FOIA Response Feb 25 2020 No Title 5

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United States Department of the Interior


Utah State Office
440 West 200 South, Suite 500
Salt Lake city, uT 84101-1434

FEB 2 5 2020

In Reply Refer To:

1278 (Ur-952)
FOIA UT-2020-19
EFTS #BLM-2020-00377

Mr. Monte Wells

The Petroglyph
PO Box 192
Monticello, UT 84535

Dear Mr. Wells:

This letter is our response to your February 7 ,2020, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request, received by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Salt Lake City Field Office on
February 10,2020, and forwarded to the Utah State Office on February ll,2O2O.

Specifically, you asked for the following:

a Copies of all Title 5 Right of Way Grant documents that have been issued on San Juan
County Roads D5314 and D5315 in Recapture Canyon including applications, NEPA
reports, and all documents pertaining to the issuing of these Grants.

After a thorough document search, we have determined that we have no records responsive to
your request.

lii acccrdance w'ltlt 43 CFR $i\ 2.23 atld2.24,I ain resporrsibiu iur i"iris denial.

You may consider this "No Records" response a denial of your request. You may appeal
this denial to the Dbpartment's FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Officer. If you choose to appeal, the
FOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Officer must receive your FOIA appeal no later than 90 workdays
from the date of this letter. Appeals arriving or delivered after 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time,
Monday through Friday, will be deemed received on the next workday.

Your appeal must be in writing. You may submit your appeal and accompanying materials to the
EOIA/Privacy Act Appeals Officer by mail, courier service, fax or email. All communications
concerning your appeal should be clearly marked with the words: "FREEDOM OF
INFORMATION ACT APPEAL." You must include an explanation of why you believe BLM's


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\Ior-ite \\:ells J

You rnay also seek dispute resolution services by contacting the Departrnent's FOIA Public
Liaison, at https //www. doi. sov/foialfoiacenters

If you have any questions concerning our response, please contact Marilyn Hedrick, FOIA
Specialist, at (80 1 ) 539 -407 1 or email BLM_UT_FOIA@bIm. gov.


Anita Bilbao
Acting State Director

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