Third Periodical Test in Math Iv

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Name: __________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade and Section: _______________________________ Teacher:___________________

I. Read and understand each item. Shade the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which drawing shows parallel lines?
a. b. c. d.

2. Which pair of lines are intersecting lines?

a. b. c. d.

3. Which lines show perpendicular lines?

a. b. c. d.

4. Which tells a true statement?

a. Perpendicular b. Intersecting lines c. Intersecting lines d. Parallel lines meet
lines form square do not cross each other never meet at one point at a point
5. Which situation shows intersecting lines?
a. Hands of clock at b. Corner of a c. Horizontal bars d. Capital letter “X”
9:00 building
6. What geometric figure is formed when 2 rays meet at a common end point?
a. line b. point c. angle d. polygon
7. Which angle shows a right angle?
a. b. c. d.

8. What kind of angle is formed by the corner of a chalkboard?

a. right b. acute c. obtuse d. triangle
9. Which angle measures less than 90°?
a. right b. acute c. obtuse d. none
10. What kind of angle is represented when the hands of the clock form 3:40?
a. right b. acute c. obtuse d. none
11. Study the figure below. What angle shows an acute angle?


a. BOC b. BOD c. AOB d. AOC

12. Which shows a right triangle?

a. b. c. d.

13. What do you call a triangle with no equal sides?

a. isosceles b. scalene c. equilateral d. right
14. What do you call a triangle with three equal sides?
a. isosceles b. scalene c. equilateral d. right
15. A triangle that measures more than 90° but less than 180°.
a. right b. acute c. obtuse d. equilateral
16. How are triangles classified?
a. according to sides b. according to c. according to sides d. according to line
angles and angles segments
17. What kind of quadrilateral that has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles?
a. square b. rhombus c. rectangle d. parallelogram
18. Bong cut a quadrilateral in which opposite sides are equal and has 4 right angles. What kind of
quadrilateral did he cut?
a. parallelogram b. rectangle c. trapezoid d. rhombus
19. Which classification of quadrilateral has only one pair of opposite sides that are parallel?
a. square b. rectangle c. rhombus d. trapezoid
20. Which describes the angles of a parallelogram?
a. it has 4 equal b. its 2 equal opposite c. it has 2 pairs of d. it has 4 right
sides angles are obtuse and parallel sides and the angles with 4 equal
the other 2 are acute opposite sides are sides
For numbers 20 & 21:
Mr. Mendoza started to fix his motorcycle at 5:35 AM and lasted till 6:15 AM. For how long did he
fix his motorcycle?

21. What is the number sentence for the problem?

a. 6:15 + 5:35 = N b. 6:15 - 5:35 = N c. 6:15 x 5:35 = N d. 6:15 ÷ 5:35 = N
22. What is the complete answer?
a. Mr. Mendoza b. Mr. Mendoza fixed c. Mr. Mendoza fixed d. Mr. Mendoza fixed
fixed his motorcycle for his motorcycle for 40 his motorcycle for 50 his motorcycle for 60
30 minutes. minutes. minutes. minutes.
For numbers 23 to25:
Gemma started to wash her clothes at 5:25 PM and finished at 6:15 PM. How long did it take her to
wash her clothes?
23. What is asked in the problem?
a. The length of time b. The work done by c. The time Gemma d. The time Gemma
it takes Gemma to Gemma. starts to wash her stopped washing.
wash her clothes. clothes.
24. What operation will be needed to solve the problem?
a. Multiplication b. Division c. Addition d. Subtraction
25. What is the number sentence?
a. 6:15 x 5:25 = N b. 6:15 ÷ 5:25 = N c. 6:15 + 5:25 = N d. 6:15 - 5:25 = N

II. Find the missing term in the following sequence.

26. 2, 4, 8, _____ 32, 64
27. 1, 12, 23, 34, _____, 56
28. 8, 16, 24, 32, _____, 48
29. 1, 4, 9, _____, 25
30. 80, _____, 74, 71, 68, 65

III. Find the missing number in each equation below.

31. 4 x _____ = 8 x 4
32. (10 x 2) x 5 = 10 x (5 x _____)
33. 7 x (3 + 5) = (_____ x 3) + (7 x 5)
34. (15 + 21) + (5 + 29) = (15 + _____) + (21 + 29)
35. (0 + 15) + (15 x 1) = (30 + _____)
IV. Find the perimeter of the following figures.

36. 45cm
15cm Ans: __________

10cm 17cm
Ans: __________

38. 35cm

25cm Ans: __________


39. 35cm

65cm Ans: __________


80cm Ans. __________

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