Reducing Agents: Hydride Reagents and Dihydrogen

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Reducing Agents

© Linda M. Sweeting 1998

Reduction is defined in chemistry as loss of oxygen, gain of hydrogen or gain of

electrons; the gain of electrons enables you to calculate an oxidation state.

Hydride Reagents and Dihydrogen

Lithium aluminum hydride

LiAlH4 is a strong, unselective reducing agent for polar double bonds, most easily
thought of as a source of H-. It will reduce aldehydes, ketones, esters, carboxylic acid
chlorides, carboxylic acids and even carboxylate salts to alcohols. Amides and nitriles are
reduced to amines. In each case the partially negative hydrogen reacts with the partially
positive carbon of the substrate. It can also be used to reduce nitro groups and even as a
nucleophile to displace halide from an sp3 carbon or open an epoxide.
Why does it work? Remember that aluminum is a metal with a low electronegativity;
thus, the Al-H bond is strongly polarized with Al positive and H negative. The abnormal
polarization (and oxidation state of -1) for hydrogen, which is normally positive, results
in a high reactivity, especially with atoms that can accept electrons (be reduced),
allowing the hydrogen to become positive again (normal oxidation state of +1).
Precautions: It reacts with other positive centers as well, especially any slightly acidic
hydrogens, like those of alcohols, water, carboxylic acids or alkynes to produce hydrogen
gas, which is highly flammable and can readily explode (e.g. the Hindenberg). LiAlH4
requires anhydrous conditions for the reaction and usually an excess of the reagent (to
soak up any water that was missed in the glassware or reagents); the most common
solvent for the reactions is diethyl ether. "Workup" at the end of the reaction is usually
done by careful addition of aqueous acid (remember the flammable hydrogen gas and
ether), followed by extraction of the organic products from the water-soluble salts.
To make LiAlH4 less reactive and more selective, the hydride is made more hindered,
e.g., in the compound LiAl(OtBu)3H. It can reduce acid chlorides (and some esters)
quickly, but is slow to react with aldehydes; therefore LiAl(OtBu)3H provides a
convenient way to synthesize aldehydes by reduction of acid chlorides, something that
can't be done with LiAlH4 or NaBH4.

Boron Hydrides

Sodium borohydride

NaBH4 is less reactive than LiAlH4 but is otherwise similar. It is only powerful enough to
reduce aldehydes, ketones and acid chlorides to alcohols: esters, amides, acids and
nitriles are largely untouched. It can also behave as a nucleophile toward halides and
epoxides. It is also convenient that, although LiAlH4 is strong enough to reduce the C=C
of a conjugated carbonyl compound, NaBH4 is not; thus the carbonyl group can be
reduced without the alkene.
Precautions: NaBH4 is unreactive enough that the reductions can be done in alcohol
solution, or even water (as long as they don't take too long); this can be advantageous for
polar compounds which can be pretty insoluble in ether. Hydrolysis with acid and water
followed by extraction is used to isolate the product (hydrogen gas is produced).

Diborane and 9-BBN

B2H6 is the actual molecular formula for a reagent whose simplest formula is BH3. The
boron would have only 6 electrons in BH3; its attempt to get 8 electrons results in its
sharing hydrogens and their electrons in a bridged structure shown below.

You will often find this reagent referred to as just BH3, since it is commonly sold in
solution as a complex with a base such as methylamine or in solution of a moderately
high boiling ether such as THF(tetrahydrofuran) with which it also forms a complex,
shown above.

B2H6 does not behave as a source of hydride; instead it adds to carbon-carbon double
bonds in a concerted manner to place the boron (somewhat positive) on the less
substituted carbon and the hydrogen (somewhat negative) on the more substituted carbon
(better able to support a sl ight positive charge as the electrons are being reshuffled in the
transition state). This addition results in an addition to (a reduction of) the double bond
which puts the heteroatom on the less substituted carbon.

Since boron is less electronegative than carbon, the B is somewhat positive, and can only
be replaced by other slightly positive things. Useful things like halides and hydroxides
are negative and won't work; instead sources are needed which can produce positive
halogen or oxygen - oxidizing agents! Reaction with bromine or chlorine (Br2, Cl2)
produces the less substituted halide from the alkene, reaction with hydrogen peroxide
(HOOH) the alcohol and chloramine (NH2Cl) the amine. See the essays on halogens and
peroxides as oxidizing agents.
Because the reaction of the B-H bond with the C=C bond is concerted, it is also
stereospecific. Moreover, the subsequent reaction of the oxidizing agent retains that
stereochemistry. Thus, B2H6 provides a method for producing not only the less
substituted alcohol, etc., but only one diastereomer thereof. This control of both the
regiochemistry and stereochemistry is important in the synthesis of natural products such
as pheromones and antibiotics.
To improve the selectivity of the boron for the less substituted carbon, a bulky group can
be added; the most common reagent of this type is 9-borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane, 9-BBN,
below. B2H6 can also be used to reduce carbonyl groups, but it is less convenient to use
than NaBH4.

Precautions for B2H6: Similar to NaBH4 and LiAlH4, with extra care since B2H6 is a gas.
The ether solutions are of course flammable.


Since reduction is defined as addition of hydrogen, dihydrogen (H2) would seem to be the
ideal reducing agent. However, the strength of the H-H bond and the lack of
polarizability of the molecule makes it extremely unreactive. Fortunately some precious
metals - platinum, palladium, nickel - "react" with dihydrogen in a rather unusual way.
The metals dissolve dihydrogen and partially bond to it, effectively breaking the H-H
bond; platinum will dissolve more than a mole of hydrogen and swells visibly in the
process - it is like a sponge. Thus these metals serve as catalysts for reactions of
dihydrogen. Typically dihydrogen adds to multiple bonds - alkenes, alkynes, carbonyl
compounds - in the presence of these catalysts. Since the hydrogenation reaction takes
place on the surface, it is stereospecific syn.
By careful control of the reaction conditions and the exact nature of the catalyst, it is
possible to reduce one kind of multiple bond without some others that are present
reacting. An alkyne can be reduced to a Z (cis) alkene by "poisoning" the Pt catalyst so
that the addition stops at the alkene; reagents that have been used are sulfur compounds
such as barium sulfate, organic amines such as quinoline. A weakened palladium catalyst
called Lindlar's catalyst (Pd with CaCO3 and Pb(OAc)2 is very popular too. With a
weaker catalyst or much milder conditions, it is possible to reduce an alkene without
reducing a carbonyl in the same molecule, even if they are conjugated.

Metals and Organometallic Reagents

The Grignard Reagent

Reaction of an alkyl halide with magnesium metal in diethyl ether results in the formation
of an organometallic compound with the magnesium replacing the halide; the second
valence of the magnesium (II) is satisfied by the halide removed from the carbon.
The carbon has been changed from positive to negative and has been reduced;
magnesium, the reducing agent, has been oxidized. This reaction changes the normal
polarity of carbon in organic compounds, and that negative carbon produced is very
reactive toward positive sites. The most useful reaction of the negative carbon of the
Grignard is addition to carbonyl groups. It reduces aldehydes, ketones, esters, carboxylic
acid chlorides to alcohols and nitriles to amines. It is unselective, adding twice to esters
and carboxylic acid chlorides. Thus aldehydes give secondary alcohols, and ketones,
esters, and carboxylic acid chlorides give tertiary alcohols. Nitriles give primary amines
with a tertiary carbon (see amine nomenclature).
Precautions: The negative carbon of the Grignard reagent will react with almost anything
that is positive; for example: the OH's of water, alcohols, carboxylic or other acids, the
NH's of amines or amides, the N of nitro groups. It is essential that glassware and
reagents be completely dry; the complex mechanism of Grignard formation can be
completely halted by traces of water. There are also severe restrictions on the functional
groups that can be in the molecule the Grignard is made from or reacting with (no polar
double bonds or slightly acidic hydrogens). In addition, ether (diethyl ether or
tetrahydrofuran, THF) is essential to stabilizing the Grignard reagent; if the solution
becomes too concentrated the Grignard will react with the somewhat positive carbon of
the starting halide as a nucleophile.

(no ether)
Aryl (aromatic) halides may also be converted into Grignard reagents; bromobenzene
generates phenylmagnesium bromide, which reacts just like butylmagnesium bromide.
The only restriction is that chlorobenzene is too unreactive and can only be converted to
the corresponding Grignard reagent at higher temperatures, e.g. using THF as a solvent.
Alkyl Grignards are most easily prepared from primary halides, followed by secondary;
tertiarys are difficult; the negative carbon is responsible for these differences (compare
the order of stability of positive carbon in carbocations). Halide reactivity toward
magnesium is in the order I>Br>Cl.

Dialkylcopper Lithium (Lithium Dialkylcuprate) Reagents

The dialkyl copper lithium reagents are often made from Grignard reagents. R2CuLi
reagents are less reactive and more selective than Grignard reagents. They react with
aldehydes and ketones only slowly but with carboxylic acid chlorides very quickly. As a
result they can be used to reduce carboxylic acid chlorides to ketones without further
reduction to the tertiary alcohol. Since they are often made from the Grignard reagent, the
same precautions and restrictions on structure apply. Note that their selectivity is like that
of LiAl(OtBu)3H, discussed above, but of course the variable R group gives them more

Sodium, Alkyl Sodium and Alkyl Lithium

Treatment of alkyl halides with sodium results in a rapid oxidation of the metal, but the
negative carbon of the corresponding RNa reacts with the positive carbon of the
remaining RX to give RR (like a Grignard does without the ether); this is called coupling,
or sometimes the Wurtz reaction. RLi's are more manageable and is used as nucleophilic
reagents for addition to carbonyl groups. More often, they are just used as strong bases,
e.g. to convert an alkyne to its conjugate base.
Treatment of compounds with even slightly acidic protons with sodium metal will result
in the same reaction as occurs with the acidic hydrogen of water, namely reduction of that
somewhat positive hydrogen to H2 and oxidation of the sodium to Na+. Useful examples
include: alcohol to alkoxide (base and nucleophile), and alkyne to alkynide (nucleophile).

Acidic Reducing Agents

If you look at the reducing agents above, you will note that they are all basic. But there is
a family of reducing agents that are acidic - a moderately reactive metal with
hydrochloric acid. The Clemmensen reduction uses a liquid amalgam (metal solution) of
zinc and mercury with HCl to reduce ketones to hydrocarbons. Tin (Sn) or iron (Fe) with
HCl can be used to reduce nitro groups to amino groups; this reduction is especially
useful for making anilines since the nitrobenzenes are easy to make.

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