Surveying MCQs

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1. The survey in which earth’s curvature is considered is known as

a) plane surveying
b) trigonometric surveying
c) topographic surveying
d) geodetic surveying
2. In the quadrantal bearing system, a whole circle bearing of 293° 30′ can be expressed as
a) W23°30’N
b) N66°30’W
c) S113°30’N
d) N23°30’W
3. Theodolite is an instrument used for
a) tightening the capstan-headed nuts of level tube
b) measurement of horizontal angles only
c) measurement of vertical angles only
d) measurement of both horizontal and vertical angles
4. The process of turning the telescope about the vertical axis in horizontal plane is known as
a) transiting
b) reversing
c) plunging
d) swinging
5. Size of a theodolite is specified by
a) the length of telescope
b) the diameter of vertical circle
c) the diameter of lower plate
d) the diameter of upper plate
6. Which of the following is not the function of levelling head ?
a) to support the main part of the instrument
b) to attach the theodolite to the tripod
c) to provide a means for leveling the theodolite
d) none of the above
7. A telescope is said to be inverted if its
a) vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is down
b) vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is up
c) vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is down
d) vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is up
8. The adjustment of horizontal cross hair is required particularly when the instrument is
used for
a) leveling
b) prolonging a straight line
c) measurement of horizontal angles
d) all of the above
9. Contour interval is
a) inversely proportional to the scale of the map
b) directly proportional to the flatness of ground
c) larger for accurate works
d) larger if the time available is more
10. The type of surveying which requires least office work is
a) tacheomefry
b) trigonometrical levelling
c) plane table surveying
d) theodolite surveying
11. Intersection method of detailed plotting is most suitable for
a) forests
b) urban areas
c) hilly areas
d) plains
12. Detailed plotting is generally done by
a) radiation
b) traversing
c) resection
d) all of the above
13. The size of a plane table is
a) 750 mm x 900 mm
b) 600 mm x 750 mm
c) 450 mm x 600 mm
d) 300 mm x 450 mm
14. The instrument used for accurate centering in plane table survey is
a) spirit level
b) alidade
c) plumbing fork
d) trough compass
15. Which of the following methods of plane table surveying is used to locate the position of an
inaccessible point?
a) radiation
b) intersection
c) traversing
d) resection
16. Bowditch rule is applied to
a) an open traverse for graphical adjustment
b) a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error
c) determine the effect of local attraction
d) none of the above
17. If the reduced bearing of a line AB is N60°W and length is 100 m, then the latitude and
departure respectively of the line AB will be
a) +50 m, +86.6 m
b) +86.6 m, -50 m
c) +50m, -86.6 m
d) +70.7 m,-50 m
18. The angle between the prolongation of the preceding line and the forward line of a traverse
is called
a) deflection angle
b) included angle
c) direct angle
d) none of the above
19. Transit rule of adjusting the consecutive coordinates of a traverse is used where
a) linear and angular measurements of the traverse are of equal accuracy
b) angular measurements are more accurate than linear measurements
c) linear measurements are more accurate than angular measurements
d) all of the above
20. The number of horizontal cross wires in a stadia diaphragm is
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
21. If the intercept on a vertical staff is ob-served as 0.75 m from a tacheometer, the horizontal
distance between tacheometer and staff station is
a) 7.5 m
b) 25 m
c) 50
d) 75 m
22. For a tacheometer the additive and multi-plying constants are respectively
a) 0 and 100
b) 100 and 0
c) 0 and 0
d) 100 and 100
23. Overturning of vehicles on a curve can be avoided by using
a) compound curve
b) vertical curve
c) reverse curve
d) transition curve
24. Different grades are joined together by a
a) compound curve
b) transition curve
c) reverse curve
d) vertical curve
25. The constant vertical distance between two adjacent contours, is called
a) Horizontal interval
b) Horizontal equivalent
c) Vertical equivalent
d) Contour interval
26. The curve composed of two arcs of different radii having their centres on the opposite
side of the curve, is known
a) A simple curve
b) A compound curve
c) A reverse curve
d) A vertical curve
27. The bearings of the lines AB and BC are 146° 30' and 68° 30'. The included angle ABC is
a) 102°
b) 78°
c) 45°
d) None of these
28. Rankine's deflection angle in minutes is obtained by multiplying the length of the chord
a) Degree of the curve
b) Square of the degree of the curve
c) Inverse of the degree of the curve
d) None of these
29. If the whole circle bearing of a line is 270°, its reduced bearing is
a) N 90° W
b) S 90° W
c) W 90°
d) 90° W
30. The operation of revolving a plane table about its vertical axis so that all lines on the sheet
become parallel to corresponding lines on the ground, is known
a) Levelling
b) Centering
c) Orientation
d) Setting
31. If the length of a transition curve to be introduced between a straight and a circular curve
of radius 500 m is 90 m, the maximum deflection angle to locate its junction point, is
a) 1°43' 08"
b) 1°43' 18"
c) 1°43' 28"
d) 1°43' 38"
32. Setting out a curve by two theodolite method, involves
a) Linear measurements only
b) Angular measurements only
c) Both linear and angular measurements
d) None of these
33. The imaginary line passing through the intersection of cross hairs and the optical centre
of the objective, is known as
a) Line of sight
b) Line of collimation
c) Axis of the telescope
d) None of these
34. Closed contours, with higher value inwards, represent a
a) Depression
b) Hillock
c) Plain surface
d) None of the above
35. An imaginary line joining the points of equal elevation on the surface of the earth,
a) Contour surface
b) Contour gradient
c) Contour line
d) Level line
36. The station where observations are not made, but the angles at the station are used in
triangulation series, is known as
a) Satellite station
b) Subsidiary station
c) Pivot station
d) Main station
37. Triangulation surveys are carried out for locating
a) Control points for surveys of large areas
b) Control points for photogrammetric surveys
c) Engineering works, i.e. terminal points of long tunnels, bridge abutments, etc.
d) All the above
38. If whole circle bearing of a line is 120°, its reduced bearing is
a) S 20° E
b) S 60° E
c) N 120° E
d) N 60° E
39. If ‘I’ is the stadia distance, ‘f’ is the focal length and ‘d’ is the distance between the
objective and vertical axis of the techeometer, the multiplying constant, is
a) f/i
b) i/f
c) (f + d)
d) f/d
40. If Δ is the angle of deflection of a simple curve of radius R, the distance between the
mid-point of the curve and long chord, is
a) R (1 - sin Δ/2)
b) R (1 + sin Δ/2)
c) R (1 + cos Δ/2)
d) R (1 - cos Δ/2)
41. From the figure, the value of D can be given as_____________

a) D = (b tan α1) / (tan α1 – tan α2)

b) D = (b tan α2) / (tan α2 – tan α1)
c) D = (b tan α1) / (tan α2 – tan α1)
d) D = (b tan α2) / (tan α1 – tan α2)
42. Which of the following indicates the value of D, when base of object is accessible?
a) D = s / tan α
b) D = tan α / s
c) D = tan α / h
d) D = h / tan α
43. The laws of accidental errors follow which of the following principle?
a) Normal equation
b) Probability law
c) Laws of weight
d) Most probable value
44. Probability curve describes about_______________
a) Normal equation
b) Frequency of errors
c) Probability curve
d) Probability equation
45. In total station, data is stored in ___________
a) Pen drive
b) Data card
c) Micro processor
d) External hardware
46. Which of the following indicates the correct set of the combination of total station?
a) Theodolite, compass
b) Theodolite, EDM
c) Electronic theodolite, EDM
47. Which type of remote sensing uses its own source of electromagnetic energy?
a) Passive
b) Active
c) Satellite
d) Orbital
48. The correct sequence of transmission of electromagnetic waves in remote sensing
system can be given as ___________
a) Energy source, transmission of signal, propagation of signal
b) Transmission of signal, propagation of signal, energy source
c) Propagation of signal, transmission of signal, energy source
d) Energy source, propagation of energy, transmission of signal
49. Which among the following is the first Indian remote sensing satellite?
a) Quick Bird
c) IRS-1A
d) MOS
50. Among the following, which do not come under the components of GIS?
a) Hardware
b) Software
c) Compiler
d) Data

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