Lavender Alternative Therapy

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Alternative Therapies:
Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Shenandoah University School of Pharmacy,
Winchester, VA

avender ointments and creams. A popular a high level of tannins (12%). The
(Lavan essential oil used in aromatherapy, it volatile essential oil produced by oil
dula has well-documented sedative activity. glands within the flower petals is
angustifolia There have also been claims that laven- prepared by steam distillation. (About
Mill; also der induces skeletal muscle relaxation, 60 lbs. of flowers produce 16 fl. oz. of
referred to as making it useful in massage therapy. concentrated essential oil.)
Lavandula Like many other essential oils, laven-
officinalis der also has several constituents that MEDICINAL USES AND
Chaix), have antimicrobial activity. PHARMACOLOGY
CNS Effects:
Lavender has a long
Revered by the perfume industry, tradition in folk medicine
as a mild sedative. It has

commonly known as
English or “true” laven-
this popular aromatic herb has many been used in herbal
pillows or massage oils,
to “calm the nerves” and
der in the family
Labiatae, is one of at
potential medicinal uses. relieve stress. Several
studies in both humans
least 25 species in the and animals support this
genus Lavandula. Lavenders are low- traditional use. Mice orally given the
growing (~18 inches), bushy evergreen essential oil of lavender showed
shrubs. They prefer sunny locations Flowers of lavender contain 1.5%- marked sedative effects.2 This study
and well-drained sandy soils. English 3.0% of a volatile oil composed of over also showed lavender to potentiate
lavender has narrow, silvery-green, 150 compounds.1 The oil is pale yellow pentobarbital-induced sleeping time. In
needle-shaped leaves. Its lavender-blue to yellowish-green and possesses the another study, lavender essential oil
flowers extend up tall flower stalks, highest ester content when distilled at had anxiolytic effects in mice.3 Further
blooming in early summer. There are the peak of blooming; it later darkens investigations in mice support and
many hybrids and cultivars of these when obtained from older blossoms. extend these findings. Both the essential
lavender species. Lavenders are indige- The oil has a pungent bitter taste and oil of lavender and linalyl acetate and
nous to the mountain regions of the characteristic fragrant odor. The most linalool significantly decreased motility
countries bordering the western abundant constituent is the linalyl under standardized experimental
Mediterranean area. Lavender is exten- esters-predominately linalyl-acetate- conditions.4 Interestingly, hyperactivity
sively cultivated in France, Italy, Spain, with lesser amounts of linalyl-butyrate, induced by caffeine was blocked by
England, and more recently in linalyl-caproate, linalyl-isobutyrate and inhalation of lavender oil. A Japanese
Australia and the U.S. Several species linalyl-valerate. Also present are study has shown that inhalation of
are used to produce lavender essential linalool, cineole, geraniol, borneol, lavender essential oil prevents convul-
oil, but the most fragrant and thus camphor, pinene, limonene, b-ocimene sions in mice.5 Although the exact
most valuable oils are steam-distilled and caproic acid.1 The most fragrant mechanism of this anticonvulsive effect
from the flowers of L. angustifolia. L. and valuable essential oil preparations is not known, it is thought to involve
latifolia (spike lavender) yields as have the highest concentration of lina- alterations in the neurotransmitter
much as three times the oil as English lyl-acetate, sometimes up to 70%. The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).
lavender, but it is less fragrant and of relative concentrations vary between Linalool, one of the major compounds
lower quality. Lavender oil mainly has species. Other factors are time of in lavender essential oil, has been
been used as a major fragrance in harvesting, soil conditions and climate. shown to have a dose-dependent CNS
perfumes and other cosmetics. It has Similar constituents occur in the leaves sedative effect and to possess hypnotic,
long been used by the pharmaceutical and stems, but in different ratios and anticonvulsant and hypothermic prop-
industry to mask unpleasant odors in lesser amounts. The leaves also contain


erties in rats.6 These studies demonstrated that linalool inhib- absorbed from the skin following a massage, it was shown that
ited the binding of stimulatory neurotransmitter glutamate in the oil’s main constituents could be detected in the blood
the rat cerebral cortex. A study in pigs found that exposure to within 5 minutes and excreted within 90 minutes.19
lavender straw in their cages decreased the incidence and
Few studies have been conducted on lavender oil’s
severity of travel sickness on road trips.7
purported effects on skeletal and smooth muscle. In one study,
Several human studies support these animal results. In one, lavender applied to isolated rat phrenic nerve diaphragm
involving 93 intensive care patients, laven- preparation and a guinea-pig ileum prepa-
der oil aromatherapy improved mood and ration stimulated contraction in the smooth
lowered perceived levels of anxiety.8 muscle and reduced the twitch response in
Lavender oil aromatherapy administered to the skeletal muscle preparation.20 Human
28 post-cardiotomy patients in a random- studies are needed.
ized, double-blind trial reduced emotional In Spain, lavender oil is commonly used
and behavioral stress levels.9 Inhalation of as an antidiabetic agent. In one study, an
lavender oil has been shown to alter brain infusion of L. stoechas caused hypo-
waves in humans as monitored by elec- glycemia in normoglycemic rats within 30
troencephalography (EEG). Characteristic minutes of administration.21 Studies utiliz-
fluctuations in alpha waves were consis- ing L. dentata and L. latifolia have found
tently observed.10 In another study, mood, active hypoglycemic constituents in
alertness and EEG activity were measured partially water-soluble extracts.22 The extracts were inactive in
in 40 adults following 3 minutes of aromatherapy with laven- alloxan-induced diabetic rats, indicating that intact pancreatic
der oil.11 Results indicated that inhalation of lavender oil cells are necessary for this effect. Whether these hypoglycemic
increased drowsiness, promoted relaxation and allowed factors are active in humans or even present in essential oil
subjects to perform math computations faster and more accu- preparations is unknown.
rately. Recent studies have indicated that lavender essential oil
has similar efficacy when compared to hypnotics and tranquil- Toxicity and Potential Adverse Reactions: Although gener-
izers in treating insomnia.12 The German Commission E ally considered safe and nonirritating when applied to skin,
monograph on lavender describes its indications as “states of there are reports of allergic contact dermatitis from exposure to
unrest, difficulty falling asleep, and functional upper abdomi- lavender essential oil.23 Because of possible rapid absorption,
nal complaints.” caution should be used with excessive amounts in massage oils
or in a bath, and perhaps during pregnancy because of poten-
Antimicrobial Effects: Many essential oils have antibacter- tial contractile effects on the uterus. Direct exposure to
ial and antifungal activity. Linalool had antimicrobial activity undiluted preparations generally should be avoided. ■
against 17 of the 18 bacteria and 10 of the 12 fungi tested.13 In a
References available from MSP upon request.
similar study, linalool was again found to have antimicrobial
activity against all organisms tested, except for P. aeruginosa
and Candida albicans.14 In another study, the sporulation of
Aspergillus fumigatus, Fusarium solani, Penicillium expansum
and Rhizopus oryzae was suppressed by exposure to the
essential oil of lavender.15 Lavender oil has been used in many
countries as an insecticidal agent. Two studies provide
supporting evidence for this popular use. One study found
that the essential oils of L. angustifolia and L. stoechas, as well
as their isolated main constituents linalyl acetate and linalool,
were toxic to the mite Tyrophagus longior.16 A similar study
demonstrated the toxicity of linalool in the cat flea
Ctenocephalides felis.17
Other Effects: Lavender’s reputation in wound healing
appears to be due mainly to its antibacterial properties.
However, leaf preparations that have high tannin concentra-
tions (12%) may have effects on tissue healing. Lavender oil
has historically been used to treat sores, varicose ulcers, burns
and scalds. The oil has also been employed to relieve pain and
swelling when applied directly to arthritic joints or the site of
insect bites or stings. Supportive evidence for some of these
uses has been recently reported in a study showing that laven-
der oil inhibited certain allergic reactions in mice and rats.18
Topically or intradermally applied lavender oil inhibited a
mast cell-mediated ear swelling response in mice in a dose-
dependent manner. Lavender oil also inhibited histamine and
tumor necrosis factor release from mast cells. If applicable to
humans, these results could explain some of the apparent anti-
allergic and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender essential
oil. In a study to determine if lavender essential oil was


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