Workshop 4 Notes
Workshop 4 Notes
Workshop 4 Notes
Topic 4: The quantum harmonic oscillator, Coherent states and Schrödinger’s cat states
4.1 Introduction
In this workshop we will revisit the quantum harmonic oscillator and the creation and annihilation operators.
In the first part of the assignment you will use the creation operator to produce the excited states of the
quantum harmonic oscillator. In the second part you are asked to produce the coherent state, also known as
the Glauber state of the quantum harmonic oscillator. By superposing two coherent states, you are asked to
produce the Schrödinger cat state both in position space and in phase space.
~2 ∂ 2
k 2 ∂Ψn (x, t)
ĤΨn (x, t) = − + x Ψn (x, t) = i~ , (2)
2M ∂x2 2 ∂t
where Ĥ is the quantum harmonic oscillator’s Hamiltonian. The quantum harmonic oscillator’s eigenfunctions
take the form
Ψn (x, t) = ψn (x) · e− ~ En t (3)
where ψn and En are its corresponding eigenfunctions and eigenenergies, respectively (Hn are the Hermite
polynomials of degree n),
M ω 1/4 − M ωx2
1 Mω n x 2 d −x 2
ψn = √ · e 2~ Hn x , Hn (x) = (−1) e e , En = ~ω n + . (4)
2n n! π~ ~ dxn 2
α† ψn−1 aψn+1
ψn = √ =√ . (6)
n n+1
M ωx2
Therefore, starting from the groundstate ψ0 = N0 · e− 2~ , the nth state can be defined as
α † ψ0
ψn = √ , (7)
where N0 is the normalisation constant for the groundstate.
Exercise 1: Generate a plot of the probability distributions of the quantum harmonic oscillator potential
for a spring constant of k = 1.
(a) Using the creation operator produce the first thirty (30) excited states of the quantum harmonic
oscillator and their respective energy levels.
[2 mark]
(b) For the groundstate and the excited states of the quantum harmonic oscillator produced in part (a),
check that they fulfill:
(i) Schrödinger’s equation,
[1 mark]
(ii) the normalisation condition.
[1 mark]
(c) On the same graph plot the harmonic oscillator potential and the probability distributions of its
ground and excited states produced in part (a). All the probability distributions must be displayed at the
corresponding energy level.
[3 marks]
(d) Produce a check which shows that the groundstate of the quantum harmonic oscillator and its excited
states produced in part (a), are orthogonal to each other.
[2 mark]
[Total for Exercise 1: 9 marks]
α2 Ψ2 (x, t) α3 Ψ3 (x, t)
|α2 |
Ψcoh (x, t, α) = e− 2 Ψ0 (x, t) + αΨ1 (x, t) + √ + √ + ··· (9)
2! 3!
|α2 | X αn
= e− 2 √ Ψn (x, t) , (10)
n=0 n!
where the time-dependent eigenfunctions Ψn (x, t), of the quantum harmonic oscillator, are defined in Eq. (3).
Exercise 2: Generate a Schrödinger cat state with α = 2.6 for a harmonic oscillator potential with spring
constant k = 0.65.
(a) Determine a reasonable cut-off for the number of eigenfunctions you include in the sum that constitutes
the coherent state (N=30 is unnecessarily large).
[1 mark]
Hint: For a reasonable cut-off for the maximum number “N” of wave functions you include into the state’s
implementation, check the sum of the coefficients’ magnitude and be satisfied if that sum is above 0.99 ≈ 99%.
(b) Create a 3-D plot of the probability distribution of Schrödinger’s cat state.
[2 marks]
(c) Investigate the time development. In particular the period of the oscillation. Comment on your
[1 mark]
(d) Determine the times when the interference is most pronounced. Comment on your observations.
[1 mark] √
(e) Reproduce part (c) for α = 2.6i, where i = −1. Comment on your observations.
[1 mark]
(f ) How does the fringe spacing of the Schrödinger cat state’s interference fringes depend on the magnitude
of the amplitudes |α|. State your answer qualitatively.
[1 mark]
(g) Try to find a quantitative answer for how the fringes’ distances depend on the strength of the potential
and the magnitudes of the amplitudes.
[2 mark]
Hint: Think of the harmonic oscillator as a classical oscillator. What is the momentum of the oscillator
at the origin? What deBroglie wavelength do you expect it to have? Now, derive an expression for the
interference pattern.
[Total for Exercise 2: 9 marks]
where asterisk (*) denotes complex conjugation, rendering it time-independent for eigenfunctions.
Exercise 3:
(a) Show that the Wigner function for eigenfunctions, i.e. not in a superposition, is time-independent.
[2 mark]
(b) Show that the two expressions of W in Eq. (12) are equal.
[3 marks]
Hint: You can do this by substituting for Ψ̃ the Fourier transform of Ψ,
Z ∞
1 i
Ψ̃(p, t) = √ Ψ(x, t)e− ~ px dx , (13)
2π~ −∞
and then performing a change of variables, x1 = X + y and x2 = X − y. Do not forget the absolute value of
the Jacobian.
2Y nπ
where Ny is an even number of partitions of width ∆Y = N y
. The substitution p = 2Y follows from
n o
the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem [8] with n ∈ Z : − 2y ≤ n ≤ 2y . Thus, the p-axis domain of the
h i
πN πN
numerical integration in Eq. (19) is p ∈ − 4Yy , 4Yy . Note that yr in Eq. (19), ranges from y1 = −Y + NYy
to yNy = Y − Ny . Therefore, the values of yr represent the values of y in Eq. (12) and appear within the
integration limits [−Y, Y ]. We also make sure that Ψ∗ (x + y)Ψ(x − y) ≈ 0 at the integration limits for all
values of x. For a sufficiently high value of Ny , the numerically integrated Wigner function in Eq. (19), must
satisfy the Wigner function projections, together with the normalisation condition,
ZZ ∞
dp dx W (x, p, t) = 1 . (20)
Exercise 3:
(d) Numerically determine the Wigner function W in Eq. (19) for the Schrödinger cat state in Eq. (11).
For this you will need to determine a sufficiently large integration limit Y and number of partitions Ny . The
Maple command you will need to use is ApproximateInt. While the Wigner function is evolved in time,
which direction does it rotate? Clockwise or counterclockwise? Does your observation agree with the second
animation in this link: Cat state?
[4 marks]
[Total for Exercise 3: 12 marks]
Exercise 4:
(a) Show that the position expectation value can be written in terms of W as
ZZ ∞
hxi = x W (x, p, t) dp dx . (23)
[2 marks]
(b) Similarly show that the momentum expectation value can be written in terms of W as
ZZ ∞
hpi = p W (x, p, t) dp dx . (24)
[2 marks]
(c) Show that the momentum expectation value can also be written as
Z ∞
∂Ψ(x, t)
hpi = −i~Ψ∗ (x, t) dx . (25)
−∞ ∂x
[2 marks] Hint: Make use of the Dirac δ function identities in Eqs. (16) and (17). Alternatively, substitute
Eq. (13) into Eq. (22).
The expectation values of x2 and p2 can also be written as
ZZ ∞
x = x2 W (x, p, t) dp dx (26)
and ZZ ∞
p = p2 W (x, p, t) dp dx (27)
The standard deviation in position and momentum can be written as
∆x = hx2 i − hxi2 (28)
and q
∆p = hp2 i − hpi2 (29)
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is then defined using the above standard deviations as ∆x∆p ≥ 21 ~.
Exercise 4:
(d) Plot the time evolution of the product of the standard deviation of position and momentum (∆x∆p)
of the cat state produced in Exercise 3, over one period time and comment on your result with reference to
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
[4 marks]
[Total for Exercise 4: 10 marks]
4.5 Submission
The deadline for this assignment is on the 18th of April at 1500hrs
Submit your handwritten answers as a single PDF document and for the exercises which require Maple,
submit a single Maple spreadsheet after you have removed the output (using Alt-E-V-W). The file name
of both the PDF document and Maple spreadsheet must start with your name and/or student number in the
file name. The total marks for this assignment is 40. The following is some advice on what you can do to
avoid losing your work:
• Save your work frequently. In the context of Maple, before saving your spreadsheet, first remove all the
output by using the following keys: Alt-E-V-W. Then press Ctrl-S to save and submit the code only.
Remember that I will then do the reverse: Alt-E-E-W, so please check that no errors will come up
• Switch from Math to Maple format using Ctrl-M or do it globally: Tools, Options, Display. Set “In-
put display” to “Maple Notation”. Then click “Apply Globally”.
• Add comments to make your work and reasoning legible: Remove clutter from your program, add
comments using the # key or using the print command. To add comments in text format, first create a
new execution group with either Ctrl-J or Ctrl-K and then using Ctrl-T you can start writting in text
[1] W. Heisenberg, Zeitschrift fur Physik 43, 172 (1927).
[3] M. Hillery, R. F. O’Connell, M. O. Scully, and E. P. Wigner, Phys. Rep. 106, 121 (1984).
[5] L. E. Ballentine, Y. Yang, and J. P. Zibin, Phys. Rev. A 50, 2854 (1994).
[7] W. P. Schleich, Quantum Optics in Phase Space (WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2001).