Edid6509 Individual Work Report

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EDID6509 – Designing Learning and Performance Solution

University of the West Indies

Open Campus

Semester II 2018/2019

Assignment: Individual Work Project


Candice Brown (04008579)

Course Coordinator and Facilitator: Dr. Camile Dickson-Deane

Due Date: April 18, 2019


Section One: Brief Descriptions of Stints

Stint One – PBL

Description: This stint demonstrates a teaching strategy for elementary Social Studies

teachers practicing the Problem Based Learning method. Prototype features audio, visual and

tactile activities as scaffolding for teaching the stages of the water cycle.

Original thoughts: Using pictures, sounds and puzzles are effective tools which

require limited verbal communication. Group work among students who are speakers of the

English language should be encouraged. This strategy would enable all learners to participate

in the lesson activity.

Prototype One : https://idtlearning.weebly.com/problem-based-learning-


Justification: Donnelly (2005) affirmed that the use of technology in project based

learning is effective. In addition to practical real world activities, video and audio activities

help learners to develop a more meaningful understanding of content. Moreover Gonzalez

(2014) indicated that supporting English Language learners in the classroom requires

collaborative and visual learning activities.

Reflection: This prototype was my second attempt at the PBL stint. After

participating in a discussion with my group members, other participants of the course and the

facilitator I realised that the task was simply an accommodation to address a small problem in

an everyday classroom. Information garnered was shared via Whatsapp and Padlet.

Discussion: With further research my team and I discovered that the prototype must

demonstrate the systematic process of problem solving. (Donnelly 2005) My design was

focused on the challenge of teaching the English Language learner at the lowest level of

blooms taxonomy. (Cullinane 2009). The following changes are proposed for my prototype;

students would be required to apply the knowledge of the water cycle to solve the problem in

game based learning activity. Students would adopt an avatar and experience a simulation

where they must find solutions to water challenges.

Illustration link: https://idtlearning.weebly.com/problem-based-learning-


Stint Two – CSCW/L

Description: The TED-Ed CSCW/L prototype features a modification to the settings

page. Users who are creating courses can now choose the time restriction option on the

courses they create.

Original thoughts: TED- Ed is an likeable CSCL environment because the user

interface is relatively simple and the performance support services are helpful. The tool is not

as popular as Edmodo or Eliademy. A major difference between this environment and the

others is the courses creators can choose to have time driven or self-paced courses.

Link: https://idtlearning.weebly.com/computer-supported-collaborative-


Justification: The TED-Ed environment caters to the self-paced learner which

increasingly common among adult education, employers are supportive of this approach since

it encouragers workers to work and study at their leisure. (Inkson & Smith 2001). My

experiences in the secondary level indicates that academic institutions are time driven. Brandt

(2019) said that for schools to fully transition from time based to outcome based there will be

a need for reorganization of resources and educational philosophy, making these issues

adjustable. These resources include technology and CSCW/L which support learning.

Reflection: I found this prototype to be simpler than the previous stint. Timely

feedback from my peers enhanced my understanding of the CSCW/L and research conducted

while completing our Braindump. Again Padlet was used to share our information.

Discussion: Increasingly learners are expected to collaborate with peers to complete

tasks. In order to improve this this CSCL I would add a collaborative workspace similar to

that which is provided by Google Suite. This feature would allow students to work together to

complete assignments on the same platform where they are expected to submit their

assignment. This feature would be more appealing because it allows the user to save work

and facilitators can observe student progress.

Illustration link: https://idtlearning.weebly.com/computer-supported-collaborative-


Stint Three – PSS

Description: A how to video was created to provide teachers with instructions and

guidelines for posting assignments on Edmodo.

Original thoughts: Edmodo allows teachers to create a virtual classroom and post

assignments to students while advising the parents of this action at the same time. Edmodo is

a popular CSCL environment and school administrations are encouraging teachers to use this

tool, but too often teacher reject this online platform because using this CSCL can be

difficult. Improving the support services is one way to improve teacher competence and

willingness to use this tool.

Link: https://idtlearning.weebly.com/performance-support-services-prototypes.html\

Justification: How to videos are trending, learners are no longer willing to read

extensive how to guides but rather want on the demand support. The how to video features

pictures, and lists the steps to post an assignment on Edmodo in less than 2 minutes. Users

can pause and replay at any stage. According to Narum (2018) this method is very effective

for improving learner performance.

Reflection: Powtoon was used to complete this PSS. When we began our brain dump

for this activity I came across more information about Electronic performance Support

Systems (EPSS) than PSS, which was indicative to me that the PSS prototype must be

technology based and a how to video would be an ideal option for design.

Discussion: The PSS could have been improved by designing a PSS with at least five

tasks. According to Narum (2018) there are multiple technology based ways to create an

effective PSS tools. In order to improve the prototype I would create a mobile app which has

an infographic, help desk function and how to videos for users of Edmodo

Illustration link: https://idtlearning.weebly.com/performance-support-services-


Section II

Overall Reflection on the Entire Process

What did you learn about the process of design?

The design process involves making mistakes, and improving on these mistakes in

order to achieve a successful design. Making a mistake does not mean that you have failed

but rather that you have learnt and your design will simply require more effort. The most

significant lesson I learnt from the process of design aspect of this course is the importance

collaboration and effective communication with others. As expressed above collaboration

improved my understanding of some of the work tasks.

What did you learn about designing with a theory in mind?


Theories provide a guideline or structure for design. While preparing for each individual task

I was compelled to investigate theories related various concepts and practices. The most

difficult design during this course was stint one which involved problem solving solutions

and problem based learning theories. The lesson learnt here was that research and data

collection is an important part of design. Due to the fact that I was familiar with the theories

and concepts limited effort was made to apply the content to the prescribed problem. During

the design process an effort must be made to conduct research specific to the topic.

What would you do differently?

- Spend more time researching theories and concepts in order to improve work product

- Create multiple prototypes and have a focus group select the most relevant prototype

- Interact with peers outside of group for support

- Seek additional consultation with lecturer for all tasks

What did you like?

I enjoyed designing and creating the prototypes. I found that my skills in this regard have

improved and I am eager to do similar work for a wage. I also enjoyed working with my

teammates who were very supportive.



Brandt, R. (2019) An Overview of Outcome-Based Education. Retrieved from



Cullinane, A. (2009). Bloom’s Taxonomy and its Use in Classroom Assessment. 1. Retrieved




Donnelly, R. (2005) Using Technology to Support Project and Problem Based Learning.

Retrieved from https://arrow.dit.ie/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1011&context=ltcbk

Gonzalez, J. (2014) 12 Mainstream ways to Support English Learners in the Mainstream

classroom. Retrieved from https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/supporting-esl-students-


Inkson, D. & Smith, E. (2001). Self paced learning: A student perspective. The Australian

Educational Researcher. 28. 107-128. 10.1007/BF03219746. Retrieved from



Narum, C. (2018, April) 10 Types Of Performance Support Tools From Quick Reference

Guides To Mobile AppsRetrieved from https://elearningindustry.com/performance-


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