Canada Coronavirus Outbreak: Public Technical Briefing April 9

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COVID-19 in Canada: Using data and modelling to

inform public health action

Technical Briefing for Canadians

April 9, 2020
Data and modelling are guiding Canada’s response to COVID-19

• The Government of Canada uses data to keep Canadians up to date on where we are and models to
understand where we might be heading in the COVID-19 epidemic

• We are using models based on a range of scenarios to guide planning; while models are imperfect,
they are useful tools to support all of us in designing strategies to control the epidemic

• The data tell us that the measures we are taking now—physical (social) distancing, self-isolation of
cases, quarantine of contacts, and preventing importation of infection from other countries—remain
essential to controlling Canada’s COVID-19 epidemic

Our strategy: Control epidemic, increase health care system capacity

Control the Epidemic Increase health care capacity

Measures to reduce the number of Measures to increase the
people a person infects to < 1 to healthcare hard assets (e.g.,
end onward transmission (e.g., ventilators) and health
physical distancing, travel human resources
restrictions, self isolation)
Number of new cases

Health Care System Capacity


If each person infects fewer than one person on average, the epidemic dies out

Where we’ve been Where we want to be

Prior to stronger public health Today, stronger physical Goal: Each person infects
measures, each infected distancing and self-isolation fewer than one person on
person (case) in Canada are helping to reduce the average; epidemic dies out
infected 2.19 other people on average number of people
average each case infects



The situation today – a snapshot
Severity Total
indicator number
2.2% of 18,447
Deaths 401
(all cases)

19% of 5,823
Hospitalizations 1,118
(case reports)

6% of 5,823
Admissions to ICU 326
(case reports)

• 94% of cases are in four provinces:

Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia,
• 98% of deaths are in four provinces:
Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia,
• At least 198 deaths among residents of
long-term care homes

Data as of 8 April 2020: 11:00

Canada has a series of regional epidemics

• Differences in laboratory
Cumulative number of cases per 100,000 persons

testing and confirmation

strategies explain some
variation by

• Territories have very low

rates of transmission so

Canada reports
1,000 confirmed

Community transmission started later in Canada allowing us to act early

• Canada’s epidemic is in earlier stages

• Canada has a slower increase in total

number of cases
Cumulative number of cases (log scale)

• Canada’s per capita testing rate is

higher than most countries

• Many countries reached their first 500

cases before community transmission
started in Canada

• This allowed Canada to learn from other

countries’ experiences and approaches
and to act earlier in the epidemic’s

For comparison purposes, country curves are aligned to day 0, the day the country reached 500 cases, even
though countries reached this milestone on different calendar dates

Looking Forward


Canada’s approach to modelling

• Models cannot predict what will happen, but rather can help us understand what might happen to
ensure we can plan for worst cases and drive public health action to achieve the best possible

• Models can support decisions on public health measures and help the health care sector plan for the
number of expected COVID-19 patients

• We are using two modelling approaches:

 Forecasting models use data to estimate how many new cases we might expect to see in the coming week
 Dynamic models show how the epidemic might unfold over the coming months, using knowledge of how the
virus behaves and of the potential impact of public health measures. These models help create scenarios using
a range of values such as:
• average number of people that one infected person will contact each day
• % of cases that will be identified and isolated
• % of people who have been in contact with a COVID case and who will be traced and isolated

• Important to recognize that models have inherent limitations (e.g., simulate controlled scenarios, not
real world)
Forecasting the short-term epidemic trajectory
Extrapolation based on recent trends
using a forecasting model (with ranges of uncertainty) • 22,580 to 31,850 cases by
April 16

• This could result in
approximately 500-700
22,580 deaths by April 16
Cumulatively reported cases

Dynamic models of scenarios
Model moves people through Individuals are then exposed.
different states of infection. All start They either become infected,
out as susceptible. or remain susceptible.

Disease Stages

Latent period Asymptomatic infectious period Symptomatic infectious period Outcome

The duration of each stage has an impact on the speed of spread of the disease. The models are run with
different values for these periods.

Mitigating factors Exacerbating factors

Model includes factors that reduce transmission, with Model includes factors that increase transmission,
different scenarios for different levels of public health i.e., the movement of infectious (symptomatic /
measures possible. Hospitalization in the models is asymptomatic) people, where contacts take place
also assumed to include no further transmission. (e.g., school, work, etc.).

Modelled scenarios—varied public health measures

• A series of models were used to generate a number of scenarios including three key scenarios: ‘no control’, ‘weaker
controls (delay and reduce the peak)’, and ‘stronger epidemic control’. This lets us estimate the range of the population
infected and the potential duration of the epidemic.
• Other interventions, such as border controls and domestic travel restrictions, have also been explored in modelling studies
• We continue to use models on an ongoing basis to help us identify which combinations of public health measures,
applied with what intensity, are most likely to reinforce epidemic control

Stronger epidemic control models include: Weaker control models include:

• A high degree of physical distancing • A low degree of physical distancing
• A high proportion of cases identified • A low proportion of cases identified
and isolated and isolated
• A high proportion of contacts traced • A low proportion of contacts traced
and quarantined and quarantined

Modelled scenarios show impact of public health measures

Stronger epidemic control = No control effort Weaker controls (delay and reduce
high degree of physical 70% to 80% infected the peak) = low degree of physical
distancing + high % of cases distancing + low % of cases and their
and their contacts traced and contacts traced and isolated or
isolated or quarantined quarantined
1% to 10% infected 25% to 50% infected

Number of new cases

Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring

2020 2021

Cumulative deaths under different scenarios over the course of pandemic
% of Population Infected
2.5% 5%
All cases 934 000 1 879 000
400,000 Hospitalizations 73 000 146 000
No controls
ICU 23 000 46 000
Deaths 11 000 22 000
Number of Deaths


250,000 Weaker controls



100,000 Stronger epidemic control


1% 2.50% 5% 10% 25% 50% 70% 80%
Percentage of population infected

Our ambition: Early and rapid epidemic control

Reduce importation and transmission

spring summer fall winter

With early epidemic control, responses to outbreaks will likely continue to be required over time



What success looks like

Success is staying in the epidemic control scenario

 This means we are aiming for the lowest possible infection rate to minimize illness and death and to shorten
the period of intense disease transmission in Canada
 We recognize that even if we are successful, continued public health measures will be required over time to
manage future waves, including:
• Physical distancing
• Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
• Restrictions on international and domestic travel
• Case detection and isolation
• Quarantine of contacts and incoming travellers

Success is preparedness of our health system, working together with provinces and territories:
 Equipping hospitals to provide care for more severe cases
 Increasing bed and clinic capacity for COVID-19 patients
 Expanding health workforce

Success requires a whole-of-country response


• Canada is at an earlier stage of the COVID-19 pandemic than some other countries

• We have an opportunity now to control the epidemic and prepare the health system

• Other countries have shown that this can be done

• We know what needs to be done: keep up physical distancing, increase testing, self-isolate
cases, and rapidly trace contacts

• This is the best way for Canada to get out of the epidemic in the shortest time possible with the
fewest number of deaths
 If not, other scenarios have severe impacts

What we do together now to stop the spread of COVID-19

will determine the impact it has on Canadians


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