limitation applies, and no one questioned. That is
not be used as a merchandise for vote buying. It is election why that regulation pushed through.
paraphernalia, it belongs to the COMELEC and not to the voter.
What COMELEC does is it does not immediately remove violating
Liquor ban posters. It goes through due process by sending the candidate
Ban is automatic except those estalishments catering to foreign a notice to remove the material within a period of time, and if
tourists and the exemption is only for tourists, not for Filipinos. not complied with – it then gives rise to the presumption that
If you are a Filipino, you can still drink provided it is in a private the candidate caused the posting of those materials.
place. Reason there is, you have to keep your sanity when you
decide for the future of our country. GMA v COMELEC
The right to reply.
Penalties for election offenses GMA demands from the newspaper to give her the same
GR: 1-6yrs imprisonment without benefit of probation. prominence to clear her name, thus an interefence in the
XPNS: discretion of the media – on the freedom of press.
 violation of ______ law that’s 8 days and ___
 electoral sabotage – lifetime imprisonment SC said, the right to reply in election period is reasonable.
But again, I still would like to say that right to reply is toothless
Prosecution of vote-buying; vote-selling because if the newspaper refuses to give same prominence, all
Kanang submission of just pictures are evidence, that’s not they need to do is explain why. No further procedure. They can
enough. It will just be dismissed by the COMELEC because it’s just say, it’s not news-worthy today.
so easy to fabricate. You must show that’s it ‘changed hands’ –
there was a person who bought, someone who sold and who News and opinions regarding candidates
these people are, when and where Columnists can voice out, freedom of expression. But not when
he himself is a candidate because of the advantage of being in
the media because remember, these restrictions are intended to
equalize opportunities.

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Columnists cannot however write about candidates if they are Lone Candidate Law
secretly paid. Secretly paid. How do you prove that? It is a Only applies to special elections. Because in regular elections, if
matter of conscience na lang. you are uncontested, you should still be voted for and you would
still need at least one vote because the winner will still be the
Surveys one to obtain the highest number of votes. So if wa kay kontra,
They can be published. They have formed some kind of special you will be the highest since the other is zero. If no one votes
form of freedom of expression. The problem is that it creates a for you, you cannot be proclaimed.
bandwagon effect, but that is the price we have to pay for living
in a democratic country.
Board of Election Officers
Public School teachers, priority. But they cannot be compelled
Featuring a candidate in the news does not necessarily result to anymore. Second line – private school teachers or appointees of
bias. There will be news that will involve a candidate National govt.
incidentally, you can still report those. As long as valid news
source. Can we appoint the military? No.
There is now a specific provision for that.
Effect of filing
Elective position – not resigned Can we appoint PNP? Yes.
Apppointive position in the govt– automatic resignation Provided, it is the last resort.
Appointive position in private – no effect
Ballot appreciation
Petition to Deny due course of COC Prepare for 10 pts question on this
GR: (Like in a situation where you have all qualfications but Remember that in ballot appreciation it can be either way. If you
along the way, commited an election offense) Second placer are the BOC, you have discetion to decide if a ballot is marked
cannot be proclaimed because he is not the choice of the people or stray, depending on how you defend the appreciation.

XPN: If you lack a qualification with respect to CARRL. It means Laodenio v COMELEC
you are not a candidate to begin with. If you ran and obtain Acquiesence rule: You objected, yet you participated.
because in the first place, you are not allowed to participate in
the race. Power of COMELEC over BOC
Direct supervision and control, you can’’t annul proclamations,
Second placer rule the courts cannot restrain.. bla bla bla
When the winner is a non-candidate to begin with, you are not Ga yawyaw ra si Sir.
supposed to be in the list so the votes for you will be strayed.
So the second placer there is actually the first placer. Pre-proclamation Controversy
Sometimes, they say you cannot look beyond the election
Makiling Case returns, you cannot pierce the viel of election returns.
Note from Atty: Read Makiling case (?) not in syllabus
If the winner dies after the election, can he be proclaimed? SC The main point is that if you’re contrained, just step out of the
said you need to proclaim for the purpose of the succession. You ________. That is pre-proclamation controversy.
cannot proclaim the second placer because second placer is still
not the choice of the people Manifest Error
Not only limited to that particular document. It can also be in
The same way with substitutuion. reference to another document that is readily availale.
Richard Gomez, Lucy Torres case. Richard Gomez falsified But if you say there is a document yet to be located, that is pre-
residence, thus he was not a candidate to begin with. Lucy proclamation controversy.
replaced him. SC said, you cannot replace a null candidate. In
which case, Lucy was asked to vacate a month before the end Manifest error is still in the nature of pre-election controversy
of term. but that is an exception to the prohibition.

Withdrawal of COC If you have a pre-proclamation controversy, like if you raise a

A candidate who withdraws COC, may file for another COC. manifest error or illegal proceedings, the moment you file an
Before, COMELEC made that resolution that said, once you election protest, it abandons the pre-proclamation controversy.
withdraw, you cannot be a candidate for any other position. In
2016, COMELEC retracted the previous rule and said that it was EXCEPT when the protest is in the nature of ad cautelam
made without legal basis. meaning, ‘as a precautionary measure’. This is your remedy if
you don’t want to abandon your pre-proclamation controversy.
Nuisance candidate
The first premise, what if I am qualified – what gives COMELEC Annulment of proclamation
the authority to say that I am disqualified? The COMELEC has direct supervision over the BOC, in which
The answer is the power of the COMELEC to screen candidates case, it can annul the proclamation. When? If the proclamation
because if it cannot qualify nuisance candidates, the ballot is not valid. Not valid if it is based on erroneous computation.
becomes very lengthy. So to prevent logistical nightmare, the
COMELEC is empowered to classifty nuisance.

Who are nuisance? One who confuses the voters in similarity of

surnames, lack of bona fide intention, or lack of capacity to Legend: Not clear in recording
mount a national campaign. Bottomline, it is like the COMELEC
saying, reality check… there is no way in the world to win the

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