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vol. 190, no.

2 the american naturalist august 2017

Phylogeny, Traits, and Biodiversity of a Neotropical

Bat Assemblage: Close Relatives Show Similar
Responses to Local Deforestation

Hannah K. Frank,1,* Luke O. Frishkoff,1,2,3 Chase D. Mendenhall,1,3,4 Gretchen C. Daily,1,3,5 and

Elizabeth A. Hadly1,5,6
1. Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305; 2. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 3. Center for Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California
94305; 4. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia 22203; 5. Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford, California
94305; 6. Center for Innovation in Global Health, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305
Submitted June 30, 2016; Accepted February 7, 2017; Electronically published June 29, 2017
Online enhancements: appendix. Dryad data:

abstract: If species’ evolutionary pasts predetermine their re-

sponses to evolutionarily novel stressors, then phylogeny could pre-
dict species survival in an increasingly human-dominated world. To
Human impacts across the globe are intensifying, dramat-
understand the role of phylogenetic relatedness in structuring re- ically altering selective pressures on biological diversity (Bar-
sponses to rapid environmental change, we focused on assemblages nosky et al. 2012). Yet not all species suffer from the influ-
of Neotropical bats, an ecologically diverse and functionally impor- ence of humans; indeed, many use anthropogenic habitats
tant group. We examined how taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity and some even flourish in them (McKinney and Lockwood
shift between tropical forest and farmland. We then explored the im- 1999; Daily et al. 2001; Frishkoff et al. 2014; Mendenhall
portance of evolutionary history by ascertaining whether close rela- et al. 2014). Whether the ability to survive and thrive in this
tives share similar responses to environmental change and which spe-
modified environment is conserved between close relatives
cies traits might mediate these trends. We analyzed a 5-year data set
(5,011 captures) from 18 sites in a countryside landscape in southern has not been thoroughly explored. Closely related species tend
Costa Rica using statistical models that account and correct for im- to be phenotypically similar due to the relatively short time-
perfect detection of species across sites, spatial autocorrelation, and scales since divergence (Hadly et al. 2009). Relatives may also
consideration of spatial scale. Taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity have more similar phenotypes than expected by chance (phy-
decreased with deforestation, and assemblages became more phylo- logenetic niche conservatism) either (a) because open niche
genetically clustered. Species’ responses to deforestation were strongly space tends to be filled by the most ecologically suited ex-
phylogenetically correlated. Body mass and absolute wing loading ex-
plained a substantial portion of species variation in species’ habitat
tant species, which then can diversify into multiple, closely
preferences, likely related to these traits’ influence on maneuverability related, and ecologically similar species, or (b) because strong
in cluttered forest environments. Our findings highlight the role that competition between unrelated lineages in a full community
evolutionary history plays in determining which species will survive prevents species from leaving their ancestral niches (Losos
human impacts and the need to consider diversity metrics, evolution- 2008). If evolutionarily conserved phenotypes determine a
ary history, and traits together when making predictions about species species’ ability to use a recently emerged novel habitat, we
persistence for conservation or ecosystem functioning. would expect close relatives to exhibit similar responses to
Keywords: biodiversity conservation, countryside biogeography, frag- deforestation. Understanding how shared traits mediate spe-
mentation, functional traits, occupancy model, phylogenetic diversity. cies tolerance for human-dominated habitats will yield in-
sights into the ecological and evolutionary pressures on spe-
cies, as well the degree to which complex phenotypes such as
* Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]. deforestation tolerance are phylogenetically conserved and can
ORCIDs: Frank,; Frishkoff, http:// therefore be predicted from known relationships. This knowl-; Mendenhall,
-0587; Daily,; Hadly,
edge may additionally inform strategies to slow the losses of
/0000-0002-8227-8967. biodiversity and the benefits nature provides to society (e.g.,
Am. Nat. 2017. Vol. 190, pp. 000–000. q 2017 by The University of Chicago.
Daily 2001; Henle et al. 2004; Meyer and Kalko 2008).
0003-0147/2017/19002-57081$15.00. All rights reserved. Bat communities can be strongly affected by habitat con-
DOI: 10.1086/692534 version (Fenton et al. 1992; Medellín et al. 2000). The ma-

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000 The American Naturalist

jority of bat species are found in the tropics, where defor- ask three questions. First, how do species richness and phy-
estation for agriculture is a major cause of biodiversity loss logenetic diversity change in human-dominated, agricultural
(Ellis et al. 2010; Altringham 2011; Laurance et al. 2014). habitats? Second, do evolutionarily close relatives respond
Bats are both taxonomically diverse, accounting for 20% of similarly to deforestation? Third, which phenotypic traits me-
mammal species worldwide (Altringham 2011), and eco- diate the response(s) of bats to deforestation? We predict de-
logically diverse, displaying a wide variety of morphologies, clines in both species richness and phylogenetic diversity in
echolocation and foraging styles, diets, and roosting habits. agricultural landscapes compared to forest. We further pre-
All these traits have been hypothesized to affect species’ pres- dict that close relatives will respond similarly to deforesta-
ence in human-dominated landscapes and sensitivity to hu- tion due to niche conservatism. Specifically, we hypothesize
man impacts (Meyer et al. 2008; Hanspach et al. 2012). that this will take the form of species possessing morpholo-
For most groups of organisms, human-dominated habi- gies and echolocation strategies adapted for moving through
tats possess fewer species than natural ones—habitat trans- cluttered environments to be more forest restricted, while
formation drives loss in taxonomic diversity (e.g., Daily et al. larger species capable of long-distance travel will be more
2001; Mendenhall et al. 2014). But phylogenetic, or evolu- affiliated with deforested habitats.
tionary, diversity is also important, both as an intrinsic prop-
erty of biodiversity worthy of conservation (Mace et al. 2003)
and because it tends to correlate with functional diversity Methods
and ecosystem stability (Cadotte et al. 2012; Cadotte 2013). Study Region
Phylogenetic diversity (PD) may therefore be interpreted as
the evolutionary potential of a community to respond to We sampled bats in southern Costa Rica in and around the
novel impacts (e.g., Cisneros et al. 2015). Yet phylogenetic Las Cruces Biological Station (lat. 87470N, long. 827570W;
diversity need not be lost in concert with taxonomic diver- 1,100 m). The Las Cruces Biological Reserve lies in the Coto
sity, and relatively few studies have characterized how habi- Brus Valley and protects roughly 280 ha of primary and ma-
tat transformation affects both taxonomic and phylogenetic ture secondary premontane tropical wet forest (Holdridge
diversity simultaneously, though there have been recent ef- 1967). Outside the reserve, the landscape is comprised of
forts to investigate these impacts in tree and bird commu- pasture, coffee plantations, homes and gardens, and rem-
nities (e.g., Arroyo-Rodríguez et al. 2012; Frishkoff et al. nant forest fragments (Mendenhall et al. 2014). From the
2014; Santos et al. 2014; Edwards et al. 2015), as well as hu- 1500s until the 1960s, the Coto Brus Valley was largely cov-
man impacts on coral reef fish communities (D’agata et al. ered in forest, with localized deforestation and maize culti-
2014). If human-dominated habitats strongly filter biodi- vation prior to initial European contact in Central America
versity based on phylogenetically conserved traits, total PD (Clement and Horn 2001). Since 1960, the area has been
would decrease faster than expected based on changes in tax- rapidly deforested, with roughly 30%–40% of the land now
onomic diversity alone. Yet conflicting dynamics are re- in pasture, 20% devoted to crop production (primarily, cof-
ported for bat communities—in some, land-use change ap- fee), and 35% covered by remnant forest in mostly 0.1-
pears to boost phylogenetic diversity (e.g., Cisneros et al. to 10-ha fragments (Daily et al. 2003; Mendenhall et al.
2015), while in others, bat phylogenetic diversity declines 2011).
with human impact (e.g., Riedinger et al. 2013).
Moreover, despite years of research, how species traits
Tree Cover
affect the use of human-dominated habitats remains un-
clear and often varies between landscapes or species (Henle We conducted sampling in 18 sites with varying degrees of
et al. 2004). Bats yield insights into the effect of traits on local tree cover (fig. 1): three sites were within the only for-
habitat use because deforestation results in massive simpli- est reserve in the landscape (tree cover at 50 m: 97:2% 5
fication of vegetation structure that may affect bat assem- 1:6%; tree cover at 1 km: 65:8% 5 2:6%); nine sites were
blages along dimensions of morphology and flight; echolo- located in spatially distinct forest fragments (tree cover at
cation, foraging, and diet; and roosting requirements (e.g., 50 m: 79:9% 5 6:1%; tree cover at 1 km: 41:8% 5 5:3%);
Schnitzler and Kalko 1998; Meyer et al. 2008; Williams- and the remaining six sites were in coffee plantations, which
Guillén and Perfecto 2010; Hanspach et al. 2012). typically contain banana plants and scattered trees to create
We examine taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of a ∼5%–25% canopy cover directly above coffee shrubs (tree
bats using 5 years of capture data from an agricultural mo- cover at 50 m: 17:9% 5 4:3%; tree cover at 1 km: 22:5% 5
saic landscape in southern Costa Rica, using occupancy 1:9%), described in Belisle et al. (2014). Tree cover was cal-
models that explicitly model and account for variation in culated at a 2-m resolution by scoring satellite imagery and
species detectability across sites, as well as considerations calculating the area in a given radius covered by any type
of spatial scale and spatial autocorrelation. Specifically, we of tree, whether native or planted (Mendenhall et al. 2011).

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Conserved Bat Deforestation Response 000

2002; Reid 2009; H. York, R. Timm, B. Rodríguez-H., and

R. LaVal, unpublished manuscript).

Phylogenetic Hypothesis
For our phylogenetic hypothesis, we considered two recent
phylogenies: a species-level tree of bats (Shi and Rabosky
2015) and a mammalian supertree (Faurby and Svenning
2015). We performed all of our analyses on 100 phyloge-
nies: the maximum likelihood tree, as well as 49 trees ran-
domly chosen from bootstrap replicate phylogenies pro-
duced by Shi and Rabosky (2015) and 50 trees randomly
chosen from the posterior of trees generated by Faurby and
Svenning (2015).

Bat Traits
Body mass was collected from captured bats and averaged
to create species means that were used as species-level traits
for downstream analyses. Where data from our captures
were missing, we used the average mass for the species re-
ported in Reid (2009). We split potential diets into four cat-
egories—insectivory, nectarivory, frugivory, and carnivory/
sanguivory—and for each species we noted whether each
diet category was absent (0), complementary (1), predomi-
nant (2), or strict (3), following Rojas et al. (2011) and sup-
plementing their data with data from the literature (tables A1,
A2; tables A1–A5 available online). Wing loading, relative
wing loading (which removes the influence of mass), and
aspect ratio were collected from various literature sources
Figure 1: Bats were sampled at 18 study sites across an agricultural (table A2).
landscape in southern Costa Rica. Triangles indicate forest reserve We also examined the peak frequency, bandwidth, and
sites; squares indicate forest fragment sites; circles indicate coffee call duration—which impact bat foraging and navigation
sites. Black outline indicates the border of the Las Cruces Forest Re- abilities—of the echolocation calls of each species, taken
from Collen (2012). We incorporated roost duration of spe-
cies as a proxy for roosting requirements. Roost duration is
a rough weighted average of the log10 persistence of the roost
Bat Sampling
substrate in days (e.g., leaves that last ∼1 week have a roost
We sampled bats during the dry season (between Jan. 24 duration of 1 p 101 days; caves that can last millennia have
and March 28 in all years) for 4 h each night starting at a roost duration of 6 p 106 days; Patterson et al. 2007). Val-
sunset; each site was sampled on three nights in 2009– ues for roost duration were either taken from Patterson et al.
2011 and on one night in 2012 and 2013. (Five sites were (2007) or calculated using their formula and data from the
sampled only once in 2011 due to logistical constraints; see literature (table A2).
“Supplemental Methods” in appendix, available online.) We
chose the dry season as it coincides with the birthing season
Phylogenetic Occupancy Model
and is therefore important for population survival, though
we acknowledge that bat responses to deforestation may dif- Failure to acknowledge that detection may vary between
fer in the wet season (e.g., Cisneros et al. 2015). habitats or samples can systematically bias results, leading
Bats were captured using a constant-effort mist-netting to the incorrect biological inference (Tingley and Beissinger
protocol in which 20 ground-level mist nets (12  m # 2:5  m, 2013; Iknayan et al. 2014). With bats it is particularly im-
32 mm mesh) were haphazardly distributed in a 3- to 5-ha portant to consider differences in detectability because sur-
plot at each site and checked regularly. Captured individu- vey methods do bias which species are sampled (Kalko 1998),
als were weighed and identified (LaVal and Rodríguez-H. and detectability can vary widely between species and across

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000 The American Naturalist

habitats (Bader et al. 2015). We used a recently developed distribution of reasonable spatial scales that affect bats. Af-
variant of the multispecies occupancy model that incorpo- ter running the initial model on the data without the traits,
rates phylogenetic information to assess phylogenetic signal we used the posterior-modal spatial scale in the trait models.
in how species respond to environmental gradients (Frish- For trait models, we allowed total to be made up of an
koff et al. 2017). This phylogenetic occupancy model (POM) across-species mean response, an effect of the focal trait, and
estimates the true but unobserved occupancy state (denoted (phylogenetically conserved) species’ specific residual varia-
Zi,j,t) from underlying occupancy probabilities (wi,j,t) of all tion. The full description of model structure is available in
42 bat species (i) across 18 sites ( j) over 5 years (t). The oc- the appendix.
cupancy component estimates species- and year-specific in- POMs were implemented using the JAGS language with
tercepts (,t) and species-specific responses to deforesta- the R package R2jags (Su and Yajima 2014). JAGS provides
tion (denoted, where scaled and centered forest cover is a Bayesian framework for parameter estimation. In all cases,
Env) with a random effect of species and site (,j) to ac- we used vague priors. We ran all models with three chains
count for (potentially spatially autocorrelated) residual dif- for 30,000 iterations, a thinning interval of 30, and 15,000
ferences in species’ occupancy between sites. Specifically, iterations discarded as burn-in, resulting in 1,500 samples
of the posterior. We checked convergence by visually in-
logit(wi,j,t ) p w:ai,t 1 w:bi # Envj 1 w:gi,j : specting trace plots and through the Gelman-Rubin conver-
We incorporated phylogenetic signal in species response gence diagnostic (Gelman and Rubin 1992), ensuring that
to deforestation by assuming that came from a multi- all values were less than 1.1. The convergence diagnostic
variate normal distribution, with covariance structure in- is a summary statistic that measures variance between and
corporating phylogenetic information scaled by Pagel’s l across multiple MCMC chains; it reaches 1 when each chain’s
parameter (Pagel 1999; Frishkoff et al. 2017). We use the variance is equivalent to the total variance of all chains, in-
method of de Villemereuil et al. (2012) to integrate phyloge- dicating that the MCMC has converged onto a well-defined
netic uncertainty over 100 possible phylogenies. We checked region of parameter space.
posterior traces to ensure that mixing across phylogenies
was good (ensuring that the Markov chain Monte Carlo Calculating Species Richness and Phylogenetic
[MCMC] did not get stuck on a single phylogeny). Diversity from Occupancy Models
Spatial autocorrelation is commonly present in species
occupancy data. To ensure that spatial autocorrelation was To account for imperfect detection in species richness and
directly incorporated in the model and not biasing our other phylogenetic diversity (PD; Faith 1992) and phylogenetic
estimates, we directly incorporated it in,j. Specifically, species variability (PSV; Helmus et al. 2007) and clustering
values of,j were drawn from a multivariate normal dis- (mean phylogenetic distance [MPD] Z-score), we calculated
tribution with covariances defined by distances between sites, these metrics from the posterior draws of the occupancy
modified by an exponential decay term. model’s MCMC algorithm. Each iteration of the MCMC
The detection component of the model estimated over- generated a plausible occupancy state for all species in all
all detection probability contingent of occupancy (pi,j,t,k) sites over all years of the study (Zi,j,t). Species richness was
using species-specific detection intercepts (p.0i), as well as simply calculated as the sum of species at a site in a year
site-level effects of local terrain (p.ter) and vegetation struc- within the posterior occupancy state array. Similarly, PD,
ture (p.cof), as these could influence the probability that a PSV, and MPD Z-scores were calculated over each iteration
bat would be captured. Additionally, an effect of visit num- of the MCMC, yielding posterior distributions for phyloge-
ber at a site within a year (p.visitk) was included, as bats learn netic diversity in each site-by-year combination. To calculate
to avoid nets. Specifically, an MPD Z-score, data must be compared to a null model.
We used the trial-swap algorithm instituted within picante
logit(pi,j,t,k ) e p:0 i 1 p:visit k 1 p:cof # Coffee j 1 p:ter (Kembel et al. 2010) to maintain both row and column sums
# Terrain j : of the site-by-species matrix for each iteration along the
MCMC. We used 999 permutations to derive null distribu-
The relevant spatial scale at which bats respond to land- tions from which to calculate Z-scores.
scape heterogeneity is unknown. Accordingly, we incorpo- To examine the effects of tree cover on these community
rated scale selection directly into the model by considering metrics, posterior means were regressed against tree cover
spatial scale to be a free parameter that determined vari- using a generalized linear mixed-effect model, with a ran-
able Env (Frishkoff et al. 2017b). In this way, the model dom intercept of year, and a site effect incorporating spatial
searched for the radius at which the proportion of tree cover exponential decay of correlation as a function of distance
best explained the bat detection data and ignored spatial between sites (to account for potential spatial autocorrela-
scales that did not explain the data. This yielded a posterior tion). Linear and quadratic effects of tree cover were tested.

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Conserved Bat Deforestation Response 000

Significance was determined with likelihood ratio tests, eval- agricultural communities being slightly phylogenetically clus-
uated against a x2 distribution. tered and forest communities being slightly overdispersed
(fig. A3).
These assemblage-wide patterns emerge as the result of
Testing Traits
individual species’ responses to land-use change. Overall,
We tested whether morphological characteristics, echoloca- most species tended to increase their occupancy probabil-
tion characteristics, primary dietary guild, and roost pref- ity with increasing tree cover (mean logit-scale response p
erences might predispose different bat species to affiliate 1:83, 95% BCI: 20.28, 4.38), though there was large inter-
more strongly with forest or agriculture. To do so, we reran specific variation (fig. 3). For 27 species, the mean posterior
phylogenetic occupancy models but used trait information habitat affiliation coefficients ( indicated increasing
as a linear predictor of species response to deforestation occupancy probability with greater tree cover (mean poste-
(, allowing us to explore the interaction of trait and en- rior of greater than zero), while 15 species decreased in
vironment while controlling for phylogenetic nonindepen- occupancy (mean posterior of less than zero). Of the
dence. We also tested for phylogenetic signal in each of the 42 species, 8 could be classified as clearly forest affiliated
traits. See appendix for details on trait-based POMs. Cap- with certainty (95% BCI was entirely above 0), while only
ture and site data, R code, and JAGS code underlying the 4 were firmly deforestation affiliated (95% BCI was entirely
models are deposited in the Dryad Digital Repository: http:// below 0). The most strongly forest-affiliated species includ- (Frank et al. 2017).1 ed three species of Micronycteris and three species of Myotis.
Phyllostomus hastatus, Sturnira parvidens, Lonchophylla ro-
busta, and Uroderma bilobatum affiliated strongly with de-
forested coffee plantations.
We recorded 5,011 total bat captures across the 180,480 At the species level, we found phylogenetic signal in the
mist net meter hours. We detected 42 species: 36 species response of bats to tree cover (posterior mode of l p 0:68,
in forest reserves, 36 species in forest fragments, and 31 spe- 95% highest posterior density: 0.16, 1.0; fig. A4). Addition-
cies in coffee plantations. Species varied in their detection ally, close relatives were more similar to one another than
probability, and detection probability of all bats declined expected by chance in all tested traits (table A4). Yet, of
within a year as sites were revisited—indicative of trap aver- these, only body mass and absolute wing loading strongly
sion in these species (Marques et al. 2013). Neither a site’s contributed to determining whether a species was forest or
primary land cover (forest or coffee) nor the general terrain agriculture affiliated. Absolute wing loading and body mass,
around the site (e.g., hilltop or valley) affected detection however, were highly correlated with one another (r p 0:86).
probabilities after accounting for species-specific effects (ta- When both traits were considered together, the contribu-
ble A3). Bat occupancy was significantly spatially autocor- tion of absolute wing loading alone explained as much var-
related, and this correlation decayed at a rate such that it iation as including both mass and wing loading (propor-
was reduced by half over a distance of 4.0 km (95% Bayesian tion of total habitat affiliation explained by traits from both
credible interval [BCI]: 2.2 km, 9.0 km; fig. A1; figs. A1–A6 models p 0:48). Both larger bats and those with higher
are available online). After accounting for this spatial auto- wing loadings tended to be associated with agriculture (fig. 4;
correlation, species’ response to tree cover was best described table A5). As a result, bat assemblages in deforested sites had
by the proportion of tree cover within a 50-m radius of the larger mean body size than those of forest sites (fig. A5;
capture site (95% BCI: 20 m, 110 m; fig. A2). likelihood ratio p 47:4, p ! :001). This trend was primar-
After accounting for spatial autocorrelation, both detection- ily driven by the strong affiliation of a number of small-
corrected bat species richness and total phylogenetic diver- bodied bats (i.e., Micronycteris spp.) with forest and the occur-
sity varied linearly with local tree cover, with the greatest rence of the two largest species (Vampyrum spectrum, the
diversity in forest reserve sites and the least in agriculture largest Neotropical bat species, and Phyllostomus hastatus)
(species richness linear tree cover term, df p 1, x2 p 55:6, in two agricultural sites. Wing aspect ratio, relative wing load-
p ! :001; PD linear tree cover term, df p 1, x2 p 131:2, ing, echolocation call parameters, roost duration, and all
p ! :001; fig. 2). PSV also declined in agriculture but dem- diet categories were not predictive of a bat’s habitat usage.
onstrated accelerating loss of evolutionary history and phy-
logenetic clustering as tree cover diminished (quadratic tree Discussion
cover term, df p 1, x2 p 9:6, p p :002; fig. 2). Patterns of
Declines in Taxonomic and Phylogenetic
the net relatedness index showed concordant patterns, with
Diversity with Deforestation

1. Code that appears in The American Naturalist is provided as a convenience At the assemblage level, we observed declines in species
to the readers. It has not necessarily been tested as part of the peer review. richness, phylogenetic diversity, and PSV in deforested areas.

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000 The American Naturalist

Forest Reserve
Forest Fragment
30 Coffee Plantation



Diversity (Mil. Yrs)










0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Tree Cover (50 m buffer)

Figure 2: Detection-corrected species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and phylogenetic species variability (PSV) increase with tree cover.
Shapes show each year of data, with years staggered along the X-axis for visibility (2009 bordered in white at left, 2013 bordered in black
at right). Thin lines depict 95% Bayesian credible interval for each point’s estimate. Best-fit lines represent post hoc maximum likelihood
linear regressions based on each year’s posterior mean for each site, with a fixed effect of tree cover and random effects of site and year.

Interestingly, PSV declines even more sharply than species Micronycteris) tend to be strongly forest affiliated in our
richness does, suggesting that some clades are more sensitive data set. Agriculture-affiliated species tend to be distributed
to deforestation than others. These losses in PSV were accel- throughout the phyllostomid clade. The finding that some
erating—indicating that incremental increases in tree cover clades and species have habitat affiliations that diverge from
in agricultural environments could have disproportionately their close relatives emphasizes the utility of considering
beneficial outcomes for phylogenetic diversity, above and be- both assemblage-level and species-level analyses when mak-
yond mere increases in species diversity. This pattern of phy- ing inferences about human impacts on species and com-
logenetic clustering in agricultural sites (fig. 2) complements munities for conservation considerations.
our finding of phylogenetic signal in the responses of close rel-
atives to deforestation (fig. 3), demonstrating how assemblage-
Declines in Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Diversity
wide patterns derive from the responses of individual spe-
at Local versus Landscape Scales
cies. In our case, we observe that most of the species prefer
forest but nonetheless use agriculture to some degree. Non- Previous examinations of bats at coarser spatial scales in
phyllostomid species and some phyllostomid genera (e.g., human-altered landscapes have shown similar declines in

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Thyroptera tricolor

Pteronotus parnellii

Micronycteris minuta

Micronycteris schmidtorum (A)

Micronycteris hirsuta

Micronycteris microtis

Desmodus rotundus

Vampyrum spectrum

Phyllostomus discolor
Phyllostomus hastatus (A)

Glossophaga soricina
Glossophaga leachii

Glossophaga commissarisi

Anoura cultrata

Anoura geoffroyi

Hylonycteris underwoodi

Lonchophylla mordax

Lonchophylla robusta (B)

Carollia castanea

Carollia perspicillata

Carollia sowelli
Sturnira parvidens (B)
Sturnira mordax
Sturnira hondurensis
Chiroderma salvini

Uroderma bilobatum

Vampyressa thyone

Platyrrhinus helleri

Platyrrhinus vittatus

Enchisthenes hartii

Artibeus watsoni

Artibeus phaeotis (C)

Artibeus toltecus
Artibeus jamaicensis (C)
Artibeus lituratus
Myotis keaysi
Myotis riparius

Myotis nigricans

Bauerus dubiaquercus

Rhogeesa tumida

Eptesicus brasiliensis

Eptesicus furinalis
20 million years

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−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
Response to treecover
( . )

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Figure 3: Responses to deforestation show phylogenetic signal in bats. Tip colors on the bat phylogeny (left) correspond to each species’ habitat affiliation, as determined through the
complete occupancy model; scale bar represents 20 million years. Circles (right) represent the posterior means of the estimated coefficients; lines represent 95% Bayesian credible
intervals. Letters following phylogeny correspond to the pictured bat species. Bat families or phyllostomid subfamilies containing more than two species are indicated by shaded boxes
and labeled; phyllostomid subfamilies are labeled according to Baker et al. (2003). Photo credit: Jon Flanders.
000 The American Naturalist



Forest Affiliation



2 3 4 5 5 10 15 20
ln(Body Mass) [grams] Absolute Wing Loading (N/m2)

Figure 4: Large species with high wing loading are more likely to occupy deforested habitats. Circles represent individual species, with place-
ment along the Y-axis representing occupancy model–inferred affiliation with forest habitat (w.b parameter; representing the log odds that
the species will occupy a forest vs. an agricultural habitat). Lines indicate 95% Bayesian credible interval of forest affiliation, and the best-fit
line indicates the occupancy model’s estimate of the posterior mean of the relationship between the trait of interest and forest affiliation
(w.b). Wing loading is in units of Newtons per meter squared.

phylogenetic and taxonomic diversity. Riedinger et al. (2013) Cisneros et al. 2015; Farneda et al. 2015). However, there
found greater phylogenetic clustering (MPD Z-score) in Ba- is ample evidence from bat communities globally that local
varian regions with greater urban land cover, though they scale factors (100–400 m) can strongly impact bat commu-
found no impact of farmland on bat species richness or over- nity and individual species responses (e.g., Fahr and Kalko
all phylogenetic diversity. Cisneros et al. (2015) focused on 2011; Bellamy et al. 2013; Wordley et al. 2015; Chambers
landscape effects on bat communities, while holding hab- et al. 2016). Because of the fine-scale nature of both our
itat status constant in a lowland Costa Rican bat assem- community and environmental data, we were able to show
blage. These surveys in forest patches of varying size and that bat communities respond to habitat conversion at ex-
surrounded by different land uses (examined at 1- to 5-km tremely small spatial scales, on the order of 50 m. By incor-
spatial scales) during the dry season found that taxonomic porating considerations of fine spatial scale into investiga-
(Simpson’s diversity index) and phylogenetic (Rao’s Q) di- tions of phylogenetic diversity, we show that declines in the
versity increased with greater proportions of pasture in the evolutionary history of surviving lineages may occur even
region. While this is the opposite pattern that we observe, when the landscape as a whole contains suitable habitat.
the landscape contexts and scales of our two studies are quite Certainly, bat persistence relies on the greater landscape
different. In their case, they concluded that environmental context, but future studies should consider investigation
heterogeneity (i.e., areas with forest and pasture) provides of small-scale impacts as well, if they have the spatial res-
diverse sets of resources to support correspondingly diverse olution, since both are likely important (e.g., Chambers et al.
sets of bat species (Cisneros et al. 2015). Thus, landscapes 2016). Population survival will depend on organismal level
with both agriculture and forest may maximize diversity responses, and landscape-level patterns of occurrence or ex-
(because of community complementarity) even while defor- clusion ultimately emerge as the result of incremental in-
estation at the local scale denudes alpha diversity through creases in usable habitat at local scales. This may be partic-
habitat filters and may result in some landscape-wide ex- ularly important when considering diversified agriculture in
tinctions. rural, tropical landscapes where human-altered land uses
It may be surprising that bats seem to be reacting on are integrated with remnant natural habitats. Much of the
such a local scale, given their mobility (many traveling 0.5– Earth’s biodiversity remains in these mosaic landscapes,
2.5 km per night or more [Bernard and Fenton 2003]). In- rather than highly intensive and extensive agricultural sys-
deed, bat habitat metrics are often examined on scales of tems, as is the case in many agroecosystems, for example,
between 1 km and 5 km (e.g., Gorresen and Willig 2004; Europe or the United States.

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Conserved Bat Deforestation Response 000

While we expect our core findings (loss of taxonomic environments (Helmus et al. 2010). In our data set, abso-
and phylogenetic diversity, presence of phylogenetic signal lute wing loading (which is strongly correlated with mass)
in response to habitat conversion, and wing loading as a was the strongest predictor of habitat affiliation. This find-
key trait predicting habitat affiliation) to be generalizable ing is consistent with studies that have observed that larger
across bat communities in multiple landscape types, this bats with higher wing loadings are more tolerant of human-
clearly remains an open question. Ultimately, generaliz- dominated habitats—presumably because they are able to
ability to other landscapes, with more intensive and exten- traverse open habitats more efficiently than smaller bats
sive forms of agriculture is dependent on the degree to (e.g., Hanspach et al. 2012; Marinello and Bernard 2014).
which the landscape scale acts to filter the regional species It does, however, contrast with other studies in which large
pool, independent of the local scale habitat filters exam- bats were more vulnerable to forest fragmentation (e.g., Far-
ined here. In the future, the relative power of these scales neda et al. 2015). Similarly, large birds have been found to
may be effectively addressed through hierarchical models be more mobile and affiliated with habitats near agriculture
that split landscape-level processes (that filter the regional (e.g., Neuschulz et al. 2013), though some large-bodied spe-
species pool into multiple landscape pools) from local-scale cies may be less able to survive in deforested areas (e.g.,
processes (that filter species from a site’s landscape species Cleary et al. 2007).
pool into individual habitat patches). While bat size and maneuverability (represented by ab-
solute wing loading) are important predictors of habitat
affiliation, roughly half of the variation in habitat affinity
Concordance with Other Taxa is likely due to species-specific or landscape-specific factors.
For example, the genus Carollia makes up 58% of captures
The reduction of phylogenetic diversity of bat assemblages
at a recovering pasture site within the forest reserve but
in agricultural areas uncovered in this study supports find-
only between 10% and 30% of the captures in forest reserve
ings from other taxa. In a large, multiyear study of birds in
sites with similar surrounding tree cover. Because Carollia
Costa Rica, bird species richness was similar in forest and
spp. often feed on the fruits of secondary-growth plants
more wildlife-friendly forms of agriculture, but phylogenetic
(Reid 2009), which are presumably more abundant in this
diversity declined steeply in agriculture (the result of phy-
gap environment than in closed forest, we can speculate that
logenetic clustering), with half of the variation in species-
it is the presence of specific food resources and not the tree
specific affiliation with agriculture explained by Brownian
cover per se that is determining the bat assemblage at this
motion evolution through the phylogeny (Frishkoff et al.
site. Additionally, bat communities are known to respond
2014). Similarly, bird phylogenetic diversity in Colombia
to multiple landscape features involving configuration and
was lower in cattle pastures than forests; forests supported
structure that were not measured here, which if correlated
more evolutionarily distinct lineages, but certain clades thrived
with local tree cover, may affect the habitat affiliations we
in farmed habitat (Edwards et al. 2015). Phylogenetic diver-
inferred (e.g., Cisneros et al. 2015; Farneda et al. 2015). Other
sity of trees and other plants also declines in deforested, frag-
types of species-level traits may also explain habitat affilia-
mented, and urbanized areas, though these patterns vary
tion; for example, in mammals, species with larger brains
(e.g., Knapp et al. 2008; Santos et al. 2010, 2014; Arroyo-
were better able to survive in novel, predominantly human-
Rodríguez et al. 2012). Similarly diverse threats related to
generated environments (Sol et al. 2008).
human activity are predicted to reduce mammalian phylo-
Finally, habitat affiliation may also depend on a variety
genetic diversity globally (Jono and Pavoine 2012). Though
of underlying traits that manifest themselves differently
the impacts of agriculture and deforestation on phylogenetic
depending on environmental conditions. For example, in
diversity broadly are still uncertain, mounting evidence sug-
amphibians, thermal tolerance governs tolerance to defor-
gests that habitat conversion selects for specific clades and
estation, but the forest affiliation of a particular population
lineages while causing the decline of community-wide phy-
depends on elevation, because both forests and deforested
logenetic diversity.
agricultural sites become colder at higher altitudes (Frish-
koff et al. 2015; Nowakowski et al. 2017). As a result, the
same frog species can be strongly forest affiliated in the
Some Traits Explain Trends in Deforestation Tolerance
lowlands but strongly agriculture affiliated upslope (Frish-
In birds, bats, and trees, it appears that some aspect of the koff et al. 2015). Capacity for such habitat switching along
human-altered environment is favoring only a subset of biogeographic gradients has also been observed in tropical
the total biological diversity found in tropical forests, con- birds and beetles (Larsen 2012; Frishkoff et al. 2016). There-
sistent with a response in which lineages are filtered based fore, although many of the species we examined are widely
on shared traits. This pattern is expected from environmen- distributed throughout the Neotropics and exhibit many of
tal perturbations generally, for example, in disturbed lake the morphologies, diets, and habits of bats more generally,

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000 The American Naturalist

it is entirely possible that these same species might show a clines, both taxonomic and phylogenetic, with loss of local
different response to deforestation in different regions. tree cover. Loss of phylogenetic diversity outpaced loss of
species richness, because closely related species shared sim-
ilar responses to deforestation, leading entire clades to vanish
The Benefit of Detailed, Small-Scale Studies of
from agricultural environments, while no particular clades
Diversity-Disturbance Relationships
preferred agriculture. The species least suited to agricultural
By considering many factors that are common, and often habitats were small species with low wing loadings, more
unavoidable, in ecological studies (e.g., spatial autocorrela- adept at navigating enclosed spaces.
tion, spatial scale considerations, biases in detection, species- Examinations of phylogenetic diversity changes in al-
specific responses), we were able to uncover changes in the tered landscapes and inquiries into the mechanisms driving
evolutionary history preserved across the landscape, as well these changes are still relatively rare. It remains to be seen
as the susceptibility of individual clades to deforestation. whether other taxa experience accelerating losses of phylo-
Detection probability is not constant across species, and genetic diversity with deforestation and whether these de-
failure to take this into account can bias results, especially clines hold across other regions of the world. The finding
in community-wide metrics such as species richness or PSV that phylogenetic diversity of highly mobile organisms is
(Tingley et al. 2012). In our case, accounting for imperfect sensitive to local-scale deforestation suggests that conserva-
detection both increased the number of species inferred to tion decisions must consider organisms’ immediate environ-
be present in each site and increased the effect of defores- ments as well as coarse landscape-level features. Consideration
tation in biodiversity declines, highlighting the importance of both assemblage-level metrics and individual species’ re-
of incorporating detection probability into studies of biodi- sponses will help researchers and conservationists alike as
versity change (see fig. A6; cf. fig. 2). Additionally, by incor- they try to formulate predictions about the impact of hu-
porating spatial autocorrelation and integrating spatial scale mans on wild populations.
selection directly into the model, we were able to detect local-
scale patterns that would have been missed had we tested at
only broad spatial scales based on a priori decisions due to Acknowledgments
the high mobility of bats. Only by examining species rich-
We thank J. Figueroa, R. Figueroa, W. Figueroa, J. Han,
ness, phylogenetic diversity, phylogenetic signal among close
Y. Lloria, F. Oviedo Brenes, H. Vance, R. Zahawi, dozens
relatives, and trait-based occupancy patterns through a de-
of Costa Rican landowners, the Organization for Tropical
tection and spatially corrected framework were we able to
Studies, and the Las Cruces Biological Station for help with
hone in on the determinants of lineage persistence in natu-
data collection. We thank J. Flanders and the Hadly lab for
ral environments, identifying individual species responses
useful comments and J. Flanders for photographs. Research
and trait-based determinants of habitat affinity.
was funded by the Moore Family Foundation, the Wins-
The methods we used to consider multiple confounding
low Foundation, Ralph and Louise Haberfeld, the Stanford
ecological factors and the suite of approaches to them can
Woods Institute, and the Stanford Center for Conservation
be applied to any system to improve estimates of biodiver-
Biology. H.K.F. was supported by the Bing-Mooney Fellow-
sity change across gradients but require copious, detailed
ship in Environmental Science and Conservation. L.O.F.
data; in our case, the fine-scale resolution of our data (tree
was supported by a University of Toronto Ecology and Evo-
cover at 2-m resolution) allowed us to investigate spatial
lutionary Biology Postdoctoral Fellowship and a Ward Wil-
scales that are often unattainable with remote sensing data.
son Woods Jr. Fellowship in Environmental Studies. C.D.M.
Acquiring such data is expensive and time consuming and,
was supported by a NatureNet Science Fellowship and the
therefore, likely beyond the scope of most studies, yet such
Bing-Ehrlich Fellowship in Environmental Science and Con-
in-depth studies can yield important insights to complement
broader-scale studies and meta-analyses, generating mech-
anistic hypotheses for large-scale patterns.
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