Conversion Ronald Knox

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Ronald Knox's Conversion Story

Englishman Ronald Knox (1888-1957) converted to Catholicism from

Anglicanism in 1917, and was the chaplain at Oxford from 1926 to 1939. In
the 1940s, he translated the Bible, based on the Latin Vulgate, a work,
according to a scholarly Protestant source, "generally agreed to be a
remarkable achievement and among the best of modern renderings" (1). His
many important books include Enthusiasm, Let Dons Delight, The Belief of
Catholics, and God And The Atom. Evelyn Waugh, another convert of great
literary repute, wrote of Knox in the preface of the latter's conversion
autobiography, A Spiritual Aeneid:

He was the most brilliant and versatile churchman of the

English-speaking world . . . At Oxford all the coveted distinctions .
. . came to him as by-products of an exuberant intellectual and social
life . . . There seemed no limit to the prizes, political, academic or
literary, which a smiling world held out to him . . . In him, the
Roman Church had found her most notable English convert since Newman.

Let's follow, then, the highlights of Knox's description of his journey,

from the aforementioned book:

It is not easy for one who has abandoned a point of view . . . to

explain, or even describe, how he came to change his attitude . . .
This book was begun in the week after its author was received . . .
Your religion builds itself up you know not how; some habits of
thought stepped into unconsciously, others imbibed from study, others
acquired by prayer. And beyond that, the whole complex of your
psychology, moulded by innumerable influences not merely religious,
predisposes you this way or that . . . (2)

In regard to orthodoxy, my views when I left Eton were orthodox above

the average; my oracle was G.K. Chesterton (3) - he is so still. (4)

I read . . . Milman's (soundly Protestant) History of Latin

Christianity . . . he comments upon the extraordinary precision with
which, time after time, the Bishops of Rome managed to foresee which
side the Church would eventually take in a controversy, and "plumped"
for it beforehand . . . Each time Rome . . . thinks today what the
world will think tomorrow . . . the Catholic party is the party in
which the Bishop of Rome was, and nothing else . . . The Papacy seemed
to be the thing which medieval Christendom was certain about . . . I
had taken no new intellectual step: I saw the same set of facts, and
my intellect made an entirely different report of them . . . If I was
wrong then, how could I be certain I was not wrong now? . . . In this
intolerable distrust of my own intellectual process I lay, miserable
and inert. (5)

Now, I felt no pull either way, but complete inertia . . . I had

become habituated to indecision, and found in myself no positive
craving for light; the glamour of the Seven Hills had died away. (6)

Authority played a large part in my belief, and I could not now find
that any certain source of authority was available outside the pale of
the Roman Catholic Church . . . I did not crave for infallible
decrees; I wanted to be certain I belonged to that Church of which St.
Paul said proudly, "We have the Mind of Christ" . . . I had a more
exacting idea of what "being inside the Church" meant. (7)
I arranged my rule of life for the retreat . . . about five hours a
day spent in prayer, and one or two more in study . . . Before the end
of my first week, I knew that grace had triumphed . . . I turned away
from the emotional as far as possible, and devoted myself singly to
the resignation of my will to God's will. (8)

I had been . . . fully prepared to find, that the immediate result of

submission to Rome would be the sense of having one's liberty cramped
and restricted in a number of ways . . . My experience has been
exactly the opposite. I have been overwhelmed with the feeling of
liberty . . . You can carry a weight so long that you cease to feel
it; instead, you feel an outburst of positive relief when it is
withdrawn. The suppressed uncertainty of mind was like a dull
toothache that had been part of my daily experience . . . It was not
till I became a Catholic that I became conscious of my former
homelessness . . . I now found ease and naturalness, and stretched
myself like a man who has been sitting in a cramped position . . . Nor
do I feel cabined and cramped because intellectual speculation is now
guided and limited for me by actual authority, as it had been . . . .
by my own desire for orthodoxy. (9)

In 1950, Knox wrote a new preface to the Spiritual Aeneid, "After 33


The step which I took in 1917 is one which I have never had the wish .
. . to retract . . . . I have never experienced a mood of
discouragement or of hesitation, during these last 33 years, that has
suggested . . . the possibility of going back where I came from . . .
On the two or three occasions when converts whom I knew have gone back
to the Church of England, I found it quite impossible to follow the
workings of their mind . . .

The Church is better than your expectations, because she puts your
ideas right about what you ought to expect . . . She moulds and
mellows us . . . I do not find myself high and dry, but comfortably
afloat in a fair depth of water. And that is, I think, no uncommon
experience among converts who look back over a length of years. (10)


* 1. Cross, F.L. & E.A. Livingstone, eds., The Oxford Dictionary of the
Christian Church, Oxford Univ. Press, 2nd ed., 1983, p.787.
* 2. Knox, Ronald, A Spiritual Aeneid, NY: Sheed & Ward, 1950 ed.,
* 3. Chesterton was not yet Catholic at this point (1910), but had just
written the very "Catholic-sounding" theological masterpiece
* 4. Knox, ibid., p.107.
* 5. Ibid., pp.192-6.
* 6. Ibid., pp.205-6.
* 7. Ibid., p.212.
* 8. Ibid., pp.213-14.
* 9. Ibid., pp.218-220,222.
* 10. Ibid., pp.xviii-xx.

Chesterton Index / Main Index / Church Index

Edited by Dave Armstrong in 1991.

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