Kir Can Ski 2017
Kir Can Ski 2017
Kir Can Ski 2017
To cite this article: Katharina Kircanski, Renee J. Thompson, James Sorenson, Lindsey Sherdell
& Ian H. Gotlib (2017): The everyday dynamics of rumination and worry: precipitant events and
affective consequences, Cognition and Emotion, DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2017.1278679
A growing literature is documenting that rumination and unique precipitants and consequences of these
and worry are perseverative, negative thought pro- thought processes. Given that rumination and worry
cesses that cut across mood and anxiety disorders are increasing foci of psychological treatments for
(e.g. Drost, van der Does, van Hemert, Penninx, & Spin- emotional disorders (reviewed in Querstret & Cropley,
hoven, 2014; Ehring & Watkins, 2008; Gruber, Eidel- 2013), a greater understanding of their proximal
man, & Harvey, 2008; McEvoy, Watson, Watkins, & causes and effects has clear implications for treatment
Nathan, 2013; Ruscio et al., 2015; Ruscio, Seitchik, targets and outcomes. Such understanding requires
Gentes, Jones, & Hallion, 2011; Yook, Kim, Suh, & Lee, explication of the naturalistic dynamics of rumination
2010). Indeed, the constructs of rumination and and worry. In the present study, we used an experience
worry are included in the National Institute of Mental sampling methodology (ESM) to examine and compare
Health Research Domain Criteria (NIMH RDoC), which rumination and worry in their temporal relations to
support transdiagnostic research. Previous investi- everyday events as key precipitants, and to affective
gators have examined the overlapping and distinctive experiences as key consequences.
characteristics of rumination and worry, such as their Both rumination and worry involve repetitive, nega-
associated thought content (e.g. Ehring & Watkins, tively valenced thinking (Ehring & Watkins, 2008). Rumi-
2008; Kircanski, Thompson, Sorenson, Sherdell, & nation is theorised to focus on the past and one’s own
Gotlib, 2015; McLaughlin, Borkovec, & Sibrava, 2007; distress (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991); worry is posited to
Papageorgiou & Wells, 1999; Watkins, Moulds, & Mack- focus on the future and on potential negative out-
intosh, 2005). Far fewer studies have probed the shared comes (Borkovec, Robinson, Pruzinsky, & DePree,
1983). These proposed characteristics of rumination physiological monitoring, and found that worry sur-
and worry have been supported by the findings of lab- rounding daily stressors prolonged cardiac activation.
oratory research. Historically, much of this work has To date, no ESM study of everyday events has inte-
used self-report or experimental methods to examine grated assessments of rumination and worry, an
rumination in the context of Major Depressive Disorder approach that is necessary in order to directly
(MDD) and worry in the context of Generalized Anxiety compare their precipitating conditions.
Disorder (GAD) (reviewed in Borkovec, Alcaine, & Behar, With respect to everyday consequences of rumina-
2004; Nolen-Hoeksema, Wisco, & Lyubomirsky, 2008). In tion and worry, affective experience has long been
a recent study, we extended these findings by utilising considered an important outcome of perseverative
ESM to examine individuals’ naturalistic experiences of thinking (Borkovec et al., 1983; Nolen-Hoeksema,
rumination and worry. Notably, persons diagnosed with 1991). In this context, ESM studies with both clinical
MDD only, GAD only, and co-occurring MDD–GAD were (e.g. Ruscio et al., 2015) and community (e.g.
highly consistent with one another in the features Moberly & Watkins, 2008a, 2008b) samples have docu-
that they reported of rumination and worry in daily mented deleterious effects of momentary rumination
life, underscoring that these constructs are transdiag- on subsequent levels of positive and negative affect.
nostic as opposed to disorder specific (Kircanski et al., This work is consistent with Alloy and colleagues’
2015). (2000) model of stress-reactive rumination, which
Beyond characterising the content and frequency posits that rumination precedes increases in negative
of perseverative thinking, research also has begun to affect and depressed mood. Although the naturalistic
examine the precipitants of rumination and worry, influence of worry on affect has not yet been exam-
particularly life events and stressors. Most prior ined using ESM, there is reason to believe that worry
studies have focused on major life events (reviewed may differ from rumination in its affective conse-
in Brosschot, Gerin, & Thayer, 2006; Nolen-Hoeksema quences. While the tripartite model of depression
et al., 2008; Smith & Alloy, 2009). For example, in and anxiety (Clark & Watson, 1991) suggests that rumi-
several longitudinal investigations, higher levels of nation and worry are both associated with increased
rumination surrounding major stressors (e.g. trauma, negative affect, findings are mixed regarding the
death of a loved one) were demonstrated to increase effects of experimentally induced worry on sub-
the likelihood of experiencing subsequent depression sequent affect (e.g. Llera & Newman, 2010; McLaugh-
and anxiety (e.g. Abela & Hankin, 2011; Michl, lin et al., 2007). Conceptually, whereas rumination
McLaughlin, Shepherd, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2013; involves a focus on one’s negative feelings and pro-
Nolen-Hoeksema & Morrow, 1991; Nolen-Hoeksema, blems, worry has been posited to function to cogni-
Parker, & Larson, 1994). By definition, worry centres tively avoid highly aversive material (reviewed in
on life domains or events (e.g. work, finances) (Amer- Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 2008). Moreover, recent
ican Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013), indicating an theory suggests that worry serves to sustain chronic,
association between these constructs. Although worry low-level negative affect in order to prevent experien-
is considered to be future-oriented, events that have cing a subsequent strong emotional shift from a
occurred (e.g. an evaluation at work) may prompt neutral or positive state to a negative state. Indeed,
worry about their future occurrences or implications experiencing such an emotional contrast is aversive
(e.g. whether one will be fired) (Nolen-Hoeksema to individuals with GAD (Llera & Newman, 2014;
et al., 2008). Surprisingly little research, however, has Newman & Llera, 2011). Therefore, it is plausible that
examined event-related worry in the same manner worry serves to sustain, rather than to change,
as rumination. A small body of work has examined levels of negative and positive affect in the service
rumination or worry in response to everyday, as of avoiding emotional contrast. Accordingly, we pre-
opposed to major, life events. Ruscio and colleagues dicted that momentary worry would not significantly
(2015) found that individuals with MDD, GAD, and change subsequent levels of negative and positive
co-occurring MDD–GAD all reported higher levels of affect.
rumination following experiences that they had The aim of the present study was to assess and
rated as at least moderately stressful than did individ- compare the everyday dynamics of rumination and
uals with no psychiatric diagnosis (see also Moberly & worry to inform theory and clinical application. We uti-
Watkins, 2008b). In addition, Pieper and colleagues lised ESM data from the same sample reported in Kir-
(2007) conducted concurrent ESM and ambulatory canski et al. (2015), which included clinical participants
diagnosed with MDD, GAD, and co-occurring MDD– GAD currently or within the past 24 months. Partici-
GAD. In that study, we found that mean levels of pants in the GAD group (n = 15) met diagnostic criteria
both momentary rumination and momentary worry for current GAD, and did not have a diagnosis of MDD
did not differ among the three diagnostic groups. currently or within the past 24 months. Participants in
Based on those strong transdiagnostic findings and the co-occurring MDD–GAD group (n = 20) met diag-
results of other ESM research (e.g. Ruscio et al., nostic criteria for both current MDD and current
2015), and to increase statistical power for the analysis GAD. Although DSM-IV lists a criterion in which GAD
of events in the comparison of rumination and worry, caseness is not met when this disorder occurs only
we examined the clinical participants (i.e. the MDD, in the context of MDD, the empirical literature and a
GAD, and MDD–GAD participants) as a single com- DSM-5 work group have indicated multiple problems
bined group. We expected to identify both common with this criterion (e.g. Andrews et al., 2010; Lawrence,
and unique dynamics of rumination and worry. First, Liverant, Rosellini, & Brown, 2009); therefore, the hier-
we hypothesised that levels of rumination and worry archy rule was not applied. For the present study, we
both would increase following everyday events, par- examined the clinical participants in a single com-
ticularly events that were rated as more stressful. We bined group (n = 51). Participants in the CTL group
also examined additional aspects of everyday events, (n = 19) did not meet criteria for any current or lifetime
including the extent to which the events were con- Axis I disorder. The sample size for the study was con-
sidered important, controllable, and expected. sistent with the initial report (Kircanski et al., 2015),
Second, we hypothesised that higher levels of rumina- which used power calculations to determine sample
tion at a given time point would be associated with size. Diagnostic evaluations were audio recorded.
decreases in positive affect and increases in negative Twenty-five per cent of audio recordings were ran-
affect at the subsequent time point. In contrast, domly selected across eligible and ineligible partici-
levels of worry were hypothesised to exhibit no such pants in order for a different, blinded interviewer to
affective consequences. re-rate current diagnoses of MDD and GAD. Inter-
rater reliability was excellent for classifying the pres-
ence/absence both of MDD (k = 1.00) and of GAD
Method (k = 0.87).
Participants returned to the laboratory for a second
Participants and procedure
time to complete self-report measures and tasks. Par-
Adult women ages 18–50 years completed the study. ticipants were given a hand-held electronic device
The sample included only women both to strengthen (Palm Pilot Z22) and were trained to use the device
statistical power and because prevalence of rates and ESM items, including completing a practice ESM
MDD, GAD, and co-occurring MDD–GAD are twice as prompt in the laboratory with experimenter guidance.
high in women as in men (Kendler, Gardner, Gatz, & Participants also received take-home instructions that
Pedersen, 2007). Participants were recruited through included the descriptions of the ESM items. The Palm
online advertisements and local psychiatric clinics. units were programmed using ESP 4.0 software
An initial telephone interview was used to screen par- (Barrett & Feldman-Barrett, 2000), tailored to prompt
ticipants for inclusion and exclusion criteria. Exclusion participants eight times per day during a 12-hour
criteria were: not fluent in English; history of learning period between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. (based on partici-
disabilities, severe head trauma, psychotic symptoms, pants’ waking times and bedtimes) for seven to
or bipolar disorder; and current alcohol or substance eight consecutive days. Prompt occurrences were ran-
abuse or dependence as defined by the Diagnostic domised within 90-minute intervals (M = 96 min, SD =
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; 37 min). If participants did not begin responding to a
DSM-IV; APA, 1994). Individuals identified as likely to prompt within five minutes, data for that prompt was
meet inclusion criteria participated in a diagnostic recorded as missing. Participants were given
interview, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV additional compensation if they responded to 90%
Axis I Disorders (SCID-I; First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Wil- or more of the prompts. Consistent with the previous
liams, 1996) based on DSM-IV-TR criteria, administered ESM report in this sample (Kircanski et al., 2015) and
in the laboratory by a highly trained interviewer. Par- other ESM studies (e.g. Bylsma, Taylor-Clift, & Rotten-
ticipants in the MDD group (n = 16) met diagnostic cri- berg, 2011), one participant who did not respond to
teria for current MDD, and did not have a diagnosis of at least five prompts was excluded from the data
set. The ESM protocol was approved by the Stanford Given the unpredictable nature of many everyday
University Institutional Review Board. events, we expected ratings of these dimensions to
vary within participants across prompts. Nevertheless,
for the purpose of establishing the statistical reliability
ESM measures
of these items, ICCs were computed for event stressful-
For the present study, we examined ESM items corre- ness, importance, controllability, and expectedness, as
sponding to rumination and worry, significant events the proportion of inter-subject variability to total varia-
(occurrence, stressfulness, importance, controllability, bility using restricted maximum likelihood estimates.
and expectedness), and positive and negative affect. The ICC represents the mean correlation between
Other ESM items were included in the larger protocol, ratings of an item at two prompts for a given partici-
but were not the focus of the current study. pant. The statistical significance of each ICC value was
evaluated using a Wald test, H0: ICC = 0 (Snijders &
Rumination and worry Bosker, 2011). ICCs were significantly greater than
At each prompt, participants reported on their zero for event stressfulness, ICC = 0.32, Z = 3.15,
momentary levels of rumination and worry using p < .005, event importance, ICC = 0.27, Z = 3.08, p-
two separate items with 100-point visual analog < .005, event controllability, ICC = 0.16, Z = 2.22, p
scales (1 = not at all, 100 = very much so). Rumination: = .03, and event expectedness, ICC = 0.24, Z = 2.92, p
“At the time of the beep, I was dwelling on my feelings < .005, indicating appropriate reliability or within-
and problems”. Worry: “At the time of the beep, I was subject nesting of observations.
worried about things that could happen”. These items
were based on prior ESM studies (e.g. Hartley, Positive and negative affect
Haddock, Vasconcelos e Sa, Emsley, & Barrowclough, At each prompt, participants reported on their
2014; Moberly & Watkins, 2008a) and were pilot- momentary levels of positive affect (PA) and negative
tested for feasibility and clarity. In the current affect (NA). Specifically, participants rated the degree
sample, both items were reliable within persons (intra- to which they felt each of five positive emotions
class correlation [ICC] for rumination: 0.35; ICC for (calm, contented, interested, happy, excited) and five
worry: 0.43), and demonstrated good convergent negative emotions (bored, sad, irritable, nervous,
and discriminant validity with questionnaire assess- angry) using a five-point Likert scale (1 = not at all; 5
ments of rumination and worry in the laboratory (Kir- = extremely). These items were selected based on
canski et al., 2015). prior work, including the Positive and Negative
Affect Schedule (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988)
Significant events and Ekman’s basic emotions (e.g. Ekman, Friesen, &
At each prompt, participants were asked if they had Ellsworth, 1972), and were designed to encompass
experienced a significant event since the previous both low- and high-arousal emotions. Ratings for the
prompt. If participants endorsed “yes”, they received five positive emotions at each prompt were averaged
a series of subsequent items corresponding to to compute level of PA, and ratings for the five nega-
several dimensions of the event, all of which used tive emotions at each prompt were averaged to
five-point Likert scales. For the present analyses, par- compute level of NA. ICCs were significantly greater
ticipants rated the subjective stressfulness of the than zero for both PA, ICC = 0.47, Z = 5.67, p < .001,
event (Event stressfulness: 1 = not at all stressful; 5 = and NA, ICC = 0.47, Z = 5.70, p < .001.
extremely stressful). In addition, participants rated the
subjective importance of the event (Event importance:
Self-report questionnaires
1 = a little bit important; 5 = extremely important), sub-
jective controllability of the event (Event controllability: Participants completed several self-report question-
1 = very uncontrollable; 5 = very controllable), and sub- naires prior to beginning the ESM protocol. Partici-
jective expectedness of the event (Event expectedness: pants completed the Beck Depression Inventory
1 = very unexpected; 5 = very expected). For each event, (BDI-II; Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996) to assess the sever-
participants also were asked to categorise the domain, ity of MDD symptoms, and the Generalized Anxiety
valence, and frequency; however, due to very low Disorder Questionnaire-IV (GAD-Q-IV; Newman et al.,
rates of each specific event type, these data were 2002) to assess the severity of GAD symptoms. Both
not examined in relation to rumination and worry. of these measures have strong psychometric
properties (e.g. Dozois, Dobson, & Ahnberg, 1998; Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the clinical and
Robinson, Klenck, & Norton, 2010). In the current CTL groups.
sample, internal consistency reliability was strong Clinical group CTL group
Variable M (SD) or % M (SD) or %
among the items of the BDI-II (α = .96) and among
Age 32.96 (9.40) 34.68 (9.88)
the dimensional items of the GAD-Q-IV (α = .81), with % college educated 66.7% 68.4%
the dichotomous items summed to create a continu- Race/ethnicity†
ous item (see Rodebaugh, Holaway, & Heimberg, Non-Hispanic White 58.8% 66.7%
Hispanic 7.8% 0%
2008). Participants also completed the Ruminative African-American 3.9% 11.1%
Response Scale (RRS; Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen- Asian-American 17.6% 5.6%
Hoeksema, 2003) to assess trait rumination, and the Mixed race/other 11.8% 16.7%
% prompt completion 64.0% 65.1%
Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ; Meyer, BDI-II* 25.08 (11.91) 1.47 (2.63)
Miller, Metzger, & Borkovec, 1990) to assess trait GAD-Q-IV* 9.80 (3.06) 1.89 (2.23)
worry. The RRS Brooding Subscale was selected to RRS brooding†* 13.80 (3.39) 6.44 (1.20)
PSWQ* 61.25 (13.20) 40.79 (12.48)
measure maladaptive rumination (Nolen-Hoeksema GAF* 57.76 (6.99) 89.37 (8.75)
et al., 2008; Treynor et al., 2003). Psychometric proper- Note: Clinical = Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Generalized Anxiety
ties are excellent for both the RRS Brooding Subscale Disorder (GAD), and co-occurring MDD–GAD participants combined;
and the PSWQ (e.g. Molina & Borkovec, 1994; CTL = no past or current psychiatric disorder; BDI-II = Beck
Depression Inventory-II; GAD-Q-IV = Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Treynor et al., 2003). In the current sample, internal Questionnaire-IV; RRS Brooding = Ruminative Response Scale Brood-
consistency reliability was strong among the items ing Subscale; PSWQ = Penn State Worry Questionnaire; GAF = Global
of the RRS Brooding Subscale (α = .87) and of the Axis of Functioning. †For each variable, data were missing for one
CTL participant. *Significant group comparison, p < .001.
PSWQ (α = .94).
Level 1 Model for rumination (prompt level; same Table 3. Dimensions of significant events predicting changes in
equation used for worry): momentary rumination and worry in clinical and control groups.
coeff. SE t
Ruminationij(t) = b0j + b1j (event stressfulnesst )
Event stressfulnesst, clinical group (γ10) 7.39 1.58 4.67***
+ b2j (event importancet )
CTL group contrast (γ11) −9.90 2.86 −3.46**
Event importancet, clinical group (γ20) −4.00 1.66 −2.41*
+ b3j (event controllabilityt ) CTL group contrast (γ21) 4.25 2.33 1.82
Event controllabilityt, clinical group (γ30) −0.51 1.09 −0.47
+ b4j (event expectednesst ) CTL group contrast (γ31) −1.23 1.85 −0.67
Event expectednesst, clinical group (γ40) −1.01 1.33 −0.76
+ b5j (ruminationt−1 ) CTL group contrast (γ41) −1.85 1.71 −1.08
+ b6j (worryt ) + rij . Event stressfulnesst, clinical group (γ10) 2.10 1.91 1.10
CTL group contrast (γ11) 4.06 3.81 1.07
The Level 2 models were parallel in form to those Event importancet, clinical group (γ20) 0.70 1.25 0.56
CTL group contrast (γ21) −0.21 2.97 −0.07
reported earlier, using the clinical group as the refer- Event controllabilityt, clinical group (γ30) 0.92 1.57 0.58
ence group and the CTL group as the contrast group. CTL group contrast (γ31) 0.58 3.48 0.17
Complete results are presented in Table 3. With Event expectednesst, clinical group (γ40) −1.38 1.43 −0.96
CTL group contrast (γ41) 1.60 1.94 0.83
respect to rumination, as hypothesised, in the clinical
Note: CTL = no past or current psychiatric disorder (n = 16). Clinical
group momentary level of rumination increased group represents the estimate in the MDD, GAD, and MDD–GAD
more strongly in response to events that were rated groups combined (n = 45). CTL group contrast represents the differ-
as more stressful, p < .001. However, level of rumina- ence between the estimates in the clinical group and the CTL group.
t denotes a given prompt; t-1 denotes the previous prompt. Effects
tion also increased more strongly in response to for the rumination and worry covariates are not presented; see
events that were rated as less important, p = .02. models of event occurrence for the effects of these covariates,
Level of rumination did not change as a function of Table 2, which did not significantly differ from those in the
current models. Effects are denoted only when they are statistically
reported event controllability, p = .64, or expected- significant. *p < .05; **p ≤ .01; ***p < .001.
ness, p = .45. With respect to worry, contrary to
hypotheses, in the clinical group momentary level of
worry did not change as a function of reported between the clinical and CTL groups are presented
event stressfulness, p = .28, importance, p = .58, con- in Table 3. With respect to the significant contrasts, a
trollability, p = .56, or expectedness, p = .34. Contrasts follow-up model with the groups reverse-coded indi-
cated that in the CTL group, level of rumination did
Table 2. Occurrences of significant events predicting changes in not change as a function of reported event stressful-
momentary rumination and worry in clinical and control groups. ness, p = .30.
Coeff. SE t
Ruminationt Positive and negative affect as consequences
Event occurrencet, clinical group (γ10) 7.43 2.80 2.65** of rumination and worry
CTL group contrast (γ11) −11.66 4.10 −2.84**
Ruminationt−1, clinical group (γ20) 0.16 0.03 5.16*** Initial multilevel models indicated that the clinical
CTL group contrast (γ21) −0.02 0.06 −0.40 group reported lower mean PA than did the CTL
Worryt, clinical group (γ30) 0.53 0.04 12.80***
CTL group contrast (γ31) −0.01 0.08 −0.18 group (clinical group: M = 2.26, SE = 0.07; CTL group:
Worryt M = 2.89, SE = 0.12), t(68) = 4.63, p < .001, and higher
Event occurrencet, clinical group (γ10) 0.25 1.67 0.15 mean NA than did the CTL group (clinical group:
CTL group contrast (γ11) 6.57 2.71 2.43*
Worryt−1, clinical group (γ20) 0.09 0.03 2.78** M = 1.83, SE = 0.06; CTL group: M = 1.19, SE = 0.03),
CTL group contrast (γ21) −0.11 0.05 −2.33* t(68) = −8.99, p < .001.
Ruminationt, clinical group (γ30) 0.48 0.04 12.42***
CTL group contrast (γ31) 0.12 0.09 1.22
Positive affect
Note: CTL = no past or current psychiatric disorder (n = 19). Clinical
group represents the estimate in the MDD, GAD, and MDD–GAD For the primary analyses, we examined changes in PA
groups combined (n = 51). CTL group contrast represents the differ- and NA as consequences of rumination and worry.
ence between the estimates in the clinical group and the CTL group. First, we conducted a multilevel analysis predicting
t denotes a given prompt; t-1 denotes the previous prompt. All cov-
ariates are presented. Effects are denoted only when they are stat- momentary level of PA at a given prompt (t) as a func-
istically significant. *p < .05; **p ≤ 01; ***p < .001. tion of levels of rumination and worry at the previous
prompt (t-1). The analysis controlled for level of PA at analysis controlled for level of NA at the previous
the previous prompt (t-1); thus, results reflect the prompt (t–1).
change in level of PA following rumination and Level 1 Model (prompt level):
worry (consistent with the procedures of previous
NAij(t) = b0j + b1j (ruminationt−1 ) + b2j (worryt−1 )
ESM studies examining the effects of rumination on
affect; e.g. ; Pe, Raes, Koval, et al., 2013; Pe, Raes, & + b3j (NAt−1 ) + rij .
Kuppens, 2013).
At Level 2, we conducted the model using the clinical
Level 1 Model (prompt level):
group as the reference group and the CTL group as
PAij(t) = b0j + b1j (ruminationt−1 ) + b2j (worryt−1 ) the contrast group.
+ b3j (PAt−1 ) + rij . Complete results are presented in Table 4. With
respect to rumination, as hypothesised, in the clinical
At Level 2, we conducted the model using the clinical group higher levels of rumination at a given prompt
group as the reference group and the CTL group as predicted greater increases in NA at the subsequent
the contrast group. prompt, p = .04. Also as hypothesised, higher levels
Complete results are presented in Table 4. With of worry at a given prompt did not produce changes
respect to rumination, as hypothesised, in the clinical in NA at the subsequent prompt, p = .32. Contrasts
group higher levels of rumination at a given prompt between the clinical and CTL groups are presented
predicted greater decreases in PA at the subsequent in Table 4. With respect to the significant contrasts, a
prompt, p = .049. Also as hypothesised, higher levels follow-up model with the groups reverse-coded indi-
of worry at a given prompt did not produce changes cated that in the CTL group, higher levels of worry pre-
in PA at the subsequent prompt, p = .35. Contrasts dicted greater decreases in NA at the subsequent
between the clinical and CTL groups, none of which prompt, p = .03.
were significant, are presented in Table 4.
This is the first ESM investigation to integrate response to events. However, given that clinical par-
assessments of both rumination and worry in relation ticipants’ simple report of an event having occurred
to everyday events. Intriguingly, the clinical partici- served to increase their rumination, investigators
pants’ simple report of an event having occurred and clinicians should note that rumination in MDD
since the previous prompt, regardless of its character- and GAD may be susceptible to a wide variety of
istics, significantly increased their level of rumination. daily events, not only to negative, unexpected, or
In the analysis of event dimensions, greater subjective uncontrollable events as are typically considered.
stressfulness of an event was shown to predict a stron- Contrary to predictions, for the clinical participants,
ger increase in rumination for clinical participants. This level of worry did not change significantly as a func-
finding supports theory linking rumination to life tion of the occurrence or dimensions of everyday
stress (e.g. Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 1994), here at the events. Therefore, although the content of worry
daily level as opposed to major life events (see also centres on life domains and stressors (APA, 2013),
Moberly & Watkins, 2008b; Ruscio et al., 2015). Impor- the precise level of worry at a given point in time
tantly, however, the subjective controllability and may be more internally generated than tied to the
expectedness of events were not associated with experience of external life events. Taken together
changes in rumination; in fact, contrary to intuition, with the findings for everyday events and rumination,
events that were rated as less subjectively important these results suggest that interventions targeting
were associated with stronger increases in rumination. rumination and worry might focus differently on
One potential explanation that might be useful in daily events as augmenting factors. For example,
attempting to understand this latter finding is pro- whereas interventions to reduce rumination might
vided by control theories (see Carver & Scheier, involve the deliberate practice of skills following
1982; Martin & Tesser, 1996; elaborated by Watkins, daily events, clinical reduction of worry may focus
2008). These theories propose that stressors (e.g. a more on self-generated dynamics (e.g. mindfulness
failure experience) activate discrepancies between skills for spontaneous rises in worry). Of course, rumi-
individuals’ actual and desired states, and that rumina- nation and worry may be addressed collectively in
tion serves to resolve such discrepancies, sometimes treatments that broadly target perseverative negative
by downgrading the subjective importance of the thought (see Querstret & Cropley, 2013). Even in such
events (e.g. telling oneself that the domain in which treatments, however, it is likely to be particularly valu-
failure occurred is not important) (see Michl et al., able to assess the diverse everyday situations in which
2013). Thus, in the current study, higher levels of rumi- rumination is generated.
nation may have been serving the function of down- Rumination also exhibited stronger prospective
grading the subjective importance of everyday affective consequences than did worry, indicating
events (however, see Moberly & Watkins, 2010). Alter- that rumination carries the emotional “weight” of per-
natively, it is possible that individuals are more likely severative negative thought. Findings that rumination
to perceive themselves to be dwelling or ruminating was associated with a decrease in positive affect and
excessively following events for which perseverative increase in negative affect were consistent with
thinking does not seem justifiable (i.e. unimportant results reported in previous studies (e.g. Moberly &
events). In contrast, repeatedly thinking about highly Watkins, 2008a, 2008b; Ruscio et al., 2015), and under-
important events may be viewed by individuals as score the deleterious impact of rumination on sub-
more reasonable and, therefore, may be experienced sequent positive and negative affect (Alloy et al.,
less as dwelling. 2000). Based on emotional contrast avoidance
Descriptive results indicated that the clinical par- theory (Llera & Newman, 2014; Newman & Llera,
ticipants were more likely to report events, and specifi- 2011), we had predicted that worry would sustain
cally more stressful and negative events, than were but not significantly change subsequent levels of
control participants. These findings are consistent negative and positive affect. Thus, despite the overlap-
with previous research examining the heightened ping features of rumination and worry, they appear to
experience of stressful events in depression and have distinct effects on subsequent naturalistic
anxiety (reviewed in Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 2008; emotions. Importantly, descriptive associations indi-
Smith & Alloy, 2009), including ESM studies (e.g. cated that within prompts for clinical participants,
Thompson et al., 2012), and may help to account for higher levels of both rumination and worry were
clinical participants’ greater tendency to ruminate in associated with decreased positive affect and
increased negative affect. That is, while worry was con- schedule, may help to increase response rates. Third,
currently associated with emotional distress, worry did significant events were endorsed at relatively low
not drive subsequent changes in positive or negative rates in both the clinical and control groups, which
affect as did rumination. These results have impli- may have limited our power to detect effects. The
cations for overarching theories of perseverative ESM approach we took in this study differed from
negative thought (e.g. Ehring & Watkins, 2008), by that taken by Ruscio and colleagues (2015) who at
emphasising the need to incorporate both the every prompt asked participants to identify and rate
shared and unique aspects of rumination and worry. the most stressful experience that had occurred
Moreover, the current findings suggest that when tar- since the previous prompt. While this latter approach
geting rumination clinically, one goal may be for indi- likely increased power through frequency of assess-
viduals to experience less subsequent change in affect ment, it was not confined to events per se, given the
over time. Conversely, targeting worry may involve wording of the item. In future ESM studies of everyday
having individuals experience greater shifts away from events, it may be fruitful to use a combined assess-
positive emotion and towards negative emotion as ment approach in which significant events are first
individuals learn to tolerate such affective contrasts queried, followed by having participants identify the
(Llera & Newman, 2014; Newman & Llera, 2011). most subjectively stressful experience since the pre-
We should note that, in healthy control partici- vious prompt. Fourth, we did not assess the ongoing
pants, level of rumination was not affected by event activities in which participants were engaged and
occurrence and stressfulness as was the case in clinical that contextualised their perseverative thinking and
participants. In contrast, however, in control partici- affective experience. Further research using ESM
pants level of worry increased following event occur- should directly investigate the activities or contexts
rence and predicted decreases in negative affect, in which rumination and worry are activated,
indicating that it is normative for worry to be tied to perhaps in a person-specific manner in order to ident-
daily events and may function adaptively in this ify individualised treatment targets (Fisher, 2015).
group. Levels of rumination were similarly related to In sum, in the first ESM study to directly compare
affective experience in clinical and control partici- the everyday dynamics of rumination and worry, we
pants. Here, however, we should reiterate that found distinct relations with both daily events and
overall levels of rumination and worry in the control affective experience. Despite the shared character-
group were significantly lower than were those in istics of rumination and worry, these two forms of
the clinical group (see Kircanski et al., 2015). In repetitive negative thought appear to have unique
addition, as we described earlier, the control group precipitants and consequences in daily life. In the
reported fewer significant events, higher positive broader psychopathology literature, a movement
affect, and lower negative affect than did the clinical towards transdiagnostic constructs encourages
group. Therefore, the dynamics of rumination and further investigation of rumination and worry across
worry still would be expected to disproportionately a wide range of affected clinical populations. Future
affect individuals with MDD, GAD, and co-occurring research should continue to elucidate the shared
MDD–GAD. and unique aspects of rumination and worry, with a
There are several limitations of the present study significant focus on biological correlates and optimal
warranting discussion. First, we studied women in treatment strategies.
this investigation, based on their higher prevalence
of MDD and GAD (Kendler et al., 2007) and in order
to enhance statistical power. Future studies should Notes
examine the generalisability of these findings to
1. We conducted exploratory models comparing the clinical
men. Second, a previous ESM protocol in our labora- diagnoses to each other (e.g., MDD vs. GAD). With two
tory had a slightly higher overall prompt response exceptions, the results indicated no significant differ-
rate than that in the current study (Thompson et al., ences among the clinical diagnoses. First, participants
2012). Other research groups, however, have reported with GAD reported an increase in rumination following
lower ESM response rates in clinical groups than we events that were rated as less controllable, whereas par-
ticipants with co-occurring MDD-GAD were significantly
did in the present study (Hartley et al., 2014). In less likely to do so, and did not show any such association
future investigations, a reduced overall number or fre- (GAD group: b = −7.89, SE = 2.62; MDD–GAD group: b =
quency of ESM items, or a titrated compensation 1.91, SE = 1.54; t(41) = 3.23, p < .01). Second, participants
with MDD reported an increase in worry following events Lifetime history of axis I psychopathology in individuals at
that were rated as more controllable, whereas partici- high and low cognitive risk for depression. Journal of
pants with co-occurring MDD–GAD were less likely to Abnormal Psychology, 109(3), 403–418.
do so, and did not show any such association (MDD American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statisti-
group: b = 7.88, SE = 2.55; MDD–GAD group: b = −2.81, cal manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC:
SE = 2.90; t(41) = −2.77, p < .01). Author.
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specific event type, we should note that of all events Author.
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