Human Rights Alert: of America Corporation in Collusion With The US District Court in New York
Human Rights Alert: of America Corporation in Collusion With The US District Court in New York
Human Rights Alert: of America Corporation in Collusion With The US District Court in New York
by Joseph Zernik
Human Rights Alert DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 email=jz12345@e
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: [email protected], c=US
Blog: Date: 2010.12.19
18:43:52 +02'00'
10-12-18 New Evidence Filed with US Congress of Conduct of Invalid Litigation in SEC v Bank
of America Corporation in Collusion with the US District Court in New York
Los Angeles, December 19 – Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, have provided US
Congress with evidence of criminal conduct by Bank of America in collusion with SEC, Judge Jed
Rakoff, and Clerk Ruby Krajick of the United States District Court, Southern District of New York. [ i ]
The evidence shows SEC, Bank of America, and the Court covered up alleged violations of the law by high-
level corporate executives and US officers through conduct of invalid litigation in the US Court.
In 2008 the US government coerced the merger of Merrill Lynch and Bank of America. Following
investigation into the merger by New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, [ii ] financial analysts
called for “criminal indictments” in the “conspiracy”. The scandal was compared in significance to
Watergate. [iii ] The involved officers included, but were not limited to: Chair of the Federal Reserve Ben
Bernanke, former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, former BAC President Ken Lewis, and then General
Counsel Brian Moynihan (today – BAC President).
Starting August 2009 litigation of the matters under Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America
Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) was extensively and incorrectly reported on by mainstream media as
enforcement by SEC of corporate and banking regulation. The litigation followed public concerns of
dysfunctional regulation of financial markets in the United States.
Human Rights Alert claims that the invalid litigation was intended to create a false perception of enforcement
of the law. In fact, it covered up alleged criminal acts. Human Rights Alert claims that the case also provides
detailed documentation of the key role the US courts’ electronic administration systems (PACER and
CM/ECF) play in enabling dishonest conduct in the US courts.
The new records, including a notice and SEC Freedom of Information Act responses [i, iv ], were filed as
an addendum to requests for investigation previously filed with US Congress. Investigation and
impeachment proceedings were requested against US Judge Jed Rakoff [ v ] and Clerk of the Court Ruby
Krajick, [ vi ] both of the US District Court, Southern District of New York, pertaining to their conduct in
SEC v BAC in apparent violation of the law.
The Court has continued to deny access to litigation records under SEC v BAC, which Human Rights Alert
claims is violation of First Amendment rights. However, in response to FOIA-requests, SEC produced a
record dated September 21, 2009, that is claimed to be the summons issued by clerk under SEC v BAC.
The record produced by SEC, as summons issued by the Clerk, was unsigned and had no seal of the Court. US
law - 28 USC 1691 – requires that the summons be signed and under the seal of the Court.
Human Rights Alert claims that the record, produced by SEC as summons issued by the Clerk in SEC v BAC,
could not be valid
The docket of SEC v BAC in PACER includes a notation that the summons was issued over a month earlier,
on August 3, 2009. However, the summons was excluded from the PACER docket. The Clerk of the Court
has refused to provide a copy of the summons in response to requests, and senior staff of the Clerk’s office
explained that the Court routinely excluded the summonses from the dockets and denied public access. Only
counsel in a given case were permitted access to the summons, according the Clerk of the Court.
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The August 3, 2009 docket entry is claimed by Human Rights Alert as false, as violation of US law, which
requires the docketing of the summons, and also a violation of the First Amendment right of public access to
court records.
Human Rights Alert claims that the false docketing of issuance of summons also demonstrates the invalidity
of the PACER docket in SEC v BAC, and a lack of accountability of the Clerk for the integrity of the PACER
dockets in general and the false and deliberately misleading nature of the docket of SEC v BAC in particular.
Human Rights Alert further notes that nowhere in the docket of SEC v BAC was there any indication that
service of the summons was waived, or that the service was executed. However, the complaint in SEC v BAC
was never dismissed by the Court.
US law - Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 4 (m) - requires that if the summons was not served within
120 days, the court must dismiss the complaint. The failure to dismiss the complaint of SEC v BAC, following
the failure to execute or waive service of process within 120 days, is claimed to be in violation of the law.
The previous requests for investigation and a report, which was filed for international peer-review, detailed the
invalid nature of the litigation: There is no record of a valid assignment order for Judge Jed Rakoff, minutes
were not entered for the proceedings, motions were not docketed, but were purportedly ruled on,
unauthorized court personnel constructed the docket. The Court denies access to the all the Clerk’s
authentication/ attestation records (NEFs) in the case, including, but not limited to the authentication of the
purported Final Consent Judgment, making it impossible to ascertain the validity of the judicial records in the
case, or lack thereof.
Human Rights Alert claims that the facts in the matter would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the
conduct of the invalid litigation in SEC v BAC was the outcome of collusion by Judge Jed Rakoff, Clerk Ruby
Krajick, SEC, and BAC, which was likely to have been coordinated prior to the filing of the complaint in SEC
v BAC at the Office of the Clerk.
Accordingly, Human Rights Alert calls upon the US Congress to initiate investigation - and if appropriate –
impeachment proceedings, against Judge Jed Rakoff and Clerk Ruby Krajick.
The US Congress has been called upon to initiate corrective actions relative to the accountability of the clerks
of the US courts for electronic court records.
Reform of the US courts is claimed as essential for the restoration of corporate and banking regulation in the
United States and recovery from the current economic depression.
US media are called upon to correct their previous reports and inform the public of the true nature of the
litigation in SEC v BAC.
Human Rights Alert is dedicated to discovering, archiving, and disseminating evidence of Human Rights violations by the
justice systems of the State of California and the United States in Los Angeles County, California, and beyond. Human
Rights Alert focuses on the unique role of computerized case management systems in the precipitous deterioration of
the integrity of the justice system in the United States.
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10-12-19 Addendum to Request for investigation, impeachment proceedings where appropriate, in re: JED RAKOFF - US Judge, and
RUBY KRAJICK – Clerk of the Court, US District Court, Southern District of New York
09-04-23 RE: SEC v BAC (1:09-cv-06829) State of New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo Letter to US Congress with
Analysts’ responses to Andrew Cuomo’s letter to the US Congress
10-12-17 RE: SEC Freedom of Information Response re: SEC v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829)
for Investigation, Impeachment Proceedings Where Appropriate s
10-12-08 Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation(1:09-cv-06829) - Request for Investigation,
Impeachment of RUBY KRAJICK, Clerk of the Court, US District Court, Southern District of New York s