Unit Plan

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Subject Area Physical Education

Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

Training Camp 2020

Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

Targeted Outcomes:
A10–3 apply and refine non-locomotor skills and concepts—effort, space and relationships—
to perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance

A10–5 apply and refine manipulative skills and concepts—effort, space and relationships—to
perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance

C10–3 demonstrate etiquette and fair play

C10–5 develop and apply practices that contribute to teamwork

Welcome to the 2020 Toronto Raptors Training Camp here at Kate Andrews High School.
Canada’s team has been searching far and wide across the country trying to find the next great
players to suit up. Over the next few weeks we will be instructed on all the necessary skills
needed for basketball, develop our teamwork strategies, and ultimately lead up to a simulation of
an NBA All-Star weekend competition. So, tie up your laces, throw your jerseys on, and get
ready for the Kate Andrews High Schools first annual Toronto Raptors Training Camp. I have
decided to emulate this unit after a well-known Canadian team following their historic run to win
the title last year in the NBA as I am hoping this will help with student engagement. The first
week will involve developing the students on the basic fundamentals needed to be successful in
this sport. These skills will involve:
 Types of passes: Bounce, Chest, Overhead
 Shooting form: Eyes, Elbows, Stance, Follow-through
 Fair Play: General rules, “Hidden Curriculum” of Basketball
 Teamwork: Different formations, communication skills, team strategies
This unit will focus on the developing non-locomotor skills and applying them to sport,
learning manipulative skills, and how to implement teamwork alongside demonstrating proper
etiquette in sport. How the students will learn these skills will be done through a handful of
formats. First, will be the basic form of direct instruction where skills will be worked on
individually as well with other peers. After feedback has been given and the instructor believes
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

the students have obtained a grasp of the skills, it will then be applied through a variety of mini
game activities. There will be mini game activities for teams to try out a variety of teamwork
strategies, there will be targets for students to work on accuracy of passes and shooting stations
where they will get peer feedback on their shooting form. Activities like this will allow the
students to develop their skills in a multitude of ways instead of just through direct instruction
from the teacher. Along with these skill developing activities, the students will be formatively
assessed through multiple channels, providing them with feedback. These will include instructor
observation, peer evaluation & feedback, and a daily self-assessment checklist. The purpose of
this is to provide the students with an abundance of equal feedback so they feel comfortable
when we move into the application part of the unit. Students will then be assessed in this half
formative during the video playback, where they will work in partners to fine tune their skills
and describe how they improved. Also, they will do a self-reflection write up at the end of the
skills week. For the second week of this unit, we will get into game-based learning. We will
incorporate events from the NBA All-star weekend such as: 3 Point Competition, Skills Race,
Trick Shot Challenge, and to end our unit we will participate in the All-Star game. For this, to
maximize participation, instead of just two teams, the class will be ‘drafted’ into four divisions
where they will compete in a round-robin bracket. The summative assessment will finish up with
the teams creating a list of teamwork strategies prior to the tournament where they must
implement them into the games and instructor assessment that will be completed during the
tournament to see how the students are hitting the outcomes. Once we have crowned our new
Toronto Raptors players our unit of Basketball will be complete.
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks


Stage 2: Assessments
Peer Self- Teamwork Self
Observation, Video Tournament
Title Evaluation Assessment Strategy -Reflection
Feedback and Playback Skills Rubric
Outcomes & Feedback Check- List List Write Up
(Formative/ Formative Formative Formative Summative Summative Summative Summative
Weighting N/A N/A N/A 20% 40% 15% 25%

A10–3 apply and refine non-locomotor skills

and concepts—effort, space and relationships
—to Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
perform and create a variety of activities to
improve personal performance

A10–5 apply and refine manipulative skills

and concepts—effort, space and relationships
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
—to perform and create a variety of activities
to improve personal performance

C10–3 demonstrate etiquette and fair play Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

C10–5 develop and apply practices that

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
contribute to teamwork
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

Assessment FOR Assessment OF

Assessment Tool Brief Description Learning Learning
Instructors will be circulating the gym throughout
the basketball unit to casually observe students
and to help them progress. On a daily basis, the
Daily Observation, instructor will specifically observe five different
Feedback and students, who will rotate out each day. Through
Questioning constant observations, specific feedback, and
meaningful questioning, the instructors will gain
valuable insight into each student’s skill-building,
game etiquette, and teamwork.
During skill-building drills and small group
activities, the students will provide each other
with meaningful feedback based on the key
focuses of the basketball unit. Throughout these
Peer Evaluation & drills, small breaks will be given for students to
Feedback critique each other’s skills and help each other
improve. This formative assessment will also be a
part of the Video Playback assessment as students
help each other to recognize areas of improvement
after their first video.
The instructors will provide students with the
focus points of the basketball unit: non-locomotor
skills such as pivoting, manipulative skills like
Self-Assessment shooting and passing, fair play and etiquette, and
Check- List effective teamwork. At the end of each class, the
students will gather and be asked to produce a 1 to
5 rating with their fist on how they did that day in
each category of focus.
Prior to mid-point exhibition games, each team
will reflect on their past athletic experiences to
think of practices that have aided towards
teamwork. Once students have had a discussion,
Teamwork Strategy
each team will create a list of five strategies they
will apply in the games that will help their group
foster teamwork. After the game, students will
reflect on the strategies they came up with and
will hand in the overall report in for marking.
Video Playback Students will get the opportunity to video
themselves during basketball drills, such as
passing and pivoting activities, to watch how they
are demonstrating the non-locomotor and
manipulative skills. The first round of assessment
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

will be done with a peer who will provide

feedback on how to improve on each skill needed.
Once the feedback has been received the students
will get a second chance to record their progress,
which will then be assessed by the instructor for
At the end of the unit, students will be prompted
to complete a write up listing at least five things
they believe are their strengths, areas for growth
Self -Reflection and where they made the most improvements,
Write Up specifically relating to non-locomotor and
manipulative skills. Students will also be
prompted to reflect on their teamwork and fair
play skills, and if they enjoyed the unit.
Students will be placed in groups and will play a
Tournament Skills round robin tournament. The teacher will circulate
Rubric the gym, marking each student based off a rubric
encompassing all of this units desired outcomes.
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

Grade _10_ Unit _Basketball_ Dates _

Date Lesson Title G SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Safety Instructiona Equipment/ Mot/Classroom
Planne L related to this Activities l Strategies Resources/ Mgt.
d to O’ Lesson Technology
Teach s
March Passing A A10-  Daily  Who here can  Passing  Address to  Direct  Basketballs  Students
2nd, Gauntlet 5 Observatio name a drills always have Instructi  Cones will always
2020 n, different type  Target head and on  Whistle be instructed
feedback of pass? practice eyes up  Peer  Whiteboard/ in a circle
&  What are key  Gauntlet when ball is demonstr markers  One whistle:
questionin points to drill moving ation  Four pulled freeze where
g remember  Spatially be  Game out hoops you are,
 Self- when passing? aware of all based Two
Assessmen  What would moving learning whistles:
t Checklist happen if you peers  Peer bring it in to
 Peer- are not looking  Lead your feedback me
evaluation where you want peers to  Fast paced
and to pass? open space and variety
feedback and away of games
 Fist of 5 from walls  Most
 Keep good accurate
distance student can
from walls pick
and doors division for
around gym tournament
March B.E.E.F. A A10-  Daily  When you have  Stations  Eyes and  Direct  Basketballs  Students
4th, 3 Observatio shot in the past, to work head up Instructi  Cones will always
2020 n, what has on each while you on  Whistle be instructed
feedback helped you be skill and peers  Peer  Whiteboard/ in a circle
& successful?  Bump are shooting demonstr markers  One whistle:
questionin  Who here can  Bring it  Spatially be ation  Four pulled freeze where
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

g show us a all aware of all  Game out hoops you are,

 Self- proper follow- together moving based Two
Assessmen through? peers learning whistles:
t Checklist  Would these  Keep good  Peer bring it in to
 Peer- steps still apply distance feedback me
evaluation if you have to from walls  Instructo  Winner of
and shoot off a and doors r bump gets
feedback dribble? around gym feedback to pick
 Fist of 5  Head up for second
balls division for
rebounding tournament
off basket
March “Teamwork C C10-  Daily  What are some  Brainstor  Make sure  Direct  Basketballs  Students
6th, makes the 3 Observatio characteristic m to include Instructi  Cones will always
dream work” n, of a good section everyone on be instructed
2020 C10-  Whistle
5 feedback teammate?  Practice and make  Peer  Whiteboard/ in a circle
&  Why do you area collaborativ demonstr markers  One whistle:
questionin think teamwork  Mini e decisions ation  Four pulled freeze where
g is key to scrimma  Include  Game out hoops you are,
 Self- basketball? ge to everyone based  Clipboards Two
Assessmen  Who here can compete  Make learning  Worksheet whistles:
t Checklist explain what using strategies  Collabor  Pencils bring it in to
 Peer- some hidden skills that work ative me
evaluation concepts of fair within our discussio  Next two
and play would be? space n winners
feedback from
 Teamwork teamwork
strategy drills get to
list pick the last
 Fist of 5 two
March Video Play- A A10-  Video  How should we  Video  Record all  Direct  Basketballs  Students
9th, back 3 Playback appropriately tape members Instructi  Cones will always
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

2020 A10- film our peers? skills  Film within on  Whistle be instructed
5  Where do you  Station safe  Peer  Four pulled in a circle
send your video for boundaries feedback out hoops  One whistle:
after? recordin  Make sure  Video freeze where
 What are the g content is camera or you are,
rules for using feedback appropriate students’ Two
the video  Round phones whistles:
cameras? two of bring it in to
filming me
 Using
for self-
 NBA all-star
draft occurs
March Skills A A10-  Daily  Reminder, what  3-point  Address to  Direct  Basketballs  Students
11th, Competitions 5 Observatio does B.E.E.F. contest always have Instructi  Cones will always
2020 n, stand for?  Relay head and on  Whistle be instructed
feedback  When passing, race eyes up  Peer  Whiteboard/ in a circle
& what are the  Trick when ball is demonstr markers  One whistle:
questionin keys? shot moving ation  Four pulled freeze where
g  What are things competiti  Spatially be  Game out hoops you are,
 Self- to think about on aware of all based  Colored Two
Assessmen with friendly  Team moving learning jerseys whistles:
t Checklist competition? cheer peers  Peer bring it in to
 Peer- challeng  Lead your feedback me
evaluation e peers to  Winners of
and open space competition
feedback and away get big
 Fist of 5 from walls freezie,
 Keep good runners up
distance get smaller
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

from walls ones

and doors
around gym
 Watch out
March Division A A10-  Self-  What  Round  Address to  Direct  Basketballs  Students
13th, Scrimmages/ C 3 reflection teamwork robin always have Instructi  Cones will always
Trophy write up strategies will games head and on be instructed
2020 A10-  Whistle
Ceremony 5  Tourname you implement  Double eyes up  Game  Whiteboard/ in a circle
C10- nt Skills to be eliminati when ball is based markers  One whistle:
3 Rubric successful? on moving learning  Four pulled freeze where
C10-  Fist of 5  How long will bracket  Spatially be  Collabor out hoops you are,
5 our games be?  Closing aware of all ative  Colored Two
 How can we ceremoni moving discussio jerseys or whistles:
independently es and peers n homemade bring it in to
ref our games? trophy  Lead your jerseys me
 What are presentat peers to  Trophy’s  Trophies
elements of ion open space  Medals and medals
sportsmanship?  Self- and away  Bracket will be up
reflectio from walls Board for grabs
n write  Keep good (All
up distance participants
from walls get
and doors something)
around gym
 Encourage
peers in
Subject Area Physical Education
Grade Level 10
ED 3601- Curriculum and Instruction Topic Basketball
Length of Unit 2 Weeks

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