Have Got (Affirmative-Negative - Questions - Short Answers)

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Hello Students.

The last week we started Unit 4 “About me”. In this class we are going to reinforce the use of
"HAVE GOT" Also "Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns; and Possessive Adjectives"


•"Have got" can only be used in the simple present, in other verb tenses, you have to use

•"Have got" is mostly used in British English, while "have" is the form normally used in
American English.


• "Have got" solo puede usarse en presente simple, en otros tiempos verbales, debes usar

• "Have got" se usa principalmente en inglés británico, mientras que "have" es la forma que
normalmente se usa en inglés americano.

Have got (affirmative- negative- questions- short answers)

“HAVE GOT” is used to talk about possesions, relationships, and qualities.( HAVE GOT se usa
para hablar sobre posesiones, relaciones y cualidades.)


We use has got in the 3rd person singular (he,she, it), and we use have got with all other



To make the negative form, add not between have and got or add not between has and got.


To ask a questions switch places between have and I / you / he / she / it / we / they


Do not use got in a short answer.

Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns

we are going to see the Regular and Irregular Plural Nouns

1) To pluralize the regular nouns, we add the "S" at the end of the word.
2) To pluralize the nouns ending in "S-CH-SH-x or Z" add "ES".
3) To pluralize the nouns that end in "F-Fv" we remove "F-FE" by "VES".
4) To pluralize nouns ending in "Y", preceded by a vowel, we add "S".
5) To pluralize nouns ending in "Y", preceded by a consonant, remove the "Y" and add
6) To pluralize nouns ending in "O", preceded by a vowel, add "S".
7) Some words change spelling substantially when they are made in the plural. This is the
case of irregular nouns.
8) There are other irregular nouns that do not change at all when they are made in the

1) Para pluralizar los sustantivos regulares, agregamos la "S" al final de la palabra.

2) Para pluralizar los sustantivos que terminan en "S-CH-SH-x o Z" agregue "ES".

3) Para pluralizar los sustantivos que terminan en "F-Fv" eliminamos "F-FE" por "VES".

4) Para pluralizar los sustantivos que terminan en "Y", precedidos por una vocal, agregamos

5) Para pluralizar los sustantivos que terminan en "Y", precedidos por una consonante, elimine
la "Y" y agregue "IES".

6) Para pluralizar los sustantivos que terminan en "O", precedidos por una vocal, agregue "S".

7) Algunas palabras cambian la ortografía sustancialmente cuando se hacen en plural. Este es

el caso de los sustantivos irregulares.

8) Hay otros sustantivos irregulares que no cambian en absoluto cuando se hacen en plural.

Possessive Adjective

Possessive adjectives are used to show possession or ownership of something. While we use
them when we refer to people, it is more in the sense of relationship than ownership. Like all
adjectives in English, they are always located directly in front of the noun they refer to.
(Possessive Adjective + Noun)


The possessive adjective needs to agree with the possessor and not with the thing that is

We do not include an “S” to the adjective when the noun is plural like in many other

The verb that is used needs to be in agreement with the noun - if the noun is singular then the
verb is singular; if the noun is plural then the verb is plural.


El adjetivo posesivo necesita estar de acuerdo con el poseedor y no con lo que posee.

No incluimos una "S" al adjetivo cuando el sustantivo es plural como en muchos otros idiomas.

El verbo que se usa debe estar de acuerdo con el sustantivo: si el sustantivo es singular,
entonces el verbo es singular; si el sustantivo es plural, entonces el verbo es plural.)

let's continue

Open your "Student's Book" on page 54. We will compare your answers with the correct
answers. Ok.

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