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ABB Drives: Acs800 Trouble Shooting Operating Instruction 3afe

This document provides troubleshooting information for common fault messages on ABB's ACS800 drive system. It contains potential causes and recommended actions for issues like DC overvoltage, earth faults, and communication faults. Additional fault tracing may require contacting technical support and providing drive information like type, serial number, fault description, and application details.

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ABB Drives: Acs800 Trouble Shooting Operating Instruction 3afe

This document provides troubleshooting information for common fault messages on ABB's ACS800 drive system. It contains potential causes and recommended actions for issues like DC overvoltage, earth faults, and communication faults. Additional fault tracing may require contacting technical support and providing drive information like type, serial number, fault description, and application details.

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Puneet Joshi
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Operating Instruction 00308778.DOC

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This document contains some information about ACS800 fault messages and possible root
causes of the faults. Document is meant to give additional information for fault tracing of the drive.
If more information is needed contact technical support.

Before calling or sending email to the Support Line following information is good to be available:

• type of the unit e.g. ACS800-02-0320-3

• serial number e.g. 1013500356

• description how and when fault/problem occurs, actions done and how often this fault occurs

• what is the application

Table of contents

Drive units ____________________________________________________________________ 2

DC Overvoltage_____________________________________________________________________ 2
Earth Fault ________________________________________________________________________ 3
FLT (x_x)__________________________________________________________________________ 4
I/O Communication Fault ____________________________________________________________ 5
No Communication (1…8) ____________________________________________________________ 5
Overcurrent________________________________________________________________________ 6
PPCC Link Fault ___________________________________________________________________ 9
PP Overload ______________________________________________________________________ 10
Supply Phase ______________________________________________________________________ 11

Fieldbus _____________________________________________________________________ 12
DSU ________________________________________________________________________ 12
Earth fault ________________________________________________________________________ 12
Other fault________________________________________________________________________ 13
Phase missing _____________________________________________________________________ 13
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Drive units
DC Overvoltage

Possible reason Action

Deceleration time is too short. Set longer ramp time or use brake unit.
Use Coasting Stop to Stop Function (if
Resistance of the Braking Resistor is too high.

Parameter 2005 overvoltage controller Disable controller only when using brake unit
disabled and there is no brake unit or or TSU/ISU.

Supply voltage too high Check mains for static or transient


Faulty Braking Chopper Check Braking Chopper and Breaking


Internal Fault Replace xINT-board.

Earth fault in IT (floating network) Check there is no earth fault in supply.

Incorrect inverter type Compare the rating plate of the drive and
configuration in the sw from CDP panel (drive)
or par. 112.7 and 101.2 *1)

EMC- boards are connected in IT network. Disconnect common mode capacitors from the
gnd *2)

*1) See Parameter settings for ACS800 Single drive from ACS800 IHMM / Software / Instructions
/ RMIO configuration instructions.

*2) See ACS800 Product Notice 1: ACS800 01 Units: Modifications to the RFI Filtering when used
in the IT (ungrounded) Networks from ACS800 IHMM / Support / Hints and Product Notice.
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DC Undervoltage

Possible reason Action

Too low input voltage Check input fuses and the OESA is closed.
Measure the input and DC voltage in stop,
start and running (with multimeter or from
actual signals).
Check phase voltages of the supply.

Incorrect inverter type Compare the rating plate of the drive and
configuration in the sw from CDP panel (drive)
or par. 112.7 and 101.2 *1)

Internal fault Check cabling between AINP and rectifier

Check the cable between +DC-bus bar and
Replace a rectifier bridge.
Replace AINP-board.
Replace xINT- board.

*1) See Parameter settings for ACS800 Singledrive from ACS800 IHMM / Software / Instructions /
RMIO configuration instructions.

Earth Fault

Possible reason Action

Motor cable or motor is damaged. Megger the motor and motor cable.
Disconnect motor cables and run the drive in
scalar control => if the drive does not trip it’s

Long motor cables or high stray capacitance to Use*1) output chokes.

the ground.
Check earth fault trip level
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Possible reason Action

Power factor correction capacitors or surge Check there are no power factor correction
absorbers. capacitors or surge absorbers in the motor

Internal fault. See tips from ACS 600 Earth Fault

Protection Service Manual *2).
Replace xINT-board.
Replace Current Transducer
Replace xPBU-board if used.
Replace all optic fibres between AINTs and

*1) see Maximum Motor Cable length on ACS600/ACS800 DU/DT Filter Selection Guide and
NOCHxxxx, AOCHxxxx du/dt Filters Installation Guide from ACS800 IHMM / Manuals & Guides /
General manuals and ACS800 IHMM / Manuals & Guides / System Control and Option Manuals

*2) See ACS 600 Earth Fault Protection Service Manual from Service Hints of ACS600
SingleDrive In-House Maintenance Manual.
NOTE! All the functions described in the manual are not directly applicable with ACS800.

FLT (x_x)

Possible reason Action

(F1_4…7) Flash memory Replace RMIO-board, inform Supportline

(F2_X) Processor or memory Replace RMIO-board, inform Supportline

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I/O Communication Fault

Possible reason Action

A Communication error has occurred on the Check the connections of the fibre optic cables
I/O Link. on the I/O Link
Check a correspondence between parameter
settings and HW configuration on the I/O Link
(all I/O Modules).
Check*1) a correspondence between
parameter settings and HW configuration,
when Pulse Encoder Module (NTAC) is
connected to CH1.

Electromagnetic interference. Check for proper earthing of the equipment.

Check for highly emissive components nearby.

Internal fault Replace option module.

Replace the fibre optic cables on the I/O Link.
Replace RDCO module
Replace AIMA-board
Replace RMIO-board.

*1) if the Pulse Encoder Module is connected to CH1 instead of CH2, par. 70.03 CH1 BAUDRATE
The Communication Speed must be changed to 4 Mbits.

No Communication (1…8)

Possible reason Action

(8) = Panel Link between RMIO-board and Check the Panel Link connections.
control panel is faulty

(4) = Panel type is not compatible with the Check the Panel type and the version of the
version of the drive application program. drive application program.

(1-4) = Internal fault Replace RMIO-board.

Replace CDP 312R Panel.
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Possible reason Action

(3) = Internal fault Check *1) setting of par. 16.09 CTRL BOARD
Check the external +24VDC supply for voltage

*1) See ACS800 Product Notice 2 / ACS800 Units: External +24 V Powering of the RMIO Board
from ACS800 IHMM


Possible reason Action

Sudden load change or stall Check the load, the motor current and
mechanics of the system

Closing contactor in output If output contactor is used, stop modulation at

first and then close the contactor.

Motor connection is wrong (Star / Delta) Check motor voltage and its connection from
the rating plate and compare with values of
parameter group 99.

Too short ramp times, so that overcurrent Check the load and increase ramp times.
controller does not have enough time to grip.

Oscillation in motor speed / torque. Caused by speed ref: Check that the speed
reference does not oscillate (par. 122.2 speed
ref 3).
Caused by torque ref: Check that the torque
referencies do not oscillate (par. 137.3 torq
used ref, 122.10 torq ref1 and 122.11 torq
Caused by overcompensation in a speed
response: Check the speed controller
parameter settings. (Autotune does not bring a
satisfactory result in some cases).
Caused by Too high Feedback filtering time
(par.121.9): See ACS 600 Speed Controller
Tuning hint from IHMM *1).
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Possible reason Action

Caused by wrong value of the encoder pulses:

Check the waveform of the pulses and the
pulse numbers from the 155.2 encoder pulse
Caused by Motor Model: Check correct motor
data from motor name plate and compare to
group 99.

Output short circuit: Damaged motor cable(s) Check motor and cable insulation’s.
or damaged motor.
Disconnect motor cables and run the drive in
scalar control => if the drive does not trip it’s

Output earth fault in TN-S (grounded network) Check and megger motor(s) and cables.

Wrong motor and drive dimensioning. Check the value of the motor nominal current
is inside 1/6* par 112.2 – 2* par 112.2.
Measure output current, torque and limit word.

Power factor correction capacitors or surge Check there are no power factor correction
absorbers. capacitors or surge absorbers in the motor

Encoder connection Check encoder, encoder cables (including

phasing) and xTAC module.

Uncorrect motor data Check correct motor data from motor rating

Incorrect inverter type Compare the rating plate of the drive and
configuration in the sw from CDP panel (drive)
or par. 112.7 and 101.2 *2)

Uncorrect motor nominal cos fii Check motor nominal cos fii value from hidden
parameters *3).

No communication between RMIO- RINT / Check *4) flat cable connections

AINT- and AGDR boards
Check and replace fibreoptic cable

Overcurrent in Scalar Control Check or replace current transducers *5)

Check output current, torque and limit word *6)
See Overcurrent or Motor Temperature Fault
with Scalar Control hint from IHMM *7)

LD (GTO) mode is ON Change the LD mode OFF (par.149.9)

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Possible reason Action

LD (GTO) mode is OFF See Long Distance Mode Hint from IHMM *8)

Functioning of the contactor used in the Relocate the contactor.

auxiliary control circuit for e.g motor heating or
motor external fan control Equip the contactor with surge suppressor.

Internal fault Check or replace current transducers *4).

Replace xINT-board.
Check the flat cables are connected properly.
Replace all optic fibers between INTs and
xPBU (if parallel connected).
Replace xPBU-board if used (if parallel

*1) See Hint15 ACS 600 Speed Controller Tuning from Service Hints of ACS600 SingleDrive In-
House Maintenance Manual.
*2) See Parameter settings for ACS800 Singledrive from ACS800 IHMM / Software / Instructions.

*3) Compare cos fii values from a motor name plate and par. 110.7 MOTOR_NOM_COS_FII.
If there are big differences, set the above-mentioned parameter by changing first par. 110.5
POWER_IS_GIVEN to COS FII. Note that you have to perform the Motor Identification Run after
changing any motor data.

*4) See ACS800 HW Hint 4 / ACS800 Units: PPCC Link - Short Circuit - Overcurrent fault caused
by inadequate flat cable connection from ACS800 IHMM / Support / Hints and product notice.
*5) See Hint38 How to Check ACS 600 Current Transducers from Service Hints of ACS600
SingleDrive In-House Maintenance Manual.

*6) If there is oscillation in the torque and the motor current use 191.29 Scalar stab gain to
stabilize system. If the current limit of the drive is active, increase current limit level or decrease
load. Note that the drive trips easier to overcurrent in scalar control than in DTC in case of current
*7) See Hint43 Overcurrent or Motor Temperature Fault with Scalar Control from Service Hints of
ACS600 SingleDrive In-House Maintenance Manual.

*8) See Hint Long Distance Mode in ACS 600 from Fault Tracing of ACS 600 MultiDrive In-House
Maintenance Manual Air-cooled.
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PPCC Link Fault

Possible reason Action

No communication between RMIO- RINT / Check the flat cable connections *1) or
AINT- and AGDR boards
Check the fibre optic cables are connected
between RMIO - AINT-boards (+xPBU if
parallel connected) and replace if needed.
Check the DC is alive.

Functioning of the contactor used in the Relocate the contactor.

auxiliary control circuit for e.g motor heating or
motor external fan control Equip the contactor with surge suppressor.

Inverter hardware failure Replace xINT -board.

Check all connections from xINT (some
connection can overload the xINT-board
Check*2) and replace current transducers.
Check and replace IGBT-modules *3)
Check and replace APOW.
Check and replace xPBU.
Check all flat cable connections.
Check all connections from APOW (some
connection can overload the APOW-board)

Incorrect inverter type Compare the rating plate of the drive and
configuration in the sw from CDP panel (drive)
or par. 112.7 and 101.2 *4)

*1) See ACS800 HW Hint 4 / ACS800 Units: PPCC Link - Short Circuit - Overcurrent fault caused
by inadequate flat cable connection from ACS800 IHMM / Support / Hints and product notice
*2) See hint38 How to Check ACS 600 Current Transducers from Service Hints of ACS600
SingleDrive In-House Maintenance Manual.

*3) See Replacing the IGBT module of ACS800-02 frame R7 drive 7 or replacing the IGBT
modules of ACS800-02 frame R8 drive from ACS800 IHMM / Support / Service Instructions and

*4) See Parameter settings for ACS800 Singledrive from ACS800 IHMM / Software / Instructions /
RMIO configuration instructions
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PP Overload

Possible reason Action

The temperature difference between heat sink Run the drive with smaller current until heat
(cool environment) and IGBT module too high sink is warmed up.
(driven in max current).

Short Circuit

Possible reason Action

Damaged motor cables or damaged motor Check motor and cable insulation’s.
Check motor windings.

Internal fault Check there is no external object inside drive.

Check or replace *1) IGBT modules.
Replace xINT -boards.
Replace xPBU-board if used.
Replace AGPS-board.
Check *2) flat cables are connected properly.

*1) See Replacing the IGBT module of ACS800-02 frame R7 drive 7 or replacing the IGBT
modules of ACS800-02 frame R8 drive from ACS800 IHMM / Support / Service Instructions and

*2) See ACS800 HW Hint 4 / ACS800 Units: PPCC Link - Short Circuit - Overcurrent fault caused
by inadequate flat cable connection from ACS800 IHMM / Support / Hints and product notice
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Supply Phase

Possible reason Action

One input phase is missing Check fuses and installation, measure the
supply voltages from input terminals.

Supply net disturbance Check for mains supply imbalance.

Increase par 145.4 DC ripple limit value. Max
value is 20%. Increasing the DC ripple will
decrease the lifetime of DC capacitors.

Oscillation problem under heavy load Check the load

Check parameter settings.

Internal fault Replace xINT- board

Replace the rectifier bridge
Replace AINP-board
Check cabling between AINP and rectifier
Check the DC-capacitors.
Check DC voltage measurement.
In parallel connected drives check that the DC
voltage is stabile when the drive is powered
but not modulating. If the DC is not stabile one
or more xINT’s are broken.
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Possible reason Action

Communication cannot be established or Check par. 70.01 CH0 node address

communication parameters cannot be set
when FB module of type Nxxx is used.

FB status and Drive status word are not equal Check the operation mode configuration (ABB
when FB module of type Rxxx is used. DRIVES / GENERIC) on the FB master and
par 98.07 in the drive.

Earth fault

Possible reason Action

Supply network is floating (IT) Disable earth fault supervision with

dipswitches. Power off the board for at least 3
Install Bender.

Motor cable or motor is damaged. Megger the motor and motor cable.
Disconnect motor cables and run the drive in
scalar control => if the drive does not trip it’s

Power factor correction capacitors or surge Check there are no power factor correction
absorbers. capacitors or surge absorbers in the motor

Internal fault Check and replace current transformer(s).

Check and replace flat cables.
Replace DSMB-01 board
Replace DSSB-01 board
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Other fault

Possible reason Action

Emergency stop circuit opened Measure the input of connector –X8:1 +24V :2
–24V if not OK check following:
Check emstop circuit
Check fuses of connector –X4 on DSSB board
Check voltage polarity in input.

Internal fault or charging not successful Check switch disconnector and auxiliary
Check contactors and auxiliary contacts.
Check cabling between DSAB - contactor
Check and replace flat cables
Replace DSSB board
Replace DSMB-0X board

Phase missing

Possible reason Action

AC fuse blown Change AC fuse

Loose input power terminal Check the connections and tightening torques

Internal fault Check and replace the fuse on DSAB-board

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