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Electrical Engineering
Q. No. 1 – 25 Carry One Mark Each

1. In the circuit shown, the diodes are ideal, the inductance is small, and Io  0. Which one of the
following statements is true?

(A) D1 conducts for greater than 180o and D 2 conducts for greater than 180o
(B) D 2 conducts for more than 180o and D1 conducts for 180o
(C) D1 conducts for 180o and D 2 conducts for 180o .
(D) D1 conducts for more than 180o and D 2 conducts for 180o
Key: (A)

2. For a 3-input logic circuit shown below, the output Z can be expressed as


(A) Q  R (B) PQ  R (C) Q  R (D) P  Q  R

Key: (C)

Exp:  PQ.Q.QR
 PQ  Q  QR P PQ

 Q  QR  Q  QP  Q  Q
QR  A  AB  A  B R QR

3. An urn contains 5 red balls and 5 black balls. In the first draw, one ball is picked at random and
discarded without noticing its colour. The probability to get a red ball in the second draw is
1 4 5 6
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 9 9 9
Key: (A) 49 R
4R, 5B
Exp: 1 R 59
2 B
5B 59 R
1 5R, 5B
B 49

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Here R is red ball, B is black ball

1 4 1 5 1
 The probability to get a red ball in the second draw is    
2 9 2 9 2

4. When a unit ramp input is applied to the unity feedback system having closed loop transfer
C s Ks  b
function   a  0, b  0, K  0  , the steady state error will be
R s s  as  b

a aK aK
(A) 0 (B) (C) (D)
b b b
Key: (D)
C s 
Exp: Given T  s  
R s
Ct   r t   t 
Apply L.T to above equations
E  s   R  s  1  T  s 

ess  C     lt S.E  s   lt .s.


 Ks  b   lt 1 s2  s a  K   lt s   a  K 
1 
s 0 s 0 s 2  s 2  as  b  s 0 s s 2  as  b s 0 s 2  as  b

ess 

5. A three-phase voltage source inverter with ideal devices operating in 180o conduction mode is
feeding a balanced star-connected resistive load. The DC voltage input is Vdc . The peak of the
fundamental component of the phase voltage is
V 2Vdc 3Vdc 4Vdc
(A) dc (B) (C) (D)
   
Key: (B)
Exp: Fourier series expansion of line to neutral voltage Vao is given by

 2Vs 
Vao   
n  6k 1  n 
 sin  nt 
for n  1, Vao  s  max value 

  
6. The figures show diagrammatic representations of vector fields X, Y and Z respectively.
Which one of the following choices is true?

     
(A) .X  0,   Y  0,   Z  0 (B) .X  0,   Y  0,   Z  0
     
(C) .X  0,   Y  0,   Z  0 (D) .X  0,   Y  0,   Z  0

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Key: (C)
Exp: for x Divergence not equal to zero    x  0
Divergence  0 
for y   t  0
Curl  0 
Divergence  0 
for z   z  0
Curl  0 

7. Assume that in a traffic junction, the cycle of the traffic signal lights is 2 minutes of green
(vehicle does not stop) and 3 minutes of red (vehicle stops). Consider that the arrival time of
vehicles at the junction is uniformly distributed over 5 minute cycle. The expected waiting time
(in minutes) for the vehicle at the junction is ________.
Key: 0.9 to 0.9

8. Consider a solid sphere of radius 5 cm made of a perfect electric conductor. If one million
electrons are added to this sphere, these electrons will be distributed.
(A) uniformly over the entire volume of the sphere
(B) uniformly over the outer surface of the sphere
(C) concentrated around the centre of the sphere
(D) along a straight line passing through the centre of the sphere
Key: (B)
Exp: For a perfect conductor the charge is present only on the surface.
Pu  0
i.e,  inside the conductor
E0 

9. The transfer function C  s  of a compensator is given below.

 s  s 
1   1  
C s  
0.1  100 
1  s  1  
 10 
The frequency range in which the phase (lead) introduced by the compensator reaches the
maximum is
(A) 0.1    1 (B) 1    10 (C) 10    100 (D)   100
Key: (A)

10. The figure show the per-phase representation of a phase-shifting transformer connected between
buses 1 and 2, where  is a complex number with non-zero real and imaginary parts.

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For the given circuit, Ybus and Zbus are bus admittance matrix and bus impedance matrix,
respectively, each of size 2  2. Which one of the following statements is true?
(A) Both Ybus and Zbus are symmetric
(B) Ybus is symmetric and Zbus is unsymmetric
(C) Ybus is unsymmetric and Zbus is symmetric
(D) Both Ybus and Zbus are unsymmetric
Key: (D)
 yt  yt 
 2 a* 
Exp: YBUS   
  yt 
 yt 
 a 
z BUS  y bus 1

11. A phase-controlled, single-phase, full-bridge converter is supplying a highly inductive DC load.

The converter is fed from a 230 V, 50 Hz, AC source. The fundamental frequency in Hz of the
voltage ripple on the DC side is
(A) 25 (B) 50 (C) 100 (D) 300
Key: (C)
o   2 2  

For one input pulse, Vo has 2 pulses

 frequency of Vo ripple = 2f supply  2  50  100Hz

12. Let x and y be integers satisfying the following equations

2x 2  y 2  34
x  2y  11
The value of  x  y  is ________.
Key: 7 to 7
Exp: Clearly x = 3 and y = 4 satisfies the given two equation
x  y  7

13. Consider a function f  x, y, z  given by

f  x, y,z    x 2  y2  2z 2  y2  z 2 
The partial derivative of this function with respect to x at the point, x = 2, y = 1 and z = 3 is
Key: 40 to 40
 
  y 2  z 2   2x  at x  2, y  1, z  3  1  9  4   40

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14. For the given 2-port network, the value of transfer impedance Z21 in ohms is_______

Key: 3 to 3
I1 2
V 2
Exp: Z21  2
I1 I1
I2  0 I1 I1  2x 
2 2
I1  I1 
V2  2   2I1  3I1 4 2
2  V2
2 2I1
 Z21  2  3 
I1  

15. The initial charge in the 1 F capacitor present in the circuit shown is zero. The energy in joules
transferred from the DC source until steady state condition is reached equals ______. (Give the
answer up to one decimal place.)

Key: 99 to 101
Exp: Before initial charge on the capacitor  0  Vc  0   0V

Final voltage Vc     10V

To find time constant 
10  10
R eq   5
10  10
  R eq ; C  5 5 5
Vc  t   VC      VC  0   VC     e  t   10  10e  t 
 
 i C  t   C C  2e t 5
dt 5 5
We know that i r  i C     2e t 5

Instantaneous power p   i r  10  2e t 5  20e t 5

  
e t 5
Energy transferred   pdt   20e t 5
dt  20  100 0 1  100J
0 0
1 5 0

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16. The figure below shows the circuit diagram of a controlled rectifier supplied from a 230 V, 50
Hz, 1-phase voltage source and a 10:1 ideal transformer. Assume that all devices are ideal. The
firing angles of the thyristors T1 and T2 are 90o and 270o , respectively.

The RMS value of the current through diode D 3 in amperes is ________

Key: 0 to 0
Exp: 0A since D2 is OFF and it will not turn ON for R load.

17. In a load flow problem solved by Newton-Raphson method with polar coordinates, the size of
the Jacobian is 100  100. If there are 20 PV buses in addition to PQ buses and a slack bus, the
total number of buses in the system is ________.
Key: 61 to 61
Exp: Given the size of bus is 100*100.
so [J]= 100
we have formula for [J] = [2n-m-2]
100= [2n-20-2]
total no.of buses ,n = 61

18. A 3-phase, 4-pole, 400 V, 50 Hz squirrel-cage induction motor is operating at a slip of 0.02. The
speed of the rotor flux in mechanical rad/sec, sensed by a stationary observer, is closest to
(A) 1500 (B) 1470 (C) 157 (D) 154
Key: (C)
Exp: 3 S.C.I.M
4P s  0.02
400V r  N r
Rotor flux speed is same as stator flux speed.
120  50
Ns   1500
2N 2  1500
Ws    157.08 rad sec
60 60

19. Two resistors with nominal resistance values R1 and R 2 have additive uncertainties
R1 and R 2 , respectively. When these resistances are connected in parallel, the standard
deviation of the error in the equivalent resistance R is
2 2 2 2
 R   R   R   R 
(A)   R1    R 2  (B)   R1    R 2 
 R1   R 2   R 2   R1 

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2 2 2 2
 R   R   R   R 
(C)    R 2    R 1 (D)    R1    R 2
 R1   R 2   R1   R 2 
Key: (A)
R1R 2
Exp: R eq 
R1  R 2
2 2
 R  2  R  2
   R1    R 2
 R1   R 2 
2 2
 R   R 
 R1    R 2 
 R1   R 2 

20. The nominal-  circuit of a transmission line is shown in the figure.

Impedance Z  100 80o  and reactance X  3300 . The magnitude of the characteristic
impedance of the transmission line, in  , is _______________. (Give the answer up to one
decimal place.)
Key: 404 to 408
y 1
Exp: 
2 x
2 2
y   6.06 10 4
x 3300
z 100
z0    406.2
y 6.06  104

21. The pole-zero plots of three discrete-time systems P, Q and R on the z-plane are shown below.

Which one of the following is TRUE about the frequency selectivity of these systems?
(A) All three are high-pass filters.
(B) All three are band-pass filters.
(C) All three are low-pass filters.
(D) P is a low-pass filter, Q is a band-pass filter and R is a high-pass filter.
Key: (B)
Exp:   0 rad / samples reprsent lowfrequencies

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   rad / samples reprsent highfrequencies

Since zeros are located at   0 rad / samples and   rad / samples they cannot be high pass
and low pass filters. Thus they all replresent band pass filters.

22. The mean square value of the given periodic waveform f  t  is_________

Key: 6 to 6

Exp: Mean square value 

Area under the squarred function f 2 t
Period of the function
Area  16   0.7  0.3  4  2.7  0.7 
 16  8  24 volt  second
Period  2.7   1.3  4 4
Mean square value  6 1.3 0.3 0.7 2.7

23. A stationary closed Lissajous pattern on an oscilloscope has 3 horizontal tangencies and 2
vertical tangencies for a horizontal input with frequency 3 kHZ. The frequency of the vertical
input is
(A) 1.5 kHz (B) 2 kHz (C) 3 kHz (D) 4.5 kHz
Key: (D)
3 9 n 3
Exp: f r   3   4.5 kHz
2 2
fy nx

fx ny

ny  2

24. Let y 2  2y  1  x and x  y  5. The value of x  y equals _________. (Give the answer up
to three decimal places)
Key: 5.7 to 5.8
Exp: y 2  2y  1  x  x  y  1
 x  y  5 gives 2y  1  5  y  3
x  4
 x  y  4  1.732  5.732

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25. If a synchronous motor is running at a leading power factor, its excitation induced voltage  E f  is
(A) equal to terminal voltage Vt (B) higher than the terminal voltage Vt
(C) less than terminal voltage Vt (D) dependent upon supply voltage Vt
Key: (B)
Exp: Higher than the terminal voltage. Ef
iIa X s

Q 

Q. No. 26 – 55 Carry Two Marks Each

26. Which of the following systems has maximum peak overshoot due to a unit step input?
100 100
(A) 2 (B) 2
s  10s  100 s  15s  100
100 100
(C) 2 (D) 2
s  5s  100 s  20s  100
Key: (C)
Exp: Peak over shoot  e
If   0,peak over shoot 100%  Maximum 
In General 
If   1 peak over shoot  0%  Minimum 
Here which of the following has '  ' value less, the system will have maximum over shoot.
Option „A‟, n  10, 2n  10    0.5
Option „B‟ n  10, 2n  15    0.75
Option „C‟ n  10, 2n  5    0.25
Option „D‟ n  10, 2n  20    1
So, option „C‟ is correct
By Inspection, see all options n  cons tan t, 2n varies, so, 2n less means, that system
have maximum over shoot.

27. Consider an overhead transmission line with 3-phase, 50 Hz balanced

system with conductors located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle
of length Dab  Dbc  Dca  1m as shown in figure below. The resistance
of the conductors are neglected. The geometric mean radius (GMR) of
each conductor is 0.01m. Neglecting the effect of ground, the magnitude
of positive sequence reactance in  / km (rounded off to three decimal
places) is ________

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Key: 0.271 to 0.301

Exp: Deq  3 Dab Dbc Dca  1m  GMD

DS  GMR  0.01m
Dm  1 
Inductance/phase/m  2  107 ln  2  107 ln  7
  9.21 10 H
DS  0.01 
Inductance/phase/km  9.21104 H
Reactance  L  2 50  9.21104  0.2892 / km

28. Two generating units rated 300 MW and 400 MW have governor speed regulation of 6% and
4% respectively from no load to full load. Both the generating units are operating in parallel to
share a load of 600 MW. Assuming free governor action, the load shared by the larger unit is
_______ MW.
Key: 395 to 405
Exp: Assume No – load speed regulations are equal

% Speed Reg
6% x 4%
F B G
C  H
D 400MW

Power Power
From similar triangles method
A 

6% F G
    4%

 D  
E 300 C 400 H

 
x x
P1  300  P2  400 
6 4
P1  50x P2  100x
Given that P1  P2  600MW
150x  600
 The load supplied by largest machine is P2=100×4=400MW

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29. For the network given in figure below, the Thevenin‟s voltage Vab is

(A) -1.5 V (B) -0.5 V (C) 0.5 V (D) 1.5 V

Key: (A)
Exp: The equivalent CKT is 5 10 Vth
Apply nodal
Vth  30 Vth Vth  16 a
  0   16V
15 10 10 30V  10 
2Vth  60  3Vth  3Vth  48  0
 8Vth  12
 Vth  1.5V

30. The output y(t) of the following system is to be sampled, so as to reconstruct it from its samples
uniquely. The required minimum sampling rate is

(A) 1000 samples/s (B) 1500 sample/s (C) 2000 samples/s (D) 3000samples/s
Key: (B)

x f   Convolution  f cos 1000t 

f f
500 500 500 500

cos 1000t   F
   f  500     f  500 
Input signal to the LTI system is

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x  f     f  500     f  500 
1 1
W  f     f  500     f  500 
2 2

If the input signal is defined as w(t) then its Fourier transform can be drawn as follows:

 f 

1000 0 1000

H f 
sin 150t 
Given h  f   1500 sinc 1500t 
 f 
 H  f   rect  
 1500 
 Y  f   W  f  H  f  has a max frequency 750 HZ
∴ Minimum sampling rate = 1500 HZ f
750 750

31. A 220 V, 10 kW, 900 rpm separately excited DC motor has an armature resistance R a  0.02.
When the motor operates at rated speed and with rated terminal voltage, the electromagnetic
torque developed by the motor is 70 Nm. Neglecting the rotational losses of the machine, the
current drawn by the motor from the 220 V supply is
(A) 34.2 A (B) 30 A (C) 22 A (D) 4.84 A
Key: (B)
Exp: Separately excited d.c. motor
2NT Ia
2  900  70 0.02
E b Ia   6597 k
6597 V  220V
Ia  ...(1)
V  Ia R a  E b
220   0.02  E b
220E b   6597  0.02   E 2b
By solving above equation
We get E b1  219.39, E b2  0.61
V  E b 220  E b 220  219.39
Ia    Ia   Ia  30.5 Amps
Ra 0.02 0.02

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32.  
A cascade system having the impulse responses h1  n   1, 1 and h 2  n   1,1 is shown in the

 

figure below, where symbol ↑ denotes the time origin.

The input sequence x  n  for which the cascade system produces an output sequence

y  n   1,2,1, 1, 2, 1 is

 
(A) x  n   1,2,1,1

 
(B) x  n   1,1,2,2

(C) x  n   1,1,1,1 (D) x  n   1,2,2,1

 

Key: (D)
Y1  
Exp: h(n)  h1[n]*h2[n]  {1, 0, 1}

y[n]  {1, 2, 1,  1,  2,  1}
Given 
By observation x[n] should be{1,2,2,1} 2000 1000 1000 2000

33. For the circuit shown in the figure below, it is given that VCE  . The transistor has
  29and VBE  0.7V when the B-E junction is forward biased.

For this circuit, the value of is
(A) 43 (B) 92 (C) 121 (D) 129
Key: (D)
Vec 10
Exp: Given VCE    5V
2 2

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10  1    I B  4R  I B R B  0.7  1    I B .R
10  30I B  4R  I B R B  0.7  30I B  R
9.3  I B 120R  30R  R B 
9.3  I B 150R  R B  ...(1)
10  4 R 1    I B  VCE  1    I B  R
10  120RI B  5  30I B .R
5 1
IB   ...(2)
150R 30R
Substituting equation (2) in equation (1)
9.3  150  R B 
279  150  B ;  279  150  129

34. A 3-phase, 2-pole, 50 Hz, synchronous generator has a rating of 250 MVA, 0.8 pf lagging. The
kinetic energy of the machine at synchronous speed is 1000 MJ. The machine is running
steadily at synchronous speed and delivering 60 MW power at a power angle of 10 electrical
degrees. If the load is suddenly removed, assuming the acceleration is constant for 10 cycles,
the value of the power angle after 5 cycles is ________ electrical degrees.
Key: 12.5 to 12.9
Exp: Pa  Pm  Pe
 60  0  60mw

GH 1000 1
m  
180f 180  50 9
t  10cycles   0.25sec
t  5cycles   0.1sec
60  0.1
Pa t 2
 .    2.7
m 2 1 2
New ratio,   10  2.7 12.7
35. For the circuit shown below, assume that the OPAMP is ideal.

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Which one of the following is TRUE?

(A) vO  vS (B) vO  1.5vS (C) vO  2.5vS (D) vO  5vS
Key: (C)
Exp: At node (1)
Vs  2R Vs
Vx  
4R 2
At node (2) R
Vx Vx  Vy
 0
R R R 3 R
2Vx  Vy ; Vy   Vs R Vy
2 2

At node (3) Vx
V  Vx  V  Vo 
Vy 
  0
y y
2R 1
Vs  Vs  s  Vs  Vo  0; Vs
2 2R
3Vs   Vo
Vo  s ; Vo  2.5Vs

36. The root locus of the feedback control system having the characteristic equation
s  6Ks  2s  5  0 where K  0, enters into the real axis at
(A) s  1 (B) s   5 (C) s  5 (D) s  5
Key: (B)
Exp: C.E  s2  6ks  2s  5  0
1 2 0 j
s  2s  5 2j
G  s   1  2
s  2s  5
  s 2  2s  5  1 5 1
K   s  2    5
6s 6 s
dk  5
 0  1  2   0
ds  s 
s2  5  0  s   5
S=  5 it enters

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37. For the synchronous sequential circuit shown below, the output Z is zero for the initial
conditions QA QBQC  Q'A Q'BQ'C  100.

The minimum number of clock cycles after which the output Z would again become zero is
Key: 6 to 6
Exp: Upper part of the circuit is ring counter and lower part of the circuit is Johnson counter as per
the connection established. Outputs of the Ring counter and Johnson counter is given to Ex-OR.
Gates, whose output is given to the three inputs OR-gate.

Ring counter output

Ring counter output Jonson counter output


1 0 0 1 0 0 0  Inital valume
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 CP
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 CP
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 3CP
0 1 0 0 0 1 1 4CP
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 5CP
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 6CP

So, output Z will become again 1 after 6 clock pulses.

38. In the circuit shown below, the value of capacitor C required for maximum power to be
transferred to the load is

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(A) 1 nF (B) 1 F (C) 1 mF (D) 10 mF

Key: (D)
Exp: To get the maximum power the load Ckt must be at resonance i.e. imaginary part of load
impedance is zero.
jC R R 1  jRC 
ZL  jL   jL   jL 
1 1  jRC 1  2  R 2  C2
j term  0
R 2 C R 2C C
 L   L   5  103 
1   R C
2 2 2
1  R C
2 2 2
1  104 C 2
From options C  10mF will satisfy the about equation

39. In the circuit shown all elements are ideal and the switch S is operated at 10 kHz and 60% duty
ratio. The capacitor is large enough so that the ripple across it is negligible and at steady state
acquires a voltage as shown. The peak current in amperes drawn from the 50 V DC source is
________. (Give the answer up to one decimal place.)

Key: 39 to 41
Exp: Given is Buckboost converter
V0 
1 D
Given Vs  50V, D  0.6, Vo  75V
Vo Is D 0.6
   1.5
Vs Io 1  D 1  0.6
Vo 75
Io  15A
R 5
D 3
Is  . Io  15  22.5A
1 D 2
Since capacitor is very large, ic  0
i L avg  is avg  i o avg
I L  Is  Io  22.5 15  37.5A
DVS 0.6  50
IL    5A
fL 10,000  0.6 103 
IL 5
 i L peak  IL 
 37.5   40A
2 2
Peak current drawn from source is 40A

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40. In the circuit shown in the figure, the diode used is ideal. The input power factor is _______.
(Give the answer up to two decimal places.)

Key: 0.70 to 0.71

Exp: Vor  m Vo
Vm  2VS Vm
Vor Vm
Ior   
R 2R 0  2 3
Vm 2 VS
 VS 
2 2 2
PLoad Vor Ior Vor VS 1
IPF       0.707
InputVA VS Ior VS 2 VS 2

41. Consider the system described by the following state space representation
 
 x1  t     0 1   x1  t     0  u  t 
   0 2   x  t   1 
 x 2  t    2 

 x1  t  
y  t   1 0  
 x 2  t  
 x1  0    1 
If u  t  is a unit step input and      , the value of output y  t  at t = 1 sec (rounded
 x 2  0   0 
off to three decimal places) is_________
Key: 1.280 to 1.287
0 1 
Exp: Given A   
0 2 
0 
B 
1 
C  1 0
s  2 1  s  2  1
 0   
s   1   0    0 s 1 
X  s    SI  A   x  0   Bu  s     2
   
s  2s  0  1 
1 / S
 s  s  2   s 

 1
 s  2   s 
 
 1 ; s s  2  1
x s  y s  
s s  2 s2  s  2 

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1 1 1 1 1 1
y s   2    2
s s  s  2  s 4s 2s 4 s  2
3 1 1 3 1 1
y  l   4  t   t4  t   e 2t 4  t     e 2
4 2 4 4 2 4
y 1  1.2838

42. A star-connected, 12.5 kW, 208 V (line), 3-phase, 60 Hz squirrel cage induction motor has
following equivalent circuit parameters per phase referred to the stator:
R1  0.3,R 2  0.3,X1  0.41,X2  0.41. Neglect shunt branch in the equivalent circuit.
The starting current (in Ampere) for this motor when connected to an 80 V (line), 20 Hz, 3-
phase AC source is __________.
Key: 69 to 71
Exp: Reactance offered by stator and Rotor will be changes, because of change in frequency.
20 R1 R2 X1 X2
x1   0.41  0.13666 
0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4
x 2   0.41  0.1366 80
60 v, 20Hz Ist  Isc
Ist  I ph  Isc 
80 3 46.18
 
 0.3  0.3  j  0.1366  0.1366   0.65
 71.4 24.46o Amps

43. A 25 kVA, 400 V,  - connected, 3-phase, cylindrical rotor synchronous generator requires a
field current of 5 A to maintain the rated armature current under short-circuit condition. For the
same field current, the open-circuit voltage is 360 V. Neglecting the armature resistance and
magnetic saturation, its voltage regulation (in % with respect to terminal voltage), when the
generator delivers the rated load at 0.8 pf leading, at rated terminal voltage is _________.
Key: -15 to -14
25  103
Exp: 25kVA, IL   36.084 Amps
3  400
400V,   connection
I ph  20.833 Amps
Voc  360V
ISC  I rated , If  5A
Voc phase 360
Xs  Zs    17.28
Isc phase 20.833

E  V cos   Ia R a    Vsin   Ia Xs    400  0.8  0    400  0.6  20.833  17.28 

2 2 2 2

E ph  341.758 volts
341.758  400
% Reg   14.6%
Hint: Obtained regulation should be negative.

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44. If the primary line voltage rating is 3.3 kV (Y side) of a 25 kVA. Y   transformer (the per
phase turns ratio is 5:1), then the line current rating of the secondary side (in Ampere) is_____.
Key: 37 to 39
Exp: 25KVA, Y  D, 3.3kV  
N1 : N 2  5 :1
25  103
Ist 
3  3.3  103
IL  Iph  4.374 Amps
Transformer is a constant-Power device
E 2 I2  E1I1
N1 5
N 2 I2  N1I1  I2  .I1   4.374
N2 1
Iph  I2  21.869 Amps    side
IL  3  I2  3  21.869  37.879 Amps

45. For the balanced Y-Y connected 3-Phase circuit shown in the figure below, the line-line voltage
is 208 V rms and the total power absorbed by the load is 432 W at a power factor of 0.6 leading.

The approximate value of the impedance Z is

(A) 33  53.1o  (B) 6053.1o 
(C) 60  53.1o  (D) 180  53.1o 
Key: (C)
Exp: VL  208V, P  432W
cos   0.6 leading
P  3 Vph  I ph  cos 
 208 
2 3    0.6
P  3.
.cos z ph   3
 60.08
z ph 432
cos 1 0.6  53.1o
z ph  60 53.1o
Vph Vph
z ph  o
 53.1o
I ph 53.1 Iph

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46. A thin soap bubble of radius R = 1 cm, and thickness a  3.3m  a  R  , is at a potential of 1
V with respect to a reference point at infinity. The bubble bursts and becomes a single spherical
drop of soap (assuming all the soap is contained in the drop) of radius r. The volume of the soap
in the thin bubble is 4R 2a and that of the drop is r 3 . The potential in volts, of the resulting
single spherical drop with respect to the same reference point at infinity is __________. (Give
the answer up to two decimal places.)

Key: 9.50 to 10.50

Exp: Charge must be same

 4R 2a  P   43 r3  P

r 3R 2 a
0.996  103
The potential of thin bubble is 1 V
4E 0  1  102
Q  40  102 C
Potential of Soap drop
40 r
40  102

40  0.9966  103
 10.03V

47. The value of the contour integral in the complex-plane

z 3  2z  3
 z  2 dz
Along the contour |Z| = 3, taken counter-clockwise is
(A) 18i (B) 0 (C) 14i (D) 48i
Key: (C)
Exp: z = 2 is the singularity lies inside C : z  3
z3  2z  3

 dz  2i  z3  2z  3  14i
z2 z2

(Using Cauchy‟s Integral formula)

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 x x  1 1  x x  0
48. Let g  x    andf  x    2
x  1, x  1 x , x  0
Consider the composition of f and g, i.e.,  f  g  x   f  g  x . The number of discontinuities
in  f  g  x  present in the interval  ,0  is:
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4
Key: (A)
1  x, x  1
Exp: Clearly  fog  x    2 is discontinuous at x  1  ,0 
 x , x 1
 The number of discontinuities in (fog) (x) present in the interval  , 0  is 0
Alternative Method:
f  x   1  x for x  0 and g  x    x for x < 0
 Both f(x) and g(x) are continuous when x < 0
  fog  x  is also continuous for x < 0
(Since the composite function of two continuous functions is continuous)
 The number of discontinuities in the interval  ,0  i.e., x < 0 is „0‟

49. A 120 V DC shunt motor takes 2 A at no load. It takes 7 A on full load while running at 1200
rpm. The armature resistance is 0.8  , and the shunt field resistance is 240 . The no load
speed, in rpm, is _______________.
Key: 1235 to 1250
Exp: 0.5 2A 0.5 2A

0.8 0.8
240 120 240 120
1.5A 6.5
E b1 Eb2

No load, N1  ? Full load, N2  1200rpm

N  Eb

N1 E b1  120  1.5  0.8 

  N1     1200  1241.82 rpm
N 2 E b2 120   6.5  0.8 

50. A 10 ½ digit timer counter possesses a base clock of frequency 100 MHz. When measuring a
particular input, the reading obtained is the same in: (i) Frequency mode of operation with a
gating time of one second and (ii) Period mode of operation (in the x 10 ns scale). The
frequency of the unknown input (reading obtained) in Hz is _______.
Key: 10000 to 10000

51. A person decides to toss a fair coin repeatedly until he gets a head. He will make at most 3
tosses. Let the random variable Y denote the number of heads. The value of var Y , where
var . denotes the variance, equals

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7 49 7 105
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 64 64 64
Key: (C)

52. The figure below shows a half-bridge voltage source inverter supplying an RL-load with
 0.3 
R  40 and L    H. The desired fundamental frequency of the load voltage is 50 Hz. The
  
switch control signals of the converter are generated using sinusoidal pulse width modulation
with modulation index. M = 0.6. At 50 Hz, the RL-load
draws an active power of 1.44 kW. The value of DC source
voltage VDC in volts is

(A) 300 2 (B) 500 (C) 500 2 (D) 1000 2

Key: (C)
Exp: x L  L  100   30

z  R L  jx L  40  j30  50 36.86
M  0.6
PL 1440
I Load    6A
RL 40
VA o1 VA o1
I Load   6
z1 50
VA o1  300V  rms 
VAo1  300 2 V  max 
VAo1  m.vdc
300 2  0.6  vdc
 Vdc  500 2

53. The range of K for which all the roots of the equation s3  3s2  2s  K  0 are in the left half of
the complex s-plane is
(A) 0 < K < 6 (B) 0 < K < 16 (C) 6< K < 36 (D) 6< K < 16
Key: (A)
Exp: C.E  s3  3s2  2s  k  0
If system to be stable
K  06  K

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54. The eigen values of the matrix given below are

0 1 0
0 0 1 

0 3 4 
(A) (0,-1,-3) (B) (0,-2,-3) (C) (0,2,3) (D) (0,1,3)
Key: (A)
 1 0
Exp: Characteristic equation is 0  1 0
0 3 4  

   4  2  3  0      1   3  0    0, 1, 3 are the eigen values

55. A 3-phase 50 Hz generator supplies power of 3MW at 17.32 kV to a balanced 3-phase inductive
load through an overhead line. The per phase line resistance and reactance are
0.25  and 3.925  respectively. If the voltage at the generator terminal is 17.87 kV, the power
factor of the load is ________.
Key: 0.75 to 0.85
Exp: PS  3MW Z  3.9329 86.35  ph
E f  17.32 KV 17.87
Vt   10317.249 V ph
Z   0.25  j3.925   ph 3
V  17.87 KV E f  10.000 V ph

2  90  86.35  3.65
EV V 
Pog  f t sin     2    t  ra
Zs  Zs 
10000  10317.249
 10317.249 
106  sin    3.65      0.25
3.9329  3.9329 
  2.3024
 I a Zs   E f 2  Vt 2  2E f Vt cos 

Ia  131.43 A / ph
PS  3MW  3  17.87  103  131.43  cos 
cos   0.737

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General Aptitude
Q. No. 1 – 5 Carry One Mark Each

1. There are five buildings called V, W, X, Y and Z in a row (not necessarily in that order). V is to
the West of W, Z is to the East of X and the West of V, W is to the West of Y. Which is the
building in the middle?
(A) V (B) W (C) X (D) Y
Key: (A)
Exp: From the given data, the following is formed



West East S
 The building „V‟ is in the middle

2. Saturn is _________ to be seen on a clear night with the naked eye.

(A) enough bright (B) bright enough
(C) as enough bright (D) bright as enough
Key: (B)

3. Choose the option with words that are not synonyms.

(A) aversion, dislike (B) luminous, radiant
(C) plunder, loot (D) yielding, resistant
Key: (D)

4. There are 3 red socks, 4 green socks and 3 blue socks. You choose 2 socks. The probability that
they are of the same colour is
(A) 1/5 (B) 7/30 (C) 1/4 (D) 4/15
Key: (D)
C2  4 C2 3 C2 12 4
Exp: 10
 
C2 45 15

5. A test has twenty questions worth 100 marks in total. There are two types of questions.
Multiple choice questions are worth 3 marks each and essay questions are worth 11 marks each.
How many multiple choice questions does the exam have?
(A) 12 (B) 15 (C) 18 (D) 19
Key: (B)
Exp: x  y  20 x  MCQ
3x  11y  100 y  essay type
 x  15, y  5

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Q. No. 6 – 10 Carry Two Marks Each

6. An air pressure contour line joins locations in a region having the same atmospheric pressure.
The following is an air pressure contour plot of a geographical region. Contour lines are shown
at 0.05 bar intervals in this plot.

If the possibility of a thunderstorm is given by how fast air pressure rises or drops over a region,
which of the following regions is most likely to have a thunderstorm?
(A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) S
Key: (C)
Region Air pressure
P 0.95 – 0.90 = 0.05
Q 0.80 – 0.75 = 0.05
R 0.85 – 0.65 = 0.20
S 0.95 – 0.90 = 0.05

In general thunder storms are occurred in a region where suddenly air pressure changes (i.e.,)
should rise (or) sudden fall of air pressure. From the given contour map in „R‟ region only
more changes in air pressure. So, the possibility of a thunder storms in this region.
So option (C) is correct.

7. There are three boxes. One contains apples, another contains oranges and the last one contains
both apples and oranges. All three are known to be incorrectly labelled. If you are permitted to
open just one box and then pull out and inspect only one fruit, which box would you open to
determine the contents of all three boxes?
(A) The box labelled „Apples‟ (B) The box labelled „Apples and Oranges‟
(C) The box labelled „Oranges‟ (D) Cannot be determined
Key: (B)
Exp: The person who is opening the boxes, he knew that all 3 are marked wrong.
Suppose if 3 boxes are labelled as below.

(1) Apples (2) Oranges (3) Apples & Oranges

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If he inspected from Box(1), picked one fruit, found orange, then he don‟t know whether box
contains oranges (or) both apples and oranges.
Similarly, if he picked one fruit from box(2), found apple then he don‟t know whether box
contain apples (or) both apples and oranges.
But if he picked one fruit from box(3), i.e., labelled is “apples and oranges‟, if he found apple
then he can decide compulsorily that box(3) contains apples and as he knew all boxes are
labelled as incorrect, he can tell box(2) contains both apples and oranges, box(1) contain
remaining oranges. So, he should open box labelled „Apples and Oranges‟ to determine
contents of all the three boxes.

8. “We lived in a culture that denied any merit to literary works, considering them important only
when they were handmaidens to something seemingly more urgent – namely ideology. This was
a country where all gestures, even the most private, were interpreted in political terms.”

The author‟s belief that ideology is not as important as literature is revealed by the word:
(A) „culture‟ (B) „seemingly‟ (C) „urgent‟ (D) „political‟
Key: (B)

9. X is a 30 digit number starting with the digit 4 followed by the digit 7. Then the number X3
will have
(A) 90 digits (B) 91 digits (C) 92 digits (D) 93 digits
Key: (A)
Exp: X   47........... 30 digits

Suppose  47   2  2  2 digits in (47)3


Similarly  47   contains 30 + 30 + 30 digits = 90 digits.


10. The number of roots of ex  0.5x 2  2  0 in the range  5,5 is

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
Key: (C)
Exp: f  x   e x  0.5x 2  2

f  5  10.50; f  4   6.01, f  2   0.135; f  1  1.13;

f  0   1, f 1  1.21, f  2   7.38, f  3 , f  4  , f  5  also  ve.

 As there are 2 sign changes from +ve to –ve and –ve to +ve, two roots will be there in
the range [-5, 5].

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