Ayous: Log Description Wood Description

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Family: MALVACEAE (angiosperm)

Scientific name(s): Triplochiton scleroxylon
Commercial restriction: no commercial restriction


Color: light yellow Diameter: from 60 to 140 cm
Sapwood: not demarcated Thickness of sapwood:
Texture: medium Floats: yes
Grain: straight or interlocked Log durability: low (must be treated)
Interlocked grain: slight
Note: Black holes, brittleheart, ring shakes and grub holes in some logs.
Yellowish white to light yellow, heartwood sometimes darker. Ribbon like aspect on quartersawn. Grain sometimes irregular.


Physical and mechanical properties are based on mature heartwood specimens. These properties can vary greatly depending on origin and growth

Mean Std dev. Mean Std dev.

Specific gravity *: 0,38 0,05 Crushing strength *: 30 MPa 4 MPa
Monnin hardness *: 1,1 0,4 Static bending strength *: 52 MPa 9 MPa
Coeff. of volumetric shrinkage: 0,36 % 0,11 % Modulus of elasticity *: 7260 MPa 1574 MPa
Total tangential shrinkage (TS): 5,0 % 0,5 %
Total radial shrinkage (RS): 2,9 % 0,4 % (*: at 12% moisture content, with 1 MPa = 1 N/mm²)
TS/RS ratio: 1,7
Fiber saturation point: 29 % Musical quality factor: 111,2 measured at 2468 Hz
Stability: moderately stable to stable


Fungi and termite resistance refers to end-uses under temperate climate. Except for special comments on sapwood, natural durability is based on mature
heartwood. Sapwood must always be considered as non-durable against wood degrading agents.
E.N. = Euro Norm

Funghi (according to E.N. standards): class 5 - not durable

Dry wood borers: susceptible - sapwood not or slightly demarcated (risk in all the wood)
Termites (according to E.N. standards): class S - susceptible
Treatability (according to E.N. standards): class 3 - poorly permeable
Use class ensured by natural durability: class 1 - inside (no dampness)
Species covering the use class 5: No
Note: This species is listed in the European standard NF EN 350-2.
Poorly to moderately permeable to preservative treatment. Prone to blue stain and dote.


Against dry wood borer attacks: requires appropriate preservative treatment
In case of risk of temporary humidification: use not recommended
In case of risk of permanent humidification: use not recommended

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Drying rate: rapid Possible drying schedule: 3
Risk of distortion: no risk or very slight risk
Temperature (°C)
Risk of casehardening: no M.C. (%) dry-bulb wet-bulb Air humidity (%)
Risk of checking: no risk or very slight risk Green 60 56 81
Risk of collapse: no 30 68 58 61
Note: During air drying, it is recommended to use large 20 74 60 51
spacer sticks to allow a good air circulation. 15 80 61 41

This schedule is given for information only and is applicable to thickness lower or equal to 38 mm.
It must be used in compliance with the code of practice.
For thickness from 38 to 75 mm, the air relative humidity should be increased by 5 % at each step.
For thickness over 75 mm, a 10 % increase should be considered.


Blunting effect: normal
Sawteeth recommended: ordinary or alloy steel
Cutting tools: ordinary
Peeling: good
Slicing: nood
Note: Tends to crumble when machining end grain and tends to tear in mortising (it is recommended to keep sharp edges and to
reduce the cutting angle). Filling recommended.

Nailing / screwing: poor
Gluing: correct
Note: Gluing must be done carefully: absorbent wood.

Appearance grading for sawn timbers: According to SATA grading rules (1996)
For the "General Purpose Market":
Possible grading for square edged timbers: choix I, choix II, choix III, choix IV
Possible grading for short length lumbers: choix I, choix II
Possible grading for short length rafters: choix I, choix II, choix III
For the "Special Market":
Possible grading for strips and small boards (ou battens): choix I, choix II, choix III
Possible grading for rafters: choix I, choix II, choix III

Conventional French grading: Thickness > 14 mm : M.3 (moderately inflammable)
Thickness < 14 mm : M.4 (easily inflammable)
Euroclasses grading: D s2 d0
Default grading for solid wood, according to requirements of European standard EN 14081-1 annex C (April
2009). It concerns structural graded timber in vertical uses with mean density upper 0.35 and thickness upper
22 mm.

Moulding Veneer for interior of plywood
Veneer for back or face of plywood Current furniture or furniture components
Boxes and crates Interior joinery
Interior panelling Fiber or particle boards
Blockboard Sculpture
Matches Sliced veneer
Note: Substitute for POPLAR (Populus spp.) for several end-uses: light furniture, pannelling....

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Country Local name Country Local name
Benin XWETIN Cameroon AYOUS
Cameroon AYUS Congo EGUESS
Ivory Coast SAMBA Gabon AYOUS
Ghana WAWA Equatorial Guinea AYOUS
Equatorial Guinea AYUS Nigeria ARERE
Nigeria OBECHE Central African Republic BADO
Central African Republic M'BADO Germany ABACHI
France AYOUS France SAMBA
United Kingdom AYOUS United Kingdom OBECHE
United Kingdom WAWA

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