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You are a rebel when it comes to questioning orthodox thinking. You are not shy to start a
revolution when you find things are not working the way they should.
You love being around people and friends but it has to be balanced with some headspace
and aloofness.
You are extremely sensitive inside, even though you come across as a tough person on
the outside.
You are very innovative and you can be a great leader whom people love.
You are extremely devotional and often at times, you have someone or something in your
life where you channel this energy.
You love to travel to foreign lands and learn more about their culture and values.
You are extremely curious and that inspires you to travel.

To learn more about Nakshatras and planetary transits download the Cosmic Insights app.

Shakti of Anuradha Nakshatra

The power or shakti of Anuradha nakshatra is Radhana Shakti (The Power “of Worship”)

“Love can become devotion. Love is the first step; only then can devotion flower.

If your love grows deeper, the other becomes more and more significant – so significant that
you begin to call the other your god.

That is why Meera goes on calling Krishna, God. No one can see Krishna, and Meera
cannot prove that Krishna is there, but she is not interested in proving it at all. And remember,
whether you make a real person your love object or whether it is just your imagination, it makes
no difference, because the whole transformation comes through devotion, not through the
beloved – remember this. Krishna may not be there at all; it is irrelevant. For the lover, it is

For Radha, Krishna was there in reality. For Meera, Krishna was not there in reality. That is
why Meera is a greater devotee than Radha. For Meera, Krishna is everything and all. She
cannot prove it; it is irrational. But she took a jump and she became transformed. Devotion freed

This feeling that Krishna is there, this total feeling of love, this total surrender, this losing
oneself into one who may be or may not be, this losing itself is the transformation. Suddenly one
is purified – totally purified – because when the ego is not there you cannot be impure in any
way. Because the ego is the seed of all impurity.

The feeling of ego is the root of all madness. For the feeling world, for the world of the
devotee, the ego is the disease. Ego dissolves, and it dissolves in only one way; there is no
other way. There is only one way: the other becomes so important, so significant, that by and by
you fade out and disappear. One day you are no more; just a consciousness of the other
remains. ” – Osho

Vedic Deity of Anuradha Nakshatra

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Anuradha nakshatra is ruled by Mitra who is one among the 12 Adityas. Mitra is often
invoked with Varuna the protector or Rta (cosmic laws). Mitra is the divine embodiment of
honesty, contracts, meetings, friendships and cordial relationships.

He can be worshipped at dawn with the mantra – “Aum Ghrini Mitra Aditya”

The Symbol of Anuradha Nakshatra

Lotus is the symbol of Anuradha Nakshatra. Lotus flower grows in dirty and muddy waters
but manages to transform itself into the most spiritual flower.

Similarly, people with prominent planets in Anuradha nakshatra may have a lot of early
setbacks but they do have the power to withstand, transform and succeed in the end. The lotus
flower’s journey from muddy water to a glorious blossom teaches us that if we withstand the
pain and suffering we will eventually succeed.

Anuradha Nakshatra Ruler – Saturn Vs the Ruler of Scorpio – Mars

Anuradha Nakshatra is ruled by the disciplinarian and hard-working Saturn and it sits in the
zodiac sign of Scorpio ruled by Mars. Mars and Saturn are natural enemies as they are
opposing energies. Mars wants to act without thinking which is a big set back to the Saturnian
way of doing things slowly with patience and precaution. That is why Mars gets exalted in the
sign of Saturn (Capricorn) where it learns to channel its positive energy with discipline and hard
work. Saturn, on the other hand, debilitates in the sign of Mars (Aries) unable to keep up with
the martian way of doing things.

This energy gives Anuradha the passion to do things and the perseverance needed to

Mudra for Anuradha Nakshatra – Ganesha Mudra

anuradha nakshatra mudra

This mudra is the perfect remedy to harmonize the opposing energies of Mars and Saturn.

And the co-ruler of Scorpio is Ketu and Lord Ganesha is the deity associated with Ketu.

Lord Ganesha is known as the remover of obstacles. Rightly named after HIM, this Mudra
helps you release all the stress and tension that’s prevalent in your life so you can move forward
with confidence and courage. Most of the time we are held back by our own mind and emotions
that create stress. When the mind is entangled in useless pursuits, we lose track of the higher
purpose and the bigger picture and get stuck. When energy does not flow freely, we are unable
to imbibe positivity and get bogged down by negativity.

Perform the Ganesha Mudra with utmost devotion to gain courage and confidence that will
help you cruise through obstacles and succeed in your endeavors.


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Hold your left hand in front of your chest with the palm facing outward. Bend the fingertips
and grasp the left hand with your right hand.

Take a long deep breath and exhale slowly. As you exhale pull the hands apart vigorously
without releasing the fingers. You may feel some tension in the upper arm and chest. After
holding it for a few seconds let go slowly and repeat. You can also chant the mantra “Aum Gam
Ganapathaye Namaha” silently in your heart when you do this Mudra. You can repeat this 5 or
more times and then do the same thing with your right hand.

While exhaling, vigorously pull the hands apart without releasing the grip. This will tense the
muscles of the upper arms and chest area.

Anuradha Nakshatra Remedies

Listen to music that opens up your heart chakra

Draw, trace and paint a Female deer. You can also use the color of the planet that is in
Anuradha nakshatra in your chart to paint. Female deer is the animal associated with Anuradha
The Ganesha associated with Anuradha Nakshatra is Ekadanta Ganapati. Chant the
mantra “Aum Ekadanta Ganapataye Namaha” 108 times to get rid of obstacles and get the
blessings of Lord Ganesha.
Chant the Anuradha nakshatra mantra “oṁ ṭam ṭham ḍaṁ anūrādha nakṣatrayai namaḥ”
for a minimum of 21 times on days when Moon transits Anuradha nakshatra.
If you have your lagna or Moon in Anuradha nakshatra, Worship Lord Shiva by offering
water, milk and turmeric to Shivling on days when the Moon transits Vishakha nakshatra which
is the 27th Nakshatra from Anuradha. The 27th Nakshatra is called “Abhisheka” nakshatra and it
is highly auspicious to worship Lord Shiva with Abhishekam on this day. After you complete your
abhishekam you can offer flowers and sweets to Lord Shiva.
For personalized rituals based on your own birth chart download the align27 app.

Favorable activities to do when the Moon transits Anuradha Nakshatra

Scientific Research, Meditation, Occult Study, Foreign Affairs, Healing, Friendship,

Accounts/Finances, Reflective sessions, Activities that involve secrecy, Connecting and
Socializing with Friends, Group Activities, Travel to Foreign Lands, Immigration, Financial
Tasks, Exploration, Introducing and connecting people.

Unfavorable activities to do when the Moon transits Anuradha Nakshatra

Marriage, Confrontation, Inaugurations, Beginnings or Inaugural Events, Routine or common


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16. Vishakha Nakshatra Characteristics

For a detailed analysis download the align27 app.

People have a high regard for you and you like it that way.
You don’t like to be stagnant in life. When things don’t move swiftly it can create a lot of
fear in you.
Most of the time when you have an outburst, you feel calm and relieved.
You have a deep emotional need for the appreciation of people around you, but you don’t
express it. When you get the appreciation you deserve, you perform well.
When you set a goal for yourself, you like to accomplish it by all means.
Sometimes your goal-oriented nature can make you lose your peace of mind,.
Your desires can lead you to the trouble and sometimes you willingly get into these
troubled situations due to your fixated beliefs.
You are courageous and hard-working and you believe in yourself.
Once you are determined no one can stop you, except your own self-doubts.
You like to party and experience the finer things in life.
It is rare for you to feel negative, but once you are caught up in negativity, it is hard for you
to let go and come out of it.
Once you have made up your mind you never go back. You are 100% devoted to what
you believe in.
Most often in life, you are always presented with two paths and you are put in a situation
to choose the right one for yourself.
Your longing is very intense. And in those moments you tend to lose yourself in trying to
fulfill that longing.
In relationships, you look to find a purpose and in the process, you can lose your own
identity and self.

Vishakha Nakshatra Rituals and Remedies

Pray to Radha Krishna. You can also place a Radha Krishna artwork, painting or
photograph in your bedroom.
Worship Lord Kartikeya on days when the Moon transits Vishakha nakshatra as Lord
Kartikeya is the Adi devata of Vishakha Nakshatra. To know more about the moon’s transit
download the Cosmic Insights app.
The Ganesha associated with Vishakha Nakshatra is Haridra Ganapati. Chant the mantra
“Aum Haridra Ganapataye Namaha” 108 times to get rid of obstacles and get the blessings of
Lord Ganesha.
If you have your lagna or Moon in Vishakha nakshatra, Worship Lord Shiva by offering
water, sandalwood paste and turmeric to Shivling on days when the Moon transits Swati
nakshatra which is the 27th Nakshatra from Vishakha. The 27th Nakshatra is called “Abhisheka”
nakshatra and it is highly auspicious to worship Lord Shiva with Abhishekam on this day. After
you complete your abhishekam you can light an incense stick and offer it to Lord Shiva.
Light a lamp with Ghee and honor Jupiter on Thursdays.
For more personalized rituals download the align27 app.

Vishakha Nakshatra’s Deities

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Vishakha nakshatra has 2 governing deities Indra and Agni. Indra brings th power, courage
and fortitude to this nakshatra whereas Agni brings the wisdom and truth required to use that
power in the right way. This helps Vishakha nakshatra to conquer the world and fight for noble
causes and put an end to injustice.

Favorable activities to do when the Moon transits Vishakha Nakshatra

War, Executive Ability, Argument, Harshness, Mental Focus, Goal Oriented Acts,
Ceremonies, Parties, Functions, Awards, Decorative Acts, Romance, Penance, Resolving,
Accomplishing Tasks, Aggressive or Harsh Activities, Executive Talents, Argumentative Tactics,
anything requiring Focus on Goals, Celebrations, Ornamentation, Making Resolutions.

Unfavorable activities to do when the Moon transits Vishakha Nakshatra

Marriage, Travel, Beginnings, Tact, Initiations, Diplomacy.

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10. Magha
Honoring Ancestors when Moon transits Magha Nakshatra

Ancestral worship is an integral part of many cultures in the east. We inherit not just our
physical characteristics and behavioral traits from our ancestors, but our consciousness as well.

We are forever indebted to our ancestors. We owe our very own life to them. Our unique life
experiences including fortune and misfortune somehow connect deeply with that of our

According to various schools of Indian philosophy, every action, intent or preparation by an

individual leaves a samskara (impression, impact, imprint) in the deeper structure of the
person’s mind. These impressions then await volitional fruition in that individual’s future, in the
form of hidden expectations, circumstances or a subconscious sense of self-worth. These
Samskaras manifest as tendencies, karmic impulses, subliminal impressions, habitual potencies
or innate dispositions. In ancient Indian texts, the theory of Samskara explains how and why
human beings remember things, and the effect that memories have on people’s suffering,
happiness and contentment. You will be surprised to know that we even inherit our samskaras
from our ancestors. Positive Samskaras brings positive effects and negative samskaras bring
negative effects. Have you ever wondered why someone who is so undeserving is blessed with
power and prosperity while someone else who is extremely sincere, devoted and deserving is
going through suffering! The answer lies hidden in Samskaras inherited from our ancestral

It is said that the placement of Jupiter in a person’s chart can say a lot about the karma
inherited from our ancestors because our life philosophy (represented by Jupiter) is something
we inherit from our ancestral lineage.

Magha Nakshatra has a special connection with the ancestor lineage, as the ruling deities
of Magha Nakshatra are The Pitrs (ancestors or forefathers).

So today as Moon transits Magha Nakshatra during Pitru Paksha it is extremely auspicious
and important to remember and honor our ancestors and express our gratitude to them. The
spiritual practices that you do help your ancestors to find mukti or liberation and in return they
send you blessings in abundance.

You can chant this simple mantra – “Om Gham” 108 times today. A simple practical remedy
for Magha Nakshatra is to draw/trace your family tree. You may also worship Nritya Ganapathi
who is the 15th of the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha and is related to the Magha Nakshatra. It is
interesting to note that Lord Ganesha is the deity of Ketu and Ketu is the planet that rules
Magha Nakshatra.

Secrets Of Ketu Ruled Nakshatras

Planets placed in Ketu nakshatras denote rebirth of a soul that has been born to address
pending Karmas.

Every Ketu nakshatra is strategically placed at the gandanta point between the Water and
Fire Signs. They represent a sudden end to the Karma associated to your previous lifetimes.
Any planets placed here may represent a pending Karma that is recommencing in this lifetime.
Ketu nakshatras act like bookmarks. Interestingly, the activation of the associated nakshatra
depends on dasha and antar-dasha of the related planet placed here. Praying to Ganesha or
Ganapathi would ensure that you get the necessary protection.
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Ashwini Nakshatra – Did you know that the pre-dawn sky gazing would charge you with
positive energy?

The Ashwini Kumaras are known to be the bringers of dawn and hence watching the eastern
horizon just before the Sunrise would provide you with the energy needed to go through the day
with positivity.

Magha – Drawing your family tree

Making your family tree may help you get blessings of your ancestors since this Nakshatra is
ruled by the Pitris or the ancestral spirits. Also, any research that is done to identify your lineage
would be helpful too.

Mula – Gardening may give you solace

Mula is represented by reticulated roots, so if you need to find peace doing a bit of gardening
or walking in the park, tending to the plants would be very helpful. While doing so, gazing into
the light blue sky would help you dissuade your fear and anxieties.
How to win the heart of a Magha Nakshatra native?

Me to Magha Nakshatra – Namaste! I am writing a blog post about how to win over people who
fall under your asterism. Can you help me with some tips!

Magha – I am sure you are honored to write about me. I command you to note it down, here is
my list.

I like to be pampered and served, not just in an ordinary way. But “royally”.
Power, position and authority even if it is not given, I take it anyway.
If you think I don’t deserve it, then that is your problem. I have earned it from my past life.
I like to be appreciated and admired. You will have to express it to me creatively enough to
grab my attention.
I am proud of my family, my tradition and my parampara. You are lucky to be associated with
my lineage.
You will notice that people like to do me favors even if I don’t ask them.
I may not accept it openly, but I do care about my status and I like to take the center stage in
whatever I do. I love to be in the limelight.
I may have a question to all your answers but I may not have the answers to your questions.
I have a strong sense of identity. Do not dare question it.
I like everything in my life to be royal, regal, mighty, magnificent and magnanimous. I love
the pomp and show.
Do not take me for my face value. If I am unusually calm then there is a huge storm going
inside of me.
Once I decide to do something, I will achieve it no matter what. My willpower cannot be
I will take the lead on my own and carry the responsibilities whether you want it or not.
Limits and boundaries do not exist in my dictionary.
I love to munch, bring on the midnight snacks!
I like to do things in my own unique creative way. So the herd mentality does not fit well with
Whatever field I am in I am always prominent.
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Do not challenge my intuition. “My intuition is always right!” is something that you will keep
hearing from me.
It will benefit you if you let me express myself fully without any inhibitions including my
frustrations and expectations.
When am stressed, I resort to food and lose all my self-control, but when I feel I am not
looking good then I resort to extreme measures to lose the added weight and it goes on in circles.

Everything you need to know about Jyeshta Nakshatra

Jyeshta means the “eldest” and this nakshatra is associated with seniority, protectiveness,
leader of the family, chief of an organisation. Jyeshta nakshatra is in the sign of scorpio and the
last pada (part) of Jyeshta forms the karmic Gandanta zone between the watery sign Scorpio
and the fire sign Sagittarius.

Characteristics of people born with prominent planets in Jyeshta Nakshatra

1. You are either the eldest in your family or you are in a very prominent role in taking care of
your family and helping them fulfill their issues.
2. You have an authoritative voice and people look up to you either out of fear or out of respect
3. You have good connections and cordial relationships with people in authoritative positions.
4. People often feel jealous about your position, but what they fail to see is how much you have
gone through, either during this lifetime or previous lifetimes, to get what you deserve.
5. You are very protective about your loved ones and would do anything within and beyond
your limits to make sure of that.
6. You have a secret love towards occult sciences like astrology and numerology.
7. A little mistake of yours can be more costly for people around you, over it causing harm

your own self.

8. For the welfare of your loved ones or people important to you, you may tend to control them
which can cause conflict in your life. Sometimes, people fail to see the good motive behind
your actions.
9. Any misuse of power and authority hurts you and it is something you need to be extremely
careful about.
10. The way people perceive you is extremely important to you. But you do not disclose this to
11. Sometimes you could magnify your troubles and worries. This is something you should learn
to manage in this lifetime.
12. People can easily notice and be drawn to your probing and penetrating eyes.
13. It is hard for people to keep secrets from you.
14. It is wise for people to strive hard to be in your good books, because if someone turns
against you, you’ll find it hard not to take revenge.
15. More often in life, you fall prey to jealousy. Either you experience feelings of jealousy or
people feel jealous about you.
16. You are extremely caring and protective of people who are less privileged than you. They
often look up to you for safety and protection.
17. In the process of helping others, sometimes you fail to take care of your own self.

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Remedies and Rituals for Jyeshta Nakshatra
1. Chant the root mantra “Om Dham” 108 times on days when the Moon transits Jyeshta
2. Draw, trace and paint a Male deer. You can also use the color of the planet that is in
Jyeshtha nakshatra in your chart to paint. Male deer is the animal associated with Jyeshta
3. The Ganesha associated with Jyeshtha Nakshatra is Srishti Ganapati. Chant the mantra

“Aum Srishti Ganapataye Namaha” 108 times to get rid of obstacles and get the blessings of
Lord Ganesha.
4. Meditation is extremely important for people who are born in this nakshatra or those who
have prominent planets in this nakashatra. Mercury the ruler of Jyeshta is the link between
materialism and spiritualism. In the dasha system Mercury dasha is followed by Ketu (the
significator of Moksha). And every Gandata involves Mercury ruled nakshatras.
5. If you have your lagna or Moon in Jyeshta nakshatra, Worship Lord Shiva by offering water
to Shivling on days when the Moon transits Anuradha nakshatra which is the 27th Nakshatra
from Jyeshta. The 27th Nakshatra is called “Abhisheka” nakshatra and it is highly auspicious
to worship Lord Shiva with Abhishekam on this day. After you complete your abhishekam
you can light an incense stick and offer it to Lord Shiva.
6. More rituals can be found on the align27 app or The Vedic Rituals and Remedies book.

Story about Lord Indra – The deity governing Jyeshta Nakshatra

Lord Krishna saw huge preparations for the annual offering to Indra (for rain) and questions
his father Nanda about it. He debated with the villagers about what their ‘dharma’ truly was.
They were farmers, they should do their duty and concentrate on farming and protection of their
cattle. He continued to say that all human beings should merely do their ‘dharma’, to the best of
their ability and not pray or conduct sacrifices for natural phenomena. The villagers were
convinced by Krishna and did not proceed with the special puja (prayer). Indra was then
angered and flooded the village. Krishna then lifted Mt Govardhan and held it up as protection to
his people and cattle from the rain. Indra finally accepted defeat and recognized Krishna as

Jyeshtha means “eldest” or the “first one”. This lunar mansion’s deity is Lord Indra – The
first among Gods. The higher purpose of Jyeshta natives is to protect their family and
surroundings. They should be careful not to create their own misfortune just like what Indra did.
The planetary ruler of Jyeshtha is Mercury – which is the link between the material and the
spiritual world. At Jyeshtha the change starts happening for the soul to move towards spirituality.
It is also interesting to note that the end of Jyeshta Nakshatra in Scorpio is a Gandanta Point (A
point of transformation).

Favorable Activities to do when the Moon transits Jyeshta Nakshatra


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Harshness, Spying, Scheming, Controlling, Authoritativeness, Administration, Taking Care,
Taking Charge, Occult, Monitoring, Responsibility, Concern, Family Matters, Assisting Elders,
Discussing Serious Matters, Large Scale Planning, Activities requiring Responsibility, Protection,
Plotting, Putting your Foot Down, Taking Control, Harsh Activity, Expressing Authority,
Administration, Associating with Elders, taking Care of Family, Discussions on Serious Issues,
Planning, Discipline.

Unfavorable Activities to do when the Moon transits Jyeshta Nakshatra

Depression, Anger, Infidelity, Selfishness, Exploitation, Marriage, Recovery, Recreation,
Tact, Gentleness, Traveling, Taking Advantage of Others, Healing, too much Rest,
Overindulgence, Activities that require Diplomacy or Sensitivity.

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17. Anuradha Nakshatra

Anuradha Nakshatra Characteristics

Like the lotus flower, you have the ability to rise and shine through the muddy waters.
In any situation, you have the capability to remain pure and untainted.
You like to bring people together, motivate them and inspire them to work towards a
common goal.
Once you have decided to pursue something, you have it in you to even make your
enemies work with you to help you.
You never stop learning. It is always part of you.
At least once in life, you would have tried your hand at creating music, either for your own
pleasure or for others.
You excel at communication and you can easily get rid of conflict through proper
You have a deep need for freedom. When it is curbed it is not easy for you to function.
You love occult sciences like numerology, astrology, Ayurveda etc.

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