VSRX Services Gateway: Product Description

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Data Sheet

vSRX Services Gateway

Product Overview Product Description

vSRX Services Gateway delivers a Data centers increasingly rely on server virtualization to deliver services faster and
complete virtual firewall solution, more efficiently than ever before. The virtualized data center, however, introduces new
including advanced security, robust challenges that require additional security considerations over and above those required to
networking, and automated virtual secure physical assets.
machine life cycle management
capabilities for service providers In the virtualized data center, virtual machines (VM) can be highly dynamic, with frequent
and enterprises. vSRX empowers additions, moves, and changes. This can complicate the ability to attach security policies
security professionals to deploy to VM instantiation and track security policies with VM movement to ensure continued
and scale firewall protection in regulatory compliance. In short, the dynamic and flexible nature of virtualization can easily
highly dynamic environments. lead to a loss of visibility and control that is taken for granted in a physical world.
To download a trial version of the
Network and security professionals must perform a delicate balancing act, delivering the
vSRX, including advanced security
benefits of virtualization and cloud technologies without undermining the security of the
services such as IPS, AppSecure
organization. This challenge can only be met by a new breed of security solution that can
and UTM, visit www.juniper.net/
us/en/dm/free-vsrx-trial/. keep pace with evolving threats while matching the agility and scalability of virtualized and
cloud environments—without sacrificing reliability, visibility, and control.

Juniper addresses these challenges head-on by extending the capabilities of the award-
winning Juniper Networks® SRX Series Services Gateways to the virtual world with the
vSRX Services Gateway. Powered by Juniper Networks Junos® operating system, the vSRX
delivers a complete and integrated virtual security solution, including L4-L7 advanced
security services, robust networking, and automated life cycle management capabilities for
service providers and enterprises alike.

The vSRX’s automated provisioning capabilities, enabled through Junos Space Virtual
Director, allow network and security administrators to quickly and efficiently provision and
scale firewall protection to meet the dynamic needs of virtualized and cloud environments.
By combining the vSRX’s provisioning application with the power of Junos Space Security
Director, administrators can significantly improve policy configuration, management, and
visibility into both physical and virtual assets from a common, centralized platform.

For service providers and organizations deploying service-oriented applications in software,

the vSRX’s portfolio of virtualized network and security services supports a variety of
Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) use cases. The vSRX also supports Juniper
Networks Contrail, OpenContrail, and other third-party solutions, and can be integrated
with other next-generation cloud orchestration tools such as OpenStack, either directly or
through rich APIs.

Your ideas. Connected.™

vSRX Services Gateway Data Sheet

Architecture and Key Components

Advanced Security Services The vSRX delivers a versatile, powerful virtualization-specific set of

Implementing nonintegrated, legacy systems built around traditional advanced security services, including unified threat management

firewalls and individual standalone appliances and software is no (UTM), intrusion detection and prevention (IDP), and application

longer adequate to protect against today’s sophisticated attacks. control and visibility services through AppSecure.

Juniper’s advanced security suite enables users to deploy multiple

Unified Threat Management (UTM)
technologies to meet the unique and evolving needs of modern
The vSRX includes comprehensive content security against
organizations and the constantly changing threat landscape. Real-
malware, viruses, phishing attacks, intrusions, spam, and other
time updates ensure that the technologies, policies, and other
threats with best-in-class antivirus, antispam, web filtering, and
security measures are always current.
content filtering features.

Table 1: vSRX UTM Features and Benefits

Feature Feature Description Benefits

Antivirus • Reputation-enhanced, cloud-based antivirus • Sophisticated protection from respected antivirus
capabilities that detect and block spyware, adware, experts against malware attacks that can lead to
viruses, keyloggers, and other malware over POP3, costly data breaches and lost productivity
HTTP, SMTP, and FTP protocols
• Service provided in cooperation with Sophos Labs, a
leader in anti-malware technology
Web filtering • Enhanced Web filtering, including extensive category • Protection against lost productivity and the impact
options (90+ categories) and a real-time scorecard of malicious URLs, as well as helping to maintain
delivered in partnership with Websense, the leading network bandwidth for business essential traffic
Web security provider
Content filtering • Effective inbound and outbound content filtering • Protection against inadvertent or malicious file
based on MIME type, file extension, and protocol transmitting and malicious content on the network to
commands minimize the risk of compromise or data leakage
Antispam • Multilayered spam protection, up-to-date phishing • Protection against advanced persistent threats
URL detection, standards-based S/MIME, Open perpetrated through social networking attacks and
PGP and TLS encryption, MIME type, and extension the latest phishing scams with sophisticated e-mail
blockers provided in cooperation with Sophos Labs filtering and content blockers

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

IPS for vSRX controls access to IT networks to protect systems from attack by inspecting data and taking actions such as blocking
attacks as they are developing—and before they succeed—or creating a series of rules in the firewall. IPS tightly integrates Juniper’s
applications security features with the network infrastructure to further mitigate threats and protect against a wide range of attacks
and vulnerabilities.

Table 2: vSRX IPS Features and Benefits

Feature Feature Description Benefits

Stateful signature Signatures are applied only to relevant portions of the Minimizes false positives and offers flexible signature
inspection network traffic determined by the appropriate protocol development.
Protocol decodes More than 65 protocol decodes are supported, along Accuracy of signatures is improved through precise
with more than 500 contexts to ensure proper usage of context of protocols.
Signatures There are more than 8,500 signatures for identifying Attacks are accurately identified and attempts to exploit
anomalies, attacks, spyware, and applications. known vulnerabilities are detected.
Traffic normalization Reassembly, normalization, and protocol decoding are System overcomes attempts to bypass other IPS
provided. detections by using obfuscation methods.
Zero-day protection Protocol anomaly detection and same day coverage for Networks are already protected against any new exploits.
newly found vulnerabilities are provided.
Recommended policy Attack signatures are identified by Juniper’s Security Installation and maintenance are simplified while
Team as critical for the typical enterprise to protect ensuring the highest network security.
Active/Active traffic IPS monitoring includes active/active vSRX chassis Support for active/active IPS monitoring is included.
monitoring clusters.
Packet capture IIPS policy supports packet capture logging per rule. Users can conduct further analysis of surrounding traffic
and determine further steps to protect target.

vSRX Services Gateway Data Sheet

Application Visibility and Control with AppSecure This efficient algorithm improves throughput and lowers latency

AppSecure is a next-generation application security suite for for session traffic when compared with a classic router that

vSRX and SRX Series Services Gateways that delivers threat performs multiple table lookups to verify session information

visibility, protection, enforcement, and control. and then find a next-hop route. Subsequent packets for the
established session require a single table lookup in the session
Whether needing to understand how many users are accessing and forwarding table, and are forwarded to the egress interface.
cloud-based applications like Facebook every day, or needing
to know what applications are using the most bandwidth, Security policies determine if a session can originate in one zone

AppSecure delivers powerful visibility and ongoing application and be forwarded to another zone. The vSRX receives packets

tracking. With open signatures, unique application sets can and keeps track of every session, every application, and every

be monitored, measured, and controlled to tie closely to the user. As a VM moves within a virtualized or cloud environment, it

organization’s business priorities. will still send packets to the vSRX for processing, continuously
communicating in a secure mode.
Table 3: AppSecure for vSRX Features and Benefits
Session Initial Security Policy Evaluation
Feature Description Benefit Packet Processing and Next-Hop Lookup

AppTrack Analyzes application Tracks application usage

data and classifies it to identify high-risk
based on risk level, zones, applications and analyze Session and Table
source and destination traffic patterns, improving Forwarding Table Update
addresses. network management Ingress Forwarding for Egress
and control. Interface Permitted Traffic Interface
AppFW Creates application Enhances security policy Disallowed by
control policies to allow creation and enforcement Policy: Dropped
or deny traffic based on based on applications
dynamic application rather than traditional Figure 1: vSRX session-based forwarding algorithm
name or group names. port and protocol
analysis. High Availability (HA)
AppQoS Meters and marks traffic Prioritizes traffic as well The vSRX provides mission-critical reliability, supporting chassis
based on the application as limits and shapes
clustering for both active/active as well as active/passive
security policies set by bandwidth based on
the administrator. application information modes. The HA functionality provides full stateful failover for any
and context to improve connections being processed as well as for cluster members to
overall performance.
span hypervisors. When vSRX VMs are configured in a cluster, the
Simple Configuration VM synchronizes connection/session state and flow information,

The vSRX uses two basic features—zones and policies. The IPsec security associations, Network Address Translation (NAT)

default configuration contains, at a minimum, a “trust” and traffic, address book information, configuration changes, and

an “untrust” zone. The trust zone is used for configuration and more. As a result, not only is the session preserved during failover,

attaching the internal network to vSRX. The untrust zone is but security is also kept intact. In an unstable network, vSRX also

commonly used for untrusted networks. To streamline installation mitigates link flapping.

and make configuration simpler, a default policy is in place

that allows traffic originating from the trust zone to flow to the
Traditionally, customers have been required to make a trade-
untrust zone, but blocks traffic originating in the untrust zone
off between scalability and performance. The vSRX solution is
from flowing to the trust zone. A traditional router forwards all
optimized to leverage multiple virtual CPUs to maximize packet
traffic without regard for a firewall (session awareness) or policy
processing and overall throughput in the virtual environment.
(origination and destination of a session). Furthermore, because
Each vSRX VM also has multiple virtual network interface cards
of the virtual nature of vSRX, customers can leverage snapshots,
(vNICs), which can be connected to various virtual networks to
cloning, and related technologies to streamline maintenance and
simultaneously protect multiple network segments. Operating
operational tasks.
from within the virtual fabric, the vSRX provides the best of both
In order to optimize the throughput and latency of the combined worlds—strong security with the performance needed to support
router and firewall, Junos OS implements session-based a virtualized or cloud-based environment.
forwarding, an innovation that combines the session state
information of a traditional firewall and the next-hop forwarding
of a classic router into a single operation. With Junos OS, a
session that is permitted by the forwarding policy is added to the
forwarding table along with a pointer to the next-hop route.

vSRX Services Gateway Data Sheet

Table 4: vSRX Services Gateway (two vCPUs) Key Performance Metrics

Performance and Capacity1 VMware KVM

vSRX version tested Junos OS 15.1X49-D15 Junos OS 15.1X49-D15
Firewall throughput, large packet (1514B) 17 Gbps 13.5 Gbps
Firewall throughput, IMIX 4 Gbps 3 Gbps
Latency 57 μs 70 μs
AES+SHA1 IPSec VPN throughput 800 Mbps 700 Mbps
AppSecure throughput2 4.5 Gbps 3.5 Gbps
IPS throughput3 1.8 Gbps 1.4 Gbps
New sessions per second (TCP) 54K 36K
Maximum concurrent sessions 520K 520K
Reference platform for performance: Dell PowerEdge R920, 12 Core, 3.4 Ghz CPUs, SR-IOV enabled. VMware test is based on ESXi5.5, KVM test is based on Ubuntu-14.04. All performance
numbers are “up to” and will depend on underlying hardware configuration (some server configurations may perform better). Performance, capacity and features listed are based on vSRX
running Junos OS 15.1X49-D15 release and are measured under ideal testing conditions. Actual results may vary based on Junos OS releases and by deployments
Throughput measured with AppFW feature
IPS performance is based on data center use case (client-to-server protection) with the recommended IPS policy template.

Table 5: vSRX System Requirements4 benefit from rapid service rollouts and error-free deployments by
using the Virtual Director’s predefined configuration templates,
CPU Cores 2
automation tools, workflow-based tasks, and intuitive GUI.
Memory 4 GB
Disk Space 16 GB Virtual Director’s open set of RESTful APIs provides a single
Network Drivers - VMware ESXi VMXNET3, SR-IOV5 supported interface to all third-party orchestration tools and custom
on Intel 82599 based NIC applications for end-to-end configuration and management.
Network Drivers KVM Virtio, SR-IOV5 supported on
Intel 82599 based NIC Junos Space Security Director
System requirements for vSRX Junos 15.1X49-D15 release
Junos Space Security Director provides security policy
Please see vSRX 15.1X49-D15 release notes for the limitations.
management through an intuitive and centralized web-based
Multi-Core vSRX interface that offers enforcement across emerging and traditional
Leveraging the scale-up model, the multi-core vSRX can satisfy risk vectors. As an application on the Junos Space platform,
the ever-growing demand for throughput performance without Security Director provides extensive security scale, granular
adding complexity to the network infrastructure. The multi-core policy control, and policy breadth across the network. It helps
version of the vSRX provides a linear scale of performance for each administrators quickly manage all phases of security policy life
additional core added beyond the minimum two vCPUs, achieving cycle for stateful firewall, UTM, IPS, AppFW, VPN, and NAT.
100 Gbps performance by using 12 vCPUs from a single socket.
Unified Management
Table 6: Multi-Core vSRX Services Gateway Key Performance
By combining the power of Junos Space Security Director with
the Junos Space Virtual Director, administrators can significantly
Performance and Capacity6 KVM SRIOV improve policy configuration, management, and visibility into both
Firewall throughput, large packet (1514B) 100 Gbps physical and virtual assets from one common, centralized platform.
Firewall throughput, IMIX 25 Gbps
Performance based on Intel Xeon CPU E5-2670 @ 2.3 GHz. KVM is based on Ubuntu-14.04. Key Features and Benefits
• Secures multitenant private and public cloud environments
Table 7: Multi-Core vSRX System Requirements
by delivering a complete firewall with stateful packet
CPU Cores 12
processing and application-layer gateway features in a virtual
Memory 12 GB
machine format
Disk Space 16 GB
Network Drivers KVM SR-IOV supported on • Leverages the same, consistent, advanced security and
Intel 82599-based NIC networking features (IPsec VPN, NAT, QoS, and full routing
capabilities) of the SRX Series Services Gateways
Junos Space Virtual Director
• Defends against an increasingly sophisticated threat
As a full life cycle management application for vSRX, Junos
landscape by integrating powerful UTM, IPS, and application
Space Virtual Director enables organizations to automate
visibility and control capabilities for a comprehensive threat
provisioning and resource allocation of vSRX Services Gateway
management framework
VMs. The application runs on top of Juniper’s well-established
Junos Space Network Management Platform and supports • Simplifies administrative functions with Junos Space Virtual
the design, deployment, monitoring, grouping, and reporting of Director, an intelligent, automated life cycle management
vSRX VM instances. Network and security administrators will application at no additional cost

vSRX Services Gateway Data Sheet

• Improves management flexibility with open RESTful APIs to Juniper Networks Services and Support
support integration with third-party management and cloud
Juniper Networks is the leader in performance-enabling services
orchestration tools
that are designed to accelerate, extend, and optimize your
• Expands visibility into and control over firewall security policy high-performance network. Our services allow you to maximize
configuration and management across virtual and non- operational efficiency while reducing costs and minimizing
virtual environments with Junos Space Security Director risk, achieving a faster time to value for your network. Juniper
• Supports SDN and NFV via integration with Contrail, Networks ensures operational excellence by optimizing the
OpenContrail, and other third-party solutions network to maintain required levels of performance, reliability,
and availability. For more details, please visit www.juniper.net/us/

The following table highlights high-level specifications. Please see the product documentation for a complete list.

Table 8: vSRX Services Gateway Specifications

IP Address SLA, Measurement,

Protocols Security Hypervisors
Management and Monitoring
• IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, • Static • Firewall • Real-time performance • VMware 5.1, 5.5, 6.0;
ISO Connectionless • Dynamic Host • Firewall, zones, screens, monitoring (RPM) KVM/QEMU:
Network Service Configuration Protocol policies • Sessions, packets, and - CentOS 7
(CLNS) (DHCP) bandwidth usage
• Stateful firewall, - Ubuntu 14.04
• Static routes • Internal DHCP server, stateless filters • IP monitoring
• RIPv2 +v1 DHCP relay • Network attack • Logging
• OSPF/OSPFv3 • Address Translation detection • System logging
• BGP • Source NAT with Port • Screens denial of • Traceroute
• IS-IS Address Translation service (DoS) and
• Extensive control
(PAT) distributed DoS (DDoS)
• Multicast (Internet and data plane
• Static NAT protection (anomaly-
Group Management structured and
Protocol, PIM, Session • Destination NAT with unstructured system log
Description Protocol) PAT • Replay attack administration
prevention; anti-replay
• MPLS • Persistent NAT, NAT64 • Junos Space Security
• Unified access control Director support
• VPLS • Encapsulations
• Ethernet • Juniper Networks
• TCP reassembly for Secure Analytics
• 802.1q VLAN support fragmented packet
• Juniper Networks
Advanced Insight
• Brute force attack Solutions support
• External administrator
• SYN cookie protection database (RADIUS,
• Zone-based IP spoofing LDAP, SecureID)
• Malformed packet • Auto-configuration
protection • Configuration rollback
• VPN • Rescue configuration
• Tunnels (generic routing with button
encapsulation, IP-IP) • Commit confirm for
• IPsec, Data Encryption changes
Standard (DES) • Auto-record for
(56-bit), triple Data diagnostics
Encryption Standard
• Software upgrades
(3DES) (168-bit),
Advanced Encryption • J-Web
Standard (AES) (128- • CLI
bit+) encryption
• Message Digest
5 (MD5), SHA-1,
SHA-128, SHA-256
• IPv6

vSRX Services Gateway Data Sheet

Ordering Information About Juniper Networks

For more information about Juniper Networks vSRX, please visit Juniper Networks challenges the status quo with products,
www.juniper.net/us/en/products-services/security/srx-series/vsrx solutions and services that transform the economics of
or contact the nearest Juniper Networks sales representative. For networking. Our team co-innovates with customers and partners
a free vSRX trial, visit www.juniper.net/us/en/dm/free-vsrx-trial/. to deliver automated, scalable and secure networks with agility,
performance and value. Additional information can be found at
Juniper Networks or connect with Juniper on Twitter and Facebook.

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1000489-007-EN May 2016

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