National Commission For Backward Classes: Trikoot-1, Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi-110066

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National Commission for Backward Classes

Information Handbook
Under Right to Information Act, 2005

Trikoot-1, Bhikaji Cama Place

New Delhi-110066
National Commission for Backward Classes
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Trikoot-1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110 066
Tele # 011-26189212, 26189213, 26189210 Fax : 011-26183227

Information Handbook under Right to Information Act, 2005


1.1 Background of Information Handbook

This Information Handbook has been prepared in pursuance of Section 4 of the Right to
Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act, 2005) to provide information in respect of powers, duties and
functions of the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) set up under the NCBC
Act, 1993.

1.2 Objectives

• To provide access to information under the control of the National Commission for
Backward Classes and to promote transparency and accountability in the working.

• To provide maximum information suo motu or sources thereof so that people have
minimum resort to use of the RTI Act.

1.3 Intended Users

This handbook is useful for individuals/organisations/associations interested in inclusion of

caste/communities in the Central List of OBCs and for redressal of complaints of over-
inclusion and under-inclusion.

1.4 Contact persons for getting more information

Please contact S/Shri B Bandyopadhyay, Under Secretary, V.Chandra Sekhar,RO, B Santosh

Kumar,RO and Dharmender Kumar,SO in the NCBC for getting more information by post,
telephone or fax at the following address:

National Commission for Backward Classes

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Trikoot-1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110 066
Tele # 011-26189212, 26189213, 26189210 Fax: 011-26183227

1.5 Definitions/Abbreviations used

(a) “RTI Act” means the Right to Information Act, 2005.

(b) “NCBC Act” means :-
National Commission for Backward Classes Act 1993.

(c) Definitions- In NCBC Act,1993 unless the context otherwise requires,-

(1) “backward classes” means such backward classes of citizens other
than the Scheduled castes and the Scheduled Tribes as may be
specified by the Central Government in the lists;
(2) “Commission”: means the National Commission for Backward
Classes constituted under section 3;
(d) “lists” means lists prepared by the Government of India from time to time
for purposes of making provision for the reservation of appointments or
posts in favour of backward classes of citizens which, in the opinion of
that government, are not adequately represented in the services under
the government of Indian and any local or other authority within the
territory of India or under the control of the Government of India;
(e) “Member” means a Member of the commission and includes the
(f) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act.
(g) “CPIO” means Central Public Information Officer designated under
Section 5(1) of the RTI Act;
(h) “ACPIO” means Assistant Central Public Information Officer designated
under Section 5(2) of the RTI Act;
(i) “Appellate Authority” means the authority to whom an appeal can be
submitted under Section 19(i) of the RTI Act.

1.6 Procedure and fee structure for getting information not available in the handbook

Any person who wishes to seek information under the Right to Information Act, 2005 can file
an application in Form-A, attached with this Handbook, to the Central Public Information
Officer, NCBC. Forms are available free of cost in the NCBC. It can also be downloaded
from the website of the NCBC.

1. A request for obtaining information under sub-section (1) of section 6 shall be

accompanied by an application fees of rupees ten by way of cash against proper
receipt or by demand draft or bankers cheque payable to the Pay & Accounts
Officer, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment or DDO, NCBC.

2. For providing the information under sub-section (1) of section 7, the fee shall be
charged by way of cash against proper receipt or by demand draft or bankers
cheque payable to the Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Social Justice &
Empowerment or DDO, NCBC at the following rates:-

(a) rupees two for each page (in A-4 or A-3 size paper) created or copied;
(b) Actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size paper
(c) Actual cost or price for samples or models; and
(d) For inspection of records, no fee for the first hour; and a fee of rupees five for
each fifteen minutes (or fraction thereof) thereafter.
3. For providing the information under sub-section (5) of section 7, the fee shall be
charged by way of cash against proper receipt or by demand draft or bankers
cheque payable to the Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Social Justice &
Empowerment or DDO, NCBC at the following rates:-
(a) for information provided in diskette or floppy rupees fifty per diskette or
floppy; and
(b) for information provided in printed form at the price fixed for such publication
or rupees two per page of photocopy for extracts from the publication.

CHAPTER – 2 : Particulars of Organization, Functions and Duties

2.1 Particulars of the organization

(Objective/Purpose and brief history of the Organization)

The National Commission for Backward Classes is a statutory body under the
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

2.1.1 The Supreme Court of India in its landmark judgement dated 16.11.1992 (Judgement
Writ Petition (Civil) No.930 of 1990 – Indira Sawhney and Others Vs Union of India and
Others) directed the Government of India, State Governments and Administrations of Union
Territories to constitute a permanent body in the nature of Commission or Tribunal for
entertaining, examining and making recommendations upon requests for inclusion and
complaints of over-inclusion and under inclusion in the list of OBCs (Annexure-I).
Government of India was also directed to specify the basis for applying the relevant and
requisite socio-economic criteria to exclude socially advanced persons/sections (creamy
layer) from other backward classes so that this would become a means of ensuring flow of the
benefits of reservation to the really needy people.

2.1.2 In pursuance of the direction of the Supreme Court, the Government of India enacted
the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993 (Act No.27 of 1993) (Annexure-II),
for setting up a National Commission for Backward Classes at the Centre. The Act came into
effect on the 2nd April 1993. Section 3 of the Act provides that the Commission shall consist
of five members, namely, a Chairperson who is or has been a judge of the Supreme Court or
of a High Court; a social scientist, two persons, who have special knowledge in matters
relating to backward classes; and a Member-Secretary who is or has been an officer of the
Central Government in the rank of a Secretary to the Government of India.

2.1.3 The Government of India constituted the Commission by its Notification

No.12011/34/BCC(C)/Pt. I dated 14 August 1993 with the first team of five Members with a
tenure of three years.

2.1.4 In the context of Supreme Court’s direction regarding exclusion of socially advanced
persons/sections from OBCs, the Govt. of India constituted an expert committee headed by
Justice R.N. Prasad (Retd.) and three other members comprising a social scientist and two
officers with wide administrative experience, to determine the criteria for identification of the
socially advanced persons/sections(creamy layer) for exclusion of ‘Creamy Layer’ from
OBCs. The Committee submitted its report on March 10,1993 and the same was accepted by
the Government of India. The Committee defined the ‘creamy layer’ as when a person has
been able to shed off the attributes of social and educational backwardness and has secured
employment or has engaged himself in some trade/profession of high status and at which
stage he is normally no longer in need of reservation.

2.1.5 Reservation of posts for Backward Classes in the services of Government of India
took effect from the 8th September 1993 when the Department of Personnel & Training issued
its Office Memorandum No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT), dated
8th September 1993 (Annexure-IV), the Resolution No.12011/68/93-BCC (C), the then
Ministry of Welfare dated 10 September, 1993 and the Resolution No.12011/9/94-BCC, the
Ministry of Welfare dated 19 October, 1994 set the stage for the operationalisation of the
O.M. of 13 August 1990 (Annexure-III). The O.M. dated 8th September 1993 incorporated

the rule of exclusion of socially advanced persons/sections from reservation, on the basis of
the recommendations of the Expert Committee, thus fulfilling the condition laid down by the
Supreme Court for the implementation of the Office Memorandum of 13th August 1990.

2.1.6 The Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, vide Office
Order No.12011/6/97-BCC dated 6 October, 2003, entrusted the task of review of the
income criteria to this Commission. The Commission was also asked to give suggestions /
recommendations on some other issues relating to the creamy layer criteria.

2.1.7 The Commission on 23rd January 2004 submitted its “Report on the Review of
Income Criteria for Exclusion of “Socially Advanced Persons/Sections” (Creamy Layer)
among Other Backward Classes from the benefit of 27% Reservation in the Posts and
Services under Government of India” to the Govt. Government of India accepted the
recommendations of the Commission and vide O.M. No.36033/3/2004-Estt.(Res.) dated 09th
March 2004 raised the income limit from Rs.1 lakh to Rs.2.5 lakh for determining the creamy
layer amongst the OBCs .And subsequently raised the income limit to Rs. 4.5 lakhs vide
DOP&T OM No. 36033/2/2004-Estt(Res) dt 14.10.2008 (Annexure V).

2.2. Functions of the Commission

2.2.1 The functions of the Commission are laid down in section 9 and section 11 of the Act.
Under sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Act the Commission “shall examine requests for
inclusion of any class of citizens as a Backward Class in the lists and hear complaints of over-
inclusion or under inclusion of any Backward Class in such lists and tender such advice to the
Central Government as it deems appropriate”. The term “list” in this section refers to “lists
prepared by the Government of India from time to time for purposes of making provision for
the reservation of appointments or posts in favour of backward classes of citizens which, in
the opinion of that Government, are not adequately represented in the services under the
Government of India and any local or other authority within the territory of India or under the
control of the Government of India”. The term “backward classes” has been defined in clause
(a) of the same section, to mean such Backward Classes of citizens other than the
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes as may be specified by the Central Government
in the lists”.

2.2.2 Under Section 9(2) of the Act, “The advice of the Commission shall ordinarily be
binding upon the Central Government”. This mandatory provision is based on and
incorporates the directions of the Supreme Court in the Mandal Judgement, which directed
the Government of India and the State Governments/Union Territories to constitute a
permanent body, in the shape of a National Commission for Backward Classes and the
State Commissions for Backward Classes and that the “advice tendered by such bodies shall
ordinarily be binding upon the Government” (vide extract of the Judgement at Annexure-I).

2.2.3 Section 11 of the Act enjoins upon the Central Government to undertake revision of
the lists of backward classes at the expiration of ten years after the Act came into force and
thereafter every succeeding period of ten years, and enables it to undertake such revision at
any time, with a view to excluding from such lists those classes who have ceased to be
backward classes or for including in such lists new backward classes. Under sub-section (2)
of this Section, the Central Government is required to consult the Commission while under-
taking such revision. For performing its functions under Section 9(1) of the Act, the
Commission has been vested with all the powers of a civil court trying a suit and in particular,
in respect of the summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person from any part of
India and examining him on oath; requiring the discovery and production of any document;
receiving evidence on affidavits; requisitioning any public record or copy thereof from any
court or office; issuing notices for the examination of witnesses and documents; and any other
matter which may be prescribed.

2.2.4 Section 8(2) empowers the Commission to regulate its own procedure. The NCBC,
after studying the criteria/indicators framed by the Mandal Commission and the Commission
set up in the past by different State Governments and other relevant materials formulated the
guidelines for considering requests for inclusion in the list of Other Backward Classes.

2.3 Procedure of the Commission

2.3.1 Soon after the Commission was established, under the powers vested by Section
8(2) of the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, the following documents were

(i) The procedure for examination of requests for inclusion in the lists and
complaints of over-inclusion or under-inclusion in the Central list of Backward

(ii) Guidelines for consideration of requests for inclusion and complaints of

under-inclusion in the Central list. (Annexure-VI)

(iii) Questionnaire for obtaining data in respect of requests for inclusion of

castes/communities. (Annexure-VII)

2.3.2 Based on experience and according to needs, the Commission has been making
additions and improvements to these documents from time to time.

2.3.3 Some details of the procedure followed by the Commission are given below:

I. Procedure for examination of requests for inclusion in the lists and hearing of
complaints of over-inclusion or under-inclusion in such lists.

1. (i) Examination of requests and hearing of complaints under Section 9(1) of the
National Commission for Backward Classes Act (hereinafter referred to as
the Act) shall generally be done by a bench of 2 members.

(ii) The benches shall be formed as per procedure.

(iii) All cases of requests and complaints pertaining to a State or U.T. shall stand,
referred to the bench indicated against that State.

(iv) The Chairperson may, if he so desires, associate with any of the other
benches in addition to his benches for the specific States and U.T.s lists in

(v) Whenever exigencies of work-load require, the Commission may create

additional benches for any State or U.T.

2. (i) The bench will place its findings in each case before the Commission.

(ii) In case of difference of opinion between the two members of a bench, each
Member of the bench may place his findings separately before the

(iii) In case of difference of opinion between the 2 Members of a bench or under

any other circumstances deemed necessary by the Commission, the
Commission may expand a bench by adding a third Member to it and the
Members of this expanded bench may place their findings jointly or
separately to the Commission.

3. (i) The Commission will consider the findings of each bench and formulate its
advice to the Central Government.

(ii) The advice may be formulated unanimously or by consensus or by majority.

(iii) Where any Member differs from the majority he may formulate his dissenting
(iv) Where necessary, the Commission may request any bench to examine any
further aspects and review its findings in that light, and thereafter again
furnish its findings for the Commission’s consideration.

4. (i) The Commission will furnish its advice to the Government along with the dissenting advice, if

II. Procedure for detailed background study, monitoring, guidance, etc.

5. (i) For purposes of detailed background studies, monitoring, guidance etc., all
the States and U.Ts. shall be entrusted to the special care of a Member.

(ii) The Chairperson and other Members may, in addition, tour any other State or
U.T. for purpose of comparative understanding of situations and systems,

III. Tours

6. (i) The Members may undertake tours of States in the light of the work allocation
made by the Commission under I & II above.

(ii) The Members will mark copies of their tour schedule to the Chairperson,
Member-Secretary and other Members.

(iii) Important findings and observations arising from the tours may be intimated
to the Office of the Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Office) for
incorporation in the Annual Report under Section 14 of the Act.

IV. Meetings

7. (i) The Commission will normally hold its regular meetings twice a month.

(ii) The regular meetings will be held at the Commission’s Office in Delhi.

(iii) The Commission may hold additional meetings as and when necessary.

(iv) The agenda items and agenda notes for and the minutes of the meetings will
be prepared and circulated by the Member-Secretary.

(v) Any Member may propose items for inclusion in the agenda leaving ordinarily
a period of 15 days.

(vi) Quorum for all meetings shall be 3.

2.4 Terms and Conditions of Chairperson & Members

2.4.1 The terms and conditions of service of Chairperson and Members of the Commission
are at Annexure-VII

2.5 Organizational Structure

2.5.1 . The Commission consists of a Chairperson, 3 Members and a Member-Secretary.

The Commission’s secretariat has a sanctioned strength of 48 posts. There are two Wings
namely Administration Wing and Research Wings. The Administration is headed by Dy
Secretary (Administration). Under him there are one Under Secretary, 1 Section Officer, 1
Accounts Officer, 2 Assistants, 1 PA, 1 Stenographer Grade ‘D’, 2 UDCs, 3 LDCs, 5 Drivers,
2 Daftry, 3 Peons, 1 Farash, and 1 Safaiwala are working. The Research Wing consists of 2
Research Officers, 4 Research Investigators, 1 LDC and 1 Peon working. Chairperson is the
overall head of the Commission. The Personal Sections of the Chairperson, Members and
Member-Secretary are provided with one Private Secretary, 01 Personal Assistant and 01
Peon on co-terminus basis. Details of the above posts with scale of pay is annexed at

2.5.2 The organization chart of NCBC is as under:

Member Member Chairman Member- Member


Administrative Research
Division Division

Dy Secretary

Under Secretary Research


Section Officer
Accounts officer

Admn. Section Research Wing

2.53 Channel of submission.

All Administrative & Financial Matters

LDC Member
UDC S.O.(Admn)/DDO US Dy Secretary
Asstt. Accounts Officer Secretary

All matters relating to inclusion/exclusion of caste/communities in the Central List of OBCs.

Research Research Member

Investigator Officer Secretary

CHAPTER – 3 : Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual

and Records for Discharging Functions
3.1 The list of Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and records, held by the office
under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions is as under:

a) NCBC Act, 1993

b) Notifications, Instructions issued by various Ministries/Departments of Govt.
of India in respect of inclusion/exclusion of caste/communities in the Central List of
c) Orders on Reservations/Income Criteria issued by DOPT/Ministry of Social
Justice and Empowerment/NCBC.
d) Service/Administrative/Financial Rules

3.2 The documents mentioned at (a) to (c) above are held by NCBC and can be
obtained as per procedure laid down at preceeding Para 1.6. Other documents are not under
its control and can be obtained from the concerned Ministry/Department of the Govt. of India.
However some of the relevant Notifications, Rules, Instructions, etc. have been posted in the
website of NCBC and Printouts can be taken from it.

CHAPTER – 4 : Documents held by NCBC

4.1 List of Documents/Information

S.No. Name of the document Held by/under control of

1 NCBC Act, 1993* Under its control
2. Annual Report of the Commission* Under its control
3 Photocopies of orders on reservation/income criteria Under its control
and the related papers
4 Any other record/information under the control
5 Instructions issued by Ministries/Departments of Govt. Held by it
of India used by the officials for discharging the duties

* These documents are available on the website of this office at

Print out can be taken from the website.

CHAPTER – 5 : Particulars of Public Information Officers

5.1 Name of Public Authority: National Commission for Backward Classes

5.2 Public Information Officer:

Shri B Bandyopadhyay, Under Secretary

Shri V. Chandra Serkhar, Research Officer
Shri B Santosh Kumar, Research Officer
Shri Dharmender Kumar, SO
National Commission for Backward Classes
Trikoot-I, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110 066

Contact Number: 011- 26189213 (O)

011-26189210 (O)
011-26189212 (O)

Fax Number: 011- 26183227

5.3 Department Appellate Authority:

National Commission for Backward Classes
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Trikoot-1, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110 066

Contact Number: 011-26183190 (O)

011-23385926 (R)
Fax Number: 011-26183227
E-mail: [email protected]

CHAPTER – 6 : Directory of Officers and Employees (as on 01.01.2010)



Name & Designation Off Res. Inter Room Residential

com No. Address

Chairperson 2618-3152 201 101

Shri Subba 2618-7130 2410-5944 203 114 C-1/91, Moti Bagh, New
Somu,Member 09486060123(M) Delhi-21
Shri Ram Awadhesh 2618-5478 26889564 205 110 C-II/15, Satya Marg,
Singh, Member 9868583622(M) Chanakyapuri,ND-21
Dr. Abdul Ali Azizi, 2618-5478 24121644 204 111 D-1-2, Sector 13, MS ffffff
Member 9999103036(M) Flats , RK Puram, ND
Smt Chitra Chopra 2618-3190 23385926 202 104 C-1/39, Pandara Park
Member-Secretary 9868255981(M) New Delhi

Shri RK Prasad 2618-3590 2734-1063 207 8 RU-94, Pitampura,

Dy Secy New Delhi
Shri B Bandyopadhyay, 2618-9213 24675551( R) 208 12 F-358, Nanakpura
Under Secretary 9210269451(M) New Delhi-110 018

Shri V. Chandra 26189210 0120-2431150(R) 223 107 1150, Sec 37, NOIDA
Research Officer
Sh B Santosh Kumar 2618-9210 - 223 107 -
Research Officer
Shri Santosh Kumar Pal 26189211 9868878542(M) 221 10 221142, 10 Extn,
Sultanpur 142,
Accounts Officer New Delhi
Shri Dharmender Kumar 2618-9212 222 11 A-2/25, Ashirwad
SO Aptts, Paschim
Vihar, ND-63

CHAPTER – 7 : Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees
(As on 01.01.2010)

Details of Sanctioned Posts in the National Commission for Backward Classes

S.No. Name of the Post along with Scale Group No. of posts

1 Chairperson (Rs.80,000/- "A" 1

p.m. fixed)
2 Member-Secretary ( -do- ) "A" 1
3 Members ( -do- ) "A" 3
4 Dy Secretary ( 15600-39100, GP-7600) "A" 1
6 Under Secretary (15600-39100, GP-6600) "A" 1
7 Research Officer (15600-39100, GP-5400) "A" 2
8 Accounts Officer (9300-34800, GP-4800) “B” 1
8 Section Officer (9300-34800, GP-4600) "B" 1
9 Private Secretary (9300-34800, GP-4600) "B" 6
10 Assistant (9300-34800, GP-4200) "B" 2
11 Research Investigator ( -do- ) "B" 4
12 Stenographer Gr'C' ( -do- ) "B" 1
13 Personal Assistant (5200-20200, GP-2400) "C" 5
14 Stenographer Gr'D' (5200-20200,GP-2400) "C" 1
15 UDC ( -do- ) "C" 2
16 LDC ( 5200-20200, GP-1900) "C" 4
17 Driver ( -do- ) "C" 5
18 Daftry (5200-20200, GP-1800) "D" 2
19 Peon (5200-20200,GP-1800) "D" 9
20 Farash ( -do- ) "D" 1
21 Safaiwala ( -do- ) "D" 1
Total 54

CHAPTER – 8 : Details of Budget Allocated

8.1 The budget provision is made each financial year in the form of Grant-in-Aid by the
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. There is no Plan budget provision. The
accounts are maintained by the Pay & Accounts Office of the Ministry of Social Justice and

Form ‘A’

Form of application for seeking information

RTI Application No. _____________

(To be filled by the Office)



1. Name of the applicant :

2. Postal Address :

3. Tele. No., Fax, E-mail, etc. :

4. Particulars of information required-

5. I state that the information sought does not fall within the restrictions contained in
Section 8 of the RTI Act and to the best of my knowledge it pertains to your office.

6. A fee of Rs. _________ has been deposited in the office vide Receipt No. ________
dated ____________ or the demand draft in favour of Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment/DDO NCBC, New Delhi is enclosed.



Signature of Applicant

Kindly fill all the columns properly and strike out, whichever is not applicable.


Judgement Writ Petition (Civil) No.930 of 1990 – Indira Sawhney

Versus Union of India
And others (16.11.1992)



123. (A) The Government of India, each of the State Governments and the
Administrations of Union Territories shall, within four months from today,
constitute a permanent body for entertaining, examining and recommending
upon requests for inclusion and complaints of over-inclusion and under-
inclusion in the lists of other backward classes of citizens. The advice tendered
by such body shall ordinarily be binding upon the Government.

(B) Within four months from today the Government of India shall specify
the bases, applying the relevant and requisite socio-economic criteria to
exclude socially advanced persons/sections (‘creamy layer’) from ‘Other
Backward Classes’. The implementation of the impugned O.M. dated 13th
August 1990, shall be subject to exclusion of such socially advanced persons
(‘creamy layer’).

This direction shall not however apply to States where the reservations in
favour of backward classes are already in operation. They can continue to
operate them. Such States shall however evolve the said criteria within six
months from today and apply the same to exclude the socially advanced
persons/sections from the designated ‘Other Backward Classes”.

(C) It is clarified and directed that any and all objections to the criteria that
may be evolved by the Government of India and the State Governments in
pursuance of the direction contained in clause (B) of Para 123 as well as to the
classification among backward classes and equitable distribution of the
benefits of reservations among them that may be made in terms of and as
contemplated by clause (1) of the Office Memorandum dated 25th September
1991, as explained herein, shall be preferred only before this court and not
before or in any other High Court or other court or Tribunal. Similarly, any
petition or proceeding questioning the validity, operation or implementation of
the two impugned Office Memorandums, on any grounds whatsoever, shall be

filed or instituted only before this Court and not before any High Court or
other Court or Tribunal.

124. The Office Memorandum dated August 13, 1990 impugned in these writ
petitions is accordingly held valid and enforceable subject to the exclusion of
the socially advanced members/sections from the notified ‘Other Backward
Classes’, as explained in para 123(B).

Clause (i) of the Office Memorandum dated September 25, 1991 requires – to
uphold its validity – to be read, interpreted and understood as intending a
distinction between backward and more backward classes on the basis of
degrees of social backwardness and a rational and equitable distribution of the
benefits of the reservations amongst them. To be valid, the said clause will
have to be read, understood and implemented accordingly.

Clause (ii) of the Office Memorandum dated September 25, 1991 is held
invalid and inoperative.

The Writ Petitions and Transferred Cases are disposed of in the light of the
principles, directions, clarifications and order contained in this Judgement.

No costs.

Sd/- CJI
Sd/- J
Sd/- J
Sd/- J

November 16, 1992

(Legislative Department)

New Delhi, the 2nd April, 1993/Chaitra 12, 1915 (Saka)

The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 2nd
April, 1993, and is hereby published for general information :—


No.27 of 1993
[2nd April, 1993]

An Act to constitute a National Commission for Backward Classes other than the
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes and to provide for matters connected
therewith or incidental thereto.

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Forty-fourth Year of the Republic of India as



1. Short title extent and commencement.—

(1) This Act may be called the National Commission for Backward Classes a
(2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
(3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of February,

2. Definitions.—In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) “backward classes” means such backward classes of citizens other than
the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes as may be specified by the Central
Government in the lists;

(b) “Commission” means the National Commission for Backward Classes

constituted under section 3;

(c) “lists” means lists prepared by the Government of India from time to
time for purposes of making provision for the reservation of appointments or posts in
favour of backward classes of citizens which, in the opinion of that Government, are
not adequately represented in the services under the Government of India and any
local or other authority within the territory of India or under the control of the
Government of India;

(d) “Member” means a Member of the Commission and includes the


(e) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act.



3. Constitution of National Commission for Backward Classes .—(1) The

Central Government shall constitute a body to be known as the National Commission
for Backward Classes to exercise the powers conferred on, and to perform the
functions assigned to, it under this Act.

(2) The Commission shall consist of the following Members nominated by

the Central Government :--

(a) a Chairperson, who is or has been a Judge of the Supreme Court or of a

High Court;
(b) a social scientist;
(c) two persons, who have special knowledge in matters relating to backward
classes; and
(d) a Member-Secretary, who is or has been an officer of the Central
Government in the rank of a Secretary to the Government of India.

4. Term of office and conditions of service of Chairperson and Members –(1)

Every Member shall hold office for a term of three years from the date he assumes

(2) A Member may, by writing under his hand addressed to the Central
Government, resign from the office of Chairperson or, as the case may be, of Member
at any time.

(3) The Central Government shall remove a person from the office of
Member if that person –

(a) becomes an undischarged insolvent;

(b) is convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for an offence which, in

the opinion of the Central Government, involves moral turpitude;

(c) becomes of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent

(d) refuses to act or becomes incapable of acting;
(e) is, without obtaining leave of absence from the Commission, absent
from three consecutive meetings of the Commission; or

(f) has, in the opinion of the Central Government, so abused the position
of Chairperson or Member as to render that person’s continuance in office
detrimental to the interests of backward classes or the public interest.

Provided that no person shall be removed under this clause until that person
has been given an opportunity of being heard in the matter.

(4) A vacancy caused under sub-section (2) or otherwise shall be filled by

fresh nomination.

(5) The salaries and allowances payable to, and the other terms and conditions of
service of, the Chairperson and Members shall be such as may be prescribed.

5. Officers and other employees of the Commission—(1) The Central

Government shall provide the Commission with such officers and employees as may
be necessary for the efficient performance of the functions of the Commission.
(2) The salaries and allowances payable to, and the other terms and
conditions of service of, the officers and other employees appointed for the purpose of
the Commission shall be such as may be prescribed.

6. Salaries and allowances to be paid out of grants—The salaries and allowances

payable to the Chairperson and Members and the administrative expenses, including
salaries, allowances and pensions payable to the officers and other employees referred
to in section 5, shall be paid out of the grants referred to in sub-section (1) of section

7. Vacancies, etc., not to invalidate proceedings of the Commission—No act or

proceedings of the Commission shall be invalid on the ground merely of the existence
of any vacancy or defect in the constitution of the Commission.

8. Procedure to be regulated by the Commission—(1) The Commission shall

meet as and when necessary at such time and place as the Chairperson may think fit.
(2) The Commission shall regulate its own procedure.

(3) All orders and decisions of the Commission shall be authenticated by

the Member-Secretary or any other officer of the Commission duly authorised by the
Member-Secretary in this behalf.



9. Functions of the Commission—(1) The Commission shall examine requests

for inclusion of any class of citizens as a backward class in the lists and hear
complaints of over-inclusion or under-inclusion of any backward class in such lists
and tender such advice to the Central Government as it deems appropriate.

(2) The advice of the Commission shall ordinarily be binding upon the
Central Government.

10. Powers of the Commission—The Commission shall, while performing its

functions under sub-section(1) of section 9, have all the powers of a civil court trying
a suit and in particular, in respect of the following matters, namely:--
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person from any part
of India and examining him on oath;
(b) requiring the discovery and production of any document;
(c) receiving evidence on affidavits;
(d) requisitioning any public record or copy thereof from any court of
(e) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses and documents;
(f) any other matter which may be prescribed.

11. Periodic revision of lists by the Central Government –(1) The Central
Government may at any time, and shall, at the expiration of ten years from the coming
into force of this Act and every succeeding period of ten years thereafter, undertake
revision of the lists with a view to excluding from such lists those classes who have
ceased to be backward classes or for including in such lists new backward classes.
(2) The Central Government shall, while undertaking any revision referred
to in sub-section (1), consult the Commission.



12. Grants by the Central Government—(1) The Central Government shall, after
due appropriation made by Parliament by law in this behalf, pay to the Commission
by way of grants such sums of money as the Central Government may think fit for
being utilised for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The Commission may spend such sums as it thinks fit for performing the
functions under this act, and such sums shall be treated as expenditure payable out of
the grants referred to in sub-section(1).

13. Accounts and audit—(1) The Commission shall maintain proper accounts and
other relevant records and prepare an annual statement of accounts in such form as
may be prescribed by the Central Government in consultation with the Comptroller
and Auditor-General of India.

(2) The accounts of the Commission shall be audited by the Comptroller and
Auditor-General at such intervals as may be specified by him and any expenditure
incurred in connection with such audit shall be payable by the Commission to the
Comptroller and Auditor-General.

(3) The Comptroller and Auditor General and any person appointed by him
in connection with the audit of the accounts of the Commission under this Act shall
have the same rights and privileges and the authority in connection with such audit as
the Comptroller and Auditor General generally has in connection with the audit of
Government accounts and, in particular, shall have the right to demand the production

of books, accounts, connected vouchers and other documents and papers and to
inspect any of the offices of the Commission.

14. Annual report—The Commission shall prepare, in such form and at such time,
for each financial year, as may be prescribed, its annual report giving a full account of
its activities during the previous financial year and forward a copy thereof to the
Central Government.

15. Annual report and audit report to be laid before Parliament—The Central
Government shall cause the annual report, together with a memorandum of action
taken on the advice tendered by the Commission under section 9 and the reasons for
the non-acceptance, if any, of any such advice, and the audit report to be laid as soon
as may be after they are received before each House of Parliament.



16. Chairperson, Members and employees of the Commission to be public

servants—The Chairperson, Members and employees of the Commission shall be
deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal
Code (45 of 1860).

17. Power to make rules—(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act.

(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing

powers, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:--

(a) salaries and allowances payable to, and the other terms and conditions
of service of, the Chairperson and Members under sub-section (5) of
section 4 and the officers and other employees under sub-section (2) of
section 5;
(b) the form in which the annual statement of accounts shall be prepared
under sub-section (1) of section 13;
(c) the form in, and the time at, which the annual report shall be prepared
under section 14;
(d) any other matter which is required to be, or may be, prescribed.

(3) Every rule made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it
is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is in session, for a total period of
thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive
sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or
the succession sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in
the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter
have effect only in such modified form to be of no effect, as the case may be; so,

however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the
validity of anything previously done under that rule.

18. Power to remove difficulties—(1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the
provisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by order published in the
Official Gazette, make provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as
appear to it to be necessary or expedient, for removing the difficulty;

Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiry of a period of two
years from the date of commencement of this Act.

(2) Every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be after it is
made, be laid before each House of Parliament.

19. Repeal and saving—(1) The National Commission for Backward Classes
Ordinance 1993 (Ord. 23 of 1993) is hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under
the said Ordinance, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the
corresponding provisions of this Act.

Secy. to the Govt. of India


G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No.36012/31/90-Est. (SCT), dated 13.8.1990

SUBJECT: 27% Reservation for Socially and Educationally Backward Classes in

Civil Posts/ Services.

In a multiple undulating society like ours, early achievement of the objective

of social justice as enshrined in the Constitution is a must. The Second Backward
Classes Commission, called the MANDAL COMMISSION, was established by the
then Government with this purpose in view, which submitted its report to the
Government of India on 31st December, 1980.

2. Government have carefully considered the report and the recommendations of

the Commission in the present context regarding the benefits to be extended to the
socially and educationally backward classes as opined by the Commission and are of
the clear view that at the outset certain weightage has to be provided to such classes in
the services of the Union and their Public Undertakings. Accordingly orders are
issued as follows :-

(i) 27% of the vacancies in civil posts and services under the Government of
India shall be reserved for SEBC;

(ii) The aforesaid reservation shall apply to vacancies to be filled by direct

recruitment. Detailed instructions relating to the procedure to be
followed for enforcing reservation will be issued separately.

(iii)Candidates belonging to SEBC recruited on the basis of merit in an open

competition on the same standards prescribed for the general
candidates shall not be adjusted against the reservation quota of 27%.

(iv) The SEBC would comprise in the first phase the castes and communities
which are common to both the lists in the report of the Mandal
Commission and the State Governments’ lists. A list of such
castes/communities is being issued separately;

(v) The aforesaid reservation shall take effect from 7.8.1990. However, this
will not apply to vacancies where the recruitment process has already
been initiated prior to the issue of these orders.

3. Similar instructions in respect of public sector undertakings and financial

institutions including public sector banks will be issued by the Department of Public
Enterprises and Ministry of Finance respectively.

Appendix to Annexure-III

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No.36012/31/90-Est. (SCT), dated 25.9.1991

SUBJECT: Amendment to the 27% reservation in service for Socially and

Educationally Backward Classes.

The undersigned is directed to invite the attention to OM of even number,

dated the 13th August, 1990, on the above mentioned subject and to say that in order
to enable the poorer sections of the SEBCs to receive the benefits of reservation on a
preferential basis and to provide reservation for other economically backward sections
of the people not covered by any of the existing schemes of reservation, Government
have decided to amend the said Memorandum with immediate effect as follows :-

2. (i) Within the 27% of the vacancies in civil posts and services under the
Government of India reserved for SEBCs, preference shall be given to
candidates belonging to the poorer sections of the SEBCs. In case
sufficient number of such candidates are not available, unfilled
vacancies shall be filled by the other SEBC candidates.

(ii) 10% of the vacancies in civil posts and services under the Government
of India shall be reserved for other economically backward sections of
the people who are not covered by any of the existing schemes of

(iii) The criteria for determining the poorer sections of the SEBCs or the
other economically backward sections of the people who are not
covered by any of the existing schemes of reservations are being issued

3. The OM of even number, dated the 13th August, 1990, shall be deemed to have
been amended to the extent specified above.


G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No.36012/22/93-Est. (SCT) dated 8.9.1993

SUBJECT: Reservation for Other Backward Classes in Civil Posts and Services
under the Government of India - Regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M.

No.36012/31/90-Estt. (SCT), dated the 13th August, 1990 and 25th September, 1991,
regarding reservation for Socially and Educationally Backward Classes in Civil Posts
and Services under the Government of India and to say that following the Supreme
Court judgement in the Indira Sawhney and other v. Union of India and others case
[Writ Petition (Civil) No.930 of 1990], the Government of India appointed an Expert
Committee to recommend the criteria for exclusion of the socially advanced
persons/sections from the benefits of reservations for Other Backward Classes in civil
posts and services under the Government of India.

2. Consequent to the consideration of the Expert Committee’s recommendations,

this Department’s Office Memorandum No.36012/31/90-Estt. (SCT), dated
13.8.1990, referred to in para (1) above is hereby modified to provide as follows :-

(a) 27% (twenty-seven per cent) of the vacancies in civil posts and
services under the Government of India, to be filled through direct
recruitment, shall be reserved for the Other Backward Classes.
Detailed instructions relating to the procedure to be followed for
enforcing reservation will be issued separately.

(b) Candidates belonging to OBCs recruited on the basis of merit in an

open competition on the same standards prescribed for the general
candidates shall not be adjusted against the reservation quota of 27%.

(c) (i) The aforesaid reservation shall not apply to persons/sections

mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to this Office Memorandum.
(See Appendix 1)

(ii) The rule of exclusion will not apply to persons working as

artisans or engaged in hereditary occupations, callings. A list of such
occupations, callings will be issued separately by the Ministry of

(d) The OBCs for the purpose of the aforesaid reservation would
comprise, in the first phase, the castes and communities which are
common to both the lists in the report of the Mandal Commission and
the State Governments’ Lists. A list of such castes and communities is
being issued separately by the Ministry of Welfare.

(e) The aforesaid reservation shall take immediate effect. However, this
will not apply to vacancies where the recruitment process has already been
initiated prior to the issue of this order.

3. Similar instructions in respect of public sector undertakings and financial

institutions including public sector banks will be issued by the Department of Public
Enterprises and by the Ministry of Finance respectively effective from the date of this
office memorandum.


All Ministries/Departments of Government of India.


1. Department of Public Enterprises, New DelhiIt is requested that the said

instructions may be issued
in respect of PSUs, Public
Sector Banks and
Insurance Corporations.
2. Ministry of Finance (Banking and Insurance -do-
Divisions), New Delhi

Appendix 1 to Annexure-IV


[Schedule TO G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8-9-1993]

Description of category To whom rule of exclusion will apply

I. Constitutional Posts Sons and daughter(s) of –

(a) President of India;
(b) Vice-President of India;
(c) Judges of the Supreme Court and
the High Courts;
(d) Chairman and Members of UPSC
and of the State Public Service
Commission; Chief Election
Commissioner; Comptroller and
Auditor-General of India;
(e) Persons holding constitutional
positions of like nature.

II. Service Category

A. Group ‘A’/Class I officers Son(s) and daughter(s) of ---
of the All India Central and (a) parents, both of whom are Class I
State Services (Direct Recruits). officers;
(b) parents, either of whom is a Class I
(c) parents, both of whom are Class I
officers, but one of them dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation;
(d) parents, either of whom is a Class I
officer and such parent dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation
and before such death or such
incapacitation has had the benefit
of employment in any
International organisation like
UN, IMF, World Bank, etc., for a
period of not less than 5 years;
(e) parents, both of whom are Class I
officers die or suffer permanent
incapacitation and before such
death or such incapacitation of
the both, either of them has had
the benefit of employment in any
International organisation like
UN, IMF, World Bank, etc., for a
period of not less than 5 years;

Provided that the rule of exclusion shall not
apply in the following cases :-

(a) Sons and daughters of parents either

of whom or both of whom are Class I
officers and such parent(s) dies/die
or suffer permanent incapacitation;
(b) A lady belonging to OBC category
has got married to a Class I officer,
and may herself like to apply for a

B. Group ‘B’/Class II officers of Son(s) and daughter(s) of ---

The Central and State Services (a) parents both of whom are Class II
(Direct Recruitment) officers;
(b) parents of whom only the husband is a
Class II officer and he gets into
Class I at the age of 40 or earlier;
(c) parents, both of whom are Class II
officers and one of them dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation and
either one of them has had the
benefit of employment in any Inter-
national organisation UN, IMF,
World Bank, etc., for a period of not
less than 5 years before such death or
permanent incapacitation;
(d) parents of whom the husband is a
Class I officer (direct recruitment of
pre-forty promoted) and the wife
dies; or suffers permanent
incapacitation; and
(e) parents, of whom the wife is a Class I
officer (Direct Recruit or pre-forty
promoted) and the husband is a Class II
officer and the husband dies or suffers
permanent incapacitation;

Provided that the rule of exclusion shall not

apply in the following cases :-

Sons and daughters of ---

(a) Parents both of whom are Class II

officers and one of them dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation;

Sons and daughters of ---

(a) Parents, both of whom are Class II

officers and both of them die or suffer
permanent incapacitation, even though
either of them has had the benefit of
employment in any international
organization like UN, IMF, World
Bank, etc., for a period of not less than 5
years before their death or permanent

C. Employees in Public Sector The criteria enumerated in A and B above in

this category will apply mutatis mutandis
toofficers holding equivalent or comparable
posts in PSUs, Banks, Insurance organisations,
Universities, etc., and also to equiva- lent or
comparable posts and positions under private
employment, pending the evaluation of the
posts on equivalent or comparable basis in
these institutions, the criteria specified in
Category VI below will apply to the officers in
these institutions.

III. Armed forces including Paramilitary Son(s) and daughter(s) of parents either
or Forces (Persons holding civil posts both of whom is or are in the rank of
Colonol are not included) and above in the Army and to equivalent
Post in the Navy and Air Force and the
Paramilitary Forces;

Provided that ---

(i) If the wife of an armed forces

officer is herself in the armed forces
(i.e., the category under consideration)
the rule of exclusion will apply only
when she herself has reached the rank of
(ii) the service ranks below Colonel
of husband and wife shall not be clubbed
(iii) if the wife of an officer in the
armed forces is in civil employment, this
will not be taken into account for
applying the rule of exclusion unless she
falls in the service category under item
no.II in which case the criteria and
conditions enumerated therein will apply
to her independently.

IV. Professional class and those engaged
in Trade and Industry
(i) Persons engaged in profession as a Criteria specified against Category VI
doctor, lawyer, chartered accountant, will apply.
income tax consultant, financial or
management consultant, dental surgeon,
engineer, architect, computer specialist,
film artists and other film professional,
author, playwright, sports person, sports
professional, media professional or any
other vocations of like status.
(ii) Persons engaged in trade, business and Criteria specified against Category VI
industry. will apply.

(i) Where the husband is in some
profession and the wife is in a
Class II or lower grade employ-
ment, the income/wealth test will
apply on the basis of the husband’s
(ii) If the wife is in any profession
and the husband is in employment in
a Class II or lower rank post, then
the income/ wealth criterion will
apply only on the basis of the wife’s
income and the husband’s income
will not be clubbed with it.
Property owners
A. Agricultural holding Son(s) and daughter(s) of persons
belonging to a family (father, mother
and minor children) which owns ---
(a) only irrigated land which is equal to
or more than 85% of the statutory
ceiling area, or
(b) both irrigated and unirrigated
land, as follows :-
(i) The rule of exclusion will apply
where the pre-condition exists that
the irrigated area (having been
brought to a single type under a
common denominator) 40% or
more of the statutory ceiling limit
for irrigated land (this being calcu-
lated by excluding the unirrigated
portion). If this pre-condition of not
less than 40% exists, then only
the area of unirrigated land will be
taken into account. This will be done
by converting, the unirrigated land on
the basis of the converting, the
unirrigated land on the basis of the
conversion formula existing, into the
irrigated type. The irri- gated area so

computed from un- irrigated land shall
be added to the actual area of irrigated
land and if after such clubbing together
the total area in terms of irrigated land
is 85% or more of the statutory ceiling
limit for irrigated land, then the rule of
exclusion will apply and disentitlement
will occur).
(ii) The rule of exclusion will not apply if
the land holding of a family is
exclusively unirrigated.

B. Planatations
(i) Coffee, tea, rubber, etc. Criteria of income/wealth specified in
Category VI below will apply.
(ii) Mango, citrus, apple Deemed as agricultural holding and
plantations, etc. hence criteria at A above under this
category will apply. Criteria specified in
Category VI below will apply.

C. Vacant land and/or buildings in Explanation : - Building may be used

urban areas or urban agglomerations for residential, industrial or commercial
purpose and the like two or more
such purposes.

VI. Income/Wealth Test Son(s) and daughter(s) ---

(a) Persons having gross annual income
of Rs.1 lakh or above or possessing
wealth above the exemption limit as
prescribed in the Wealth Act for a
period of three consecutive years.

(b) Persons in Categories I, II, III

and V-A who are not disentitled to
the benefit of reservation but have
income from other sources of wealth
which will bring them within the
income/wealth criteria mentioned in
(a) above.

(i) Income from salaries or agri- cultural
land shall not be clubbed;
(ii) The income criteria in terms of rupee
will be modified taking into account
the change in its value every three
years. If the situation, however, so
demands, the interregnum may be

EXPLANATION :- Wherever the

expression “permanent incapacitation”
occur in this schedule, it shall mean
incapacitation which results in
putting an officer out of service.


No.36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi.

Dated: 14th October, 2008.


Subject: Revision of Income Criteria to exclude socially advanced

persons/sections (Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for
Other Backward Classes (OBCs).

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department’s O.M. No.

36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8th September, 1993 which inter alia provided that sons
and daughters of persons having gross annual income of Rs. 1 lakh or above for a
period of three consecutive years would fall within the creamy layer and would not be
entitled to get the benefit of reservation available to the Other Backward Classes. The
limit of income for determining the creamy layer status was raised to Rs. 2.5 lakh vide
this Department’s OM of even number dated 9.3.2004. It has now been decided to
raise the income limit from Rs.2.5 lakh to Rs. 4.5 lakh per annum for determining the
creamy layer amongst the OBCs. Accordingly the following entry is hereby
substituted for the existing entry against Category VI in the Schedule to the above
referred O.M:

Category Description of Category To whom the rule of exclusion will apply

VI INCOME/WEALTH TEST Son(s) and daughter(s) of

(a) Persons having gross annual income of Rs. 4.5

lakh or above or possessing wealth above the
exemption limit as prescribed in the Wealth Tax Act
for a period of three consecutive years.

(b) Persons in Categories I, II, III and V

A who are not disentitled to the benefit
of reservation but have income from
other sources of wealth which will bring
them within the income/wealth criteria
mentioned in (a) above.

Income from salaries or agricultural land
shall not be clubbed.

2. The provisions of this Office Memorandum take effect from the
3rd October, 2008.

3. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents of this

Office Memorandum to the notice of all concerned.

(K.G. Verma)


1. All the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.

2. Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division), New Delhi.
3. Department of Economic Affairs (Insurance Division), New Delhi.
4. Department of Public Enterprises, New Delhi.
5. Railway Board.
6. Union Public Service Commission/Supreme Court of India/Election
Commission/ Lok Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha Secretariat/Cabinet
Secretariat/Central Vigilance Commission/President’s Secretariat/Prime
Minister’s Office/Planning Commission
7. Staff Selection Commission, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi.
8. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.
9. National Commission for SCs and STs, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi.
10. National Commission for Backward Classes, Trikoot-I, Bhikaiji Cama Place,
R.K. Puram, New Delhi.
11. Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, 10, Bahadurshah
Zafar Marg, New Delhi – 110002.
12. Information and Facilitation Centre, DOPT, North Block, New Delhi (100
13. Spare Copies – 400

Copies forwarded to :

The Chief Secretaries of all the States/UTs for information and necessary


Guidelines for Consideration of Requests for Inclusion and Complaints of under-

Inclusion in the Central List of Other Backward Classes

The Commission, after studying the criteria/indicators framed by the

Mandal Commission and the Commissions set up in the past by different
State Governments and other relevant materials, formulated the following
guidelines for considering requests for inclusion in the list of Other
Backward Classes:-


1. Castes and communities, generally considered as socially backward.

2. (a) Castes and communities, which mainly depend on agricultural and/or

other manual labour for their livelihood and are lacking any significant
resource base.

(b) Castes and communities, which, for their livelihood, mainly depend on
agricultural and/or other manual labour for wage and are lacking any
significant base.

(c) Castes and communities, the women of which, as a general practice,

are for their family’s livelihood, engaged in agricultural and/or other
manual labour, for wage.

(d) Castes and communities, the children of which, as a general practice,

are, for family’s livelihood or for supplementing family’s low income,
mainly engaged in agricultural and/or manual labour.

(e) Casts and communities, which in terms of caste system, are identified
with traditional crafts or traditional or hereditary occupations
considered to be lowly or undignified.

(f) Castes and communities, which in terms of the caste system, are
identified with tradtional or hereditary occupations considered to be
‘unclean’ or stigmatised.

(g) Nomadic and semi-nomadic casts and communities.

(h) Denotified or Vimukta Jati castes and communities

Explanation: The term refers to castes/communities which had been categorised as
Criminal Tribes under the Criminal Tribes Act, 1924, Act No. VI of 1924, passed by
the Indian Legislature and repealed by the Criminal Tribes (Repeal) Act, 1952, Act
No. XXIV of 1952 and subsequently refereed to as Denotified or Vimukta Jatis.

3. Castes and communities, having no representation or poor representation in the

State Legislative Assembly and/or district-level Panchayati Raj institutions during
the ten years preceding the date of the application

Explanation : This is only intended to measure, as an indicator, the presence

of a caste or community these bodies.

The term “poor representation” may be taken to refer to a caste or

community whose presence in the body is less than 25% of its proportion in
the population.


1. Castes and communities, whose literacy rate is at least 8% less than the State
or district average.

2. Castes and communities of which the proportion of matriculates is at least

20% less than the State or district average.

3. Castes and communities, of which the proportion of graduates is at least 20%

less than the State or district average.


1. Castes and communities, a significant proportion of whose members reside

only in Kachha houses.

2. Castes and communities, the share of whose members in number of cases and
in extent of agricultural lands surrendered under the Agricultural Land Ceiling
Act of the State, is nil or significantly low.

3. Castes and communities, the share of whose members in State Government

posts and services of Groups A & B/Classes I & II, is not equal to the
population-equivalent proportion of the caste/community.


Population-equivalent proportion

Population of a State 10,00,0000

Population of the caste/community under

consideration in the State 1,00,000

Proportion of the population of the caste/
community under consideration to the total
population of the State 10%

Number of posts in Class-I in the State 1,000

Therefore, population equivalent proportion

of Class-I posts in the State in respect of the
caste/community under consideration 100

Explanation-1: In the case illustrated above, if members belonging to the

caste/community under consideration hold 100 Class-1 posts or more, its share is
equal to or more than its population-equivalent proportion.

In that case that caste/community will not be considered to have fulfilled this
indicator of backwardness.

In the case illustrated above, if the members of the caste/community under

consideration have 99 Classes-1 posts or less, its share is less than its population-
equivalent proportion and will, therefore, be considered to have fulfilled this criterion
of backwardness.

Explanation-2: This guideline is only an indicator to assess backwardness or its

absence and has no relation to the condition of inadequacy under Article 16(4).

Explanation-3: The population-equivalent proportion of posts may be composed of

posts secured through merit only or through reservation only or through both – figures
need to be furnished separately for posts secured through merit/posts secured through
both – figures need to be furnished separately for posts secured through merit/posts
secured through reservation.

D. In addition to the above, arising from Article 16(4) the following condition has
also to be fulfilled:

Castes and communities, which are not/are inadequately represented in the

Central Government posts & services of

Group A & B
Each Group/Class should be taken separately.


1. The above social, educational and economic guidelines for consideration of

requests for inclusion in the list of Other Backward Classes are intended to aid
the Bench/Commission to identity castes and communities which deserve to
be included in the list of OBC in terms of the National Commission for
Backward Classes Act and not to fetter due exercise of discretion by it.

2. The term ‘local’, wherever used, is intended to mean State level or intra-State
regional level or district level, as appropriate, in the light of the demographic
distribution of the caste/community concerned.

However, wherever the Bench/Commission has adequate reasons, the sub-

district level positions may be taken into account.

In some guidelines State or local, or State or district have been given as

alternatives. In such instances the appropriate alternative may be chosen
depending on the circumstances such as demographic distribution, ready
availability of data etc.

3. Some of the guidelines are capable of quantification but data are not available
in every State. In respect of States, where such data are readily available (e.g.
specific percentage figures), the bench/Commission may examine the cases
before it in terms of such quantifiable data and their own observations as well
and other relevant materials that may be available to it. In respect of States
where such quantifiable data are not available, the bench/Commission may
consider castes/communities on the basis of their own observations and other
relevant materials that may be available to it.

4. Under each of the categories A, B & C, of guidelines, there are 3 or 4

guidelines. They are not necessarily cumulative. Cumulative data would no
doubt be advantageous. But where data-base does not readily permit, each
caste or community may be considered in terms of such of the guidelines
under each of the categories A, B & C as are practicable.

5. Regarding the condition at D, till information regarding the position of each

caste in the Government of India’s services becomes readily available, it may
be presumed that this factor is fulfilled by a caste/community/sub-
caste/synonym/sub-entry, in case it is found that it fulfills the guideline in C 3.

6. Wherever a caste or community fulfills the guidelines 2 (e) or (f) or (g) or (h),
the Bench/Commission may take it as adequate evidence of backwardness. In
such cases, the Bench shall take into account such other data/information that
may be made available to it or comes to its notice, and it may make such
further inquiry as it deem proper and necessary. Having done so and being
satisfied that there are no sufficient grounds to take a contrary view regarding
the backwardness of the caste or community making the request, the Bench
may, after examining the matter inadequacy of representation as indicated in
D, proceed to formulate its findings.

7. Occupations mentioned at guideline 2(e) and 2(f) may include traditional

artisanal crafts; fishing, hunting, bird-snaring; agricultural labour on the lands
of others; earth work, stone-breaking, salt manufacturing, lime-burning;
toddy-tapping; animal rearing; butchery; hair-cutting; washing of clothes;
ferrying by boat; safai (i.e. “scavenging”); knife grinding, grain roasting;
entertaining through song and dance, acrobatics jugglery, snake-charming,
acting; begging or mendicancy.

Explanation: This refers only to castes or communities which traditionally
depended on begging or mendicancy in the past i.e. until it was prohibited by

The Bench/Commission may take into account any other occupation which
may be similar to these occupations.

8. In respect of any case of request, found to be one of apparent “clerical” error,

or factual mistakes at the stage of preparation of the common lists and if there
is no contrary view expressed and data furnished before or otherwise available
to/in the notice of the bench/Commission such castes/communities may be
included and findings/advice formulated to that effect.

9. In case of synonyms/sub-castes/different names of the same caste or

community/local variants of the same caste or community, if and after it is
established that, they are, in fact, such synonyms/sub-castes/different names of
the same caste/local variants, etc. and if there are no contrary views expressed
and data furnished before or otherwise available to/in the notice of the
Bench/Commission and the Bench/Commission does not find any ground to
take a contrary view, such synonyms/sub-castes/different names of the same
caste/local variants of the same caste, such cases may be included, and
findings/advice formulated to that effect.

10. In all cases, publicity regarding the date and venue of the sitting of the
Commission’s bench and the castes/communities etc. to which the sitting
pertains may be made through mass media and all those who have any views
to express or data to furnish to the bench may be invited to do so, in addition
to addressing the State Governments and applicants to furnish all material and
data in their possession.

11. These guidelines of identification and procedure will be applicable to all

categories of States/UTs and all categories of castes/communities whether
included in the State list but in the Mandal list or included in the Mandal list
but not in the State list, or included in neither.



for Consideration of Requests for Inclusion
and Complaints of Under-Inclusion
in the Central List of
Other Backward Classes

Trikoot-I, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi 110 066

Date of Issue : May 1994



Guidelines for Filling up Questionnaire 1


General Descriptive Data of the State 3


Genral Data of the Caste/Community

under consideration 8

Data Relating to Social and other Factors

A. Social 10

B. Educational 14

C. Economic 16

D. Representation in the Services of

Central Government 18

E. Miscellaneous 20

Guidelines for filling up Questionnaire

1. This Questionnaire is issued by the National Commission for Backward
Classes (NCBC) to elicit necessary information and data which will
enable the Commission to consider the requests for inclusion and
complaints of under-inclusion in the Central list of Other Backward
Classes (OBC). The Questionnaire is required to be filled up in every case
by the State Government as also the party (individual, association,
institution etc.) making the request/complaint. Experts/expert institutions
may also be invited to furnish data on the Questionnaire or any part
thereof by the NCBC or the State Government.

2. Separate Questionnaire is to be filled up in respect of each

caste/community/sub-caste/sub-community/social group under

3. The Questionnaire consists of two Parts. Both Parts are expected to be

filled up by the State Government, and by or on behalf of the
caste/community making the request or complaint.

4. Part-I of the Questionnaire relates to General Descriptive Data of the

State. After it is filled up once, it obviously will not have to be filled up
again and again by the State Government and a copy of the same can be
attached to the responses to the Questionnaire in respect of every
caste/community under consideration, in that State.

5. Part-II of the Questionnaire is designed to secure a complete and

comprehensive profile of each caste/community in respect of which a
request for inclusion or a complaint of under-inclusion in the Central list
of Other Backward Classes is received. The data furnished in response to
Part-II will not only help the Commission to formulate its advice on the
requests for inclusion and complaints of under-inclusion, but also help in
building up a data-base for continuous monitoring which is essential for
helping each backward caste/community in a substantive and meaningful
manner over time. However, in order that the immediate task of inclusion
of deserving castes/communities in the Central list of OBC is speeded up
to the maximum extent possible, the following procedure may be

(i) The questions have been categorised in two phases. Phase-I

consists of questions to which answers are necessarily required for
consideration of requests for inclusion and complaints of under-
inclusion. Phase-II consists of questions, answers to which will be
helpful but are not indispensable for the immediate purpose, and
are essential for building up a sound data-base required for
periodic monitoring and for formulating measures for securing the
progress of the OBC.

The Phase-II questions are the following:

Part-I General Descriptive Data Questions 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15,

of the State 16(e), 16(f), 23(b)(iii),

23(b)(iv), 23(c), 23(d)(iii),

23(d)(iv), 23(e)(iii),

23(e)(iv), 23(f), 23(g).

Part- General Descriptive Data of Questions 6, 7, 8 and 10

the caste/community
B. Educational Questions 2, 4 and 6
C. Economic Questions 3 Group C/Class III,

Group D/Class IV,

Question 4

Question 5

D. Representation in the Question 1 Group C & Group D

Services of Central Question 2 Group C & Group D

Government Question 3 Group C & Group D

Question 4 Group C & Group D

Question 5 Group C & Group D

All the questions, which are not listed above as Phase-II questions, are
Phase-I questions.

Wherever answers to both Phase-1 and Phase-II questions can be
furnished without loss of time, answers to both phases may be furnished
together. Wherever it is possible to furnish answers only to some of the
Phase-II questions without loss of time, they may also be furnished along
with answers to Phase-1 questions, and answers to other Phase-II
questions may be furnished later. Wherever it will take tome to furnish
answers to any of the Phase-II questions, answers to Phase-1 questions
may be furnished first at the earliest and answers to Phase-II questions
may be furnished later.

(ii) As another measure for speeding up findings, the Commission has

devised a “fast-track” Questions 7, 8, 9 and 10 of ‘Part-II A. Social’
pertain to the “fast-track”. Answers to these “fast-track” questions
may be furnished on topmost priority basis to facilitate the process
of expeditiously clearing this category of cases.

6. Whenever information or data is supplied against any question, the

source of such information and data may be indicated as also the basis for
its authenticity.

7. Some of the questions require answers in terms of quantitative data.

Wherever up-to-date and precise quantitative data are not readily
available, information may first be furnished on the basis of the best
possible approximation (specifying and explaining the basis of the
approximation) and thereafter, as early as possible, up-to-date and
precise quantitative data may be gathered and furnished.

8. Those filling up the Questionnaire will no doubt be aware that supplying

of incorrect information or data will affect credibility.

9. The Commission or its Bench may call for any further particulars as and
when necessary.

10. Wherever necessary please add additional sheets or annexures with

suitable referencing in the main Questionnaire form.

11. In the Questionnaire at a number of places, year of reference has been

asked for. Wherever this has been asked for the data pertaining to the
latest year for which data is available may be furnished, specifying the


General Descriptive Data of the State

1. Name of the State

2. Population of the State

3. Population of the State as percentage

of All India Population

4. Population of OBC in the State

5. Percentage of OBC population to the

Total State Population

6. Percentage of the State OBC population

To the All India OBC population

7. Scheduled Caste population in the State

8. Percentage of Scheduled Caste population

to the total State population

9. Percentage of Scheduled Caste population

to the All India Scheduled Caste population

10. Scheduled Tribe population

11. Percentage of Scheduled tribe population

to the All India Scheduled Caste population

12. Percentage of Scheduled Tribe population

to the All India Scheduled Caste population

13. Total population of Backward Classes

(SCs + STs + OBC) in the State

14. Percentage of Backward Classes population

to the total State population

15. Percentage of total Backward Classes

population of the State to the All India
Backward Classes population

16. (a) When was reservation for OBC in
the services of the State started?
(b) What was the percentage of such
reservation for OBC then?
(c) Furnish changes if any, in respect
of reservation for OBC and its percentage,
made from time to time
(d) What is the present percentage of
reservation for OBC?
(e) Furnish statistical data of the quota of
reservation for OBC and its fulfilment year-wise
for the last ten years indicating shortfalls, if any
(f) Reasons for shortfalls and remedial measures

17. Has the State government set up any machinery/

cell for monitoring the implementation of the
reservation scheme? If so, furnish particulars

18. What steps has the State government taken and

proposes to take for helping and enabling the OBC
to successfully compete and secure appointments
in the State/Central Services (services under Govt. of
India, Public Sector Undertakings, Financial
Institutions etc.)

19. Literacy rate of the State:-

(in percentage)
All (Male+Female) Male
State Literacy
Total (Rural + Urban)
Scheduled Caste
Total (rural + Urban)
Scheduled Tribes
Total (Rural + Urban)
Total (Rural + Urban)

20. Number of entries of castes/sub-castes etc. included in:

(a) State List

(b) Mandal List
(c) Common List

21. Particulars of Commissions/Committees

appointed in the State up-to-date

(a) Name of the Commission/Committee

(b) Chairperson
(c) Number of Members including Chairperson
(d) Date of appointment
(e) Date of Report
(f) Whether the Report has been accepted
by the Govt. or not
(g) Any other important information

22. Particulars of Commission/Committee

appointed pursuant to the Mandal
Judgment of the Supreme Court

(a) Whether statutory or not

(b) Name of the Chairperson and
other Members
(c) Whether any report has been presented
By such Commission/Committee and
if so, what action has been taken on the
same by the Government.

23. (a) Total number of posts in services

under the State Government

Year of reference
i) GroupA/Class I :
ii) Group B/Class II :
iii) Group C/Class III :
iv) Group D/Class IV :

(b) Out of the total number of posts

number of posts held by the

members of OBCs:
Year of reference

i) GroupA/Class I :
ii) Group B/Class II :
iii) Group C/Class III :
iv) Group D/Class IV :
(c) Out of the total number of posts, number
Of posts held by each caste/communmity
Included in the list of OBCs of the State,
Separately in the following format:

Group/Class of Posts Year of reference

Name of caste/community A/I B/II C/III D/IV





(d) Out of total number of posts,

number of posts held by SCs:

Year of reference

i) GroupA/Class I :
ii) Group B/Class II :
iii) Group C/Class III :
iv) Group D/Class IV :

(e) Out of total number of posts,

Number of posts held by STs:

Year of reference

i) GroupA/Class I :
ii) Group B/Class II :
iii) Group C/Class III :
iv) Group D/Class IV :

(f) Number of posts held by the single OBC

caste/community accounting for the
larger number/percentage of the posts
held by all OBC castes/communities

Year of reference

i) GroupA/Class I :
ii) Group B/Class II :
iii) Group C/Class III :
iv) Group D/Class IV :

(g) Number of castes/communities among the

OBC not holding any post:
(specify names of such castes/communities)

Group/Class of Posts Year of reference

Name of caste/community A/I B/II C/III D/IV





Part II

General Data of the Caste/Community Under Consideration

1. Name of the caste/sub-caste/community/social group/

synonym in respect of which the request for inclusion
or complaint or under-inclusion has been made

2. Name and address of the individual/organisation/

Representative making the request or the complaint

3. Is it the main caste/community? If not, give the name

of the main caste/community

4. Give the names of other sub-castes/sub-communities/

synonyms etc.

5. Is the caste/community/sub-caste known by any

other name?

6. Population in the State of the caste/sub-caste/

community/synonym etc. in respect of which the
request or complaint has been made.

7. a) Percentage of the population of the caste/sub-caste

under consideration to the total OBC population of the State

b) If the caste/community under consideration is a sub-caste/

sub-community, then give the percentage of this sub-group
to the total population of the main caste/community in
the State

8. Percentage of the population of the caste/sub-caste etc.

to the total State population

9. Whether the caste/community/sub-caste/social group is

spread all over the State or largely concentrated in some
districts of the State? In case of the latter position, give
the names of the districts where there is large concentration

10. Give district-wise population figures of the caste/sub-caste

etc. under consideration. Also furnish the total population
of each such district

11. Whether the caste/sub-caste etc. is included in:

(a) the State List (if included, give its serial number
in the State list, with date of its inclusion)

(b) the Mandal List for the State (if included, indicate
the serial number in the Mandal list)

12. Is the caste/sub-caste etc. listed as a backward class in

any other State(s).

If yes, give the name(s) of the State(s) and the

Serial number(s) in the State list(s)

13. Specify the religion/faith/sect if any which

members of the caste/community/sub-caste etc.
(on whose behalf request/complaint has been
made) follow

14. Date of request/complaint

Data Relating to Social and Other Factors

A. Social

1. Whether the caste/community under

consideration is generally regarded as
socially backward or socially not backward

2. (a) What is the occupation on which

the members of the caste/community
mainly depend for livelihood?
Specify the occupation

(b) Indicate whether the occupation is

agricultural or non-agricultural

(c) If agricultural, what proportion (approximately)

of the members of the caste/community are
landholders with holdings of more than 50%
of the statutory ceiling limit for agricultural
lands in the State

(d) (i) If agricultural:

Do the activities of their occupation mainly
involve manual labour or do not mainly
involve manual labour

(ii) If agricultural activities involve manual labour,

whether it is manual labour rendered for wage
or manual labour on own land

(e) (i) If not agricultural:

state which occupation are the members engaged in

(ii) Do the activities of the above mentioned occupation

mainly involve manual labour or does not mainly
involve manual labour

(iii) If the above-mentioned occupation involves manual

labour, whether it is manual labour rendered for wage
or manual labour rendered on own works

(iv) has the caste or community got or acquired significant

resource base in the form of

a) Infrastructure such as land, buildings, workshops,

quarries, etc.
b) Machines and equipment necessary for carrying out
the occupation. Are the machines and equipment
traditional or are they modern?

3. Whether there are any occupations other than the main occupation referred to
at 2(a), on which substantial numbers of members of the caste/community
depend for livelihood. If so, specify such occupations

4. a) Whether or not the women of the caste/community, as a general

practice, are, for their own or for their family’s livelihood, engaged in
agricultural labour for wage

b) Whether or not the women of the caste/community, as a general

practice, are, for their own or for their family’s livelihood engaged in
any other manual, (i.e., non-agricultural) labour for wage

If so, specify the type/nature of manual labour:

5. a) Whether or not the children of the caste/community, as a general

practice, are, for their their family’s livelihood or for supplementing their
family’s income, engaged in agricultural labour

b) Whether or not the children of the caste/community, as a general

practice, are, for their their family’s livelihood or for supplementing their
family’s low income, engaged in any other manual, i.e., non-agricultural

If so, specify the type/nature of the manual labour

6. What percentage of the population of the caste/community etc.

(male, female, children taken together) are landless manual
(both agricultural and non-agricultural) labourers?

Explanation: The term “landless” includes those who have not more than 1
hectare of unirrigated land and have no irrigated land at all

7. Whether the caste/community is, in terms of the caste system,

identified/linked with any traditional craft

If so,
(a) Specify which traditional craft they are identified/linked with?

(b) The percentage (approximately) of the population of the adult

members (males and females taken together) of the caste/community,
actually engaged in that craft

(c) Of the adult members of the caste/community who are actually
not engaged in that craft, what proportion (approximately) are engaged in:-

i) Agricultural labour for wage

ii) Other manual labour for wage (specify which)
iii) Cultivation of own land
iv) Other occupations [like services (clerical/supervisory/
managerial/academic) in Government, Public Sector,
Universities, Colleges & Schools, organised private
sector, trade/commerce/contracts/entrepreneurial
manufacture, professions (lawyer, doctor, consultancy etc)]
Specify the occupation(s):
8. (a) Whether the caste/community is, in terms of the caste system,
identified/linked with any traditional or hereditary occupation,
(i.e., other than traditional crafts)

If so, specify which occupation(s)

(b) Whether such traditional or hereditary occupation is, in terms

of the caste system, regarded to be lowly, undignified, unclean or stigmatised?

(c) The proportion (approximately) of the adult members (males

and females taken together) of the caste/community actually engaged
in that occupation

(d) Of the adult members of the caste/community who are actually

not engaged in that occupation, what proportion (approximately) are
engaged in:

i) agriculture labour for wage

ii) other manual labour for wage (specify which
kind of manual labour)
iii) Cultivation of own land
iv) Other occupations [like services (clerical/
supervisory/managerial/academic) in
Government, Public Sector, Universities,
Colleges & Schools, organised private sector,
Manufacture, professions ( lawyer, doctor,
Consultancy etc.)]

Specify the occupation(s):

9. a) Is the caste/community categorized as:-

i) Nomadic caste/community/tribe?

If so,
Name the Commission(s)/Committee(s)/Report(s)
which has so categorised it
ii) Semi-nomadic/caste/community/tribe?

If so,
Name the Commission(s)/Committee(s)/Report(s)
which has so categorised it

b) If the answer to (i) or (ii) is yes,

what is the present occupation(s) of the members of the caste/community?

10. (a) Is the caste/community categorized as

De-notified or Vimukta Jati caste/Community/tribe [in terms of
Criminal Tribes (Repeal) Act, 1952, Act No. XXIV of 1952]

(b) If the answer is yes,

what is the present occupation(s) of the members of the caste/community?

11. Was the caste/community subject to bonded labour?

If so, since when? Is it still being so subjected?

12. a) Number of MLA belonging to the caste/community

on the date of application and their proportion to the total
strength of the Legislative Assembly

b) Furnish separately the number of MLAs belonging

to the caste/community during the twenty-five years
preceding the date of application

13. a) State the number of members of the caste/

community elected to the elective bodies at the district level,
i.e., panchayati raj institutions, Zilla Parishad, Zilla Panchayat,
District Council etc.

Give the figures for the ten years preceding the date of application

b) Give the total number of elected members in the State in

such district level elective bodies during the above period

B. Educational
1. a) (i) Number of literates of the caste/community in the State

(ii) Literacy rate of the caste/community in the State

Specify the year of reference

b) (i) Total number of literates in the State

(ii) Total literacy rate of the State

Specify the year of reference

Where the caste/community is not spread over the entire State but is largely
Concentrated in one or a few districts, also furnish the following information

c) (i) Number of literates of the caste/community in the district

(ii) Literacy rate of the caste/community in the district

Specify the year of reference

d) (i) Total number of literates in the district

(ii) Total literacy rate of the district

Specify the year of reference

2. Out of the total number of literates of the caste/community in the State, please
furnish the total number of female literates of the caste/community

Specify the year of reference

3. a) Number of Matriculates (or equivalent High School Examination)

among the members of the caste/community in the State

Specify the year of reference

b) Proportion of matriculates of the caste/community to the total

population of the caste/community in the State

c) Total matriculates in the State

Specify the year of reference

d) Proportion of total matriculates in the State to the population of the


Where the caste/community is not spread over the entire State but is largely
Concentrated in one or a few districts, also furnish the following information

e) No. of matriculates among the members of the caste/

community in each of the concerned district

Specify the year of reference

f) Proportion of matriculates of the caste/community
to the total population of the caste/community in the State

g) Total matriculates in the district

Specify the year of reference

h) Proportion of total matriculates in the district to

the population of the State

4. Out of the total number of matriculates of the caste/community in the State,

please furnish the total number of female matriculates among the members of
the caste and community in the State

Specify the year of reference

5. a) Total number of all graduates (in arts, commerce, law, management,

science, applied, technological, technical, professional etc. fields) among the
members of the caste/community in the State

Specify the year of reference

b) Proportion of total number of graduate of the caste/community

to the total population of the caste/community in the State

c) Total graduates in the State

Specify the year of reference

d) Proportion of total number of graduates in the State to

the population of the State

Where the caste/community is not spread over the entire State but is largely
concentrated in one or a few districts, also furnish the following information

e) No. of graduates among the members of the

caste/community in the concerned district

Specify the year of reference

f) Proportion of graduates of the caste/community in the district

to the total population of the caste/community in the district
g) Total number of graduates in the district

Specify the year of reference

h) Proportion of total number of graduates in the district to

the population of the district

6. Out of the total number of graduates of the caste/community in the State,

specify how many among them are female graduates (arts, science, all other
graduates taken together)

Specify the year of reference

C. Economic

1. What percentage (approximately) of the families of the

caste/community in the State live in the type of houses
indicated below:

Kachha houses
(including huts and sheds)

Pucca houses
(including Chawls)

Where the caste/community is not spread over the entire State but largely
concentrated in one or a few districts, then the above information may also be
separately furnished districtwise in respect of the districts where the population is

2. a) Total number of cases of surrender of agricultural land in

the State under the Land Ceiling Act of the State

b) Out of this, the number of cases pertaining to the caste/community

c) The total area (in hectares or acres) involved in the cases at (a)

d) Out of this, the area pertaining to the members of the caste/community

Where the caste/community is not spread over the entire State but largely
concentrated in one or a few districts, the information may be further furnished:-

e) Number of cases surrender of agricultural land in each

District under the land Ceiling Act of the State

f) Out of this, the no. of cases pertaining to the caste/community

g) The total area (in hectares or acres) involved in the cases at (e)

h) Out of this the area pertaining to the members of the caste/community

3. Number of posts in services of the State Government held by the members of
the caste/community under consideration

Year of reference
Group A/Class I:
Group B/Class II:
Group C/Class III
Group D/Class IV:

4. Besides State Government Services, state how many persons of the

caste/community under consideration are engaged in the following areas of
employment and professions

a) State level Public Undertakings, autonomous/semi-autonomous


b) i) Teachers in colleges and universities

ii) Administrative Personnel in Colleges and Universities

c) Doctors

d) Lawyers

e) Engineers and Architects

f) Chartered Accountants

g) Income Tax, financial and management consultants

h) Media professionals

i) Deference services
(Major in the Army and above,
equivalent ranks of Navy and Air-force)

j) Any other important fields of employment or profession

(specify the fields)

5. State what percentage of the members of the caste/community is income-tax

assessees on account of trade/business.

D. Representation in the Services of Central Government

1. Total number of posts under the Central Government

Year of reference
Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:

2. (a) Number of posts held by all OBC

in the present Central List (Common List)

Year of reference
Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:

b) Number of posts held by each caste/community in the

Central List (Common List) separately
(Serial Number as given in the Central List may be indicated)

Group/Class of Posts Year of reference

Name of caste/community A/I B/II C/III D/IV





Explanation : As and when any caste/community is added to the list, the data
against Q.2(a) and 2(b) may be updated
3. Number of posts held by SCs:

Year of reference
Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:

4. Number of posts held by STs:

Year of reference
Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:

5. Number of posts held by the caste/community under consideration:

Year of reference
Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:

E. Miscellaneous

1. (a) What are the main reasons on account of which the caste/community
considered itself to be backward

(b) What are the main reasons on account of which the caste/community
is considered backward or not backward by the State Govt.

(c) Has there been any improvement in the condition of the

caste/community during the last twenty years?

If so, in what respects?

(d) Has there been any deterioration in the condition of the

caste/community during the last twenty years?

Note: Support your reasoning with authentic evidence as far as possible

2. (a) Furnish the name two castes/communities (whether from among

the backward or forward castes/communities) at a level immediately
higher than the caste/community under consideration

Give reasons

(b) Furnish the names of two designated backward castes/communities in

the State, along with serial number in the State List, which are more or less at
the same level as the caste/community under consideration.

Give reasons

3. Any other point besides those covered by the questionnaire above which need
to be mentioned in respect of the request or complaint


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