ABS Ranking Journals 2018 PDF

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This document lists academic journals across different disciplines and their relative ranking/importance.

Journals in accounting, economics, management, tourism, sports, sociology and more are mentioned across various pages.

Page 37 discusses journals in sociology and related social sciences.

Field Journal Title AJG 2018

ACCOUNT Accounting Review 4*

ACCOUNT Accounting, Organizations and Society 4*
ACCOUNT Journal of Accounting and Economics 4*
ACCOUNT Journal of Accounting Research 4*
ACCOUNT Contemporary Accounting Research 4
ACCOUNT Review of Accounting Studies 4
ACCOUNT Abacus 3
ACCOUNT Accounting and Business Research 3
ACCOUNT Accounting Forum 3
ACCOUNT Accounting Horizons 3
ACCOUNT Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 3
ACCOUNT Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 3
ACCOUNT Behavioral Research in Accounting 3
ACCOUNT British Accounting Review 3
ACCOUNT British Tax Review 3
ACCOUNT Critical Perspectives on Accounting 3
ACCOUNT European Accounting Review 3
ACCOUNT Financial Accountability and Management 3
ACCOUNT Foundations and Trends in Accounting 3
ACCOUNT International Journal of Accounting 3
ACCOUNT Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 3
ACCOUNT Journal of Accounting Literature 3
ACCOUNT Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance 3
ACCOUNT Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 3
ACCOUNT Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 3
ACCOUNT Journal of the American Taxation Association 3
ACCOUNT Management Accounting Research 3
ACCOUNT Accounting and Finance 2
ACCOUNT Accounting and the Public Interest 2
ACCOUNT Accounting in Europe 2
ACCOUNT Accounting Research Journal 2
ACCOUNT Accounting, Economics and Law - A Convivium 2
ACCOUNT Advances in Accounting (incorporates "Advances in 2
International Accounting" ISSN 0897-3660)
ACCOUNT Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research 2
ACCOUNT Advances in Management Accounting 2
ACCOUNT Advances in Taxation 2
ACCOUNT Asian Review of Accounting 2
ACCOUNT Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 2
ACCOUNT Australian Accounting Review 2
ACCOUNT China Journal of Accounting Research 2
ACCOUNT Current Issues in Auditing 2
ACCOUNT International Journal of Accounting & Information 2
ACCOUNT International Journal of Accounting Auditing and 2
Performance Evaluation (IJAAPE)
ACCOUNT International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 2
ACCOUNT International Journal of Auditing 2
ACCOUNT International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 2
ACCOUNT International Journal of Managerial and Financial 2
ACCOUNT Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change 2
ACCOUNT Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies 2
ACCOUNT Journal of Applied Accounting Research 2
ACCOUNT Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics 2
ACCOUNT Journal of International Accounting Research 2
ACCOUNT Journal of International Financial Management and 2
ACCOUNT Journal of Management Accounting Research (AAA) 2
ACCOUNT Journal of Management Control 2
ACCOUNT Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial 2
ACCOUNT Journal of Tax Administration 2
ACCOUNT Managerial Auditing Journal 2
ACCOUNT Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management 2
ACCOUNT Research in Accounting Regulation 2
ACCOUNT Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 2
ACCOUNT Accounting, Finance & Governance Review (formerly the 1
Irish Accounting Review)
ACCOUNT Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management 1
ACCOUNT Advances in Public Interest Accounting 1
ACCOUNT African Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance (AJAAF) 1
ACCOUNT ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research 1
ACCOUNT Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 1
ACCOUNT China Journal of Accounting Studies 1
ACCOUNT Comptabilité Contrôle Audit 1
ACCOUNT International Journal of Critical Accounting 1
ACCOUNT Journal of Accounting and Management Information 1
ACCOUNT Journal of Accounting and Taxation 1
ACCOUNT Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting 1
(previsously Journal of Forensic Accounting)
ACCOUNT Journal of Forensic Studies in Accounting and Business 1
ACCOUNT Journal of Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting 1
ACCOUNT Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 1
ACCOUNT Management Accounting Quarterly 1
ACCOUNT Meditari Accountancy Research 1
ACCOUNT Pacific Accounting Review 1
ACCOUNT Research in Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting 1
ACCOUNT Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in 1
ACCOUNT Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 1
ACCOUNT South African Journal of Accounting Research 1
ACCOUNT Spanish Accounting Review 1
ACCOUNT Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting 1
ACCOUNT The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter 1
ACCOUNT The Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research 1
ACCOUNT World Tax Journal 1
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Business History Review 4
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Economic History Review 4
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Business History 3
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Enterprise and Society 3
BUS HIST & ECON HIST European Review of Economic History 3
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Explorations in Economic History 3
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Journal of Economic History 3
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Accounting History Review (formerly Accounting, Business 2
and Financial History)
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Accounting Historians Journal 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Accounting History 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Australian Economic History Review 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Cliometrica: Journal of Historical Economics and 2
Econometric History
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Entreprises et Histoire 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Essays in Economic and Business History 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Financial History Review 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Journal of the History of Economic Thought 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Journal of Transport History 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Labor History 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Management and Organizational History 2
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Bankhistorisches Archiv 1
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Historical Studies in Industrial Relations 1
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Irish Economic and Social History 1
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Journal of European Economic History 1
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 1
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Journal of Management History 1
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Scandinavian Economic History Review 1
BUS HIST & ECON HIST Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte 1
ECON American Economic Review 4*
ECON Annals of Statistics 4*
ECON Econometrica 4*
ECON Journal of Political Economy 4*
ECON Quarterly Journal of Economics 4*
ECON Review of Economic Studies 4*
ECON Biometrika 4
ECON Econometric Theory 4
ECON Economic Journal 4
ECON International Economic Review 4
ECON Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 4
ECON Journal of Econometrics 4
ECON Journal of Economic Literature 4
ECON Journal of Economic Perspectives 4
ECON Journal of Economic Theory 4
ECON Journal of International Economics 4
ECON Journal of Labor Economics 4
ECON Journal of Monetary Economics 4
ECON Journal of the American Statistical Association 4
ECON Journal of the European Economic Association 4
ECON Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 4
ECON RAND Journal of Economics 4
ECON Review of Economics and Statistics 4
ECON American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3
ECON American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3
ECON American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 3
ECON American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 3
ECON American Journal of Agricultural Economics 3
ECON Annual Review of Economics 3
ECON Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 3
ECON Cambridge Journal of Economics 3
ECON Canadian Journal of Economics 3
ECON Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 3
ECON Ecological Economics 3
ECON Econometric Reviews 3
ECON Econometrics Journal 3
ECON Economic Development and Cultural Change 3
ECON Economic Inquiry 3
ECON Economic Policy 3
ECON Economic Theory 3
ECON Economica 3
ECON Economics Letters 3
ECON Energy Economics 3
ECON Environmental and Resource Economics 3
ECON European Economic Review 3
ECON European Review of Agricultural Economics 3
ECON Experimental Economics 3
ECON Games and Economic Behavior 3
ECON Health Economics 3
ECON IMF Economic Review (formerly IMF Staff Papers with ISSN 3
ECON International Journal of Industrial Organization 3
ECON International Statistical Review 3
ECON Journal of Agricultural Economics 3
ECON Journal of Applied Econometrics 3
ECON Journal of Comparative Economics 3
ECON Journal of Development Economics 3
ECON Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 3
ECON Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 3
ECON Journal of Economic Growth 3
ECON Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 3
ECON Journal of Health Economics 3
ECON Journal of Human Resources 3
ECON Journal of Industrial Economics 3
ECON Journal of Institutional Economics 3
ECON Journal of Law and Economics 3
ECON Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 3
ECON Journal of Legal Studies 3
ECON Journal of Mathematical Economics 3
ECON Journal of Multivariate Analysis 3
ECON Journal of Population Economics 3
ECON Journal of Public Economics 3
ECON Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 3
ECON Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource 3
ECON Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied 3
ECON Journal of Time Series Analysis 3
ECON Journal of Urban Economics 3
ECON Labour Economics 3
ECON Land Economics 3
ECON Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 3
ECON Oxford Economics Papers 3
ECON Public Choice 3
ECON Quantitative Economics 3
ECON Real Estate Economics 3
ECON Review of Economic Dynamics 3
ECON Review of Income and Wealth 3
ECON Scandinavian Journal of Economics 3
ECON Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 3
ECON Social Choice and Welfare 3
ECON Theoretical Economics 3
ECON World Bank Economic Review 3
ECON Advances in Econometrics 2
ECON Agricultural Economics 2
ECON American Law and Economic Review 2
ECON Annals of Applied Statistics 2
ECON Annals of Economics and Finance 2
ECON Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 2
ECON Annual Review of Resource Economics 2
ECON Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (formery 2
"Review of Agricultural Economics")
ECON Applied Economics 2
ECON Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 2
ECON B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 2
ECON B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 2
ECON B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 2
ECON Bulletin of Economic Research 2
ECON Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 2
ECON CESifo Economic Studies 2
ECON China Economic Review 2
ECON Computational Statistics 2
ECON Contemporary Economic Policy 2
ECON Contributions to Political Economy 2
ECON Defence and Peace Economics 2
ECON Economic Modelling 2
ECON Economic Record 2
ECON Economic Systems 2
ECON Economic Systems Research 2
ECON Economic Theory Bulletin 2
ECON Economics and Human Biology 2
ECON Economics and Philosophy 2
ECON Economics and Politics 2
ECON Economics of Education Review 2
ECON Economics of Innovation and New Technology 2
ECON Economics of Transition, The 2
ECON Empirical Economics 2
ECON Environment and Development Economics 2
ECON European Journal of Health Economics 2
ECON European Journal of Political Economy 2
ECON Fiscal Studies 2
ECON Geneva Risk and Insurance Review (formerly "Geneva 2
Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory ")
ECON German Economic Review 2
ECON Growth and Change 2
ECON History of Political Economy 2
ECON Information Economics and Policy 2
ECON International Journal of Economic Theory 2
ECON International Journal of Game Theory 2
ECON International Journal of Health Care Finance and 2
ECON International Journal of the Economics of Business 2
ECON International Review of Economics and Finance 2
ECON International Review of Environmental and Resource 2
ECON International Review of Environmental Economics 2
ECON International Review of Law and Economics 2
ECON IZA Journal of Labor Economics 2
ECON IZA Journal of Migration 2
ECON Japanese and International Economies 2
ECON Journal of African Economies 2
ECON Journal of Agrarian Change 2
ECON Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 2
ECON Journal of Applied Probability 2
ECON Journal of Applied Statistics 2
ECON Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 2
(formerly "Journal of Socio-Economics")
ECON Journal of Business Economics 2
ECON Journal of Consumer Policy 2
ECON Journal of Cultural Economics 2
ECON Journal of Economic Inequality 2
ECON Journal of Economic Issues 2
ECON Journal of Economic Methodology 2
ECON Journal of Economic Studies 2
ECON Journal of Economic Surveys 2
ECON Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie) 2
ECON Journal of Evolutionary Economics 2
ECON Journal of Family Economic Issues 2
ECON Journal of Forest Economics 2
ECON Journal of Housing Economics 2
ECON Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 2
ECON Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 2
ECON Journal of International Development 2
ECON Journal of Macroeconomics 2
ECON Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 2
ECON Journal of Policy Modelling 2
ECON Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 2
ECON Journal of Productivity Analysis 2
ECON Journal of Public Economic Theory 2
ECON Journal of Regulatory Economics 2
ECON Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2
ECON Journal of Time Series Econometrics 2
ECON Macroeconomic Dynamics 2
ECON Managerial and Decision Economics 2
ECON Manchester School 2
ECON Mathematical Social Sciences 2
ECON National Tax Journal 2
ECON Networks and Spatial Economics 2
ECON North American Journal of Economics and Finance 2
ECON Open Economies Review 2
ECON Oxford Development Studies 2
ECON Oxford Review of Economic Policy 2
ECON Pacific Economic Review 2
ECON PharmacoEconomics 2
ECON Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 2
ECON Rationality and Society 2
ECON Resource and Energy Economics 2
ECON Resources Policy 2
ECON Review of Agricultural Economics (continued by "Applied 2
Economic Perspectives and Policy")
ECON Review of Behavioral Economics 2
ECON Review of Development Economics 2
ECON Review of Economic Design 2
ECON Review of Economics of the Household 2
ECON Review of Environmental Economics & Policy 2
ECON Review of Industrial Organization 2
ECON Review of International Economics 2
ECON Review of Law and Economics 2
ECON Review of Network Economics 2
ECON Review of Political Economy 2
ECON Review of World Economics 2
ECON Scottish Journal of Political Economy 2
ECON Southern Economic Journal 2
ECON Spatial Economic Analysis 2
ECON STATA Journal 2
ECON Statistics and Probability Letters 2
ECON Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 2
ECON World Bank Research Observer 2
ECON World Economy 2
ECON Actual Problems of Economics 1
ECON Advances in Austrian Economics 1
ECON Agrekon 1
ECON Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 1
ECON Annales d'Economie et de Statistique 1
ECON Applied Economics Letters 1
ECON Asian Economic Journal 1
ECON Asian Economic Papers 1
ECON Atlantic Economic Journal 1
ECON Australian Economic Papers 1
ECON Australian Economic Review 1
ECON Australian Journal of Labour Economics 1
ECON Baltic Journal of Economics 1
ECON Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 1
ECON Business Economics 1
ECON China & World Economy 1
ECON China Agricultural Economic Review 1
ECON China Economic Journal 1
ECON Cogent Economics & Finance 1
ECON Comparative Economic Studies 1
ECON Computational Economics 1
ECON Constitutional Political Economy 1
ECON Credit and Capital Markets (Kredit und Kapital) 1
ECON De Economist 1
ECON Decisions in Economics and Finance 1
ECON Dynamic Games and Applications 1
ECON Eastern Economic Journal 1
ECON Eastern European Economics 1
ECON Econometrics (MDPI) 1
ECON Economic and Social Review 1
ECON Economic Change and Restructuring (formerly "Economics 1
of Planning")
ECON Economic Issues 1
ECON Economic Notes 1
ECON Economics & Sociology 1
ECON Economics and Business Letters 1
ECON Economics of Governance 1
ECON Economics of Transportation 1
ECON Economies (MDPI) 1
ECON Education Economics 1
ECON Ekonomia 1
ECON Empirica 1
ECON Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 1
ECON Eurasian Economic Review 1
ECON European Journal of Economics and Economic Policy: 1
ECON European Journal of Law and Economics 1
ECON FinanzArchiv 1
ECON Forum for Health Economics and Policy 1
ECON Forum for Social Economics 1
ECON Foundations and Trends in Econometrics 1
ECON Games (MDPI) 1
ECON Global Economic Review 1
ECON Global Economy Journal 1
ECON Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law 1
ECON Intereconomics 1
ECON International Advances in Economic Research 1
ECON International Economic Journal 1
ECON International Game Theory Review 1
ECON International Journal of Computational Economics and 1
ECON International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics 1
ECON International Journal of Happiness and Development 1
ECON International Journal of Political Economy 1
ECON International Journal of Social Economics 1
ECON International Review of Applied Economics 1
ECON IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 1
ECON IZA Journal of Labor & Development 1
ECON IZA Journal of Labor Policy 1
ECON Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 1
ECON Japan and the World Economy 1
ECON Japanese Economic Review 1
ECON Japanese Political Economy (formerly "Japanese 1
ECON Journal for Labour Market Research 1
ECON Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 1
ECON Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 1
ECON Journal of Air Transport Management 1
ECON Journal of Applied Economics 1
ECON Journal of Asian Economics 1
ECON Journal of Bioeconomics 1
ECON Journal of Developing Areas 1
ECON Journal of Econometric Methods 1
ECON Journal of Economic Education 1
ECON Journal of Economic Integration 1
ECON Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 1
ECON Journal of Economic Policy Reform 1
ECON Journal of Economics and Business 1
ECON Journal of Gambling Business and Economics 1
ECON journal of gambling business and economics. 1
ECON Journal of Income Distribution 1
ECON Journal of Industrial and Business Economics - Economia e 1
Politica Industriale
ECON Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 1
ECON Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 1
ECON Journal of Media Economics 1
ECON Journal of the Asia-Pacific Economy 1
ECON Man and the Economy 1
ECON Mathematical Economics Letters 1
ECON Metroeconomica 1
ECON Mineral Economics 1
ECON National Institute Economic Review 1
ECON Natural Resources Journal 1
ECON Netnomics 1
ECON New Zealand Economic Papers 1
ECON Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 1
ECON Portuguese Economic Journal 1
ECON Post-Communist Economies 1
ECON Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Sciences 1
ECON Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 1
ECON Quarterly Journal of International Agricultural 1
ECON Research in Economics 1
ECON Research in Transportation Economics 1
ECON Review of Austrian Economics 1
ECON Review of Economic Analysis 1
ECON Review of Financial Economics 1
ECON Review of Radical Political Economics 1
ECON SERIEs (replaces "Spanish Economic Review" ISBN 1435- 1
ECON South African Journal of Economics 1
ECON South Asia Economic Journal 1
ECON Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science 1
ECON Strategic Behavior and the Environment 1
ECON Studies in Agricultural Economics 1
ECON Studies in Economics and Finance 1
ECON Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 1
ECON The Economists' Voice 1
ECON Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 1
ENT-SBM Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice 4
ENT-SBM Journal of Business Venturing 4
ENT-SBM Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 4
ENT-SBM Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 3
ENT-SBM Family Business Review 3
ENT-SBM International Small Business Journal 3
ENT-SBM Journal of Small Business Management 3
ENT-SBM Small Business Economics 3
ENT-SBM Entrepreneurship Research Journal 2
ENT-SBM International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and 2
ENT-SBM International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2
ENT-SBM International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small 2
ENT-SBM International Review of Entrepreneurship 2
ENT-SBM Journal of Family Business Strategy 2
ENT-SBM Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 2
ENT-SBM Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 2
ENT-SBM Venture Capital: An International Journal of 2
Entrepreneurial Finance
ENT-SBM Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship 1
ENT-SBM International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1
ENT-SBM International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 1
ENT-SBM International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 1
ENT-SBM Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in 1
the Global Economy
ENT-SBM Journal of Enterprising Culture 1
ENT-SBM Journal of Entrepreneurship 1
ENT-SBM Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 1
ENT-SBM Journal of International Entrepreneurship 1
ENT-SBM Small Enterprise Research 1
ENT-SBM Social Enterprise Journal 1
ENT-SBM The Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 1
ENT-SBM World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and 1
Sustainable Development
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Academy of Management Journal 4*
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Academy of Management Review 4*
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Administrative Science Quarterly 4*
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Management 4*
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Academy of Management Annals 4
ETHICS-CSR-MAN British Journal of Management 4
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Business Ethics Quarterly 4
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Management Studies 4
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Academy of Management Perspectives 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Business and Society 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN California Management Review 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN European Management Review 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Gender and Society 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Gender, Work and Organization 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Harvard Business Review 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Journal of Management Reviews 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Business Ethics 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Business Research 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Management Inquiry 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN MIT Sloan Management Review 3
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Africa Journal of Management 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Australian Journal of Management 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Business and Politics 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Business Ethics: A European Review 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Business Horizons 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Competition and Change 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN European Business Review 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN European Journal of Women’s Studies 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN European Management Journal 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Feminist Economics 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Feminist Review 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Studies of Management and Organization 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of General Management 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Intellectual Capital 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Management & Organization 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Management Decision 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Management Revue: Socio-economic Studies 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Review of Managerial Science 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Scandinavian Journal of Management 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Schmalenbach Business Review 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Business and Professional Ethics 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Cogent Business & Management 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Corporate Board: role, duties and composition 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Economic and business review 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: an International Journal 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Eurasian Business Review 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN European Business Journal 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Gender in Management: An International Journal 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Global Business Review 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 2
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Journal of Management 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Journal of Management and Decision Making 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Journal of Management Practice 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Journal of Management, Economics and 1
Social Sciences
ETHICS-CSR-MAN International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Iranian Journal of Management Studies 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Irish Journal of Management 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal for Global Business Advancement (JGBA) 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Corporate Citizenship 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Governance and Regulation 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Islamic Business & Management 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Management and Governance 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Management Research Review 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Measuring Business Excellence 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Organization Management Journal 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Safety and Reliability 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Singapore Management Review 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Social Business 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management 1
ETHICS-CSR-MAN The Journal of Corporate Citizenship 1
FINANCE Journal of Finance 4*
FINANCE Journal of Financial Economics 4*
FINANCE Review of Financial Studies 4*
FINANCE Journal of Corporate Finance 4
FINANCE Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 4
FINANCE Journal of Financial Intermediation 4
FINANCE Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 4
FINANCE Review of Finance (formerly European Finance Review) 4
FINANCE Annual Review of Financial Economics 3
FINANCE Corporate Governance: An International Review 3
FINANCE European Financial Management 3
FINANCE European Journal of Finance 3
FINANCE Finance and Stochastics 3
FINANCE Financial Analysts Journal 3
FINANCE Financial Management (USA) 3
FINANCE Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments 3
FINANCE Financial Review 3
FINANCE Insurance, Mathematics and Economics 3
FINANCE International Journal of Finance and Economics 3
FINANCE International Review of Financial Analysis 3
FINANCE Journal of Banking and Finance 3
FINANCE Journal of Empirical Finance 3
FINANCE Journal of Financial Econometrics 3
FINANCE Journal of Financial Markets 3
FINANCE Journal of Financial Research 3
FINANCE Journal of Financial Services Research 3
FINANCE Journal of Financial Stability 3
FINANCE Journal of Futures Markets 3
FINANCE Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and 3
FINANCE Journal of International Money and Finance 3
FINANCE Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 3
FINANCE Journal of Risk and Insurance 3
FINANCE Mathematical Finance 3
FINANCE Quantitative Finance 3
FINANCE Review of Asset Pricing Studies 3
FINANCE Review of Corporate Finance Studies 3
FINANCE Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 3
FINANCE Annals of Finance 2
FINANCE Applied Financial Economics 2
FINANCE Applied Mathematical Finance 2
FINANCE Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 2
FINANCE ASTIN Bulletin: Journal of International Actuarial 2
FINANCE Corporate Governance: The International Journal of 2
Business in Society
FINANCE Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2
FINANCE Finance Research Letters 2
FINANCE Foundations and Trends in Finance 2
FINANCE Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice 2
FINANCE Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 2
FINANCE Global Finance Journal 2
FINANCE International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 2
FINANCE International Journal of Central Banking 2
FINANCE International Journal of Managerial Finance 2
FINANCE International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 2
FINANCE International Tax and Public Finance 2
FINANCE Journal of Alternative Investments 2
FINANCE Journal of Asset Management 2
FINANCE Journal of Banking Regulation 2
FINANCE Journal of Behavioral Finance 2
FINANCE Journal of Derivatives 2
FINANCE Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds 2
FINANCE Journal of Emerging Market Finance 2
FINANCE Journal of Fixed Income 2
FINANCE Journal of Multinational Financial Management 2
FINANCE Journal of Operational Risk 2
FINANCE Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 2
FINANCE Journal of Portfolio Management 2
FINANCE Journal of Risk 2
FINANCE North American Actuarial Journal 2
FINANCE Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 2
FINANCE Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 2
FINANCE Research in International Business and Finance 2
FINANCE Review of Accounting and Finance 2
FINANCE Review of Derivatives Research 2
FINANCE Review of Development Finance 2
FINANCE SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 2
FINANCE African Finance Journal 1
FINANCE Agricultural Finance Review 1
FINANCE Bancaria The Journal of the Italian Banking Association 1
FINANCE British Actuarial Journal 1
FINANCE China Finance Review International 1
FINANCE Critical Finance Review 1
FINANCE Economics and Finance Research 1
FINANCE Financial Services Review 1
FINANCE Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and 1
FINANCE International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance 1
and Management
FINANCE Investment Analysts Journal 1
FINANCE Journal Financial Economic Policy 1
FINANCE Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 1
FINANCE Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 1
FINANCE Journal of Computational Finance 1
FINANCE Journal of Credit Risk 1
FINANCE Journal of Energy Markets 1
FINANCE Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services 1
FINANCE Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions 1
FINANCE Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures 1
FINANCE Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 1
FINANCE Journal of Investment Strategies 1
FINANCE Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance 1
FINANCE Journal of Prediction Markets 1
FINANCE Journal of Property Investment and Finance 1
FINANCE Journal of Risk Finance 1
FINANCE Journal of Risk Model Validation 1
FINANCE Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 1
FINANCE Managerial Finance 1
FINANCE Multinational Finance Journal 1
FINANCE Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 1
FINANCE Quarterly Journal of Finance 1
FINANCE Review of Behavioral Finance 1
FINANCE Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & 1
FINANCE Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 1
HRM&EMP British Journal of Industrial Relations 4
HRM&EMP Human Resource Management (USA) 4
HRM&EMP Human Resource Management Journal(UK) 4
HRM&EMP Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 4
HRM&EMP Work, Employment and Society 4
HRM&EMP Economic and Industrial Democracy 3
HRM&EMP European Journal of Industrial Relations 3
HRM&EMP Human Resource Management Review 3
HRM&EMP Industrial and Labor Relations Review 3
HRM&EMP Industrial Law Journal 3
HRM&EMP Industrial Relations Journal 3
HRM&EMP International Journal of Human Resource Management 3
HRM&EMP New Technology, Work and Employment 3
HRM&EMP Work and Occupations 3
HRM&EMP Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 2
HRM&EMP Career Development International 2
HRM&EMP Career Development Quarterly 2
HRM&EMP Employee Relations 2
HRM&EMP Human Resource Development International 2
HRM&EMP Human Resource Development Quarterly 2
HRM&EMP Human Resource Development Review 2
HRM&EMP Industrielle Beziehungen. The German Journal of Industrial 2
HRM&EMP International Journal of Manpower 2
HRM&EMP International Journal of Training and Development 2
HRM&EMP International Labour Review 2
HRM&EMP Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate 2
Management Research
HRM&EMP Journal of Industrial Relations 2
HRM&EMP Journal of Labour Research 2
HRM&EMP Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and 2
HRM&EMP Labor Studies Journal 2
HRM&EMP Labour and Industry: a journal of social and economic 2
relations of work
HRM&EMP Personnel Review 2
HRM&EMP Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations 2
HRM&EMP Sociologie du Travail 2
HRM&EMP Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 2
HRM&EMP Zeitschrift für Personalforschung (German Journal of 2
Research in Human Resource Management)
HRM&EMP Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations 1
HRM&EMP Australian Bulletin of Labour 1
HRM&EMP Australian Journal of Labour Research 1
HRM&EMP Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical 1
HRM&EMP Human Resource Planning 1
HRM&EMP International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and 1
Industrial Relations
HRM&EMP International Journal of Employment Studies 1
HRM&EMP Journal of Work-Applied Management 1
HRM&EMP Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial 1
HRM&EMP Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management 1
HRM&EMP Review of Public Personnel Administration 1
HRM&EMP South African Journal of Labour Relations 1
HRM&EMP South Asian Journal of Human Resource Management 1
HRM&EMP Team Performance Management 1
HRM&EMP The Economic and Labour Relations Review 1
HRM&EMP The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 1
HRM&EMP Work Organisation Labour Globalisation (WOLG) 1
IB&AREA Journal of International Business Studies 4*
IB&AREA Journal of World Business (formerly Columbia JWB) 4
IB&AREA African Affairs 3
IB&AREA Asia Pacific Journal of Management 3
IB&AREA International Business Review 3
IB&AREA Journal of Common Market Studies 3
IB&AREA Journal of International Management 3
IB&AREA Management and Organization Review 3
IB&AREA Management International Review 3
IB&AREA Asia Pacific Business Review 2
IB&AREA Asian Business and Management 2
IB&AREA China Quarterly 2
IB&AREA Critical Perspectives on International Business 2
IB&AREA Cross Cultural & Strategic Management 2
IB&AREA Emerging Markets Review 2
IB&AREA Eurasian Geography and Economics 2
IB&AREA Europe-Asia Studies 2
IB&AREA Global Networks 2
IB&AREA Journal of Business Economics and Management 2
IB&AREA Journal of Latin American Studies 2
IB&AREA Journal of Modern African Studies 2
IB&AREA Journal of World Trade 2
IB&AREA Multinational Business Review 2
IB&AREA Review of African Political Economy 2
IB&AREA Third World Quarterly 2
IB&AREA Thunderbird International Business Review 2
IB&AREA Transnational Corporations 2
IB&AREA Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 1
IB&AREA Baltic Journal of Management 1
IB&AREA Business, Peace and Sustainable Development 1
IB&AREA Competitiveness Review 1
IB&AREA EuroMed Journal of Business 1
IB&AREA European Journal of International Management 1
IB&AREA Global Business and Economics Review 1
IB&AREA International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 1
IB&AREA International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1
IB&AREA International Journal of Indian Culture and Business 1
IB&AREA Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship 1
IB&AREA Journal of African Business 1
IB&AREA Journal of Asia Business Studies 1
IB&AREA Journal of Asia Pacific Business 1
IB&AREA Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 1
IB&AREA Journal of East European Management Studies 1
IB&AREA Journal of East-West Business 1
IB&AREA Journal of Transnational Management 1
IB&AREA Latin American Business Review 1
IB&AREA Management Research, The Journal of the Iberoamerican 1
Academy of Management
IB&AREA Review of International Business and Strategy 1
IB&AREA South African Journal of Business Management 1
IB&AREA The Indian Journal of Labour Economics 1
IB&AREA The International Journal of Emerging Markets 1
IB&AREA The International Trade Journal 1
IB&AREA Transnational Corporations Review 1
INFO MAN Information Systems Research 4*
INFO MAN MIS Quarterly 4*
INFO MAN Journal of Management Information Systems 4
INFO MAN Journal of the Association of Information Systems 4
INFO MAN Computers in Human Behavior 3
INFO MAN Decision Support Systems 3
INFO MAN European Journal of Information Systems 3
INFO MAN Expert Systems with Applications 3
INFO MAN Government Information Quarterly 3
INFO MAN Information and Management 3
INFO MAN Information and Organization 3
INFO MAN Information Society 3
INFO MAN Information Systems Frontiers 3
INFO MAN Information Systems Journal 3
INFO MAN Information Technology and People 3
INFO MAN International Journal of Electronic Commerce 3
INFO MAN International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 3
INFO MAN Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 3
INFO MAN Journal of Information Technology 3
INFO MAN Journal of Strategic Information Systems 3
INFO MAN Journal of the American Society for Information Science 3
and Technology (JASIST)
INFO MAN Information Technology for Development 2
INFO MAN AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 2
INFO MAN Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 2
INFO MAN Behavior and Information Technology 2
INFO MAN British Journal of Educational Technology 2
INFO MAN Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE, 2
INFO MAN Communications of the ACM 2
INFO MAN Communications of the Association for Information 2
INFO MAN Computer Journal 2
INFO MAN Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2
INFO MAN Database 2
INFO MAN Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 2
INFO MAN Enterprise Information Systems 2
INFO MAN Expert Systems: the Journal of Knowledge Engineering 2
INFO MAN Health Information and Libraries Journal 2
INFO MAN Health Systems 2
INFO MAN Industrial Management and Data Systems 2
INFO MAN Information Processing and Management 2
INFO MAN Information Systems and e-business Management 2
INFO MAN Information Systems Management 2
INFO MAN Interacting with Computers 2
INFO MAN International Journal of Information Management 2
INFO MAN Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and 2
INFO MAN Journal of Computer Information Systems 2
INFO MAN Journal of Enterprise Information Management 2
INFO MAN Journal of Global Information Management 2
INFO MAN Journal of Global Information Technology Management 2
INFO MAN Journal of Information Science 2
INFO MAN Journal of Systems and Software 2
INFO MAN MIS Quarterly Executive (MISQ-E) 2
INFO MAN Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information 2
INFO MAN Requirements Engineering 2
INFO MAN Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 2
INFO MAN The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems 2
INFO MAN Australasian Journal of Information Systems 1
INFO MAN Communications of the ICISA 1
INFO MAN e-Service Journal 1
INFO MAN Ethics and Information Technology 1
INFO MAN Information Management and Computer Security 1
INFO MAN Information Research 1
INFO MAN Information Resources Management Journal 1
INFO MAN International Journal of Business and Systems Research 1
INFO MAN International Journal of Business Information Systems 1
INFO MAN International Journal of Business Process Integration and 1
INFO MAN International Journal of Cases on Electronic Commerce 1
INFO MAN International Journal of E-Business Research 1
INFO MAN International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems 1
INFO MAN International Journal of Information Systems in the Service 1
INFO MAN International Journal of Information Technology and 1
INFO MAN International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and 1
INFO MAN International Journal of Web Information Systems 1
INFO MAN Journal of Database Management 1
INFO MAN Journal of Decision Systems 1
INFO MAN Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations 1
INFO MAN Journal of Electronic Commerce Research 1
INFO MAN Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 1
INFO MAN Journal of Information Systems 1
INFO MAN Journal of Information Systems Education 1
INFO MAN Journal of Information Technology - Teaching Cases 1
INFO MAN Journal of Information Technology Management 1
INFO MAN Journal of Information Technology Theory and Applications 1
INFO MAN Journal of Information, Information Technology, and 1
INFO MAN Journal of Internet Commerce 1
INFO MAN Journal of Organizational and End User Computing 1
INFO MAN Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic 1
INFO MAN Journal of Systems and Information Technology 1
INFO MAN Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce 1
INFO MAN Knowledge Management Research and Practice 1
INFO MAN Logistics Information Management 1
INFO MAN Online Information Review 1
INFO MAN Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management 1
INFO MAN South African Journal of Information Management 1
INNOV Research Policy 4*
INNOV Journal of Product Innovation Management 4
INNOV R and D Management 3
INNOV Technovation 3
INNOV Creativity and Innovation Management 2
INNOV Industry and Innovation 2
INNOV Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice 2
INNOV International Journal of Innovation Management 2
INNOV Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 2
INNOV Journal of High Technology Management Research 2
INNOV Journal of Technology Transfer 2
INNOV Prometheus 2
INNOV Research Technology Management: international journal 2
of research management
INNOV Science & Technology Studies 2
INNOV Science, Technology & Human Values 2
INNOV Scientometrics 2
INNOV Social Studies of Science 2
INNOV Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 2
INNOV Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 1
INNOV European Journal of Innovation Management 1
INNOV International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 1
INNOV International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1
Management (IJEIM)
INNOV International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 1
INNOV International Journal of Innovation and Technology 1
INNOV International Journal of Technology and Globalization 1
INNOV International Journal of Technology Intelligence and 1
INNOV International Journal of Technology Management and 1
Sustainable Development
INNOV International Journal of Technology Policy and 1
INNOV International Journal of Technology Transfer and 1
INNOV International Journal of the Digital Human 1
INNOV International Technology Management Review 1
INNOV Journal of Informetrics 1
INNOV Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 1
MDEV&EDU Academy of Management, Learning and Education 4
MDEV&EDU British Educational Research Journal 3
MDEV&EDU Management Learning 3
MDEV&EDU Studies in Higher Education 3
MDEV&EDU Accounting Education 2
MDEV&EDU Advances in Developing Human Resources 2
MDEV&EDU British Journal of Guidance and Counseling 2
MDEV&EDU Higher Education 2
MDEV&EDU Higher Education Policy 2
MDEV&EDU Higher Education Quarterly 2
MDEV&EDU INFORMS Transactions on Education 2
MDEV&EDU Innovations in Education and Teaching International 2
MDEV&EDU Issues in Accounting Education 2
MDEV&EDU Journal of Accounting Education 2
MDEV&EDU Journal of Education and Work 2
MDEV&EDU Journal of Education Policy 2
MDEV&EDU Journal of Higher Education 2
MDEV&EDU Journal of International Business Education 2
MDEV&EDU Journal of Management Education 2
MDEV&EDU Journal of Marketing Education 2
MDEV&EDU Teaching in Higher Education 2
MDEV&EDU Active Learning in Higher Education 1
MDEV&EDU Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and 1
Curriculum Innovations
MDEV&EDU Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 1
MDEV&EDU Education and Training 1
MDEV&EDU Educational Management Administration and Leadership 1
MDEV&EDU Electronic Journal of e-Learning 1
MDEV&EDU European Journal of Training and Development 1
MDEV&EDU Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 1
MDEV&EDU Industry and Higher Education 1
MDEV&EDU International Journal of Management Concepts and 1
MDEV&EDU International Journal of Management Development 1
MDEV&EDU International Journal of Management Education (IJME) 1
MDEV&EDU Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education 1
MDEV&EDU Journal of Advertising Education 1
MDEV&EDU Journal of Business Ethics Education 1
MDEV&EDU Journal of Further and Higher Education 1
MDEV&EDU Journal of Higher Education Policy 1
MDEV&EDU Journal of International Education in Business 1
MDEV&EDU Journal of Management Development 1
MDEV&EDU Journal of Organizational Behavior Education 1
MDEV&EDU Journal of Vocational Education and Training 1
MDEV&EDU Journal of Workplace Learning 1
MDEV&EDU Marketing Education Review 1
MDEV&EDU Operations Management Education Review 1
MDEV&EDU Quality Assurance in Education 1
MDEV&EDU Tertiary Education and Management 1
MGDEV&ED Action Learning 1
MKT Journal of Consumer Psychology 4*
MKT Journal of Consumer Research 4*
MKT Journal of Marketing 4*
MKT Journal of Marketing Research 4*
MKT Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 4*
MKT Marketing Science 4*
MKT International Journal of Research in Marketing 4
MKT Journal of Retailing 4
MKT European Journal of Marketing 3
MKT Industrial Marketing Management 3
MKT International Marketing Review 3
MKT Journal of Advertising 3
MKT Journal of Advertising Research 3
MKT Journal of Interactive Marketing (formerly JDM) 3
MKT Journal of International Marketing 3
MKT Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 3
MKT Marketing Letters 3
MKT Marketing Theory 3
MKT Psychology and Marketing 3
MKT Quantitative Marketing and Economics 3
MKT Academy of Marketing Science Review 2
MKT Advances in Consumer Research 2
MKT Consumption, Markets and Culture 2
MKT Electronic Markets 2
MKT International Journal of Advertising 2
MKT International Journal of Consumer Studies 2
MKT International Journal of Market Research 2
MKT International Journal of Retail and Distribution 2
MKT Journal of Brand Management 2
MKT Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 2
MKT Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 2
MKT Journal of Consumer Affairs 2
MKT Journal of Consumer Behavior 2
MKT Journal of Macromarketing 2
MKT Journal of Marketing Management 2
MKT Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 2
MKT Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management 2
MKT Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2
MKT Journal of Services Marketing 2
MKT Journal of Strategic Marketing 2
MKT Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 2
MKT Advances in International Marketing 1
MKT Australasian Marketing Journal 1
MKT Corporate Communications: An International Journal 1
MKT Corporate Reputation Review 1
MKT Health Marketing Quarterly 1
MKT International Journal of Bank Marketing 1
MKT International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 1
MKT International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector 1
MKT International Review of Public and Non-profit marketing 1
MKT International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer 1
MKT Journal of Communication Management 1
MKT Journal of Consumer Marketing 1
MKT Journal of Customer Behavior 1
MKT Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 1
MKT Journal of Financial Services Marketing 1
MKT Journal of Global Marketing 1
MKT Journal of marketing channels 1
MKT Journal of Marketing Communications 1
MKT Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 1
MKT Journal of Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing 1
MKT Journal of Product and Brand Management 1
MKT Journal of Relationship Marketing 1
MKT Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 1
MKT Journal of Social Marketing 1
MKT Marketing Intelligence and Planning 1
MKT Review of Marketing Science 1
MKT Services Marketing Quarterly 1
MKT Social Marketing Quarterly 1
MKT Young Consumers 1
OPS&TECH Journal of Operations Management 4*
OPS&TECH International Journal of Operations and Production 4
OPS&TECH Production and Operations Management 4
OPS&TECH Computers in Industry 3
OPS&TECH IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 3
OPS&TECH International Journal of Production Economics 3
OPS&TECH International Journal of Production Research 3
OPS&TECH Journal of Scheduling 3
OPS&TECH Journal of Supply Chain Management 3
OPS&TECH Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 3
OPS&TECH Production Planning and Control 3
OPS&TECH Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 3
OPS&TECH Business Process Management Journal 2
OPS&TECH Computers and Industrial Engineering 2
OPS&TECH International Journal of Computer Integrated 2
OPS&TECH International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics 2
OPS&TECH International Journal of Project Management 2
OPS&TECH International Journal of Quality and Reliability 2
OPS&TECH International Journal of Technology Management 2
OPS&TECH Journal of Business Logistics 2
OPS&TECH Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 2
OPS&TECH Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 2
OPS&TECH Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 2
OPS&TECH Benchmarking: An International Journal 1
OPS&TECH Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications 1
OPS&TECH European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 1
OPS&TECH Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 1
OPS&TECH Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and 1
Operations Management
OPS&TECH Human-Computer Interaction 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Business Performance 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Construction Management 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Engineering Business Management 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Industrial Engineering and 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Information Systems and Supply 1
Chain Management
OPS&TECH International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Logistics Management 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Logistics: Research and 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Productivity and Performance 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Services and Operations 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Services Operations and 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 1
OPS&TECH International Journal of Value Chain Management 1
OPS&TECH Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain 1
OPS&TECH Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 1
OPS&TECH Journal of Manufacturing Systems 1
OPS&TECH Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 1
(formerly "Integrated Manufacturing Systems")
OPS&TECH Journal of Public Procurement 1
OPS&TECH Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 1
OPS&TECH Knowledge and Process Management 1
OPS&TECH Journal of Service Theory and Practice 1
OPS&TECH Operations Management Research: Advancing Practice 1
through Theory
OPS&TECH Proceedings of Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part B: 1
Journal of Engineering Manufacture
OPS&TECH Project Management Journal 1
OPS&TECH Quality and Reliability Engineering International 1
OPS&TECH Quality Progress 1
OPS&TECH Service Science 1
OPS&TECH Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal 1
OPS&TECH The TQM Journal 1
OR&MANSCI Management Science 4*
OR&MANSCI Operations Research 4*
OR&MANSCI European Journal of Operational Research 4
OR&MANSCI IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 4
OR&MANSCI Mathematical Programming 4
OR&MANSCI IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: 3
OR&MANSCI ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 3
OR&MANSCI Annals of Operations Research 3
OR&MANSCI Computational Optimization and Applications 3
OR&MANSCI Computers and Operations Research 3
OR&MANSCI Decision Sciences 3
OR&MANSCI Evolutionary Computation 3
OR&MANSCI Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 3
OR&MANSCI IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 3
OR&MANSCI IIE Transactions 3
OR&MANSCI INFORMS Journal on Computing 3
OR&MANSCI International Journal of Forecasting 3
OR&MANSCI Journal of Heuristics 3
OR&MANSCI Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 3
OR&MANSCI Journal of the Operational Research Society 3
OR&MANSCI Mathematics of Operations Research 3
OR&MANSCI Naval Research Logistics 3
OR&MANSCI Omega: The International Journal of Management Science 3
OR&MANSCI OR Spectrum 3
OR&MANSCI Reliability Engineering and System Safety 3
OR&MANSCI SIAM Journal on Optimization 3
OR&MANSCI Transportation Science 3
OR&MANSCI Discrete Applied Mathematics 2
OR&MANSCI Discrete Optimization 2
OR&MANSCI Engineering Optimization 2
OR&MANSCI European Journal of Industrial Engineering 2
OR&MANSCI Group Decision and Negotiation 2
OR&MANSCI IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 2
OR&MANSCI Interfaces 2
OR&MANSCI Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 2
OR&MANSCI Journal of Forecasting 2
OR&MANSCI Operations Research Letters 2
OR&MANSCI Queuing Systems 2
OR&MANSCI Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory 2
OR&MANSCI Socio-Economic Planning Sciences: The International 2
Journal of Public Sector Decision-Making
OR&MANSCI System Dynamics Review 2
OR&MANSCI Systems Research and Behavioral Science 2
OR&MANSCI Theory and Decision 2
OR&MANSCI Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 1
OR&MANSCI Central European Journal of Operations Research 1
OR&MANSCI Computational Management Science 1
OR&MANSCI Cybernetics and Systems 1
OR&MANSCI Decision Analysis 1
OR&MANSCI INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 1
OR&MANSCI International Journal of General Systems 1
OR&MANSCI International Journal of Operational Research 1
OR&MANSCI International Journal of Operations and Quantitative 1
OR&MANSCI International Transactions in Operational Research 1
OR&MANSCI Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 1
OR&MANSCI Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 1
OR&MANSCI Journal of Simulation 1
OR&MANSCI Kybernetes 1
OR&MANSCI Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1
OR&MANSCI Operational Research: An International Journal 1
OR&MANSCI Opsearch: Journal of the OR Society of India 1
OR&MANSCI Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and 1
Operations Research
OR&MANSCI Pacific Journal of Optimization 1
OR&MANSCI Pesquisa Operacional 1
OR&MANSCI RAIRO - Operations Research / Recherche Operationnelle 1
OR&MANSCI TOP- An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics 1
and Operations Research
ORG STUD Organization Science 4*
ORG STUD Human Relations 4
ORG STUD Leadership Quarterly 4
ORG STUD Organization Studies 4
ORG STUD Organizational Research Methods 4
ORG STUD Group and Organization Management 3
ORG STUD Organization 3
ORG STUD Research in Organizational Behavior 3
ORG STUD Research in the Sociology of Organizations 3
ORG STUD Culture and Organization 2
ORG STUD Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 2
ORG STUD Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 2
ORG STUD Journal of Knowledge Management 2
ORG STUD Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 2
ORG STUD Journal of Organizational Change Management 2
ORG STUD Journal of Professions and Organization 2
ORG STUD Leadership 2
ORG STUD Management Communication Quarterly 2
ORG STUD Negotiation Journal 2
ORG STUD Organization and Environment 2
ORG STUD Organizational Dynamics 2
ORG STUD Symbolic Interaction 2
ORG STUD Systemic Practice and Action Research 2
ORG STUD Action Research 1
ORG STUD Emergence: Journal in Complexity Management 1
ORG STUD Ephemera: Critical Dialogues on Organization 1
ORG STUD International Journal of Organizational Analysis 1
ORG STUD Journal of Organizational Ethnography 1
ORG STUD Leadership and Organizational Development 1
ORG STUD Learning Organization 1
ORG STUD Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management 1
ORG STUD Tamara: Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psychological Science 4*
PSYCH (GENERAL) Annual Review of Psychology 4
PSYCH (GENERAL) Current Directions in Psychological Science 4
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Experimental Psychology - Applied 4
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 4
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 4
PSYCH (GENERAL) Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 4
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psychological Bulletin 4
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psychological Review 4
PSYCH (GENERAL) British Journal Of Psychology 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) British Journal of Social Psychology 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) European Journal of Social Psychology 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Conflict Resolution 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) Judgement and Decision Making 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) Personality and Individual Differences 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psychological Research 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psychology of Women Quarterly 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psychometrika 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 3
PSYCH (GENERAL) American Journal of Psychology 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Applied Cognitive Psychology 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Creativity Research Journal 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Community Psychology 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Economic Psychology 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Language And Social Psychology 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Stress and Health 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) Zeitschrift fur Psychologie - Journal of Psychology 2
PSYCH (GENERAL) American Behavioral Scientist 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Australian Journal of Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science-Revue 1
Canadienne des Scie
PSYCH (GENERAL) Canadian Psychology-Psychologie Canadienne 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Current Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) European Psychologist 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) International Journal of Intercultural Relations 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) International Journal of Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Japanese Psychological Research 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal Of Constructivist Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Happiness Studies 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Positive Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Journal of Social Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Nordic Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psicothema 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psihologija 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psychological Reports 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Psychologist 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Social Justice Research 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) South African Journal of Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Spanish Journal of Psychology 1
PSYCH (GENERAL) Swiss Journal of Psychology 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Applied Psychology 4*
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 4
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 4
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Organizational Behavior 4
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Vocational Behavior 4
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 4
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Personnel Psychology 4
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Accident Analysis and Prevention 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Applied Psychology: An International Review 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Ergonomics 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Human Factors: Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Human Performance 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Review of Industrial and Organizational 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Managerial Psychology 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of School Psychology 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Occupational and Environmental Medicine 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Work and Stress 3
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Applied Ergonomics 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Applied Psychology - Health and Well Being 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Applied Psychology Measurement 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Career Development International 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Disability and Rehabilitation 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Archives of Occupational and Environmental 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Journal of Stress Management 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Applied Behaviour Science 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Applied Social Psychology 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Business and Psychology 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Career Assessment 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Personnel Psychology 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Safety Research 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Organizational Psychology Review 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Research in occupational stress and well-being 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Small Group Research 2
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Basic and Applied Social Psychology 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Cognition Technology and Work 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Community, Work and Family 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue 1
Europeenne de Psychologie Appliquee
PSYCH (WOP-OB) European Work and Organizational Psychology in practice 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Gedrag and Organisatie 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and 1
Services Industries
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on 1
Science and Practice
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Journal for Educational and Vocational 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Journal of Aviation Psychology 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Journal of Occupational and Environmental 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Journal of Occupational Safety and 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Career Development 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Employment Counseling 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Journal of Rehabilitation 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Military Psychology 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Occupational Medicine 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Rehabilitation Psychology 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Rehabitation Counseling Bulletin 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Revista de Saude Publica 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Social Work in Public Health 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) South African Journal of Industrial Psychology 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Work - A Journal of Prevention Assessment and 1
PSYCH (WOP-OB) Zeitschrift Fuer Arbeits - Und Organisationspscyhologie 1
PUB SEC Public Administration Review 4*
PUB SEC Journal of Public Administration: Research and Theory 4
PUB SEC Public Administration: An International Quarterly 4
PUB SEC American Review of Public Administration 3
PUB SEC Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 3
PUB SEC Governance: An International Journal of Policy, 3
Administration and Institutions
PUB SEC Health Services Research 3
PUB SEC International Review of Administrative Sciences 3
PUB SEC Journal of European Public Policy 3
PUB SEC Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 3
PUB SEC Milbank Quarterly 3
PUB SEC Policy and Politics 3
PUB SEC Public Management Review 3
PUB SEC Regulation and Governance 3
PUB SEC Administration and Society 2
PUB SEC Australian Journal of Public Administration 2
PUB SEC Health Care Management Review 2
PUB SEC Health Policy 2
PUB SEC International Journal of Public Administration 2
PUB SEC International Public Management Journal 2
PUB SEC Local Government Studies 2
PUB SEC Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and 2
PUB SEC Policy Studies 2
PUB SEC Public Administration and Development 2
PUB SEC Public Money and Management 2
PUB SEC Public Organization Review 2
PUB SEC Public Policy and Administration 2
PUB SEC Social Policy and Administration 2
PUB SEC Educational Management Administration & Leadership 1
PUB SEC Evidence and Policy 1
PUB SEC Health and Social Care in the Community 1
PUB SEC Health Care Management Science 1
PUB SEC Health Services Management Research 1
PUB SEC International Journal of Educational Management 1
PUB SEC International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 1
PUB SEC International Journal of Healthcare Technology and 1
PUB SEC International Journal of Public Sector Management 1
PUB SEC Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 1
PUB SEC Journal of Health, Organisation and Management 1
PUB SEC Public Administration Quarterly 1
PUB SEC Public Performance & Management Review 1
REGIONAL STUDIES, Environment and Planning A 4
REGIONAL STUDIES, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 4
REGIONAL STUDIES, Business Strategy and The Environment 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Environmental Science and Policy 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Environmental Science and Technology 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, European Urban and Regional Studies 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Global Environmental Change 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Journal of Environmental Management 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Journal of Regional Science 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Journal of Rural Studies 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Regional Science and Urban Economics 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Regional Studies 3
REGIONAL STUDIES, Annals of Regional Science 2
REGIONAL STUDIES, Construction Management and Economics 2
REGIONAL STUDIES, European Planning Studies 2
REGIONAL STUDIES, International Journal of Green Energy 2
REGIONAL STUDIES, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2
REGIONAL STUDIES, Journal of Industrial Ecology 2
REGIONAL STUDIES, Journal of Place Management and Development 2
REGIONAL STUDIES, Town Planning Review 2
REGIONAL STUDIES, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental 1
REGIONAL STUDIES, Journal of European Real Estate Research 1
REGIONAL STUDIES, Management of Environmental Quality 1
REGIONAL STUDIES, Regional and Federal Studies 1
REGIONAL STUDIES, Urban Island Studies 1
SECTOR Annals of Tourism Research 4
SECTOR Journal of Service Research 4
SECTOR Journal of Travel Research 4
SECTOR Tourism Management 4
SECTOR Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 4
SECTOR Energy Journal 3
SECTOR European Sport Management Quarterly 3
SECTOR Food Policy 3
SECTOR International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality 3
SECTOR International Journal of Hospitality Management 3
SECTOR Journal of Sustainable Tourism 3
SECTOR Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 3
SECTOR Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 3
SECTOR Transportation Research Part D: Transport and 3
SECTOR Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and 3
Transportation Review
SECTOR Annals of Leisure Research 2
SECTOR Building Research and Information 2
SECTOR Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 2
SECTOR Current Issues in Tourism 2
SECTOR Energy Policy 2
SECTOR Environmental Management 2
SECTOR Event Management 2
SECTOR Hospitality and Society 2
SECTOR International Journal of Strategic Property Management 2
SECTOR International Journal of Tourism Research 2
SECTOR Journal of Cleaner Production 2
SECTOR Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 2
SECTOR Journal of Management in Engineering 2
SECTOR Journal of Service Management (formerly IJSIM) 2
SECTOR Journal of Sport Management 2
SECTOR Journal of Sports Economics 2
SECTOR Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 2
SECTOR Journal of Transport Geography 2
SECTOR Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 2
SECTOR Leisure Sciences 2
SECTOR Leisure Studies 2
SECTOR Marine Policy 2
SECTOR Maritime Policy & Management 2
SECTOR Museum Management and Curatorship 2
SECTOR Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 2
SECTOR Service Industries Journal 2
SECTOR Sport Management Review 2
SECTOR Tourism Analysis 2
SECTOR Tourism Economics 2
SECTOR Tourism Geographies 2
SECTOR Tourism Management Perspectives 2
SECTOR Tourism Planning and Development 2
SECTOR Tourism Recreation Research 2
SECTOR Tourist Studies 2
SECTOR Transport Policy 2
SECTOR Transport Reviews 2
SECTOR Transportation 2
SECTOR Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit 2
SECTOR Advances in Hospitality and Leisure 1
SECTOR Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and 1
Hospitality Research
SECTOR Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 1
SECTOR British Food Journal 1
SECTOR Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 1
SECTOR Facilities 1
SECTOR FIU Hospitality Review 1
SECTOR Info: The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for 1
telecommunications, information and media
SECTOR International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality 1
SECTOR International Journal of Event and Festival Management 1
SECTOR International Journal of Heritage Studies 1
SECTOR International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 1
SECTOR International Journal of Sport and Society 1
SECTOR International Journal of Sport Finance 1
SECTOR International Journal of Sport Management 1
SECTOR International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 1
SECTOR International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 1
SECTOR International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 1
SECTOR Journal of China Tourism Research 1
SECTOR Journal of Convention and Event Tourism 1
SECTOR Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 1
SECTOR Journal of Ecotourism 1
SECTOR Journal of Foodservice Business Research 1
SECTOR Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education 1
SECTOR Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 1
SECTOR Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology: A 1
Framework for Innovation
SECTOR Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management 1
SECTOR Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism 1
SECTOR Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism 1
SECTOR Journal of Media Business Studies 1
SECTOR Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 1
SECTOR Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 1
SECTOR Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism 1
SECTOR Journal of Sport and Tourism 1
SECTOR Journal of Textile Institute 1
SECTOR Journal of Travel and Tourism Research 1
SECTOR Journal of Vacation Marketing 1
SECTOR Managing Leisure: An International Journal 1
SECTOR Marine Resource Economics 1
SECTOR Maritime Economics & Logistics 1
SECTOR Non-Profit Management and Leadership 1
SECTOR Nutrition & Food Science 1
SECTOR PASOS Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage 1
SECTOR Property Management 1
SECTOR Sport Marketing Quarterly 1
SECTOR Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal 1
SECTOR Telecommunications Policy 1
SECTOR Tourism Culture Communications 1
SECTOR Tourism Review 1
SECTOR Tourism: An International, Interdisciplinary Journal 1
SECTOR Utilities Policy 1
SECTOR Visitor Studies 1
SECTOR World Leisure Journal 1
SECTOR Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes 1
SOC SCI American Journal of Sociology 4*
SOC SCI American Sociological Review 4*
SOC SCI Annual Review of Sociology 4*
SOC SCI Economic Geography 4
SOC SCI Journal of Economic Geography 4
SOC SCI Risk Analysis: An International Journal 4
SOC SCI Social Science and Medicine 4
SOC SCI Sociology 4
SOC SCI Sociology of Health and Illness 4
SOC SCI Antipode 3
SOC SCI British Journal of Sociology 3
SOC SCI Development and Change 3
SOC SCI Economy and Society 3
SOC SCI Electoral Studies 3
SOC SCI European Sociological Review 3
SOC SCI Global Networks - A Journal of Transnational Affairs 3
SOC SCI Industrial and Corporate Change 3
SOC SCI Journal of Development Studies 3
SOC SCI Journal of European Social Policy 3
SOC SCI Journal of Social Policy 3
SOC SCI Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in 3
SOC SCI Kyklos 3
SOC SCI New Political Economy 3
SOC SCI Politics and Society 3
SOC SCI Progress in Human Geography 3
SOC SCI Public Opinion Quarterly 3
SOC SCI Quarterly Journal of Political Science 3
SOC SCI Review of International Political Economy 3
SOC SCI Social Forces 3
SOC SCI Socio-Economic Review 3
SOC SCI Sociological Methodology 3
SOC SCI Sociological Review 3
SOC SCI Technological Forecasting and Social Change 3
SOC SCI Theory Culture and Society 3
SOC SCI West European Politics 3
SOC SCI World Development 3
SOC SCI American Journal of Economics and Sociology 2
SOC SCI Capital and Class 2
SOC SCI Critical Social Policy 2
SOC SCI Current Sociology 2
SOC SCI Evaluation 2
SOC SCI Futures 2
SOC SCI Geoforum 2
SOC SCI Human Organization 2
SOC SCI Information, Communication and Society 2
SOC SCI International Journal of Development Issues 2
SOC SCI International Sociology 2
SOC SCI Journal of Business Law 2
SOC SCI Journal of Cultural Economy 2
SOC SCI Journal of Law and Society 2
SOC SCI Journal of Risk Research 2
SOC SCI Parliamentary Affairs 2
SOC SCI Political Quarterly 2
SOC SCI Political Studies 2
SOC SCI Research Evaluation 2
SOC SCI Review of Social Economy 2
SOC SCI Science & Society 2
SOC SCI Science and Public Policy 2
SOC SCI Science, Technology and Society 2
SOC SCI Social networks 2
SOC SCI Society and Business Review 2
SOC SCI Time and Society 2
SOC SCI International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 1
SOC SCI International Journal of Sociology of Law 1
SOC SCI Journal of Globalization and Development 1
SOC SCI Journal of Globalization and Development 1
SOC SCI Journal of Trust Research 1
SOC SCI Policy Sciences 1
STRAT Strategic Management Journal 4*
STRAT Global Strategy Journal 3
STRAT Long Range Planning 3
STRAT Strategic Organization 3
STRAT Advances in Strategic Management 2
STRAT Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 2
STRAT Strategic Change 2
STRAT Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 2
STRAT Business Strategy Review 1
STRAT Foresight 1
STRAT International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences 1
STRAT Journal of Business Strategy 1
STRAT Journal of Change Management 1
STRAT Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation 1
STRAT Journal of Strategy and Management 1
STRAT M@n@gement 1
STRAT Strategy & Leadership 1

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