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Operations and Science Instrument Support

Command and Control

Quick Reference Manual

For OASIS-CC V02.05.12

and subsequent versions
November 1994

Copyright  1986, 1992

By the Regents of the University of Colorado
Operations and Science Instrument Support
Command and Control

Quick Reference Manual

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided that the
copyright notice and these paragraphs are preserved on all copies. The software and any
accompanying written materials are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The University
of Colorado disclaims all warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not
limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Mention of any commercial company or product in this document does not constitute an
endorsement by the University of Colorado.

Copyright  1986, 1992

By the Regents of the University of Colorado
OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Introduction....................................................................................... 1-1
Creating Telemetry Items........................................................................ 2-1
Items Representing Numeric (Analog) Values ........................................... 2-1
Example Raw Integer Requiring Calibration to EU............................... 2-1
Example Raw Integer Requiring Multi-Segmented Calibration to EU.......... 2-1
Example Raw Integer - no Calibration Desired.................................... 2-2
Example Pre-Calibrated Real........................................................ 2-2
Items Representing STATES............................................................... 2-2
Example Raw Integers Converted to STATES.................................... 2-2
Example STATES Converted to Raw Integers.................................... 2-3
Items reflecting STRING data.............................................................. 2-3
Example Character Strings........................................................... 2-3
Defining LIMIT Checking....................................................................... 3-1
Setting Primary HILO Thresholds......................................................... 3-1
Example HILO Limits................................................................ 3-1
Setting Secondary HILO Thresholds...................................................... 3-2
Example Secondary HILO Limits................................................... 3-2
Setting Delta Thresholds.................................................................... 3-2
Example Delta Limits................................................................. 3-2
Setting Trend Time Limits.................................................................. 3-2
Example Trend Limits................................................................ 3-3
Defining STATE Checking...................................................................... 4-1
Setting Desirability........................................................................... 4-1
Example Setting Desirability......................................................... 4-1
Defining TRIGGERS............................................................................ 5-1
Example Creating a TRIGGER ..................................................... 5-1
Defining EQUATIONS.......................................................................... 6-1
Example Creating an Equation ...................................................... 6-1
Defining Commands............................................................................. 7-1
Designing the CSTOL Command Statements ............................................ 7-1
Command Verbs and Objects.......................................................... 7-1
Attributes ............................................................................... 7-2

Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

Table of Contents OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual

Subfield Clauses......................................................................... 7-2

Example Creating a CSTOL Command Statement................................ 7-3
Defining a Hierarchy of Commandable Elements........................................ 7-4
Example Creating a Command Hierarchy.......................................... 7-4
Defining Command Channels.............................................................. 7-6
Example Creating a Command Channels .......................................... 7-6
Defining the Command Data................................................................ 7-7
Example Binary Commands......................................................... 7-8
Example ASCII Commands.........................................................7-10
Creating a Wildcard Display .................................................................... 8-1
Example Creating a Wildcard Page................................................. 8-1
Performance Considerations....................................................................A-1


University of Colorado at Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1. Panel Titled wildcard viewed from the AWB.................................... 8-2

Figure 2. Panel Titled insert................................................................... 8-3
Figure 3. Panel Titled delete................................................................... 8-3
Figure 4. CSTOL Procedure wildcard.prc .................................................. 8-5

List of Tables

Table 1 Binary and ASCII Command Tables............................................. 7-8

Table 2. Item Attributes on the Wildcard Panel............................................ 8-1
Table 3. Actions for Wildcard Inputs....................................................... 8-4
Table 4. Database Items Required for the wildcard Panel................................ 8-5


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

Table of Contents OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual

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University of Colorado at Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 1. Introduction
Rev 0 – 11/94

1. Introduction

The OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual provides quick access to information application
managers frequently require. It also presents features not covered in other OASIS-CC
documents. If the information you seek is not present, consult the other OASIS-CC
documents. Consider sending your suggestions for additional topics to include.

Many examples are presented, showing how to fill the database tables to achieve desired
functions. In all cases, database information is presented in the form of CSTOL query
insert and update directives.

This document is one of a suite that includes:

OASIS-CC CSTOL Reference Manual: LASP

OASIS-CC Database Guide: LASP

OASIS-CC System Manager's Guide: LASP

OASIS-CC Installation Guide: LASP

OASIS-CC Application Environment Reference Manual: LASP

OASIS-CC Generic Communications User's Guide: LASP

Actions Workbench User's Guide: LASP

TAE+ Overview: Century Computing, Inc., Laurel, MD

TAE+ User Interface Developer's Guide: Century Computing, Inc., Laurel, MD.


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

1. Introduction OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 2. Creating Telemetry Items
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2. Creating Telemetry Items

Items Representing Numeric (Analog) Values

Example Raw Integer Requiring Calibration to EU

Consider a thermocouple reading from a spectrometer's detector assembly. The data is
telemetered as a binary integer that is converted to a engineering unit.

insert LATEST_DATA &

external_element=DETECTOR, item_name=TEMPERATURE, &
external_element=DETECTOR, item_name=TEMPERATURE, &
eu_units=C, segment=1, is_last=TRUE, c0="0.0", c1="2.34", c2="-.34"
When the first segment is the last, the coefficients apply to the entire range of raw values.

Example Raw Integer Requiring Multi-Segmented

Calibration to EU
Consider a transducer that measures a pressure. The calibration of the item requires a
segmented conversion because one set of coefficients cannot adequately represent the
conversion from the integer to EU value.

insert LATEST_DATA external_element=INTERNAL, item_name=PRESSURE,&

external_element=INTERNAL, item_name=PRESSURE, eu_units=T, &
dn_low=1,segment=40, is_last=FALSE, c0="0.0", c1="2.34", c2="-.34"
external_element=INTERNAL, item_name=PRESSURE, eu_units=T, &
dn_low=85,segment=2, is_last=FALSE, c0="0.0", c1="1.23", c2="-.1"


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

2. Creating Telemetry Items OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
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external_element=INTERNAL, item_name=PRESSURE, eu_units=T, &
dn_low=255,segment=3, is_last=TRUE
In mutli-segmented conversions, DN_LOW defines the upper bound of applicable integer
values to which the previous coefficient set applies. The coefficients in the last record are

Example Raw Integer - no Calibration Desired

Consider a grating drive stepper motor reading. It arrives as a binary integer that requires
no calibration. This is denoted by choosing units of DN (Data Number).

insert LATEST_DATA &

external_element=GRATING, item_name=POSITION, &
When the units are specified as DN (Data Number), the ANALOG_CONVERSIONS
table is not used, however the raw value is automatically converted to a float, which
is placed in the EU field.

Example Pre-Calibrated Real

Consider a current measurement that is telemetered as a floating point number that is
already calibrated to represent amperes.

insert LATEST_DATA &

external_element=PRIMARY_BUS, item_name=CURRENT, &
An ANALOG_CONVERSION record is unnecessary since the value is already calibrated.

Items Representing STATES

Example Raw Integers Converted to STATES

Consider a discrete measurement that represents the status of a detector's high voltage
supply. A telemetered zero represents off, a one represents on. If the value is two, assume
that for some reason, the status is unavailable.

insert LATEST_DATA &

external_element=HIGH_VOLTAGE, item_name=STATUS, &


University of Colorado at Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 2. Creating Telemetry Items
Rev 0 – 11/94

external_element=HIGH_VOLTAGE, item_name=STATUS,&
dn_low=0, dn_high=0, state=OFF, desirability=GOOD
external_element=HIGH_VOLTAGE, item_name=STATUS,&
dn_low=1, dn_high=0, state=ON, desirability=GOOD
external_element=HIGH_VOLTAGE, item_name=STATUS,&
dn_low=2, dn_high=0, state=UNKNOWN, desirability=GOOD
DN_HIGH must be supplied in an insert since it is a field which makes up the record's
key, however the field is not currently used by OASIS-CC.

Example STATES Converted to Raw Integers

Items that arrive as formatted character strings can be processed as states, as long as their
length within their data stream is constant. The definition is identical to Example 1. A
DN_LOW must be assigned to each state that will be received.

Items reflecting STRING data

Example Character Strings

Consider a measurement that consists of ASCII character data. OASIS-CC stores 80 bytes
of character data.

insert LATEST_DATA &

external_element=TEXT, item_name=MESSAGE, &


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

2. Creating Telemetry Items OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 3. Defining LIMIT Checking
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3. Defining LIMIT Checking

LIMIT checking provides high/low and delta comparisons for numeric items. High/low
(HILO) checking compares a telemetry point's current value to pre-established thresholds.
Delta checking determines how much a current value changed from its last value, and
compares the difference to a pre-established limit.

Setting Primary HILO Thresholds

Example HILO Limits
Consider the thermocouple reading defined in the previous chapter, DETECTOR
TEMPERATURE. Assume its anticipated normal range is -15.0 (C) to +20.0 (C). As
long as the temperature remains within this range, the detector is at a safe temperature.
Also assume that if the temperature falls below -20.0 (C) or above +30.0 (C), the detector
may be damaged. OASIS-CC is given this information with the following statements:

insert LIMITS &

external_element=DETECTOR, item_name=TEMPERATURE, &
units=C, red_low="-20.0", red_high="30.0", yellow_low="-15.0", &
update LATEST_DATA &
hilo_enabled=TRUE where external_element=DETECTOR and &
The update directive used to enable the HILO checking is required because the insert
directive used to create the LATEST_DATA item omitted this field (thus relying on the
default value FALSE.)

If DETECTOR TEMPERATURE stays within the yellow thresholds, an alpha-numeric

display of the item will appear green. Otherwise, it will appear yellow or red, depending
on which threshold is exceeded. At any threshold transition, a message is issued to the
message queue indicating such (the message is colored according to the threshold crossed).


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

3. Defining LIMIT Checking OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

Setting Secondary HILO Thresholds

Operations may require that subsequent alarms are issued when an item remains within a
yellow or red alarm regime (the thresholds defined so far issue messages only when a
threshold is crossed). OASIS-CC provides relative thresholds for this purpose.

Example Secondary HILO Limits

Assume that operators are to be alerted if the DETECTOR TEMPERATURE changes by
more than 1 Celsius degree once within a yellow low or yellow high range. Similarly,
assume alerts are to be issued if an already red DETECTOR TEMPERATURE changes by
more than 0.5 since the last red alert. Add this information to the existing record in the
following manner:

update LIMITS &

msg_delta_yellow="1.0", msg_delta_red="0.5" where &
external_element=DETECTOR and item_name=TEMPERATURE

Setting Delta Thresholds

Certain telemetry measurements convey significant information not only in their absolute
value, but also in how much the value changed since its last update.

Example Delta Limits

Consider the PRIMARY_BUS CURRENT monitor described earlier. Assume that if this
measurement changes by more than 0.8 ampere since it's last update, an alert must be
issued. Provide OASIS-CC with this information, and modify the existing
LATEST_DATA record to enable delta limit checking:

insert LIMITS &

external_element=PRIMARY_BUS, item_name=CURRENT, &
units=A, delta_limit="0.8"
update LATEST_DATA &
delta_enabled=TRUE where external_element=PRIMARY_BUS and &
Delta alerts are always red, but they never initiate triggers. See Defining a Trigger.

Setting Trend Time Limits

OASIS-CC provides the ability to calculate the rate of change of an item and alert the user if
the item appears headed for a red high or red low crossing within a specified time interval.


University of Colorado at Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 3. Defining LIMIT Checking
Rev 0 – 11/94

Example Trend Limits

If operators want to know that the DETECTOR TERMPATURE will go red high 5 minutes
in advance, inform OASIS-CC:

update LIMITS &

trend_time_limit="300.0", points_in_trend=64 where &
external_element=DETECTOR and item_name=TEMPERATURE
update LATEST_DATA &
trend_enabled=TRUE where external_element=DETECTOR and &
Note that points_in_trend must be sufficiently large to provide a smooth extrapolation, yet
not too large to unnecessarily consume memory. A red warning message is issued if the
projected red limit crossing will occur in less than the specified trend_time_limit.


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

3. Defining LIMIT Checking OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
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University of Colorado at Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 4. Defining STATE Checking
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4. Defining STATE Checking

STATE checking reports if a discrete item has changed its value, or the desirability of the
value has changed, or both.

Setting Desirability
All of the integer values that a state item can take must have a translation to a literal value
like ON or OFF or OPEN or CLOSED. Each translation must have a desirability of either

Example Setting Desirability

The HIGH_VOLTAGE STATUS was defined previously in Items that Represent a
STATE, and each translation was given a GOOD desirability. Perhaps it was decided after
the fact that when the high voltage was enabled, operators required the associated alpha-
numeric display to appear red. The following modification provides for this change:

desirability=BAD where external_element=HIGH_VOLTAGE &
and item_name=STATUS and state=ON
update LATEST_DATA &
state_check_class=BOTH where &
external_element=HIGH_VOLTAGE, item_name=STATUS &
Setting state_check_class=BOTH enables OASIS-CC to issue a message of the appropriate
color (red or green) whenever HIGH_VOLTAGE status changes its value or desirability.
If state_check_class is set to DESIRABILITY, no message will be generated if the
HIGH_VOLTAGE STATUS changes from OFF to UNKNOWN, since these values share
the same desirability.


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

4. Defining STATE Checking OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 5. Defining TRIGGERS
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5. Defining TRIGGERS

Triggers are automated reactions to the crossing of a red HILO limits threshold, or
the change from a GOOD to a BAD state. Triggers are defined for the appropriate
items in LATEST_DATA (except those that have a data_class of character_string),
and the reactions are defined as a CSTOL statement, usually START PROCNAME.
Multiple LATEST_DATA records can share the same trigger.

Example Creating a TRIGGER

Assume that if the DETECTOR TEMPERATURE exceeds +30.0 (C), commands to
disable the detector heaters are to be automatically transmitted - no questions asked.. (See
Items that Represent a Numeric Value, and Defining LIMITS Checking). Assume the
accomplish this action. Provide OASIS-CC with this information:

update LATEST_DATA &

trigger_name=SAFE_HEATER_TEMP &
where external_element=DETECTOR and item_name=TEMPERATURE
insert TRIGGERS name=SAFE_HEATER_TEMP, enabled=TRUE,&
insert procedures procedure_name=SAFE_HEATER,filename="safe_heater.prc"
The body of $OASIS_PROCS/safe_heater.prc might be:

proc safe_heater

; the following determines if the trigger was activated on a red high... this
; logic must be consistent with the limits definitions...

if detector temperature > 20.0 C

turn off aft heater
turn off fore heater
;do nothing


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

5. Defining TRIGGERS OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

update triggers enabled=TRUE where name=SAFE_HEATER_TEMP

Note the last action of safe_heater.prc is to re-enable the trigger. OASIS-CC
automatically disables a trigger once it has executed to prevent noisy data from
initiating it repetitively. In this example, the safeguard is explicitly overruled by the
trigger procedure itself.

When the trigger executes the first time, the procedure will compile and execute on a
control language processor reserved for triggers – the trigger CLP. Once a
procedure is compiled on the trigger CLP, it can never be decompiled (during the
OASIS-CC session). Consider testing the source from the User CLP before
enabling the trigger.


University of Colorado at Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 6. Defining EQUATIONS
Rev 0 – 11/94

6. Defining EQUATIONS

Equations are the mechanism used to automatically evaluate pseudo-telemetry points.

Pseudo-telemetry points are measurements that don't come directly from data streams, but
reflect measurements based on telemetered data.

Defining an equation is similar to defining a trigger, however the mechanism that initiates
an equation is different. Equations are initiated when a specific global variable, or
LATEST_DATA record, changes its value. The equation is named by the
EQUATION_NAME field in the LATEST_DATA record used to drive the equation.
Whenever the item's value changes (which may be at a lower frequency than when a new
value is received), the equation ultimately references a CSTOL statement to be executed.
Usually, the CSTOL statement consists of a call to start a CSTOL procedure, since most
equations require more than one line of CSTOL to complete.

Example Creating an Equation

Consider two telemetered current measurements, HEATER_1 CURRENT and HEATER_2
CURRENT. Operations require a view of the total current these devices draw, but it's not
available in the telemetry. Assume LATEST_DATA records exists for both currents
(standard numeric items with UNITS=A), however no equation has been implemented.

Instruct OASIS-CC to initiate an equation whenever either available current changes:

update LATEST_DATA equation_name=TOTAL_CURRENT where &

external_element=HEATER_1 and item_name=CURRENT
update LATEST_DATA equation_name=TOTAL_CURRENT where &
external_element=HEATER_2 and item_name=CURRENT
Note that both items reference the same equation. Create a new LATEST_DATA record to
store the value of the total current:

insert LATEST_DATA external_element=TOTAL, item_name=CURRENT, &

Provide a reference to a CSTOL statement to be initiated by the TOTAL_CURRENT


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

6. Defining EQUATIONS OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94


enabled = FALSE, statement="start add_currents"
The equations will be enabled later. (Note that equations can also be implemented in either
C or Ada. This is discussed in Chapter 4 of the OASIS-CC System Manager's Guide. For
the purposes of this example, the equation is implemented in CSTOL.) Since OASIS-CC
doesn't have a record of the procedure total_currents, supply it:

insert PROCEDURES procedure_name=ADD_CURRENTS, &

All that's left is to implement the procedure code. A listing of the procedure
$OASIS_PROCS/add_currents.prc might look like this:

proc add_currents

;Declare a real variable to work with. In general it's best to use

;local variables to perform the math
declare variable $tmp_total = 0.0
declare variable $tmp_icurrent1 = 0.0
declare variable $tmp_icurrent2 = 0.0

;fill the local variables with the global variables

let $tmp_icurrent1 = 1./(HEATER_1 CURRENT)
let $tmp_icurrent2 = 1./(HEATER_2 CURRENT)
let $tmp_total = $tmp_icurrent1+$tmp_icurrent2

;invert back to a current

let $tmp_total=1./$tmp_total

;and place the value back into LATEST_DATA

let TOTAL CURRENT = $tmp_total

Prior to enabling the equation, test it by starting it from the User CLP:

start total_currents
If it's buggy, edit the source, decompile and start the procedure until it has the desired

decompile total_currents
start total_currents
When it works, enable the equation. When an equation is started by changing the value of
a LATEST_DATA item that names it, the procedure will compile and execute on a control
language processor reserved for equations – the equation CLP. Once a procedure is


University of Colorado at Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 6. Defining EQUATIONS
Rev 0 – 11/94

compiled on the equation CLP, it can never be decompiled (during the OASIS-CC

update equations enabled=TRUE where name=TOTAL_CURRENTS


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

6. Defining EQUATIONS OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 7. Defining Commands
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7. Defining Commands

Implementing command definition in the database involves:

1) Designing the CSTOL command statements. When entered into a control

language processor (CLP), these statements initiate the transmission of the
appropriate bit pattern. A pre-defined command statement syntax must be
2) Defining a hierarchy of commandable elements. OASIS-CC allows multiple
command channels - or communications interfaces, and all commands sent
on a given channel make up a branch of the hierarchy. The names of the
commandable elements are defined by the CSTOL statements designed in
3) Defining command channel(s) by specifying the communication devices,
protocols, etc.
4) Defining the command data associated with the CSTOL command statements.
OASIS-CC can generate command data in binary or ASCII format. Steps (1) through (3)
are identical when implementing either type of command. Step (4) requires different steps
for binary and ASCII commands.

Designing the CSTOL Command Statements

Command Verbs and Objects
CSTOL requires a certain syntax for all command statements. The full command directive
construct will make itself known as this discussion progresses. To start, the most simple
representation of the command syntax is:

Verb Object like close relay_1, or set grating_position.

The verbs CSTOL provides are listed in Chapter 9 of the OASIS-CC CSTOL Reference
Manual. If desired, the application manager can expand this list. Verbs translate into the
NAME of the command as it is known by the command database tables. Objects can be
anything you want, limited to 16 characters, and translate into the
EXTERNAL_ELEMENT of the command as known by the command tables.


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

7. Defining Commands OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

To improve the readability of command directives, and to reduce the proliferation of
underscores, the command syntax provides an optional Attribute to help describe the
Object. Now the syntax appears as:

Verb Object [Attribute]

like close relay one or set grating position. Attributes are optional when the command
directive is designed. If used, they must always be supplied when the command directive
is issued. If an attribute is used, the command tables' NAME becomes a concatenation of
the Verb, an underscore, and the attribute – all of which cannot exceed 16 characters. The
command tables' NAME would be set_position, and the EXTERNAL_ELEMENT,

Subfield Clauses
Some commands are discrete: their bit pattern never alters. Others contain subfields that
can take on varying data. OASIS-CC command directives allow subfields to be filled with
the TO, BY, FROM and WITH clauses. Discrete commands do not use these clauses, nor
the database information that must back them up. The command directive syntax is
completely specified below. (Actually, there are further twists to the syntax that are not
discussed in this document. Consult Chapter 10 of the OASIS-CC System Managers
Guide for the complete syntax specification).

Verb Object [Attribute] [TO x]

Verb Object [Attribute] [BY x]
Verb Object [Attribute] [FROM x]
Verb Object [Attribute] [WITH A w [,B x [,C y...and Z z]]]

TO, BY, and FROM are known to the command database tables as SUBFIELD_NAMEs.
A, B, C, ...Z also translate as SUBFIELD_NAMEs, however the command designer
chooses their spelling. The spelling of all italicized words in the command syntax is up to
the designer. (Verbs are chosen from the list referenced above). The subfield delineators
(,) and (and) are interchangeable in the WITH clause.

The user supplies the subfield values w,x,y, and z when the command is issued. These
values can be an integers, or EUs ( Engineering Units – real numbers with units), or a
STATEs. Example commands directives with subfields:

set grating position to 745

set grating position to lyman_alpha
set transponder with channel q, mode a and ranging off

University of Colorado at Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 7. Defining Commands
Rev 0 – 11/94

The TO, BY and FROM allow users to pass only one subfield value when the command is
issued. The WITH clause does not limit the number of subfields that can be supplied when
the command is issued.

After CSTOL command directives are implemented in the database, they are fixed. That is,
none of the elements of the command statement are interchangeable. (The subfield values
are not fixed, and all or parts of the subfield clauses can be omitted if the supplied default
subfield values are acceptable. The order in which subfield values are supplied does not

Example Creating a CSTOL Command Statement

Consider the command pattern:

FAF320A329900012324A (hex)

This command turns on a heater (as governed by the value 99), and sets a thermostat
according to the values shown currently as zeros. Another representation of the command:

FAF320A320100012324A (hex)

turns off the heater. This command has two subfields: one controls whether the heater is
on or off, the other controls how hot it should get when on. The thermostat control data is
ignored by the receiver if the command turns off the heater. After considerable review (and
emotion), the control review team designed a CSTOL statement that will issue the above bit
patterns. The winning selection was:

set heater with mode on and temp xxx

set heater with mode off

According the CSTOL command syntax, the commandable element is the heater; no
attribute was used, so the command name is set. Subfield names are mode and temp. The
subfield value for mode can be either 'on' or 'off', and is supplied when the statement is
entered by the user. The subfield value for temp is an integer, and is supplied when the
command is entered.

The runner up statement design, and just as doable is:

set h with m n, t xxx

set h with m f


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado at Boulder

7. Defining Commands OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

where the commandable element is h, command name is set, the subfield names are m
(with allowable values 'n' or 'f'), and t (expecting an integer value following).

Defining a Hierarchy of Commandable Elements

All commandable elements must be represented in the database within a hierarchy. The
table that stores the hierarchy is ELEMENT_HIERARCHIES. The hierarchy is used to

1) Provide a map of commandable elements that a given user class may access.
User classes are defined in the USER_PRIVILEGES table, and have an
associated element name. A user class has access to the named element, and
all elements below it in the hierarchy.
2) Define command channel elements. Command channels are a associated with a
specific communications device. Commands sent on a given channel will
have commandable elements in the hierarchy that branch below a command
channel element. Note that for bus-type of communications devices (such as
IEEE_488), each device on a bus acts as a command channel element. For
communication devices not on a bus (such as serial ports) one command
channel element exists that reflects the interface.
3) Define a topmost element that provides access to all elements in the hierarchy for
the MASTER user class.
Example Creating a Command Hierarchy
Consider the selected CSTOL command statements and their bit patterns from the example
in Designing the CSTOL Command Statements:

set heater with mode on and temp xxx (FAF320A329900012324A hex)

set heater with mode off (FAF320A320100012324A hex)

Invent a name to be used as the command channel element in ELEMENT_HIERARCHIES.

Command channel elements are often named by the object that will receive the commands.
Typically, this device is a command decoder of sorts: pick 'SCCDU', for spacecraft
command decoder unit. So far, The hierarchy looks like this:


Since the heater is serviced by SCCDU, the hierarchy becomes:




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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 7. Defining Commands
Rev 0 – 11/94

To further demonstrate the hierarchy, assume that SCCDU also services a cooler:



Most OASIS-CC applications have multiple command channels, so pretend there is another
device to which an entirely different flavor of commands are sent. This device is an IEEE
bus that services a slew of test equipment, like a digital multimeter and a stepper motor.
The IEEE equipment needs to be defined in the table slightly differently – each device on
the bus acts as a command channel element (it needs to be its own oldest ancestor).
OASIS-CC knows which bus – there can be more than one – the DMM and STEPPER are
on by information provided in the ELEMENT_CHARACTERISTICS table.

The hierarchy now looks like:



Since command privileges for a class of user are associated with a named element and all of
the elements below it, this hierarchy won't allow any user to command both the digital
multimeter, the stepper, and the heater from the same OASIS-CC session. (Only one user
class can run OASIS-CC at a given time). To rectify this, a last element is needed, and it's
role is to provide full command access:




Fill the ELEMENT_HIERARCHIES table, starting with the top most element (although the
order in which the inserts are executed doesn't matter):


oldest_ancestor=EXECUTIVE, parent ='OASIS$SYSTEM'
EXECUTIVE is arbitrarily named. The top most element requires that
name=oldest_ancestor and parent=OASIS$SYSTEM. Next, create the command channel
elements. The bit patterns for commandable elements that are offspring of a command
channel element leave OASIS-CC via the same interface using the same protocol, etc.
Command channel elements are identified by name = oldest_ancestor.


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7. Defining Commands OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94


oldest_ancestor=SCCDU, parent =EXECUTIVE
oldest_ancestor=IDMM, parent =EXECUTIVE
oldest_ancestor=STEPPER, parent =EXECUTIVE
Finally, define the commandable elements. Their command channel element is defined by
the oldest ancestor. Since this example only implements one tier below the command
channel elements, the parents and oldest_ancestors happen to be the same.


oldest_ancestor=SCCDU, parent =SCCDU
oldest_ancestor=SCCDU, parent =SCCDU
Recall that HEATER reflects the object of the CSTOL command statements set heater
with... All objects in CSTOL command statements

Defining Command Channels

In the previous section, command channel elements are identified in the
ELEMENT_HIERARCHIES table. All command channel elements require a
characteristics definition, a forward stream definition, and a command message definition.

Example Creating a Command Channels

Consider the CSTOL command statements, their associated bit patterns, and the command
channel element from the previous Section's examples:

set heater with mode on and temp xxx (FAF320A329900012324A hex)

set heater with mode off (FAF320A320100012324A hex)
Command channel name (SCCDU)

All command channels require one record in ELEMENT_CHARACTERISTICS that

among other things, associates a forward stream name for the command channel. Define
this association, and define the forward stream:




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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 7. Defining Commands
Rev 0 – 11/94

insert STREAMS stream_name=SDCDU_OUTPUT,&

Depending on the protocol employed by the forward stream, certain parameters in the
STREAMS and ELEMENT_CHARACTERISTICS may or may not apply. In this
example, the IP (Internet) protocol was specified. The full set of information required for
this protocol is defined in the OASIS-CC Generic Communications User's Guide.
Specialized protocols (like IEEE) also require specific database information. Consult the
appropriate release notes for the database information the protocol requires.

Every command channel requires a record in COMMAND_MESSAGES to define common

header patterns, trailer patterns, min and max lengths, etc. In the example, both
commands share a similar headers and trailers. Assume all commands that are transmitted
on this channel share these attributes:

insert COMMAND_MESSAGES external_element=SCCDU,&

message_type=REALTIME, max_length=80, header_length=24, &
header_pattern="FAF320", trailer_length=24, trailer_pattern="12324A"

Defining the Command Data

OASIS-CC allows for the construction of either binary or ASCII commands. In either
case, all commands leaving OASIS-CC are strings of bits. The primary difference between
binary and ASCII commands resides in how the command information is defined in the
database, and how user-supplied subfield values are translated into the command data prior
to transmission. Whenever ASCII commands are mentioned, it is assumed that the
majority of the command data has a meaningful character interpretation. Otherwise, the
command is known as a binary.

The approach to implementing a command differs for the two types. For example, Table 1
shows that the two types don't use the exact same database table sets. Binary commands
are defined by first describing the command as a fixed length bit pattern, and second,
mapping into the fixed pattern any subfields the command requires (if any). ASCII
commands are defined by concatenating a series of character segments, some of which may
or may not be subfields. The process for defining both types follows.


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7. Defining Commands OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

Table 1 Binary and ASCII Command Tables

Binary Commands use (at least): ASCII Commands use (at least):
and, depending on the command's ASCII_COMMAND_MAPS
COMMAND_MAPS and depending on the command's

Example Binary Commands

Consider the command information presented earlier:

FAF320A329900012324A (hex)

This command turns on a heater (as governed by the value 99), and sets a thermostat
according to the values shown currently as zeros. Another representation of the command:

FAF320A320100012324A (hex)

turns off the heater. This command has two subfields: one controls whether the heater is
on or off (99 vs. 01), the other controls how hot it should get when on. The thermostat
control data is ignored by the receiver if the command turns off the heater.

Since the commands' headers and trailers are already identified in

COMMAND_MESSAGES (see the previous section), the data yet to define is:

set heater with mode on and temp xxx (A3299000 hex)

set heater with mode off (A3201000 hex)

All commands (binary or ASCII) require a COMMANDS record:

insert COMMANDS external_element=HEATER,&

name=SET, is_legal_in_realtime_msg=TRUE, legal_source=CLP,&
cmd_type=IMMEDIATE, safety_level=SAFE, is_discrete=FALSE, &
is_ascii=FALSE, length=32, fixed_pattern="A3201000"
HEATER is the commandable element in ELEMENT_HIERARCHIES. For a binary
command (is_ascii=FALSE), is_discrete=FALSE implies subfields are used, and

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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 7. Defining Commands
Rev 0 – 11/94

therefore, a record(s) in COMMAND_VALUES and COMMAND_MAPS. If this

command were discrete, the database definition would be complete.

Define the characteristics of the subfields mode and temp:

insert COMMAND_VALUES external_element=HEATER,&

command_name=SET, subfield_name=MODE, &
max_value="153.0", min_value="1.0",default_value="1.0",&
default_safety_level=SAFE, mapping_format=INTEGER
insert COMMAND_VALUES external_element=HEATER,&
command_name=SET, subfield_name=TEMP,&
max_value="4095.0", min_value="0.0",default_value="0.0",&
The max_values 153.0 and 4095.0 correspond to integer 99 (hex) and 12 bits of ones.
(Note that the value is mapped as INTEGER data. Had the value needed to be mapped in
single or double precision format, the MAPPING_FORMAT would be IEEE_FLOAT – 32
bits, or IEEE_LONG_FLOAT – 64 bits). If any of the command subfields are omitted in
the CSTOL statement, the default values are used. The example makes the following
assumptions: the heater turn on must be explicit, and; if not explicitly turned on (MODE
ON), the command sets the bits to turn off the heater, in which case the receiver ignores the
thermostat setting anyway. The resulting command patterns when combinations of
subfields are omitted are::

set heater with mode on and temp 4095 (A3299FFF hex) heater on, full temp
set heater with mode off (A3201000 hex) heater off
set heater with temp 4095 (A3201FFF hex) heater off
set heater (A3201000 hex) heater off

OASIS-CC needs to know where to place the subfields in the commands' fixed pattern:

insert COMMAND_MAPS external_element=HEATER,&

command_name=SET, subfield_name=MODE, cmd_type=IMMEDIATE,&
segment=1, is_last=TRUE, source_first_bit=1, source_last_bit=8,&
destination_first_bit=13, destination_last_bit=20
insert COMMAND_MAPS external_element=HEATER,&
command_name=SET, subfield_name=TEMP, cmd_type=IMMEDIATE,&
segment=1, is_last=TRUE, source_first_bit=1, source_last_bit=12,&
destination_first_bit=21, destination_last_bit=32
The source bits refer to positions in the subfield value, the destination bits refer to positions
in the fixed pattern. Subfield values overwrite the bits defined in the fixed pattern. If
desired, the bits supplied in the subfield value can be split and placed in non-contiguous
locations of the fixed pattern. This requires one record in COMMAND_MAPS for each
segment of the divided subfield value. The length of the value is determined by the sum of


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7. Defining Commands OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

the differences (one difference per segment) of the source and destination bit coordinates.
INTEGER values can be 1 to 32 bits long, whereas single precision and double precision
values must be 32 and 64 bits long.

Since the legal values for the MODE subfield are on or off a translation is required to turn
the literals into values:

insert COMMAND_STATE_CONVERSIONS external_element=HEATER,&

commmand_name=SET, subfield_name=MODE, state=ON,&
insert COMMAND_STATE_CONVERSIONS external_element=HEATER,&
commmand_name=SET, subfield_name=MODE, state=OFF,&
Although not demonstrated, the COMMAND_VALUE_CONVERISIONS is similar to the
COMMAND_STATE_CONVERSIONS table. If desired and applicable, EUs
(Engineering Units – real numbers with a units specifier) can be supplied as subfield values
in a CSTOL command statement. If EUs are supplied, there needs to be a record(s) in
COMMAND_VALUE_CONVERSIONS used to perform a single or segmented
polymnomial conversion to translate the real into an integer value that's inserted into the
command. A good example is setting a grating drive motor to a position sensitive to a
popular wavelength:

set grating position to 1024.5 A (Angstroms)

which could be equivalent to:
set grating position to 123

Currently, OASIS-CC can only format command data as ASCII data or binary integer data.

Example ASCII Commands

Whereas binary commands are fixed patterns into which subfields are mapped, ASCII
commands are series of character segments concatenated to form the command. The
individual segments defined can be fixed (the value never changes), or subfields (the value
is supplied by the CSTOL command statement).

Consider a command intended for the COOLER (see the example in Defining a Hierarchy
of Commandable Elements). In order to demonstrate an ASCII command, assume that the
cooler expects the following command data:

FAF320 "C1<CR>" 12324A

FAF320 "C2<CR>" 12324A


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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 7. Defining Commands
Rev 0 – 11/94

These commands set the cooler's operations to mode 1 and mode 2. As established in the
previous sections, all commands traveling the same channel share header and trailer
information, which is stored in the COMMAND_MESSAGES table. Further, the existing
COMMAND_MESSAGES record shows that no SCCDU command can be longer than 80
bits. The cooler commands are each 9 bytes long, including the header and trailer.

The control review team decided on the following CSTOL command statement to issue the
above data:

set cooler mode to m

In this CSTOL command statement, the commandable element is cooler, mode is an

attribute that modifies the command name to set_mode. The subfield name is to, and m is
either "1" or "2" (ASCII).

All commands (binary or ASCII) require a COMMANDS record:

insert COMMANDS external_element=COOLER,&

name=SET_MODE, is_legal_in_realtime_msg=TRUE, legal_source=CLP,&
cmd_type=IMMEDIATE, safety_level=SAFE, is_discrete=FALSE, &
The length of the complete command will be based in the length of the constituent
segments. ASCII commands require that is_discrete=FALSE.

Characterize the subfield value that can be either "1" or "2":

insert ASCII_COMMAND_VALUES external_element=COOLER,&

command_name=SET_MODE, subfield_name="TO",&
format="I1", default_substring_value="2.0", default_substring_length=1,&
default_safety_level=HAZARDOUS, max_value="2.0", min_value="1.0"
The leading_ ... and trailing_... fields (not shown) allow control over how to format the
command output if the supplied value consumes fewer characters than will be allocated by
the format specification. This subfield will always consume 1 character. If the subfield is
omitted in the CSTOL command statement, the instrument will be set to mode 2, and the
operator will have to answer an alert requesting clearance for relying on the default value

Assemble the segments into the command string:

insert ASCII_COMMAND_MAPS external_element=COOLER,&

command_name=SET_MODE, cmd_type=IMMEDIATE,&
segment=1, is_last=FALSE, is_a_subfield=FALSE, is_ascii=TRUE,&
substring_value="C", substring_length=1


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7. Defining Commands OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

Is_a_subfield=FALSE because the value is not supplied by the CSTOL command statement
– it's supplied in this database record. Is_ascii=TRUE says how the value for this non-
subfield segment will be input - ASCII or hex.

insert ASCII_COMMAND_MAPS external_element=COOLER,&

command_name=SET_MODE, cmd_type=IMMEDIATE,&
segment=2, is_last=FALSE, is_a_subfield=TRUE, subfield_name=TO
Since this segment is a subfield, the length and data information are calculated based on the
value input by the CSTOL command statement, and parameters set for this subfield in

insert ASCII_COMMAND_MAPS external_element=COOLER,&

command_name=SET_MODE, cmd_type=IMMEDIATE,&
segment=3, is_last=TRUE, is_a_subfield=FALSE, is_ascii=FALSE,&
binary_substring_value="0D", substring_length=1
Carriage returns <CR> cannot be entered as ASCII characters in the substring_value, so its
hex equivalent is supplied in binary_substring_value.


University of Colorado at Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 8. Creating a Wildcard Display
Rev 0 – 11/94

8. Creating a Wildcard Display

In applications where LATEST_DATA has many records, it's useful to have the ability to
display items that are not included on any pre-designed panels. To implement this
capability, create a wildcard page that allows the user to specify LATEST_DATA items
during run-time.

Example Creating a Wildcard Page

From the Actions Workbench, create a panel (call it wildcard). This panel will display two
LATEST_DATA items for each wildcard element: a label, and a data value from the desired
telemetry point. On the panel, create an even number of dynamic text items, and give them
the attributes listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Item Attributes on the Wildcard Panel

TAE Item Default Data Type

Name String
wclabel1 row 1 label string
wclabel2 row 2 label string
wclabel3 row 3 label string
wclabel4 row 4 label string
wclabel5 row 5 label string
wcv1 row 1 value string
wcv2 row 2 value string
wcv3 row 3 value string
wcv4 row 4 value string
wcv5 row 5 value string

Arrange the items on the wildcard panel as shown in Figure 1:


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8. Creating a Wildcard Display OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

Figure 1. Panel Titled wildcard viewed from the AWB

Define a connection for the Modify... push button to bring up the panel shown in Figure 2.
Create another panel (name is wc with a title insert ) as shown in Figure 2. This panel will
be used to name the desired telemetry points you want to display, and assemble a label to
go along with it, and refresh the actual wildcard display. Define a connection to clear the
wildcard panel with the button Close.

When developing the panel wc, name the text keyin item used to define the desired row rn;
the keyin for external_element ee; Item_name in; Type of Data dt; Units vu; and Value
Format vf.

Define a connection for the Initialize Wildcard... button to raise another panel that requests
approval for this action. This Panel is shown in Figure 3


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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 8. Creating a Wildcard Display
Rev 0 – 11/94

Figure 2. wc Panel Titled insert

Figure 3. wc Panel Titled delete

Place the AWB in Define Connections mode, and provide the Actions presented in Table 3
for the buttons titled Refresh Wildcard with New Info and delete.


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8. Creating a Wildcard Display OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

Table 3. Actions for Wildcard Inputs

Tae Item Actions (don't include the comments).

Refresh -- Wpt_NewPanel goes here
Wildcard Cstolq "let wc_display label_"+wc.rn+"='"+wc.ee+" "+wc.in+"'"
with New Cstolq "delete display_definitions where tae_base=wcv"+wc.rn
Info Cstolq "insert display_definitions (note: continued on next line _ this should occupy only one line)
Cstolq "update display_definitions value_format='"+wc.vf+"',units="+wc.vu+" where tae_base=wcv"+wc.rn
Cstolq "clear wildcard"
Cstolq "display wildcard"

Delete -- Wpt_NewPanel goes here

Cstolq "clear wildcard"
Cstolq "init_wildcard"
Cstolq "display wildcard"

Note that the second CSTOL statement sent to the system by the Delete push button is a
CSTOL Macro named init_wildard. The body of this macro is explained below. The
Cancel button should clear the delete panel. Generate the interface code, recompile, and
relink (these steps are required whenever a new panel is added, or any connections or
actions within the interface have been modified).

Create and run a CSTOL procedure that creates the following the database entries shown in
Table 4. The body of such a procedure, create_wildcard.prc is shown in Figure 4.


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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 8. Creating a Wildcard Display
Rev 0 – 11/94

Table 4. Database Items Required for the wildcard Panel


Slots for character strings that To display the strings held in To display to-be-named
will be used as labels the LATEST_DATA records to LATEST_DATA items
the left.
external_element =wc_display tae_base =wclabel1 tae_base =wcvalue1
item_name =label_1 external_element =wc_display external_element =wc_display
data_class =character_string item_name =label_1 item_name =dummy
type_of_data =eu_data type_of_data =eu_data

external_element=wc_display tae_base =wclabel2 tae_base =wcvalue1

item_name = label_2 external_element =wc_display external_element =wc_display
data_class = character_string item_name =label_2 item_name =dummy
type_of_data =eu_data type_of_data =eu_data

external_element=wc_display tae_base =wclabel3 tae_base =wcvalue1

item_name =label_3 external_element =wc_display external_element =wc_display
data_class =character_string item_name =label_3 item_name =dummy
type_of_data =eu_data type_of_data =eu_data

external_element=wc_display tae_base =wclabel4 tae_base =wcvalue1

item_name =label_4 external_element =wc_display external_element =wc_display
data_class =character_string item_name =label_4 item_name =dummy
type_of_data =eu_data type_of_data =eu_data

external_element=wc_display tae_base =wclabel5 tae_base =wcvalue1

item_name =label_5 external_element =wc_display external_element =wc_display
data_class =character_string item_name =label_5 item_name =dummy
type_of_data =eu_data type_of_data =eu_data

item_name =dummy
data_class =character_string

Figure 4. CSTOL Procedure create_wildcard.prc

proc create_wildcard

delete macros where macro_name=init_wildcard
insert macros macro_name=init_wildcard,filename="init_wildcard.mac"


delete latest_data where external_element=wc_display
insert latest_data external_element=wc_display,item_name=label_1,&


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8. Creating a Wildcard Display OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

insert latest_data external_element=wc_display,item_name=label_2,&
insert latest_data external_element=wc_display,item_name=label_3,&
insert latest_data external_element=wc_display,item_name=label_4,&
insert latest_data external_element=wc_display,item_name=label_5,&


insert latest_data external_element=wc_display,item_name=dummy,&


let wc_display label_1 = "row 1"
let wc_display label_2 = "row 2"
let wc_display label_3 = "row 3"
let wc_display label_4 = "row 4"
let wc_display label_5 = "row 5"
let wc_display dummy = "unused"


delete display_definitions where external_element=wc_display
insert display_definitions tae_base=wclabel1, external_element=wc_display,&
insert display_definitions tae_base=wclabel2, external_element=wc_display,&
insert display_definitions tae_base=wclabel3, external_element=wc_display,&
insert display_definitions tae_base=wclabel4, external_element=wc_display,&
insert display_definitions tae_base=wclabel5, external_element=wc_display,&

delete display_definitions where tae_base=wcv1

insert display_definitions tae_base=wcv1, external_element=wc_display,&
delete display_definitions where tae_base=wcv2
insert display_definitions tae_base=wcv2, external_element=wc_display,&
delete display_definitions where tae_base=wcv3
insert display_definitions tae_base=wcv3, external_element=wc_display,&
delete display_definitions where tae_base=wcv4
insert display_definitions tae_base=wcv4, external_element=wc_display,&

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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual 8. Creating a Wildcard Display
Rev 0 – 11/94

delete display_definitions where tae_base=wcv5
insert display_definitions tae_base=wcv5, external_element=wc_display,&

write " "

write "<G> The wildcard display (wildcard) is available..."
write " "

Make provisions for starting the create_wildcard procedure in your application. Also create
a CSTOL Macro named init_wildcard.mac. The macro will be identical to the procedure
create_wildcard, with the exception of the macro init_wildcard and end macro statements at
the beginning and end of the source code. Once the procedure has executed, the user can:

– display both new panels.

– name a desired LATEST_DATA record in keyins titled External_Element and
– push Refresh... to enter the data into the database and redisplay the wildcard
– push Initialize Wildcard... to clear any previous data entered.


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8. Creating a Wildcard Display OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

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OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual Appendix A. Performance Considerations
Rev 0 – 11/94

Appendix A. Performance

To minimize unnecessary processing, consider these pointers:

Avoid using display update rates of 0.0. For most scenarios, a 1.0 second update rate is

Combine equations whenever possible. Overhead is reduced by minimizing the number of

procedures that execute.

Reduce the frequency at which equations execute. In the Defining Equations chapter, the
example shows an equation calculate a total current when either of the constituent current
measurements change value. If either constituent updates frequently, a lot of processing
will occur to keep the calculated current as fresh. Is it necessary? Consider naming the
equation with a telemetry item that updates at a lower frequency.

Avoid supplying values to protected fields when using the CSTOL insert directive. The
results may be unpredictable.

If your application uses TAE Text Label items to display alphanumeric data, change them to
Text Dynamic_text. These items impose significantly less on the CPU, and have much
smoother refresh characteristics.

If your application employs large CSTOL procedures, compile them just after startup.
Compiling procedures takes a fair amount of work. Decompile procedures once they are


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Appendix A. Performance Considerations OASIS-CC Quick Reference Manual
Rev 0 – 11/94

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