UC-3500 Host Communication Specifications (Except North America)

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The document outlines specifications for host communication of a chemical analyzer. It describes data formats, serial communication protocols, and provides examples of communication. Revision histories and error codes with troubleshooting actions are also included.

Several tables and figures were removed or updated. Notes were added to fields. Specifications for new measurements and communication protocols were incorporated. Text expressions and notations were revised.

The serial communication connectors, I/O circuit, and transfer methods/parameters are specified under hardware.

UC-3500 Host Communication Specifications

(Except North America)

Version 0.0.5

Date of
No. Description/Time

0.0.1 2015/05/07 Initial Version

• The output specifications are changed for R%.

Table 6-7 Analysis result data
Table 6-8 Explanation of each item
Table 6-9 Example of analysis result data ([REFLEX PRINT]:[ON])
0.0.2 2015/09/11
Table 6-10 Example of analysis result data ([REFLEX PRINT]:[OFF])
Table 6-18 Analysis result data record (Analyzer→Host)
Table 6-19 List of analysis parameter values
• The specifications of reflectivity R%(1), R%(2) are added.
• Table 6-2 and Figure 6-1 are deleted.
• Notes on left-alignment, space padding, etc. are added to each field in Table 6-8.
• The specification of HANDSHAKE is added as CAUTION⑤3 in
0.0.3 2016/02/09 • The output specification of R%(2) is noted in Table 6-17.
• A space is clearly noted as “□” in 6.1.3 Examples of communication.
• is deleted since no order inquiry is made with RACK ID and Tube position in UC-
• The specifications are changed along with correspondence to Rack ID.
0.0.4 2016/11/17 The description on Rack barcode is deleted from Table 6-14 No.3.
The description in Table 6-17 No.3. is changed to Rack ID.
• [3+] is deleted in Table 6-17, No.133.
• A/C ratios [>=1+,>=80] and [>=1+,>=150] are added in Table 6-18.
• The notation of specific gravity [s.g] is changed to [S.G].
0.0.5 2017/04/14
• The notation of a space is changed from “□” to “⌴”.

• All text expressions are reviewed.

1. Scope ............................................................................................ 4
2. Overview ......................................................................................... 4
3. System configuration ................................................................................ 5
4. Terminology ....................................................................................... 6
5. Hardware specifications .............................................................................. 7
5.1. Serial communication ............................................................................ 7
5.1.1. Connectors ................................................................................. 7
5.1.2. I/O circuit .................................................................................. 8
6. Software specifications............................................................................... 9
6.1. Format ....................................................................................... 10
6.1.1. Serial communication specifications ............................................................ 10 Transfer methods and parameters ........................................................... 10 Codes used ............................................................................. 12 Text format ............................................................................ 12 Check character (BCC/SUM/SUM2/NONE) .................................................. 16 Communication protocol .................................................................. 17
6.1.2. Data format ................................................................................ 28 Overview .............................................................................. 28 Records for order request ................................................................. 28 Record for analysis result output ............................................................ 28 Order request data record (Analyzer→Host) ................................................... 29 Order data record (Host→Analyzer) ......................................................... 30 Order result data record (Analyzer→Host) .................................................... 31 Analysis result data record of one sample (Analyzer→Host) ...................................... 32
6.1.3. Examples of communication .................................................................. 40 Serial communication (HANDSHAKE) ...................................................... 40 Serial communication (TRANSPARENT 1) ................................................... 41 Serial communication (TRANSPARENT 2) ................................................... 42
7. Error codes ....................................................................................... 43
7.1. Contents of error codes .......................................................................... 43
8. Appendix ........................................................................................ 46
8.1. Analysis result output specifications ................................................................ 46
8.2. Flow chart .................................................................................... 47
1. Scope
This document is intended to apply to serial communication between the fully automated urine chemistry analyzer UC-
3500 and a host computer.

2. Overview
This document describes the specifications of communication between the fully automated urine chemistry analyzer UC-
3500 and a host computer. This document mainly describes the following items:
 System configuration
 Hardware specifications
 Software specifications
 Error codes
By communicating with the host computer, the fully automated urine chemistry analyzer UC-3500 can perform the
 Requesting qualitative analysis order and outputting analysis results
3. System configuration
The available system configuration is shown below.
RS-232C is used for communication between UC-3500 and the host computer.

Figure 3-1 Serial communication between UC-3500 and host

4. Terminology
The definition of terms used in this document is as follows:

Table 4-1 Definition of terms

Signifies single-byte characters from "0" (30h) to "9" (39h) in ISO/IEC 646 (ACSII) codes.
Double-byte characters are not counted as numerals.
Signifies characters from 00h to 7Fh (7 bit codes) in ISO/IEC 646 (ACSII) codes excluding
Single-byte character
control codes (00h to 1Fh) and DEL (7Fh).
Signifies double-byte characters such as hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Each double-byte
Double-byte character
character uses a space of two single-byte characters.
Inspection to check presence or absence of protein, sugar, and blood in urine by dipping test
Qualitative analysis
strips into urine.
UC-3500 Fully automated urine chemistry analyzer
5. Hardware specifications
UC-3500 supports serial communication.
This chapter describes the hardware specifications of the UC-3500.

5.1. Serial communication

5.1.1. Connectors
RS-232C cross cable
Analyzer-side connector 9-pin D-sub (male)
Cable-side connector 9-pin D-sub (female)

The signal lines and pin arrangement are as follows.

Table 5-1 Signal cable (RS-232C)

Pin No. Signal name direction
2 Received data (RxD) IN
3 Sent data (TxD) OUT
4 Data terminal ready (DTR) OUT
5 Signal ground (SG)
6 Data set ready (DSR) IN
7 Request to send (RTS) OUT
8 Clear to send (CTS) IN
RTS and DTR always transmit no signal, and DSR signal is ignored.
5.1.2. I/O circuit
There are two options for the I/O circuit as shown below.

Analyzer Host computer

DB-9 DB-9 DB-25

RxD 2 2 3 RxD

TxD 3 3 2 TxD

DTR 4 4 20 DTR

SG 5 5 7 SG

DSR 6 6 6 DSR

RTS 7 7 4 RTS

CTS 8 8 5 CTS

Figure 5-1 Connection method 1

Analyzer Host computer

DB-9 DB-9 DB-25

RxD 2 2 3 RxD

TxD 3 3 2 TxD

DTR 4 4 20 DTR

SG 5 5 7 SG

DSR 6 6 6 DSR

RTS 7 7 4 RTS

CTS 8 8 5 CTS

Figure 5-2 Connection method 2

6. Software specifications
The UC-3500 communicates analysis information with the host computer by using the format below.
• UC-3500 format

The features available in UC-3500 format are as follows:

Table 6-1 Features available in UC-3500 format
Requesting analysis
Format Connection Outputting sample results

UC-3500 format Serial See See

6.1. Format
The UC-3500 format supports serial communication.
The following sections describe the specifications of serial communication and detailed specifications of data format.

6.1.1. Serial communication specifications methods and parameters
The table below lists the supported transfer methods and parameters. Parameters can be set on the instrument. See
"Figure 6-1 RS-232C SETTING screen" for the setting screen of the instrument.
Table 6-2 Transfer methods and parameters
Description Supported object (Underline: Default)

Transfer method RS-232C

Synchronization method Start-stop synchronous communication

Communication method Half-duplex

Codes used ASCII


Baud rate 600, 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200

Data bit 7 bits, 8 bits

Stop bit 1 bit , 2 bit

Parity bit None, Even, Odd

Data check BCC, SUM, SUM2, NONE

No response timeout (Default: 5000 msec)
Timeout A (Enabled in HANDSHAKE) Duration between sending of
last data and new data reception
Receive timeout (Default: 5000 msec)
Timeout B Duration between receiving first byte and last byte
Number of times to retry sending data at communication
Retry error
(Default: 3 times)
Waiting time for sending of text (Default: 1000 msec)
(Enabled during memory data batch sending in
Timeout I
Duration from last sending of data
Order waiting time (Default: 10 sec)
Timeout O (Enabled when "Order" is set to "USE") Duration between
sending request data and receiving order data
Figure 6-1 RS-232C SETTING screen used
The table below lists the codes used.
Table 6-3 Codes used
Code Description
STX 02H Start of text (frame)
ETX 03H End of text (frame)
CSH Variable Checksum, High-order digit
CSL See "". Checksum, Low-order digit
CR 0DH Carriage return
LF 0AH Line feed
ACK 06H Acknowledgement
NAK 15H Negative Acknowledgement
EOT 04H End of Transmission format
Table 6-4 Text format (TRANSPARENT 1)
(transmission) data
(Up to 441 bytes)

Table 6-5 Text format (TRANSPARENT 2, HANDSHAKE)

STX (transmission) data
(Up to 441 bytes)
The text format depends on communication protocols. (For details on the communication protocols, see
Communication protocol.)
The maximum length of a frame is 445 bytes (including STX, ETX, and checksum).
The table below shows the analysis result data format:
For details, see "Table 6-17 Analysis result data record (Analyzer→Host)".

Table 6-6 Analysis result data

S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ,
X X X X , Y Y ,
O N N N N N N N N , E E E E , P P P P P P P P P P ,
D D D D D D D D D D , T T T T T T T T ,
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , URO(Urobilinogen)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , BID(Blood)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , BIL(Bilirubin)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , KET(Ketones)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , GLU(Glucose)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , PRO(Protein)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , pH
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , NIT(Nitrite)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , LEU(Leukocyte)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , S.G(Specific gravity)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , CRE(Creatinine)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C X X X X X Y Z Z Z Z Z , ALB(Albumin)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C , P/C(Protein/Creatinine ratio)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C , A/C(Albumin/Creatinine ratio)
R M F F F F F F C C C C C C , S.G(Specific gravity (refractometer))
R M U U U U F F F F F F F F F F F F C C Urine color(F)、Turbidity(C)

Table 6-7 Explanation of each item

Item (For details, see "Table 6-17 Analysis result data record
Barcode ID
Left-aligned and filled with spaces (20H)
Rack No.
Right-aligned and filled with zeros (30H)
YY Tube position
O Analysis series
NNNNNNNN Analysis number (sequential number)
EEEE Error codes
PPPPPPPPPP Test strip name
Date of analysis
DDDDDDDDDD The output format depends on the settings in [RS-232C PARAMETER]
– [DATE FORMAT] on the instrument.
TTTTTTTT Time of analysis
R Analysis state
M Comment mark
Qualitative value
Left-aligned and filled with spaces (20H)
Concentration value
CCCCCC Left-aligned and filled with spaces (20H)
* Space padding applies if the qualitative value is negative.
Reflectivity (R%(1))
Fixed to 5 digits, left-aligned and filled with spaces (20H)
Y Space (20H)
Reflectivity (R%(2))
ZZZZZ Fixed to 5 digits, left-aligned and filled with spaces (20H)
* R%(2) is set only when used for analysis.
UUUU Urine color rank code
CC Turbidity

The table below shows the example of analysis result data of one sample.

Table 6-8 Example of analysis result data ([REFLEX PRINT]:[ON])

Table 6-9 Example of analysis result data ([REFLEX PRINT]:[OFF]) character (BCC/SUM/SUM2/NONE)
The check character is calculated according to the "Check" setting as follows.
• In the case of BCC mode, the check character (1 byte) is calculated by XOR of all characters of analysis results and
• In the case of SUM mode, the check character (1 byte) is calculated by addition of all characters of analysis results
and ETX.
• In the case of SUM2 mode, the check character (2 bytes) is calculated by addition of all characters of analysis results
and ETX.

* Algorithm of SUM2
Initialized to zero by receiving STX, the check character (2 bytes) is first calculated by addition of characters from
the character next to STX to ETX.
The modulo 256 of the addition result is then converted to hexadecimal digits in ASCII code, and the high digit (CSH)
and the low digit (CSL) are output in this order.


Example) Calculation results 0010 0100 ⇒ |STX| Data |ETX|2|4|

2 4

Calculation results 1101 1111 ⇒ |STX| Data |ETX|D|F|

D F protocol

①TRANSPARENT 1 (delimiter ••• CR+LF)

① Order request data |CR|LF

② Order data |CR|LF

Analyzer ③ Order result data |CR|LF Host

④ Analysis result data of

one sample |CR|LF

In TRANSPARENT 1 mode, the following settings ("TIME OUT I" and "TIME OUT O") are available on the UC-
3500 setting screen.

Table 6-10 TRANSPARENT 1 settings

Setting name [TIME OUT I]
Explanation Duration from last sending of data
Setting screen [MENU] - [RS-232C SETTINGS]
Default setting 1000 [msec]
Setting range 0 to 9999

Setting name [TIME OUT O]
Explanation Duration between sending a request data and receiving an order data
Setting screen [MENU] - [RS-232C SETTINGS]
Default setting 10 [sec]
Setting range 0 to 99
②TRANSPARENT 2 (delimiter ••• STX+ETX)

① STX| Order request data |ETX

② STX| Order data |ETX

Analyzer Host

③ STX| Order result data |ETX

④ STX| Analysis result data of one sample


In TRANSPARENT 2 mode, the following settings ("TIME OUT I" and "TIME OUT O") are available on the UC-
3500 setting screen.

Table 6-11 TRANSPARENT 2 settings

Setting name [TIME OUT I]
Explanation Duration from last sending of data
Setting screen [MENU] - [RS-232C SETTINGS]
Default setting 1000 [msec]
Setting range 0 to 9999

Setting name [TIME OUT O]
Explanation Duration between sending a request data and receiving an order data
Setting screen [MENU] - [RS-232C SETTINGS]
Default setting 10 [sec]
Setting range 0 to 99

① STX| Order request data |ETX



④ STX| Order data |ETX



Analyzer Host
⑦ STX| Order result data |ETX



⑩ STX| Analysis result data of one sample




In HANDSHAKE 1 mode, the following settings ("TIME OUT A," "TIME OUT B," "RETRY," and "TIME OUT O")
are available on the UC-3500 setting screen.
Table 6-12 HANDSHAKE settings
Setting name [TIME OUT A]
Explanation Duration between sending of last data and new data reception
Setting screen [MENU] - [RS-232C SETTINGS]
Default setting 5000 [msec]
Setting range 0 to 9999

Setting name [TIME OUT B]
Explanation Duration between receiving first byte and last byte
Setting screen [MENU] - [RS-232C SETTINGS]
Default setting 5000 [msec]
Setting range 0 to 9999

Setting name [RETRY]
Explanation Number of times to retry sending data at communication error
Setting screen [MENU] - [RS-232C SETTINGS]
Default setting 3 [times]
Setting range 0 to 9

Setting name [TIME OUT O]
Explanation Duration between sending a request data and receiving an order data
Setting screen [MENU] - [RS-232C SETTINGS]
Default setting 10 [sec]
Setting range 0 to 99

Transfer phase (HANDSHAKE)

i) Sending frames (from analyzer to host)
< Start of frame to End of frame>
After sending all frames, the analyzer sends <EOT> to the host computer.

Analyzer Host

Start of frame (<STX>)

to End of frame (<ETX>)Send


<Reception of NAK>
• If the analyzer receives <NAK> after sending a frame, it resends the frame after timeout.
• If the analyzer does not receive <ACK> after sending the same frame for the number of retry times (see Table
6-2 Transfer methods and parameters), it generates an error after sending <EOT>.

Analyzer Host


Timeout •
• •
• •
• Frame



If <ACK> is not received after set

times of retry, a communication
error occurs.

* Note: This communication error occurs in order to avoid an endless software loop.
When a communication error occurs during sending of analysis order request, the analyzer follows the
settings in [ORDER ERROR] of [MEAS. SETTINGS].
• [SKIP]: No analysis is performed.
• [MEASURE]: Analysis is performed using the strip specified on the analyzer.

When a communication error occurs during outputting of analysis result data, the analyzer stops
outputting the data.
<No response>
• If the analyzer receives no response for the time set in [TIME OUT A] (see Table 6-2 Transfer methods and
parameters) after sending a frame, it generates an error after sending <EOT>. (*)

Analyzer Host



If no response continues, a
communication error occurs.

* Note: This error is issued to detect disconnection of lines (including the unplugging of cables).
When a communication error occurs during sending of analysis order request, the analyzer follows the settings in
• [SKIP]: No analysis is performed.
• [MEASURE]: Analysis is performed using the strip specified on the analyzer.
When a communication error occurs during outputting of analysis result data, the analyzer stops outputting the
ii) Reception of frames (from host to analyzer)
<Sending of ACK>
• When the analyzer receives a frame, it checks whether or not the frame is received properly. If the analyzer
judges that the reception is proper, the analyzer sends <ACK> to the host when the reception of the next frame is

Analyzer Host
The frame is received
correctly. <ACK>

<Sending of NAK>
• When the analyzer receives a frame, it checks whether or not the frame is received properly. If the analyzer judges
that the reception is abnormal, the analyzer sends <NAK> to the host when it is ready to receive the frame to be

Analyzer Host
The frame is received
abnormally. <NAK>

<No reception of EOT>

When the analyzer does not receive reception completion or <EOT> within [TIME OUT B] (see Table 6-2
Transfer methods and parameters) after sending a response to the host, the analyzer generates an error. (*)

Analyzer Host

<ACK> or <NAK>

If no response continues, a
communication error occurs.

* Note: This communication error occurs in order to avoid an endless software loop.
When a communication error occurs during sending of analysis order request, the analyzer follows the settings
• [SKIP]: No analysis is performed.
• [MEASURE]: Analysis is performed using the strip specified on the analyzer.
When a communication error occurs during outputting of analysis result data, the analyzer stops outputting the

<Reception of STX only>

When the analyzer does not receive <ETX> within [TIME OUT B] (see Table 6-2 Transfer methods and
parameters) after receiving <STX>, the analyzer generates an error.

Analyzer Host

Start of frame <STX>


If <ETX> is not received, an

error occurs.

* Note: This communication error occurs in order to avoid an endless software loop.
When a communication error occurs during sending of analysis order request, the analyzer follows
the settings in [ORDER ERROR] of [MEAS. SETTINGS].
• [SKIP]: No analysis is performed.
• [MEASURE]: Analysis is performed using the strip specified on the analyzer.

When a communication error occurs during outputting of analysis result data, the analyzer stops
outputting the data.

 The analyzer judges that the frame received is correct when the following conditions are satisfied:
 There is no error in characters (parity error, framing error, etc.)
 The checksum included in the frame and the one calculated match.

<Reception of EOT>
When the analyzer receives <EOT>, it judges that the reception of all frames is completed.

Analyzer Host



Reception completed

① Cautions for TRANSPARENT

The sent data is always assumed to be received properly by the host and will not be resent.

② Cautions for HANDSHAKE

1. If the analyzer receives EOT instead of ACK (or NAK), it aborts the current communication process.
2. If the analyzer receives an incorrect character other than ACK, NAK, and EOT, it sends EOT and aborts the
The host computer performs the same processes as those in items 1 and 2 above.

3. If the analyzer receives NAK or timeout of no response from the host computer, it resends the data as many
times as specified in [RETRY] (See Table 6-2 Transfer methods and parameters).
If the status still does not recover, the analyzer sends EOT and aborts the communication process for one
In the case of sending analysis result data, however, the analyzer retries sending the data until the power is
turned off.
This means that all analysis result data after that which is not received by the host will be sent to the host at
the point of error recovery, unless the instrument power is turned off.

As for order request data and order results, the analyzer stops sending the sample data when the
communication process is aborted.

③ Cautions for order request data (Analyzer→Host)

1. The analyzer sends order request data when the barcode on the sample tube is read properly.
2. The analyzer does not request the order when the barcode on the sample tube is not read properly, and
performs analysis by using the strip specified on the [BOTTLE EXCHANGE] screen.
3. The analyzer suspends the sending of analysis result data and order request data after sending order request
data until the following condition is met:

• Order data is received properly from the host and order result data is sent from the analyzer
• [TIME OUT O] is over.
* When the analyzer detects [TIMEOUT O], it assumes that no order data is returned from the host,
and proceeds to the next process (i.e. sending order request data or analysis result data).

4. If any abend occurs during sending of order request data in HANDSHAKE mode, the analyzer discards the
order request currently being sent.
In this case, it is not required that the host send order data to the analyzer, and neither does the analyzer send
order result data to the host.
④ Cautions for order data (Host→Analyzer)

1. The host computer sends order data to the analyzer within the designated [TIMEOUT O] when the host
receives order request data properly.
2. If any abend occurs during sending of order data in HANDSHAKE mode, the host computer discards the
order data without resending it.
In this case, it is not required that the host receive order result data.

⑤ Cautions for order result data (Analyzer→Host)

1. The analyzer sends order result data to the host when it receives order data properly.
2. The analyzer does not send order result data when it does not receive order data within [TIMEOUT O] after
sending order request data to the host.
In this case, the analyzer performs analysis according to [ORDER ERROR] of [MEAS. SETTINGS].
• [SKIP]: No analysis is performed.
• [MEASURE]: Analysis is performed using the strip specified on the analyzer.
3. If any abend occurs during sending of order result data in HANDSHAKE mode, the analyzer stops sending
the current order result data and discards the received order.
In this case, the analyzer performs analysis according to [ORDER ERROR] of [MEAS. SETTINGS].
• [SKIP]: No analysis is performed.
• [MEASURE]: Analysis is performed using the strip specified on the analyzer.

⑥ Cautions for analysis result data (Analyzer→Host)

1. The analyzer does not send analysis result data when [ORDER ERROR] is set to [SKIP], since no analysis
is performed when the order data is abnormal.
2. If any abend occurs during sending of analysis result data in HANDSHAKE mode, the analyzer discards the
data currently being sent.
The analyzer then proceeds to the next process if the error has occurred during real-time sending, or discards
the sending of all sample data specified after the error occurs and completes the process if the error has
occurred during batch sending.
⑦ State transition table

The host performs the process according to the following state transition table.

Table 6-13 State transition table

Analysis result data Order request data Order result data
Performs the process according to the
Performs data storage Sends order data and sets into wait order if the relevant order data is
[Wait state]
processing. state for order result. already received, and discards the
data if not.

Discards the process for the former

[Wait state for order Performs data storage Performs the process according to the
order and processes the current
result] processing. order and sets into wait state.
6.1.2. Data format
Data sent and received consist of records.
Each record consists of multiple fields. The content of each record is defined by record types.
The number of fields in a record is fixed for each record type.

This section describes:

• Configuration of records at the time of order request and analysis result output
• Detailed specification of each record Records for order request

When the analyzer requests analysis order to the host, it sends the record below.
Order request data record
* For details, see " Order request data record (Analyzer→Host)

When the host computer returns order data to the analyzer, it sends the record below.
Order data record
* For details, see " Order data record (Host→Analyzer)".

When the analyzer returns order result data to the host, it sends the record below.
Order result data record
* For details, see " Order result data record (Analyzer→Host)". Record for analysis result output

When the analyzer sends analysis result to the host, it sends the record below.
Analysis result data record of one sample
* For details, see “ Analysis result data record of one sample (Analyzer→Host)". Order request data record (Analyzer→Host)
Order request data record consists of 4 fields.

Table 6-14 Order request data record

No. Field Explanation/Example Notes
1 Request code Fixed character: "RQ02" 4 bytes
2 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Example: "12345678901234"

Sample barcode:
• When not using barcode, space (20H) padding of 14 bytes
3 Barcode ID 14 bytes
• In case of barcode error, "*" padding of 14 bytes

* Barcodes are also read and output for [C.] series (control
mode analysis).
Example: "01"
4 Tube position 2 bytes
• When using rack barcode, "01" to "10"
• When not using rack barcode, space padding (20H) Order data record (Host→Analyzer)
Order data record consists of 7 fields.

Table 6-15 Order data record

No. Field Explanation/Example Notes
1 Command number Fixed character: "CM00" 4 bytes
2 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
3 Order number Fixed character: "01" 2 bytes
4 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
5 Barcode ID See "Table 6-14 Order request data record".
6 Tube position See "Table 6-14 Order request data record". 2 bytes

Example: "⌴Strip⌴⌴9A"

7 Test strip name
⌴: Space (20H) bytes

Space (20H) is padded in case the order does not exist in the host. Order result data record (Analyzer→Host)
Order result data record consists of 3 fields.

Table 6-16 Order result data record (Analyzer→Host)

No. Field Explanation/Example Notes
"ER00": No error
"ER01": Data format error
"ER03": Mismatch between request ID and order ID (unmatched order)
1 Error codes 4 bytes
"ER04": Order test strip is not set on the bottle rack.
"ER05": Order test strip is not registered to the analyzer.
2 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
3 Data storage number Fixed character: "000000" 6 bytes

* Whether or not analysis is performed

When the analyzer fails to receive order data from the host although it recognizes the sample (tube) (i.e. the cases other
than ER00 error above and HANDSHAKE protocol error), the analyzer determines whether or not to perform analysis
according to the setting in [ORDER ERROR] of [MEAS. SETTINGS].
• [SKIP]: No analysis is performed.
• [MEASURE]: Analysis is performed using the strip specified on the analyzer.
In this case, "00CC" is output in the analysis result data record. result data record of one sample (Analyzer→Host)
Analysis result data record of one sample consists of 133 fields.
Table 6-17 Analysis result data record (Analyzer→Host)
No. Field Explanation/Example Notes
1 Barcode ID See "Table 6-14 Order request data record". 14 bytes
2 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Example: "Q123"
Rack ID
3 Rack No. 4 bytes
* "E***" for rack ID barcode errors
(*** is incremented for each rack No. barcode error.)
4 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
5 Tube position See "Table 6-14 Order request data record". 2 bytes
6 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
"N": No. series (Normal analysis)
7 Analysis series "#": # series (Emergent analysis) 1 byte
"C": C series (Control analysis)
Analysis number "00000000" to "99999999"
8 (sequential number) (Initial value: "00000001") 8 bytes

9 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte

"0000": No error
Other than "0000": Codes according to Error code list
10 Error codes * The system must be flexible to a change in error codes since 4 bytes
the codes may be added or changed without prior notice. For
error codes, see "Table 7-2 Error code list".
11 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
12 Test strip name See "Table 6-15 Order data record". 10 bytes
13 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
The output format depends on the settings in [RS-232C
PARAMETER] – [DATE FORMAT] on the instrument.
"YY/MM/DD" : "⌴⌴YY/MM/DD"
Date of analysis "MM/DD/YY" : "⌴⌴MM/DD/YY"
14 10 bytes
"DD/MM/YY" : "⌴⌴DD/MM/YY"
When U-WAM is connected, select"YYYY/MM/DD".
15 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Fixed to "HH:MM:SS" format
16 Time of analysis Example: 9:05:30AM 8 bytes
17 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Signifies whether or not to perform analysis.
"0": Analyzed
Analysis state "1": Not analyzed
18 of URO In the case of "1," the fields of "Comment Mark," "Qualitative 1 byte
value," "Concentration value," "Reflectivity(R%(1))" and
"Reflectivity(R%(2))" are filled with spaces (20H).
Assay flag
19 Comment mark 1 byte
Space(20H): No flag
"*": Positive
"?": Test strip shows abnormal coloration (Weak)
"!": Test strip shows abnormal coloration (Strong)
URO (Urobilinogen)
20 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
URO (Urobilinogen)
21 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spacess (20H)
URO (Urobilinogen)
22 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spacess (20H)
23 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
URO (Urobilinogen)
24 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spacess (20H)
25 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
26 See "No.18". 1 byte
of BLD (Occult blood)
27 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
BLD (Occult blood)
28 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
BLD (Occult blood)
29 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
BLD (Occult blood)
30 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
31 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
BLD (Occult blood)
Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place)
32 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)

33 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte

Analysis state
34 See "No.18". 1 byte
of BIL
35 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
BIL (Bilirubin)
36 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
BIL (Bilirubin)
37 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
BIL (Bilirubin)
38 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
39 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
BIL (Bilirubin)
40 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
41 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
42 See "No.18". 1 byte
of KET
43 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
KET (Ketone bodies)
44 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
KET (Ketone bodies)
45 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
KET (Ketone bodies)
46 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
47 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
KET (Ketone bodies)
48 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
49 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
50 See "No.18". 1 byte
of GLU
51 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
GLU (Glucose)
52 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
GLU (Glucose)
53 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
GLU (Glucose)
54 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
55 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
GLU (Glucose)
56 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
57 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
58 See "No.18". 1 byte
of PRO
59 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
PRO (Protein)
60 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
PRO (Protein)
61 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
PRO (Protein)
62 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
63 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
PRO (Protein)
64 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
65 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
66 See "No.18". 1 byte
of pH
67 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
68 Qualitative value 6 bytes
See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values".
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
69 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
70 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
71 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
72 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
73 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
74 See "No.18". 1 byte
of NIT
75 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
NIT (Nitrite)
76 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
NIT (Nitrite)
77 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
NIT (Nitrite)
78 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
79 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
NIT (Nitrite)
80 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
81 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
82 See "No.18". 1 byte
of LEU
83 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
LEU (Leukocyte)
84 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
LEU (Leukocyte)
85 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
LEU (Leukocyte)
86 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
87 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
LEU (Leukocyte)
88 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
89 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
90 See "No.18". 1 byte
of S.G (strip)
91 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
S.G (Specific Gravity)
92 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
S.G (Specific Gravity)
93 Concentration value 6 bytes
See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values".
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
S.G (Specific Gravity)
94 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
95 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
S.G (Specific Gravity)
96 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
97 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
98 See "No.18". 1 byte
of CRE
99 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
CRE (Creatinine)
100 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
CRE (Creatinine)
101 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
CRE (Creatinine)
102 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
103 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
CRE (Creatinine)
104 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
105 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
106 See "No.18". 1 byte
of ALB
107 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
ALB (Albumin)
108 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
ALB (Albumin)
109 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
ALB (Albumin)
110 Reflectivity(R%(1))*1 First reflectivity (R%(1) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
111 Space Fixed character: "⌴" *2 1 byte
ALB (Albumin)
112 Reflectivity(R%(2))*1 Second reflectivity (R%(2) to one decimal place) 5 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
113 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
114 See "No.18". 1 byte
of P/C
115 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
P/C (Protein/Creatinine ratio)
116 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
P/C (Protein/Creatinine ratio)
117 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
118 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
119 See "No.18". 1 byte
of A/C
120 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
A/C (Albumin/Creatinine ratio)
121 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
A/C (Albumin/Creatinine ratio)
122 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
123 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
124 Analysis state See "No.18". 1 byte
125 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
S.G (Specific Gravity refractometer)
126 Qualitative value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
S.G (Specific Gravity refractometer)
127 Concentration value See "Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values". 6 bytes
Left-aligned and padded with spaces (20H)
128 Delimiter Fixed character: "," 1 byte
Analysis state
129 See "No.18". 1 byte
of urine color
130 Comment mark See "No.19". 1 byte
"A": 0 to 4
Urine color "B": 0 to 4
131 rank code *1 "C": 0 to 4 4 bytes
"D": 0 to 2
* Codes are used for urine color evaluation
Light yellow: "L⌴YELLOW⌴⌴01"
Straw : "STRAW⌴⌴⌴⌴⌴02"
Yellow : "YELLOW⌴⌴⌴⌴03"
Amber : "AMBER⌴⌴⌴⌴⌴04"
132 Urine color 12 bytes
Red : "RED⌴⌴⌴⌴⌴⌴⌴05"
Dark brown: "DK⌴BROWN⌴⌴06"
Others : "OTHER⌴⌴⌴⌴⌴00"
133 Turbidity 2 bytes
*1: Only output when the service setting is as follows.
For the flow chart of reflectivity (R%(1) and R%(2)), see 8.2 Analysis result output flow.

*2: "⌴" signifies a space (20H).

Table 6-18 List of analysis parameter values
Concentration value Reflectivity (R%(1)) and
Item Qualitative value (F)
(C) (R%(2))
normal (20H)
1+ 2.0
URO 2+ 4.0 0.0 to 999.9
3+ 8.0
4+ 12.0
- (20H)
+- 0.03
BLD (Hemoglobin) 1+ 0.06 0.0 to 999.9
2+ 0.15
3+ 0.75
- (20H)
+- 10
BLD (RBC) 1+ 20 0.0 to 999.9
2+ 50
3+ 250
- (20H)
1+ 0.5
BIL 0.0 to 999.9
2+ 1.0
3+ 2.0
- (20H)
1+ 10
KET 0.0 to 999.9
2+ 30
3+ 80
- (20H)
+- 50
1+ 100
GLU 0.0 to 999.9
2+ 250
3+ 500
4+ 2000
- (20H)
+- 15
1+ 30
PRO 0.0 to 999.9
2+ 100
3+ 300
4+ 1000
pH to (20H) 0.0 to 999.9
NIT (20H) 0.0 to 999.9
- (20H)
1+ 25
LEU 0.0 to 999.9
2+ 75
3+ 500
1.000 to 1.030 (20H) (20H)
CRE (20H) 0.0 to 999.9
ALB 80 (20H) 0.0 to 999.9
dilute (20H)
normal (20H)
P/C 1+ 0.15
1+ 0.30
2+ >=0.50
dilute (20H)
normal (20H)
1+ 30
1+ 80
1+ 150
>=1+ >=80
>=1+ >=150
2+ >=300
1.000 to 1.050 (20H)

* Although BLD (Occult blood) is one item, the analyzer automatically determines whether the result is BLD
(Hemoglobin) or BLD (RBC). When storing the results after discernment on the system, assume that the result is BLD
(Hemoglobin) if the concentration value includes a decimal point, and assume BLD (RBC) if the value is an integer.
Note that the units are different between BLD (Hemoglobin) and BLD (RBC). Be careful when reporting values with
BLD (Hemoglobin): [mg/dL]
BLD (RBC) : [cells/uL]
* The result output follows the format registered in [TESTMODE]-[DECISION DATA].
* When R%(2) is used, reflectivity is set to each field of R%(1) and R%(2). Meanwhile, when R%(1) is employed, a
space (20H) is set to the R%(2) field.
6.1.3. Examples of communication Serial communication (HANDSHAKE)
Order request data record (Analyzer→Host)
Direction Communication example

Analyzer -> Host <STX>RQ02,20070222000101⌴⌴<ETX>

Host -> Analyzer <ACK>

Analyzer -> Host <EOT>

Order data record (Host→Analyzer)

Direction Communication example

Host -> Analyzer <STX>CM00,01,20070222000101⌴⌴⌴Strip⌴11A<ETX>

Analyzer -> Host <ACK>

Host -> Analyzer <EOT>

Order result data record (Analyzer→Host)

Direction Communication example

Analyzer -> Host <STX>ER00,000000<ETX>

Host -> Analyzer <ACK>

Analyzer -> Host <EOT>

Analysis result data record of one sample (Analyzer→Host)

Direction Communication example



Analyzer -> Host



Host -> Analyzer <ACK>

Analyzer -> Host <EOT> communication (TRANSPARENT 1)
Order request data record (Analyzer → Host)
Direction Communication example

Analyzer -> Host RQ02,20070222000101⌴⌴<ETX><CR><LF>

Order data record (Host→Analyzer)

Direction Communication example

Host -> Analyzer CM00,01,20070222000101⌴⌴⌴Strip⌴11A<CR><LF>

Order result data record (Analyzer→Host)

Direction Communication example

Analyzer -> Host ER00,000000<CR><LF>

Analysis result data record of one sample (Analyzer→Host)

Direction Communication example ([REFLEX PRINT]: [ON])



Analyzer -> Host


⌴,0⌴1.019⌴⌴⌴⌴⌴⌴⌴,0⌴2120YELLOW⌴⌴⌴⌴03⌴-<CR><LF> communication (TRANSPARENT 2)
Order request data record (Analyzer→Host)
Direction Communication example

Analyzer -> Host <STX>RQ02,20070222000101⌴⌴<ETX>

Order data record (Host→Analyzer)

Direction Communication example

Host -> Analyzer <STX>CM00,01,20070222000101⌴⌴⌴Strip⌴11A<ETX>

Order result data record (Analyzer→Host)

Direction Communication example

Analyzer -> Host <STX>ER00,000000<ETX>

Analysis result data record of one sample (Analyzer→Host)

Direction Communication example



Analyzer -> Host


7. Error codes
7.1. Contents of error codes
Table 7-1 Contents of error codes
Number of digits Error code Contents Analysis
The leftmost and 3rd digits are non-
zero. Error related to test strips No item is analyzed.
The 2nd and 4th digits are both 0.

The 1st (leftmost) and 2nd digits are

both alphanumeric characters. Error related to analysis No item is analyzed.
The 3rd and 4th digits are both 0.

If there is no error in test

The 1st (leftmost) and 3rd digits are
0X0X strip measurement, only the
both 0. Error related to light resource
*1 results of test strip
2nd and 4th digits are non-zero.
measurement are output.
Warning on expiration of test strips All items are analyzed.
The 1st (leftmost) and 2nd digits are
both 0. 00CC All items are analyzed.
All items can be analyzed.
The 3rd digit is non-zero. (*2) 00BB
Barcode read error *4

*1 "X" is a numeral other than 0. "Y" is an alpha-numeral.

*2 The error is output according to following priority when the leftmost and 3rd digits of error code are non-zero.
00DD > 00CC > 00BB

For example, when the "00DD" error and "00CC" error occur simultaneously, the error code "00DD" is output even
though the barcode ID is "**************".

*3 In case of a barcode read error, "00BB" is output without changing the error content even when the user manually
modified the barcode ID on the analyzer and performed batch sending (resending).
*4 In case of a "00CC" error, the user can select "Measure" or "Skip" in the [MEAS. SETTINGS] screen.
When "SKIP" is selected, the analysis result data will not be output.
Error code list
Table 7-2 Error code list
Error Actions
Error contents
• Remove racks from the sampler section and restart the instrument.
1100 Mechanical Trouble • Check if the reflection measurement section moves back and forth
during analysis.
• Check the amount of sample (1 to 10 mL).
• Remove excessive foam on the sample liquid surface.
• Check if the sample conductivity is sufficient.
2200 Bad Sampling • Check if the spotting nozzle touches the sample tubes during sample
• Check if the caps remain attached to the sample tubes.
• Check if the viscosity of the sample is too high.
AA00 Nozzle Clogging • Centrifuge the sample.
• Check if the number of test strip in the test strip receptacle does not
exceed 100.
BB00 Test Strip Edge Detection Error • Check if the desiccant is not inserted between test strips.
• Loosen the test strip to prevent it from popping up.
• Check if the test strip holder is dirty.
EE00 Sampling Request Not Received • Check the connection with the carrier system.
4020 Foreign Object on Internal Standards • Check if the test strip is on the test strip reaction line.
5010 Test Strip Position Inappropriate
5020 No Test Strip in Test Strip Holder • Check if the test strip holder is dirty.
5030 Insufficient Light Quantity (base is insufficient) • Check if the test strip is on the test strip reaction line.
5040 Cannot Find Test Strip Edge
6010 Too Narrow Pitch Between Pads • Check if test strip other than that specified is used.
6020 Too Wide Test Strip Edge Opening • Check if foreign objects are adhered to the test strip.
6030 Too Wide Pitch Between Pads • Check if the test strip holder is dirty.
6040 Reversed Test Strip • Check the orientation of the test strip in the test strip receptacle.
Test Strip Type Differs from Specified (dropping near
6050 the final pad)
• Check if the type is correct.
7010 Cannot Find Pad • Check if the LED on the reflective photometry unit is lit.
• Check if the registered test strip type and the test strip type in the test
7020 Test Strip Type Differs from Specified
strip receptacle match.
7030 Test Strip Set Backwards • Check the orientation of the test strip in the test strip receptacle.
7050 Cannot Find Line Mark • Check if the specified test strip is used.
8010 Dropping Failure (insufficient supply) • Check if there is any fluid leakage or crack in tubes.
Dropping Failure
8030 (uneven color development on pad)
• Check if there is any fluid leakage or crack in tubes
• Check if the sample has a high viscosity.
8040 Dragging viscous sample • Check if any test strip fibers are adhered between the pads of test
0301 Insufficient R Light

0302 Insufficient G Light

• Remove racks from the sampler section and restart the instrument.
0303 Insufficient B Light

0304 Insufficient IR Light

0305 Color Tone Calculation Error • Check if there is sufficient washing solution.
• Check the amount of sample (1 to 10 mL).
• Remove excessive foam on the sample liquid surface.
• Check if the sample conductivity is sufficient.
0401 Insufficient SG Light
• Check if the sample is a special one
(containing medicine or contrast media).
0402 Insufficient SG Liquid
0403 SG Calculation Error • Perform specific gravity calibration.
0501 Insufficient Blank Light
• Check if there is sufficient washing solution.
0502 Insufficient Blank Liquid
• Check the barcode label
00BB Barcode Read Error (orientation, type, digits, dirt, blood stained, blurred or insufficient label
• Check if data transmission from the host computer takes too long a
• Check if the communication cable is connected properly.
• Check if there is any abnormality in the host computer program.
• Check if the ID of which order is registered by the host computer and
00CC Order Error that of the barcode label match.
• Check if the test strip type (case, number of spaces) registered by the
host computer is correct.
• Check if the test strip type registered by the host computer and that of
the test strips used match.
• Check if there is any abnormality in the host computer program.
00DD Test Strip Expiration Error • Check if any expired test strip is used.
8. Appendix
8.1. Analysis result output specifications
8.2. Flow chart

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