Bee Foraging Ranges and Their Relationship To Body Size

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Oecologia (2007) 153:589–596

DOI 10.1007/s00442-007-0752-9


Bee foraging ranges and their relationship to body size

Sarah S. Greenleaf · Neal M. Williams ·
Rachael Winfree · Claire Kremen

Received: 3 April 2007 / Revised: 3 April 2007 / Accepted: 4 April 2007 / Published online: 5 May 2007
© Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract Bees are the most important pollinator taxon; to the diVerent techniques that have been used to assess for-
therefore, understanding the scale at which they forage has aging distance. The equations we present can be used to
important ecological implications and conservation appli- predict foraging distances for many bee species, based on a
cations. The foraging ranges for most bee species are simple measurement of body size.
unknown. Foraging distance information is critical for
understanding the scale at which bee populations respond Keywords Body size · Foraging distance · Apoidea ·
to the landscape, assessing the role of bee pollinators in Bee · Pollination
aVecting plant population structure, planning conservation
strategies for plants, and designing bee habitat refugia that
maintain pollination function for wild and crop plants. We Introduction
used data from 96 records of 62 bee species to determine
whether body size predicts foraging distance. We regressed The distance over which animals forage can strongly aVect
maximum and typical foraging distances on body size and their population dynamics, genetic structure, and life his-
found highly signiWcant and explanatory nonlinear relation- tory; it can also aVect these same traits in organisms with
ships. We used a second data set to: (1) compare observed which they interact. As such, foraging distance is a critical
reports of foraging distance to the distances predicted by component for understanding the persistence of populations
our regression equations and (2) assess the biases inherent and species interactions. Foraging distance also inXuences
the spatial characteristics of many community interactions
that have ecosystem-level consequences, such as predation,
parasitism, nutrient transfer, seed dispersal, and pollination
Communicated by Richard Karban.
(Holling 1992; Ritchie and OlV 1999; Roland and Taylor
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this 1997).
article (doi:10.1007/s00442-007-0752-9) contains supplementary Bees are the primary pollinators for most ecological
material, which is available to authorized users. regions of the world (Axelrod 1960; Bawa 1990). Their for-
aging distance strongly inXuences the sexual reproduction
S. S. Greenleaf (&)
Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, of most Xowering plants and can determine the genetic
One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA structure of plant populations (Campbell 1985; Waser et al.
e-mail: [email protected] 1996). For example, pollinators may not visit small or iso-
lated plant populations, leading to plant reproductive failure
N. M. Williams
Department of Biology, Bryn Mawr College, (Cunningham 2000; Lennartsson 2002). Conversely, long-
101 N. Merion Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010, USA distance foraging, even by introduced species, may rescue
mating in otherwise doomed plants within habitat
R. Winfree · C. Kremen fragments (Dick 2001).
Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management,
University of California, 137 Mulford Hall, Bee foraging distance also aVects agricultural produc-
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA tion. Animal pollination is required to produce 15–30% of

590 Oecologia (2007) 153:589–596

the US human food supply (McGregor 1976), while 75% of We measure body size using intertegular span, which is a
107 fruit, nut, and vegetable crops that collectively make up robust estimator of body mass (Cane 1987). Rather than
40% of the global plant-food supply beneWt from animal constraining the body size–foraging distance relationship to
pollination (Klein et al. 2006). Crop pollination is enhanced a linear form, as was done in previous studies, we use a
by bees that depend on natural habitats (Greenleaf and power function, and determine not only the strength of the
Kremen 2006a, 2006b; Klein et al. 2003a, 2003b; Kremen relationship but also its shape. We develop a predictive
et al. 2004, 2002; Ricketts 2004). Many wild bees that pol- relationship between body size and foraging distance. We
linate crops nest in natural habitats and forage on crops then use a second data set to compare observed foraging
within their daily travel distance (Ricketts 2004). Foraging distances to the distances predicted from body size and to
distance therefore determines the spatial scale at which test biases in Weld methods that have been used to measure
wild bees can provide pollination services to crops (Kre- bee foraging distance.
men 2005).
Foraging distance has been shown to increase with body
size for various taxa. For example, for some vertebrate Methods
groups, body size is predictive of home range, a metric that
is closely related to foraging distance. For many verte- We reviewed 96 published records of foraging distances
brates, body size and home range area scale according to for 62 bee species from six families (Andrenidae, Apidae,
the function: range = Y0Mb, where Y0 is a constant, M is Colletidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae, and Melittidae). We
body mass, and b is a scaling exponent (Haskell et al. divided these data into two categories: (1) records that
2002). The form of this relationship varies among studies allow for an estimate of maximum foraging distance and
and taxa, and it may be linear or either an increasing or (2) records reporting an observed foraging distance with no
decreasing nonlinear function (e.g., Harestad and Bunnell information on how it relates to maximum foraging dis-
1979; McNab 1963; Milton and May 1976; Schoener 1968; tance. We considered only those records in the Wrst cate-
Turner et al. 1969). Theoretical explanations for the rela- gory for inclusion in the regression analyses of foraging
tionship between body size and foraging distance continue distance on body size. Records that were not used in regres-
to be debated (e.g., Haskell et al. 2002; Jetz et al. 2004; sion analysis were included in our comparison of observed
Kelt and Van Vuren 2001; Makarieva et al. 2005). Evi- and predicted foraging distances and in comparing the
dence suggests that foraging range may increase with body biases in various methods.
size for four insect parasitoid species (Roland and Taylor
1997), but the relationship between body size and home Records of estimated maximum foraging distance
range or foraging distance remains largely undescribed for
most invertebrate taxa. Records that estimated maximum foraging distance used
Three published studies have described relationships three diVerent methodologies: homing, feeder training, and
between bee body size and foraging distance. First, Van bee dance interpretation. In homing research, bees are cap-
Nieuwstadt and Iraheta (1996) described a linear relation- tured at the nest and released at various distances from the
ship between head width and foraging distance for four spe- nest to determine how many bees return from various dis-
cies of stingless bees (Tribe: Meliponini). Head width, tances (e.g., Fabre 1914; see Table S1). In order to produce
however, may not vary predictably with body size across a standardized measure among records, we performed
genera, and families (Cane 1987); thus, these results cannot logistic regressions on the raw data from 15 species to gen-
be generalized to other bee taxa. Second, Gathmann and erate the predicted distance for return of 90% of individuals
Tscharntke (2002) analyzed data from 11 records of 21 sol- (hereafter “maximum homing distance”) and 50% of indi-
itary bee species and found a linear relationship between viduals (hereafter “typical homing distance”). Records that
body length, and foraging distance (r2 = 0.47). The rela- did not provide data on the number of bees released and
tively low predictive power of this relationship may have proportion returned at various distances were excluded
been due to the choice of body length as a measure of bee from regression analyses but were included in our other
size and the lack of consistency in Weld and statistical tech- analyses.
niques between datasets. A third study observed that among In the feeder training technique (e.g., Van Nieuwstadt
four Bombus species, those with larger wingspans were and Iraheta 1996; see Table S2), artiWcial feeders are set
estimated to have larger foraging ranges, but the relation- out near the nest. After a learning period, the feeders are
ship between body size and foraging range was not investi- moved to successively larger distances from the nest until
gated mathematically (Westphal et al. 2006). bees no longer forage at them. The maximum distance at
Here, we re-examine the relationship between body size which bees forage at artiWcial feeders reXects the maxi-
and foraging distance, using data from six families of bee. mum distance at which it is energetically proWtable to

Oecologia (2007) 153:589–596 591

forage at an artiWcial feeder and will depend on the avail- estimated maximum foraging distance. The maximum for-
ability of alternative resources. For feeder training results aging distance may be greater than the observed distance
we were unable to obtain the original data; therefore, we because the nest may not be located midway between
used the maximum foraging distance estimate reported in where the sisters were collected.
the original studies (hereafter maximum feeder training In the pollen mapping technique (e.g., Packer 1970; see
distance), rather than a maximum predicted foraging dis- Table S3), pollen taken from the nest is identiWed, a Xoral
tance from logistic regression, as above. Some researchers resources map is made, and distance is estimated between
also reported the distance at which bees stopped recruiting the nest and the Xowers from which pollen was collected.
foragers to the artiWcial feeder (hereafter maximum com- This method assumes bees travel to the nearest patch of a
munication distance). given pollen resource; thus, as reported in the literature,
The bee dance interpretation technique (e.g., Beekman pollen mapping measures the minimum foraging distance
and Ratnieks 2000) determines the distance of actual forag- for a particular Xoral resource.
ing trips under natural conditions and can therefore be used In the nest–forager association technique (e.g., Robert-
to measure both typical and maximum foraging distance. It son 1966; see Table S3), nest sites and foraging bees of a
is limited to bees having a dance language and has been particular species are located and the distance between
used to study foraging distance for only four Apis species them is measured. This technique has the potential to mea-
(Dyer and Seeley 1991). We did not analyze data from sure actual foraging distance and could therefore be used to
these four species because the sample size would have been estimate maximum and typical distances. However, the
too small for meaningful statistical analysis. Additionally, research we reviewed did not use marked individuals, and it
we did not review the extensive data on Apis mellifera for- was not clear that all nests in the area had been located.
aging distance that has been collected using the bee dance Thus, the observed foragers may have been from an undis-
interpretation technique, because our focus is on interspe- covered nest.
ciWc, not intraspeciWc, variation. The nest–plant association technique (e.g., Westrich
1996; see Table S3) is only suited for oligolectic bees. Like
Records of observed foraging distance but not maximum the pollen-mapping method, this technique identiWes the
foraging distance distance between the nest site and the nearest Xowers on
which the bees are observed. It shows that the bees forage
Records that reported observed foraging distance but not at least that distance but does not measure maximum or typ-
maximum foraging distance were those using a variety of ical foraging distance.
techniques: mark–recapture, genetic analysis, pollen map- Harmonic radar has been used to track bumble bee for-
ping, nest–forager association, nest–plant association, aging trips (Osborne et al. 1999). This technique had the
harmonic radar, and nest site addition. In the mark–recap- advantage of recording actual foraging trips and therefore
ture technique, bees are marked at the nest and located had the potential for determining maximum and typical
while foraging (e.g., Kapyla 1978; see Table S3). This foraging distances. However, many of the bees that were
method has the advantage of directly observing the dis- observed Xew beyond the radar’s range of 600 m and/or
tance of actual foraging trips. However, search area were lost as they Xew behind physical barriers such as
expands as the square of the distance from the nest, so the hedges.
number of marked bees in the landscape is quickly In the nest site addition method (Gathmann and Tscharn-
diluted. Most of the data we found were not obtained with tke 2002), nest boxes are placed at diVerent distances from
equal sample eVort per unit area and the number of recap- Xowers. If bees nest successfully in boxes located some dis-
tured bees was too small to rarify the data to correct for tance from the nearest Xowers, then one can conclude that
unequal sample eVort (e.g., Walther-Hellwig and Frankl bees forage at least that far.
2000). Without suYcient sample eVort near the outer edge
of the foraging range, it is not possible to determine maxi- Measuring body size
mum foraging distance, and unequal search eVort at diVer-
ent distances precludes the determination of typical For all species for which we found foraging distance data,
foraging distance. we assessed body size by measuring the distance between
In the genetic analysis approach (Darvill et al. 2004; the wing bases, intertegular (IT) span, on a sample of 5–10
Knight et al. 2005; see Table S3), foraging social bees are individuals, using a dissecting microscope and calibrated
collected along a transect across a landscape, and tested to ocular micrometer (Tables S1–S3). IT span measures the
determine which bees are sisters (i.e., are foraging from the thorax, which contains the Xight muscles, and is empiri-
same nest). One-half of the distance between the locations cally related to dry body mass: IT span = 0.77(mass)0.405
where a pair of sisters was collected is the minimum (R2 = 0.96; mass in mg and IT in mm; Cane 1987).

592 Oecologia (2007) 153:589–596

Analyses diVerences deviated signiWcantly from zero (Sokal and

Rohlf 1997). Because pollen mapping and nest-plant
To test the relation between IT span and foraging dis- association techniques measure the minimum distance
tance, we Wt a power function (Haskell et al. 2002). between the nest and Xoral resources, for data collected
Within the subset of records that determined maximum with those techniques, we expected observed distances
or typical foraging distance, we partitioned biases inher- to be less than predicted distances. We expected a simi-
ent to each data collection technique and reduced varia- lar pattern for the bee tracking study because the tech-
tion in our analyses by performing a separate analysis for nology was unable to record longer Xights and for the
data produced from each technique. Of the three tech- mark-recapture research because sample eVort often
niques that have been used to determine maximum forag- decreased at greater distances from the nest. We
ing distance, only the homing and feeder training expected that maximum foraging distances for homing
techniques have been used on suYcient species to allow records that were not used in the regression analyses
for regression analyses. For our analyses of the homing would be similar to distances predicted from the regres-
and feeder training datasets, we Wrst log-transformed the sion equations but that they would be variable; these
data to obtain a linear relationship and then used least measurements were not standardized by logistic regres-
squares linear regression to parameterize the relationship sion to obtain the ninetieth percentile maximum forag-
between IT span and foraging distance. We examined the ing distance.
inXuence of potential outliers using Cook’s D (Quinn and
Keough 2002). Log transformation improved homogene-
ity of residuals across the range of the independent vari- Results
able. This is the statistically correct approach, but it
tended to produce smaller foraging distance estimates for Foraging distance increased with body size (IT span) non-
bees with the largest body sizes. We therefore included linearly; larger bees had disproportionately larger foraging
an alternative nonlinear regression Wt (using SAS Proc distances than smaller bees (Fig. 1; Table 1). This result
NLIN, SAS v 8.2). To compare our results for the rela- was consistent for regressions with all four dependent vari-
tionship between bee IT span and foraging distance to ables: maximum homing distance, typical homing distance,
those for the relationship between vertebrate body mass maximum communication distance, and maximum feeder
and home range area, we converted our log-transformed training distance. The nonlinear regression produced larger
parameters to the power-function form, then converted estimates of foraging distance for bees with larger IT span
our units of IT span to body mass (Cane 1987), and than did the log-transformed linear regression approach.
Wnally linear foraging distance to home range area The diVerence was due to data for Eufresia surinamensis.
(assuming home range to be a circle with foraging dis- After log transformation the inXuence of this datum was
tance as its radius). modest and met criterion for inclusion in our analysis
(Cook’s D = 0.6, Quinn and Keough 2002). In the raw form
Predictive value of body size and foraging distance it strongly aVected the power parameter (b), thus analyses
with and without this species are included for completeness
We tested the predictive value of the linear regression (Table S4). When we converted our parameters (log
equations by comparing predicted and known foraging distance = log Y0 + b log IT) to those associated with home
distances for a second dataset; namely, those 64 records range (Range Y0Mb) with units of area and body mass,
from our literature review that did not meet our criteria the exponent (b) was 2.7 for maximum homing, 1.9
for inclusion in the regression (summarized in Table S3). for maximum feeder training, and 2.3 for maximum
For each species, we measured IT span as described communication.
above and compared the reported foraging distance to Techniques that have been used to assess foraging dis-
the maximum foraging distance predicted by the regres- tance varied in whether they produced observed distances
sion. To look for systematic diVerences among tech- that were generally higher or lower than the distances pre-
niques for measuring foraging distance, we subtracted dicted by our regressions. The predicted maximum based
the foraging distance observed in each of these addi- on homing data exceeded the observed distance in 45 of 63
tional records from the foraging distance predicted by records. For the feeder training data, the predicted maxi-
the regression equation. A negative value of the result- mum exceeded the observed distance in 51 of 63 records
ing metric shows that, according to our model, the (Fig. 2). On average, the observed foraging distances
observed value was an overestimate while a positive obtained from each technique were less than predicted
value indicates an underestimate. For each type of tech- based on body size for all techniques except nest forager
nique, we used a one-sample t-test to determine if the association (Fig. 2).

Oecologia (2007) 153:589–596 593

Body size explained substantial variation in foraging dis-

tance whether based on homing or feeder training data,
despite the diVerent assumptions underlying the two tech-
niques. Homing experiments (e.g., Rau 1929) do not
directly measure foraging distance. Instead, they integrate
across Xight/ foraging range capacity, familiarity with the
landscape, physiology, quality of navigation cues available,
Xying conditions on a particular day, navigation strategy,
and memory capability. Thus, results from homing experi-
ments may be aVected by availability of suitable landmarks
(Collett 1996) or physiographic features (Southwick and
Buchmann 1995), cloud cover (Schone and Kuhme 2001;
Rossel 1993), and wind conditions (Judd and Borden 1989;
Murlis et al. 1992) and should therefore be considered as a
proxy measurement for foraging range. In contrast, feeder-
training experiments (e.g., Van Nieuwstadt and Iraheta
1996) directly measure bee foraging distance, although they
too are inXuenced by environmental factors. The similar
parameters generated from the homing and feeder training
data help to validate results from homing experiments.
Body size explained more variation in homing distance
Fig. 1a–b The relationship between bee foraging range and body size than in feeder training distance. Greater residual variation
[as intertegular (IT) span] from literature review of a homing experi- in the analysis based on feeder training is not surprising.
ments or b feeder training experiments. All variables were log-trans- Original feeder training data were unavailable, so the maxi-
formed; data were analyzed with least squares linear regression. mum training distances could not be standardized among
Homing distances are deWned as the predicted distance for return of
90% (“maximum,” Wlled circles) or 50% (“typical,” unWlled circles) records by logistic regression as was done for the homing
of individuals. Data from feeder training experiments show estimate of data set. Furthermore, bees will use or not use feeders
maximum foraging distance (“maximum feeder training distance,” depending in part on the quality of the surrounding
Wlled circles) and the distance at which bees stopped recruiting forag- resources. The resulting highly variable estimates among
ers (“maximum communication distance,” unWlled circles)
landscapes may have caused the greater residual variation
in our analyses.
For bees, the relationship between body size and forag-
Discussion ing distance Wts a power function with b > 1: larger bees
forage disproportionately farther than smaller bees. Similar
Across diverse bee taxa, we found highly signiWcant and studies conducted for vertebrates have found the power
explanatory positive, nonlinear relationships between IT relationship to be linear, accelerating, or decelerating,
span and four diVerent estimates of foraging distance: max- depending on the taxa and the study (e.g., Harestad and
imum homing distance, typical homing distance, maximum Bunnell 1979; McNab 1963; Milton and May 1976; Scho-
feeder training distance, and maximum communication dis- ener 1968; Turner et al. 1969). In this study, when we con-
tance. Our regression equations provide ecologists and land verted our regression equations to the same units and
managers with a powerful tool to predict bee foraging dis- functional form used in past research on vertebrates, we
tances based on a simple measurement of body size. found that the scaling exponent in the equation relating

Table 1 Parameters (mean § 95% conWdence levels) describing relationship between the log of intertegular (IT) span (X) and the log of foraging
distance (Y) according to the function log Y = log a + b log X
Dependent variable n log a b R2 F

Maximum homing distance (km) 16 ¡1.363 § 0.517 3.366 § 1.084 0.776 45.02
Typical homing distance (km) 16 ¡1.643 § 0.582 3.242 § 1.218 0.718 33.05
Maximum feeder training distance (km) 17 ¡0.760 § 0.412 2.313 § 1.155 0.548 18.20
Maximum communication distance (km) 13 ¡0.993 § 0.521 2.788 § 1.314 0.665 21.80
All P values <0.001

594 Oecologia (2007) 153:589–596

We had hypothesized that records produced with the pol-

len mapping, mark–recapture, nest site addition, nest–plant
association, and bee tracking techniques would produce
smaller foraging distance estimates than the maximum dis-
tances predicted by our regression equations. While the
deviation was statistically signiWcant only for mark–recap-
ture records, the diVerences between observed and pre-
dicted were in the direction expected for all Wve of these
techniques. This pattern supports the relationship we
described between body size and foraging distance and sug-
gests that our regression equations do not underestimate
foraging distance.
In addition to body size, maximum and typical foraging
distances may be inXuenced by life-history characteristics,
such as sociality or trophic specialization. All of the species
tested using feeder training were eusocial. The homing
method was used for many solitary species and also for two
eusocial species, L. Dialictus umbripenne and Bombus ter-
restris. Observed distances for both eusocial species fall
above the model prediction in the homing data set; how-
ever, so do data for four solitary species (Fig. 1; Table S1).
We could not determine whether trophic specialization
aVects foraging distance because the regression analyses
included only one species that is a conWrmed specialist,
feeding on only one or a few pollen species. All species
tested with feeder training were trophic generalists. The
Fig. 2a–b DiVerences between predicted and observed measures of homing data set encompasses species from diVerent fami-
bee foraging distance (mean § SE). Predicted foraging distances were
based on the regression of a homing distance and bfeeder training dis- lies with diverse life histories and includes social, solitary,
tance on IT span. Observed foraging distances were obtained by vari- generalist, and specialist bees, while the feeder training
ous methods [see Table S3 for original data; nest–forager association data included only bees in family Apidae; thus, we suggest
(n = 8), pollen-mapping (n = 11), homing (n = 7), nest-site addition restricting the application of the model from feeder training
(n = 1), mark–recapture (n = 14), bee track (n = 1), nest–plant associa-
tion (n = 7), no described method (n = 15), and molecular (n = 5)]. data to family Apidae.
Positive values suggest that the given observational method underesti- Foraging distances will vary with environmental condi-
mates maximum foraging distances. SigniWcant diVerences from zero, tions, such as the density and distribution of Xoral resources
as determined by one-sample t-test, are denoted by asterisks (indicat- and the general physical resistance of the diVerent habitats
ing P < 0.01). Standard error bars are not given for methods with a
sample size of 1 to Xight (e.g., Ricketts 2001). Theoretical (Cresswell et al.
2000) and empirical work provide evidence that the quan-
body mass to foraging area (Y0Mb, where Y0 is a constant, tity and quality of available Xoral resources also aVect for-
M is body mass, and b is a scaling exponent) ranged from aging distance. For example, both honey bees (A. mellifera)
1.9 for maximum feeder training distance to 2.3 for maxi- and Megachile rotundata have been observed to increase
mum communication distance to 2.7 for maximum homing their foraging distances as the distance to high-reward
distance. These values are higher than previously found for resources increased (Beekman and Ratnieks 2000; Bacon
vertebrates (0.51–1.39, reviewed in Jenkins 1981). One et al. 1965) and with resource scarcity (SteVan-Dwenter
explanation for this is that bees typically do not have exclu- and Kuhn 2003). Honey bees will Xy farther to get some
sive home ranges. In contrast, the organisms examined by resources than to acquire other resources (Gary et al. 1972),
most vertebrate studies partially or completely exclude con- and their foraging distance varies as a function of landscape
speciWcs from their home ranges. All else being equal, context (SteVan-Dewenter and Kuhn 2003). Data in our
when home ranges are not exclusive, they must be larger analysis on A. mellifera from habitats diVering in resources
because resources are shared among individuals or groups. (Michener 1974) illustrates such variation.
Alternatively, for animals that Xy, home range may Nonetheless, body size alone explains substantial varia-
increase disproportionately with body size because Xight tion in bee foraging distance. Measuring body size (IT span)
tends to be more eYcient in larger animals (Harrison and in bees is a quick and eYcient method that can now be used
Roberts 2000). to estimate foraging distance based on the equations we

Oecologia (2007) 153:589–596 595

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