Centre Journal: Prediction of AC Induced Voltage On De-Energized Transmission Lines

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Centre Journal

Volume 11 Issue 8 July 2001

Prediction of AC Induced Voltage on

Inside this issue: De-energized Transmission Lines
When a utility performs transmission line The line geometry is illustrated in Figure 1.
construction, maintenance or salvage, em- (Continued on page 3)
Prediction of AC Induced
Voltage on De-energized 1
ployee safety is an important concern.
Transmission Lines One of the questions that is consistently
asked is the effect of electromagnetic in-
duction from any nearby energized cir-
Out New Centre 1
cuits. PSCAD can be used to model and
predict the induced voltage on a line sec-
A Glimpse at
PSCAD Version 4
2 tion from nearby lines. Comparison of
PSCAD simulation results with field meas-
PSCAD Training 2 urements increases the confidence in the
prediction of potential safety hazards re-
Announcing PSCAD sulting from induced voltages.
Release 3.0.7
In the spring of 2000 an 18.6 km section
4 International HVDC of 230 kV transmission line was being re-
Transmission Operating 4 conductored by Manitoba Hydro to allow
Conference for increased power transfer. The line sec-
tion was in the same right of way as two Figure 1: System Configuration
IEEE Summer Power
Meeting, Vancouver
4 twin circuit 230 kV transmission lines that
would remain energized during the work.

Our New Centre

On April 17th we proudly moved in to our new Manitoba Dick Hunter, combined with the support and enthusiasm of
HVDC Research Centre. It is a beautiful modern facility all staff, made this a very successful move. We will be host-
complete with state-of-the-art labs, classroom facilities, ing PSCAD User training sessions in our new facility through-
and room to grow. A lot of hard work and planning by out the year and extend an open invitation to all our custom-
ers and partners to pay us a visit.
We are pleased to say that there are a number of exciting
research and product development projects moving forward
at the Centre. We have been collaborating with industry in
new development initiatives. A good example of this is our
PSCAD/Relay simulation program when combined with a
protection relay test set provides an accurate and straightfor-
ward test environment. Protection engineers and technolo-
gists will be able to test the complete operation of the protec-
tion system and eliminate nuisance trips and forced outages.
Our Centre has gained a reputation as a reliable and innova-
tive developer of power systems simulation technology. This
now results in emerging opportunities that will keep the Cen-
tre vibrant and growing. We thank you for your support and
hope to see you soon. x
Page 2 Centre Journal

A Glimpse at PSCAD Version 4

The development of Version 4 of

PSCAD is now well underway.
PSCAD/EMTDC V2 and V3 Users
will be able to run their existing mod-
els on the new Version 4 and benefit
from significant functional enhance-
ments. Recent developments in soft-
ware technology are bringing a new
look and feel to PSCAD. Some of the
enhancements to anticipate are the
support of single-line diagrams with Figure 1: Single-Line Diagram Representation
n-phase representation, a brand new
plotting facility, a new load flow sub-
system, and frequency analysis.
PSCAD will now support full single
line representations of systems, in-
cluding transmission lines. This
greatly simplifies the drawing re-
quirements of a system and allows
the user to represent a system in the
same way it is drawn on paper. In
addition, PSCAD will have advanced
charting libraries integrated directly
into the PSCAD runtime environ-
ment. This will provide users of
PSCAD with powerful new graphical
displays including X-Y and Digital
trace plots. Some of the unique ca-
pabilities of these plots include a
high speed rendering engine,
(Continued on page 4) Figure 2: Analogue and Digital trace plots

PSCAD Training
A great way to get familiar with were Hanmin Lee and Dr. Kwang-
the PSCAD Power System Hae Oh of the Korean Railroad Re-
simulation application is to take search Institute. The next PSCAD
a course. The Centre provides training course will run August 13-
training to both new and ad- 15th at the Centre. We will also host
vanced users of PSCAD. We an Advanced Users course this fall.
can also provide custom model
If you would prefer an onsite course
development services.
or seminar, please let us know. In
Our first PSCAD training course the past few months, we have con-
in our new classroom occurred ducted an advanced topics course in
PSCAD V3 Course at Enron Wind Energy, June 13-15. The team of John Finland (PSCAD Nordic Users
Tehachapi, California, April 2-4, 2001
Nordstom and Dr. Rohitha Group), as well as onsite courses at
Back row from left: Tom Wilkins and Mark West of Jayasinghe were the course Enron Wind (California), and Lake-
Enron, Front row: Paul Buchanan, HVDC Centre, Om instructors. The course atten- land Electric (Florida). x
Nayak, Nayak Corp.
dees from the furthest afield
Volume 11 Issue 8 Page 3

Glenn Paskaruk has

worked in the Service
The PT was mounted at Quality section of Mani-
The top of this pole and toba Hydro’s Distribu-
Protected with a fuse and Output from PT tion Planning & Design
Lightning arrester. Division for the past
three years. His re-
RPM Omega sponsibilities include
distribution system
power quality, harmonic
analysis and AC induc-
tion. Glenn has applied
the Manitoba HVDC Centre’s PSCAD software
120V supply to a number of power qualify application stud-
ies including livestock tingle voltage studies,
harmonic resonance, and transformer connec-
tion analysis.

Figure 2: Field Measurement Equipment

(Continued from page 1) Comparison of field and simulation Field

Table 1: PSCAD
Field measurements of the induced results confirmed the accuracy of the Tests Results
voltage were taken over a three simulation, demonstrating its useful- ment
week period at a location 5 km from ness in predicting the overall levels Open Circuit Voltage
one end of the line. This location was of induced voltage and current onto (both ends open) 1780 Vrms
chosen because a 12 kV distribution de-energized transmission lines. This
feed intersects the right of way at this project reinforces the importance of Open Circuit Voltage
(one end grounded 116 Vrms
location and would provide a 120 following existing safety procedures @ 10 ohms)
Vac source for powering the monitor- and work methods when stringing or
Circulating Current
ing equipment. The monitoring salvaging conductors near energized (both ends grounded
43 Vrms 67 Vrms
4.5 amps 6.1 amps
equipment included a 15 kVA, 12kV: circuits. x @ 10 ohms)
120 V distribution transformer, an
By Glenn Paskaruk, P.Eng.
Arteche 500VA, 14.4kV/120 V poten-
tial transformer, RPM Omega power
quality analyzer, lightning arrester
D5R D36R D13R D16R
and interface cabinet (see Figure 2).
The 15 conductor line sections were
modeled using the frequency de-
pendent phase model of PSCAD to
represent the induced voltage on the
line to be worked on (Figure 3). Line
loadings of 600 amps rms for the
four 230 kV energized circuits were
obtained from the Manitoba Hydro
Distribution SCADA database and
represented historical nominal 60 Hz
A series of simulation cases were
performed, including induced open
circuit voltage, induced voltage when
one end of the work zone was
grounded, circulating current when
both ends of the work zone were
Looking towards Rosser
grounded, as well as a number of
switching fault cases (Table 1).
Figure 3: PSCAD Transmission Line Data
Volume 11 Issue 8 Page 4

(Continued from page 2)

no flicker display, and dynamic axis scrolling capabilities. The
Centre has partnered with Z Systems (www.zsystems.ca) to
provide this mature and advanced plotting technology to
PSCAD load flow will facilitate all types of load flow studies, as
well as provide initialization to a number of emerging PSCAD
application modules. For our international customers, a planned
multi-language interface will allow for interactive dialogs in multi-
ple languages.
On a final note, the Centre is releasing a protection relay testing
application called PSCAD/Relay. This will be of interest to pro-
tection engineers and technologists. x
By Craig Muller, PSCAD Development Manager

Figure 3: Time dependent X-Y Plots


In Yichang, China September 6 - 8, 2001 Announcing PSCAD

Hosted by
Release 3.0.7
State Power Corporation of China The PSCAD Development Team has
and released an updated and improved
Manitoba HVDC Research Centre (Canada) version of PSCAD and EMTDC.

The 4th International HVDC Transmission Operating Conference will imme- PSCAD Version 3.0.7 will provide
diately follow the CIGRE Symposium scheduled in nearby Wuhan Septem- increased performance and stability,
ber 3 to 5th, 2001. At the completion of the joint field trip to the Three and fix bugs reported by our user
Gorges site on September 6th, there will be opportunity to stay in Yichang community. All PSCAD Version 3 us-
and participate in the Operating Conference sessions September 7 to 8th. ers with a current maintenance con-
In order to register, submit a paper or find more information visit: tract can download V3.0.7 free of
charge, or contact [email protected] to
http://www.hvdc.ca/OpConf have a new CD mailed to you.

Download PSCAD 3.0.7

IEEE/PES Summer Power Meeting at
Vancouver, Canada, July 15 – 19
The Centre Journal is distributed free of charge
The Manitoba HVDC Research Centre will be hosting a and is posted electronically at
hospitality suite at the Hotel Vancouver each evening of the http://www.hvdc.ca/
conference. If you would like to receive email notification of
a new Journal in the future and not receive a
We look forward to seeing you! copy in the mail, please send us your request
by email to [email protected]

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