11 Sample Papers Accountancy 2020 English Medium Set 1 PDF

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Time Allowed : 3 Hours SAMPLE PAPER M.M. : 80

General Instructions:
(i) This Question Paper contains 32 questions in all.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iv) Give calculations and working notes neatly and clearly wherever
Note: Questions number 1 to 20 carries one mark each.
1. Mr. Nath who owed us 50,000 became insolvent and paid only
40% of this amount. What is term used for the amount not received
and in which side of Profit and loss Account this amount is shown?
2. The concept that a Business enterprise will not sold or liquidated in
the near future is known as:
(a) Going Concern
(b) Economic Entity
(c) Money measurement Concept
(d) None of these
3. Provision is created for:
(a) Known Liability
(b) Unknown Liability
(c) Strengthening Financial Position
(d) Distribution of Dividend
4. What do you mean by GAAP?
5. Under which basis of accounting, Outstanding Expenses are not
6. What is Journalising?
7. Define Drawings?

8. Which of the following account will be credited on giving Cash Do-
(a) Purchases A/C (b) Cash A/C
(c) Donation A/C (d) Drawings A/C
9. On inter - state purchase of goods, which of the following GST is
(a) CGST (b) SGST
(c) IGST (d) None of the above
10. What do you mean by Suspense A/C?
11. State the formula to calculate the depreciation as per “Straight line
12. A Three months Bill of Exchange drawn on 1 July 2018 will mature
for payment on:
(a) 1 October 2018 (b) 3 October 2018
(c) 4 October 2018 (d) d.5 October 2018
13. Wrong totaling of Subsidiary Books _____________ allow Trial
Balance to match.
14. Cost of Plant and Machinery is an example of _____________ Ex-
15. Salaries and Wages are taken to the Debit side of _________ Ac-
16. Give two examples of lntangible Assets.
17. Which Book is maintained is Single Entry System?
18. Which of the following can be prepared under Single Entry system?
(a) Trial balance (b) Ledger Accounts
(c) Statement of Affairs (d) All of the above.
19. What are Tailor-made software?
20. Cost of Goods sold = __________ + __________ + Direct Ex-
penses – Closing stock.

21. Enter the following transactions in the Cash Book (Double column)
of Mehra & Sons: 3 Marks
Date Transactions Amount (`)
Jan-1 Cash in Hand 96,000
Cash at Bank 16,000
Jan-5 Cheque received from Rehman and
deposited in the back 40,000
Jan-9 Cheque paid to Rahul 25,500
Jan-15 Money withdrawn from Bank for office use. 10,000
Jan-31 Life Insurance Premium paid 750
22. Discuss any three capabilities of Computer System for Accounting
Purposes. 3 Marks
23. Rectify the following errors: 4 Marks
(a) Cash Sales Rs. 16,000 were not posted to Sales Account.

(b) Credit sales to Mohan Rs. 7,000 were recorded as Rs. 700.

(c) Salary paid Rs. 5,000 was debited to employee's personal ac-

(d) A credit sale of Rs. 102 to KISHAN was posted to Krishna's


24. Nandu sold goods to Basu for Rs. 4,000 and Basu accepted a bill
Brawn by Nandu amounted to Rs. 4,000 on 1 st January 2019 and
payable after four months. Nandu discounted it with banker @ 18%
per annum. On the due date bill was dishonoured. Bank paid Rs.
40 as noting charges. After one month Basu paid the amount due to
Nandu. Pass the journal entries in the books of Nandu. 4 Marks.

25. Fill in the missing information in the following journal entries
4 Marks
S. Particulars L.F. Dr. ` Cr. `
1. _______________ Account Dr. ______
To _____________ _____
(goods costing Rs. 5,000 destroyed
by fire)
2. Purchases Account Dr. ______
_______________ Account Dr. ______
_______________ Account Dr. ______
To _____________ 10000
To Ayush ______
(Purchased goods from Ayush for
` 20000 plus CGST and @ 6%
each, issued a cheque to him for
` 10000, balance payable after
one month.)
3. _______________ Account Dr. 25,000
To _____________ 25,000
(Salary outstanding at the end of
the year.)
4. _______________ Account Dr. ______
To _____________ ______
(Being depreciation provided on
computers costing Rs 1,50,000
@ 20% p.a)

26. What do you mean by Computer Software? Explain the following:

(a) Operating Software
(b) Utility Software
(c) Application Software 4 Marks

27. Ashutosh maintains his accounts on Single Entry System. Calculate
his profits on 31st March 2019 from the following information:
Particulars 1 April 2018 ` 1 April 2019 `
Cash 3,000 1,000
Bank 9,000 7,000
Furniture 4,000 4,000
Stock 2,000 6,000
Creditors 8,000 6,000
Debtors 6,000 8,000
Additional Information:
During the year his drawings were Rs 2,000 and additional capital
invested Rs 4,000.
28. Supriya Limited purchased a Machinery for Rs 5,00,000 on Ist Janu-
ary 2015. Depreciation is provided @ 20% p.a. on cost of the Ma-
chinery every year. On Ist January 2017, the Machinery got an acci-
dent and damaged badly. The company disposed off it for Rs
1,00,000. On the same date a new Machinery at a cost of Rs
9,00,000 was purchased. Prepare Machinery Account for four years.
The accounts are closed on 31st December every year.
29. On March 31, 2019, the Cash Book of Kumar Brothers showed a
debit balance of Rs 2,14,460. From the following particulars make
out a Bank Reconciliation Statement and ascertain the Balance as
per Pass Book.
(a) Cheque issued but not presented for payment Rs 7,375.
(b) Cheques paid into bank but not yet cleared Rs 1,175.
(c) Interest credited by bank but not entered in cash book Rs 2,150.
(d) Bank charges debited in the Pass Book but not entered in the
Cash Book Rs 700.
(e) Bank deposited a dividend of Rs 5,000 to the Bank Account.
This transaction was not recorded in Cash Book.

30. Explain the following:
(a) Dual Aspect Concept
(b) Prudence or Conservatism Principle
(c) Accounting Standards (AS)
31. Differentiate between Capital Reserve and Revenue Reserve. (any
(b) Why there is a need of preparing Financial statements?
(c) Prepare a Purchase Day book of Shiv Stationery from the fol-
lowing information.
Date Particulars
2018 Purchased from Gagan Stationery Mart on credit
June 1 (a) 70 dozen pencils @ ` 25 dozen

(b) 10 dozen registers @ ` 15 per register

June 10 Purchased from Amrit Furniture
2 tables @ ` 1,500 per table.
June 15 Purchased 3 dozen ink pots @ ` 80 per dozen from
Mehar paper Company and received cash discount of ` 50
June 18 Purchased from Rehman Bros. on credit
(a) 5 reams of white paper @ ` 50 per ream
(b) 120 pens @ ` 60 per dozen.
Less Trade Discount of 10%

32. The following Trial Balance was drawn up form Mrs. Bhumika's
books at the end of the year ending 31-03-2019. Prepare Trading
and Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet as on 31-03-2019:
Particular Amount Particular Amount
Stock (01-04-2018) 16,000 Capital 1,00,000
Debtors 32,000 Sales 98,800
Machinery 30,000 Trade Payables 9,000
Wages 10,000 Discount Received 1,000
Salary 4,000
Building 60,000
Trade Expenses 5,000
Cash 16,000
Purchase 35,000
Drawing 800
2,08,800 2,08,800

The following adjustments are to be considered:
(a) Stock on 31-03-2019 ` 21,000
(b) Machinery is to be depreciated by 10% p.a.
(c) Salary outstanding ` 200.
From the following Trial Balance Prepare Trading Account, Profit &
Loss Account and the Balance Sheet.
Particular ` Particular `
Purchase 80,000 Capital 2,10,000
Bank balance 11,000 Bills payables 6,500
Wages 34,000 Sales 2,00,000

Debtors 70,300 Creditors 50,000
Cash in hand 1,200 Return outwards 4,000
Legal expenses 4,000
Building 60,000
Machinery 1,20,000
Bills receiveble 7,000
Office expenses 3,000
Opening stock 45,000
Gas and fuel 2,700
Freight and carriage 3,500
Factory lighting 5,000
Office furniture 5,000
Patents 18,800
4,70,500 4,70,500
(a) Machinery is depreciated @ 10% p.a. and Building depreci-
ated @ 6% p.a.
(b) Interest on capital @ 4% p.a.
(c) Outstanding wages ` 50.
(d) Closing stock ` 50,000.

SAMPLE PAPER (2019-20)

Q. Suggested Answers Marks

1. Bad Debts, shown in the Debit side of Profit & Loss 1/2+1/2
2. a. 1
3. a. 1
4. Set of Accounting Standards developed by IASB 1
5. Cash Basis 1
6. Correct meaning 1
7. Correct meaning 1
8. Cash A/C 1
9. IGST 1
10. Correct meaning 1
Cost of asset - estimate scrap value
11. Estimated life of asset 1

12. c. 4 October 2018 1

13. does not 1
14. Capital 1
15. Profit and Loss A/C 1
16. Goodwill, Patents 1
17. Cash Book 1
18. Statement of Affairs 1
19. Correct meaning 1
20. Opening Stock, Net Purchases 1
21. Dr. Cash Book (Two columnar) Cr. 1/2 mark
Date Particular Cash Bank Date Particular Cash Bank for correct
Jan-1 To Balance 96,000 16,000 Jan-9 By Rahul _____ 25,500 entry of each
Jan-5 To Rehman____ 40,000 Jan-15 By Cash _____ 10,000 transaction
A/c (c) = 3 marks
Jan-15 To Bank 10,000 _____ Jan-31 By Drawings 750 _____
A/C (c) A/C
By Balance 1,05,250 20,500
1,06,000 56,000 1,06,000 56,000

22. One mark each for any three correct explanations. 3 Marks

23. Journal Entries
(i) Suspense Account Dr. 16,000 1M
To Sales Account 16,000
(ii) Mohan Dr. 6,300 1M
To Sales Account 6,300
(iii) Salary Account Dr. 5,000 1M
To Employee's 5,000
Personal Account
(iv) Kishan Dr. 102 1M
To Krishna 102

24. Journal Entries 4

In the Books of Nandu
Date Particular Amount Amount Marks
Jan-1 Basu Dr. 4,000 1/2 M
To Sales Account 4,000
Jan-1 Bills Receivable Account Dr. 4,000 1/2 M
To Basu 4,000
Jan-1 Bank Account Dr. 3,760 1/2 M
Discounting charges Account Dr. 240
To Bills Receivable Account 4,000
May-4 Basu Account Dr. 4,040 1/2 M
To Bank 4,040
May-4 Cash Account Dr. 4,040 1/2 M
To Basu 4,040

25. One mark for each correct entry.

Journal Entries
Date Particular Amount Amount Marks
1. Loss by Fire Account Dr. 5,000 1M
To Purchases Account 5,000
2. Purchases Account Dr. 20000 1M
Input CGST Account Dr. 1200
Input SGST Account. Dr. 1200
To Bank Account 10000
To Ayush 124000
3. Salary Account Dr. 25000 1M
To Salary Outstanding Account 25000
4. Depreciation Account Dr. 30000 1M
To Computers Account 30000

26. 1 mark for correct meaning of software. 3 marks for each correct
explanation. 4 marks
27. Statement of Affairs
Liabilities ` ` Assets ` `
(2018) (2019) (2018) (2019)
Creditors 8,000 6,000 Furniture 4,000 4,000
Capital (B.F) 16,000 20,000 Stock 2,000 6,000
Debtors 6,000 8,000
Cash 3,000 1,000
Bank 9,000 7,000
24,000 26,000 24,000 26,000

Statement of Profit and Loss 1 mark

Particulars Amount (`)
Closing Capital 20,000
Add: Drawing 2,000
Less: Additional Capital 4,000
Less: Opening Capital 16,000
Profit for the year 2,000

28. Machinery Account

Date Particular (`) Date Particular (`) Marks
01.01.15 To Bank A/c 5,00,000 31.12.15 By Depreciation 1,00,000 (½ M) as
(1/2 M) distri-
By Balance c/d 4,00,000
01,01.16 To Balance 4,00,000 31.12.16 By Depreciation 1,00,000 (½ M) buted
(1/2 M) in the
b/d By Balance c/d 3,00,000
01.01.17 To Balance 3,00,000 01.01.17 By Bank A/C 1,00,000 (½ M) Solu-
b/d 9,00,000 By P&L A/C 2,00,000 (1 M) tion.
Bank A/c (1/2 M) 31.12.17 By Depreciation 1,80,000 (1 M) Total
By Balance c/d 7,20,000 (½ M)
01.01.18 To Balance 7,20,000 31.12.18 By Depreciation 1,80,000 (½ M)
b/d By Balance c/d 5,40,000

29. Bank reconciliation Statement
Particulars Plus Minus Marks
Items Items
(`) (`)
Balance as per Cash Book 2,14,460 — 1/2 M
(i) Cheque issued but not 7,375 — 1M
presented for payment
(ii) Cheques paid into bank but not — 1,175 1M
yet collected
(iii) Interest credited by bank but 2,150 — 1M
not entered in cash book
(iv) Bank charges debited in the — 700 1M
Pass Book
(v) Customer directly deposit in 5,000 — 1M
Bank Account
Total 2,28,985 1,875
Balance as per Pass Book — 2,27,110 1/2 M
2,28,985 2,28,985

30. Two marks each for correct explanation. 2 × 3 = 6 marks

31. (i) Any two correct differences. 2 + 2 + 4 = 8 marks
(ii) Any two needs.
(iii) Total of Purchase book Rs 4315

32. Trading & Profit and Loss A/c

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount Trading
To opening Stock 16,000 By Sales 98,800 A/c
To Purchase 35,000 By Closing Stock 21,000
To Wages 10,000 A/c
To Gross Profit 58,800 3M
1,19,800 1,19,800 Balance
To Salary 4,000 To Gross Profit 58,800 Sheet
(+) O/s 200 4,200
To Trade Expenses 5,000 By Discount Received 1,000 =8
To Dep. On 3,000 Marks
To Net Profit T/f 47,600
to Cap. A/c
59,800 59,800

Balance Sheet
As on 31st March 2019
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Capital 1,00,000 Machinery 30,000
(–) Drawing 800 (–) Dep. 3000 27,000
(+) N/P 47,600 1,46,800
Trade Payables 9,000 Building 60,000
Salary Outstanding 200 Debtros 32,000
Cash 16,000
Closing Stock 21,000
1,56,000 1,56,000

Gross Profit 83,750; Net Profit 52,750; Total of Balance Sheet


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