Chandigarh - Licensing Rules

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No. CE/G1/2015/01 Dated: 23.01.2015

In exercise of the powers conferred by Regulation 29 of the “Measures Relating to Safety

and Electric Supply Regulations 2010” notified by Central Electricity Authority, the Administrator,
Chandigarh Administration is pleased to constitute a licensing board under delegation of power
by the Central Govt. issued vide Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. Of India, New Delhi notification
No.S.O.721(E) dated 22/06/2004 to the extent and subject to the conditions that the authority for
issuing Licence to the Electrical Contractors, and issuing or recognizing certificates of
competency, under Regulation 29, shall vest in the Licensing Board to be constituted as given
below and shall be exercised by the said Board in accordance with the procedure prescribed in
this notification.


I. Definitions

1. Definitions- In this notifications, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or


(i) “ Board” means the Licensing Board constituted under clause 2;

(ii) “Chairman” means the Chairman o f the Board;
(iii) “Government” means the Chandigarh Administration.
(iv) “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Board; and

II. Licensing Board

2. Constitution- The Licensing Board shall consist of the following:-

(i) Chief Engineer Electrical Inspectorate of Central Electricity Chairman Authority,

New Delhi
(ii) Head of Department of any Engineering Member
Institute in Electrical Discipline of Chandigarh.
(iii) Superintending Engineer (Electrical) Member
(iv) Electrical Inspector of U.T. Chandigarh Administration Member &
(v) Chairman, Electricity Committee, Municipal Corporation, Member

3. Quorum for the meetings of the Board - No meeting of the Board shall be held unless
three members are present. In the absence of the Chairman the members may elect any
one out of them to act as the Chairman of the meeting.

4. Functions - The functions of the Licensing Board shall be as under:-

(i) To grant License to the Electrical Contractors and certificate of competency to

the Electrical Supervisors and permits to the wireman.

(ii) To conduct examinations for granting Licence and permits mentioned in anti-
clause (i)

(iii) To deal with applications and testimonials found to be incorrect and to take such
action in each case as may be deemed fit to deal with all matters in connection

with the Electrical Contractors, Licence and Supervisors and Wiremen’s


(iv) To enquire into allegations of incompetence, negligence and breach of the

provisions of Regulation 29 of the Measures Relating to Safety and Electric
Supply Regulations 2010 notified by Central Electricity Authority and conditions
of the Licence, certificates and permits, as the case may or of malpractices on
the part of the wiring contractor and to take such action as might be deemed

(v) To do such other work as the Chandigarh Administration may from time to time,
direct in connection with the enforcement of the Indian Electricity Rules, now
repealed by Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply Regulations- 2010
notified by CEA.

(vi) To maintain a register/record of the Electrical Contractors, Electrical Supervisors

and Wiremen, holding License, Certificates and Permits respectively.

(vii) Generally to carry out the provisions of this notification.

5. Travelling Allowance to member of the Board:-

1) The official members shall draw Travelling Allowance according to the rules
applicable to them and from the source from which they draw their pay.

2) Non-official members shall draw T.A. at the following rates:-

i) First Class Railway fare.

ii) For T.A by road they shall be treated at par with the Ist Grade
Officers defined in the Travelling Allowance Rules as applicable in
Chandigarh Administration.

3) The non- official members nominated will draw T.A under the
rules made there as above.

The expenditure involved will be debit able to the head 0043- Other Taxes and
Duties Charges

Appeals:- Appeal against the orders of the Board shall lie to Secretary Engineering
provided these are filed within one month of the issuing of the order of the Board. II.
Certificates of Competency

7. Examination of Supervisors: Except as provided in the noted below: certificates

of competency will be granted to the candidates on passing an examination.

Notes (a) Exemption from Examination:- Every candidate who possesses 4 years
Degree course in Electrical Engineering of any University/College approved/recognized
by AICTE/3 years Diploma in Electrical Engineering of any State Board of Technical
Education/Electrical and Mechanical Engineering of Indian Army/Membership of
Institution of Engineers/Section A of Associate Membership Examination of Institute of
Engineers, will be exempted from appearing for the examination provided he has gone
through a further period of practical training in suitable electrical practice unless
exemption from such practical training (i) also earned under sub-para (b) below:-

(b) If a University, school or Institute, recognised in the Proceeding Sub-paragraph

grants the degree, diploma, after a full four years, course of training, of which at least

one is covered by suitable practical training in the trade of electrician in an Institution

other than the University, College, School, or Institution, Itself, then the persons
qualifying there from will be exempted from the practical training required under the
proceeding Subparagraph.

(c)(i) The practical training required under the condition must have been either for
oneyear to a installation work, viz wiring and rectifying common defects in electrical
light and power installations under a licensed electrical contractor or for one year under
a licence holding a licence granted under Part II of the Indian Electricity Act, 2003, or
for one year in the Electricity Branch of the P.W.D. or under the Punjab State Electricity
Board or Military Engineering Service or for one year as an instructor in (Electrical
Engineering subjects) in an institution whose diploma is recognised for exemptions
from appearing in the Supervisors Examination or as an electrician incharge for two
years in a factory having electric installation of aggregate capacity of not less than 50
K.W or for one year in the administrative of Electricity law in the Electrical Inspectorate
of any State or of Central Government.

C. ii) Every person holding an Electrical Supervisors competency Certificate granted by

any State of the Union of India on the basis of the examination held under the common
syllabus prescribed by The Central Electricity Board, shall be entitled to work as Electrical
Supervisor in Chandigarh on getting his certificate endorsed by the Secretary, Licensing
Board and the Electrical Inspector to Chandigarh Administration, on payment of a fee of
Rs.80/- for a period of one year, whereafter it should be annually renewable on payment
of the usual fee prescribed for the purpose.

iii) For the purpose of supervising work of the description given under Regulation 29 of
the Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply Regulations 2010 notified by Central
Electricity Authority, when executed by:-

i) Licencees holding Licences granted under the Electricity Act, 2003 or

ii) The Electrical/ Electricity wing of Buildings and Roads Branch of the Engineering
Department or.

iii) The Chandigarh Electricity Department, a certificate will be granted to such

officers, not below the rank of Junior Engineer, as the department of govt.
institutions or bodies mentioned above may name in this behalf.

Provided that such certificates when granted to employers of Licensee holding

Licence granted under the Electricity Act, 2003 shall be valid only for Supervising work required
for the purpose of supply of energy to the premises of such Licence and work, not including work
on internal wiring, on the consumer’s or prospective consumer’s premises up to the point of
commencement of supply :

provided further that such certificate who granted to the employees of the
departments of the Chandigarh Electricity Department** through their own agency.

8. Dates to be notified:- The Chairman will, in consultation with the member of the Board
appoint place at and the dates on which examination will be held. The appointed place
and date shall be notified in the Chandigarh Administration Gazette and advertised in two
successive issues of not less than three news-papers approved by the administration, in
this behalf. The notification and advertisements will also specify the date by which the
application for permission to appear in the examination must reach the Secretary.

9. Eligibility:- Examination shall be open to all citizens of India.


10. (i) Age limit:- The minimum age limit for appearing in the examination shall be 20 years
on the date of commencement of the examination. A candidate who has attained the age
of 19 years on the date of Commencement of the examination shall, however, be eligible
to take the examination but competency certificate will not be awarded until he has
attained the age of 20 years.

(ii) Educational qualification:- The minimum educational qualification for appearing in

the examination shall be Matric of the C.B.S.E or any other equivalent qualification of any other
Education Board.

11. Nature of test:- Every examination will be of such a nature as to test the practical
knowledge of the candidate and to ascertain his competency.

12. Place:- Every examination will be conducted at a site where the candidates knowledge
can be practically tested.

13. Forms of application:- Applications for permission to appear in the examination for a
certificate of competency shall be made in Form A, shall be accompanied by a treasury
receipt for the prescribed fee and shall be addressed to the Secretary to be received by
him by such dates as may be fixed in the notification. The applications shall be
accompanied by true copies of the applicants testimonials and the applicant shall produce
the original testimonials at the time of examination.

14. Examination fee not to be returned:- The fee paid by a candidate, whose application for
an examination has been accepted, will not be returned to him on any account:

Provided that in the event of candidates inability to attend the examination for a valid
reason it shall be within the competency of the Board to allow such candidate to appear at the
next examination without further payment.

15. Photograph:- Three copies of the passport size photographs duly attested by a
Magistrate, Gazetted officer or a Principal of a recognized Technical Institute in the
Chandigarh shall be supplied by the candidates alongwith their application forms.

16. Unsatisfactory testimonials:- No candidate shall be admitted to the examination whose

testimonials are, in the opinion of the Board, unsatisfactory.

17. Returns of testimonials:- The Original testimonial after being scrutinized will be returned
to the applicant.

18. Syllabus for electrical Supervisor’s Examination The-examination will consist of:-

(1) Paper(I) Compulsory:- Electrical Theory (Elementary knowledge)

(2) Paper(II) Optional:- Electricals utilization to be taken by the candidates desiring to

qualify domestic, Industrial and other installations.

(3) Paper(III) Optional:- Mines installations to be taken up by the candidates desiring

to qualify for electrical installations in mines; and

(b) An oral and practical test carrying 100 marks.

2) To pass the examination, a candidate must secure 20 marks in each written

paper, and 40 marks in the oral and practical test.

3) No certificate shall be issued unless a candidate passes in paper (I) and (II) or
papers (i) and (III) candidates who have passed in papers (I) and (II) and desire to qualify
for mines installations, shall be exempted from reappearing in paper (I).


Electricity Theory (Elementary knowledge)
Principles of Electricity:- Electric pressure, current and resistance, Ohm’s Law. Specific
resistance, Laws of resistance and their application for circulating voltage drop, series and
parallel circuits. Practical units or voltage, current resistance, power and energy Relation
between electrical power, Unit (K.w.) and mechanical, power unit (H.P.).

Electromagnetisum:- Production of E.M.F. and Flemings hand rule. Magnetic, chemical

and heating effects of electric current. Magnetic properties of material. Electromagnets and their

Material:- Conductors, non-conductors and insulators. Insulating materials and their

relative merits, Transformer oil. Effect of heat and moisture on insulation. Lubricants and their

Different types of wires, cables, switches, circuit breakers, cut outs, etc and their safe
current carrying capacity. Use of tables and data sheets generally given in electrical handbooks.

Generation of Electricity:- Natural sources of energy. Types of prime movers. Methods

of producing Electro Motive Force, alternating current and direct current.

A.C. Generators (Alternators). Essential components and constructional features.

Methods of voltage and frequency control. Conditions and methods for synchronising. Simple
associated switched board and its accessories.

Batteries:- Primary cells, Dry cells, Storage of secondary batteries or accumulators and
their installations. Lead acid cells. Nichel iron or alkaline cells. Initial and Subsequent charging of
batteries. Charging circuits and their calculations. Series and parallel circuits. Maintenance of
batteries. Use of hydrometers.

A.C. Motors:- Theory of Induction. (Squirrel cage and slip ring type), synchronous and
commutator motors. Their uses, installation, method of staring and speed control and reversal of

D.C. Motors:- Theory of series, shunt and compound wound type motors, their uses,
installation method of starting and speed control and reversal of directions.

A.C. Circuits:- Knowledge of vectors,. Phase and Phase difference, Resistance,

Inductance and Capacitance in an A.C. circuit, periodicity or frequency. Power and power factor.
Single phase and three phase systems, Star and delta connection, phase sequence.

Controlling and Regulating Gear:- Knowledge of various types of switches and circuit
breakers and cut-outs ‘starters, regulators, protective devices for both A.C. and D.C. Motors and
their wiring with the motors.

Transformation:- Knowledge of single phase and three phase transformer, their

construction, use and maintenance, Tappings. Temperature rise. Instrument transformer.

Conversion:- Principles of operation of motor generation sets, rotary, mercury and


Transmission and Distribution

Overhead lines:- Simple calculations and general principles of construction of low,

medium and high pressure lines : size of conductors, length of spans, sages, strength of poles,
spacing of conductor, cross arms, effects of temperature, wind pressure, ice and snow tension on
wire, Insulators, brackets, stays, struts, guard wires and other protective devices. Earthing,
Lightening arrestors and lightening conductors and their testing. Testing and fault location.

(a) Underground Cables:- Simple calculations and general principles of lying cables,
direct in ground, in throughs and pipes; handling bending, joining, plumbing, underground and
above found junction boxes. Distribution board and pillars. Joint be compound, melting of
compounds and filling boxes with compounds, Testing and fault location.

Illumination:- Metal filament lamps, Florescent lamp circuits. High voltage

Luminous tube- sign installations. Photometric units and simple measurements. General
requirements of efficient lightening and elementary calculations Street lightening switches.

Safety Rules:- Working knowledge of:-

i) The Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply Regulations 2010 notified by
Central Electricity Authority, ii) Wiring Rules. iii) Protection and
restoration of persons suffering from Electric shock.

Paper-II ELECTRICITY UTILISATION Domestic Installations

Wiring:- Wiring layouts of different types such as cleat, metal sheathed, wood casing and
capping, cap type sheathed, conduit and armoured cable for lighting and power installation in
residential premises together with necessary types of installations. Wiring of temporary
installations and portable appliances.

Circuit Diagrams:- Electrical connections of various circuits for

(i) House wiring including those for main and sub-distribution Boards switches and cut-
outs, etc, together with the load statement for each circuit, and, (ii) Lifts with their safety

Apparatus:- Installation and maintenance of heater, cooker refrigerators and other

domestic appliances, electric belts and indicators, small motors for pumps and electric lifts.
Energy measurement and charges:- Energy motors both D.C. and A.C. for house
service simple calculation relating to cost of energy. Elementary knowledge of methods of
charging for energy.
Testing and fault attendance:- Detection and location of faults in domestic appliances
and wiring installations and continuity test, Rectification of faults, Test for insulation resistance to
earth. Earth testing.
Protective devices:- Elementary knowledge of the use of fuses and cuts- outs. Earthing
of domestic appliance, motors etc. Use of lightening arrestors.


Wiring:- wiring layouts of different types such as cleat, wood casting and capping metal
sheathed, Cap type sheathed, conduit and armoured cable for lighting and power installations in
industrial premises together with the necessary switch gear. Estimates of materials and cost of
different types of installations. Wiring of temporary installations and portable appliances.

Circuit Diagram- Electrical Connection for:-

i) D/C and A.C generating, switch boards, transformer.

ii) Main and Sub-distributing boards with circuit breakers, switch fuse units, with load
statement for each circuit.
iii) D.C and A.C motors, their starters, regulators. iv) Battery charging equipments.

v) Converting machinery. vi) Lifts with their safety devices.


Pump Installations:- General principals and elementary calculations of head, power and
energy requirements.
Apparatus:- Installation and maintenance of generators, Electric meters, electric lifts,
electric furnace, electric welding machines, cooling and heating appliances.
Power and Energy measurement and charges:- Measurement of power, watt meters,
energy meters, both D.C and A.C., Power factor correction by capacitors, Simple
calculations relating to cost of power and energy, Elementary knowledge of methods of
charging for demand and energy.
Testing and Fault attendance:- Detection and location of faults, in D.C and A.C
generators, motors overhead distribution lines and underground cables, electric
instruments and apparatus and wiring installations, rectification of faults. Insulation and
continuity test. Tests for insulation resistance to earth. Earth testing.
Protective Devices: Elementary knowledge of earthing of generators, motors, machines
installation and appliances. Use of lighting arrestors, fuse including higher rupturing
capacity fuses, cut-outs circuits breakers. Overhead and no volt protection. Thermal trips
Field breaking switches and over speed protection.


Wiring:- Wiring layout of different types such as cleats lead covered, cap type sheathed
for lighting purpose and armoured cables for power installation different type of training
cables and their use.

Circuit diagrams:- Electrical connection for:-

(a) D.C and A.C generators, switch board, transformer, etc.

(b) Distribution boards with circuit breakers, switch fuse units and switches.

(c) D.C and A.C motors, their starters and regulators.

Apparatus:- (i) Installations and maintenance of:-

(a) Electrical Winders, haulages and pump units, their control gears and starters.
(b) Rectifiers, rotary-convertors and electric locomotives.
Portable and transportable machineries:- Coal cutting machines loaders, conveyers
gate-end switches, drill panel with drill units and their control systems.
(i) General principals and elementary calculations of load, power and energy consumption
in pumping, hauling and winding installations and other working face machineries.
Power and Energy measurement and charges:- Measurement of power, watt meters
both D.C and A.C power factor correction by capacitors. Simple calculations relating to
cost of power and energy. Elementary knowledge of methods of charging for demand and
Testing and fault attendance:- Detection of location of earth, other faults in electrical
apparatus and cables. Insulation and continuity test. Rectification of faults. Test of
insulation resistance to earth. Testing of leakage protective- device. Earth testing.
Protective Devices:- Elementary knowledge of metal frames of machineries. fuse fuses,
overload, no volt and earth leakage protection of circuit breakers.
Safety Rules:- Working knowledge of:
The Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply Regulations 2010 notified by
Central Electricity Authority.
Note:- Candidates desiring to qualify only for electrical installations in Mines need appear
for compulsory section under part-III. Part-I, is, however, compulsory for candidates also.

Oral and Practical Test:- An oral and practical test based on the syllabus for written
papers will be held.
19. Grant of Certificate of Competency to Supervisors:- A candidate who passes the
examination for supervisor or who is exempted from appearing for such examination will
be granted a certificate of competency in Form B or From C, as the case may be.

20. Grant of duplicate Certificate: A duplicate of any certificate granted under the provisions
of this notification or the notification hereby superseded will be issued on payment of a fee
Rs.50/- rupees and on production by the applicant of the latest copy of his photograph, subject to
the satisfaction of the Secretary as to identity of the applicant. 21. Renewal of Certificate of
Competency of Supervisor:- (1) Every supervisor’s competency certificate, whether granted
after passing the qualifying examination or through exemption from appearing for the
examination, shall be renewable annually or three year or five year.
Provided that no certificate may be renewed unless an application for the
purposes is received by the Secretary within fourteen days from the date of expiry of the
Provided further that after the expiry of this period the application for renewal shall
be entertained only with a late fee of ten rupees, if received within thirty days of the expiry of the
(2) A certificate for the renewal of which no application is received within the
above period shall be treated as cancelled and fee of Rs.80/- will be charged for the issue
of a new certificate.
(3) Every application for renewal shall be accompanied by the competency
certificate in respect of which the application is made and the receipted treasury Challan
showing the payment of the renewal fee and late fee, if any.

22. Suspension or withdrawal: The Board will be competent to order the suspension for
such period as it may think fit, or withdrawal of any certificate of competency issued to
any Supervisor, if in its opinion the Holder has not in the exercise of his duties,
reasonable observed the provisions of the Measures Relating to Safety and Electric
Supply Regulations 2010 notified by Central Electricity Authority, or has been guilty of
any other mal-practice.

23. There shall be two classes of Electrical Contractors known as ‘A’ Class Electrical
Contractors and ‘B’ Class Electrical Contractors.
i) Contractors holding “A‟ class licence shall be entitled to carry out all types of
Electrical installation work.

ii) Contractors holding “B‟ class licence shall be entitled to carry out Low tension
installation work and of a type which does not call for the providing of an earth
connection by the consumer for example the wiring work of building in wooden
casing C.T.S on wooden baton, or V.I.R on cleats.

24. Application for Electrical Contractor’s Licence- Application for “A” and “B” class
Electrical contractor Licence shall be made to the Secretary in Forms D & E

25. Grant of Electrical Contractors Licences:-

(a) An ‘A’ Class Contractors License for the territorial Jurisdiction of Chandigarh, will be
granted only to a company, firm or person who has in his possession testing instruments
to the satisfaction of the Board and either himself holds a certificate of competency and
personally executes or supervise all the works undertaken by him, has in his employee a
supervisor holding a certificate of competency under whose direct supervision all work
under taken him is carried out.

(b) The ‘B’ Class Electrical Contractors ‘Licence will be granted to a company, firm or a
person who has in his possession testing instruments to the satisfaction of the Board and
either himself holds a certificate of competency and personally executes of supervision all
the work undertaken by him or has in employ a supervisor holding a certificate of
competency under whose, direct supervision all work undertaken by him is carried out.

Provided that an Electrical Contractor’s Licence (A or B class) will not be granted to

any holder of a certificate of competency while he is in the employment of a firm of
Electrical contractors:

Provided further, that the electrical contractor’s licence issued to any holder of a
licence granted under section 14 or to a holder of sanction granted under the Indian
Electricity Act, 2003 for the supply of electrical energy shall not be operative in the
area, for which he holds a licence or sanction to supply electrical energy.
26. Forms of Contractor’s Licence: The ‘A’ and ‘B’ class Electrical
Contractor license will be in forms F and G respectively and will be subject to the conditions
printed thereon.

27. Renewal of Contractor’s Licence –

Every contractor’s Licence shall be renewed annually or for three years, provided that no
licence may be renewed unless an application for the purpose is received by the Secretary within
14 days from the date of expiry of the licence and thereafter, a prescribed late fee of Rs.60/- shall
be charged of a period of 16 days.
A licence which is not renewed shall be automatically cancelled and the full initial fee will
be charged for the issue of new licence.
Every application for renewal should be accompanied by the licence in respect of which
the application is made, and the treasury receipt for the renewal fee.

An electrical contractor shall present his testing instruments for inspection either within 30
days before the expiry of his licence or during the days of grace allowed under rules after
the expiry of the licence, or if a prescribed late fee for renewal of sixty rupees for the
licence is paid, within sixteen days of the expiry of the period of the grace.

28. Grant of Duplicate contractor’s Licence-

A duplicate copy of an Electrical contractor’s licence will be issued on payment of

prescribed fee of Eighty rupees and Forty rupees for “A” and “B” class respectively.

29. Suspension and cancellation-

(1) The Board may on the breach by the license of any of the conditions of his license
or for any other sufficient cause suspend or cancel any license.

(2) In the event of cancellation of licence granted to an electrical contractor for breach
of any of the conditions of his licence or any other reason, except licences which
stand automatically cancelled for want of renewal in time. An application for the
grant of fresh licence shall not be considered unless a period of one year
from the date of cancellation of previous licence has expired.

(3) If in the opinion of Electrical Inspector to Chandigarh Administration a prima facie

case of misconduct and /or gross violation of Indian Electricity Act, 2003 or the
rules made thereunder exists against a contractor, The Electrical Inspector may
suspend the licence of such a contractor for a period not exceeding three months
subject to obtaining formal orders of the board within one month from the date of
issue of the orders of suspension of each such licence.

30. Fees –

Fee on the scale prescribed below shall be charged for the issuing of certificates of
competency to supervisors and the license to electrical contractors:-

i) Supervisor’s Examination 160.00 ii) Issuing of Competency certificate on the

result 40.00
of the examination
iii) For re-checking of totals of marks in written papers 20.00 at the request of the
iv) Certificate to candidates who are exempted from 80.00
the Supervisors/ new certificates for cancelled licences
v) Duplicate copy of exemption certificate 50.00
vi) Annual renewal fee of Supervisor’s Competency
(a) Annual 40.00
(b) For Three Years 100.00
(c) For Five Years 150.00
(viii) Contractors Licence:-
1. ‘A’ Class
(a) Initial Fee 800.00
(b) Annual 200.00
(c) For Three Years 500.00

2. ‘B’ Class
(a) Initial Fee 200.00
(b) Annual 80.00
(c) For Three Years 200.00
Note:- (1) The fee shall be paid into a Govt. Treasury of Chandigarh Administration for credit
to the Head of account “0043-Taxes and Duties on Electricity-800 Other Receipts” The Treasury
receipt shall be forwarded to the Secretary, Licensing Board-Cum- Electrical Inspector to Chandigarh
Administration alongwith the applications.
(2) The renewal of Electrical Contractors Licence or Certificate of Competency or wiremen
Permit shall be made for the period opted by the Electrical Contractor or certificate holder or permit
as the case may be. The option exercised shall be final”.


31. A and B Class Wiremen:-

These permits are intended for wiremen (‘A’ and ‘B’ Class) who will be permitted to do the
actual wiring work for electrical contractors licensed under Regulation 29 of the Measures
Relating to Safety and Electric Supply Regulations 2010 notified by Central Electricity
Authority, in Chandigarh. There will be two categories of wiremen, viz, ‘A’ and ‘B’ Class
for which separate examination will be held.
32. Exemption from ‘A’ Wiremen’s Examination-

Candidates possessing any of the following qualification may be exempted from

appearing in the ‘A’ Class wiremen’s examination:-

(i) Those who have passed the supervisor’s competency Examination or are
exempted from appearing in the same or.

(ii) Those who have passed any examination of an Institute recognised by the Board
for this purpose.

Note:The deaf and dumb candidates shall be exempted from taking the oral examination
provided they posses four years experiences in electrical wiring and other installation
under “A” & “B” licensed electrical Contractor.
33. Exemption from ‘B’ Wireman’s Examination-

Candidates possessing any of the qualifying will be exempted from appearing in ‘B’ Class
Wiremen’s Examination:

(i) Those who have passed the supervisor’s competency Examination or are
exempted from appearing in the same or.

(ii) Those who have passed any examination of an Institute recognised by the Board
for this purpose.

Note:- The deaf and dumb candidates shall be exempted from taking the oral
examination provided they posses four years experiences in electrical wiring and other
installation under “A” & “B” licensed electrical Contractor.
34. Qualification for ‘A’ Class Wiremen’s Examination:-
Candidates for the examination for ‘A’ Class Wiremen shall be persons:-
(i) Who have worked on wiring and electrical installation work for at least 2 years
under ‘A’ Class licensed Electrical Contractors, or.

(ii) Who have other electrical training and practical experience which are regarded as
satisfactory by the licensing Board.

35. Qualifications for ‘B’ Class Wiremen’s Examination:

Candidate for the examination for ‘B’ Class Wiremen shall be persons:-

(ii) Who have worked on wiring and electrical installation work for at least one year
under ‘A’ and ‘B’ Class Electrical Contractors.

(iii) Who have other electrical training and practical experience which are regarded as
satisfactory for this purpose by the Board.

36. Dates to be notified-

The Chairman in consultation with the Secretary will fix the place , date and time on which
the examination will be held. The places and date so fixed will be advertised in two
successive issues of not less than three newspapers approved by the Board in this
behalf. The advertisement will also specify the dates by which the application to appear in
the examination must reach the Secretary.

37. Age Limit-

Candidate shall not be below 18 years on the date of the examination.

38. Form of application-

The application for permission to appear in the examination for ‘permits for wirmen shall
be made in Form H and shall be accompanied by a treasury receipt for the prescribed
fee, and shall be addressed to the Secretary to be received by him by such date, as may
be fixed in the advertisement. The applications shall be accompanied by true copies of

the applicants testimonials. He will produce the original testimonials at the time of

39. Examination fee not to be refunded-

The fees paid by candidate, whose application for the examination had been accepted will
not be refunded to him on any account.
Provided that in the event of his inability to attend the examination for a valid reason, it
shall be within the competency of the Secretary to allow him to appear in the next
examination without further payment.

40. Photographs:

Three copies of passport size photographs fully attested by a Magistrate, or a Gazetted

officer, or the Head of a recognised institution or an oath commissioner shall be furnished by the
candidates alongwith their applications.

41. Unsatisfactory testimonials-

No candidate will be admitted to any examination whose testimonials are in the opinion of
the Secretary unsatisfactory.

42. Return of testimonial:-

The original testimonial, after being scrutinized, will be returned to the applicant.

43. Grant of permits to A and B Class wiremen-

A candidate who passes the prescribed examination or is exempted from appearing in the
same will be granted permit in form ‘1’.

44. Grant of Duplicate permits-

A duplicate copy of any permit granted under these conditions will be issued on the
payment of a fee of twenty rupees, and on production by the applicant of the latest copy
of his duly attested photograph, subject to the satisfaction of the Secretary as to the
identity of the applicant.

45. Withdrawal or suspension of permit –

A permit granted under these rules may be withdrawn by the Electrical Inspector to
Chandigarh Administration if the holder thereof is found guilty of any malpractice or

46. Syllabus for ‘A’ Class wiremen’s Examination:-

Candidates for the examination for ‘A’ Class wiremen will be examined in practical and
oral test in accordance with following syllabus:i) Elementary knowledge of Electricity.

a) Volts
b) Amperes
c) Watts.
d) Ohm’s Law.
e) Difference between A.C and D.C
f) Conductors.

g) Insulators.

ii) Elementary knowledge of Indian Electricity Rules:-

a) Earthing
b) Clearance from buildings or above the ground of the conduction
of aerial lines.
c) Knowledge of resuscitation drills.
d) Knowledge of safety measures required for working on overhead lines,
and cable and uses of safety equipments of common use. iii)
a) Methods of carrying out wiring with bare conductors insulated lead covered
conductors, insulated conductors run in wooden casing or on cleats, or on
wooden batten and any institute, in both indoor and outdoor locations and for
permanent and temporary installations.
b) Wiring of all types of fittings and energy consuming- appliances meters etc.

iv) Measuring and testing:-

a) Methods of testing, polarity and phasing out circuits.

b) Measuring insulation and earth resistances.
c) Ascertaining the size of wires of solid and standard conductors. d)
V) Joints:-

a) Making straight and the joints in standard and solid

b) Making joints in bare copper serial lines and solid soldering
c) Soldering lugs on wires and cables.

vi) General:-
a) Use of bells and battery or other appliances for sorting out circuits.
b) Safety Aid Treatment.
c) Location of faults in all types of wiring.

47. Syllabus for ‘B’ Class Wiremen’s Examination:-

Candidates for ‘B’ Class wiremen will be examined in practical and oral tests in
accordance with the syllabus:-

i) Elementary knowledge of Electricity:-

a) Volts
b) Amperes.
c) Watts
d) Ohm’s Law
e) Difference between A.C and D.C
f) Conductors.
g) Insulators ii) Elementary knowledge of Indian Electricity Rules. a)


b) Knowledge of resuscitation drills.

c) Knowledge of safety measures required for working on insulated supply lines
and uses of safety equipments of common use.

iii) Wiring:-

a) Methods of carrying our wiring for low tension installations with lead
covered conductors insulated conductors run in wooden casing, or on
cleats, on wooden batten, and any other type of wiring specified by the
Indian Standards Institute in both indoor and outdoor locations and for
permanent and temporary installations.
b) Methods of testing polarity and phasing out circles.

iv) General:-

a) Use of bells and battery or other appliances

for sorting out circuits.
b) Safety Aid Treatment.
c) Location of common faults in wiring for low
Tension Installation. 48. Pass Marks:- The examination will consist of
practical test (3 hours) carrying 100 marks oral test of 50
marks. To pass the examination a candidate will have to secure at least
50 marks in practical, 20 marks in oral and 75 marks in aggregate.

49. Fees:- The scales of fees payable by the candidates for wiremen’sExamination and for
issuing of permits to those candidate; who are exempted from appearing in each
examination shall be as given below:-

a) Examination fee for ‘A’ Class : 100.00

b) Examination fee for ‘B’ Class wiremen : 100.00
c) For issue of permits to a candidate who

is exempted from ‘A’ or ‘B’ Class wiremen’s : 40.00

d) (i) Annual renewal fee for ‘A’ Class permits. : 20.00
(ii) For Three Years : 30.00
(iii) For Five Years : 70.00

Annual renewal fee for ‘B’ Class permits. : 12.00

ii) For Three years : 30.00 iii) For Five Years
: 50.00
e) Fee for the grant of ‘A’ & ‘B’ Class wiremen : 20.00
permits to successful candidates of A & B Class
wiremen Examination.

50. Reciprocal Arrangements:- Where reciprocal arrangements are made between the
Chandigarh Administration and any other state, the permit of Wireman granted by the other State
may be recognized for exemption and issue of permit of the appropriate class on payment of a
fee of twenty rupees.

51. Renewal of Wiremen’s permits:- (1) Every Wiremen permit whether granted
after passing the qualifying examination or through exemption from appearing for the
examination shall be renewable annually or for three years or five years.

Provided that no permit may be renewed unless an application for the purpose is received
by the Secretary within fourteen days late fee of Rs.4/- from the days of expiry of the permit.

(2) A permit for the renewal of which no application is received within the
above period shall be treated as cancelled and a fee of Rs.40/- shall be charged for the
issue of a new permit.

Provided further that on the expiry of this period, the application for renewal shall be
entertained only with a late fee of Rs.2/- if received within thirty days of the expiry of the permits.

(3) Every application for renewal shall be accompanied by the permit in

respect of which the application is made, the receipted treasury Challan
showing the payment of renewal fee and the late fee, if any.

Secretary Engineering
Chandigarh Administration
(Clause 12)
Regn. No………….. Roll No……….

(To be filled in English or Hindi)

1. Full Name of the
(to be written in Block letters)
2. Father’s
3. Permanent
4. Date of birth…………………………………………….and
(Authentic proof of the age to be supplied).
5. Details of educational qualification…………………………………………………..………….
6. Details of technical
7. Details of pass and present service experience……………………………………………
(Details of commencement and termination of each appointment to be given).

8. If placed in compartment, state, subject or compartment, dates of previous examination

and corresponding examination.
9. Fees Rs. …………………….paid in the …………………….treasury, under “043-Taxes and
Duties “ vide challan No…………………………………….

(Attach the original treasury receipt with this admission form)

10. Personal Marks of identification (i)…………………… ……………
11. Three attested copies of photographs (passport size) showing name & address of
candidate on its reverse and duly attested by the Magistrate, Gazetted Officer or a
Principal of recognised institute in Chandigarh Administration to be attached with this
form. (Attested copies of testimonials to be submitted along with this application form) I
hereby declare that the particulars stated above are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Dated: Signature of Candidate

Signed in the presence of Present address

____________________ _____________

Dated Signature of Gazetted Officer (to be stated clearly in block letters)

with designation with address or a principal of a recognised
Institute with address.

Form ”B”
(Clause 19)




Sh.……………………………………………………………….son of

……………………………………………………… Resident of

………………………………………………………………………………… having satisfied the

Licensing Board by passing the prescribed examination for supervisors held

on…………………………………………………….is here by granted this certificate of competency

which is valid upto ……………………………….


Secretary Licensing Board and

Electrical Inspector to the
Chandigarh Administration.

Date of renewal Date of expiry Initials of Secretary

Licensing Board Chandigarh


(Clause 19)



Sh.…………………………………………………………… son of

……………………………………………… having satisfied the Licensing Board that his

qualifications entitled him to exemption from taking the prescribed examination for Supervisors, is

hereby granted this certificate of competency which is valid upto ……………………………….

Secretary Licensing Board
Place: Chandigarh and Electrical Inspector
to the Chandigarh Administration.

Date of renewal Date of expiry Initials of Secretary

Licensing Board Chandigarh

(Clause 23)



(to be filled in Capital Letters in English)

Full name and address of the

Name of Partners, if
any……………………………………………………………………………………………. if a
contractor’s license has been previously granted details to be given ………………… Details of
certificate held by the applicant and /or partners……………………………………...
Name and certificate No. of holder of a certificate of competency on the strength of which the
Contractor’s license is sought…………………………………….
Fees Rs.…………………….paid in the …………………….treasury, under “043-Taxes and Duties
“ vide challan No……………………………………. Dated………………………….
(Attach the original treasury receipt with this admission
form)I/We……………………………………hereby declared that the particulars stated above are
correct to the best of my/our knowledge and that I/we fully understand the terms and conditions
under which a Contractor’s license is granted that a breach of them will render the license liable
to suspension or cancellation.

Dated……………………….. Signature
Signature of Partners.
(if applicable)

Form “E”
(Clause 23)


(to be filled in Capital Letters in English)

Full Name and address of applicant

……………………………………………………………………………. if a contractor’s license has
been previously granted details to be given ……………………………………..
Name and certificate No. of holder of a certificate of Competency on the strength of which the
contractor’s license is sought………………………………………………..
Fees Rs. ……………………. paid in the …………………….treasury, under “043-Taxes and
Duties “ vide challan No……………………………………. Dated………………………….
(Attach the original treasury receipt with this admission form)
I/We…………………………………. hereby declare that the particulars stated above are correct to
the best of my knowledge and I/We fully understand the terms and conditions under which a “B”
class contractor license is granted and that a breach of them will render the license liable to
suspension or cancellation.

Dated………………………. Signature.

Form “G‟

[clause 25]


Authorised to work
Upto _________ Volts



Mr/Mrs/Ms……………………………………………………………….………………….………… is/

are hereby licensed to carryout H.V/EHV electrical installation work in the U.T. Chandigarh

Subject to the condition mentioned overleaf.


Secretary Licensing Board and

Electrical Inspector to the
Chandigarh Administration.


Date of renewal Date expiry Initials of Secretary Licensing

Board , Chandigarh Administration
1. This licence authorises, the electrical contractor to whom it is granted to carry out
electrical installation work in U.T. Chandigarh provided that where the electrical contractor
conducts his business from one or more, he/she may employ one or more electrical
supervisors and be in possession of one or more sets of instruments on the strength of
which the licence is granted to him/her.

2. The electrical contractor shall keep the instrument in good order.

3. The electrical contractor shall at all times , offer all reasonable facilities to the Chief
Electrical Inspector to the Chandigarh Administration, or his representative for examining
and testing any or all the instruments in his possession.

4 The electrical contractor shall notify to the Secretary Licensing Board and Electrical Inspector to
the Chandigarh Administration for the purpose of Regulation 29 of the measures relating
to safety and electric supply regulations 2010 notified by central electricity authority, the
names and certificate No./Nos. of the supervisor or supervisors employed by him. The
contractor shall also inform the Secretary when a supervisor in his service leave his

5. Test report- After the completion of an electrical installations work to which Regulation 29
of the measures relating to safety and electric supply regulations 2010 notified by central
electricity authority applies a test report shall be submitted by the licensed electrical
contractor to the electric supply undertaking concerned. The test report shall be signed by
the supervisor under whose supervision the work has been carried out and countersigned
by the licensed electrical contractor.

6. If the electrical contractor is adjudged by the licensing board to be guilty of misconduct,

carelessness or any malpractice the board may suspend or cancel his license.

7. The licensing Board may, if the contractor commits a breach of any of the term of
condition of his licence or for any other sufficient cause suspend or cancel his licence.

8. The Chandigarh Administration may if the contractor commits a breach of any of the
terms and conditions of his licence or for any other sufficient cause suspend or cancel his
licence either on its motion or on the recommendation of licensing board.

9. If in the opinion of the Electrical Inspector to Chandigarh Administration Prima facie in

case of misconduct or gross violation of Indian Electricity Act or Regulation 29 of the
measures relating to safety and electric supply regulations 2010 notified by central
electricity authority, exists against a contractor, the Electrical Inspector to Chandigarh
Administration may suspend the licence of such a contractor, for a period not exceeding
three months subject to obtaining formal order of the licensing board within one month
from the date of issue of orders of suspension of each such licence.

10. The licence shall be renewable annually and if it is no renewed on due date it shall be
automatically cancelled and a full initial fee will be chargeable for issue of a new licence.

11. If the holder or all the holders of a certificate of competency on the strength of whose
certificate or certificate this licence has been granted leave the service of the contractor,

his licence shall be deemed to have been suspended and will remain suspended until
such time as the contactor employs a person holding a certificate of competency.

12. If this licence has been granted to the contractor from the strength of a certificate of
competency held by him in his own name, the licence shall stand automatically cancelled
in the event of the contractor accepting employment under any other electrical contractor.

13. Supervisors shall not be employed in a part time capacity nor shall they be in the
employment of more than one contractor at the same time.

14. Notice of commencement of work- Notice of electrical installation work including

additions, alteration, repairs and adjustments to the existing installations except such
replacement of lamps, fans, fuses, and switches and other components of the
installations as in no way alter its capacity or character, shall be given in writing by a
licensed electrical contractor to the Electrical Inspector or his assistant with the 45 hours
of the commencement of work and simultaneously the suppliers local office informed of it.

15. Staff of Contractors-(a) All the wiremen of electrical contractor shall consist of bonafide
and whole time wireman holding “A” class permit, granted by the licensing board
provided that a contractor may appoint

apprentices for training purposes, in which case the total number of apprentices
employed by any contactor at any time shall not exceed 100% of his total wiring staff,
inclusive of apprentices.

Provided further that the contractor shall not permit such apprentice, to carry out any
electrical installation work including additions, alterations, repairs, and adjustment to
existing installations covered by Regulation 29 of the measures relating to safety and
electric supply regulations 2010 notified by central electricity authority except under the
direct supervision of a person holding a certificate of competency and under the guidance
of at least one certified wireman on the premises.

(b) Every contractor shall maintain two registers as prescribed by the Electrical Inspector
form time to time, the first being the register of supervisors, wireman and apprentices
employed by him and other being the daily attendance register of all supervisors, wireman
and apprentices employed by him. The register of the first kind shall be obtained from the
Chief Electrical Inspector on payment and shall be open to inspector at any time by that
officer or his representative.

(c) No person whose name is not entered in such register shall be considered to be a
bonafide employee on the contractors wiring staff.

16. Installation work to comply with code of practice- The electrical installation work and fitting in
building shall comply with “ the code of practice for electrical work and fitting in buildings
as per relevant Indian Standards Specifications or any other regulation/code in force.

*** -------------***


[Clause 25]


Authorised to work
Upto _________ Volts





Mr/Mrs./Ms.………………………………………………………is/are hereby licensed to carry out

only low and medium voltage electrical installation work in the U.T. Chandigarh subject to the

conditions mentioned overleaf.


Secretary Licensing Board and

Electrical Inspector to the
Chandigarh Administration.


Date of renewal Date of expiry Initial of the Secretary Licensing Board



1. This license authorizes the electrical contractor to whom it is granted, to carry out medium
and low voltage electrical installation work in U.T. Chandigarh provided that where the
electrical contractor conducts his business from one or more sites , he/she may employ
one or more electrical supervisors and be in possession of one or more sets of
instruments on the strength of which the licence is granted to him/her.

2. The Electrical contractor shall notify to the Secretary of the Licensing Board the name and
certificate of supervisor employed by him. The contractor shall also inform the Secretary
when a supervisor in his service leaves his service.

2. Test report- After the completion of any electrical installation work under regulation
29 of the measures relating to safety and electric supply regulations 2010 notified
by central electricity authority, a test report shall be submitted by the licensed
contractor to the electric supply concern duly signed by him, if he himself holds a
supervisors certificate or competency, otherwise the test report shall be signed by
the wireman
3. under whose supervision the work has been carried out and will be countersigned
by the licensed electrical contractor.

4. If the electrical contractor is adjudged by the licensing board to be guilty of

misconduct, carelessness of any malpractice the board may suspend or cancel his
5. Licensing Board may, if the contractor commits a breach of any of terms and
conditions of his licence or for any sufficient cause, suspend or cancel his licence.

6. The Chandigarh Administration may if a contractor commits breach of any of their

terms and conditions or for any other sufficient cause suspend or cancel his
licence either on its motion or on the recommendation of the Licensing Board.

7. If in the opinion of Electrical Inspector to Chandigarh Administration a Prima facie

case of misconduct or gross violation of Indian Electricity Act or regulations 2010
notified by central electricity authority ( measures relating to safety and
electric supply,) exists against a contractors the Electrical Inspector may suspend
licence of such a contractor for a period not exceeding three months subject to
obtaining formal order of the Licensing Board within one month from the date of
issue of the orders of each such licence.

8. The licence shall be renewable annually and if it is not renewed on due date it
shall be automatically cancelled and the full initial fee will be chargeable for issue
of a new licence.

9. If the holder of a certificate of competency on the strength of whose certificate this

licence has been granted leaves the services of the contractor the contractor’s
licence shall be deemed to have been suspended and it shall remain suspended
unless the contractor again employees a person holding a certificate of

10. If this licence has been granted to the contractor on the strength of certificate of
competency held by him in his own name the licence shall stand automatically
cancelled in the event of the contractor accepting employment under any other
electrical contactor.

11. Supervisors shall not be employed in a part time capacity nor shall they be in the
employee of more than one contactor at one and the same time.

12. Notice of commencement of work- Notice of the electrical installation work

including additions, alterations repairs and adjustments to existing installation
except such replacement of lamps, fans, fuses, switches and other components of
the installation as in no way alters its capacity or character, shall be given in
writing by the contractor to the chief electrical inspector or his assistant within 48
hours commencement of such work and simultaneously supplier’s local office
informed of it.

13. Instruments to be kept in good order- The electrical contractor shall keep the
instrument in good order.

14. Facilities for examining and testing to be provided. The electrical contractor shall
at all times offer all reasonable facilities to the Chief Electrical Inspector to
Chandigarh Administration or his representative examining and testing any or all
the instruments in his possession.

15. Staff of Contractor: (a) All the wiremen of the electrical contractor shall consist of
bonafide and whole time wiremen holding “A‟ class, permits granted by the
licensing board.

Providing that contactor may , appoint apprentices for training purposes, in which case
the total number of apprentices employed by any contractor at any time shall not exceed
100% of his total wiring staff inclusive of apprentices.

Provided further that the contractor shall not permit such apprentices to carry out any
installation of electrical work including additions, alternations, repairs and adjustments to
existing installations covered by regulation 29 notified by central electricity authority
regulations 2010 of the measures relating to safety and electric supply, except under the
direct supervision of a person holding a certificate of competency and under the guidance
of at least one certified wireman in the premises.

(b) Every contractor shall maintain two registers as prescribed by the electrical inspector to
Chandigarh Administration from time to time, the first being the register of supervisors
wireman and apprentices employed by him and the other being the daily attendance
register of all supervisors, wiremen and apprentices employed by him. Register of the first
kind shall be obtained from the chief electrical Inspector to the Chandigarh Administration
on payment and shall be open to inspection at any time by that officer. Or by his

(c) No person, whose name is not entered in such register, shall be considered to be
bonafide employee on the contractor’s wiring staff.

16. Installation work to comply with code of practice- The electrical installation work and fitting in
building shall comply with the “code of practice of Electrical works and fitting in Buildings”
issued by the “ Indian Standards Specification, or any other regulation/code in force.

*** ___________________***

(See Clause 35)


1. Full Name of the applicant
2. Father’s Name
3. Permanent Address
4. Date of birth…………………………………………………and
(Authentic proof of age to be supplied)

5. Details of educational qualification

6. Details of past and present service/ experience licence No………………………….
…………. date of commencement and termination of each appointment be given.

7. Whether appeared in previous test, if so quote your Roll No. with year

8. Fee paid in
treasury vide challan No.……………………….… date …………….……..under the
following head of account “0043-Taxes and Duties on Electricity-Fees payable to the Chief
Electrical Inspector “attached original treasury challan with this from.
9. Personal Marks of identification:-
10. Three attested copies of photographs of pass port size showing name and parentage of
the candidate on the reverse and duly attested by a gazetted officer, along with attested
copies of testimonials to be submitted with this form.

11. I hereby declare that the particulars stated above are true and correct to the best of my

Dated……………... Signature of the candidate

Present Address:

Signed in the presence of

(to be stated clearly in block letters)
Dated signature of gazetted officer
with designation & address.

(See Clause 38)




Sh…………………………………………………………………..son of

Sh………………………………………………… Resident of

…………………………………………………………………………..having satisfied the Licensing

Board by passing the prescribed examination for wireman held

on………………………………………………………… and is here by granted this permit of


Which is valid upto………………………..

Secretary Licensing Board
Place: Chandigarh and Electrical Inspector
to the Chandigarh Administration.


Date OF renewal Date of expiry Initial of the Secretary Licensing Board



(See Clause 38)




Sh…………………………………………………………………..son of

Sh………………………………………………… Resident of

…………………………………………………………………………..having satisfied the Licensing

Board by passing the prescribed examination for wireman held

on………………………………………………………… and is here by granted this permit of


Which is valid upto………………………..

Secretary Licensing Board
Place: Chandigarh and Electrical Inspector
to the Chandigarh Administration.


Date OF renewal Date of expiry Initial of the Secretary Licensing Board


1. This permits authorizes the wireman to whom it is granted to carryout low voltage
electrical installations work in U.T. Chandigarh unless he is in the employment of “A”
Class and “B” Class wiring contractor.

2. Test report: - After the completion of electrical installation work as per provision of
measures relating to safety and electric supply regulations 2010 notified by central
electricity authority, a test report shall be submitted by a licenced contractor through
electrical supply undertaking concerned duly signed by him.

3. If the electrical Wireman is adjudged by the licensing board to be guilty of misconduct,

carelessness or any malpractice the board may cancel or suspend his permit.

4. The licensing board may if the wireman commits a breach of any of the terms and
conditions or for any sufficient cause, suspend or cancel his permit.

5. The Chandigarh Administration may, if the wireman commits a breach of any of the terms
and conditions of the permit or for any other sufficient cause suspend or cancel this
permit, either on its motion or on the recommendation of the licensing board.

6. If in the opinion of the Electrical Inspector, prima facie of misconduct or gross violation of
The Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 (now repealed by measures relating to safety and
electric supply regulations 2010 notified by central electricity authority),exists against a
wireman the Electrical Inspector may suspend the permit of such a wireman for a period
not exceeding three months subject to obtaining formal orders of the Licensing Board
within one month from the date of issue of the order of suspension of each permit.

7. Permit shall be renewable annually and if it is not renewed on the due date it shall
automatically be cancelled and the full initial fee will be charged for issue of new permit.

8. Notice of commencement of work- Notice of the electrical installation work including,

alteration, addition, repair and adjustments to existing installations except such
replacement of lamps, fans, fuses, switches and other component of the installation as in
no way alter its capacity shall be given in writing by the wireman to the Electrical
Inspector before the commencement of such work and simultaneously to the supplier’s
local office.

9. Instrument to be kept in good order- The electrical wireman shall keep the instrument in
good order.

10. Facilities for examining and testing to be provided- A wireman shall at all times offer all
reasonable facilities to Electrical Inspector or his representative examining and testing
any or all of the instruments in his possession.

11. Installation work to comply with code of practice- The electrical installation work and fitting
in buildings shall comply with the “code of practice of electrical work and fitting in
buildings” as per Indian Standards Specification or any other regulation/code in force.

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