Energy Harvesting: Solar, Wind, and Ocean Energy Conversion Systems

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80 Energy Harvesting: Solar, Wind, and Ocean Energy Conversion Systems

ILPref ILPref
Poref Ioref
+ + +
– +


FIGURE 1.93 Block diagram of the power conditioner.

side. This means that the power conditioner works as an active filter. The block diagram of
the power conditioner is shown in Figure 1.93.
The phase-locked-loop block shown in Figure 1.93 is responsible to perform the necessary
measurements for grid synchronization. This block internally calculates the phase angle and
the frequency of the input signal.
The output active power over a period can be calculated by

Po = io (t)vu (t) dt. (1.93)

The reference output active power is compared to the actual active power. The error is
multiplied by Gpc , which is the proportional-integral controller to calculate ILPref . Then it
is multiplied to a sine wave, which is in phase with the grid. Therefore, ILPref is the factor
for the reference active power. The load current and capacitance current values are added
to this current in order to take reactive power demand and harmonics into account. As a
result, the converter reference will include the active power of the user as well as the reactive
power and the harmonic currents of the load. The controller for the power conditioner, Gpc ,
is a PI controller given by
Kp s + Ki
Gpc = . (1.94)
The complete system, in Figure 1.86, is simulated to observe the dynamic performances
of the system. The number of series cells is 112, and the number of parallel cells is 30 in a
module. In one array, the number of series modules is 6 and the number of parallel modules
is 7. The short-circuit module current and the open-circuit module voltage are ISC = 1.2 A
and VOC = 14 V, respectively. The series array resistance is Rs = 10 mΩ. In the PI-based
current controller of the MPPT system, the proportional gain is 20. The PV array current,
voltage, and power are obtained as given in Figures 1.94 through 1.96.
Due to the I–V characteristics of the PV array, as the current drawn from the PV array
increases, the voltage of the PV array decreases. The PV array power is shown in Figure 1.96,
where it starts increasing from zero to the maximum as the PV array current increases.
The reference PV array current, which is determined by the MPPT model, is given in
Figure 1.97. Based on Figures 1.94 and 1.97, it is seen that the reference PV array current is
successfully tracked by the boost converter.
The PV array’s dP/dI ratio is shown in Figure 1.98. From Figure 1.98 it is seen that the
dP/dI ratio decreases as the operating point gets closer to the MPPT.

© 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

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