Mathematics Notes For Class 9

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The key takeaways are that there are different types of numbers including natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers. Rational numbers can be expressed as a ratio of integers and irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a ratio. Real numbers include both rational and irrational numbers.

The different types of numbers discussed are natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers. Natural numbers are positive counting numbers. Whole numbers include zero. Integers include positive and negative whole numbers. Rational numbers can be expressed as a ratio of integers. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a ratio. Real numbers include both rational and irrational numbers.

An irrational number can be located on the number line using the Pythagorean theorem. You find the Pythagorean triplet for the irrational number and locate the two other numbers on the number line. Then draw a perpendicular line segment of the smaller number and an arc with the radius of the smaller number to find the point of intersection for the irrational number.

Mathematics Notes For Class 9

Ch- Number system

(1) Types of Numbers:
(i) Natural numbers: The group of the positive numbers which are countable are known as
natural numbers. We denote natural numbers by symbol N.
For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. are some natural numbers.

(ii) Whole numbers: The group of natural numbers with inclusion of zero in it are known as
whole numbers. We denote whole numbers by symbol W.
For example: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. are some whole numbers.

(iii) Integer numbers: The group of positive and negative numbers along with zero are known
as integer numbers. We denote whole numbers by symbol Z. The symbol Z for integers comes
from the word “zahlen” which means to count.
For example: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. are some integer numbers.

(iv) Rational numbers: The numbers which can be expressed as ratio of integers are known as
rational numbers. In other words, these are the numbers which can be expressed in p/q form;
where q ≠ 0. We denote whole numbers by symbol Q. The word ‘Rational’ comes from the word
‘ratio’ and symbol Q comes from ‘quotient’.
For example: 1/4, 2/7, - 3/10, 34/7, etc. are some rational numbers.
Note: All the other types of number can be expressed as rational numbers.

(2) Equivalent rational numbers/factors:

A rational number does not have unique representation.
Let us take an example to understand them:
We can write, 1/3 = 2/6 = 4/12 = 12/36 and the list goes on. So, these types of numbers are
known as equivalent rational numbers. However, for any p/q rational number, we assume
that p and q have no common factors other than 1.
Remember: There are infinite rational numbers between any two given rational numbers.
For example: Find five rational numbers between 2/7 and 8/7.
(i) We know that, there are infinite rational numbers between any two given rational numbers.
(ii) Here, we can write 2/7 = (2x2) / (7x2) = 4/14 and 8/7 = (8x2) / (7x2) = 16/14.
(iii) Now, five rational numbers between 2/7 and 4/7 are 5/14, 6/14, 7/14, 8/14, 9/14.

(3) Irrational Numbers:

Irrational numbers are the numbers which cannot be written in p/q form, where p and q are
integers and q ≠ 0. The irrational numbers were discovered by the Pythagoreans. There are
indefinite irrational numbers.
For example: √2, √3, √15, π, 0.101010110010001.....etc. are some irrational numbers.

(4) Real numbers:

The group of numbers which includes rational and irrational numbers in it are known as real
numbers. We denote real numbers by symbol R.
Fact - Two German Mathematicians showed that: Corresponding to every real number, there is
a point on the real number line, and corresponding to every point on the number line, there
exists a unique real number.

(5) Pythagoras theorem to locate an irrational number √n on the real number

(i) Steps to locate irrational number:
(i) Step 1: Find the Pythagorean triplet for given √n. Let x and y be the two other Pythagorean
triplets than √n (Assume x > y).
(ii) Step 2: Out of x and y, locate from origin (O) the point which is larger x in this case on the
real number line.
(iii) Step 3: Draw from x a perpendicular line segment of length y units.
(iv) Step 4: Draw an arc of radius Oy on the number line. The point where this arc will intersect
represents √n.

For Example: Locate √5 on the number line.

(i) Firstly, we will find the other two numbers whose result will be √5 satisfying the Pythagoras
(ii) In this case √(2)2 + √(1)2 = √5.
(iii) Now, draw a number line. Mark point A which will be 2 units from origin. Then draw
perpendicular line segment AB of unit length. Take origin as centre and OB as radius; draw an

arc intersecting number line at C.

(iv) In the figure, OC represents √5.

(ii) Locating √n point on number line for already drawn √n-1:

For Example: Locate √3 on the number line.
(i) In this case, we will locate √2 on number as shown in the above example.
(ii) For already drawn √2, draw
unit perpendicular length BD to OB. Now, keeping O as centre draw an arc from point D which
will intersect the number line at Q.

(iii) In the figure, OQ represents √3.

(6) Real Numbers and their decimal expansions:

When a rational number is divided, following are some points which could be noted:
(i) A remainder becomes 0 or remainder repeats itself after certain stage.
(ii) The number of entries in the repeating string of remainders is less than the divisor.
(iii) If the remainders repeat, then we get a repeating block of digits in the quotient.

Following are the two major cases:

Case 1: The remainder becomes zero.
This includes those rational numbers whose remainder terminates or ends after a finite number of
steps. The decimal expansion of such numbers is called as terminating.
For example: ½ = 0.5, 7/8 = 0.875, etc. are some terminating real numbers.

Case 2: The remainder never becomes zero.

This includes those rational numbers whose remainder does not terminate or ends. The decimal
expansion of such numbers is called non-terminating or recurring.
For example: 1/3 = 0.3333...., 1/7 = 0.142857142857....., etc. are some non - terminating real

Some Examples:
For Example: Write decimal form and state the type of decimal expansions for following
(a) 1/11
(i) 1/11 = 0.0909090... =
(ii) Type: Non-terminating
(b) 329/400
(i) 329/400 = 0.8225
(ii) Type: Terminating

For Example: Express 0.6666.... in the p/q form.

(i) Let x = 0.6666...
(ii) So, 10x = 6.666...
(iii) Thus, 10x = 6 + x i.e. 9x = 6
(iv) x = 2/3.
(v) Hence, p/q form of 0.6666.... is 2/3.

(7) Finding irrational numbers between two numbers:

For Example: Find three irrational numbers between 5/7 and 9/11.
(i) Here, 5/7 = and 9/11 =
(ii) In between these range, three irrational numbers can be 0.7201272012..., 0.7301373013...
and 0.7401474014.....

(8) Representing Real numbers on the number line:

Look at figures below to understand number line in detail:
Here, we are needed to locate 2.665 on the number line.

The figures here represent the process of

visualisation of representation of numbers on the number line. Such process is known as the
process of successive magnification.
For Example: Visualise on the number line up to 4 decimal places.
(i) We know that, = 4.262626......
(ii) Here, we need to represent up to 4 decimal places. So, we need to represent 4.2626 on

the number line.

(9) Operations on real numbers:

For any two real numbers x and y, following identities hold true:


For Example: Simplify (3 + ) (2 + ).

=(3 + ) (2 + ) = 3 x (2 + )+ x (2 + )
=6+3 +2 +

For Example: Rationalise the denominator of 1 / (√7 – 2).

1 / (√7 – 2) = 1 / (√7 – 2) x (√7 + 2)/ (√7 + 2)
= (√7 + 2)/ ((√7)2 – (2)2)
= (√7 + 2)/ (7 – 4)
= (√7 + 2)/3

(10) Laws of Exponents for Real Numbers:

1. am x an = am+n
2. (am)n = amn
3. am / an = am-n
4. am x bm = (ab)m

For Example: Find 641/2.

(i) 641/2 = (26)1/2
(ii) Using property (am)n = amn, we can write,
(iii) 641/2 = 26 x1/2
= 23 = 8

For Example: Simplify 71/2 x 81/2.

(i) 71/2 x 81/2 = (7 x 8)1/2
(ii) Using property am x bm = (ab)m, we can write,
(iii) 71/2 x 81/2 = (56)1/2

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