Epicor ERP Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

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Epicor ERP

Enhanced Quality Assurance

This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its
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date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with
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particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is
likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document
are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained
herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information
about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release
notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or
make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice.
The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of
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Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of
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Revision: July 25, 2014 2:05 a.m.
Total pages: 48
Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Contents

Enhanced Quality Assurance Course.....................................................................................5
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................6
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................7
Enhanced Quality Assurance Overview................................................................................8
Application Setup.................................................................................................................10
Company Configuration................................................................................................................................10
Maintenance Programs..................................................................................................................................11
Inspection Attributes Maintenance..........................................................................................................11
Workshop - Create Inspection Attributes.........................................................................................11
Enter a Diameter Attribute........................................................................................................11
Enter a Length Attribute...........................................................................................................12
Enter a Deburr Attribute...........................................................................................................12
Specification Maintenance......................................................................................................................12
Workshop - Create Specifications....................................................................................................13
Create a New Specification.......................................................................................................13
Define Attribute Specifications (Diameter).................................................................................13
Define Attribute Specifications (Length)....................................................................................14
Define Attribute Specifications (Deburr)....................................................................................16
Approve the Specification Revision...........................................................................................16
Inspection Plan Maintenance..................................................................................................................16
Workshop - Create an Inspection Plan.............................................................................................17
Define Configurator................................................................................................................................18
Workshop - Create a Configuration.................................................................................................18
Create a Diameter Input Field...................................................................................................18
Create a Length Input Field......................................................................................................20
Create a Deburr Input Field......................................................................................................20
Test Inputs...............................................................................................................................20
Add Pass/Fail Condition for Deburr...........................................................................................21
Test Inputs...............................................................................................................................22
Approve the Configuration.......................................................................................................23
Daily Processing....................................................................................................................24
Inspection Processing for a Part......................................................................................................................25
Part Maintenance...................................................................................................................................25
Workshop - Create a Part with an Inspection Plan............................................................................25
Create a Part............................................................................................................................25
Assign the Inspection Plan........................................................................................................25
Workshop - Create and Receive Purchase Order...............................................................................26
Create a Purchase Order...........................................................................................................26

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Contents Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Receive the Items.....................................................................................................................27

Inspection Processing..............................................................................................................................28
Workshop - Inspect the Purchase Order Receipt...............................................................................28
Select PO Receipt.....................................................................................................................28
Inspect the Purchase Order.......................................................................................................29
Review Results..........................................................................................................................30
Inspection Processing During RMA.................................................................................................................31
RMA Disposition Entry............................................................................................................................31
Workshop - Inspect and Disposition Returned Materials...................................................................31
Enter Part RMA Information.....................................................................................................31
Create an RMA Record.............................................................................................................32
Enter an RMA Disposition.........................................................................................................33
Skip Lot Inspection Processing........................................................................................................................34
Skip Code Maintenance..........................................................................................................................34
Workshop - Apply Skip Code to Part................................................................................................34
Create a Skip Code..................................................................................................................35
Create a Part............................................................................................................................36
Workshop - Create and Receive Purchase Order...............................................................................36
Create a Purchase Order...........................................................................................................37
Receive the Items.....................................................................................................................37
Workshop - Inspect the Part Using the Skip Lot Code.......................................................................38
Select the PO Receipt...............................................................................................................38
Inspect the Purchase Order.......................................................................................................38
Review Skip Lot Results............................................................................................................38
Calibration Process.........................................................................................................................................40
Workshop - Create a Resource Calibration Plan.......................................................................................40
Create an Inspection Attribute.........................................................................................................40
Create a Specification......................................................................................................................40
Create a Calibration Plan.................................................................................................................41
Define Configurator........................................................................................................................42
Workshop - Calibration Inspection Process..............................................................................................43
Create a Resource...........................................................................................................................44
Calibrate Press Machine...................................................................................................................44
Inspection Data Tracker..........................................................................................................................45
Workshop - Review Inspection Data.................................................................................................45

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

This course discusses advanced functions in the Epicor application that ensure better coverage of a part. Through
the enhanced Quality Assurance module you can create inspection plans using inspection attributes and
specifications and apply them through the inspection data entry process. The inspection plan launches the
Configurator Designer to define the data required to be captured and configure the input sheets for data entry.
The Configurator Designer is a powerful tool that allows you to define multiple criteria to pass and fail based on
the combination of inputs.
The EQA course workshops guide you through the inspection process. This course covers how to create inspection
plans, input sheets in the Configurator Designer, inspect received parts, use skip lot codes, and record calibration
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Create inspection attributes and specifications.
• Link the attributes and specifications to an inspection plan.
• Create test plans using the Configurator Designer.
• Receive purchased items into inspection.
• Disposition items to stock or a job.
• Receive returned materials and dispose through inspection.
• Determine rules on what frequency parts are to be inspected at the time of receipt.
• Record calibration information against a resource.

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Before You Begin Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.


Specific audiences will benefit from this course.

• Shop Floor Employee
• Shop Floor Manager
• Shipping and Receiving
• QA Inspector
• Production Manager
• Engineer


To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager
at [email protected]. It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other
valuable courses.
• Navigation Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface.
Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques available in two user
interface modes - Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. Workshops focus on each of these modes and
guide you through each navigational principle introduced.
• Inventory Management Course - This course provides an overview of the entire inventory management
process. Use this module to update and maintain raw materials, work in process (WIP) as well as finished
goods inventory quantities and costs.
• Quality Assurance Course - This course discusses the flow of material through the Quality Assurance (QA)
module and reviews the configuration and maintenance setup. This course addresses various inspections and
demonstrates how the Epicor application processes them.
• Configurator Course - This course introduces you to the general Configuration process and the use of
functionalities used to create configurations.
• System Flow Course - This course introduces a basic quote to cash scenario that includes the process from
the initial customer quote to final cash receipts and payment of supplier invoices. This course emphasizes the
series of processes that make up the quote to cash process by using a simple scenario to highlight various
transactions. Your organization may have more complex processing routines than those described in this
• Recommended: Industry knowledge in inventory control, work order material management, and quality
control production.

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Before You Begin

Environment Setup

The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

1. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
• Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.

• The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor
application. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack
and patch. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch,
he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support
> Epicor > Downloads and install it. If this is not performed, unexpected results can occur when completing
the course workshops.
• Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has written
the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring, but Epicor cannot prevent users
from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.

2. Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged in to your
training environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.

3. From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).

4. From the Main menu, select the Main Site.

5. The Quality Assurance module must be licenced and operational.

6. The Enhanced Quality Assurance module must be licenced and operational.

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Overview Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Enhanced Quality Assurance Overview

Use the enhanced Quality Assurance module to create user-definable inspection maintenance plans and apply
them in the inspection data entry process. The inspector attribute details are stored in the specifications file, and
you have the ability to control revisions to these specifications.
Through this module, create inspection plans by defining inspection attributes and specifications. The inspection
plan launches the Configurator Designer so you can define the data that needs to be captured and configure
the sheets for data input. The input is used to accept or reject a sample.
The test plans can be assigned to part revisions, return material authorization (RMA), job materials, and operations.
The inspection process is initiated from a number of processes using the Inspection Data button which calls the
Configurator Designer. Inputs are created in the Configurator Designer using external sources. Test results are
stored for future analysis.
Skip Lot processing determines rules on what frequency parts are to be inspected at the time of receipt. If the
receipt does not require inspection, it is passed directly to stock. If the part requires inspection, it is placed in the
inspection queue. If the part has an associated test plan, the test data are entered during inspection.
The inspection plan and specifications can be assigned to a resource, asset, and equipment to collect calibration
The following diagram reviews the inspection plan and the specification setup process for a part to be inspected.
This course provides step by step workshops to take you though the inspection process.

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Enhanced Quality Assurance Overview

Figure 1: Basic Inspection Plan and Specification Set Up

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Application Setup Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Application Setup

This section of the course reviews the company configuration and maintenance program setup factors that apply
to the Enhanced Quality Assurance module.

Company Configuration

Use Company Configuration to define the module options for companies in the Epicor application. Use these
options to define how this company will interact with the module licensed for it.
When you install the Epicor application, one company record is created by default. You first use Company
Maintenance to define overall options like email setup, document attachments, and external BAQ sources. You
then use Company Configuration to define how the company interacts with the various modules you have
Tip You can purchase a Multi-Site license that enables you to set up multiple companies within Company
Configuration. To do this, first create the company within the Epicor Administration Console. You can then
display the new company in this program and configure it as necessary.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Company Configuration

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Application Setup

Maintenance Programs

This section of the course reviews the most significant maintenance programs that apply to the Enhanced Quality
Assurance process. In some cases, not all fields in a program are discussed. For more information on a specific
program, refer to the Application Help.

Inspection Attributes Maintenance

Use Inspection Attribute Master Maintenance to enter inspection attributes.

You use inspection attributes to define any elements that need to be inspected during the quality assurance
process. The attributes are then assigned to the specifications and used in the inspection plans.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Inspection Attribute
• Sales Management > Case Management > Setup > Inspection Attribute
For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:
• Customer Relationship Management > Case Management > Setup > Inspection Attribute

Workshop - Create Inspection Attributes

In this workshop, define the inspection attributes to be inspected. These attributes are later used in Specification
Navigate to Inspection Attribute Master Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Inspection Attribute

Enter a Diameter Attribute

In this workshop task, create a numeric attribute to enter the diameter of the bar.

1. Click New.

2. In the Attributes field, enter XXX_Diameter (where XXX are your initials) to identify the new inspection

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Bar Diameter (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Attribute Type field, select Numeric.

The following are attribute type options:
• Numeric
• Check Box
• Combo Box
• Character
• Date
• Comments

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Application Setup Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

5. In the Table Field Name field, select Number001.

This field determines where the attribute is stored in the inspection result table.

6. Click Save.

Enter a Length Attribute

In this workshop task, create a character combo box to insert the length of the bar.

1. Click New.

2. In the Attributes field, enter XXX_Length (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Length (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Attribute Type field, select Combo Box.

5. In the Table Field Name field, select ShortChar001.

6. Click Save.

Enter a Deburr Attribute

In this workshop task, create a check box attribute to verify if the bar is deburred.

1. Click New.

2. In the Attributes field, enter XXX_Deburred (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Deburred (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Attribute Type field, select Check Box.

5. In the Table Field Name field, select CheckBox001.

6. Click Save.

7. Exit Inspection Attribute Master Maintenance.

Specification Maintenance

Use Specification Maintenance to define a specification. A specification controls individual inspection elements
that need to be verified against the specification. This data can be shown in multiple formats depending on its
attribute properties, for example, minimum and maximum values or a list of acceptable results.
Use this program to further specify an inspection attribute as it displays in the Configurator Designer.
Note Specifications are revision controlled; it allows for the creation of multiple versions on the same

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Application Setup

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Specification

Workshop - Create Specifications

In this workshop, create a new specification and define the inspection attributes that need to be checked against
the specification.
Navigate to Specification Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Specification

Create a New Specification

In this workshop task, create a specification for the Bar and a specification revision.

1. From the New menu, select New Specification.

2. In the Specification field, enter XXX_BSS (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Bar Stock Specification (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click Save.

5. From the New menu, select New Specification Revision.

The Revision > Detail sheet displays.
Use the Revision sheet to enter information about a revision and a date when this revision becomes effective.

6. In the Revision field, enter Rev1.

7. In the Description field, enter Revision 1.

8. In the Effective Date field, verify today's date defaults.

This field states the revision is effective starting today.

9. Click Save.

Define Attribute Specifications (Diameter)

In this workshop task, create a specification for the Diameter attribute.

1. From the New menu, select New Inspection Attribute.

The Revision > Inspection Attributes > Detail sheet displays.
Use the Inspection Attributes sheet to enter a detailed information about the inspection attributes assigned
to the specification.

2. In the Inspection Attribute field, search for and select XXX_Diameter (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Screen Label field, enter Bar Diameter.

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Application Setup Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Specifies the literal text that should display next to this field on the Configurator Input page during the
Inspection Results Entry process.

4. In the Minimum Value field, enter 10.

Specifies the minimum acceptable value for validated entries made for this attribute.

5. In the Maximum Value field, enter 20.

Specifies the maximum acceptable value for validated entries made for this attribute.

6. In the Increment field, enter 2.

This field specifies the increment used to record an inspection value. In this case, the maximum value is 20,
the minimum value is 10, and the increment is 2; therefore, the actual values of 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20
are acceptable.

7. In the Initial Value field, enter 10.

8. In the Tool Tip field, enter Enter the bar diameter.

Specifies the literal text that should display during a Configuration session when the mouse moves over the
inspection attribute control being defined (for example, Enter the text for the tool tip).

9. Click Save.

Define Attribute Specifications (Length)

In this workshop task, create a specification for the Length attribute.

1. From the New menu, select New Inspection Attribute.

The Revision > Inspection Attributes > Detail sheet displays.

2. In the Inspection Attribute field, search for and select XXX_Length (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Screen Label field, enter Length.

Notice the value fields are disabled.

4. In the Tool Tip field, enter Measure the length of the bar.

5. Click the List Values button.

The Value/Description List Editor window displays.

6. In the Value/Description List Editor window, click New.

7. In the Value/Description List grid, in the Value field, enter 5 and press Tab.

8. In the Value/Description List grid, in the Description field, enter 5 and press Tab.
In the Value/Description List grid, a new line displays.

9. In the Value field, enter 10 and press Tab.

10. In the Description field, enter 10 and press Tab.

In the Value/Description List grid, a new line displays.

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Application Setup

11. Repeat the steps to add the following values:

Value Description
20 20
30 30
40 40
50 50
60 60
75 75

12. Click OK to confirm your entries.

The entered values display in the List Values field.
This field defines a list of selectable results that display in a combo box in the inspection plan. The values
are entered as a comma delimited list.

13. Click the Pass List Values button.

The Value/Description List Editor window displays.

14. In the Value/Description List Editor window, click New.

15. In the Value grid, enter 10 and press Tab.

A new line display.

16. In the Value grid, enter 20 and press Tab.

A new line display.

17. Repeat the steps to add the following values:


18. Click OK to confirm your entries.

The entered values display in the Pass List Values field.
This field defines a list of valid pass values for this inspection attribute. The Epicor application tests values
selected in the combo-box during an Inspection Results Entry QA session against this listing of pass values:
• If values are defined this field, and the value selected in the combo-box during an Inspection Results
Entry QA session is found the Pass List Values field, the Epicor application designates the sample as a
Example If 2,4,6,8 are defined as pass values, and the user selects 8 during an Inspection Results
Entry QA session, the Epicor application designates it as a Pass value.

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Application Setup Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

• If values are defined this field, and the value selected in the combo-box during an Inspection Results
Entry QA session isn't found in the Pass List Values field, the Epicor application designates the sample
as a Fail.
Example If 2,4,6,8 are defined as pass values, and the user selects 12 during an Inspection Results
Entry QA session, the Epicor application designates it as a Fail value.

• If no values are selected in the combo-box during an Inspection Results Entry QA session, the Epicor
application considers the combo-box as information only and it does not process Pass/Fail logic for the

19. Click Save.

Define Attribute Specifications (Deburr)

In this workshop task, create a specification for the Deburred check box attribute.

1. From the New menu, select New Inspection Attribute.

The Revision > Inspection Attributes > Detail sheet displays.

2. In the Inspection Attribute field, search for and select XXX_Deburred (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Screen Label field, enter Deburred.

Notice the value fields are disabled.

4. In the Tool Tip field, enter Have the edges been ground?.

5. Click Save.

Approve the Specification Revision

In this workshop task, approve the specification revision.

1. Navigate to the Revision > Detail sheet.

2. Select the Not Approved check box.

The revision status changes to Approved.

3. Click Save.

4. Exit Specification Maintenance.

Inspection Plan Maintenance

Use Inspection Plan Maintenance to create a generic inspection plan and to assign a revision to the plan.
Inspection plans are used to inspect parts, operations, and calibrations. The inspection plan is revision controlled
and can be used with multiple specifications.
Note There are two types of inspection plans - Inspection and Calibration. Once an inspection type is
assigned to the inspection plan, the Search window returns all records sorted by a specific type.

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Application Setup

When the inspection plan is entered, you can launch the Configurator Entry directly from within this program.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Inspection Plan
• Sales Management > Case Management > Setup > Inspection Plan
For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:
• Customer Relationship Management > Case Management > Setup > Inspection Plan

Workshop - Create an Inspection Plan

In this workshop, create an inspection plan and a revision for the part.
Navigate to Inspection Plan Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Inspection Plan

1. From the New menu, select New Inspection Plan.

2. In the Inspection Plan field, enter XXX_BIP (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Bar Inspection Plan (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Inspection Plan Type field, verify Inspection Plan displays.

5. Click Save.

6. From the New menu, select New Inspection Plan Revision.

The Revision > Detail sheet displays.

7. In the Revision field, enter IPRev.

8. In the Description field, enter Inspection Plan Revision.

9. Click Save.

10. Remain in Inspection Plan Maintenance for the next workshop.

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Application Setup Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Define Configurator

In the Enhanced Quality Assurance module, you can create inputs in the Configurator Designer using external
sources and the pre-defined inspection attributes. These inputs are used for the inspection process.
All of the Configurator Designer features can be used to apply the Pass/Fail control. Whether a feature passes
or fails depends on the input meeting the inspection specifications. As the inspection plan is used with multiple
specifications, the Configurator Designer amends the sheet depending on the attributes assigned to the current

Workshop - Create a Configuration

In this workshop, create a configuration linked to the inspection plan and design the sheet for the data input.

Create a Diameter Input Field

In this workshop task, create and format the input field in the Configurator Designer. Create a decimal field for
the bar diameter and link it to the corresponding attribute.

1. Click the Configure Inspection Plan button.

Configurator Entry displays.
Use Configurator Entry to define basic settings for the Configurator, Enterprise Configurator, Pricing Rules,
Document Rules, and Part Creation. These settings are responsible for how the configuration operates during
a Configurator session.

2. From the New menu, select New Configuration.

3. In the Configurator ID field, enter XXX-BarInspection (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Description field, enter XXX Bar Inspection (where XXX are your initials).

5. In the Configurator Type field, select Inspection Plan Configurator.

This field specifies the type of configurator being defined.
Inspection Plan Configurator - Can be linked to inspection plans. These configurations, when approved,
will be available in Inspection Data Collection, which can be accessed from various programs (for example
Inspection Processing, Time and Expense Entry, MES, or the Main Menu). The Inspection Plan Configurator
type activates the following configuration programs:
• Configurator Entry
• Configurator Designer

6. Click Save.
In the Target Entities grid, a list of target entities displays.

7. In the Target Entities grid, in the Table Name column field, verify Part displays.
Specifies the target entity to which this product configuration should apply. You can select the tables that
are related to the specific program (for example, Sales Order Entry, Opportunity/Quote Entry, Job Entry,
Purchase Order Entry or Demand Entry).
If Part does not display, from the New menu, select New Target Entity and in the Table Name column
field, select Part.

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Application Setup

8. From the Actions menu, select Configurator Designer.

The Configurator Designer displays.
Use the Configurator Designer to define a structured configuration process that can be used by data entry
personnel to configure a universal base part number and revision.

9. Navigate to the Design > Page Designer sheet.

Use the Page Designer sheet to design the input pages that display when a user configures the universal
part/revision when a Configurator session is invoked in Opportunity/Quote Entry, Quote Entry, Purchase
Order Entry, Job Entry or Demand Entry. It displays as a blank canvas that you use, in conjunction with the
Toolbox and Input Properties, to design the appearance of the configuration input page used in those

10. From the New menu, select New Page.

11. In the Design > Page Designer sheet, from the Toolbox menu, select the Decimal control and click the
mouse to place the field on the blank canvas in the Page.
The Toolbox is a vertical menu with buttons that allows you to place specific types of controls on the Page
Designer sheet.
The design inputs are anything that the user should specify, or needs to create a custom configuration for
the universal part. For example, if the configured part is a picture frame, you can establish inputs that specify
width, height, material, and color. The operator then enters this information upon creation of an order,
quote, job, purchase order or demand order.

12. In the Input Properties pane, under the Appearance node, in the Label field, enter Bar Diameter and
press the Tab key.
Use the Input Properties settings to specify detailed information for each of the entered inputs.
The Label field specifies the label of the input field control. Enter the literal text that displays next to this
field on the configurator page.

13. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, in the External Ref field, select True
to enable referencing of the external source.
Note If the external reference is used then the Initial Value, Label and Tooltip may come from the
Attribute properties.

14. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, in the Ins Attribute ID field, search
for and select XXX_Diameter (where XXX are your initials).

15. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, set the following fields to True:
• Use Incremental
• Use Initial Value
• Use Label
• Use Max Value
• Use Min Value
• Use Tooltip
Use these check boxes to determine what values are taken from the inspection attribute.

16. Click Save.

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Application Setup Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Create a Length Input Field

In this workshop task, create a combo box field for the length of the bar and link it to the corresponding attribute.

1. In the Design > Page Designer sheet, from the Toolbox menu, select the Combo Box control and click
the mouse to place the input field below the Bar Diameter input on the blank canvas.

2. In the Input Properties pane, under the Appearance node, in the Label field, enter Length and press
the Tab key.

3. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, in the External Ref field, select True
to enable referencing of the external source.

4. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, in the Ins Attribute ID field, search
for and select XXX_Length (where XXX are your initials).

5. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, set the following fields to True:
• Use Item List
• Use Label
• Use Tooltip

6. Click Save.

Create a Deburr Input Field

In this workshop task, create a check box field to see if the bar is deburred and link it to the corresponding

1. In the Design > Page Designer sheet, from the Toolbox menu, select the Check Box control and click
the mouse to place the input field below the Bar Diameter input on the blank canvas.

2. In the Input Properties pane, under the Appearance node, in the Label field, enter Deburred and press
the Tab key.

3. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, in the External Ref field, select True
to enable referencing of the external source.

4. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, in the Ins Attribute ID field, search
for and select XXX_Deburred (where XXX are your initials).

5. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, set the following fields to True:
• Use Label
• Use Tooltip

6. Click Save.

Test Inputs

1. From the Actions menu, select Test Inputs.

The Test Inspection Plan window displays.

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2. In the Specification field, enter XXX_BSS (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

3. In the Revision field, select Rev1.

4. Click OK.
The Page 1 window displays.

5. Enter the values as indicated in the following table and click Save.

Bar Diameter Length Deburred

2 30 Select

A dialog box displays that states the inspection plan has failed because the Bar Diameter input value is less
than the minimum value of 10 defined for the specification created in the Workshop - Create a Specification.

6. In the dialog box, click OK.

7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 using the values as indicated in the following table.

Bar Diameter Length Deburred

12 5 Select

A dialog box displays that states the inspection plan has failed because the Combo Box input value is not
defined in the pass list values for the specification created in the Workshop - Create a Specification.

8. Repeat steps 1 through 6 using the values as indicated in the following table.

Bar Diameter Length Deburred

12 30 Select

A dialog box displays that states the inspection plan has passed.

9. Remain in the Configurator Designer.

Add Pass/Fail Condition for Deburr

1. In the Design > Page Designer sheet, select the Deburred check box input.

2. Navigate to the Configurator > On Complete sheet.

Use the On Complete sheet to view and edit the On Complete event expression.
An On Complete event is executed after you leave or skip the last page of the configurator (for example
when moving from one configurator to another or completing the only configurator available). In case a
next configurator is available, this event is not executed if moving backwards to the first configurator. The
event will be executed only after the last page of the configurator is left/skipped again. The event can be
cancelled, meaning that it can cancel the completion of a configurator and return focus to the last page,
or cancel the session if no previous page/configurator is found.

3. Click the Edit button.

The Code Editor displays.

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Application Setup Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

4. In the box below the Available Selections and Functions panes, enter the following expression:

if(Inputs.epiPcCheckBox1.Value == false)
EQM.SetEQMFail("Failed sample. Check box is false.");

5. Click OK to confirm.
The Syntax is correct message displays.
Note This message confirms that there are no errors in the entered expression.

6. To the message, click OK.

7. Click Save.

Test Inputs

1. Navigate to the Design > Page Designer sheet.

2. From the Actions menu, select Test Inputs.

The Test Inspection Plan window displays.

3. In the Specification field, enter XXX_BSS (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

4. In the Revision field, select Rev1.

5. Click OK.
The Page 1 window displays.

6. Enter the values as indicated in the following table and click Save.

Bar Diameter Length Deburred

12 Select 30 Clear

The inspection plan did not pass because it was not Deburred.

7. In the dialog box, click OK.

8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 using the values as indicated in the following table:

Bar Diameter Length Deburred

12 Select 30 Select

The inspection plan passed because it was not Deburred.

9. In the dialog box, click OK.

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Approve the Configuration

1. Navigate to the Configurator sheet.

2. Select the Approved check box.

The Description of Changes window displays.

3. In the Description of Changes window, enter Approved and click OK.

4. Click Save.

5. Exit the Configurator Designer.

6. In Configurator Entry, on the Standard toolbar, click Refresh.

The Approved check box automatically selects.

7. Click Save and exit Configurator Entry.

8. Verify the Inspection Plan Maintenance > Revision > Detail sheet displays.

9. In the Configurator ID field, search for and select the XXX-BarInspection configurator (where XXX are
your initials).

10. Select the Not Approved check box.

The revision status changes to Approved.

11. Click Save.

The Plan Exists icon displays.

12. Exit Inspection Plan Maintenance.

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Daily Processing Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Daily Processing

This section of the course covers the key processes available in the Enhanced Quality Assurance module. The
following processes may take place during a typical work day.
Part Inspection Process
The following diagram demonstrates the part inspection process.

Figure 2: Part Inspection Process

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Inspection Processing for a Part

Once you define the inspection information, associate the specifications and the inspection plan with a part.
Should the part be inspected, enter the data in the Configurator Designer to initiate the inspection process.

Part Maintenance

Use Part Maintenance to store the inspection plan and specification by associating them with a specific part.
This data is used for the internal inspection processing of the part, receipt, or a non-conformant number. The
part is returned via return material authorization (RMA) or Skip Lot processing. There is no need to enter revisions
associated with the inspection plan and the specification as the Epicor application uses the latest revisions.
After a part or operation is involved in the inspection process, it is necessary to store all test results for future

Workshop - Create a Part with an Inspection Plan

In this workshop, create a new part for inspection and link it to the previously created inspection plan.
Navigate to Part Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part

Create a Part

1. From the New menu, select New Part.

2. In the Part field, enter IP-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter Inspection Part XXX (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Sales Unit Price field, enter 45.

5. Click Save.

6. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Detail sheet.

7. From the New menu, select New Part Revision.

8. In the Rev field, enter A.

9. In the Description field, enter Initial Revision.

10. Click Save.

11. Remain in Part Maintenance.

Assign the Inspection Plan

1. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Inspection > Detail sheet.

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Use the Inspection > Detail sheet to store the inspection plan and specification used when the part is
returned via Return Material Authorization (RMA) or for skip lot processing.

2. From the New menu, select New Part Inspection Plan.

3. In the Inspection Plan field, search for and select XXX_BIP (where XXX are your initials).
The Description field populates automatically.

4. In the Specification ID field, search for and select XXX_BSS (where XXX are your initials).
The Description field populates automatically.

5. In the Sample Size field, enter 5.

This is the minimum sample size to be inspected.

6. Click Save.

7. Verify the Default check box is selected.

8. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Detail sheet.

9. Select the Not Approved check box.

The status changes to Approved and the Description of Change window displays.

10. In the Description of Change window, enter Revision Approved and click OK.

11. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance.

Workshop - Create and Receive Purchase Order

In this workshop, create and receive a purchase order for five units of part IP-100-XXX (where XXX are your
Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

Create a Purchase Order

1. From the New menu, select New PO.

2. In the Supplier field, search for and select Gecco Steel.

3. In the Buyer field, select or verify House Account displays.

4. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

5. From the New menu, select New Line.

6. In the Part/Rev field, enter IP-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

7. In the Our Qty field, enter 5.

The total quantity to inspect and the order quantity must be equal in order to finish the inspection.

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8. Select the Inspection Required check box.

Select this check box to indicate the parts specified on this purchase order line must be inspected when you
receive them into your shop. If you select this check box, when you enter a receipt for this line, you
automatically receive the parts in the inspection warehouse.

9. Click Save.

10. Navigate to the Lines > Inspection > Detail sheet.

11. In the Inspection Plan field, verify XXX_BIP (where XXX are your initials) displays.
The Rev field displays the revision created for the inspection plan.

12. In the Specification ID field, verify XXX_BSS (where XXX are your initials) displays.
The Rev field displays the revision created for the specification.

13. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

14. Select the Unapproved check box.

The status changes to Approved.

15. Click Save.

16. Record the PO number _________________.

17. Exit Purchase Order Entry.

Receive the Items

Navigate to Receipt Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Receipt.

2. In the PO field, enter the purchase order (PO) number created in the Create a Purchase Order workshop
task and press Tab.

3. In the Packing Slip field, enter the same PO number and press Tab.

4. In the Ship Via field, select Company Truck.

5. Click Save.

6. From the New menu, select New Stock Line.

The Stock > Detail sheet displays.

7. In the PO/Line field, enter 1 in the second field and press Tab.

8. In the Part field, verify part IP-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials) displays.

9. Select the Inspection Required check box.

10. Select the Line Received check box.

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11. Click Save.

The Receipt is Compliant message displays.

12. To the message, click OK.

13. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

14. Verify the Received All check box is selected.

15. Exit Receipt Entry.

Inspection Processing

Use Inspection Processing Entry to inspect the non-conformance entries. You can also inspect purchase order
receipts and customer returns.
Important Once inspection information is entered for a non-conformance record, that record is considered
Closed; it cannot be updated or deleted.

For more information on the flow of discrepant/non-conformant material through the Quality Assurance module,
review the Quality Assurance module in the Application Help.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

Workshop - Inspect the Purchase Order Receipt

In this workshop, inspect the purchase order receipt. Once the metal bars are received through the purchase
order (PO) receipt process, you determine if the bars meet specifications.
The following table displays the bar details.

Sample Number Diameter Length Deburred Expected Results

1 8 60 Clear Failed
2 10 50 Select Passed
3 18 60 Clear Failed
4 22 60 Select Failed
5 20 50 Select Passed

Navigate to Inspection Processing Entry.

Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

Select PO Receipt

1. On the Standard toolbar, click Search.

The Inspection Processing Search window displays.

2. In the Tran Type pane, clear the All check box to clear all the check boxes.

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3. Select the PO Receipts check box and click Search.

4. In the Search Results grid, select the PO number created for part IP-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials)
and click OK.

5. In the tree view, expand the Inspection Items > PO Receipts node and select the purchase order line.
The PO Receipts > Detail sheet displays.

6. In the Inspector ID field, select Inspector Clouseau.

Inspect the Purchase Order

1. Click the Inspection Data button.

Inspection Results Entry displays.
Note This button does not display if there is no inspection plan or specification associated with the
part or operation.

2. In the Inspection Plans sheet, select the first row for inspection plan XXX_BIP (where XXX are your initials)
and click the Generate Test Set button.
The Epicor application creates rows in the grid that display a number of test sets based on the inspection
quantity value.
Note This sheet displays the available inspection plans and specifications assigned to the part. For
this workshop, no additional inspection plans were specified.

3. Navigate to the Inspection Sample Details sheet.

Use the Inspection Sample Details sheet to display the samples to be inspected for the selected inspection

4. Select the first row in the grid which corresponds to the first sample and click the Enter Results button to
inspect sample number 1.
The Page 1 window displays.

5. In the Bar Diameter field, enter 8.

6. In the Length field, select 60.

7. Verify the Deburred check box is clear.

8. Click Save.
In the Inspection Sample Detail grid, the Passed or Failed value for the part is defined by the results returned
from the Configurator Designer. In this case, the Failed value displays since the value of 8 does not meet
the inspection requirements defined previously.

9. Navigate to the Results sheet and click the Retrieve button to view the sample results.
Use the Results sheet to display the entered results once the inspection results have been entered.

10. Navigate back to the Inspection Sample Details sheet.

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11. Select the second row in the grid which corresponds to the second sample and click the Enter Results
button to inspect sample number 2.
The Page 1 window displays.

12. In the Bar Diameter field, verify 10 displays.

13. In the Length field, select 50.

14. Select the Deburred check box.

15. Click Save.

The Passed result displays in the grid.

16. Repeat steps 4 - 9 for the remaining parts using the data provided in the table at the beginning of this

17. Click Save and exit Inspection Results Entry.

Review Results

1. Verify the Inspection Processing Entry > PO Receipts > Detail sheet displays.

2. In the Passed pane, in the Passed Qty field, verify 2 displays.

3. In the Application of Failed Quantity pane, in the Failed Qty field, verify 3 displays.

4. In the Received To box, verify the Stock radio button defaults.

5. In the Passed pane, in the Bin field, search for and select bin 02-03-01.

6. In the Application of Failed Quantity pane, in the Reason field, select Failed, Dimension Specs.

7. In the Warehouse field, select Inspection Area.

8. In the Bin field, search for and select INSI.

9. Click Save.
The DMR window displays.

10. Click OK to confirm the DMR number and exit Inspection Processing Entry.
For the purpose of the course you do not need to record the DMR number.

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Inspection Processing During RMA

The Customer Service department handles the return material authorization (RMA) process in some companies,
and in others, it is handled by the Quality Assurance department. Often times, returns are directed to the Quality
Assurance department to verify the returned materials are defective and to take corrective actions if necessary.

RMA Disposition Entry

Use RMA Disposition Entry to dispose and complete Return Material Authorization (RMA) receipts from
The inspector determines whether the RMA receipts are placed in stock, sent to a job, or rejected altogether.
Tip You can also access this program through Inspection Processing in the Quality Assurance module.

Note If the parent assembly returned is a serialized part number and the RMA is being dispositioned for
rework using a job, the RMA Dispositions program verifies if the Reassign Serial Number to Assembly
check box has been selected for the returned item in the Engineering Workbench > Method of
Manufacturing > Materials sheet. If it has been selected, the serial numbers from the job
material/subassembly can be reassigned as the serial number of the parent assembly (top assembly or n
deep subassembly).
If the Reassign Serial Number to Assembly check box has been cleared for the returned item, the Epicor
application discards the original serial number assigned to the top level part number and creates a new
one, regardless of the specific serialized materials or subassemblies that were originally issued to the job.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• > RMA Dispositions
• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > RMA Dispositions
For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:
• Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > RMA Dispositions

Workshop - Inspect and Disposition Returned Materials

Addison Inc. is rejecting an order for 10 units of IP-100-XXX bars. The dimensions do not meet the order
specifications. They are rejecting the entire order and sending the bars back. You must enter the customer return
and process the inspection in RMA Disposition.
In this workshop, issue a return material authorization (RMA) for the bars being returned and receive the bars.
Note Use part IP-100-XXX created in the Create a Part workshop task. This part has already been assigned
an inspection plan and specifications.

Navigate to Part Maintenance.

Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part

Enter Part RMA Information

In this workshop task, assign an inspection plan and specifications for the returned bars inspection process.

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1. In the Part field, search for and select part IP-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials).

2. Navigate to Part > Revisions > Detail sheet.

3. Clear the Approved check box.

The status changes to Not Approved.

4. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Inspection > RMA sheet.

5. In the Inspection Plan field, enter XXX_BIP (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

6. In the Specification ID field, enter XXX_BSS (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

7. In the Sample Size field, enter 10.

Inspect all the returned bars.

8. Navigate to Part > Revisions > Detail sheet.

9. Select the Not Approved check box.

Status changes to Approved. The Description of Change window displays.

10. In the Description of Change pane, enter Approved and click OK.

11. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance.

Create an RMA Record

Navigate to Return Material Authorization.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > RMA Processing

1. From the New menu, select New RMA.

2. In the Customer field, search for and select Addison Inc.

3. Navigate to the Details > Detail sheet.

4. From the New menu, select New Line.

5. In the Part/Rev field, search for and select part IP-100-XXX (where XXX are your initials).

6. In the Reason field, select Character Length Test.

7. In the Quantity field, enter 10.

8. From the New menu, select New Receipt.

The Receipts > Detail sheet displays.

9. In the Warehouse field, select Inspection Area.

10. In the Bin field, enter INSI.

11. Click Save.

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12. Navigate to the Summary sheet.

13. Record the RMA number _____________.

14. Exit Return Material Authorization.

Enter an RMA Disposition

Navigate to RMA Disposition Entry.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > RMA Dispositions
Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General
Operations > RMA Dispositions

1. From the Standard toolbar, click the Search icon.

The RMA Disposition Search window displays.

2. Click Search and select the RMA number created in the Create an RMA Record workshop task.

3. Click OK.

4. Navigate to the Disposition > Detail sheet.

5. Click New.

6. In the Inspected By field, select Inspector Clouseau.

7. Click the Inspection Data button.

The Inspection Results Entry displays.

8. In the Inspection Plans sheet, in the Inspection Plans grid, select the first row for inspection plan XXX_BIP
(where XXX are your initials) and click the Generate Test Set button.

9. Navigate to the Inspection Sample Details sheet.

10. Select the Sample 1 row and click the Enter Results button.
The Page 1 window displays.

11. In the Bar Diameter field, enter 6.

12. In the Length field, select 30.

13. Select the Deburred check box and click Save.

Sample number 1 displays as Failed.

14. Accept the Pass status of sample numbers 2 through 10.

15. Click Save and exit Inspection Results Entry.

16. In the Disposition pane, in the Dispose To field, select Stock.

17. In the Disposition pane, in the Quantity field, verify 9 displays.

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18. In the Disposition pane, in the Warehouse field, select Main.

19. In the Disposition pane, in the Bin field, search for and select bin 02-03-01.

20. Clear or verify the Request Move check box is cleared.

If you select this check box, you must specify a Warehouse and Bin in the Request Move pane.

21. Click Save and exit RMA Disposition Entry.

Skip Lot Inspection Processing

The following steps take you through the skip lot inspection process:

1. Create a skip lot code used to inspect received material.

2. Define the part and supplier.

3. Create a purchase order for the units requested.

4. Process the receipt and receive material.

5. Inspect the first lot using the skip lot code.

Skip Code Maintenance

Use Skip Code Maintenance to specify skip lot codes. These codes define the number of lots to be inspected,
lots to be skipped in between the inspections, and cycles of receipts that need to be processed repeatedly.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Skip Lot Control Code

Workshop - Apply Skip Code to Part

In this workshop, create a skip lot control code and define the part supplier.
The following scenario generates a skip lot code used to receive purchase order material shipments.
You need 250 units of part SL-200-XXX (where XXX are your initials) for a new project that begins next month.
You must purchase these parts from Edwards International and have them delivered to the Main warehouse.
The supplier delivers the order in five separate lots. The first lot you receive contains fifty parts. These parts must
be inspected using the skip lot code assigned to this part and supplier.
Navigate to the Skip Code Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Skip Lot Control Code

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Create a Skip Code

In this workshop task, create a skip code that inspects two lots and skips the following three lots.

1. Click New.

2. In the Skip Code field, enter XXX-I2S3 (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Inspect 2 Skip 3 (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Inspect field, enter 2.

Specifies the number of lots (receipts) that require inspection. The value cannot be less than 1.

5. In the Skip field, enter 3.

Specifies the number of lots (receipts) that do not require inspection and can be moved directly to stock.

6. In the Repeat field, enter 2.

In this field, enter the number of cycles the Epicor application must repeat before moving to the next
pre-defined skip lot code.

7. In the Minimum Cycles field, enter 1.

In this field, enter the number of minimum cycles that must be complete before the skip lot code can move
to a cycle that does not inspect as many lots. If this field value is set to zero, the application is forced to
ignore checking.

8. Select the Use Maximum Reject check box.

If this check box is selected, the Maximum Reject (all Cycles) field is enabled.

9. In the Maximum Reject (all Cycles) field, enter 4.

Enter the number of maximum rejects. When this number is reached, the part moves to a more restrictive
inspection cycle. If this field value is set to zero, the Epicor application ignores checking.

10. In the Reject Count By field, verify Skip Lot displays.

11. In the On Pass move to Skip code field, select Inspect 1 Skip 4.
Use this field to select the code that the part inspection uses if the number of cycles is reached, or if the
number of rejects is less than or equal to the Maximum Reject (all Cycles) value.

12. In the On Failure move to Skip code field, select Inspect 9 Skip 1.
Use this field to select the skip code that the part inspection uses if the Maximum Rejects (All Cycles) value
is exceeded, or if the number of cycles is greater than the Minimum Cycles value.

13. Click Save.

14. Exit Skip Code Maintenance.

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Create a Part

In this workshop task, create a part and revision to apply the skip lot code.
Navigate to Part Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part

1. From the New menu, select New Part.

2. In the Part field, enter SL-200-XXX (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Skip Lot Part (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Sales Unit Price field, enter 20.

5. Click Save.

6. From the New menu, select New Part Revision.

The Part > Revisions > Detail sheet displays.

7. In the Rev field, enter A.

8. In the Description field, enter Initial Revision.

9. Click Save.

10. From the New menu, select New Part Inspection Supplier.
The Part > Revisions > Inspection > Supplier > Detail sheet displays.

11. In the Supplier field, search for and select Edwards International.

12. Select the Skip Lot Controlled check box.

The Skip Lot Controlled field turns green. If this check box is clear, all lots are inspected.

13. In the Skip Lot Code field, select XXX Inspect 2 Skip 3 (where XXX are your initials).

14. In the Reject Count By options, verify Skip Lot defaults.

15. In the Sample Size field, enter 10.

16. Click Save.

17. Exit Part Maintenance.

Workshop - Create and Receive Purchase Order

In this workshop, create a purchase order (PO) for 250 units of part SL-200-XXX and process a PO receipt for the
first lot of 50 units.
Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

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Create a Purchase Order

1. From the New menu, select New PO.

2. In the Supplier field, search for and select Edwards International.

3. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.

4. From the New menu, select New Line.

5. In the Part/Rev field, enter SL-200-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

6. In the Our Qty field, enter 250.

7. Click Save.

8. Navigate to the Summary sheet and record the PO number _________________.

9. Select the Unapproved check box.

The status changes to Approved.

10. Click Save.

11. Exit Purchase Order Entry.

Receive the Items

Navigate to Receipt Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry

1. From the New menu, select New Receipt.

2. In the PO field, enter the purchase order (PO) number created in the previous task and press Tab.

3. In the Packing Slip field, enter the same PO number and press Tab.

4. In the Ship Via field, select Company Truck and click Save.

5. From the New menu, select New Stock Line.

The Stock > Detail sheet displays.

6. In the PO/Line field, enter 1 in the second field and press Tab.

7. In the Part field, verify part SL-200-XXX (where XXX are your initials) displays.

8. In the Quantity field, enter 50 and press Tab.

9. Select the Line Received check box.

10. Click Save and exit Receipt Entry.

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Daily Processing Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Workshop - Inspect the Part Using the Skip Lot Code

Once the part is received through the purchase order (PO) receipt process, you must determine if the lot passes
or fails the inspection process. In this case, all fifty units pass the inspection and the lot is approved. In this
workshop, enter the inspection results.
Navigate to Inspection Processing Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Processing

Select the PO Receipt

In this workshop task, search for and select the purchase order receipt.

1. On the Standard toolbar, click Search.

The Inspection Processing Search window displays.

2. In the Tran Type pane, clear the All check box to clear all the check boxes.

3. Select the PO Receipts check box and click Search.

4. In the Search Results grid, select the PO number created in the second instance of the Receive the Items
workshop task and click OK.

5. In the tree view, expand the Inspection Items > PO Receipts node and select the purchase order line.
The PO Receipts > Detail sheet displays.

6. In the Inspector ID field, select Inspector Clouseau.

Inspect the Purchase Order

All fifty units from the first lot pass the inspection and need to be returned to stock. In this workshop task, inspect
the received parts.
Important Since there is no inspection plan or specifications linked to the part. The inspection results are
entered manually.

1. In the Passed Qty field, enter 50 and press Tab.

2. In the Warehouse field, verify Main displays.

3. In the Bin field, search for and select bin 01-01-01.

4. Click Save.

5. Exit Inspection Processing Entry.

Review Skip Lot Results

In this workshop task, review the skip lot information.

Navigate to Part Maintenance.

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Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part

1. In the Part field, enter SL-200-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

2. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Inspection > Supplier > Detail sheet.

3. In the Inspection Count field, verify 1 displays.

The recent inspection performed on the first lot displays.

4. Exit Part Maintenance.

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Daily Processing Enhanced Quality Assurance Course

Calibration Process

The calibration process allows a resource, equipment, or asset to have an inspection plan and specification
assigned and used to collect calibration data.
Use the Inspection Plan, Specification, and the Last Calibration Date fields to collect the calibration data for a
part, resource, equipment, or fixed asset.
Note The inspection plan entered must be selected as a calibration inspection.

You can also use the Inspect Results Entry process to enter the calibration results. For more information, refer
to the Inspection Results Entry topic in the Application Help.

Workshop - Create a Resource Calibration Plan

In this workshop, set up the calibration plan for the resource to comply with quality standards and performance.
Create a calibration plan to assess, monitor, and improve the performance of a sheet metal press machine used
in the production of shelving units.
Navigate to Inspection Attribute Master Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Inspection Attribute

Create an Inspection Attribute

In this workshop task, create a numeric attribute to enter the thickness of the metal sheet.

1. Click New.

2. In the Attributes field, enter XXX_Thickness (where XXX are your initials).

3. In the Description field, enter XXX Sheet Metal Thickness (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Attribute Type field, select Numeric.

5. In the Table Field Name field, select Number001.

6. Click Save.

7. Exit Inspection Attribute Master Maintenance.

Create a Specification

In this workshop task, create a thickness specification and a revision.

Navigate to Specification Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Specification

1. From the New menu, select New Specification.

2. In the Specification field, enter XXX_SMT (where XXX are your initials).

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3. In the Description field, enter XXX Sheet Metal Thickness (where XXX are your initials).

4. Click Save.

5. From the New menu, select New Specification Revision.

The Revision > Detail sheet displays.

6. In the Revision field, enter Rev1.

7. In the Description field, enter Revision 1.

8. In the Effective Date field, verify today's date defaults.

This field states the revision is effective starting today.

9. Click Save.

10. From the New menu, select New Inspection Attribute.

The Revision > Inspection Attributes > Detail sheet displays.

11. In the Inspection Attribute field, search for and select XXX_Thickness (where XXX are your initials).

12. In the Screen Label field, enter Sheet Thickness.

13. In the Minimum Value field, enter 0.6.

14. In the Maximum Value field, enter 1.

15. In the Initial Value field, enter 0.6.

16. In the Tool Tip field, enter Enter the sheet metal thickness.

17. Click Save.

18. Navigate to the Revision > Detail sheet.

19. Select the Not Approved check box.

The status of the revision is now Approved.

20. Click Save.

21. Exit Specification Maintenance.

Create a Calibration Plan

In this workshop task, create a calibration plan for the press machine.
Navigate to Inspection Plan Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Inspection Plan

1. From the New menu, select New Inspection Plan.

2. In the Inspection Plan field, enter XXX_PMC (where XXX are your initials).

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3. In the Description field, enter XXX Press Machine Calibration Plan (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Inspection Plan Type field, select Calibration Plan.

5. Click Save.

6. From the New menu, select New Inspection Plan Revision.

The Revision > Detail sheet displays.

7. In the Revision field, enter IPRev.

8. In the Description field, enter Inspection Plan Revision.

9. Click Save.

Define Configurator

Create and format the input sheet in the Configurator Designer.

1. Click the Configure Inspection Plan button.

Configurator Entry displays.

2. From the New menu, select New Configuration.

3. In the Configurator ID field, enter XXX_PMC (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Description field, enter XXX Press Machine Calibration (where XXX are your initials).

5. In the Configurator Type field, select Inspection Plan Configurator.

6. Click Save.

7. From the New menu, select New Target Entity.

8. In the Target Entities grid, in the Table Name field, select Resource.

9. Click Save.

10. From the Actions menu, select Configurator Designer.

The Configurator Designer displays.

11. Navigate to the Design > Page Designer sheet.

12. From the New menu, select New Page.

13. In the Design > Page Designer sheet, from the Toolbox menu, select the Decimal control and click the
mouse to place the field on the blank canvas in the Page.

14. In the Input Properties pane, under the Appearance node, in the Label field, enter Thickness and press
the Tab key.

15. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, in the External Ref field, select True
to enable referencing of the external source.

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16. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, in the Ins Attribute ID field, search
for and select XXX_Thickness (where XXX are your initials).

17. In the Input Properties pane, under the Inspection Attribute node, set the following fields to True:
• Use Initial Value
• Use Label
• Use Max Value
• Use Min Value
• Use Tool Tip

18. Click Save.

19. Navigate to the Configurator sheet.

20. Select the Approved check box.

The Description of Changes window displays.

21. In the Description of Changes window, enter Approved and click OK.

22. Click Save.

23. Exit the Configurator Designer.

24. In Configurator Entry, on the Standard toolbar, click Refresh.

25. Verify the Approved check box is selected.

26. Click Save and exit Configurator Entry.

27. Verify the Inspection Plan Maintenance > Revision > Detail sheet displays.

28. In the Configurator ID field, search for and select XXX_PMC (where XXX are your initials).

29. Select the Not Approved check box.

The revision status changes to Approved.

30. Click Save.

The Plan Exists icon displays.

31. Exit Inspection Plan Maintenance.

Workshop - Calibration Inspection Process

In this workshop, create the resource for the resource group and assign the calibration plan and specifications
for the inspection.
Navigate to Resource Group Maintenance.
Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Resource Group

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Create a Resource

In this workshop task, create a new resource.

1. In the Resource Group field, search for and select SPK15 Press Machine.

2. From the New menu, select New Resource.

The Resources > Detail sheet displays.

3. In the Resource field, enter XXXNo-7 (where XXX are your initials).

4. In the Description field, enter XXXNo-7 Press Machine (where XXX are your initials).

5. Select the Finite Capacity check box.

6. In the Input Warehouse field, select Main.

7. In the In Bin field, enter 01-01-01.

8. In the Inspection Plan field, enter XXX_PMC (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

9. In the Specification ID field, enter XXX_ SMT (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.

10. In the Last Calibration Date field, select today's date.

11. Click Save.

If a message displays notifying you that the capacity has changed, click OK.

12. Exit Resource Group Maintenance.

Calibrate Press Machine

In this workshop task, run the calibration inspection for the press machine.
Navigate to Inspection Results Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Results Entry

1. In the Inspection Type field, select Resource.

2. In the Resource ID field, search for and select XXXNo-7 (where XXX are your initials).

3. Verify the Inspection Plans sheet displays.

4. In the Inspection Plans grid, in the Inspection Plan ID column, verify XXX_PMC (where XXX are your
initials) defaults.

5. In the Inspection Plans grid, in the Specification ID column, verify XXX_SMT (where XXX are your initials)

6. In the Inspection Plans grid, in the Sample Qty column enter 1.

7. Click the Generate Test Set button.

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8. Navigate to the Inspection Sample Details sheet

9. In the grid, select sample number 1 and click the Enter Results button.
The Page 1 window displays.

10. In the Sheet Thickness field, enter 2 and click Save.

The Page 1 window closes. The value you enter in the Sheet Thickness field does not meet the minimum
and maximum requirements defined previously.

11. In the Pass/Fail column, verify Failed displays.

12. Click Save and exit Inspection Results Entry.


This section of the course reviews the trackers that relate to the enhanced Quality Assurance module.

Inspection Data Tracker

Use the Inspection Data Tracker to review inspection data related to a non-conforming material, job, part
number, or packing slip.

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Data Tracker

Workshop - Review Inspection Data

In this workshop, review the inspection data for the press machine.
Navigate to the Inspection Data Tracker.
Menu Path: Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Inspection Data Tracker

1. In the Inspection Type field, select Resource.

2. In the Inspection Plan field, search for and select XXX_PMC (where XXX are your initials).
In the next field, verify the revision displays. If the revision does not display, select it.

3. In the Specification field, search for and select XXX_SMT (where XXX are your initials).
In the next field, verify the revision displays. If the revision does not display, select it.

4. In the Resource ID field, search for and select XXXNo-7 (where XXX are your initials).

5. In the Inspection Date field, select today's date.

6. Click the Retrieve button.

The calibration inspection details on the part display.

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7. Review the inspection information.

8. Exit the Inspection Data Tracker.

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Enhanced Quality Assurance Course Conclusion


Congratulations! You have completed the Enhanced Quality Assurance course.

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