Kania 2000 Squirrel Trap

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Kania Trap Setting Instructions


I. Place the trap on the ground/ftoor and 2. Pick up the trap, and remove the side 3. Place bait or scent attractant behind
hold it down with one hand and un- panel/door: the mesh panel, or elsewhere inside the
hook the outer spring with other hand. trap body:
Outer spring is situated just above the
trap entrance:

4. Push strike bar/internal spring to the 5. With the sthke bar/internal spring 6. The trap is now primed but not finally
back of trap behind the "dog" which is arn1 held against the roof, lift the dog cocked/set.
a heavy wire that hangs down from trig- upwards, thus trapping the spring and fit
ger assembly: the end of the dog into the blind hole in 7. Re-fit the side panel/door and lock
the trigger suspension arm. The strike back into position:
bar/internal spring is now held against
the trap roof:

8. Place the trap back on the ground/ 9: The trap is now cocked/set: 10. If the trap is being set on a tree or
floor, as in instruction NO.1 and reset side of house/building, then use the trap
the outer spring arm into its hook/catch: hanging loops and hang it from two
nails/screws. Do not try to set/un-set the
trap while on tree or building - always
set/cock trap while on ground/floor:

Always correctly position and protect your spring traps from non-target species. Regularly check traps in
accordance with current legislation and risk-assess potential sites to avoid accidents.
The KANIA2000 is approved for use in the UK under the spring trap approval act.

All users must satisfy themselves they comply with the requirements of the act and traps must only be
set where they will not catch animals other than those they are being set for. ego woodpeckers. Traps
should only be set on land owned by the person setting them, or where they have permission from the
landowner to do so. Avoid setting them on or near public footpaths, public rights of way or areas of
common land.

The KANIA2000 is manufactured from galvanisedjplated materials and before use should be
thoroughly de-greased and preferably painted brown or green to make it less visually obtrusive, both
to the target and to casual passers-by etc. When mounted in a tree it will then look like a bird box to a
casual glance. Do not use household paint because it leaves a strong residual smell. Use a spray-can of
automotive touch-up. The propellant evaporates very quickly and does not leave a residual smell.

If you wish to test fire spring traps of any make do not use hard, rigid materials such as pieces of wood
etc as this can have a detrimental effect on trap components and welds etc. Always use a padded item,
piece of rubber or PVChose etc.

For the best results when trapping grey squirrels pre-bait for up to a week before actually setting the
trap. This gets all the local squirrels used to eating at the trap and they lose all fear of it, even if they
see another of their kind dead in it. To pre-bait simply mount the trap in its intended position, but un-
set, and place plenty of bait in and around it. The spring hanger is a good bait holder for this purpose.
Once the trap is an established feeding position set it !

A KANIA2000 is the perfect trap to use in loft spaces for grey squirrel, baited with peanuts, peanut
butter or whatever your favourite attractant happens to be. This trap is also highly successful for grey
squirrels when set in a tree or on the side of a building. When mounted over three metres from the
ground on the vertical trunk of a tree this trap becomes very target specific to grey squirrels. Drive two
nails in and suspend the trap by the hanging loops proviged. Ensure the trap is securely fixed and will
not wobble when entered. Stability is important and some trappers stabilise using bungees, large
washers fitting over the base lip secured by screws, cable ties, etc. Do not bend the nails over" or use
staples. Remember, the trap needs to be easily taken down to remove a catch and reset. Always
remove nails on completion. Under no circumstances should this trap be used in areas where there
are red squirrels. When tree mounted and woodpeckers are present use a secondary tunnel in front of
the trap entranceto discourage their access.

For mink, set the trap on ground near water and place a handful of sand or dirt on the floor of the trap
to act as a camouflage as well as providing a more attractive walking surface for the intended target.
Place bait from the trigger side so that it is in front of the screen and scatter some feathers, preferably
light coloured ones, around and in the trap to act as a sight attractant. The trap should then be covered
and the entrance protected using at hand materials such as brash, bracken, grass etc.

The above information is for guidance only. Always ensure traps are correctly used and
set in accordance with current legislation, properly protected and beyond the reach of
non-target species. Always check set traps at least once a day.

Always correctly position and protect your spring traps from non-target species. Regulariy check traps in
accordance with current legislation and risk-assess potential sites to avoid accidents.

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