Main Project PDF
Main Project PDF
Main Project PDF
A Project Report
Submitted to the FACULTY of ENGINEERING of
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(16481A0281) (16481A0286)
This is to certify that the project report entitled “IOT BASED SMART WASTE
MANAGEMENT FOR SMART CITY” is a bonafide record of work carried out by Ms.
P. Akhila (16481A0281), Ms. P.Sri gayathri (16481A0286), Mr. S. Dileep(16481A0298),
Mr. Sk. jani (16481A02A6) under my guidance and supervision in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical And
Electronics Engineering of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada.
We are glad to express our deep sense of gratitude to Dr. J. Kiran, Assistant
Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering for his guidance and cooperation in
completing this project. Through this we want to convey our sincere thanks to him for
inspiring assistance during our project.
We express our heartful gratitude and deep indebtedness to our beloved Head of the
Department Dr. L. Ravi Srinivas, for his great help and encouragement in doing our project
We also express our gratitude to our principal Dr. P. Ravindra Babu, for his
encouragement and facilities provided during the course of project.
We express our heartfelt gratitude to our Faculty members and Lab Technicians
for providing a great support for us in completing our project.
We thank one and all who have rendered help to us directly or indirectly in the
completion of this work.
P. Akhila (16481A0281)
P. Sri Gayathri (16481A0286)
S. Dileep (16481A0298)
Sk. Jani (16481A02A6)
Page No.
List of Figures i
List of Tables ii
Abstract iii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1-3
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Need for improvement in waste management system 1
1.3 Project description 2
1.3.1 Existing System 2
1.3.2 Proposed system 2
1.4 Working of proposed system 3
Chapter 2: Block diagram and Circuit diagram 4-5
2.1 Block diagram 4
2.1.1 Description of Block diagram 4
2.2 Circuit diagram 5
Chapter 3: Arduino nano 6-14
3.1 Introduction to Arduino Nano 6
3.2 Technical specifications 8
3.3 Arduino nano pinouts 8
3.3.1 Pin description 9
3.4 Programming 12
3.5 Communication 13
3.6 Applications 14
Chapter 4: Node MCU(ESP8266) 15-18
4.1 Introduction 15
4.2 Features 16
4.3 Pin functions of ESP8266 17
4.4 Node MCU pinout for Arduino 18
4.5 Advantages 18
Chapter 5: Sensors 19-32
5.1 IR Sensor 19
5.1.1 Basic concept 19
5.1.2 Types of IR sensors 20
5.1.3 Principle of working 20
5.1.4 IR sensor circuit diagram 21
5.2 Rain sensor 22
5.2.1 Introduction 22
5.2.2 Rain sensor module 22
5.2.3 Pin configuration 23
5.2.4 Specifications 24
5.2.5 Applications 25
5.3 Ultra sonic sensor 25
5.3.1 Introduction 25
5.3.2 Detection principle 26
5.3.3 Working 26
5.3.4 Pin functions 28
5.3.5 Features 28
5.3.6 Applications 29
5.4 Inductive proximity sensor 29
5.4.1 Introduction 29
5.4.2 Description 30
5.4.3 Principle of operation 31
5.4.4 Features 32
Chapter 6: Other important components 33-38
6.1 DC gear motor 33
6.1.1 Gear motor performance curves 34
6.1.2 Basic principle of operation 34
6.2 Motor drive 35
6.2.1 Introduction 35
6.2.2 Types of DC motor drives 36
6.2.3 Braking of DC motor drives 36
6.2.4 Applications 37
6.3 Garbage container 37
6.4 PCB board 38
Chapter 7: Software section 39-42
7.1 Blynk app 39
7.1.1 Working 39
7.1.2 Features 40
7.2 Arduino IDE 41
Chapter 8: Advantages and Disadvantages 43
8.1 Advantages 43
8.2 Disadvantages 43
Chapter 9: Results and conclusion 44-46
9.1 Results 44
9.2 Applications 45
9.3 Conclusion 46
9.4 Future scope 46
Appendices 47-51
1. Code for Arduino 47
2. IoT code 49
References 51
The most important problem that is currently experienced by smart cities is waste
management. The factors which directly affect this problem are: an increase in urban areas
and rapid population growth. In this project, a system is introduced to manage waste in big
cities effectively without having to monitor the parts 24x7 manually.
Hence the problem of unorganized and non-systematic waste collection is solved by
designing an embedded IoT system which will monitor each dumpster individually for waste
deposited. Here an automated system is provided for segregating wet and dry waste. A
mechanical setup can be used for separating wet, dry and metallic waste into separating
containers. The presence of any waste can be detected using an IR sensor. For detecting wet
waste, a moisture sensor can be used and for detecting metallic waste, a metallic sensor is
used. In this process, if only IR is detected motor will rotate in the direction of the dry waste
container. If IR sensor and metallic sensor are detected, it will go to the metallic waste
container and if IR and moisture sensors are detected, it will rotate in the direction of wet
waste. All these containers are embedded with ultrasonic sensors so that, if the bin is half
full, a message will be sent to the corporation using IoT.
This makes it possible to measure the amount of waste in the containers is full then
an alert message will be sent to the corresponding personal using IoT.
Waste management is all the activities and actions required to manage waste from its
inception to its final disposal. This includes collection, transportation, treatment and disposal
of waste together with monitoring and regulation. Waste collection methods vary widely
among different countries and regions. Domestic waste collection services are often provided
by local government authorities.
Curbside collection is the most common method of disposal in most countries, in
which waste is collected at regular intervals by specialized trucks. Waste collected is then
transported to an appropriate disposal area.
Now a days, cities with developing economies experience exhausted waste collection
services, inadequately managed and uncontrolled dumpsites and the problems are worsening
[2]. Waste collection method in such countries is an on-going challenge and many struggle
due to weak institutions and rapid urbanization.
▪ By 2030, almost two-third of the world’s population will be living in cities. This fact
requires the development of sustainable solutions for urban life, managing waste is a
key issue for the health.
▪ Efficient and energy-saving waste management, reducing CO2, air pollution and
vehicle exhaust emissions--these are just a few examples for the demands of future
cities. In views of that, the efficient use and responsible handling of resources become
more important.
▪ Effectively managing waste is important in developed countries. Waste management
may swallow up to 50% of a city’s budget, but only serve a small part of the
▪ Sometimes, up to 60% of waste is not being collected, it is often simply burned by
the roadside. It can pollute drinking water; it can spread diseases to people living
▪ Even with great route optimization, the worker must still physically go to the dustbin
to check waste levels. Because of this, trucks often visit containers that do not need
emptying, which wastes both time and fuel.
▪ Waste management prevents harm to human health and the environment by reducing
the volume and hazardous character of residential and industrial waste.
▪ Improving proper waste management will reduce pollution, recycle useful materials
and create more green energy.
When the waste is dumped in a bin, as every object is detected by the IR sensor, the
waste (maybe of any type) will be detected by IR sensor. Then the inductive proximity sensor
will try to sense the metallic waste. If the metallic waste is detected, then the waste will be
dumped into the bin with metallic waste. If there is no metallic waste then, comes the rain
sensor and it tries to sense if there is any moisture content in the waste. If the rain sensor
detects any moisture content, then the information will be sent to Arduino. Then if both IR
sensor and rain sensor are detected, the waste will be dumped in the bin with wet waste. If
only IR sensor is detected, then the waste will be dumped into the bin with dry waste.
In this process of dumping the waste into three bins, if the waste in any of the bins
exceeded the indicated level which will be sensed by ultrasonic sensor, then an alert message
will be displayed on blynk app indicating ‘net is to be filling’ on mobile.
Then the corresponding corporation workers will try to collect the waste from the dumpsters.
This method is sophisticated one and if further modifications are done, it can be used very
well in day-to-day life.
sensor ARDUINO
The block diagram of Smart Waste management system is shown in fig 2.1. Here
Arduino Nano controls the whole process. All the sensors required to detect the waste i.e.
metallic sensor, IR sensor and rain sensor are connected to Arduino itself. Based on the
detection of the sensors, Arduino will send the information to DC motor to rotate in that
direction based on the delay angle and then the waste will be dumped into the resulting
The ESP8266 module connected to the Arduino will also be connected to the
ultrasonic sensor. The ultrasonic sensor will detect the distance from the top of the bin and if
the waste crosses the indicated level, a message will be displayed on blynk application on
mobile using IoT.
▪ We can see the analog pins that can be used as an analog to digital converter where
A4 and A5 pins can also be used for I2C communication. Similarly, there are 14
digital pins, out of which 6 pins are used for generating PWM.
Fig 3.2: Arduino Nano pinouts
5V: It is a regulated power supply voltage of the board that is used to power the controller
and other components placed on the board.
3.3V: This is a minimum voltage generated by the voltage regulator on the board.
GND: These are the ground pins on the board. There are multiple ground pins on the board
that can be interfaced accordingly when more than one ground pin is required.
Reset: Reset pin is added on the board that resets the board. It is very helpful when running
program goes too complex and hangs up the board. LOW value to the reset pin will reset the
Analog Pins: There are 8 analog pins on the board marked as A0 – A7. These pins are used
to measure the analog voltage ranging between 0 to 5V.
Rx, Tx: These pins are used for serial communication where Tx represents the transmission
of data while Rx represents the data receiver.
The Arduino Nano can be programmed with the Arduino software (download). Select
"Arduino Diecimila, Duemilanove, or Nano w/ ATmega168" or "Arduino Duemilanove or
Nano w/ ATmega328" from the Tools > Board menu (according to the microcontroller on
your board).
▪ The Nano device comes with an ability to set up a communication with other
controllers and computers. The serial communication is carried out by the digital pins
like pin 0 (Rx) and pin 1 (Tx) where Rx is used for receiving data and Tx is used for
the transmission of data. The serial monitor is added on the Arduino Software which
is used to transmit textual data to or from the board. FTDI drivers are also included
in the software which behave as a virtual com port to the software.
▪ The Tx and Rx pins come with an LED which blinks as the data is transmitted
between FTDI and USB connection to the computer.
▪ Arduino Software Serial Library is used for carrying out a serial communication
between the board and the computer.
▪ Apart from serial communication the Nano board also support I2C and SPI
communication. The Wire Library inside the Arduino Software is accessed to use the
I2C bus.
Arduino Nano is a very useful device that comes with a wide range of applications and
covers less space as compared to other Arduino board. Breadboard friendly nature makes it
stand out from other board. Following are the main applications of the board.
• Medical Instruments
• Industrial Automation
• Android Applications
• Embedded Systems
NodeMCU is an open source firmware for which open source prototyping board
designs are available. The name "NodeMCU" combines "node" and "MCU" (micro-
controller unit).[8]. The term "NodeMCU" strictly speaking refers to the firmware rather than
the associated development kits.
ESP8266EX offers a complete and self-contained WiFi networking solution; it can
be used to host the application or to offload WiFi networking functions from another
application processor. When ESP8266EX hosts the application, it boots up directly from an
external flash. In has integrated cache to improve the performance of the system in such
applications. Alternately, serving as a WiFi adapter, wireless internet access can be added to
any micro controllerbased design with simple connectivity (SPI/SDIO or I2C/UART
ESP8266EX is among the most integrated WiFi chip in the industry; it integrates the
antenna switches, RF balun, power amplifier, low noise receive amplifier, filters, power
management modules, it requires minimal external circuitry, and the entire solution,
including front-end module, is designed to occupy minimal PCB area. ESP8266EX also
integrates an enhanced version of Tensilica’s L106 Diamond series 32-bit processor, with
on-chip SRAM, besides the WiFi functionalities. ESP8266EX is often integrated with
external sensors and other application specific devices through its GPIOs; sample codes for
such applications are provided in the software development kit (SDK).
The ESP8285 is an ESP8266 with 1 MiB of built-in flash, allowing the building of
single-chip devices capable of connecting to Wi-Fi. The successor to these microcontroller
chips is the ESP32.
▪ Processor: L106 32-bit RISC microprocessor core based on the Tensilica Xtensa
Diamond Standard 106Micro running at 80 MHz
▪ Memory:
▪ External QSPI flash: up to 16 MiB is supported (512 KiB to 4 MiB typically included)
▪ IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi
▪ 16 GPIO pins
▪ I²C (software implementation)
▪ I²S interfaces with DMA (sharing pins with GPIO)
▪ UART on dedicated pins, plus a transmit-only UART can be enabled on GPIO2
▪ 10-bit ADC (successive approximation ADC)
▪ Low cost
▪ Integrated support for WIFI network
▪ Reduced size of the board
▪ Low energy consumption
An infrared (IR) sensor is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared
radiation in its surrounding environment. IR is invisible to the human eye, as its wavelength
is longer than that of visible light (though it is still on the same electromagnetic spectrum).
Anything that emits heat (everything that has a temperature above around five degrees
Kelvin) gives off infrared radiation.
The frequency range of infrared is higher than microwave and lesser than visible light.
An infrared sensor emits and/or detects infrared radiation to sense its surroundings. The
working of any Infrared sensor is governed by three laws: Planck’s Radiation law, Stephen
– Boltzmann law and Wien’s Displacement law.
A rain sensor or rain switch is a switching device activated by rainfall. There are two
main applications for rain sensors. The first is a water conservation device connected to an
automatic irrigation system that causes the system to shut down in the event of rainfall. The
second is a device used to protect the interior of an automobile from rain and to support the
automatic mode of windscreen wipers. An additional application in professional satellite
communications antennas is to trigger a rain blower on the aperture of the antenna feed, to
remove water droplets from the mylar cover that keeps pressurized and dry air inside the
The rain sensor module/board is shown below. Basically, this board includes nickel
coated lines and it works on the resistance principle. This sensor module permits to gauge
moisture through analog output pins & it gives a digital output while moisture threshold
This module is similar to the LM393 IC because it includes the electronic module as
well as a PCB. Here PCB is used to collect the raindrops. When the rain falls on the board,
then it creates a parallel resistance path to calculate through the operational amplifier.
This sensor is a resistive dipole and based on the moisture only it shows the resistance. For
example, it shows more resistance when it is dry and shows less resistance when it is wet.
Pin Description
Analog Output – Zero to five volts. The lower the voltage, the greater
the moisture
Clockwise is more sensitive. Counterclockwise is less sensitive.
The specifications of the rain sensor include the following.
▪ This sensor module uses good quality of double-sided material.
▪ Anti-conductivity & oxidation with long time use
▪ The area of this sensor includes 5cm x 4cm and can be built with a nickel plate on the
▪ The sensitivity can be adjusted by a potentiometer
▪ The required voltage is 5V
▪ The size of the small PCB is 3.2cm x 1.4cm
▪ For easy installation, it uses bolt holes
▪ It uses an LM393 comparator with wide voltage
▪ The output of the comparator is a clean waveform and driving capacity is above 15Ma
As the name indicates, ultrasonic / level sensors measure distance by using ultrasonic
waves. Ultrasonic transducers or ultrasonic sensors are a type of acoustic sensor divided into
three broad categories: transmitters, receivers and transceivers. Transmitters
convert electrical signals into ultrasound, receivers convert ultrasound into electrical signals,
and transceivers can both transmit and receive ultrasound.
An optical sensor has a transmitter and receiver, whereas an ultrasonic / level sensor
uses a single ultrasonic element for both emission and reception. In a reflective model
ultrasonic / level sensor, a single oscillator emits and receives ultrasonic waves alternately.
This enables miniaturization of the sensor head.
The ultrasonic sensor (or transducer) works on the same principles as a radar system.
An ultrasonic sensor can convert electrical energy into acoustic waves and vice versa. The
acoustic wave signal is an ultrasonic wave traveling at a frequency above 18kHz. The famous
HC SR04 ultrasonic sensor generates ultrasonic waves at 40kHz frequency.
Typically, a microcontroller is used for communication with an ultrasonic sensor. To
begin measuring the distance, the microcontroller sends a trigger signal to the ultrasonic
sensor. The duty cycle of this trigger signal is 10µS for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. When
triggered, the ultrasonic sensor generates eight acoustic (ultrasonic) wave bursts and initiates
a time counter. As soon as the reflected (echo) signal is received, the timer stops. The output
of the ultrasonic sensor is a high pulse with the same duration as the time difference between
transmitted ultrasonic bursts and the received echo signal.
Fig 5.9: Representation of trigger signal, reflected signal and output of echo pin.
The microcontroller interprets the time signal into distance using the following functions:
Echo Output
Input TTL lever signal and the range in proportion
Dimension 46x20.5x15 mm
Ultrasound can be used for measuring wind speed and direction (anemometer), tank or
channel fluid level, and speed through air or water. For measuring speed or direction, a device
uses multiple detectors and calculates the speed from the relative distances to particulates in
the air or water. To measure tank or channel liquid level, and also sea level (tide gauge), the
sensor measures the distance (ranging) to the surface of the fluid.
An inductive proximity sensor is a non-contact electronic proximity sensor. It is used
for positioning and detection of metal objects. The sensing range of an inductive switch is
dependent on the type of metal being detected. Ferrous metals, such as iron and steel, allow
for a longer sensing range, while nonferrous metals, such as aluminum and copper, may
reduce the sensing range by up to 60 percent.
Fig 5.11: Inductive proximity sensor
The sensor consists of an induction loop or detector coil. Most often this is physically
a number of turns of insulated magnet wire wound around a high magnetic permeability core,
such as a ferrite ceramic rod or coil form, and the winding may or may not have a feedback
tap some number of turns from one end of the total winding. It is connected to a capacitance
to form a tuned frequency oscillator tank circuit. In conjunction with a voltage or current gain
device like a transistor or operational amplifier, this forms a tuned frequency oscillator. When
power is applied, the resulting oscillation is a high frequency alternating electric current in
the coil that has a constantly changing magnetic field able to induces eddy currents in
proximal (target) conductors.
The closer the target is and the greater its conductivity (metals are good conductors,
for example), the greater the induced eddy currents are and the more effect their resulting
opposing magnetic fields have on the magnitude and frequency of the oscillation. Its
magnitude is reduced as the load is increased in a non-magnetic conductor like aluminum
because the induced field in the target opposes the source induction field, lowering net
inductive impedance and therefore simultaneously tuning the oscillation frequency higher.
But that magnitude is less affected if the target is a highly magnetically permeable material,
like iron, as that high permeability increases the coil inductance, lowering the frequency of
At the heart of an Inductive Proximity Sensor (“prox” “sensor” or “prox sensor” for
short) is an electronic oscillator consisting of an inductive coil made of numerous turns of
very fine copper wire, a capacitor for storing electrical charge, and an energy source to
provide electrical excitation. The size of the inductive coil and the capacitor are matched to
produce a self-sustaining sine wave oscillation at a fixed frequency. The coil and the
capacitor act like two electrical springs with a weight hung between them, constantly pushing
electrons back and forth between each other. Electrical energy is fed into the circuit to initiate
and sustain the oscillation. Without sustaining energy, the oscillation would collapse due to
the small power losses from the electrical resistance of the thin copper wire in the coil and
other parasitic losses.
The oscillation produces an electromagnetic field in front of the sensor, because the
coil is located right behind the “face” of the sensor. The technical name of the sensor face is
“active surface”.
When a piece of conductive metal enters the zone defined by the boundaries of the
electromagnetic field, some of the energy of oscillation is transferred into the metal of the
target. This transferred energy appears as tiny circulating electrical currents called eddy
currents. Therefore, inductive proxes are sometimes called eddy current sensors.
The flowing eddy currents encounter electrical resistance as they try to circulate. This creates
a small amount of power loss in the form of heat (just like a little electric heater).
The power loss is not entirely replaced by the sensor’s internal energy source, so the
amplitude (the level or intensity) of the sensor’s oscillation decreases. Eventually, the
oscillation diminishes to the point that another internal circuit called a Schmitt Trigger detects
that the level has fallen below a pre-determined threshold. This threshold is the level where
the presence of a metal target is confirmed. Upon detection of the target by the Schmitt
Trigger, the sensor’s output is switched on.
▪ Non-contact detection
▪ Usable in severe environment
▪ High precision
▪ Long life
▪ Only metal detection
▪ Short response time
▪ Short sensing range
A motors performance and gearbox performance are combined into one graph by
displaying three specific parameters. These three parameters are speed, torque and efficiency.
These performance curves are essential when selecting a gear motor for your application.
Fig 6.2: Performance curve
Speed/Revolutions (N) – (unit: rpm) indicated as a straight line that shows the relationship
between the gear motors torque and speed. This line will shift laterally depending on voltage
increase or decrease.
Current (I) – (unit: A) indicated by a straight line, from no load to full motor lock. This shows
the relationship between amperage and torque.
Torque (T) – (unit: gf-cm) this is the load borne by the motor shaft, represented on the X-
Efficiency (η) – (unit: %) is calculated by the input and output values, represented by the
dashed line. To maximize the gear motors potential, it should be used near its peak efficiency.
Output (P) – (unit: W) is the amount of mechanical energy the gear motor puts out.
Gear motors are primarily used to reduce speed in a series of gears, which in turn
creates more torque. This is accomplished by an integrated series of gears or a gearbox being
attached to the main motor rotor and shaft via a second reduction shaft. The second shaft is
then connected to the series of gears or gearbox to create what is known as a series of
reduction gears. The longer the train of reduction gears, the lower the output of the end, or
final, gear will be.
An excellent example of this principle would be an electric time clock (the type that
uses hour, minute, and second hands). The synchronous AC motor that is used to power the
time clock will usually spin the rotor at around 1,500 revolutions per minute. However, a
series of reduction gears are used to slow the movement of the hands on the clock.
For example, while the rotor spins at about 1,500 revolutions per minute, the
reduction gears allow the final secondhand gear to spin at only one revolution per minute.
This is what allows the secondhand to make one complete revolution per minute on the face
of the clock.
The DC motor drives are used mainly for good speed regulation, frequent starting,
braking and reversing. The DC motor drive is a type of amplifier or power modulator that
integrate between the controller and a DC motor. It takes the low current and then converts
it into a high current which is appropriate for the motor. The DC motor drive also provides
the high current torque, 400 % more than the rated continuous torque. The speed of a DC
motor drive is usually controlled by variable resistance method, which can be also used to
limit the starting current.
▪ Non-regenerative DC Drive: This drive rotates only in one direction and hence also
called single quadrant drive. The non-regenerative DC motor drive does not have any
inherent braking capability. The motor is terminated only by removing the supply.
Such type of drive is used in a placed where high friction load or strong natural brake
▪ Regenerative DC Drive: It is a four-quadrant drive, and it controls the speed,
direction and torque of a motor. Under the braking condition, this drive converts
mechanical energy and load into electrical energy which is returned to the power
The braking is the phenomenon of reducing the speed of the DC motor drive. In
braking, the DC motor drive works as a generator. It develops the negative sequence torque,
which opposes the motion of the drive. The braking of the DC motor drive is mainly classified
into three types. i.e., regenerative braking, dynamic braking and plugging.
The important applications of DC motor drives are rolling mills, paper mills, mine
winders, hoists, machine tools, traction, printing presses, textile mills, excavators and crane.
Printed circuit boards are used in all but the simplest electronic products. They are
also used in some electrical products, such as passive switch boxes.
Fig 6.4: PCB board
A basic PCB consists of a flat sheet of insulating material and a layer of copper foil,
laminated to the substrate. Chemical etching divides the copper into separate conducting lines
called tracks or circuit traces, pads for connections, vias to pass connections between layers
of copper, and features such as solid conductive areas for electromagnetic shielding or other
purposes. The tracks function as wires fixed in a place and are insulated from each other by
air and the board substrate material. The surface of a PCB may have a coating that protects
the copper from corrosion and reduces the chances of solder shorts between traces or
undesired electrical contact with stray bare wires. For its function in helping to prevent solder
shorts, the coating is called solder resist or solder mask.
Blynk was designed for the Internet of Things. It can control hardware
remotely, it can display sensor data, it can store data, vizualize it and do many other cool
There are three major components in the platform:
▪ Blynk App - allows to you create amazing interfaces for your projects using
various widgets we provide.
▪ Blynk Server - responsible for all the communications between the smartphone
and hardware. You can use our Blynk Cloud or run your private Blynk
server locally. It’s open source, could easily handle thousands of devices and
can even be launched on a Raspberry Pi.
▪ Blynk Libraries - for all the popular hardware platforms - enable
communication with the server and process all the incoming and outcoming
Now imagine: every time you press a Button in the Blynk app, the message travels
to space the Blynk Cloud, where it magically finds its way to your hardware. It works
the same in the opposite direction and everything happens in a blynk of an eye.
▪ Similar API & UI for all supported hardware & devices
▪ Connection to the cloud using:
• WiFi
• Bluetooth and BLE
• Ethernet
• USB (Serial)
▪ Set of easy-to-use Widgets
▪ Direct pin manipulation with no code writing
▪ Easy to integrate and add new functionality using virtual pins
▪ History data monitoring via SuperChart widget
▪ Device-to-Device communication using Bridge Widget
▪ Sending emails, tweets, push notifications, etc.
▪ A 24x7 monitoring system to monitor the dumpsters continuously.
▪ Recycling (if any) can be done easily.
▪ Segregation can be done easily.
▪ It can be used for controlling all mechanical setup based on current conditions.
▪ Sorting of waste at the primary stage will make the waste management more
effective and fruitful.
▪ Giving way to cleaner environment.
▪ Eco friendly
▪ Lower initial investments.
▪ When a large amount of waste is dumped, it is difficult to detect the wet and dry
wastes at a time.
▪ Continuous power supply is required.
▪ An additional equipment is needed to clear the moisture content on rain sensor.
IoT based Smart waste management system can help in separating the wastes easily
and dumpsters can be monitored continuously.
This system assures the separation of waste into wet, dry and metallic when dumped
in a dumpster and cleaning of trash bins, soon when the garbage level reaches its maximum,
a message is sent to the authority. This reduces the total number of trips of garbage collection
vehicle and hence reduces the overall expenditure associated with the garbage collection. It
ultimately helps to keep cleanliness in the society. Even recycling can be done easily.
int m1=10,m2=9,m3=11,m4=12,wet=8,ir=7,lmt=6,met=5;
int lf=1,x,y,z;
void setup()
void loop()
Serial.println("metal detected");
else if(digitalRead(wet)==0 && digitalRead(ir)==0)
Serial.println("wet detected");
else if(digitalRead(wet)==1 && digitalRead(ir)==0)
Serial.println("dry waste detected");
void ang(int a)
else if(a=='y')
//Serial.println("metal detected");
else if(a=='z')
void sett()
Serial.println("Initial Position");
void opn()
void loop()
Serial.println("child at door take alert");
Blynk.notify("NET IS TO BE FILLING...!");
long microsecondsToInches(long microseconds)
// According to Parallax's datasheet for the PING))), there are
// 73.746 microseconds per inch (i.e. sound travels at 1130 feet per
// second). This gives the distance travelled by the ping, outbound
// and return, so we divide by 2 to get the distance of the obstacle.
// See:
return microseconds / 74 / 2;
Project Outcomes
Outcome 1 Use new tools.
Outcome 2 Work as an individual and in a team
Outcome 3 Analyze critically.
Outcome 4 Identify and solve problems.
Mapping Table
Project Programme Outcomes (POs) PSOs
Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
Outcome 1
Outcome 2
Outcome 3
Outcome 4
Note: Map each project outcomes with POs and PSOs with either 1 or 2 or 3 based
on level of mapping as follows:
1-Slightly (Low) mapped 2-Moderately (Medium) mapped 3-Substantially (High) mapped
Programme Outcomes:
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals and an engineering specialization for the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
Modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
12. Life-long learning: Recognizes the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
1. Apply the knowledge of circuit design, analog & digital electronics to the field of
electrical and electronics systems
2. Analyse, design and develop control systems, industrial drives and power systems
using modern tools.
D.NO: 11/152-2
EMAIL: [email protected]
D.NO: 41/300-2A
EMAIL: [email protected]
D.NO: 9-78
EMAIL: [email protected]
D.NO: 14-154
EMAIL: [email protected]