Dti Programs: Food Connection Innovation Hub

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Food Innovation Centers or FICs aims to provide the local

food industry efficient and modern food processing equipment
Food Connection in order to enhance their product quality and speed up
Innovation Hub their production. At the end, FICs will enable them to improve
their value chain activities thus reducing their costs and
increasing their profits.

It is created to empower women economically. This project

puts its focus on women in micro enterprises (WMEs). This project is
expected to improve policies, programs and services for women.

2 strategies to attained the project’s goals;

1. capacity development

2. partnership building

Among others, the main lessons that informed the design of

the GREAT Women Project include:

1) The need for greater focus on scaling-up women-led micro-

Great Women Project businesses in high- growth, priority industry sub-sectors;
2) Private sector that include women-owned SMEs and large
corporations can be engaged to promote WEE and facilitate growth of
women’s businesses in the spirit of fair trade and inclusive business;

3) Local resources (i.e. gender budgets) can develop women leaders

and small enterprise development initiatives; and

4) The LGUs and regional agencies play a crucial role in facilitating

convergence services for WMEs and in partnering with successful
enterprises for product development, up-valuing, market testing and
market development.
The Industry Cluster Enhancement program, on the other
hand, aims to develop more globally integrated, highly sustainable
and productive priority industry clusters where MSMEs are heavily
involved. The Regional Operations Group of DTI has eight priority
clusters which include – Bamboo, Coffee, Cacao, Coco Coir, Fruits
and Nuts, Gifts, Decors and Wearables.

The development and promotion of industry clusters are

Industry Cluster identified as a major strategy under the Philippine Development Plan
Enhancement Program 2011-2016 in helping achieve its vision of a globally- competitive and
(ICE) innovative industry and services sector that contributes significantly
to inclusive growth and employment generation. It supports the
President’s Social Contract particularly in the creation of conditions
conducive to the growth and competitiveness of private businesses,
big, medium and small.

This is also corollary to the thrust to provide the "Big Push"

for SMEs to enable them to meet those challenges by providing them
access to market and finance. Using the industry cluster approach,
DTI will build alliances with relevant agencies and institutions to
develop competitive and innovative SMEs, implement a program for
productivity and efficiency and create conducive business enabling

Shared Service Facilities (SSF) aims to improve the

competitiveness of MSMEs by providing them with machinery,
equipment, tools, systems, skills and knowledge under a shared
Objectives of the project include:
Shared Service Facilities  accelerating MSME’s competitiveness by giving them access
to energy efficient technologies and more sophisticated
 encouraging MSMEs to advance to the next level where they
can tap a better and wider market and be integrated in the
global supply chain;
 taking into account convergence where government resources
are pooled and integrated; and
 Addressing the gap and bottlenecks in the value chain of
priority industry clusters.

The Kapatid Mentor ME (KMME) is a program aims to help

Micro, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs scale up their business thru
weekly coaching and mentoring by business owners and practitioners
on different functional areas of entrepreneurship to be held in
NegosyoCenters nationwide.
Project KAPATID is an initiative of the DTI and the
Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship (PCE) to help the country’s
micro and small enterprises (MSEs) through three key components:
Kapatid Mentor ME  The Mentor ME (micro entrepreneurs) program, a coaching
and mentoring approach where large corporations teach MSEs
on different aspects of business operations
 The Adopt-an-SSF (Shared Service Facility) program, which
aims to help micro entrepreneurs by providing them access to
SSFs (machineries, tools, equipments skills and knowledge
under a shared system) in their community.
 The Inclusive Business (IB) model where MSEs are linked
into large companies’ value chains

Pak pinas is a program of DTI where they promotes latest packaging

that will help Micro-Small Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) in selling
their products. This program is a great help to every enterprises for
packaging is one of the most important component to mainstream the

Packaging has a big impact to both business and consumer. Packaging

is a market, if packaging is good, the market will increase. Common
PAK! PINAS example to this is, a product produced by Indigenous People or in
mountainous areas, if this details are attached to the packaging itself,
consumers will probably patronize the product because they know
that it is made pure and no preservatives.

Packaging promotes branding. The image of the enterprise depends

on the branding. Cheap products are not somewhat a problem if
entrepreneurs would invest in good and proper packaging, they can
better position their products. Consumer will still purchase products
without minding its quality as long as they are persuaded by the

YEP is a program of DTI that will help young Filipino to be more

competent and knowledgeable by developing their entrepreneurial
skills. This program helps the government to achieve their goal of
doubling the numbers of entrepreneurs in the country by 2022, which
will also support to widen economic development, promote equality
and uplift the life of every Filipinos, especially the youth.

Another goal of YEP is to overall improve after country, and

encourage to take actions that will strengthen the independence of our
YOUTH economy to individuals and communities. This program engaged by
ENTREPRENEURSHIP potential MSMEs and this will serve as an avenue to inspire and
PROGRAM capacitate young people to become knowledgeable and competitive

YEP offers variety of features such as:

•Business Plan Competition
•Seminar and Workshop
•Extreme Entrepreneurship tours
•In-house Business Coaching
•One on One Business Counseling

Through this program youth will learn skills and will gain additional
experience that will help them become business minded and effective

This program enables localities and communities to determine, also

develop, support, and to promote products or services that are rooted
in its local culture, community resource, creativity, connection, and
competitive advantage. OTOP is one of the best ways to promote and
OTOP enable to our product be remarkable and known to other places. Every
province, cities or town have different delicacy but sad to say
sometimes products from each town are not well known by the people
because of the lack knowledge and opportunities to introduce the
local products to the potential customers. This is a perfect program
that can you avail for free from the DTI.
The DTI create such program for MSME enable to be aware on green
environment development, climate change, and also it promotes
adoption of greening strategies and measures. The overall goal of the
program is to enhance MSME competitiveness through the adoption
of climate-smart, environmental-friendly, and strategic measures that
GED will help them in preparing for the impacts of such climate change
because nowadays businesses and people are finding such
products/services that also help to preserve and improve our

The direct beneficiaries of this program are existing and potential

MSMEs and may also include cooperatives, trade associations, LGUs,
and other stakeholders.

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