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Sigurd Næss-Schmidt, Palle Sørensen, Benjamin Barner
Christiansen, Vincenzo Zurzolo, Charlotta Zienau, Jonas
Juul Henriksen and Joshua Brown 19 February 2019

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY of the life science and ICT industries, clearly fall into
According to recently released documents, the OECD is this category, as does Germany. This is linked to the fact
considering several options to reform global corporate that industries with a high share of marketing intangi-
tax systems, one of which is to introduce a new formula bles relative to enterprise value also have high-intensity
for allocating the corporate tax base based on marketing R&D: in fact, the distinction between the different kinds
intangibles. In essence, it will create a new concept of of intangibles is not clear cut. A high value of marketing
“residual corporate income” which consists, essentially, intangibles is often the result of previous heavy invest-
of what is deemed as non-routine returns on business ment in R&D, which creates market and brand value.
assets – i.e. returns that exceed a certain “normal” re-
turn. This tax base will then be allocated to the countries A conservative approximation suggests that 18-21% of
in which the company is selling, based on the allocation the current corporate tax base in the Nordics came from
of the company’s marketing intangibles. foreign residual profits in 2017. For Germany the share
is approximately 17%. If the marketing intangibles ap-
The marketing intangibles approach is a compromise proach is introduced, the bulk of this corporate tax rev-
between the current transfer pricing system and desti- enue would be allocated to other countries.
nation-based income tax. The marketing intangibles ap-
proach implies that more corporate income tax revenue We also find that the discussions of alternative new
is moved from the country of the entrepreneurial risk- ways of reforming the global corporate tax regime are
taker to the destination of the consumer. The impact on taking place in the absence of a clear discussion of what
specific businesses will depend largely on the precise problems they are intended to solve. The BEPS efforts
details of the final proposal. At this point, there is no in- in conjunction with national tax reforms, notably the
ternational consensus on how to address these chal- latest US tax reform, have markedly reduced incentives
lenges. and options to shift mobile tax bases to low-tax jurisdic-
tions. Formal tax rates in the OECD area are increas-
We conclude that small, open countries with high-inten- ingly converging in the range of 20-25%. The overall tax
sity R&D in exporting sectors will lose net revenues. The revenue from corporate taxes has remained stable for
Nordic countries, with their higher than average share decades as reductions in rates have to a large extent also
been followed by base broadening. In conclusion, it is
difficult to see a burning platform for radical changes to
the global tax system.

Moreover, the new options on the table are problematic

in several ways. They may reduce member states’ incen-
tives to invest in high-growth, high-risk and R&D-inten-
sive industries: the high returns of successful firms
would be shared globally according to the residual in-
come concept, while the losses of unsuccessful firms
would be absorbed by the local economy. Moreover, the
compliance challenges would be massive.

Looking at all the measures, we suggest that the

measures that ensure minimum effective tax rates for
firms trading globally have the most merit. While in no
way being a walk in the park, such an approach is closely
linked to the aim of the BEPS process and likely to pre-
sent less of a challenge from a compliance perspective.

INTRODUCTION conduct a study of one of the three proposals: the mar-
The discussions addressing the tax challenges of the dig- keting intangibles approach. Specifically, we have been
ital economy in BEPS action 1 are progressing, the aim asked to analyse the likely consequences of the proposal
being to achieve an international consensus by 2020. on tax revenues and effective tax rates in the Nordics,
the US and Germany.
The discussions are in part a continuation of two mile-
stone reports: 1 WHAT IS BEING PROPOSED?
The study starts by explaining the marketing intangibles
• the final report, Addressing the Tax Challenges of the approach (section 1.1). Next, some key features of the
Digital Economy, from 2015, which concludes that approach are explained in a stilised example (section
because the digital economy is increasingly becoming 1.2), emphasising that many of the key details of the pro-
the economy itself, it would not be feasible to ring- posal are yet to be determined. The final part of section
fence the digital economy from the rest of the econ- 1 briefly discusses the business models targeted by the
omy for tax purposes,1 and proposal (section 1.3).
• the interim report, Tax Challenges Arising from Dig-
italisation, from 2018, which sets out the Inclusive 1.1 THE MARKETING INTANGIBLES
Framework’s agreed direction of work on digitalisa- APPROACH IS A COMPROMISE BETWEEN
tion and the international tax rules through to 2020.2 THE CURRENT TRANSFER PRICING SYSTEM
This process should be seen in the context of recent uni-
Today, the corporate income tax (CIT) base of multina-
lateral – e.g. UK, French, Austrian and Spanish – and
tional enterprises (MNEs) is allocated to group affiliates
EU proposals aimed at the digital economy, most nota-
according to the so-called transfer pricing system.
bly the EU Digital Services Tax (DST) proposal. How-
Broadly speaking, the system is designed to ensure that
ever, no proposals have been adopted at the EU level as
MNEs do not obtain an inappropriate tax advantage by
of the writing of this report.
pricing within-group transactions differently than inde-
pendent businesses would, according to the so-called
According to a recent policy note by the OECD, the dis-
arm’s length principle.4
cussions are already progressing in respect of three pro-
The arm’s length principle dictates that MNEs should
allocate their taxable corporate income among affiliates
• a digital-only solution aimed at specific digital ser-
in different countries in which they do business, in a way
that imitates the outcome of transactions that occur be-
• a marketing intangibles approach aimed at all MNEs
tween independent businesses.5
in all industries with a destination-based allocation
A key feature of the current transfer pricing system is
• a minimum tax solution (e.g. denial of deduction on
that corporate income beyond what is allocated accord-
outbound payments if a certain effective tax rate
ing to the cost-plus or return-on-asset basis using the
(ETR) threshold of the payee is not met)
arm’s length principle is allocated to the entrepreneurial
risk-taker(s) in the MNE group. Specifically, these are
In this context, we have been asked by Svenskt
defined as affiliates of the group that own the non-rou-
Näringsliv (Confederation of Swedish Enterprise) to
tine intangibles, carry non-routine risks and perform

1 See OECD (2015), Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digital 3 See OECD (2019), Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digitali-
Economy, Action 1 - 2015 Final Report, OECD/G20 Base Erosion sation of the Economy – Policy Note. As approved by the Inclu-
and Profit Shifting Project, OECD Publishing, Paris, sive Framework on BEPS on 23 January 2019.
https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264241046-en 4 Note that more than half of world trade is intra-firm and hence
2 See OECD (2018), Tax Challenges Arising from Digitalisation – In- subject to transfer pricing (cf. World Bank (2017) Arm’s-Length
terim Report 2018: Inclusive Framework on BEPS, OECD/G20 Base Trade: A Source of Post-Crisis Trade Weakness).
Erosion and Profit Shifting Project, OECD Publishing, 5 See OECD (2015), Aligning Transfer Pricing Outcomes with
Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264293083-en Value Creation, Actions 8-10, Final Report.

the DEMPE (Development, Enhancement, Mainte- the current transfer pricing system and a destination-
nance, Protection and Exploitation) functions. Thus, in based income tax.
practice this is often the headquarters (HQ) of the MNE.
This additional corporate income is often referred to as 1.2 KEY FEATURES IN A STYLISED
excess or residual profits. EXAMPLE
In general, the MI approach consists of moving taxable
The marketing intangibles (MI) approach starts by de- profits from HQ/IP principals that carry non-routine
fining a split between routine and residual income.6 risks, perform non-routine functions (DEMPE func-
tions) and hold non-routine intangibles to destination
This implies that affiliates of the MNE group are com- markets where consumers are located. This feature is
pensated for their routine functions on a cost-plus or re- shared with many contemporaneous proposals for in-
turn-on-asset basis according to the arm’s length prin- ternational corporate tax reform.8 However, the extent
ciple (current transfer pricing rules). However, instead to which this is the case for the MI approach depends
of allocating all the residual income to the entrepre- crucially on a range of details in which - according to the
neurial risk-taker(s) in the MNE group, the residual in- best of our understanding - no consensus exists at the
OECD level at the time of writing this report. Specifi-
come is further divided between income arising from cally, among others, these details include:
marketing intangibles and income arising from other
intangibles.7 • whether definitions of “permanent establishment”
(PE) are revised or not, and if so, how;
The share of residual income deemed to arise from mar- • how, in defining residual and routine profits, a nor-
keting intangibles is then allocated to the market of des- mal return to physical/tangible assets and other in-
tination for the good or service, while the residual in- tangibles is to be defined; and
come deemed to arise from other intangibles is still al- • how to value marketing intangibles relative to other
located according to current transfer pricing principles. intangibles.
In that sense, the MI approach is a compromise between

Table 1 Stylised example of allocation of tax base according to current TP system



Tangible assets €100 €100 €0

Marketing intangibles €50 €50 €0

Other intangibles €50 €50 €0

Sales / revenue €100 €0 €100

Profits (= 5% return on assets) €10 - -

Corporate tax base under current TP system €10 €0

Source: Copenhagen Economics

6 The MI approach is related to the Destination-based Residual stantive distinction between marketing intangibles and cus-
Profit Allocation – see e.g. Andrus and Oosterhuis (2017) Transfer tomer-based Intangibles.” Note that some of the issues in both
Pricing After BEPS: Where Are We and Where Should We Be Go- valuing and defining marketing intangibles are discussed further
ing. Also note that routine and residual profits are often referred in section 3.
to as normal and excess profits, respectively. 8 The user contribution proposals (e.g. the EU Digital Services Tax
7 Cf. Grinberg (2018), International Taxation in an Era of Digital (DST) and similar unilateral proposals) and the formula appor-
Disruption: Analyzing the Current Debate, it is not clear whether tionment proposals (e.g. the EU Common Consolidated Corpo-
the term “marketing intangibles” covers both marketing and rate Tax Base (CCCTB)) all tend to move more taxable profits to
consumer-related intangibles: “There may very well be a sub- destination markets.

To understand this, consider the following stylised ex- and that the MI approach is introduced. In this case, the
ample (see table 1 for reference): Consider an MNE with subsidiary in country B is allocated only part of the cor-
its HQ / IP principal in country A, which holds all non- porate tax base if it constitutes a PE. If this is not the
routine assets (both tangible and intangible), carries all case, the whole tax base remains in country A, as coun-
non-routine risks and performs all non-routine func- try B has no taxing rights.10 However, if the subsidiary
tions, and with a subsidiary in country B, which has no in country B constitutes a PE, €2.5 of the corporate tax
assets. However, all sales are generated in country B. base are allocated to country B – see also table 2 (left
Specifically, at the group level the MNE has profits of side). This allocation arises as residual profits are equal
€10, sales of €100 and assets of €200.9 to total profits minus profits arising from routine func-
tions (in this example tangible assets), i.e. €10 minus €5
Under the current TP system, the whole corporate tax (€100*5% in normal return). The residual profits are
base is allocated to country A, as all non-routine func- then evenly split between profits arising from marketing
tions, assets and entrepreneurial risks are located in intangibles and other intangibles, i.e. €2.5 arising from
country A and there are no assets in country B. marketing intangibles and €2.5 from other intangibles.
Profits arising from other intangibles are allocated ac-
Developing this example further, assume now that the cording to existing TP rules and are therefore allocated
normal return to tangible assets and hence routine func-
tions is 5%, that the normal return is 5% for intangibles

Table 2 Stylised example of allocation of tax base according to MI approach with varying definitions of
normal returns


Group Country A: Country B: Group Country A: Country

level HQ / IP owner Subsidiary level HQ / IP owner B: Sub-

Tangible assets €100 €100 €0 €100 €100 €0

Marketing intangibles €50 €0 €50 €50 €0 €50

Other intangibles €50 €50 €0 €50 €50 €0

Sales / revenue €100 €0 €100 €100 €0 €100

Profits (= 5% return on assets) €10 - - €10 - -

Routine profits €5 €10

Residual profits €5 - - €0 - -

Residual profits arising from other - €2.5 - - €0 -


Residual profits arising from MI - - €2.5 - - €0

Corporate tax base under MI ap- €7.5 €2.5 €10 €0


Source: Copenhagen Economics

9 The split between tangibles, marketing intangibles and other in- 10 Note that a limited physical presence is often the case in
tangibles is set by assumption. highly digitalised business models.

to country A. However, all profits arising from market- The next challenge is to value marketing intangibles rel-
ing intangibles are allocated to country B, as all sales ative to other intangibles.12 While the value of intangi-
and hence consumers are located in country B. bles can relatively easily be estimated for publicly traded
MNEs by comparing enterprise value / market cap with
As illustrated in the example above, the distinction be- the book value of tangible assets, the split between mar-
tween routine and residual profits plays a key role in de- keting intangibles and other intangibles is by no means
termining the impact of introducing the MI approach. 11 obvious.13 Returning to the stylised example, if market-
If the normal return is instead set at 10%, the group gen- ing intangibles are valued at €50, as assumed above, the
erates no residual profits (routine profits equal €10, i.e. corporate tax base is allocated €7.5 in country A
all profits) to be allocated according to the MI approach
– see table 2 (right side). In conclusion, if the normal
return is set at a high level, the impact of the MI ap-
proach is relatively less pronounced.

Table 3 Stylised example of allocation of tax base according to MI approach with varying methodolo-
gies for valuing marketing intangibles



Group Country A: Country B: Group Country A: Country

level HQ / IP owner Subsidiary level HQ / IP owner B: Sub-

Tangible assets €100 €100 €0 €100 €100 €0

Marketing intangibles €50 €0 €50 €10 €0 €10

Other intangibles €50 €50 €0 €90 €90 €0

Sales / revenue €100 €0 €100 €100 €0 €100

Profits (= 5% return on assets) €10 - - €10 - -

Routine profits €5 €5

Residual profits €5 - - €5 - -

Residual profits arising from other - €2.5 - - €4.5 -


Residual profits arising from MI - - €2.5 - - €0.5

Corporate tax base under MI ap- €7.5 €2.5 €9.5 €0.5


Source: Copenhagen Economics

11 Note that the distinction between routine and residual profits disclosed on the balance sheet only if MNEs have recently ac-
for taxation purposes is highly controversial – cf. OECD (2016), quired other businesses.
Distinguishing between “normal” and “excess” returns in tax pol- 13 Generally, it is difficult to provide solid economic arguments in
icy. We discuss this in further detail in section 3. favour of a specific split, which is discussed in further detail in
12 Neither marketing intangibles nor other intangibles are cur- section 3.
rently valued in annual accounts, as intangibles are generally

and €2.5 in country B – see also table 3. However, if a
Key learning points from section 1
different methodology is used that assigns a lower value
to marketing intangibles relative to other intangibles,
the tax base in country A is €9.5 and in country B it is • The marketing intangibles approach is a
only €0.5. This is the case as residual profits are still €5, compromise between the current transfer
but now the residual profits are split with 90% to other pricing system and destination-based in-
intangibles and only 10% to marketing intangibles come tax.
(equal to €5*10%). The inherent uncertainty over the • The marketing intangibles approach implies
exact valuation methodology used for marketing intan- that more corporate income tax revenue is
gibles will impact the results. moved from the entrepreneurial risk-taker to
the destination of the consumer relative to
the status quo.
1.3 THE MARKETING INTANGIBLES • The impact on specific businesses will de-
APPROACH NOT AFFECTS NOT ONLY TECH pend largely on the precise details of the fi-
COMPANIES BUT ALSO OTHER nal proposal. At this point, there is no inter-
KNOWLEDGE-INTENSIVE INDUSTRIES national consensus on how to address these
While the marketing intangibles proposal is part of the challenges.
discussions on addressing the tax challenges of the dig- • The marketing intangibles approach is not
ital economy in BEPS action 1, the MI approach affects just a tax on tech MNEs but will likely affect
most industries and not just large digital companies. most industries and R&D-intensive industries
This contrasts with e.g. the EU Digital Services Tax and in particular.
the user contribution approach which are specifically
aimed at a range of digital services and hence seek to
ring-fence specific digital services for tax purposes.14
The MI approach broadly affects all industries that: ECONOMIES LIKELY TO LOSE TAX
• have high returns relative to tangible/physical assets;
In this section, we start by reviewing recent estimates of
• rely heavily on intangibles;
the role of marketing intangibles across sectors (section
• are internationally focused (have affiliates in multiple
2.1). Next, we explain why the Nordics in particular are
countries); and
likely to lose a substantial share of their current corpo-
• have an international customer base.
rate income tax revenue if the marketing approach is
This is indeed the case for tech MNEs but also, as argued adopted (section 2.2). Furthermore, the Nordics are not
in more detail in section 2, for MNEs in e.g. pharmaceu- likely to be compensated by new incoming tax revenue
ticals and car manufacturing and, in general, for all (section 2.3). Also, other countries relying on
R&D-intensive business models. knowledge-intensive sectors – such as Germany and the
US - are for some of the same reasons also likely to lose
revenue but to a smaller extent (section 2.4). The final
part of section 2 discusses the impact of the MI ap-
proach on effective tax rates (ETR) on specific busi-
nesses (section 2.5).

14 Note that such ring-fencing of specific services is generally to ring-fence the digital economy from the rest of the economy
controversial. For example, OECD (2015) Addressing the Tax for tax purposes.” A more thorough discussion of this specific
Challenges of the Digital Economy, Action 1 - Final Report notes: challenge is, however, beyond the scope of this study.
“[… The report] notes that because the digital economy is in-
creasingly becoming the economy itself, it would not be feasible

2.1 MARKETING INTANGIBLES MAKE UP A Figure 1 Marketing intangibles and other intangi-
SIGNIFICANT SHARE OF ASSETS ACROSS bles as a share of total enterprise value by sec-
SECTORS tor, percent
Recent empirical evidence suggests that marketing in-
tangibles and intangibles in general make up a signifi- Pharmaceutical ​53% 35% 88%
Media 73% 13% 86%
cant share of enterprise value across sectors – see figure
Internet & software 56% 30% 86%
1.15 This is certainly the case for the tech sector (internet Biotechnology 34% 51% 85%
and software) but it is equally true of pharmaceuticals Serv ices 34% 42% 76%
and the media.16 Furthermore, the manufacturing and Manufacturing 29% 44% 73%

automotive sectors have lower (28-29%) but still very Telecoms 36% 29% 65%
Retail 33% 33% 65%
significant marketing intangibles. At the lower end,
Construction 25% 17% 42%
wholesale, oil and gas and power and utilities have rela- Transportation 18% 23% 41%
tive moderate levels (9-17%) of marketing intangibles Mining 32% ​4% 35%
relative to enterprise value. This highlights the fact that Automotive 28% 7% 35%

the MI approach is not specifically focused on digitally Power & Utilities 17% 14% 30%
Insurance 24% ​3% 27%
intensive tech companies.
Wholesale 9% 14% 23%
Oil & Gas 13% 8% 21% Marketing intangibles
It is also clear that marketing intangibles tend to make Banking 17% 20% Other intangibles
up a larger share of enterprise value in R&D-intensive 3%

sectors. Ceteris paribus, this suggests that these sectors

Note: The definition of marketing intangibles is based on the IFRS 3
are affected by the MI approach to a greater extent and definition of marketing and consumer-related intangibles and equals
that the problems associated with making distinctions the sum of the two. Furthermore, the results should be considered as
indicative only according to the authors. See the appendix for a more
between marketing and other intangibles will be very detailed description.
substantial. Source: Brand Finance GIFT report 2017, pp. 33 & 47. Table 4: Co-
penhagen Economics based on OECD Structural Analysis (STAN) da-

Table 4 Gross value added as a share of total gross value added by sector


Internet and software 2.1% 3.3% 2.6% 3.8% 2.1%

Media 1.6% 1.2% 1.1% 2.7% 2.5%

Pharmaceuticals 3.7% 0.7% 0.8% 1.3% 1.0%

Telecoms 0.9% 1.2% 1.0% 1.2% 1.6%

Automotive 0.2% 0.5% 5.1% 3.0% 1.7%

Insurance 1.0% 0.7% 0.9% 1.1% 3.3%

Transportation 5.3% 4.9% 4.6% 5.4% 3.3%

Banking 5.2% 2.1% 3.1% 3.5% 4.3%

Wholesale and retail 11.8% 7.8% 8.3% 9.2% 8.9%

Construction 4.7% 6.4% 4.6% 5.8% 4.2%

Other manufacturing 10.7% 16.0% 17.1% 11.1% 9.7%

Other services 47.9% 49.1% 47.2% 47.2% 52.8%

Others 4.8% 6.0% 3.5% 4.6% 4.7%

Sum 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

15 This figure is based on specific assumptions of what constitute 16 Note that the impact of the MI approach on the media sector
marketing intangibles and could therefore differ substantially is potentially limited in the Nordics as these businesses are to a
from the yet-to-be-determined definition to be applied for taxa- large extent domestically focused. Examples include Walt Disney
tion purposes. Co and Comcast Corp.

The high dependence of marketing intangibles in spe- profits related to foreign returns will be allocated to des-
cific sectors should not least be seen in the context of tination markets.
high gross value added (GVA) in these sectors in the
Nordics, Germany and the US. For example, Denmark Figure 2 Approximate distribution of tax revenue
relies disproportionately on pharmaceuticals, the US, from routine and residual profits by country, 2017
Finland and Sweden on the internet and software and percent
Germany on automotive – see table 4.
​100 ​100 ​100 ​100
​Foreign residual return ​21 ​19 ​18 ​17
A conservative estimate suggests that 18-21% of the cur- ​35
​Domestic residual return ​37 ​41
rent corporate tax base in the Nordics came from for- ​48
eign residual profits in 2017 – see figure 2.17 For Ger-
many, the share is approximately 17%. If the MI ap-
proach is introduced, the bulk of this CIT revenue would
be allocated to other countries.18 ​Routine profits ​42 ​41

Based on a specific assumption about what constitutes

​Denmark ​Finland ​Sweden ​Germany
a normal return, the results suggest that routine profits
make up 33-48% of the overall return. This is generally
consistent but higher than existing literature suggests, Note: This assumes a normal return of 4% and uses average
i.e. that 32-40% of corporate income is attributable to export shares within R&D intensity sectors. The estimates
the normal return on capital.19 A significant share of re- are based on a sample from 2010-2015 corrected for the real
sidual profits is, however, attributable to domestic change in corporate tax revenue from 2010-2015 to 2017. See
sales.20 the appendix for a detailed description of the methodology.
Source: Copenhagen Economics based on Amadeus data-
The extent to which this will result in a loss of the cur-
base, input-output tables, OECD and Eurostat
rent corporate tax base will depend crucially on how
marketing intangibles are valued and defined relative to
other intangibles.21 At this point, no specific details re- 2.3 THE NORDICS ARE LIKELY TO LOSE
garding the split and methodology have been released TAX REVENUE WITH THE MARKETING
The MI approach potentially also allows the Nordics to
A recent study suggests that marketing intangibles
capture part of the corporate tax base currently paid
make up 60-68% (depending on R&D intensity) of total
intangibles22, suggesting that more than half of residual

17 Note that this estimate is based on a restrictive set of assump- used in these studies differs substantially from the approach used
tions and relies on proxies. Furthermore, the calculation is based in this study.
on a specific assumption of return allowed on routine functions. 20 Our approach potentially overestimates the share of residual
However, the estimated impact is considered conservative for profits attributable to domestic sales as we rely on sector aver-
multiple reasons, as discussed in detail in the appendix. ages of exports – see appendix for a detailed discussion.
18 As discussed in more detail in section 3, this will depend on 21 As discussed in section 3, there seem to be no stable eco-
what methodology is chosen for valuing marketing intangibles. nomic arguments to base such methodologies on currently.
19 See Gentry and Hubbard (1996), Distributional Implications of 22 See Brand Finance GIFT report 2017 assuming that both mar-
Introducing a Broad-Based Consumption Tax; Toder and Rueben keting and consumer-related intangibles are captured in the
(2005), Should We Eliminate Taxation of Capital Income? and OECD MI approach.
Cronin et al. (2012), Distributing the Corporate Income Tax: Re-
vised U.S. Treasury Methodology. However, the methodology

abroad. However, this will likely not be enough to com- R&D-intensive industries have high returns and
pensate for the loss of tax base, as: hence substantial residual returns in the Nordics
The MI approach will affect business models that gen-
1. R&D-intensive industries have high returns and erate substantial residual profits, which is especially rel-
hence substantial residual returns in the Nordics; evant in R&D-intensive industries – see figure 3. Den-
2. tax revenue is disproportionately large in R&D-in- mark, Sweden and Finland all have high returns in their
tensive sectors compared to gross value added R&D-intensive industries. As explained above, the MI
(GVA) in the Nordics; approach affects businesses with substantial residual
3. marketing intangibles makes up a large share of en- profits.
terprise value in R&D intensive sectors; and
4. the Nordics are net exporters in the R&D-intensive Tax revenue is disproportionately large in R&D-
industries that are most affected by the proposal intensive sectors compared to gross value added
and rely more heavily on intangibles than im- (GVA) in the Nordics
portant trading partners do. The tax revenue from R&D-intensive industries makes
up a significant share of overall CIT revenue, even
In sum, this implies that outgoing CIT revenue is not though most gross value added occurs in industries with
compensated by incoming CIT revenue, thus yielding a low R&D intensity – see figure 4. Specifically, the mul-
net loss of CIT revenue for the Nordic countries. Next, tiples of CIT tax revenue relative to GVA are 1.5, 1.8 and
we go through the arguments one by one. 1.3 for Denmark, Sweden and Finland respectively. This

Figure 3 Return on Assets (ROA) across sectors, Figure 4 CIT revenue relative to GVA and share of
average 2010-2015, percent CIT revenue for high R&D-intensive industries,
2010-2015, multiple/percent
​12% 12%
​1.8 ​1.8 ​13.0%
​Denmark ​12.4%
​Sweden ​12.0%
​Finland ​1.5 ​11.0%
​1.4 ​10.0%
8% 8% ​9.0%
​8.8% ​8.0%
​1.0 ​7.0%
6% 6% 6% ​6.0%
​0.8 ​6.4%
5% 5% 5% 5% ​5.0%
4% 4% 4%
​0.4 ​3.0%
​0.0 ​0.0%
​Denmark ​Sweden ​Finland

​Share of corporate income tax revenue (right axis)

​High R&D ​Medium- ​Medium ​Medium- ​Low R&D
high R&D R&D low R&D ​Multiple of tax revenue relative to GVA

Note: Sectors cover industries according to R&D intensity – Note: High R&D-intensive sector covers industries as set out
cf. OECD (2016) OECD Taxonomy of Economic Activities in OECD (2016) OECD Taxonomy of Economic Activities
Based on R&D Intensity, p. 14. Based on R&D Intensity, p. 14.
Source: Copenhagen Economics based on Amadeus database Source: Copenhagen Economics based on Amadeus and
OECD Stan database

is equivalent to approximately 9% of Danish CIT reve- The Nordics are net exporters in the R&D-
nue, 12% Swedish CIT revenue and 6% of Finish CIT intensive industries the most affected by the
revenue. proposal
The key argument for why the Nordics are likely to lose
Marketing intangibles make up a large share of CIT revenue is that loss of CIT revenue from high R&D-
enterprise value in R&D-intensive sectors intensive industries is not compensated one on one by
In high R&D-intensive industries, marketing intangi- foreign businesses having to pay more CIT in the Nor-
bles make up on average 40% of enterprise value – see dics – see figure 6. Broadly speaking, the Nordics are
figure 5. This should be compared to 27-32% in less exporting high R&D-intensive goods and services (re-
R&D-intensive industries. This means, everything else sulting in a relatively large loss of their current tax base)
being equal, that businesses in R&D-intensive indus- while importing low R&D-intensive goods and services
tries are affected to a larger extent by the MI approach.23 (that are affected by the MI approach only to a limited
Figure 5 Marketing intangibles as a share of en-
terprise value, percent Figure 6 Average net export in the Nordics as a
share of total output by R&D intensity, percent
​40% ​6.4%

​5.7% ​5.6%

​31% 32%

​26% ​27%



​High R&D M
​ edium- M
​ edium M
​ edium- ​Low R&D
high R&D R&D low R&D
​High ​Medium- M
​ edium M
​ edium- ​Low R&D
R&D high R&D R&D low R&D
Note: Sectors cover industries according to R&D intensity –
cf. OECD (2016) OECD Taxonomy of Economic Activities
Note: The definition of marketing intangibles is based on the
Based on R&D Intensity, p. 14, but with specific amendments
IFRS 3 definition of marketing and consumer-related intan-
– see appendix.
gibles and equals the sum of the two. Furthermore, the re-
Source: Copenhagen Economics based on input-output ta-
sults should be considered indicative only according to the
authors. The estimates are based on a global sample and
therefore do not account for differences across countries.
Source: Copenhagen Economics based on Brand Finance Furthermore, the Nordics, Germany and the US all rely
GIFT report 2017, pp. 33 & 47 heavily on intangibles as compared with important

23 This is given the specific definition of marketing intangibles

used in this report.

trading partners (e.g. China and India) according to a 2.4 The US and Germany potentially also
recent study – see figure 7. lose tax revenue
Our analysis also suggests that a substantial share of
Figure 7 Intangibles as a share of enterprise Germany’s export CIT revenue is at risk if the MI ap-
value by country, percent proach is introduced. Ultimately, this is likely to provide
a net loss, mainly driven by the net export of medium-
69 % ​68 %
high R&D-intensive industries (including the automo-
tive industry) and a generally large trade surplus.25
​58 % ​58 % ​58 %
53 % The US potentially will also lose tax revenue. However,
the expected impact is likely to be smaller, as the US
42 % economy is less export-and-import intensive – even
though most of the large tech companies are based in
the US. Furthermore, the significant trade deficit also
suggests a smaller loss of tax base.26

2.5 Effective tax rates for businesses

The MI approach will also affect the tax burden on busi-
nesses. In particular, MNEs with HQs in low-tax coun-
tries will experience an increase in effective tax rates as
the tax base is shifted from origin to destination mar-
​USA ​Denmark ​Sweden ​Germany ​Finland ​I ndia ​China
kets.27 This problem is naturally compounded in high
R&D-intensive industries that rely heavily on intangi-
Note: These numbers are based on publicly traded compa- bles. Specifically, for the Nordics this implies MNEs
nies and hence the difference is potentially even larger be- with a large customer base in e.g. North America will
tween western and developing economies. likely experience an increase in ETRs.28
Source: Brand Finance GIFT report 2017
Such increases are likely to have negative real economic
effects in low-tax countries given the distortive nature
On a subtler note, introducing the MI approach can lead of corporate income taxes compared to less distortive
to more disputes and tax uncertainty.24 Such uncer- taxes (e.g. consumption taxes).
tainty generally tends to disfavour small economies
such as the Nordics, as their bargaining power in e.g. However, and perhaps more importantly, it is generally
dispute cases is generally limited compared to that of unclear how consolidation and loss offset at the group
large economies. level will be affected by the MI approach, as no harmo-
nised set of rules exists to ensure that MNEs can offset

24 In Grinberg (2018), International Taxation in an Era of Digital 25 The loss of CIT revenue can be separated into both structural
Disruption: Analyzing the Current Debate, p. 57, note that: “ [… loss (differences in composition of imports and exports) and cur-
the MI approach] creates a new set of administrative chal- rent trade surpluses that converge over time.
lenges for which we may not have solutions, while leaving the 26 Note that we have not been able to collect the necessary in-
problems of the current transfer pricing system in place, and put data (our Amadeus data does not cover the US) and hence
adding a new source of fundamental controversy – the appro- we have not approximated the impact.
priate split of excess returns between the market and the current 27 Low-tax countries are countries with relatively low statutory CIT
transfer pricing system. These issues could play out as between rates or narrow CIT bases.
governments and between governments and MNCs with re- 28 Even after the US tax reform, the ETRs in the US are still higher
spect to every cross-border transaction.” than in the Nordic countries according to ZEW (2018), Analysis of
US Corporate Tax Reform Proposals and their Effects for Europe
and Germany.

cross-border losses. For MNEs that will have a more dif- of where economic value is being created – the user con-
fused tax liability under the MI approach, this could po- tribution principle.
tentially be problematic as this type of asymmetry tends
to increase the effective tax burden. We would also like to add two further objectives that
should be included in any discussion on the reform of
international tax policy: What is their effect on coun-
Key learning points from section 2
tries’ incentive to invest in growth-friendly policies?
And is it likely that proposed policies are de facto based
• While the marketing approach is being dis- on meaningful and verifiable criteria not leading to sub-
cussed as a proposal to address challenges stantial increases in compliance costs in a wider sense?
in taxing the digital economy, it has a much
larger scope, potentially affecting the ma- So, we suggest that policy reforms should:
jority of industries.
• A very substantial part of the current corpo-
• aim to reduce transfer pricing problems, taking into
rate tax base in the Nordics and Germany
account already implemented BEPS efforts as well as
will potentially be lost to other countries.
national reforms of corporate tax regimes, notably in
• The Nordic countries are not likely to be
the US;
compensated in full by new incoming CIT
• maintain/increase incentives for growth-friendly pol-
icies at the national level; and
• Furthermore, larger countries – such as the
• be based on meaningful, verifiable criteria with man-
US and Germany – are also likely to lose cor-
ageable compliance costs.
porate income tax revenue, as they too rely
Starting off with transfer pricing issues, we suggest that
on R&D-intensive industries for generating
the effect of the US tax reform should be fully digested
before new, untested ideas are added to the global cor-
• The proposal potentially hurts MNEs as effec-
porate tax arena. We make specific reference to key as-
tive tax rates increase, especially in low-tax
pects of the US tax reform such as a lower rate as well as
the move towards an exemption tax combined with ef-
fective CFC rules that entail an effective minimum tax
rate on US-based companies.
3 POLICY OPTIONS TO ADDRESS These rules will seriously address a number of issues re-
CHALLENGES GOING FORWARD lated to the taxation of US-based companies. There will
In this section, we argue that problems and aims should be:
be defined before moving to solutions (section 3.1).
Next, some obvious drawbacks of the MI approach are • less risk of profits not being taxed, and
discussed (section 3.2) and finally we discuss an alter- • less risk of tax inversions.
native going forwards (section 3.3).
The convergence of global statutory rates will also tend
3.1 DEFINE PROBLEMS AND AIMS BEFORE to reduce transfer pricing issues. The vast majority of
MOVING TO SOLUTIONS OECD countries now have formal rates in the range of
The global tax policy debate in the context of the OECD 20 to 25% - see figure 8. Arguably the challenges are
BEPS project was focused initially on addressing trans- greater for the remaining outliers with high formal rates
fer pricing policy issues. Key elements have been to introduce lower rates than to reform the global tax
changes to transfer pricing guidelines, discussion of system (including Germany).
principles for establishing permanent establishments
and strengthening effective regulation of foreign-con- In this context, we would also underline that the reduc-
trolled companies (CFC), as well as policies versus so- tion in statutory rates seen over the last decades is not
called “tax heavens”. More recently the debate has mainly about a race to the bottom; it is also a response
moved beyond that, discussing and challenging notions to the huge debt bias in tax systems. This bias had al-
ready been identified in the early 1980s as impeding

Figure 8 Statutory corporate income tax rates, 2018, percent

30% 30% 30%
29% 30% 30%
28% 28%
27% 28%
26% 26%
25% 25% 25% 25%
23% 23%
22% 22% 22%
21% 21%
20% 20% 20% 20%
​19% 19% 19% 19%



​Sw eden
​U nited Kingdom

​Sw itzerland
​Slov enia




​Latv ia

​Norw ay



​U nited States
​I srael


​New Zealand

​I reland

​I celand

​I taly
​Slov ak Republic
​Czech Republic

​M exico



Note: For France the 2022 corporate tax rate is displayed. The figure shows the combined statutory corporate income tax rate
including both government and sub-government corporate taxes.
Source: OECD database, Dataset: Table II.1. Statutory corporate income tax rate

growth by providing incentives to make low-risk, low- Figure 9 Equity is taxed at higher effective tax
return investments and also, e.g. through high taxation rates than debt in G20 Countries, 2012, effective
of dividends/capital gains, “lock-in” effects that slow tax rates
the flow of funds to other firms with greater expected
returns on investment (lower taxation of investments ​39% ​38% 38%
36% 34% 34% 34%
based on retained earnings rather than on new equity). 28% 28% 24%
Moreover, as shown in a recent US study – from before 20% 19%
16% 14% 12%
the US tax reform – debt bias is still a major feature of 6%
global systems – see figure 9.
-8% -10%
-12% -12%
Finally, a substantial proportion of statutory rate reduc- -15% -14% -15% -14% ​-17% -17%
-24% ​-24%
tions was financed by reforms – notably a reduction in -27%
the tax value of depreciations of physical assets - as also -39% -39%
evidenced by stable revenues from corporate tax reve- -46%
nues across the OECD world – see figure 10. From 1995 -59%
to 2016, corporate tax revenue as a share of GDP re- -68%
​A R ​BR ​I N ​JP ​DE ​MX ​I D ​U S ​CN ​FR ​GB ​A U ​SA Z​ A ​RU ​T R ​KR ​CA ​I T
mained at approximately 2.6% at the EU level. Moreo-
ver, we suggest that the fall in revenues post 2008 is ​Equity-Financed Equipment ​Debt-Financed Equipment

largely cyclical, with corporate tax income being very

dependent on the state of the business cycle. We do not
Source: CBO (2017), International Comparisons of Corporate
suggest that the stable tax shares were not influenced by
Income Tax Rates, p. 24
other factors, such as the growing share of economic ac-
tivity undertaken by corporations, but simply empha-
sise that there is no evidence yet of widespread fiscal
losses from lower statutory rates.

Figure 10 Corporate tax revenue in the EU, 1995- differently, most VC-backed investments lead to nega-
2016, percent of GDP tive returns, which likely leads to a concentration of fis-
cal losses in host countries as these firms never become
​3.5 international. However, for the few businesses that
make it and become global players, the MI approach im-
​3.0 plies that more of the tax revenue is shared globally.
​2.5 Figure 11 Distribution of returns of early-stage
venture in the US, 2004-2013, return multiple

​50x+ ​0.4%

​20-50x ​1.1%

​0.0 ​10-20x ​2.5%

​1995 ​2000 ​2005 ​2010 ​2015

​5-10x ​5.9%
Source: European Commission

​1-5x ​25.3%
3.2 The marketing intangibles approach has
three obvious drawbacks
​0-1x ​64.8%
Reducing national incentives to support innovation.
The residual profits concept will to a very large extent
​0% ​25% ​50% ​75% ​100%
ship the profit from countries with high-risk, high-re-
turn industries to countries with low R&D intensity, as
discussed in section 2. Note: The return multiple measured as TVPI is the total
value of the funds’ cumulative distributions compared to
This will reduce countries’ incentive to implement inno- paid-in capital.
vation-friendly policies. The basic driver is that getting Source: Industry Ventures (2017)
firms to deliver high returns requires significant public
investments. This obviously includes investment in
public R&D and complementary policies. These policies So, in essence, the residual profits scheme is very much
are already partly enjoyed by other countries through an asymmetric system: the fiscal spoils from successful
cross-border spillover effects, but now fiscal gains from high-risk entrepreneurial projects are shared globally
the successful innovation projects resulting from such while the costs of failures are borne by the host coun-
measures will also need to be shared with other coun- tries.
Key parameters have no solid empirical foundation.
Such effects are compounded in particular for the high Both routine and residual profits must be defined if the
knowledge-based industry due to the “hockey stick” na- MI approach is implemented. The problem is that there
ture of returns from such industries – see figure 11. is no clear definition of what constitutes a routine or
Around two thirds of all early-stage venture capital (VC)
investments generate a loss and only one third of the in-
vestments eventually generate a positive return. This
hockey stick nature implies that most venture busi-
nesses never generate any corporate tax revenue. Stated

“normal” return, especially for taxation purposes.29 De- For businesses, as well as for tax administrations, the
fining such returns will run into practical problems, in- additional compliance burden is potentially high. If con-
cluding uncertainty, information asymmetry and heter- sumers are perceived to generate value, many busi-
ogeneity. There is simply no one-size-fits-all routine re- nesses will have to comply with tax legislation in multi-
turn. ple countries – even if they are based almost solely in
one country and currently have no transfer pricing is-
Governments simply cannot observe businesses’ re- sues (having a tax liability in only one country). Such
quired or actual returns. In practice, policymakers challenges should be analysed in detail before moving
therefore have to set some (arbitrary) level that poten- ahead.
tially deviates substantially from the returns that busi-
nesses require in order to commit their capital. This can 3.3 A minimum taxation regime: targeted
potentially have negative economic consequences, such and realistic
as a decline in investment and, ultimately, lower tax rev- A minimum taxation regime could, in principle, take
enue.30 many forms. One prominent example is a minimum tax
solution that denies deduction on outbound payments if
In addition, it is unclear how to value marketing relative a certain effective tax rate (ETR) threshold of the payee
to other intangibles. One argument could be that no is not met.
value can be created without customers, suggesting that
all value across all sectors is driven by marketing intan- This is generally in line with the BEPS efforts to limit
gibles. On the other hand, one could argue that any pos- base erosion and create a level playing field. It also
itive image in the minds of customers comes down to seems consistent with the GILTI and BEAT introduced
businesses providing superior services or goods. This in the US tax reform, which are attempts to have out-
would suggest that very limited value should be as- bound and inbound minimum taxes. In principle, these
signed to marketing intangibles. could be reimagined to suggest a workable alternative
for the medium-term future of the international tax sys-
In practice, the division of marketing and other intangi- tem.33
ble will have to be accomplished in the absence of mean-
ingful yardsticks based on sound economics.31 Depending on how ambitious they are, most OECD
countries already have a high degree of convergence in
High compliance costs and requirement for unrealistic CIT rates, as documented in figure 8, providing a solid
levels of international co-operation. The MI approach foundation for the discussions going forwards.
creates new administrative challenges for which no ob-
vious solutions exist, while at the same time keeping in Even more importantly from a policy-efficiency per-
place the challenges of the current transfer pricing re- spective, a minimum taxation regime would stop indus-
gime. This could potentially add new sources of funda- try-specific distortions. Especially within the EU, the
mental controversy between governments.32 Ultimately, differences in effective taxation are really driven by in-
it requires unrealistic levels of international co-opera- dustry-specific regimes, e.g. the IP box regime in
tion. France.34

29 See OECD (2016), Distinguishing between normal and excess a [MI] system, a formulary approach, ideally backstopped by
returns in tax policy. mandatory binding arbitration, is the only way to control the ex-
30 OECD (2016), Distinguishing between normal and excess re- tent of tax controversy.”
turns in tax policy, p. 28. 32 See Grinberg (2018), International Taxation in an Era of Digital
31 Grinberg (2018), International Taxation in an Era of Digital Dis- Disruption, p. 54.
ruption, p. 54, states: “That said, if policymakers consider the 33 As suggested by Grinberg (2018) in International Taxation in an
compromise that is the [MI approach], they should abandon the Era of Digital Disruption, p. 45.
notion of measuring the relative value of marketing and non- 34 See e.g. Copenhagen Economics (2018), The proposed EU
marketing intangibles and accept a simple formulary split be- digital services tax: Effects on welfare, growth and revenues.
tween the two residual return categories. It seems to me that in

Finally, while making a minimum tax regime work is not
necessarily a walk in the park, it appears to be infinitely
more manageable and meaningful than the other alter-
natives on the table.35 Any attempts to ring-fence digital
sectors are inherently meaningless, as documented in a
wealth of studies, while also lacking a real rationale.36
The residual profit concept linked to the marketing in-
tangibles approach avoids the ring-fencing but, as doc-
umented, raises a number of other questions.

So, in our opinion, if the aim is to review further reforms

of the global tax system that promote innovation and
protect the tax base of individual countries – and that
go beyond the already implemented BEPS process and
national tax reforms – then a well-designed global min-
imum tax regime is the proposal that has the most to
offer and merits further study.

Key learning points from section 3

• The challenges should be better understood

and clearly defined before solutions are
• The marketing intangibles approach has
three obvious drawbacks: it reduces na-
tional incentives to support innovation, key
parameters have no solid empirical founda-
tion, and high compliance costs require un-
realistic levels of international co-operation.
• A minimum taxation regime seems more tar-
geted and realistic.

35 A minimum taxation regime could trigger a need to identify 36 This is documented most clearly in OECD (2015), Addressing
the beneficial owner, which could prove complicated. the Tax Challenges of the Digital Economy, Action 1 - 2015 Final

References OECD (2015), Designing Effective Controlled Foreign
Andrus and Oosterhuis (2017), Transfer Pricing After Company Rules – Action 3
BEPS: Where Are We and Where Should We Be Going
OECD (2016), Fiscal incentives for R&D and innova-
Boulogne (2018), Transfer Pricing of Intangibles: A tion in a diverse world
Comparison between the Netherlands and the United
States OECD (2016), Distinguishing between normal and ex-
cess returns in tax policy
Brand Finance (2017), GIFT report
OECD (2018), OECD taxonomy of economic activities
Brown et al. (2016), Stock markets, credit markets and based on R&D intensity
technology-led growth
OECD (2018), Tax Challenges Arising from Digitalisa-
CBO (2017), International comparisons of corporate tion – Interim Report 2018
income tax rates
OECD (2018), Loss carryover provisions: Measuring
CBO (2018), How taxes affect the incentive to invest in effects on tax symmetry and automatic stabilisation
new intangible assets
OECD (2018), Statutory tax rates on dividends, inter-
Chen (2016), Cross-Country Income Differences Revis- est and capital gains: The debt equity bias at the per-
ited: Accounting for the Role of Intangible Capital sonal level

Copenhagen Economics (2018), The proposed EU digi- OECD (2018), Corporate Effective Tax Rates: Model
tal services tax: Effects on welfare, growth and reve- Description and Results from 36 OECD and Non-OECD
nues Countries

Cronin et al. (2012), Distributing the Corporate Income OECD (2019), Addressing the Tax Challenges of the
Tax: Revised U.S. Treasury Methodology Digitalisation of the Economy – Policy Note

Crouzet and Eberly (2018), Understanding weak capi- Phillipson (2018), A primer on concentration, invest-
tal investment: the role of market concentration and ment and growth
Ramey (2018), Increasing differences between firms
Gentry and Hubbard (1996), Distributional Implica- remarks on Reenen paper
tions of Introducing a Broad-Based Consumption Tax
Toder and Rueben (2005), Should We Eliminate Taxa-
Grinberg (2018), International Taxation in an Era of tion of Capital Income?
Digital Disruption
van Reenen (2018), Increasing differences between
Industry Ventures (2017), The Venture Capital Risk firms’ market power and the macro economy
and Return Matrix. See http://www.industryventu-
res.com/2017/02/07/the-venture-capital-risk-and-re- World Bank (2017), “Topical Issue: Arms-length trade”
turn-matrix/ in Global Economic Prospects, June 2017

Keightley (2014), The Corporate Income Tax System: ZEW (2016), Effective tax levels using the Griffith Dev-
Overview and Options for Reform ereux methodology

OECD (2015), Addressing the Tax Challenges of the ZEW (2018), Analysis of US Corporate Tax Reform
Digital Economy, Action 1 – 2015 Final Report Proposals and their Effects for Europe and Germany

OECD (2015), Aligning Transfer Pricing Outcomes

with Value Creation

Appendix: Data & Methodology medium-low, but C252 is medium-high. C30 is classi-
This annex describes the methodological approach used fied as high; however only C303 is high, whereas C302-
in this report. 305 is medium-high and C301 is medium. C31-C32 is
classified as medium, though C325 is medium-high and
Industry classification C31 is medium-low. J58 is classified as high; however
In the report, we use an industry classification system only J582 is high, and J581 is medium-low.
for R&D intensity defined by the OECD.37 Here the in-
dustries are clustered into the following five segments Tax base and return on assets by sector
based on R&D expenditures relative to the industry from Amadeus database
value added: Data on total assets, the tax base and tax revenue for
each R&D group are taken from the Amadeus database.
1. High R&D intensity These data are classified using the NACE Rev. 2 specifi-
2. Medium-high R&D intensity cations, and hence we have linked the NACE Rev. 2
3. Medium R&D intensity specifications with the ISIC Rev. 4 specifications using
4. Medium-low R&D intensity the EUROSTAT RAMON conversion tables and hereby
5. Low R&D intensity aggregated data on each of the R&D groups.38

The OECD draws on the fourth revision of the Interna- The data used in the analysis are 2010-2015 averages
tional Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), an in- (2011-2015 for Denmark) and values are reported in
ternational reference classification of productive activi- thousands of euros.
ties, which is compatible with other widely used classi-
fications such as the European Classification of Eco- Methodology for approximating how much
nomic Activities (NACE). current CIT revenue is potentially lost
The approximation is based on a six-step procedure:
Assets by sector from STAN
To obtain data on gross value added (GVA) on an indus- 1. For each firm and for each year we calculated the
try level, we used the OECD Structural Analysis (STAN) return on assets for the period 2010-2015 based on
database. As mentioned above, the observations are micro data from the Amadeus database.
based on ISIC Rev. 4 on a two-digit level and are cate- 2. To provide an estimate for 2017 we updated the re-
gorised by the five R&D segments. turns on assets by the real development in the CIT
tax base based on Eurostat and OECD data, implic-
The data used in our analysis are 2010-2015 averages itly assuming that the additional return in 2017 is
measured in local currency. Please note that small in- evenly split between all companies. Note that 2016
consistencies potentially exist between the STAN data CIT revenue is used for Germany due to missing
and the Amadeus data described below due to the struc- data. Note also that this correction affects the re-
ture of the data. sults only to a limited extent.
3. For given assumptions about the “normal” return
Import and export shares from input-output on assets we calculated the yearly residual return
tables for each firm. Specifically, we applied a 4% normal
The data are from 2014 (the newest available). The in- return.
put-output tables use the two-digit sector level, whereas 4. We then calculated the average residual and routine
OECD (2016), OECD Taxonomy of Economic Activities return for each R&D intensity.
Based on R&D Intensity allows for classification at the 5. Export shares of total output for each R&D intensity
three-digit level. We have made the following assump- were estimated on the basis of input-output ta-
tions regarding the classification. C25 is classified as bles.39

37 Galindo-Rueda, F. and F. Verger (2016), “OECD Taxonomy of 38 The aggregated micro data generally show high consistency
Economic Activities Based on R&D Intensity”, OECD Science, with aggregate statistics from Eurostat.
Technology and Industry Working Papers, 2016/04, OECD Publish- 39 We acknowledge that import and export data are an imper-
ing, Paris fect proxy for MNEs’ global structures.

6. We then combined the information on routine and
residual returns, export shares and the share of the
CIT tax base for each R&D intensity to calculate the
approximate residual profits attributable to routine
and to domestic and foreign residual returns for
each country.

These estimates are considered conservative for two

main reasons:

• We also used average export shares for each R&D in-

tensity. However, it very likely that high return busi-
nesses have larger export shares than the average
business – i.e. “winning” business models are more
often taken global.
• Using total assets most likely captures too broad an
asset base compared to what is attributable to routine
functions. This, ceteris paribus, suggests that we un-
derestimated the residual returns and ultimately the
share of returns linked to foreign sales.

Contact for this study:
Sigurd Næss-Schmidt, Partner & Director of Econom-
[email protected];
Tel: +45 5076 3030

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