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JNCIA-Junos Study Guide—Part 1;;

Viewing the Candidate Configuration

Use the configuration mode show command to display the candidate configuration. This command displays the configuration at
the current hierarchy level or at the specified level below the current location.
The show command has the following syntax: show statement-path. When displaying the configuration, the CLI indents
each subordinate hierarchy level, inserts curly brackets to indicate the beginning and end of each hierarchy level, and places a
semicolon at the end of statements that are at the lowest level of the hierarchy. The display format is the same format you use
when creating an ASCII configuration file, and it is also the same format that the CLI uses when saving a configuration to an
ASCII file.
In cases where an empty statement leads to an invalid configuration because it is incomplete or meaningless, the show
command does not display any of the statement path.
You can display the individual set commands used to create the existing configuration file using the show | display set
command. The following is an example of this command and its resulting output:
user@router# show system services | display set
set system services ssh
set system services web-management http port 8080

Remember to Commit

Remember, Junos devices do not automatically apply your configuration changes. You must use the commit command to
activate your candidate configuration. You can typically perform the commit operation from any hierarchy level. The exception is

Chapter 2–20 • User Interface Options © 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.

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