Petrography: Chapter - III

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Chapter -III

3.1. Introduction

The Petrographic analysis is a systematic description method for rocks, minerals and
other constituents, usually in thin sections by using high-power microscopy. The
purpose of the petrographic description of rock is important not only for the purpose
of geological classification but also in order to highlight constituents, texture and
feature influencing its chemical, physical and mechanical behaviour. It is therefore
essential to characterize the rock not only from the point of view of their mineral
components and of their fabric and structure but also in terms of any feature such as:
colour, presence of veins, of fossils, of discontinuities etc. Typically petrographic
examinations will include details about the following:

1) Mineral Composition
2) Structure
3) Colour/Discolouration
4) Texture
5) Grain-Size
6) Weathering Classification
7) State of alteration
8) Discontinuities
9) Fracture-State
10) Geological classification

The petrographic analysis has always been a very important part of igneous petrology,
sedimentary petrology and structural geology programmes. The petrographic analysis
can be qualitative or quantitative or both: 1) The qualitative examinations identify and
describe some or all of the constituents but the proportion of the constituents are not
established. 2) The quantitative examination determines some or all the constituents in
the samples. To obtain information on the rock and mineral composition of aggregates
two quantitative methods generally are used, namely grain counting method and point
counting method. The grain counting method is used on one or all “coarser” size
fractions where aggregates particles are divided into individual rock/ mineral group

by hand sorting. The result is given as particle percent of total counted particles or
weight percent of total weight. The point counted method first moulds selected size
fractions into the sections. By use of a petrographic microscope and a point counter
device traverses in two directions are carried-out to form a virtual orthogonal grid that
covers the whole thin sections. The ultimate aim for the petrography would be an
increased accuracy of petrographic analysis with respect to precision and

In general, the Bomdila Orthogneisses are foliated, augen-bearing, medium to

coarse grained, leucocratic and consists of quartz, plagioclase (albite to oligoclase),
microcline, biotite and muscovite as essential minerals. The substantial amount of
felsic mineralogy strongly suggests that they are leucogranite magmas, in agreement
with the common occurrence of other such leucogranites in the Himalaya. Field (or
megascopic) observations indicate three types of granite phases including Coarse
Grained Porphyritic Gneisses (CPG), Fine grained Porphyritic Gneisses (FG) and a
non-foliated to weakly foliated Leucogranite (LG). But on the basis of mineralogy,
two principle types of granites are delineated. They are tourmaline free biotite-
muscovite (here after referred to as two-mica granites comprising of CPG + FG),
which constitutes major part of the pluton and tourmaline-bearing granites (here after
referred to as tourmaline granites consists of LG). The only mineralogical difference
between the two types is in the nature of the ferromagnesian phase, biotite in two-
mica granites and tourmaline in tourmaline granites. The gneissose structures with
perfect alternate bands of mica and quartzo-feldspathic minerals are preserved in the
two mica granites in which the augens are of quartz and sodic plagioclase. They show
porphyritic texture with the development of K-feldspar and plagioclase phenocrysts
set in a groundmass of quartz, biotite and muscovite. In addition to perthite,
myrmekite and graphic, intergrowth textures were also developed in the two-
micagranites. Inclusional relationships and crystal morphologies have been used to
constrain the crystallization sequence,which is very similar for both types. Plagioclase
showing tabular habit was perhaps the earliest mineral to crystallize, whereas anhedral
K-feldspar phenocrysts, which contain abundant inclusions of other phases, occurred
later. Biotite is usually interstitial and commonly intergrown with muscovite.
However, albitic plagioclase (An12) phenocrysts with occurrence of abundant euhedral
biotite and muscovite inclusions (along cleavage planes) suggestthat the latter

minerals began to crystallize early. The quartz is generally interstitial but also
commonly occurs as rounded inclusions in plagioclase, K-feldspar, biotite and
muscovite thus, indicating an early crystallization. Some samples, particularly those
from the marginal part of the main pluton, show fine to medium grained cataclastic
textures with abundant tectonic related features. For example, occurrence of ribbon
quartz with undulating extinction, bending in biotite, bending and cracks in
plagioclase which are invaded by plastically mobilized quartzetc.are some of the
features indicative of ductile shearing of the rocks at the contact zone. In addition to
these features, the two mica granites also exhibit mylonitisation characteristics at the
contact zone along with the development of tectonically fractured garnets where
muscovite and quartz squeezed plastically into cracks of the brittle garnets. Among
the accessory minerals, iron oxides occur along with apatite, zircon and garnet. The
tourmaline granite consists of predominantly quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase,
muscovite and tourmaline. Biotite is either absent or very rarely found in the thin
sections. Tourmaline is euhedral to subhedral, slightly broken and contains abundant
inclusions of quartz, muscovite and, in some cases, of apatite. Tourmaline is also
found as inclusions in euhedral plagioclases and anhedral quartz. The occurrence of
penetrative relation betweentourmaline and muscovite suggest a magmatic origin for
these two minerals. Foliation is completely absent in this granite, however, few thin
sections show weak foliation. Textures are mainly equigranular, with occasional
plagioclase or K-feldspar megacrysts up to 4mm in length. Quartz recrystallization
along cleavage planes of perthitic feldspar suggests that it has been subjected to
metamorphism during Tertiary Himalayan orogeny and hence is considered to be
older than Tertiary age. Zircon and tourmaline occur as common accessory minerals.

About 50 thin sections were prepared for petrographic study.Twenty

representative thin sections were selected for modal analysis to determine the relative
amounts of the various mineral components of a rock. Modal analyses have been
carried out by adopting the method described by Chayes (1956). For the Modal
analyses, a large number of points (500-1000) were counted. The modal compositions
of alkali-feldspar, quartz and plagioclase have been plotted on Q-A-P diagram of
Streckeisen (1976). The Bomdila granitoid rocks are essentially granites according to
the IUGS classification. However, some of the samples plot towards the quartz apex
indicating the quartz rich composition of the granites. Lameyre and Bowden (1982)

have shown that this (Q-A-P) diagram can also be used as a powerful tool in
identifying various granitoid series and related rocks. They have identified four series
which follows:

1. Calc-alkaline series and variants

2. Alkaline series
3. Tholeiitic series
4. Mobilizates and related granites

Of the four series, mobilizates are characterized by the occurrence of abundance

of metasedimentary xenoliths, the presence of aluminous minerals such as muscovite
and/or sillimanite, andalusite, cordierite, garnet and felsic mineral compositions which
plot in the experimental Qz-Ab-Or system close to the thermal minimum. They
further suggested that this group of granitoid rocks have been attributed to the partial
melting of crustal material. They have demarcated a boundary on Q-A-P diagram
which represents the fields for crustal melts. The Bomdila granitoid samples generally
plot in the field of crustal melts, thus indicating similarity with mobilizates which in
turn suggest crustal source for the granites.

3.2. Detailed description of individual phases

3.2.1. Coarse Grained Porphyritic Gneiss (CPG)

It is a medium to coarse grained gneissic rock. The dominant mineral fabric,

which forms the gneissic foliation, is defined by the alignment of biotite flakes (Fig.
3.1) associated with quartz and plagioclase. They show porphyritic texture with large
phenocrysts of alkali- feldspar (~6 mm) set in the groundmass of sub-idiomorphic
quartz, plagioclase (oligoclase) and biotite. Biotite shows cross-cutting relationship
with quartz, indicating the early crystallization of biotite than quartz (Fig. 3.2). The
alkali-feldspar phenocrysts are euhedral to subhedral; they are commonly perthitic,
with inclusions of plagioclase and quartz. The megacrysts are commonly corroded
and embayed by the groundmass, and are rounded where the groundmass is highly
granulated and recrystallized. The megacrysts are thus interpreted as primary

Plagioclase has a tabular habit and shows carlsbad and albite twinning;
breaking of lamellae along microfault is noticed in some thin sections (Fig. 3.3);
inclusions of biotite and quartz are found in plagioclase. It occurs as phenocrysts, in
groundmass and as augen crystals which are wrapped around by muscovite (Fig. 3.4

Fig. 3.1. Microphotograph (5 x) depicting coarse grained gneissic foliation in CPG

rocks. Bio=Biotite; Qtz=Quartz. (5x).

Plagioclase shows reaction margins with K-feldspar indicating corrosion of

the plagioclase by later K-feldspar. Orthoclase partly infiltrates and replaces
plagioclase. Quartz has crystallized along the fractures formed by the deformation of
twin lamellae of plagioclase. Along plagioclase alkali-feldspar interfaces, wart-like
growths of myrmekite are common. Brown pleochroic biotite, ranging from small to
large subhedral to euhedral grains, is the dominant mafic phase and constitute 16% of
the rock by volume. It contains inclusions of zircon and apatite along with quartz.
Muscovite occurs as subhedral grains in the groundmass which is dominated by
quartz followed by plagioclase and feldspar. Occasional recrystallization and plastic
flowage of quartz points to the tectonic disturbance in the area and this is further
substantiated by the tectonically produced augen shaped quartz grains that have been
encountered in some samples. Most of the quartz grains exhibit undulose extinction.

Graphic intergrowth of quartz and feldspar is seen. The petrographic relations clearly
indicate the crystallization sequence as biotite-plagioclase-alkali-feldspar and quartz.
The latest quartz occupies the interstitial spaces of the earlier formed minerals.At least
two phases of deformation of the CPG rocks is noticed in many of the thin sections
where second phase muscovite is aligned perpendicular to the first phase foliation
plane (Fig. 3.5). Accessory phases include zircon, apatite (Fig. 3.6), garnet, epidote
and ilmenite. Tourmaline is a rare accessory mineral. Euhedral magmatic epidotes are
rarely found.

Fig. 3.2. Biotite showing cross-cutting relationship with quartz. (5x).

Fig. 3.3 Microphotograph showing a euhedral plagioclase (Plg) which is fractured
with replacement oflamellae. A K-feldspar phenocryst occurring as Perthite (Pth) with
quartz inclusions is clearly visible. (5x).


Fig. 3.4 (a). Microphotograph showing plagioclase augen which is wrapped around by
muscovite flakes. (5x).

Fig. 3.4 (b). Microphotograph showing plagioclase augen which is wrapped around by
muscovite flakes. (5x).

Fig. 3.5. Microphotograph showing two phases of deformation of the CPG rocks
where the second phase muscovite (Mus) is aligned perpendicular to the first phase
(main) foliation plane. (5x).

Fig. 3.6. Microphotograph showing the presence of apatite (Ap) accessory phases in
CPG. (5x).

3.2.2. Fine Grained Gneiss (FG)

The fine grained gneiss is a medium to fine grained, moderate to highly felsic
rock (Fig. 3.7). It is usually characterized by the presence of relatively small
phenocrysts of potash feldspar (~3mm). Gradual transition from equigranular to
porphyroblastic texture is characteristic of these rocks. Quartz is invariably strained
and is composed of subgrains with sutured boundaries. The quartz grains exhibit
undulose extinction. At many places, quartz is elongated (ribbon quartz) and augen
shaped. Very small quartz grains (0.1-0.3 mm) are plastically deformed, and occupy
the interstitial spaces. These microstructures are interpreted to indicate deformation
by dynamic recovery at moderate temperatures and low strain rates (Vernon, 1976).
Polygonization of quartz with a triple point junction invariably at 120⁰ angle is
frequently found. Quartz crystals showing mosaic texture are commonly observed in
the rock. Plagioclase occurs both in groundmass and as phenocrysts. It forms large
tabular grains with very few primary inclusions. Two generations of plagioclase are
encountered in these rocks; the early formed plagioclase (An 12) has been cut by later

anhedral plagioclase (An 4). The fine grained gneiss has 20% plagioclase by mode.
The plagioclase grains are highly sheared and broken into several sub grains, thin
twin-lamellae in plagioclase are bent or dislocated. Albite-carlsbad and baveno twins
are commonly observed. However, C-type twins are also found in a few thin sections
indicating the magmatic origin of the plagioclase.

Fig. 3.7. Microphotograph of FG depicting the medium to fine-grained nature. (5x).

The occurrence of relict plagioclase in a K-feldspar phenocryst (perthite) suggests that

early crystallization of plagioclase from the magma. In some thin sections, the
plagioclase shows terminated albite and pericline twins which are interpreted to be the
result of deformation(Vance, 1961). Biotite is the main ferromagnesian mineral in the
fine grained gneisses. It occurs as subhedral to mostly euhedral crystals up to 3mm,
pleochroic in light olive brown to dark brown with apatite and zircon as main
inclusions. Biotite is less in abundance (4-6 vol. %) compared to muscovite (~20 vol.
%). Zigzag arrangements of biotite flakes due to folding (Fig. 3.8) and
recrystallization of quartz in the crests of the microfolds is observed. Sometimes,
parallel arrangements of biotite flakes are abutted by later crystallized feldspars. In a
few thin sections replacement of biotite by microcline is observed. Muscovite is
always present in association with biotite. Alteration in muscovite is very limited.
Tectonically disturbed muscovite crystals with undulatory extinction can be

recognized in most of the thin sections. Alkali feldspar generally occurs as anhedral
grains of microcline perthite that occasionally enclose plagioclase and biotite. Next to
quartz, K-feldspar is the dominating mineral constituentin the FG and makes up to
35% by volume. They are closely associated with growths of myrmekite. Twinned
perthites are commonly encountered. Microcline occurs as subhedral crystals with
cross-hatched twinning; phenocrysts of microcline are found in some thin sections.
The microfissures in the microcline are sealed with quartz and muscovite. The graphic
intergrowth with quartz is not uncommon. The later crystallized K-feldspars have
reacted with the early formed biotite; quartz is released at the margins.

Fig. 3.8. Microphotograph showing the presence of biotite (Bio), Muscovite (Mus)
andabundant quartz in FG rocks. (5x).

Calcite crystals with very clear rhombohedral cleavages (Fig. 3.9) occur as
fracture filling in K-feldspars. The occurrence of calcite along the fractures indicates
that it may have been deposited by late stage hydrothermal solutions. Quartz also
occurs in association with calcite. The accessories include apatite with subhedral to
euhedral shape and subrounded zircon crystals as inclusion in biotite. Chlorite,
epidote and sericite occur as secondary minerals.

Fig. 3.9. Microphotograph showing the calcite (Cal) crystals along fractures within
theFG rocks. (5x).

3.2.3. Leucogranite (LG)

The Leucogranite is petrographically a distinct unit. It is a felsic and equigranular

rock with quartz and feldspars as dominant minerals. The LG is a non-foliated to
crudely foliated rock(Fig. 3.10) and form isolated small outcrops in the main pluton.
All of the constituents in the granite are anhedral with typical development of
allotriomorphic texture. Most of the minerals are relatively fresh; the deformation
structures are extremely rare. The rock constitutes mainly of quartz, K-feldspar and
muscovite with their modal percentages 35, 20,15% respectively .The leucocratic
granite contains patches of tourmaline with the groundmass phases (Fig. 3.11). The
tourmaline crystals (3% by volume) are subhedral to euhedral set in the groundmass
of quartz, K-feldspar and muscovite. A late stage magmatic origin is favoured for
much of the tourmaline as it rarely exhibits replacement textures. Quartz of two
generations occurs in the rock, the later formed quartz follows the quartz/tourmaline
margin and extends into a crack of the tourmaline. Biotite and quartz infiltrate the
tourmaline crystals. In some thin sections, the groundmass contains small patches of
microgranophyre (i.e., eutectoid-like intergrowthsof quartz and orthoclase).

Fig. 3.10. Microphotograph of a typical non-foliated to crudely foliated LG. (5x).

Fig. 3.11. Microphotograph showing the occurrence of Tourmaline (Tour), zircon

(Zir) minerals in the groundmass of K-feldspar (K-Felds), Biotite, Muscovite and
Quartz in the FG rocks. (5x).

Plagioclase is sodic with a tabular habit and exhibits complex twinning and slight
normal zoning. Biotite and tourmaline are the two main ferromagnesian minerals.
Biotite is less in abundance and in some of the rocks it is absent; such rocks are
dominated by muscovite. Plagioclase with myrmekitized marginal zones, are less in
abundance and make up to 10% by volume.

In the leucogranite rocks quartz, plagioclase and biotite are early crystallizing
phases that form large euhedral crystals with few inclusions. Among the accessories
tourmaline and apatite are ubiquitous. Apatite, rare earth phosphates and zircon
occurs as inclusions in biotite and suggest the early crystallization of these accessory
phases. Quartz and alkali-feldspar dominated the final stages of magmatic

3.2.4. Petrography of Metabasic rocks

The metabasic rocks are mostly dark green to greenish black in colour. The
rock has sparsely distributed phenocrysts (Plagioclase and hornblende) with typical
development of ophitic texture. The groundmass consists of plagioclase and
hornblende. The metabasics have a pronounced schistosity which is marked by
parallel orientation of hornblende crystals (Fig. 3.12 a, b, c). The chief mineral
constituents are augite, hornblende, biotite, plagioclase (oligoclase- andesine), sphene,
epidote, chlorite and quartz. Quartz is present in minor quantity. Most of the quartz
grains are elongated. At places, recrystallization of quartz crystals with well defined
sutured margins can be recognized. Plagioclase crystals contain inclusions of chlorite.
Plagioclase occurs as lath shaped crystals which are completely or partly surrounded
by the mafic minerals. The subhedral epidote crystals are present in association with
plagioclase and amphiboles. In some of the thin sections, the plagioclase crystals with
well preserved twinning are encountered, which are wrapped by biotite. Large
euhedral crystals of plagioclase abut against foliated biotite; this indicates post-
tectonic crystallization of plagioclase. The anorthite content of plagioclase varies
from contact to central parts of the intrusives. At many places,twin lamellae are bent
and fractured. However, the number of such deformed crystals is very less or absent
in the central part of the intrusive.

The pyroxene is represented by augite in the basic rocks (Fig. 3.13). Most of
the augite crystals enclose plagioclase, showing ophitic texture (Fig. 3.14). Calcite has

been observed in association with pyroxene. Calcite occurs as subhedral crystals and
at places, it is associated with quartz. Amphiboles are abundant and occur in the form
of prismatic crystals. The preferred orientation of hornblende prisms imparts foliation
to the rock. Biotite flakes, relatively less abundant than hornblende, are aligned
parallel to hornblende crystals. Subhedral epidotes are present in association with
amphiboles; the epidote is secondary in nature that is formed by the breakdown of
amphiboles which may be due to late stage hydrothermal alterations. Reddish brown
biotite shows marked pleochroism from light brown to deep brown and occurs as
small flakes. Opaques, chlorite and leucoxene constitute minor accessory mineral in
the metabasic rocks.

Fig. 3.12 (a). A typical amphibolite showing the weak alignment of hornblende
(hornb) and plagioclase minerals. (5x).

Fig. 3.12 (b). A typical amphibolite showing the development of abundant hornblende
(hornb) and very few quartz minerals. (5x).

Fig. 3.12 (c). Another amphibolite microphotograph showing the development of

hornblende (hornb) and plagioclase minerals. (5x).

Fig. 3.13. Amphibolite microphotograph showing the development of augite (aug).

Fig. 3.14. A microphotograph showing the development of typical ophitic texture.



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