Traumeel Vs Diclofenac For Reducing Pain and Improving Ankle Mobility After Acute Ankle Sprain

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Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain and improving

ankle mobility after acute ankle sprain: A multicentre,
randomised, blinded, controlled and non-inferiority trial
C. Gonzalez de Vega,1 C. Speed,2 B. Wolfarth,3 J. Gonzalez4

MEDYR Clinic, Sports Medicine
What’s known & Rehabilitation, Madrid, Spain

Background: Acute ankle sprains are common and activity limiting injuries, and A range of therapeutic interventions is available Rheumatology, Sport &
Exercise Medicine, Cambridge
topical diclofenac gel has proven efficacy in alleviating pain and restoring function. for reducing pain and swelling and restoring
Centre for Health and
This trial aimed to compare a topical natural agent, Traumeel with topical diclofe- stability in patients with lateral ankle injuries.
Performance, Cambridge, UK
nac gel (1%) in the management of acute ankle sprain. Methods: This prospec- • Topical diclofenac is one of the most widely used 3
Preventive and Rehabilitative
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and is Sports Medicine, Technical
tive, multicentre, randomised, blinded, active-control and non-inferiority study
superior to placebo in providing pain relief. University Munich, Munich,
involved 449 physically active adults sustaining unilateral grade 1 or 2 ankle sprain
• Based on its efficacy and tolerability, Traumeel Germany
within the past 24 h. Participants were randomised to receive 2 g of Traumeel 4
DEYRE Clinic, Madrid, Spain
has been used for many years in the
ointment (T-O) (n = 152) or Traumeel gel (T-G) (n = 150) or diclofenac gel (D-G) management of musculoskeletal disorders. Correspondence to:
(n = 147), administered topically to the ankle three times a day for 14 days, with Dr Carlos Gonzalez de Vega,
6-weeks follow up. Results: Day 7 median percentage reductions in Visual Ana- What’s new Medical Director
MEDYR Clinic, Sports Medicine
logue Scale pain score were 60.6%, 71.1% and 68.9% for the T-O, T-G and D-G • The natural medications, Traumeel ointment and
& Rehabilitation Hernani 54,
groups, respectively. Total pain relief was reported by 12 (8.5%), 7 (5.0%) and 8 Traumeel gel are as effective as diclofenac gel
28020, Madrid, Spain
(5.9%) participants in each group, respectively. Median improvements in Foot and 1% in reducing pain and restoring function in Tel.: + 34 91 5360029
individuals with mild-to-moderate ankle sprain. Fax: + 34 91 5530414
Ankle Ability Measure Activities of Daily Living subscale score were 26.2, 26.2 and
25.0 points for T-O, T-G and D-G groups, respectively. Mann–Whitney effect sizes
• In a large multicentre study, topical Traumeel Email: [email protected]
was well tolerated, with a low risk of adverse Disclosures
and lower bound confidence intervals demonstrated non-inferiority of Traumeel vs.
effects. JG and CGV received financial
diclofenac for reducing pain and functional improvement. At 6 weeks, participants
• Traumeel can be considered an effective first-line, support for the study; CS, BW
reported total pain relief and normal functioning. Adverse events (n = 43) were local treatment option and an alternative to and CGV had financial support
reported by 31/447 participants (6.9%). Treatments were equally well tolerated. for the submitted work from
topical diclofenac for treating acute ankle sprain.
Biologische Heilmittel Heel
Conclusions: T-O and T-G decreased pain and improved joint function to the same
GmbH; CGV, BW and CS are
extent as D-G in acute ankle sprain, and were well tolerated. advisory board members for
Traumeel for Biologische
Heilmittel Heel GmbH; CS and
plant and mineral extracts used for treating inflam- CGV have received consultancy
Introduction fees from Biologische Heilmittel
mation and pain caused by musculoskeletal injuries Heel GmbH; BW has received
Acute ankle sprains, particularly those involving the (10). Effectiveness and tolerability of Traumeel for consultancy fees from
lateral ligament complex, are frequently reported to musculoskeletal injuries have been reported in Biologische Heilmittel Heel
GmbH and Johnson & Johnson;
be the most common musculoskeletal injury (1–3). randomised controlled trials, which demonstrate BW has received payment for
Without adequate care, acute ankle trauma can lead reductions in pain and swelling, and improvements lectures, including as a speaker
to chronic problems, such as pain, joint instability, in the mobility of joints such as ankle and knee (11– on speaker bureaus, from
Biologische Heilmittel Heel
restriction and loss of function (2,4). 14). Traumeel has also demonstrated efficacy equiva- GmbH, Astra Zeneca, Berlin
Topical diclofenac has been consistently demon- lent to conventional management (15), NSAIDs (16) Chemie, Bristol-Myers Squibb;
strated to be an effective agent in reducing pain and and diclofenac (17) in pain relief and improving CGV has received payment for
developing and delivering
inflammation in acute ankle sprain and other musculo- joint mobility. Traumeel is well tolerated, with very educational presentations for
skeletal disorders (5–7), with improvements in patients’ few adverse effects (12,13,15–21). Biologische Heilmittel Heel
functional capacity, mobility and global assessment The objective of this large multicentre, randomised GmbH; BW has received payment
for developing and delivering
(6,8). Topical diclofenac is usually better tolerated than and controlled study was to compare the effective- educational presentations for
oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ness and tolerability of a homeopathic medication, Johnson & Johnson; there are no
(6,7,9), and is a useful benchmark for pharmacological Traumeel, with a conventional therapy, diclofenac, other relationships or activities
that could appear to have
intervention in musculoskeletal injuries. both administered topically in the reduction of pain influenced the submitted work.
Traumeel (Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, and restoration of function in individuals with mild- Trial registration
Baden-Baden, Germany) is a fixed combination of to-moderate acute ankle sprain. Diclofenac was NCT01066520

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.12219 979
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and
distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
980 Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain

selected as the comparator because of its broad study participating institutions, and approved by the Span-
database and because it is the most widely used ish Institutional Review Board/Ethics Committee and
NSAID (5,22,23). Diclofenac sodium gel (D-G) at a the Research Ethics Committee of each investigator’s
concentration of 1% was selected because it is widely site. Investigators were consultant musculoskeletal
available. Topical preparations of Traumeel and D-G specialists.
were chosen as they are convenient, easy to use, and This non-inferiority study was performed with a
are available on prescription and over the counter two-stage adaptive design (24), with a planned
(OTC). interim analysis after study completion by 240 evalu-
able subjects (Stage I). The intention was to either
stop the study according to the predefined stopping
rules (definite success or failure), or, with both T-O
Participant selection and T-G eligible for continuation, continue to Stage
Participants were physically active adults including II with the option of including only two (i.e. T-O or
athletes, (physician’s opinion from patient’s case his- T-G vs. D-G) or all three treatment arms.
tory) aged 18–40 years, who had experienced an After initial screening, eligible individuals entering
acute unilateral ankle sprain of the lateral ligaments Stage I were randomised 1:1:1 to receive T-O, T-G
within the past 24 h. They were also required to have or D-G for 14 days, according to a randomisation
moderate (100-point Visual Analogue Scale [VAS] schedule generated by IDV Data Analysis & Study
score, 30–60 mm) to severe (>60 mm) pain on Planning (Krailling, Germany). Computerised ran-
weight bearing according to the participant’s assess- domisation to treatment was achieved centrally;
ment of ankle pain, and be unable to perform their investigators received random blocks of six treatment
usual training/sports activities. Grade of ankle sprain kits along with the envelopes, and assigned patients
was evaluated at baseline by physician’s assessment to treatment on the basis of the order of kit receipt.
and x-ray to eliminate fracture, and on day 7 by Randomisation was double blind for T-G and D-G,
using a stress-test [pronation stress of the ankle with and single (investigator) blind for T-O (the consis-
predefined power]. tency of gel and ointment was different), although
Individuals were excluded if they had sustained a participants did not know which drug was in which
similar injury of the same joint within the last preparation (medication was packed in identical con-
6 months, bilateral ankle injury, complete rupture of tainers). For all study medication, 2 g (approximately
the ankle ligaments in need of surgical intervention 6 cm squeezed onto a measured dosing card) was
(i.e. Grade 3 ankle sprain), confirmed fracture or applied topically, 3 times daily over the injured area.
injury concurrent with knee injury, or required bed The treated skin was left uncovered by clothing for
rest, hospitalisation, casting or surgery. They were at least 15 min after application, and showering or
also excluded if they had clinically important labora- bathing were not permitted for at least 1 h after
tory test abnormalities or debilitating acute/chronic application. Participants were assessed at baseline
illness, or had used corticosteroids in the previous (day 0), on days 4, 7 and 14 of treatment, and at fol-
8 weeks; long-acting NSAIDs, cyclooxygenase (COX)- low up on day 42.
2 inhibitors or tramadol in the previous 24 h; any All subjects received the same advice; the use of
other analgesics in the previous 6 h; or were sensitive rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE) was
to any component of the study drugs; or were abus- restricted to immediately after the event, and before
ing medical substances or alcohol. Participants pro- starting study treatment. No patient reported using
vided written informed consent to participate. RICE after the start of study treatment. Systemic cor-
ticosteroids and analgesics were prohibited during
Study design the study. Rescue medication for pain control (par-
The Traumeel Acute Ankle Sprain Study (TAASS) acetamol 500 mg tablets, up to four daily) was per-
was a multicentre, prospective, randomised, blinded mitted but not in the 24 h before study visits.
and active-controlled study comparing Traumeel Compliance with application of study drugs was
ointment (T-O) and Traumeel gel (T-G) (Biologische ensured by study personnel administering the test
Heilmittel Heel GmbH) with D-G 1% (Heumann drugs and by a patient diary. Patients also recorded
Pharma GmbH & Co) in the treatment of acute uni- use of RICE, rescue medications and concomitant
lateral ankle sprain. The study was conducted at 15 medications in the patient diary.
outpatient centres in Spain in accordance with the Interim analysis of Stage I suggested that the study
Declaration of Helsinki, Seoul 2008, International should continue to Stage II with all three treatment
Congress for Harmonization, Good Clinical Practice arms (i.e. no definite success or failure). Using
(ICH-GCP) and the appropriate regulatory policy of the same procedures as for Stage I, additional

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989
Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain 981

participants were enrolled, assessed and treated in Safety variables and vital signs
Stage II. Stage I was carried out from August 2009 Local tolerability of study treatments were evaluated
(first participant enrolled) to January 2011 (last par- by the physician after application and treatment-emer-
ticipant completed), inclusive; Stage II was carried gent adverse event data were collected at each visit.
out from March to September 2011, inclusive. Data Adverse events (AEs) were categorised by primary sys-
from Stages I and II for the T-O and T-G groups tem organ class and MedDRA preferred terms. Medi-
were combined for analyses; the combined results are cal history and previous medications were detailed at
presented here. screening. Physical examinations, vital signs, body
weight and height were recorded at study visits.
Primary efficacy variables
The primary efficacy measures were the percentage Data analysis
change from baseline to day 7 for the participant’s
assessment of ankle pain (maximum), as measured Primary efficacy analyses
by a 100 mm VAS (0 = no pain; 100 = worst imag- For the primary efficacy analysis, equality of effects
inable pain), and the change from baseline to day 7 of test and reference treatments was investigated
of the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) (25) using a test for non-inferiority. Effect size analyses
Activity of Daily Living subscale (ADL). The FAAM were made by applying the Wilcoxon–Mann–Whit-
is a validated self-reported questionnaire (25) that ney (WMW) test that provides the Mann–Whitney
assesses physical function of individuals with muscu- (MW) estimator (27,28). The relevant benchmarks
loskeletal disorders of the leg, foot and ankle. The for the MW estimator were: 0.29 = large inferiority,
FAAM ADL subscale comprises 21 single items 0.36 = medium-sized inferiority, 0.44 = small inferi-
assessing activities of daily living such as standing, ority, 0.50 = equality, 0.56 = small superiority,
walking and going up and down stairs. The final 0.64 = medium-sized superiority and 0.71 = large
score of the ADL subscale was standardised to a 0– superiority (27). Statistical significance was deter-
100 scale where 0 = worst level of physical function, mined by the confidence interval approach, whereby
100 = highest level of physical function. non-inferiority was shown if the lower bound of the
confidence interval (LB-CI) was lying above the pre-
Secondary efficacy variables defined non-inferiority margin of 0.4.
Secondary variables were measured on days 4, 7, 14 The study-wise alpha level was specified at 0.025
and 42. They included percentage change from base- (one-sided) and both primary efficacy criteria could be
line of ankle pain (maximum), self-assessed using a tested with the full alpha if the first test was statistically
100 mm VAS (as described above); change from significant (28). All patients who have had at least one
baseline of the FAAM ADL subscale (as described dose of medication, at least one efficacy evaluation
above) (25); and change from baseline of the FAAM under medication, and are without severe protocol
sports subscale (25) that comprises 8 single items deviations were evaluated as the full analysis set (29,30).
assessing various sports activities such as running Missing data were handled by the ‘Last Observation
and jumping. As with the FAAM ADL subscale, the Carried Forward’ method. Primary analyses were based
final score of the FAAM sports subscale was standar- on the Intent-To-Treat sample. For the primary efficacy
dised to a 0–100 scale where 0 = worst level of phys- criteria, the one-sided test for non-inferiority with alpha
ical function, 100 = highest level of physical 2.5% and 97.5% CI was employed (WMW procedure).
function. Swelling was measured by the ‘figure-
of-eight’ method (26) (mean of three repeated Multiple testing in an adaptive design
measurements) with the ankle in a neutral position Two treatment comparisons were made within the
for eversion and inversion while flexed to 90 degrees. two-stage adaptive study design. The procedure is a
Normal function/activity was measured on a 5-point combination of two principles of a multiple level
scale (0 = normal, 4 = severely restricted because of alpha control: the closure principle (for multiple
pain) and change from baseline was calculated. Time comparisons; intersection hypothesis) (31) and the
to normal function, that being during training and two-stage adaptive design. The operating characteris-
during sports activities, was self-reported by patients. tics of the two-stage Bauer–Koehne procedure (24)
A global assessment of treatment efficacy was were: P1 < 0.0102 (one-sided), stop after Stage I
assessed using a 5-point rating scale (1 = very good, because of success; P1 ≥ 0.5, stop after Stage I
5 = worsening of symptoms) on day 14, and rescue because of futility; and 0.0102 ≤ P1 < 0.5, continue
medication use was determined by counting the to Stage II with c-alpha for combined
number of tablets taken during the treatment and stages = 0.0038, for combined two stages P1* P2. If
follow-up periods. the intersection hypothesis (24) H0 was not rejected

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989
982 Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain

at alpha1 = 0.0102, then Stage II was planned with were randomised to treatment (Figure 1). Two par-
both treatments; if p > alpha0, then the study is ticipants in the T-G group did not receive treatment;
stopped because of futility; if p < alpha1, then the they withdrew their consent for participation in the
two single hypotheses can be tested. If one (or both) trial after randomisation and before receiving the first
of the latter is significant, then the study can be medication dose. Stages I and II participants in each
stopped for that (or both) treatment. Likewise, if one treatment group were combined for the analyses.
(or both) test is not significant, then Stage II may be
performed with that (or both) treatment. Participant characteristics
The intersection hypothesis is tested using the Demographic and other participant characteristics
Fligner–Wolfe test, which is a generalised Wilcoxon– are shown in Table 1; there were no significant dif-
Mann–Whitney test, based on a comparison of the ferences between the treatment groups. On day 7,
two test treatments combined and the reference ankle sprains were classified according to sprain
treatment (32). The two single comparisons are per- grade (33): Grade 1 (mild, ligaments over-stretched),
formed using the standard WMW test. As the com- and Grade 2 (moderate, partial rupture) or Grade 3
parator is an active reference treatment, the test is a (severe, complete rupture of the lateral ankle liga-
(one-sided) test for non-inferiority with the null ment complex; study exclusion criterion) (Table 1).
hypothesis: H0:MW < 0.40, the one-sided bound of The three participants (one from each of the three
the CI should be >0.4 to reject the null hypothesis. groups) with Grade 3 sprain, which were included in
the study at baseline before final grading and in the
Sample size calculation analysis, were considered unlikely to statistically sig-
For sample size estimation, the following stipulations nificantly affect the outcomes.
were made: alpha = 0.025 (one-sided), beta = 0.1
(power = 0.9, winning chance of sponsor 9:1), and Compliance to study medication
MW = 0.4, non-inferiority bound. Within the two- From participant diaries, overall compliance to study
stage Bauer–Koehne procedure (operating character- medication was very good and indicated that 75% of
istics as above) (24), Stage I was based on a sample participants had a total compliance above 90%. No
size of N = 240 (80/group) after which an interim significant difference was seen between the three
analysis was performed for the primary criteria. treatment groups. Compliance below 80% (i.e. non-
There was no definite success or failure so the study compliance) was reported for 12 participants (8.4%)
proceeded to Stage II in an adaptive manner, i.e. in the T-O group, 5 participants (3.6%) in the T-G
with all unblinded data results. group and 5 participants (3.6%) in the D-G group
(p = 0.1139, R by 2 analysis).
Other analyses
Secondary efficacy criteria were evaluated using the Concomitant medications
same statistical tests and confidence intervals as for Concomitant medications were taken by 23 partici-
the primary efficacy criteria (WMW procedure). pants and were mainly analgesics and antipyretics,
Time to normal function was analysed using the log- for headache, infections and pain. A total of 11/31
rank test and Kaplan–Meier curves. The safety popu- participants with AEs required concomitant medica-
lation comprised all patients who had at least one tion. There was no significant difference in the pro-
dose of medication and one contact with the investi- portions of participants in each group requiring
gator after this first dose. AEs were presented by concomitant medication: T-O, 3/9 participants
descriptive statistics and Fisher’s exact test. (33.3%); T-G, 5/14 participants (35.7%); D-G, 3/8
Sample size calculation was performed using participants (37.5%).
Nnpar 1.0, and data were entered with Report 6.4.19
or higher as database, and analysed with Report Evaluation of efficacy
6.4.19 or higher for descriptive statistics and TESTI-
MATE 6.1.03 or higher for inferential statistics (all Primary outcome measures
software from IDV Data Analysis & Study Planning, There were no statistically significant between-group
Krailling, Germany). differences in baseline pain VAS scores and in base-
line FAAM ADL subscale scores. At all visits in the
main treatment period, the confidence intervals were
above the predefined lower equivalence margin
Participant disposition (0.40), demonstrating non-inferiority of T-O and
Of the 449 individuals enrolled into the study (i.e. T-G vs. D-G for the treatment of pain and for the
299 participants in Stage I and 150 in Stage II), all improvement of ankle function.

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989
Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain 983

(Stage I, n = 299; Stage II, n = 150)
All participants N = 449

Eligible and randomised to one of three arms

(Stage I, n = 299; Stage II, n = 150)
All participants N = 449

Randomised to Randomised to Randomised to

Traumeel ointment n = 152 Traumeel gel n = 150 Diclofenac gel n = 147

Exclusions n = 0 Exclusions n = 2 Exclusions n = 0

Withdrew consent n = 2

Safety Population Safety Population Safety Population

Traumeel ointment n = 152 Traumeel gel n = 148 Diclofenac gel n = 147
Completer n = 144 Completer n = 141 Completer n = 141
Exit reasons: Exit reasons: Exit reasons:
Early recovery n = 5 Early recovery n = 5 Early recovery n = 5
Lack of efficacy n = 1 Administrative reason n = 2 Administrative reason n = 1
Adverse event n = 1
Administrative reason n = 1

Exclusions n = 9 Exclusions n = 8 Exclusions n = 10

Protocol violation* n = 9 Protocol violation* n = 8 Protocol violation* n = 10

Intention-To-Treat Intention-To-Treat Intention-To-Treat

Population Population Population
Traumeel ointment n = 143 Traumeel gel n = 140 Diclofenac gel n = 137
Completer n = 136 Completer n = 136 Completer n = 131
Exit reasons: Exit reasons: Exit reasons:
Early recovery n = 4 Early recovery n = 3 Early recovery n = 5
Lack of efficacy n = 1 Administrative reason n = 1 Administrative reason n = 1
Adverse event n = 1
Administrative reason n = 1

Exclusions n = 17
† Exclusions n = 13 Exclusions n = 5

In/Ex criteria n = 5
In/Ex criteria n = 4 In/Ex criteria n = 1
Age n = 1
Compliance n = 12 Compliance n = 5
Compliance n = 5
Time first application n = 4 Time first application n = 1
Time first application n = 3
Date of Day 7 n = 5 Date of Day 7 n = 3
Date of Day 7 n = 3
Premature discont. n = 2 Premature discont. n = 1
Premature discont. n = 1

Per Protocol Population Per Protocol Population Per Protocol Population

Traumeel ointment n = 126 Traumeel gel n = 127 Diclofenac gel n = 132
Completer n = 121 Completer n = 124 Completer n = 127
Exit reasons: Exit reasons: Exit reasons:
Early recovery n = 4 Early recovery n = 3 Early recovery n = 5
Lack of efficacy n = 1

Figure 1 TAASS trial flowchart of study population with ankle sprain randomised and followed up in study monitoring
efficacy. Exclusions, all circumstances leading to exclusion from Safety or Intent-To-Treat or Per Protocol populations; In/
Ex criteria, inclusion/exclusion criteria; time first application, first time of first application of study drug; date of day 7,
date of Visit 3 (day 7); premature discont., premature discontinuation (not efficacy related); administrative reasons
including ‘lost to follow up’; * ‘severe’ violation of the VAS pain inclusion criterion (VAS <30 mm); † a participant may
have had more than one reason for exclusion; ‡ includes the participant in the Traumeel ointment group who
discontinued the study prematurely on day 8 because of worsening of the injury.

On day 7, median percentage reductions in pain preparations vs. D-G, pain VAS effect sizes show less
VAS scores from baseline were 60.6% for the T-O than ‘small’ group differences on day 7, with effect
group, 71.1% for the T-G group and 68.9% for the D- sizes varying between benchmarks for equality (0.5)
G group (Figure 2A). Total pain relief was reported and small inferiority (0.44) (Figure 2B,C).
by 12 (8.5%), 7 (5.0%) and 8 (5.9%) participants in At day 7, median improvements in FAAM ADL
each of the groups, respectively. For both Traumeel subscale scores from baseline were 26.2 points for the

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989
984 Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain

Table 1 Demographics and baseline characteristics of participants (Intent-To-Treat population) in the TAASS study

Traumeel ointment Traumeel gel Diclofenac gel

Baseline characteristic N = 143 N = 140 N = 137

Grade of ankle sprain, n (%)

Grade 1 80 (56.7%) 87 (62.1%) 74 (54.4%)
Grade 2 60 (42.6%) 52 (37.1%) 61 (44.9%)
Grade 3 1 (0.71%) 1 (0.71) 1 (0.74)
Age, years, mean (SD; range) 28.3 (6.58; 17–45) 27.7 (6.62; 17–48) 27.1 (6.05;18–40)
Effect size* 0.5500 (p = 0.1480) 0.5208 (p = 0.5489) –
Gender, n (%)
Male 104 (72.7) 101 (72.1) 103 (75.2)
Female 39 (27.3) 39 (27.9) 34 (24.8)
Effect size* 0.5123 (p = 0.6840) 0.5152 (p = 0.5877) –
Ethnicity, n (%)
Caucasian 138 (96.5) 133 (95.0) 132 (96.4)
Asian 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
African 2 (1.4) 1 (0.7) 1 (0.7)
Latin American 3 (2.1) 6 (4.3) 4 (2.9)
Other 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Effect size* n/a n/a –
BMI kg/m2, mean (SD; range) 24.1 (3.0;16.6–34.0) 23.6 (2.9; 16.5–31.3) 23.5 (2.8;16.9–35.2)
Effect size* 0.5665 (p = 0.0546) 0.5150 (p = 0.6662) –
Smoker, n (%)
Yes 35 (24.5) 22 (15.7) 18 (13.1)
No 108 (75.5) 118 (84.3) 119 (86.9)
Effect size* 0.4433 (p = 0.0215) 0.4871 (p = 0.6095) –
Location, n (%)
Left 64 (44.8) 66 (47.1) 66 (48.2)
Right 79 (55.2) 74 (52.9) 71 (51.8)
Effect size* 0.5171 (p = 0.6318) 0.5052 (p = 0.9045) –
Previous episode, n (%)
Yes 35 (24.5) 28 (20.0) 42 (30.7)
No 108 (75.5) 112 (80.0) 95 (69.3)
Effect size* 0.5309 (p = 0.2847) 0.5533 (p = 0.0526) –

BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation; n/a, not applicable. Previous episode, previous sprain in same ankle.
*Effect size (Mann–Whitney estimator) vs. diclofenac gel; benchmarks for group difference inferiority/superiority: 0.5 = equal,
0.44/0.56 = small, 0.36/0.64 = medium, 0.29/0.71 = large; p-value (Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test).

T-O group, 26.2 points for the T-G group and 25.0 treatment (day 7: 0.50 cm, 0.50 cm and
points for the D-G group (Figure 3A). For both 0.485 cm for the T-O, T-G and D-G, respectively).
Traumeel preparations vs. D-G, FAAM ADL subscale Following injury (start of treatment) participants
effect sizes show less than ‘small’ group differences on resumed usual training and sports activities after
day 7 (and at all other time points) (Figure 3B,C). approximately median 14 days and 19 days, respec-
tively (p > 0.1). Notably, for both Traumeel prepara-
Secondary outcome measures tions vs. D-G, there were no significant differences in
T-O and T-G were non-inferior to D-G on all sec- either the percentage of participants taking/not tak-
ondary outcome variables (Table 2). Approximately ing rescue medication and the total amount of rescue
90% or more patients had returned to normal func- medication taken (CI above the predefined lower
tion/activity and over 90% of participants in all equivalence margin of 0.40).
groups assessed their treatment as ‘very good’/‘good’.
Median reductions in ankle swelling were demon- Evaluation of safety
strated by all groups on days 4, 7 and 14 (Table 2). Of the 447 participants in the safety population, one
Swelling was reduced mostly during the first week of participant (0.2%) in the T-O group discontinued

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989
Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain 985

Day 4 Day 7 Day 14 Day 42 (B)

(A) PAIN VAS [%]
0 Percent Change from Baseline (Post-Pre); LOCF
Tr. Ointm. (Test) vs. Diclofenac Gel (Reference) - Data Set: ITT
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-U Test, One-sided, 97.5% CI
Superiority: Tr. Ointm.
% Median change from baseline

in VAS score of ankle pain


Mann-Whitney statistics
–40 (34.0) (35.1)
(33.0) Medium
0.5 Equal
–60 (21.6) 0.4
–68.9 Medium
0.3 Large
Superiority: Diclofenac Gel
–94.3 –93.4 –94.8
(3.1) (4.1) (3.1) –100 –100 –100 VAS200LP VAS300LP VAS400LP VAS500LP
MW=0.4994 MW=0.4682 MW=0.4788 MW=0.4554
–100 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) LB=0.4317 LB=0.4004 LB=0.4119 LB=0.3956
P=0.5069 P=0.8205 P=0.7312 P=0.9267
Traumeel ointment N = 143 Traumeel gel N = 140 Diclofenac gel N = 137 T:142/R:135 T:142/R:136 T:143/R:137 T:143/R:137
Baseline VAS score = 52.6 Baseline VAS score = 53.1 Baseline VAS score = 55.7

VAS, Visual Analogue Scale 0.29 / 0.71 = large difference; 0.36 / 0.64 medium-sized difference;
Figures in parentheses refer to median absolute VAS score 0.44 / 0.56 small difference; 0.50 equality


(C) Percent Change from Baseline (Post-Pre); LOCF
Tr. Gel (Test) vs. Diclofenac Gel (Reference) - Data Set: ITT
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-U Test, One-sided, 97.5% CI
Superiority: Tr. Gel



Mann-Whitney statistics

0.5 Equal
0.3 Large


Superiority: Diclofenac Gel
MW=0.5422 MW=0.5142 MW=0.4752 MW=0.4703
LB=0.4743 LB=0.4464 LB=0.4079 LB=0.4100
P=0.1131 P=0.3422 P=0.7640 P=0.8314
T:140/R:135 T:140/R:136 T:140/R:137 T:140/R:137

0.29 / 0.71 = large difference; 0.36 / 0.64 medium-sized difference;

0.44 / 0.56 small difference; 0.50 equality

Figure 2 Pain Visual Analogue Scale score (percentage change from baseline; LOCF, Intent-To-Treat population). (A) VAS
pain: percentage change from baseline (ITT population). (B) Traumeel ointment vs. diclofenac gel: effect sizes (Mann–
Whitney) and one-sided 97.5% CI. (C) Traumeel gel vs. diclofenac gel: effect sizes (Mann–Whitney) and one-sided 97.5%
CI. ITT, Intent-To-Treat; LB, Lower bound of the one-sided confidence interval; LOCF, Last Observation Carried Forward;
MW, Mann–Whitney estimator; P, p-value of one-sided Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test; T/R, valid number of participants
in Traumeel (test) group/valid number of participants in diclofenac gel (reference) group; Tr, Traumeel; VAS, Visual
Analogue Scale; VAS200LP, day 4; VAS300LP, day 7; VAS400LP, day 14; VAS500LP, day 42.

the study prematurely on day 8 because of worsening ‘new ankle sprain’ that was ‘improved, not resolved’
of the injury. in one D-G-treated participant.
A total of 43 AEs were reported for the 447 partici- AEs included headache, nasopharyngitis, oropha-
pants receiving treatment: 9/152 participants (5.9%) ryngeal pain, back pain, swelling, erythema and pru-
in the T-O group, 14/148 participants (9.5%) in the ritus. Events were generally reported by one or two
T-G group and 8/147 participants (5.4%) in the D-G participants only and evenly distributed among the
group (p = 0.3310). Possibly or probably related AEs treatment groups, with no differences in frequency
were reported by 5/152 participants (3.3%), 3/148 par- reaching statistical significance.
ticipants (2.0%) and 3/147 participants (2.0%) in the There were no notable changes from baseline in
groups, respectively (Table 3). The majority were mild vital signs. All three treatments were well tolerated
or moderate in severity and none was serious. All AEs locally, as assessed by redness, swelling and itching at
resolved by day 42 with the exception of ‘ankle pain’ the site of injury, with over 97% of participants
that was ‘ongoing’ in one T-O-treated participant, and without symptoms.

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989
986 Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain

Traumeel ointment N = 143 Traumeel gel N = 140 Diclofenac gel N = 137 FAAM ADL SUBSCALE [Score]
Baseline FAAM Baseline FAAM Baseline FAAM
ADL score = 51.2 ADL score = 56.0 ADL score = 51.2 Change from Baseline (Post-Pre); LOCF
Tr. Ointm. (Test) vs. Diclofenac Gel (Reference) - Data Set: ITT
(A) 60 (B) Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-U Test, One-sided, 97.5% CI

Superiority: Tr. Ointm.

48.6 0.8

Median change from baseline in


FAAM ADL subscale score


Mann-Whitney statistics
44.0 0.7
40 41.7 41.7 Medium
0.5 Equal
30 Small
26.2 26.2
0.3 Large
20 0.2

Superiority: Diclofenac Gel
10 11.9 11.5
MW=0.4889 MW=0.5169 MW=0.5003 MW=0.5086
LB=0.4203 LB=0.4485 LB=0.4323 LB=0.4406
P=0.6234 P=0.3155 P=0.4963 P=0.4030
0 T:138/R:132 T:138/R:134 T:139/R:135 T:139/R:135
Day 4 Day 7 Day 14 Day 42
0.29 / 0.71 = large difference; 0.36 / 0.64 medium-sized difference;
FAAM, Foot and Ankle Ability Measure; ADL, Activities of Daily Living
0.44 / 0.56 small difference; 0.50 equality


Change from Baseline (Post-Pre); LOCF
Tr. Gel (Test) vs. Diclofenac Gel (Reference) - Data Set: ITT
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-U Test, One-sided, 97.5% CI
(C) 1.0
Superiority: Tr. Gel



Mann-Whitney statistics

0.5 Equal
0.3 Large


Superiority: Diclofenac Gel
MW=0.4969 MW=0.5352 MW=0.4849 MW=0.4753
LB=0.4281 LB=0.4666 LB=0.4166 LB=0.4071
P=0.5350 P=0.1584 P=0.6665 P=0.7588
T:137/R:132 T:137/R:134 T:137/R:135 T:137/R:135

0.29 / 0.71 = large difference; 0.36 / 0.64 medium-sized difference;

0.44 / 0.56 small difference; 0.50 equality

Figure 3 Foot and Ankle Ability Measure Activities of Daily Living subscale (changes from baseline; LOCF, Intent-To-
Treat population). (A) FAAM ADL subscale: changes from baseline (ITT population). (B) Traumeel ointment vs.
diclofenac gel: effect sizes (Mann–Whitney) and one-sided 97.5% CI. (C) Traumeel gel vs. diclofenac gel: effect sizes
(Mann–Whitney) and one-sided 97.5% CI. FAAM ADL, Foot and Ankle Ability Measure Activities of Daily Living
subscale; FADL200LC, day 4; FADL300LC, day 7; FADL400LC, day 14; FADL500LC, day 42; ITT, Intent-To-Treat; LB,
Lower bound of the one-sided confidence interval; LOCF, Last Observation Carried Forward; MW, Mann–Whitney
estimator; P, p-value of one-sided Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test; T/R, valid number of participants in Traumeel (test)
group/valid number of participants in diclofenac gel (reference) group; Tr, Traumeel.

This study did not include a placebo-control

arm, which may have had some relevance to the
This randomised, controlled and blinded study con- assessment of an injury that usually resolves with-
firmed that T-O and T-G were non-inferior to the out treatment. However, Traumeel has been shown
widely used NSAID, D-G 1%, in the reduction of to be more effective than placebo in the treatment
pain and restoration of function in individuals with of musculoskeletal disorders in previous rando-
mild-to-moderate acute ankle sprain. This finding mised controlled trials (11–14). Specifically in ankle
confirms the efficacy of Traumeel and might broaden injuries, treatment with T-O resulted in more rapid
the therapy options for patients and healthcare pro- and more frequent improvement in upper ankle
fessionals who would prefer to avoid the use of topi- mobility and significant reductions in swelling and
cal NSAIDs in Grade 1 and 2 ankle sprains. pain compared with placebo at 2 weeks (11,12).

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989
Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain 987

Table 2 Secondary efficacy variables (Intent-To-Treat population)

Traumeel ointment Traumeel gel Diclofenac gel

N = 143 N = 140 N = 137

Ankle pain (VAS) score, median

Change from baseline (day 14),% 94.3 93.4 94.8
Baseline 52.6 53.1 55.7
Absolute score (day 14) 3.1 4.1 3.1
FAAM ADL subscale score, median points
Change from baseline (day 14) 41.7 40.5 41.7
Baseline 51.2 56.0 51.2
FAAM Sports subscale score, median points
Change from baseline (day 14) 50.0 50.0 50.0
Baseline 18.8 25.0 18.8
Ankle swelling, ‘figure of eight’, median, cm
Change from baseline (day 14) 0.67 0.67 0.57
Baseline 55.13 54.07 54.00
Normal function/activity, participants reporting scores of 0 or 1 n (%)
Day 14 128 (89.5%) 133 (95.0%) 131 (95.6%)
Baseline 29 (20.3%) 23 (16.4%) 27 (19.7%)
Global assessment of treatment efficacy:a
Day 14, mean 1.6 1.6 1.5
No. (%) participants reporting treatment as ‘very good’/‘good’ 131 (92.3%) 128 (92.1%) 127 (92.7%)
Rescue medication (paracetamol)
No. (%) participants (treatment/follow-up periods) 28 (19.7%) 29 (20.7%) 20 (14.6%)
Tablets per participant, mean 1.5 1.6 1.0

Negative figures indicate a reduction.

Participant assessed on a 5-point rating scale (1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = satisfactory, 4 = no improvement, 5 = worsening of

Table 3 Adverse events (AE) considered ‘possibly’ or ‘probably’ related to study treatment

Traumeel ointment Traumeel gel Diclofenac gel

N = 152 N = 148 N = 147

AE Participants AE Participants AE Participants

n n (%) n n (%) n n (%)

Pain 2 1 (0.7) – – – –
Swelling – – – – 3 2 (1.4)
Joint injury 1 1 (0.7) – – – –
Joint sprain 1 1 (0.7) 1 1 (0.7) – –
Hypoaesthesia 1 1 (0.7) – – – –
Dry skin – – 1 1 (0.7) – –
Erythema 3 2 (1.3) – – – –
Pruritus 1 1 (0.7) 1 1 (0.7) 1 1 (0.7)

A participant could report an adverse event on more than one occasion.

Reviews of diclofenac, incorporating ankle sprain withhold treatment in this study population
studies, also demonstrate its superiority in reducing that want to quickly return to normal function. In
pain and inflammation over placebo (5,6,8). With this study, Traumeel and diclofenac administered
their known efficacy and the possibility of joint topically were both well tolerated, with few treat-
instability and decreased range of motion without ment-related AEs and high rates of treatment
treatment (2,4), it was considered unreasonable to adherence.

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989
988 Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain

Traumeel acts differently to NSAIDs, its anti- therefore be considered a viable treatment option
inflammatory effect results from the synergistic inter- and an alternative to topical diclofenac.
action between its components on the different
phases of the inflammatory response (34). Mechanis-
tic studies suggest Traumeel stimulates production of
the inhibitory cytokine, transforming growth factor- This study was sponsored by Biologische Heilmittel
beta, thereby indirectly preventing pro-inflammatory Heel GmbH, Baden-Baden, Germany. Study manage-
lymphocytes from perpetuating the inflammatory ment, data analysis and editorial support were
reaction (35), and accelerates wound healing (34). funded by Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH.
To our knowledge, there is no previous randomised We would like to acknowledge the TAASS princi-
controlled trial of T-O and T-G vs. D-G in ankle pal investigators: Jose Antonio Lekue Galiano, Servi-
sprain. One previous randomised controlled study cios Medicos del Athletic de Bilbao, Bilbao; Ana de
compared T-O with diclofenac ointment in elite ath- la Torre Combarros, Servicios Medicos del Getafe
letes with non-traumatic tendon pain (14). Reduc- Club Deportivo, Madrid; Tomas Fernandez Jaen,
tions in peri-tendinous diameter/oedema and pain, Cesar Flores Lozano, Clınica CEMTRO, Madrid;
and time to return to activity were significantly better Carlos Melero Romero, Encarnaci on Tenza
for Traumeel-treated participants (14). This improved Marmolejo, Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte
efficacy of Traumeel vs. diclofenac may have been a (CAMD), Malaga; Francisco Esparza Ros, Centro
result of the differing indication and participant pop- Medico Juan XXIII, Murcia; Juan de Dios Beas
ulation compared with those in our study. Addition- Jimenez, Centro Andaluz de Medicina del Deporte,
ally, in observational studies, Traumeel has Seville; Antonio David Sanchez Gonzalez, Clınica
demonstrated an efficacy (pain and mobility) equiva- Mediper, Seville; Fernando Jimenez Dıaz, Centro de
lent to diclofenac with similar or better tolerability in Medicina y Deporte, Toledo; Belen Esparza Beltran,
individuals with tendinopathies (T-O and D-G) (17) Centro International de Rehabilitaci on de Deportistas
and epicondylitis (Traumeel and diclofenac injections) (CIRD), Valencia; Rafael Plaza Delgado, Servicios
(16). Medicos del Levante Union, Valencia; Jose Nebot
This study was not without limitations. Individuals Rodrigo, Clınica Nebot, Valencia; Rafael Ramos
enrolled into randomised controlled trials may not Galera, Servicios Medicos del Real Vallodalid, Valla-
be representative of the broad range of individuals dolid; Antonio F Lacleriga Gimenez, Hospital
treated in clinical practice (36). These participants Viamed Montecal, Zaragoza.
were physically active people rather than people We are grateful to Chiltern (Madrid, Spain) and
incurring ankle sprains through general activities of Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH for study plan-
daily living. However, as efficacy was self-evaluated, ning and coordination, regulatory activities and
it could reasonably be assumed that this study popu- investigator recruitment; to Chiltern for study moni-
lation might have been more critical of a treatment toring, data management and data query resolution;
that did not work than the general population. and to IDV Data Analysis & Study Planning
A potential study limitation was single (investiga- (Krailling, Germany) and Johannes C Vester for sta-
tor) blind randomisation of the T-O group. While tistical planning data analysis, statistical analyses and
the containers were identical, the consistency of gel for writing the clinical study report. Data analysis
and ointment differ and therefore it was difficult to and Stage II decisions were the responsibility of the
have all treatments blinded from both investigators external biometricians at IDV Data Analysis & Study
and patients. However, participants did not know Planning (Krailling, Germany) and were independent
which drug (Traumeel or diclofenac) was in which of the sponsor of the study (Biologische Heilmittel
preparation. Heel GmbH). The authors would like to thank Dr
T-O and T-G were as effective as D-G 1% for the Susan Libretto for preparation of the manuscript and
symptomatic treatment of pain and restoration of Aspen Medical Media for editorial assistance.
function in individuals with mild-to-moderate ankle
sprain. Traumeel and other complementary and
Author contributions
alternative medicine interventions have the potential
to increase achieved community effectiveness (37). CGV and JG were principal investigators during the
Specifically, musculoskeletal problems are reported to study. CGV, CS, BW and JG were involved in edit-
be areas of clinical practice in which conventional ing, critically reviewing the manuscript for intellec-
treatments are not fully effective (37). Traumeel may tual content and approving of the article.

ª 2013 The Authors. International Journal of Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Int J Clin Pract, October 2013, 67, 10, 979–989
Traumeel vs. diclofenac for reducing pain 989

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