Sales Training - Your Price Is Right

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Sales is art as well as science.

Everything come to us in form of

● Data (95% - lost in 24hr and by 7th day very little infor)
● Information
● Knowledge (practise in field)
● Wisdom

Price objection:
1. Exploratory
2. Justification
3. Better quality that buyer expected to purchase

Joe Batton video

For tough minded sales:

Burger approach
Explain in package:
Benefit, advantage, feature and nail down

Add up all the benefits he gets from product

Subtract benefits he won’t be getting in cheaper products
Multiple with intangible qualities n satisfaction
Divide price in smaller units in longer lifetime cost

Still if customer is adamant give disc

Established reputation of your selling can be one of your asset in determining value
Savings in long run

Concept for meeting

T - Target person
R - Resources
A - Adverse Reaction
P - Purpose

Price objection stops so many sales ppl - creates confusion

If you accept if the price is high, cx might take undue advantage or have trust issues
8 by 73 survey
8% people who close the deals n 73% of genuine customers allows you to meet them after 4

Negotiation is a process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we
want. It can be normal or constructive.

¾ population in the world buys and sells merchandise without a fixed price. They negotiate.

Negotiation Tactics:
● Higher expectations
● Smaller concessions
● Unpredictability

Upgrading your
K - Knowledge
A - Attitude
S - Skills
H - Habit
S - Strategies

13 points to successfully negotiate:

1. Prepare: get all the possible information
2. Identify your lowest limits before you start and then aim high and expect the best
3. Put yourself in customer’s shoes: personality, pressure he is under, objectives,
strategies (research, preparation and planning)
4. Plan your initial instance very carefully
5. Get the buyer to reveal his initial stance and full shopping list as early as possible
6. Never give concession - trade it reluctantly (and preferably at the profit ) and justify each
concessions you trade
7. Keep the whole package in mind the whole time - keep searching for variables
8. Learn to defend yourself
9. Time has to appear on your side, not buyers side
10. Do not make in a personal battle
11. Leave the buyer feeling he has done a better deal, despite the fact that you are a good
12. Summarize clearly and confirm quickly
13. Never close the door completely even if the negotiation have failed you

8 negotiation strategies:
1. Salami - in bits and pieces
2. Fait Accompli - try fluking
3. Standard Practise
4. Deadlines
5. Feinting - deceptive move
6. Apparent withdrawal
7. Good buy / bad guy
8. Limited authority

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