Spinpact Fine Tuning Handbook
Spinpact Fine Tuning Handbook
Spinpact Fine Tuning Handbook
1. Preamble of our compact
2. Compact claim
3. While commissioning
4. For attending quality related issues.- Includes basic setting of ringframe
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On the other hand, the length of the spinning triangle depends mainly on the twist. High yarn twist
results in a short length (L1), but low yarn twist results in a long length (L2).It is unfortunate that both
short length and long length of the spinning triangle can lead to an increase in the yarn break rate
and hairiness.
A long spinning triangle length enlarges the spinning triangle, which is a weak point that may break
when tension peaks induced by shocks or uneven running from traveler or balloon act on the
spinning triangle.Hairiness is also increased, since the hairiness of the yarn depends to a great
extent on the area of the spinning triangle.
On the other hand, a short spinning triangle results in an increase in both hairiness and yarn break
rate, due to difficulties in tying the edge fibers into the yarn body, and due to irregular distribution of
fiber tension in the yarn structure.
If reducing the length of spinning triangle is our motive, then our New 1, New 2 geometry must have
yielded the compact yarn results,but has not happened. EBH might have reduced, but the yarn
quality is never been near to compact yarn.In case of New1 & New 2 geometry, length of the
spinning triangle is vastly reduced than regular geometry by reducing overlapping of fibers
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on bottom roller, but the width of the spinning triangle is not altered.
To overcome the above facts, the compact spinning technique is introduced, eliminating the
spinning triangle by reducing the fiber strand width to the spinning width & length, resulting
in an increase of yarn strength and decrease of hairiness and yarn break rate.
2) Compact claim
Reduced hairiness ( Uster HI, up to 30%) & S3 value up to 85%
Increased yarn strength RKM (up to 15%)
IPI improvement expected
Technology in compact
a. Tension draft
b. Compact slot width
c. Slot angle
d. Compact nipping point
Tension draft
As the number of the fibers handled in the compact zone is almost countable, slight stretch of fibers
in this zone will lead to affect on yarn quality, end breakage & variation in count.
Amount of tension draft depends upon the drive transmit for the compact top roller.In spinpact due to
positively driven compact bottom roller, tension draft is maintained at 0.982.
Lesser the tension draft, greater the amount of time a drafted fleece can in compact zone.
Fiber will orient towards the compact slot by itself without exploiting its properties.
nozzle slot
As the fibers pass over the nozzle slot, due to the compact suction force under the nozzle slot, the
fibers will be stopped at the RHS edge of Suction slot & creates a cohesion between the fibers by
Due to the positive forward movement of compact apron, cohesive fiber web is carried forward &
then twisted into the yarn.
Hence in suction compact systems “ It is not only the suction aids in compact the yarn, it’s the
inclined suction slot makes use of the suction & compacting the yarn.
Variables Standard Remarks
DLS Load 2.5 Kg 5 Kg Based on the need
Compact Zone setting- Top
1.5/41 mm 44 mm Based on the staple
Compact suction mmWC 180-210 300 Based on material & count
Cradle 39 36 & 43 Based on the quality
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2) During running with material, the drafting fleece should coincide with the compacting slot, if not
then align the roving condenser using roving condenser centering tool to match the drafted
3) Verify the compact roller diameter & front roller diameter as front bottom roller
supplied/available in machine.
d. Spacer
a) Wider the spacer the lesser the hairiness
e. Front zone setting
a) Wider the front zone setting , lesser the hairiness
f. Traveller bow height traveler
a) Higher the bow height,lesser the hairiness
g. Drafting pressure- 2.1.bar
a) Optimum drafting pressure at 2.1 bar, lesser the hairiness
h. Ring & lappet Centering
a) Perfect ring centering , lesser the hairiness & CV%
i. Draft in ringframe
a) Lesser the total draft, lesser the hairiness
When comparing two different samples for hairiness, always collect the cops & test at same length.
In general there is a difference of up to 1 hairiness index between the initial layers & final layers o
cop due to the difference in balloon length during winding.
Always there is a increase of hairiness index when converting from cop to cone. Depends upon,
a) Winding speed
b) Hairiness in parent yarn
c) SFC in mixing
In general when the ring frame draft is exceeding 40-50, front zone setting can be maintained as
51.5 mm with 39 mm cradle
Factors can influence cop elongation in Ringframe.
a) Traveller weight
I. Lesser the traveller weight, higher will be yarn elongation
b) Spindle Speed
I. Lesser the spindle speed, higher will be yarn elongation
c) Draft
I. Lesser the total draft, higher the elongation.
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a. Life of idler gear is depends upon the delivery speed of front roller,count
processed,material processed & work practise.
b. Maximum life one can expect up to 2 yrs for cotton finer counts & 1.5 yrs for medium
counts & 8 - 1 yr for coarser & synthetics.
c. Above life period does not mean that all the gears will completely fail in that period only.
h) Check the condition of compact apron & remove the damaged apron at once.
i) Check the condition of idler gear. If u suspect the gear play is open, check the gear play
with new idler gear. As the gears have worked, gear play seems to be open always.