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Running Head: HISTORY 1

American History Questions

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Name of Institution


The Era of Reconstruction 1865-1877

Use the Youtube to answer the questions:

1. Andrew Johnson first order in office was implementing his own form of

Presidential Reconstruction. It is a proclamations series that directed seceded states to

hold conventions and elections to order to reform their civil governments.

2. It provided medical aid, food, established schools, housing and offered legal assistance. It

also attempted to settle slaves.

3. Sharecropping is when people live and work in a foreign land and in return pay taxes.

Sharecroppers could resign from work and relocate while slaves could not. Freedom is

the major difference between sharecroppers and slaves. That is sharecroppers were free

but slaves did not enjoy that kind of freedom. As a response to the growing economy of

the South, sharecroppers became prevalent. Sharecroppers gave blacks the sovereignty in

their social lives and work, and freed them from the gang-labor system which dominated.

4. Radical Republicans has two goals: to prevent former Confederates from gaining

Southern power and protect the freed people as well as giving them the rights to vote.

5. Johnson classes with congress over ex-Confederates, Reconstruction, and other

Southerners to use violence to oppose the federal government and re-establishing their


6. The 14th Amendment granted citizenship rights to all people born in America and former


7. Black codes included; vagrancy, labor contracts, apprenticeship, crimes, and

punishments. The codes helped to confine blacks’ freedom and scrub forced labor.

8. The main goal of the Reconstruction was to support the South to join the Union again.

9. The 15th Amendment (1870) established the rights for all (whites and blacks) to vote.

The main motivation behind the amendment was the desire of Republican to establish its

power in both the South and the North. Black votes would contribute to the Republican’s

desire greatly.

10. It granted blacks the right to vote

11. It restored America as a unified nation.

12. Lack of political focus was the major limitation. Freed slaves also failed to establish

long-term racial integration.

13. It was a group of leftist protestors prone to potential terror threats. It was a terrorist

organization group that incited crimes of violence and terrorism

14. The bargain resulted to the pulling out federal government out of the South.

Part 2

Question 2

It was a limited success. In America today we are still experiencing some aspects of slave trade.

For example, in diverse companies, farms, domestic labor, and making it worse sexual slavery

that involves underaged children. Although the focus has changed from the common definition

of colonial slavery, abomination cases are evident in diverse scenarios. Just like many issues

facing the world, simple prevention measures do not act as a cure to the real problem, rather it

has advanced to benefit and profit really bad people in our society. Strict measures should be put

in place to try end this abomination.

Question 3

The 13th Amendment played a major role of banning slavery and all spontaneous enslavement,

with exceptions for the castigation for a crime. The 14th Amendment on the other side defined

citizen rights. A citizen is an individual born in or as well naturalized in America. Unlike the 13th

Amendment, the 14th Amendment provided equal protection of the law despite of the race, color,

and ethnicity.

Go West Young Man: Westward Expansion 1840-1900

Use the Youtube link to answer the questions

1. Manifest Destiny was the idea of expanding USA dominion and spread democracy and

capitalism across America.

2. At first 1000 settles. Upwards 50,000 people used the trail annually.

3. It consisted of the present-day California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico,

Wyoming, and Colorado.

4. He repelled because Iturbide had dissolved the Constituent Congress.

5. The battle between the between the Republic of Texas and Mexico.

6. By taking Santa as a prisoner

7. It was about fulfilling America’s manifest destiny of expanding its boundaries across the

entire North American continent.

8. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo concluded the Mexican-American War in favor of

America and recognized the Rio Grande as America's southern boundary.

9. Because of the growing gold mining.


10. Cattle barons and mining firms discriminated Chinese immigrants and Mexican

Americans workers in terms of payment terms and pay and working conditions. 

11. To exclude slavery from the Mexican Cession.

12. It overturned the Missouri Compromise and did not solve the overall slavery issue.

13. The government did not display their ideals in ideals of equality, rights of life,

governance to all people. The country is still facing these problems including liberty,

equality, democracy, individualism, unity, and diversity.

Part 2

Question 1

The Manifest Destiny is a principle used in the 19th-century which was used by the

native United States of America. It was used to develop diverse states of America. The idea of

“Manifest Destiny” principle influenced the American’s Westward Migration significantly. In

essence, it made that migration more feasible through the expansion of the Western territories.

The notion of this belief made the people of the United States to feel superior in another of ways

as compared to other diversities in the world. They were acknowledged to have a superior form

of government. In addition, they were postulated to have a superior religion and culture. With

regards to the above denotations about Americans, they belief that they were destined by God in

a number of ways, the primary being the expansion of their territory. The latter influenced

westward migration.

The philosophy of “Manifest Destiny” was significant in varied ways. The belief helped

to establish the growth of America’s Territory. Secondly, it was important as it influenced the

start of the Mexican-American War. This is because, they believed that they deserved vast land

as compared to their minorities - the Mexicans. The America’s principle that was God-given

helped them to reclaim the land from Mexicans. Within the same inference, the Americans took

land from the Indians because of their belief. They believed that the population of Indians was

inferior and they did not deserve the land that they had occupied. The government of America set

out to relocate them and occupy the Western land who believed that they could use the land well.

Industrialization and the Rise of Big Business, 1870-1900

Question 3

Before the industrial revolution, most household products were purchased locally with

limited alternatives. New shopping opportunities opened up for the rural and the working-class in

urban America. They had a variety of products to shop at an ever-decreasing prices. Those in the

rural areas benefited from the new model of business (mail-order catalogs) by placing their

orders through telephone. The working class who worked for long hours had the same benefits

too. Besides, they were both beneficiaries of purchasing goods on credit. The working class

could same time and easily purchase goods through visiting stores or by placing orders via

telephone. The working class benefited from cheap housing in the urban centers.

Although industrialization was associated with many positive effects, there were also some

negative elements that faced both the working class and people in rural areas. They were

attributed to poor living conditions, poor working conditions, low wages, and child labor.

Pollution was a general effect for industrialization. Young children were seen working in dirty

and dangerous environments with no basic protection of the government. The working class were

exploited by the mine owners and wealth factory owners.

Question 4

In this era significant tensions between the employers and employees are evident.

Employees struggled with the challenges of industrialized work and the changing consumerism

of America culture.

The consumer culture was characterized with greater alternatives, easier accessibility, and

improved goods in the market with at lower prices. This meant that all the Americans regardless

of their household income could shop easily. Rural people could shop via mail order while those

in urban centers would shop at varied stores. This increased the validity of more options to shop

for both the poor and the rich. The increased option led to the rise in marketing due to business

competition for more customers. In addition, the opportunity to shop on credit meant that most

people could have their products even without liquid cash. The result was a society that had

better living standards, even as they worked for long hours to pay for their debts.

The Growing Pain of Urbanization, 1870-1900

Question 1

This century was characterized with significant great changes. Economics and science

were established during this period. The economy suffered two robust industrial revolutions. The

first revolution happened between 1750 and 1840. The second revolution happened between

1880 and 1914. William Whewell in 1833 established science. The term “scientific” become the

norm of language during this period. The ideologies of the past century laid the basis for

bourgeois revolutions. This is the revolutions that expanded the world by means of the

imperialism. This led to the establishment of an alliance between the American government and

the workers' movement. The coalition was purposely meant to evade the workers’ triumph. The

government of America also yielded universal suffrage. During this era philosophy were

established. Other principles such as absolute dialectical materialism, idealism, nationalism, as

well as nihilism were established. Art was also established to inductee the avant-garde process.

Art establishment however, was cemented in various movements including the Impressionism

movement. Cinematography and some animation elements were also established towards the end

of this century. Migration also suffered as a result of the industrial revolution. Revolution

resulted to urbanization changing the demographic of many regions. This led to housing issues in

major towns.

The most challenging effect was to absorb the growing work force, house them, as well

as improve their quality of life. Given all above changes that were brought about by revolution,

social class emanated leading to social movement. The latter effect, is that the emergence of the

social movement that had an object of reclaiming rights of people from ruling class.

Question 2

Since the industrial revolution, America’s strong tendency to corporate/capitalistic

monopoly, has forced the social structures (Urbanization) of today onto the general population…

in the land of the free, welcome to 2020. Elites have continued prosper in the American

Oligarchy, at the expense and degradation of the once prosperous middle class. Now that the

world has passed “peak oil,” and we move to a future with diminished oil supplies - the suburban

concept will likely become logistically un sustainable - from a transportation perspective.

The career workplace “as the lifestyle of America” in the 1940s - 1980s has now mostly

evaporated. The way ahead is paved with the pension crisis, National Debt, increased taxation, a

drug laced and steeply declining lifestyle, dumbed down overpriced higher and public education

systems, declining health span, increasingly toxic air food and water. Many of ‘The Elites” don’t

seem to care. Their interests often do not reach beyond milking the systems and thereby

amassing more money.

Politics in the Gilded Age, 1870-1900

Question 1

Work ethic governed American communities since colonial era. The post-Civil War

generation were adults then. Its regarded as the most significant and most disreputable in the

history of United States of America. The era was generally corrupt and materialistic. The leaders

of industries vastly exploited the nation’s resources. They did it in a reckless manned that

destroyed the progress of the country. Clements (Mark Twain) was among the pioneers who

better understood both strength and weaknesses of the period well. He named the era the Gilded

Age. This is because although he was golden looking exteriorly, internally he was characterized

with an impunity of greed, corruption and most of all inequity. The term industrialization or

Industrial Age better reflects the spirit behind the period.

Cultural war emerged in the period. It was a battle between the farmers and the

industrialists. However, the war was short lived, it ended before the second half of the century.

The gap between the industrialized and the farmers grew, as the famers were set aside. The

leaders of the industry built a good relationship with workers that helped them multiply their

wealth immensely. The farmers wealth and the workers wealth could not match that of the


Question 2

The main problems that farmers faced in Americans faced during the Guiled Age period

were many. They include; over production, tariff policies, monetary policy, tax and bank

policies, differential freight rates, tenant faming, sharecropping, and crop-lein system, and loss of

status and power. during gilded age is overproduction. Despite these problems serious issues that

the farmers faced the both the Democratic and Republican parties were not willing to help solve

them out. During this period the political temperature was high. Both the Democratic parties and

the Republicans were competing for the presidential bid. Often during this time, elections were

decided by less than 1 percent of the popular vote. Considering this situation, no party was

willing to anger voters because they could destroy their bid to the rule. Therefore, both parties

neglected to take any public stances on primary issues (tariff policy and currency policy) facing

people of America. While the government tried to pursue protect tariffs and money policy, the

two parties wore cold hand on the issue smartly ignoring the demands and plights of the

Agrarians. Increase of population and immigration to the Norther was also observed due to

industrialization. In USA, political power equals population. The political parties were interested

in numbers. Farmers were inferior in the country with few numbers. Therefore, the farmers

received little interest to their difficulties from both political parties and congress.

Leading the Way: Progressive Movement, 1890-1920

Question 1

Leaders including the progressive groups were characterized with a very strong sense of

determination and purpose. However, they differed in two different personal traits which define

the societies that they lived in. They are similar in the sense that their speeches were aimed to

find a common ground among their diverse target followers. However, they are different in the

sense that, they used different strategies to gain popularity over workers. Associations who

demanded the rights of workers often used violent acts to spread their intentions. On the other

side of the coin, King's Civil Rights movement offered a Gandhi--style approach that was

peaceful during the events of claiming workers’ rights. Even though the groups had a common

goal of demanding workers’ rights, their objectives were different. For example, the associations

that fought for rights of workers did not essentially give equal provision to Women or African

Americans and vice-versa.

Question 3

First, social progressivism:

Progressive social policy was the established in the notion that the government should

have the authority to control freedom of some individuals. They believed that this was for the

greater benefit for the society. Programs set to merit one group over the others would be

considered progressive. Program that are based on the postulation that some individuals require

the government paternalism is also considered progressive. Therefore, social services, Medicaid,

public housing, Head Start, food stamps, and affirmative action would all be examples of

progressive programs. Those programs continue today because generations have become reliant

on it and vocal in their support. Politicians will not vote to end programs some people rely on for

their basic needs. Also, because people have the mistaken idea that minorities benefit the most

from these programs, they think criticism is automatically racist. They don’t think through the

assumption behind this attitude, which is the actually racist idea minorities can’t support

themselves without some form of government assistance.

This attitude should be clearly distinguished from liberalism. A liberal believes everyone should

be equal before the law and therefore opposes government programs which are not fairly

available to all citizens. Women’s rights and racial equality were liberal ideas, not progressive

ones. Social progressives like President Wilson opposed suffrage and supported white


Now, progressive economics:

The progressive movement gave the nation somewhat better results. As America became

more industrialized and urban, the need for basic regulation was obvious. Progressives supported

worker safety, laws banning child labor, and protecting the right of workers to organize into

unions. President Theodore Roosevelt signed food safety laws and supported unions against

powerful corporate interests. He championed anti-monopoly laws to keep single companies from

dominating important markets for energy, food, and transportation. This time was also the rise of

our first environmental movement to preserve open land from being mined. The national parks

started soon after.

Later, with FDR.

With FDR, we had the establishment of Social Security and other elements of a basic

safety net. FDR also instituted a major federal jobs program to address the mass unemployment

during the depression, along with further regulations on the power of Wall Street and big


These increases in government size led to the need for more government funding. The

Constitution was amended to allow for an income tax in 1913. Taxes increased throughout most

of the 20th century. What was supposed to be a tax on upper income earners instead turned into a

tax taken out of the hard-earned wages of middle- class and working-class Americans.

Progressive economic ideas were well meant and based on demonstrated public needs.

But even with higher taxes, ideas like Social Security did not come with a plan for long-term

fiscal responsibility. Social Security continues because older Americans paid into the program

for decades in the trust that it would be there for them when they retired. Lawmakers today are

hesitant to discuss reforming the system because older Americans are such a large portion of the

electorate. This lack of reform is threatening the future of the program, even as younger

generations are still forced to pay into it out of their wages.

While social progressivism was misguided or at worst openly racist, economic

progressivism did decrease poverty for older Americans and establish worker’s rights. Both

Roosevelts were economic progressives, not social progressives. Likewise, people today can be

liberal on rights and equality, but support elements of social democracy in economics. This is

still the conflict the Democrats are having today. Intervention in people’s lives, like social

progressives? Or give up failed social programs and return to FDR’s idea of the Four Freedoms,

intervening in economics instead?

Age of Empire: America Foreign Policy. 1890-1914

Question 2

After the Civil War, the United States’ relationship with the world changed in several

aspects. Slavery was outlawed in the America. The result established the American economy as

the Southerners relived on slavery for growing crops such as cotton. Besides, America started to

expand their powers across the world. In 1890 American imperialism began as they began to take

over territories for example, Philippines, Guam, and the Puerto Rico during the early 20th

century. The imperialist policy granted America the opportunity to expand their political power.

In addition, through spreading the political power, United States gained control of new resources

such as vast land that they controlled. In general, the latter grew the U.S.A economy massively.

Moreover, their support for various countries in Europe such as Germany, gave America gave

them more influence over other countries in the world.


Question 5

There are various factors that propelled the United States of America to emerge as a

military and economic powerhouse to World War II. There vast natural resources, is the first

factor. They also had a large capable work force that paid taxes to the government thus

increasing its revenue growth. Besides, before and after World War II, United States was a center

of innovation and ingenuity. Many military weapons such as the naval aircraft carrier was useful

during the war. Gunfights could be fought from distance, their innovation of effective weapons

helped them fight their enemies with “comfort” of the powerful gun ranges. Besides, many

innovators in America contributed to modern industrial innovation that boosted the economy of

the United States significantly. The great distance of the bombing raids and combat raids from

United States of America created a safe and conducive working environment compared to their

rivals such as England and Russia. For instance, England was bombed by the Germans.

Countries such as Russia were susceptible to attacks as Russia moved the its industry physical

location to the Ural Mountain Range. This forced European Russia to separate from Asian

Russia. Such ingenuity, and inspiration in industry and hard work setting would probably be as a

result of the increasing growth of America that was motivated by the pioneer spirit as well as the

rapid development of the entire continent.

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