Training Guide: Topsolid'Image

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The document discusses how to create and use material libraries, textures, and lights in TopSolid'Image.

The steps are to create a texture library, create materials manually or automatically, and then use the materials.

You can create lights in the document or in a component, then insert and configure the spot light properties.

Training Guide


© 2014, Missler Software.
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Version 6.15 Rev. 01

ii Missler Software

Creation of a material library ............................................................................................................................ 1
Creating a texture library .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Importing textures through a file ......................................................................................................................... 2
Importing textures through a folder .................................................................................................................... 3
Creating a material library ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Creating materials manually ................................................................................................................................ 5
Creating materials automatically ......................................................................................................................... 7
Using materials ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Creation of lights.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Creating a light in the document .............................................................................................................................. 9
Creating a light in a component .............................................................................................................................. 11
Inserting the spot ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Configuration of the scenes ............................................................................................................................ 15
Visit mode ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Configuring a camera .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Saving the presentation .......................................................................................................................................... 16
Image computation ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Setting a texture manually ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Importing a new texture .................................................................................................................................... 18
Applying the texture........................................................................................................................................... 18
Setting the texture ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Adding a reflection to the texture ...................................................................................................................... 19
Adding a relief effect to a texture ........................................................................................................................... 20
Other render modes ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Computing several images ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Notes ............................................................................................................................................................. 23

Missler Software iii

TopSolid’Image Creation of a material library

Creation of a material library

Creating an image is partly defined by the use of realistic material textures. These textures can then be defined
from images provided by the material supplier in order to be as close as possible to the real material.

Creating a texture library

In order to create and use a material with a textured appearance, the starting point is to create the material
Note: For wood textures with grain orientation, the image of the texture must have a horizontal grain orientation.
If the texture is vertical, it must be turned from Windows before being imported in TopSolid.
If the grain orientation of the texture is not horizontal, the preview of the part cutting-up will be wrong.

 From a new Design document, start the Attributes > Textures > Manage textures texture.

The Texture library manager window allows you to organize the imported textures:
- in User configuration only for this computer or in Group configuration for all networked computers;
- in families and sub-families available from the drop-down list.

 Click on the Create family button to create a family of textures.

 Enter New family name: Training matter and validate by clicking on OK.

The newly created family is automatically selected in the list.

 Click on the Create sub-family button.
 Enter New family name: Hardwood and validate by clicking on OK.

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Creation of a material library TopSolid’Image

Importing textures through a file

A texture import mode allows you to import texture images file by file. This mode is used when only one texture
is to be imported or when the textures to be imported do not have the same definition.

 Select the Import texture button.

 Select the Source file box, and then click on the Browse
button to select the texture to be imported.

 In the provided files, select the image in Matter >

Hardwood > Oak.bmp, and then validate with OK.

 Uncheck the Convert the texture file to TTX format box.

The option for converting to TTX format converts the texture to
TopSolid’s native format. This allows you to better manage
textures with transparency.

The Description field is used to set the texture name in

TopSolid. By default, the description is the name of the selected
texture file.

The Texture size is used to configure the texture dimensions:

- Fixed size sets the texture dimensions in TopSolid. Beyond these dimensions, the texture will be
- Resolution sets the texture import precision. The texture dimensions in TopSolid are in this case deducted
from the dimension of the imported texture.

 Check the Fixed size mode, and then set the dimensions Width: 2500mm and Height: 1200mm.

 Uncheck the Logo and Bump map boxes, and then check the No transparency box.
 Finally, click on the Import button to import the texture in TopSolid.
Note: Once the texture is imported, the original file can be moved or deleted since the texture has been copied in
the Texture folder of the TopSolid Group or Config.
 Repeat the operation in order to import other solid wood textures.

2 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Creation of a material library

Note: The imported textures are shown in the Texture library manager when the family to which they belong is

Importing textures through a folder

The mode for importing texture images through a folder is used when several textures are to be imported and
they all have the same definition. This is the case, for example, when the material supplier provides all the
textures of these materials.
 Select the Training matter family in the drop-down list.
 Click on the Create sub-family button.
 Enter New family name: Panel and validate by clicking on OK.

 Click on the Import texture button.

 Select the Source folder box, and then click on the Browse button to select the folder to be imported.

 In the provided files, select the folder in Matter > Panel, then validate by clicking on OK.

 Check the Respect branching box.

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Creation of a material library TopSolid’Image

Note: The Respect branching option recreates, for each selected texture sub-folder, a sub-family of textures.
If this option is unchecked, all the textures found in the selected folder will be placed in the same family.

Windows folder to be imported

With branching Without branching

Textures are classified into sub-families. All textures are mixed in the Panel sub-family.

 Check the Fixed size box, and then set the dimensions Width: 2500mm and Height: 1700mm.
 Click on the Import button to import all textures of the selected folder.
 Once all of the textures are imported, click on the Quit button to exit the Texture library manager.

4 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Creation of a material library

Creating a material library

To be able to use a material when defining a part, it is necessary to create this material.
Creating a material will enable a material name to be associated with a material reference, a supplier, a
density…, as well as a texture and a hatching pattern.
 From a new Design document, start the Attributes > Material > Manage materials function.

Like textures, materials can be created in User configuration (only for this computer) or in Group configuration
(for all networked computers).

 Check the Group box.

 Select the Categories line and click on the Add category button.
 Enter New category name: Training matter and validate by clicking on OK.

Creating materials manually

 Click on the Add category button , enter New category name: Hardwood and validate with OK.
 Enter:
- Name: Oak
- Designation: Oak
- Reference: OAK-EUR
- Supplier: Wood company
- Density: 0.98
Note: The name of a material is the system name of the material in the database.
The designation is what the user sees when selecting the material, and also when the material is displayed in a
bill of material.
The reference and the supplier correspond to the material purchase references. This information can be
displayed in a bill of material.
Specifying the density of a material makes it possible to calculate the mass of a set.
 Click on the Hatching pattern box.
Note: Using a hatching pattern created from a file allows you to obtain a different hatching pattern, depending on
the cut direction in the draft.

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Creation of a material library TopSolid’Image

 Check the Pattern type > File and Localization > Standard options.
 Set Category > Solid wood and Name > Solid wood.
 Validate the hatching pattern by clicking on OK.

 Click on the Texture box.

 Select the Training matter > Hardwood category in the drop-down list, and then select the Oak

 Check the Grain orientation box.

Note: The Grain orientation option defines whether or not the material has grain orientation.
When a part is defined with a material having grain orientation, this part will have grain orientation. This will
allow you to rotate the part by only 180° during the cutting-up optimization.
A part defined with a material without grain orientation will be able to turn 90° during the cutting-up

 Check Use as material and uncheck Use as coating.

Note: The Use as material option allows you to use this material as a part material.
The Use as coating option allows you to use this material as a part coating, for example when creating paint,
varnish materials…

6 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Creation of a material library

 Click on the Save button to save the material.

 Then complete the fields as follows:
- Name: Pear
- Designation: Pear
- Reference: PT
- Density: 0.85
 Click on the Texture box, and then select the Pear texture.
 Click on the Save button to save the new material.
 Validate the window by clicking on OK.

Creating materials automatically

It is possible to automatically create all the materials corresponding to the texture library.
 Start the Attributes > Material function.
 Select the Create from textures function.
 Check the Group box, and then select Panel from the drop-down list.

 Click on the Create materials button.

The materials are then automatically generated.
Note: Materials that are generated automatically have by default no grain orientation. Materials with grain
orientation must then be modified manually.

 Click on the Manage materials button.

 Check the Group box.
 Select the Training matter > Panel > Wood category in the drop-down list.
 Select the MEL-WD-01 material in the drop-down list.
 Check the Grain orientation box and uncheck Use as coating.
 Repeat these operations for the next materials, and then close the window by clicking on OK.

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Creation of a material library TopSolid’Image

Using materials
 Open the provided file
 Switch off layers 0, 1 and 3.

 Open the Wood context and select the Matter configuration function.
 Click on the Main assembly button to take into account all the parts of the assembly.

 Check the Type box and select the Shelf type.

 Open the Material tab and select the Training matter > Panel > Wood > MEL-WD-12 material.
 Click on the Apply matter button.

 Check the Type box and select the Cabinet type.

 From the Material tab, select the Training matter > Panel > Wood > MEL-CO-26 material.
 Click on the Apply matter button.
 Validate the matter configuration by clicking on OK.

Note: In the above cases, the application of the material may be time consuming since all parts of the main
assembly are recalculated. If only a few elements are to be configured, they can be selected in order to reduce
computation time.

 Start the Matter configuration function.

 Select the coffee table and the two doors, then validate by clicking on OK.
 Check the Material box and select the oak parts.
 Open the Material tab and select the Training matter >
Hardwood > Pear material.
 Click on the Apply matter button.

 Select the parts in Material > White melamine, then apply the Training matter > Panel > Wood > MEL-WD-12
 Validate the matter configurator by clicking on OK.

8 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Creation of lights

Creation of lights
Lights are used to illuminate the scene. Creating different lights provides a more realistic result, but increases
calculation time for the image.

Creating a light in the document

 Open the symbolic tree and right-click > Edit sets > Set of lights.
Note: By default, the new TopSolid documents have an ambient light and two
directional lights.

 Start the Image > Light function.

Note: Several types of lights can be created depending on the light source to be reproduced. The following are
the main types of lights used:
- Ambient light manages the ambient light of the document. Placed from a point, its light intensity is
identical in all points and in all directions. In general, only one ambient light is used per document.
- Positional light illuminates from a point in all directions; it can be used to show a light bulb for example.
- Spot light symbolizes a light using two points or a point and a direction, an intensity and a light angle.
- Sky light is the light generated by the sun. It is defined by a direction of the North, of a vertical, of a place
and time. Only one sky light can be created per document.
The Sky light is made up of two lightings: the Sky which lights up the scene at a given intensity and the Sun
light which illuminates the scene according to an altitude and an azimuth.

 Select Type = SKY, enter Name: Sky and validate by clicking on OK.

 Select X+ as the direction for the North.

 Select Z+ as the Vertical direction.
Note: The light setting window is divided into two tabs: Lights for configuring the light and Shadows for
configuring the shadows generated by the light.
 For the Sky, leave the default white color, then set Intensity: 4 by using the slider or by entering the value
directly in the box.
 Set Type: Clear.
Note: It is possible to set the sun azimuth and the sun altitude in order to calculate realistic sunrays. The sun
calculator automatically adjusts these two parameters according to a geographic position, a date and a time.

 Click on the Sun calculator button.

 Set:
- Country: France
- City: Toulouse
- Click on the System time button to automatically retrieve the current
date and time.
- Validate with OK to calculate the sun azimuth and the sun altitude.

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Creation of lights TopSolid’Image

 Set Sun intensity: 0.8.

 Click on the Apply button, and then OK.

Tabs for configuring the light and shadow

Selection of the light to be modified

Light sky adjustment (overall lighting)

Light sun adjustment (sunlight lighting)

Note: The dynamic lighting of the document will be updated according to the newly created light.

 From the symbolic tree, select the 3 default lights (ambient

light, two directional lights), then right-click > Switch = ON to
switch them off.

Note: The default lights of a document are used to light up the document to be able to work. However, these
global lightings are not realistic for computing an image. It is therefore recommended to switch them off in order
to get a more realistic rendering.

10 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Creation of lights

Creating a light in a component

A light can be created in a component. This makes it possible, when inserting standard components, such as
spotlights or lamps, in the document, to insert their associated lights at the same time. This avoids recreating the
associated light for each component.
 Open the provided file

 Start the Image > Light function.

 Select Type = Spot and Associative = Yes.
Note: Associative lights must be created so that they follow the component.
 Enter Name: Spot and validate by clicking on OK.

 For the spot position, select a point , and then a center point .
 Select the lower circle of the spot as the reference element as shown

Note: The spot direction can be determined using a direction of the current
coordinate system or using a second point.

 Select a point as the target point, and then a center point.

 Select the upper circle of the spot as the reference element as shown

 Leave the default light color and the intensity to 1.

 Set Cone half-angle: 30° and Penumbra half-angle: 20°.

Note: The cone half-angle is the half-angle of the light cone generated by the spot.
The penumbra half-angle has to be set if a penumbra cone is generated by the light. This is the case if the
intensity of light is higher in the center of the cone than on the outsides.

Without penumbra half-angle With penumbra half-angle

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Creation of lights TopSolid’Image

Note: Both cone and penumbra angles are shown in the graphical area by two
yellow cones. It is then possible to graphically modify the angles with a click-
and-drag on the cone.

 Check the Attenuation > Quadratic box.

 Set Intensity reference distance: 1000mm and Half-intensity reference distance: 2200mm.

Note: Without attenuation, the light has the same intensity in all points,
whatever its distance from the source.
A linear attenuation of the light reduces the light intensity according to the
distance with the light source, by following a straight line.
A quadratic attenuation also reduces the light intensity according to the
distance with the light source, but by following a curve. The result will be
more realistic, but the computation time will be longer.
The attenuation is set by two parameters:
- The intensity reference distance is the distance at which the intensity
is still equal to that of the light source.
- The half-intensity reference distance is the distance at which the
intensity is half of that of the light source.
For mathematical reasons, the half-intensity distance cannot be less than
two times the reference distance in linear attenuation, and less than 1.4
times in quadratic attenuation.

Both intensity and half-intensity reference distances are shown in the

graphical area by two yellow circles. It is then possible to graphically modify the
distances with a click-and-drag on the circle.

12 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Creation of lights

 Open the Shadows tab.

 Check the box The light casts shadows.
Note: By unchecking this option, it is possible to create a light that does not cast shadows.

Light without shadow casting Light with shadow casting

 Set the shadow softness to 3/10.

Minimum softness Medium softness Maximum softness

 Set the shadow resolution to 10/10.

Note: The shadow resolution adjusts the amount of pixels calculated for a given shadow.

Minimum resolution Maximum resolution

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Creation of lights TopSolid’Image

 Set the shadow quality to 10/10.

Note: The shadow quality calculates more or less accurately the generated shadow.

Minimum quality Maximum quality

 Validate the light by clicking on OK.

Note: The light is now created in the document. However, it must be inserted in the set so that it can be included
in the assembly with the Spot component.

 From the symbolic tree, open the Main set tab.

 On the ASSEMBLY: Spot line, right-click > Insert.

 Enter Elements to insert: Spot and validate with Enter.

 Validate the default part definition window by clicking on OK.
The light is then inserted in the set and will be inserted in the assembly with
the component.

 Save and close this document.

Inserting the spot

 Open the file
 Make layer 5 current, then display layer 1.

 Use the Assembly > Include Assembly/Part function to include the spot.
 Set the spot angle to 0°.
 Select the ceiling as the destination coordinate system.
 Select the wall on which the cabinets are placed as the first alignment face or edge, and then enter a distance
of 1500mm.
 Select the right-hand wall as the second alignment face or edge, and then enter a distance of 1175mm.
 Click on the Repeat button and configure a linear repetition in X- direction, with a distance per
instance of 875mm and a total number of 3.
 Select the ceiling as the shape to modify.

Note: When a component containing a light is repeated, the light is also repeated.

14 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Configuration of the scenes

Configuration of the scenes

Presentations are used to store the current position of the camera, the displayed elements (layers, invisible
elements), as well as the render mode.
Configuring several presentations allows you to quickly go back to one of them in order to compute an image or
configure the project.

Visit mode
Note: In an interior design, the visit mode is used to visit the fitted-out room(s). Like a FPS video game, the mouse
rotates the view and the keyboard arrows allow you to move in the drawing.

 Open the View tab , and then select Visit mode.

 Select a point at the left of the room as the position of the user, and then select a point on the cabinets as
the target point.
 Using the keyboard arrows and the
mouse, position the view as shown
 Then press the Esc key.

Configuring a camera

 Open the View tab , and then select Orient view.

Note: The Standard cameras tab is used to place the camera on the document’s standard views (Front, Back…).
The Camera parameters tab configures the current view.

 Open the Camera parameters tab.

Note: The main settings will be the following:
- Eye: The position of the camera in the document.
- Viewpoint: The point targeted by the camera.
The eye and the viewpoint are completed by default with their coordinates on X,Y,Z relative to the absolute
coordinate system. Configuring the Z value will allow you to configure the position in height of the eye and the
- Vertical vector: Vertical direction of the camera.
- Field of view: The field of view of the camera allows you to view more or less elements in the view. The
value of the angle can be adjusted between 1° and 180°, given that the field of view of eyes is about 62°
and the view can be distorted if the angle is greater than 90°.

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Configuration of the scenes TopSolid’Image

 Configure:
- Eye: Set the height of the eye on Z to 1700.
- Viewpoint: Set the height of the viewpoint on Z to 1200.
- Vertical vector: Select Z as the vertical vector to straighten up the
- Field of view: 70°.
 Exit the camera parameters by clicking on Quit.
 Open the Rendering tab , and then select Realistic rendering +

Saving the presentation

 Start the Tools > Presentation function.
 Enter Presentation name: Global lounge and validate by clicking on OK.

Note: Once the presentation is created, the symbolic tree opens on the Presentations tab. This tab displays the
different presentations and allows you to manage them.
If this tab is not displayed, right-click in the tree and then select Add presentation.

 Use the visit mode function again to position

the camera as seen opposite.

 Configure the camera:
- Position of the eye on Z: 800
- Position of the viewpoint on Z: 900
- Vertical vector: Z
- Field of view: 62°.
 Hide layer 3 to hide the decorative items.

 From the symbolic tree’s Presentations tab, right-click

on Presentations and select Add presentation.

 Rename this presentation Front lounge, and then validate with OK.
 From the tree, double-click on the Global lounge presentation to make it current.
Note: The Ctrl + Shift + Left click-and-drag shortcut is used to zoom in or out without distorting the view.
The Shift + Left click-and-drag shortcut moves the view so that it can be recentered for example.

16 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Image computation

Image computation
 Make current the Global lounge presentation.

 From the Image context , select the Display function.

Note: Various settings allow you to adjust the image to be calculated:

- Global/Partial mode: The global mode is used to calculate the whole selected view, and the partial mode
is used to select an area of the view to be calculated by selecting two diagonally opposite points that
define a rectangle.
- Rendering technique: Several rendering techniques are available. The most commonly used technique is
RAYTRACING (realistic rendering technique).
- Quality: The quality configures the quality of the image to be calculated. The higher the quality, the more
rendering scanlines are performed on the image, making it more accurate. However, the time for
calculating the image increases depending on the desired quality.
- Radiosity: The radiosity helps to provide a more realistic computation since it allows refraction of light
between the different surfaces. However, the radiosity increases the time for computing the image.
As the radiosity makes it possible to reflect light rays, the overall brightness of the calculated image will
increase with the radiosity.
- Adjustment: Sets the brightness adjustment applied to the image at the end of the computation:
o None: No brightness adjustment is performed on the image.
o Neutral: A basic adjustment is performed on the image.
o Tone mapping: A slider allows you to manually adjust the brightness of the image.
Most of the time, the Tone mapping adjustment is used because it allows you to adjust the image
brightness a posteriori and obtain the rendering in real time.
- Size: Computes only 50 or 75% of the selected view. This will provide a smaller, but faster overall image in
order to adjust the light settings for example.
 Set Mode = Global, Rendering technique = Raytracing, Quality = 2, Radiosity = 2, Adjustment = Tone
mapping, Size = 100%.

 Click in the graphical area to launch the image computation.

Note: Once the computation is over, the image is displayed in a new window.
Since you have set Adjustment = Tone mapping, the Post treatment window will open
with a slider to adjust the brightness of the calculated image.
 Use the post treatment slider in order to best adjust the image brightness.
 Once the desired brightness is adjusted, confirm the window with OK.
 To save the generated image, right-click > Save.

Note: The Save function enables the image to

be directly saved in the TopSolid project folder.
Save as is used to set the save folder, as well as
the name of the saved image.

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Image computation TopSolid’Image

Setting a texture manually

When the texture applied to a part automatically (via its material) is not satisfactory, it is possible to adjust the
texture manually.

Importing a new texture

 From the Image context, select the Texture function.

 Select the Manage textures button.
 Check the Group box.
 Using the Create family button, create a new family, rename it Building
texture, then validate by clicking on OK.
 Use the Import texture function to import the provided file Tiles.bmp.
 Set the texture size to fixed size with the dimensions
Width: 834mm and Height: 471mm.
 Click on Import to import the texture.
 Quit the texture manager window.

Applying the texture

 Select the floor to modify its texture.
Note: The texture editor opens and allows you to modify the texture or color of a part manually by configuring
various parameters such as the size, the orientation, the propagation, the reflectance…
 Check the box Type: Textures to configure a texture for this part.
 Click on the Add layer button to create a first texture layer on the floor.
Note: A texture layer is divided into 5 parameter families:
- The pattern corresponds to the choice of the texture to be used for the layer. It is possible to create a
layer without pattern.
- The style configures the global parameters of the texture layer such as the combination with other layers,
the reaction of the layer with the lighting, the layer quality…
- The parameterization configures the dimensional parameters of the texture such as the scale, the
orientation, the propagation…
- The displacement adds relief to the layer such as a rough or leather effect.
- The reflectance adds reflection to the layer with different parameters like for glass, metal, mirror…

 Open the Pattern tab.

 In Rendering > TopSolid, select the Building
texture family, and then select the Tiles texture.
 Click on the Apply button , and
then on OK to see the texture rendering.

18 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Image computation

Setting the texture

 Using the Image > Texture function, select the floor again to modify its texture.
 Open the Parameterization tab.
 Set Scale U: 1500mm to increase the texture size.
 Click on the Apply button, and then on OK to see the texture rendering.

Adding a reflection to the texture

 Modify the texture of the floor.
Note: A reflection layer will be applied to the floor. In order to create a reflection effect, a mirror without pattern
layer will be added to a percentage on the previous tiling layer.

 Click on the Add layer button.

 Open the Style tab.
 Check the Add box and set the value to 0.5.
Note: This parameter allows you to add this layer to the previous tiling layer at a rate of

 Open the Reflectance tab.

 Check the Use reflectance shader box, and then select a
mirror reflection.
 Click on the Apply button, and then on OK.

 From the Image context , select the Display function.

 Set:
- Mode = Partial
- Rendering technique = Raytracing
- Quality = 2, Radiosity = 2
- Adjustment = Tone mapping
- Size = 100%
 Select two diagonally opposite points
on the floor in order to calculate only
a part of the floor for the image.
This will allow you to calculate only
the rendering of the reflection on the

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Image computation TopSolid’Image

Adding a relief effect to a texture

 Modify the texture of the floor.
 Open the Displacement tab.
 Check the Use displacement shader box, and then select
the rough shader.
 Click on the Apply button, and then OK.

 From the Image context , select the Display function.

 Set:
- Mode = Partial
- Rendering technique = Raytracing
- Quality = 2, Radiosity = 2
- Adjustment = Tone mapping
- Size = 100%
 Select two diagonally opposite points on the wall to calculate
only a part of the image.
 Also add a rough displacement shader to the brick post.

 From the symbolic tree’s Presentations tab, make current the Global lounge presentation.
 Then recalculate the view by setting:
- Mode = Global
- Rendering technique = Raytracing
- Quality = 5, Radiosity = 5
- Adjustment = Tone mapping
- Size = 100%
 Once the image is calculated, save it.

20 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Image computation

Other render modes

Other image computation modes allow you to obtain images with different effects. The following are the main
modes used:
- Cartoon: Creates an image with cartoon effect.
- Hidden lines: Creates an image in wireframe rendering.

 Start the Display function.

 Set:
- Mode = Global
- Rendering technique = Hidden lines
- Quality = 1, Radiosity = 1
- Adjustment = Tone mapping
- Size = 100%
 Once the image is calculated, save it.

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Image computation TopSolid’Image

Computing several images

When several presentations are created, it is possible to automatically compute the images corresponding to
each presentation.
This allows you to launch the computation of all scenes automatically in hidden time (during the night for
 Open the Presentations tab from the symbolic tree.
 On the PRESENTATION line, right-click > Compute images.

 Set:
- Mode = Global
- Rendering technique = Cartoon
- Quality = 0, Radiosity = 0
- Adjustment = None
 Launch the computations by clicking on OK.
Note: The images for the different views are then calculated and saved in the project folder. The name of each
image is the name given to the presentation.

22 Missler Software
TopSolid’Image Notes






























Missler Software 23
Notes TopSolid’Image
































24 Missler Software

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