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The bulletin provides additional information on operating and troubleshooting VHP 12-cylinder AFR2 and emPact engines, including criteria for automatic mode, things that will shut down the engine, and general operating notes.

The criteria for AFR2 to operate in automatic mode are: engine speed above 700 rpm, IMAP above 10.3 inHgA, left bank exhaust temperature above 249°F, and no active faults for at least 1 minute.

Things that will shut down the engine include AFR2 communication loss, emPact communication loss, over-temperature of catalyst, and pressure drop across the catalyst beyond the limit.

GE Water & Distributed Power

Waukesha* gas engines TOPIC:

Fuel System

DATE: July 2016

SUBJECT: AFR2 Additional Information

MODELS AFFECTED: VHP 12-Cylinder AFR2 and emPact Engines

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide the field with • If a pre-catalyst O2 sensor fault is present when
additional information concerning the operation and AFR2 satisfies the enabling conditions, AFR2
troubleshooting of VHP 12-cylinder AFR2 and emPact will enable in manual mode at the start position
engines. This bulletin is to be used in conjunction with and may not be able to pull load if the end user
Form 6388-1, Operation & Maintenance with ESM does not increase the manual FCV position. If
manual, and AFR2 training. the maintainer is unable to resolve the pre-
catalyst O2 sensor fault and needs the engine
1. Criteria for automatic mode
online, they will need to increase the FCV
• Speed > 700 rpm position once AFR2 enables in manual mode
before loading the engine. The maintainer
• IMAP > 10.3 inch-HgA (35 kPa) should not need to increase the start position to
• Left bank exhaust stack temperature > 249°F load the engine.
2. Things that will shut down the engine:
• No active AFR2 faults for:
• AFR2:
– FCV (fuel control valve)
– Communication loss between the two boxes
– IMAP (intake manifold absolute pressure) (ECU and ECM)
– Modbus i. Fault will be from the ECU – ESD 244
• The first three conditions for automatic mode • emPact:
(speed, IMAP and left bank exhaust – Communication loss between the two boxes
temperature) need to be satisfied for 1 minute
(ECU and ECM)
before AFR2 will enable. If any of these
conditions drop below their thresholds during – Over-temperature of catalyst
this minute, the 1 minute timer restarts.
– Pressure drop across the catalyst beyond the
• On the advanced AFR screen on the HMI if one limit
or more of the first three conditions for automatic
mode (speed, IMAP and left bank exhaust 3. General operating notes:
temperature) are not met, the operating mode • Loss of Modbus output from the ECU to the
will displayed as Manual even though AFR2 is ECM will result in P-code P1007, but the engine
not able to engage. The reason it shows will continue to run.
“Manual” is because “Disabled” is not an
operating mode that the user can select. • If the post-cat sensor fails (voltage out of range),
the system will default to the pre-cat mode.
– P-codes 1068 – 1069 will be displayed.

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Service Bulletin No. 9-4062

• If the pre-cat sensor fails (voltage out of range) (rich), the FCV will have to move lower or close
in either the pre- or post-cat operating mode, the to lean the engine. Thus, the FCVs follow the
system will default to the manual mode. error in the pre-catalyst O2 voltages and the
auto pre-catalyst O2 setpoint follows the error in
– P-codes 1033 – 1036 will be displayed
the post-catalyst voltage.
– ECM will run with a default value of 2.004 –
5. Pre- and post-catalyst sensor differences
2.005V in place of the actual sensor reading
and lock out the fuel valves so that they do not • The pre-catalyst O2 sensors are wide-band
move from their last commanded position, but sensors
ECM will trigger an alarm to notify the – Pre-catalyst O2 sensor has a range from
operator of the condition. 1.96000 to 2.02000V.
NOTE: If the speed or load changes, the maintainer – Low pre-catalyst voltage signifies a rich
may need to manually move the FCV position to carry condition.
the load until the pre-catalyst O2 sensor issue is
resolved. – High pre-catalyst voltage signifies a lean
• If a sensor is out of range and comes back in,
the system will default back to the previous • The post-catalyst O2 sensor (P/N 740133) is a
operating mode (pre- or post-cat). narrow-band sensor
• There are four factory resets: – The post-catalyst O2 sensor (P/N 740133)
has a range from 0.000 to 1.000V.
– In the AFR screen, it just resets the AFR
setpoints. – Low post-catalyst voltage indicates a lean
– In the FCV screen, it just resets the FCV
positions. – High post-catalyst voltage indicates a rich
– Catalyst alarm and shutdown
NOTE: The pre and post sensors are adjusted in the
– In AFR editing, it resets everything.
opposite direction to go rich or lean.
4. If tweaking the emissions with emPact in post-
catalyst mode:
• Recommend changing the post-catalyst O2
setpoint by 0.010V increments. The user should
then expect to wait 10 – 20 minutes to allow for
the post-catalyst O2 voltage to converge on the
new setpoint before considering another change
to the setpoint. Depending on engine operating
conditions, a difference in post-catalyst voltage
and emissions performance can be difficult to
discern with post-catalyst setpoint changes less
than 0.010V. However, post-catalyst setpoint
changes greater than 0.010V can take the post-
catalyst voltage 30 minutes or longer to
converge on the new setpoint.
• If the post-catalyst O2 voltage is higher than its
setpoint (rich), the auto pre-catalyst O2 setpoint
will have to move higher or increase to lean the
engine. If the post-catalyst O2 voltage is lower
than its setpoint (lean), the auto pre-catalyst O2
setpoint will have to move lower or decrease to Figure 1
richen the engine.
Pre-catalyst and post-catalyst O2 levels can be
• Similarly, if the pre-catalyst O2 voltage is higher adjusted from the HMI. This will allow the user to
than its setpoint (lean), the FCV will have to dial in the air-fuel ratio to obtain the best emissions
move higher or open to richen the engine. If the for the site conditions.
pre-catalyst O2 voltage is lower than its setpoint

Copyright © 2016, General Electric Co. Page 2 of 4
Service Bulletin No. 9-4062

Adjust the O2 rich or lean to obtain the desired CO – If the baud rate is incorrect in ESP, the HMI
or NOx levels. will show default engine values but realistic
AFR values.
NOTE: An increase in voltage setpoint drives the
systems: • The programmable baud rate in the HMI is for
• Lean when running in the pre-catalyst mode the MODBUS communication between the HMI
and the customer’s panel.
• Rich when running in the post-catalyst mode
– The HMI converts the CANBUS from the ECM
Catalyst design or aging may have an effect on the on the RS-485 wires of the customer interface
emission output when using pre-catalyst mode. harness to MODBUS for the customer’s use.
6. O2 sensor life – The connection points on the HMI for the
The expected life cycle of both the pre-catalyst incoming CANBUS and the outgoing Modbus
(P/N A740132) and post-catalyst O2 sensors are different. Be sure to follow the wiring
(P/N 740133) is 4,000 hours or 6 months. diagrams in the manual.
7. File logs 9. Clearing fault codes
• The frequency of the HMI data logger is 1 Hz A yellow triangle with an exclamation point in the
and it will record data continuously for 72 hours top middle of the HMI occurs with an active fault.
before rolling to overwrite the initial data. However, this icon can take up to 10 minutes to
clear after the fault becomes inactive. Thus, this
– The log file is always metric even though the yellow fault icon may not be an indicator of a
user has the ability to select whether the HMI currently active fault and the end user should
screens display units as either English or check the active faults screen upon seeing this
metric. icon.
• The HMI creates a single log file named
EngineLog.csv that can be saved to a USB
drive. Only one file can be saved to the drive at There have been reports of intermittent issues with the
a time.
VHP AFR2/emPact ECM calibration P/N J740128 and
– Because attempts to save another log file will HMI code P/N P001. Contact your local GE Waukesha
overwrite any existing HMI log files on the distributor for information on how to receive an
USB without any notification, users should get updated calibration.
into the habit of immediately downloading the 1. Pre-catalyst O2 setpoints:
log file from the USB drive and saving to a
laptop with a unique filename. • The default auto pre-catalyst O2 setpoint of post
catalyst mode is 2.00210V while the default pre-
• A new HMI log file is created only when the catalyst O2 setpoint is 2.00300V.
existing log file is deleted via the trash icon of
the data logger screen. If the log file is not • If the emissions have been set in pre-catalyst
deleted prior to starting the data logger, the HMI mode at some pre-catalyst setpoint and the user
writes the new data to the current log file changes to post-catalyst mode, the auto pre-
sequentially from the moment the data logger catalyst O2 setpoint of post-catalyst mode will
was last stopped. Thus, the user is able to start not take the pre-catalyst setpoint found in pre-
and stop logs with the data written sequentially catalyst mode but will instead start with its
to a single log file. The only way to discern default 2.00210V auto pre-catalyst setpoint.
between the breaks in the data though is via the 2. emPact is capable of getting stuck lean of a
timestamp. 0.454V default post-catalyst O2 voltage. A failed
8. Setting baud rate and slave ID post-catalyst O2 sensor puts out a default voltage
in the 0.440 – 0.460V range. However, a post-
• The ESM, ECM and HMI communicate via catalyst O2 voltage in this 0.440 – 0.460V range
CANBUS at a baud rate of 19200. Therefore, could also be a valid voltage because of a lean
the baud rate needs to be programmed to 19200 condition with the engine. If the post-catalyst O2
on the F11 Advanced panel in ESP for the ESM voltage is lean of this default value because of a
and ECM to communicate to each other. load step, fuel change, etc., emPact will richen the
auto pre-catalyst O2 setpoint accordingly to bring
the post-catalyst O2 voltage back to its setpoint.

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Service Bulletin No. 9-4062

However, if emPact does not richen through this 4. If a lean or rich condition occurs that pushes the
default voltage window quickly enough, a P1069- FCVs against their upper or lower fences,
POST CAT O2 RANGELOW fault will become respectively, upper/lower fences-reached alarms
active on the HMI and force emPact into pre- will continuously ring in and out because of the
catalyst mode. The highly active post-catalyst O2 noise in the FCV’s position, making operation of
voltage will likely move outside this range quickly, the HMI very difficult. If the lean or rich condition
causing the P1069 fault to clear and emPact to does not pass, the fuel system setup will need to
revert back to post-catalyst mode. Upon reverting be repeated to bring the FCVs back to the center
back to post-catalyst mode, the auto pre-catalyst of their operating range. A similar issue where
O2 setpoint will return to its currently too-lean reoccurring faults can make use of the HMI difficult
value, resulting in the post-catalyst O2 voltage can also occur if either the pre- or post-catalyst
continuing to move about this default voltage, voltages are moving about their rich/lean limits
causing another P1069 fault. This process will with out-of-range high/low alarms continually
continue until the auto pre-catalyst O2 setpoint of ringing in and out. These issues have been
post-catalyst mode has moved rich enough that it resolved with ECM calibration P/N N740128.
does not cause the post-catalyst O2 voltage to be
5. If an active fault occurs while on the data logger
in the default voltage range. However, if emPact
screen of the HMI and the user selects to view this
stays in pre-catalyst mode for too long during an
fault via the corresponding fault pop-up message,
active P1069 fault, the auto pre-catalyst O2
which then navigates to the active fault screen, the
setpoint may return to its too-lean default value of
data logger button under the Utilities menu will not
2.00210V upon going back into post-catalyst mode
work anymore. The fix is to cycle power to the HMI
and emPact will have to start over trying to richen
by disconnecting and reconnecting plug B at the
through this 0.440 – 0.460V window. This issue
back of the HMI. An update to HMI code# P004
has been resolved with ECM calibration
can resolve this. Contact your local GE Waukesha
P/N N740128. Contact your local GE Waukesha
distributor for information on how to receive this
distributor for information on how to receive this
updated calibration.
updated calibration.
3. It is possible for the pre-catalyst O2 sensors to fail
but not have a corresponding pre-catalyst O2
sensor fault on the HMI.
• The most commonly encountered failure
behavior of the pre-catalyst O2 sensor is for it to
hold at a default voltage between 2.004 –
2.005V. Although this voltage range can be a
valid voltage, a pre-catalyst O2 voltage in the
2.004 – 2.005V range is on the lean side.
• The easiest way to troubleshoot a questionable
pre-catalyst O2 sensor is to place the control
into manual mode and sweep that bank’s FCV
between about 30 – 60% open. If while
sweeping the FCV, the pre-catalyst O2 voltage
holds in this 2.004 – 2.005V range, the sensor is
failed and needs to be replaced. Additional pre-
catalyst O2 sensor fault functionality has been
incorporated in ECM calibration P/N N740128.

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